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920     Collected  biography 


Bangor,  Me. — Public  library.  roi6.92  B22 

Class  list;  biography,  1906.    1906. 

Carnegie  Library  of  Pittsburgh.  roi6.92  C2ia 

Lives  and  letters;  a  selected  and  annotated  list.     1910.     Pittsburgh. 

Reprinted  from  the  "Monthly  bulletin,"  March  1910. 

New  edition  of  "List  of  100  entertaining  biog^raphies,"  issued  in  1902. 

roi6.g2  G76 

Grafton  index  of  the  titles  of  books  and  magazine  articles  on  history, 
genealogy  and  biography  printed  in  the  United  States  on  American 
subjects  during  the  year  1909.     1910.    Grafton  Press. 

Comprises  the  quarterly  instalments  published  in  the  "Grafton  magazine  of  history 
and  genealogy"  arranged  under  one  alphabet. 

Trenton,  N.  J. — Free  public  library.  roi6.g2  Tya 

List  of  entertaining  autobiographies.    1910. 

General  works 

Ayala,  Mariano  d'.  920  A97 

Vite  degl'  Italiani  benemeriti  della  liberta  e  della  patria.    2v.    1868-83. 

V.I.     Morti  combattendo. 
V.2.     Uccisi  dal  carnefice. 

Baldwin,  James.  J920  B19 

American  book  of  golden  deeds.  1907.  Amer.  Book  Co.  (Eclectic 

True  stories  of  heroic  deeds.  Tells  among  others  of  Collins  Graves's  daring  race 
with  a  flood,  of  the  heroism  of  the  life  savers  of  Lone  Hill  station,  of  the  brave  act  of 
a  little  bootblack  and  of  how  a  quick-witted  mountain  girl  once  saved  the  Rio  Grande 
express.  Also  explains  about  the  Red  Cross  Society  and  the  Carnegie  Hero  Fund  Com- 

Barrington,  Sir  Jonah.  920  B267 

Personal  sketches  of  his  own  times,  with  a  memoir  of  the  author, 
an  essay  on  Irish  wit  and  humour,  and  notes  and  corrections  by  Town- 
send  Young.    2v.    1869.    Routledge. 

First  published  in  1827. 

Barrington  (1760-1837)  was  an  Irish  judge.  The  volume  is  made  up  chiefly  of 
biographical  sketches  of  his  own  countrymen. 

Benedek,  Elek.  920  B43 

Nagy  magyarok  elete.    3v.    1906. 




Bingham,  Denis  Arthur.  r920  B485 

Marriages  of  the  Bonapartes.     2v.     1882.     Longmans. 
V.I.     The  marriages  of  the  Bonapartes.  —  Charles  and  Lxtitia  Bonaparte. — Joseph 

Bonaparte. — Josephine  and  Napoleon. — The  divorce. — The  second  marriage. — Josephine 

after  the  divorce. 

V.2.     Lucien.  —  Louis   Bonaparte  and  Hortense. —  Jerome   Bonaparte. —  Eliza   Bac- 

ciochi. —  Pauline   Borghese.  —  Caroline   Murat.  —  The   Beauharnais.  —  Stephanie. —  The 

Taschers. — Berthier. — Napoleon  III. — Count  Leon. 

rg2o  B4873 
Biographical  magazine,  containing  portraits  of  eminent  and  ingenious 
persons  of  every  age  and  nation,  with  their  lives  and  characters.  2v. 
1819-20.     Wilson. 

Brantome,  Pierre  de  Bourdeilles,  seigneur  de.  rgao  B71 

Memoires,  contenant  les  vies  des  hommes  illustres  et  grands  capi- 
taines  etrangers  de  son  terns.    2v.     1739. 

Brantome  (c.  1 540-1614)  was  a  French  soldier  and  courtier. 

"The  great  merit  of  Brantome  lies  in  the  extraordinary  vividness  of  his  powers  of 
literary  presentment ...  His  irregular,  brightly  coloured,  and  easily  flowing  manner, 
represents,  as  hardly  any  age  has  ever  been  represented,  the  characteristics  of  the  great 
society  of  his  time...  [His]  unquestioning  acceptance  of,  and  belief  in,  the  moral  stand- 
ards of  his  own  society,  give  a  genuineness  and  a  freshness  to  his  work  which  are  very 
rare  in  literature.  Few  writers,  again,  have  had  the  knack  of  hitting  off  character, 
superficially  it  is  true,  yet  with  sufficient  distinction,  which  Brantome  has."  Saints- 
bury's  Short  history  of  French  literature. 

Brantome,  Pierre  de  Bourdeilles,  seigneur  de.  r92o  B7im 

Memoires,  contenant  les  vies  des  hommes  illustres  et  grands  capi- 

taines  frangois  de  son  terns.    4v.     1739. 

"Indifferent  to  honor  and  morality,  he  is  an  impartial  witness  to  the  vice  and  crime 

of  his  epoch.     None  has  mirrored  more  truly  the  Valois  court  or  its  moral  ideas."     New 

international  encyclopaedia. 

Brookfield,  Mrs  Frances  M.  920  B77 

The  Cambridge  "Apostles."     1906.     Pitman. 

Contents:  The  ".\postles." — W.  H.  Brookfield. — The  friend  of  the  "Apostles." — 
J.  W.  Blakesley. — Charles  Buller. — A.  H.  Hallam. — J.  M.  Kemble. — Henry  Lushington. 
— F.  D.  Maurice. — R.  M.  Milnes. — James  Spedding. — John  Sterling. — ^Alfred  Tennyson. 
— R.  C.  Trench. — G.  S.   Venables. 

Reminiscences  of  some  of  the  earlier  members  of  a  famous  literary  society  of  Cam- 
bridge University,  humorously  dubbed  the  "Apostles"  because  its  membership  was 
limited  to  12.  It  was  in  its  prime  between  1824  and  1840,  and  has  numbered  among  its 
members  -some  of  the  most  distinguished  Englishmen  of  the  century.  Henry  Sidgwick 
was  a  prominent  "Apostle"  and  in  the  recently  published  memoir  of  his  life  (92  S5682) 
there  are  many  interesting  allusions  to  the  society. 

Brown,  Anna  Robeson,  afterward  Mrs  Burr.  920  B78 

The  autobiography;  a  critical  and  comparative  study.  1909.  Hough- 

"Bibliography   of   autobiographical    writings,"    p.425-439. 

Far  reaching  comparative  and  scientific  study  of  the  origin,  motives,  ideals  and 
psychological  importance  of  the  autobiography.  Eight  hundred  biographies  in  Latin, 
French,  German,  English  and  Italian  have  furnished  the  groundwork  for  investigations 
of  the  "obscure  and  important  questions  of  the  subjective  tendency  in  private  history,  of 
the  standards  of  sincerity,  and  of  the  relative  value  of  the  deliberate  self-study  and  the 
unconscious  self-revelation." 

Buchan,  John.  920  B848 

Some  i8th  century  byways,  and  other  essays.     1908.    Blackwood. 

Contents:     Prince  Charles  Edward. — Lady  Louisa   Stuart. — Mr   Secretary  Murray 

[John  Murray  of  Broughton]. — Lord  Mansfield. — Charles  II. — The  making  of  modern 

Scotland. — Castlereagh. — A  comic  Chesterfield   [the  nth  earl  of  Buchan]. — A  Scottish 


Buchan,  John — continued.  ,  920  B848 

lady  of  the  old  school  [Lady  John  Scott]. — The  Victorian  chancellors. — The  first  lord 
Dudley. — Mr  Balfour  as  a  man  of  letters. — John  Bunyan. — Count  Tolstoi  and  the  ideal- 
ism of  war. — The  heroic  age  of  Ireland. — Rabelais. — Theodor  Mommsen. — ^The  apo- 
calyptic style. 

Essays  and  reviews  collected  from  "Blackwood's  magazine"  and  the  "Spectator." 

Bungay,  George  Washington.  920  B88 

Off-hand  takings;   or,   Crayon   sketches   of  the   noticeable  men   of 

our  age.     1854.     De  Witt. 

Biographical  sketches  of  statesmen,  men  of  letters,  etc.     Chiefly  American. 

Burke,  Sir  John  Bernard.  r92o  B917 

Rise  of  great  families,  other  essays  and  stories.  1873.  Longmans. 
Gives  in   a   fragmentary  way  the  history  of  some  of  the   well-known   families  of 

Great  Britain. 

Burpee,  Lawrence  Johnstone,  &  Doughty,  A.  G.  ed.  r920  B94 

Index  and  dictionary  of  Canadian  history.  191 1.  Morang.  (Makers 
of  Canada.) 

"Manuscript  sources  in  the  Dominion  archives,"  p.419-433;  "A  partial  list  of 
scarce  maps  and  plans  relating  to  Canada,"  P.43S-446. 

Furnishes  not  only  an  analytical  index  to  the  20  volumes  of  the  "Makers  of  Can- 
ada," but  a  great  deal  of  additional  information,  including  biographical  sketches  of  the 
characters  mentioned  in  those  volumes  and  of  other  prominent  Canadians;  also  brief 
sketches  of  wars,  battles,  treaties  and  other  events  having  a  vital  bearing  on  the  history 
of  Canada. 

920  Cii 

Cabinet  portrait  gallery  of  British  worthies.  I2v.  in6.  1845-46.  Knight, 
and  Cox. 

v.i-2.  Henry  II. — Roger  Bacon. — Edward  III. — Wicliffe. — Chaucer. — William  ot 
Wykeham. — Henry  V. — James  I  of  Scotland. — Henry  VII. — Dr  John  Colet. — Cardinal 
Wolsey. — Sir  Thomas  More. 

v.3-4.  Thomas  Cromwell.  —  Henry  Howard,  earl  of  Surrey.  —  Lady  Jane  Grey.  — 
Cranmer. —  Latimer. —  John  Knox.  —  Sir  Thomas  Gresham.  —  George  Buchanan.  —  Sir 
Philip  Sidney. — Sir  Francis  Drake. — Lord  Burghley. — Edmund  Spenser. 

v.s-6.  Queen  Elizabeth. — William  Shakspere. — Sir  Walter  Raleigh. — Camden. — 
Francis  Bacon. — Ben  Jonson. — Charles  I. — Strafford. — ^John  Hampden. — Archbishop 
Laud. — John  Selden. — Robert  Blake. 

v.7-8.  Dr  William  Harvey. — Oliver  Cromwell. — Thomas  Fuller. — Jeremy  Taylor. 
— Lord  Clarendon. — John  Milton. — Sir  Matthew  Hale. — Andrew  Marvell. — Isaac  Bar- 
row.— Thomas  Hobbes. — Samuel  Butler. — William,  lord  Russell. 

V.9— 10.  Algernon  Sidney. — William  Petty. — Thomas  Sydenham. — Robert  Boyle. — 
Richard  Baxter. — Henry  Purcell. — Sir  William  Temple. — Dryden. — William  III. — Locke. 
— Lord  Somers. — Ray. 

V.I  I— 12.  Penn. — Addison. — Marlborough. — Wren. —  Newton. — De  Foe. —  Halley. — 
Pope. — Walpole. — Swift. — Hogarth. — Smeaton. 

Carroll,  Howard.  920  C23 

Twelve  Americans;  their  lives  and  times.     1883.    Harper. 
Contents:     Horatio   Seymour. — C.  F.  Adams. — Peter  Cooper. — Hannibal   Hamlin. — 

John  Gilbert. — R.  C.  Schenck. — Frederick  Douglass. — William  Allen. — A.  G.  Thurman. — 

Joseph  Jefferson. — E.  B.  Washbume. — A.  H.  Stephens. 

Chase,  Henry,  ed.  qr92o  C38 

Representative  men  of  Maine;  a  collection  of  portraits  with  bio- 
graphical sketches  of  residents  of  the  state  who  have  achieved  success 
and  are  prominent  in  commercial,  industrial,  professional  and  political 
life,  to  which  is  added  portraits  and  sketches  of  all  the  governors  since 
the  formation  of  the  state.     1893.    Lakeside  Press. 


Clarke,  John  Badger,  pub.  rgao  C53 

Sketches  of  successful  New  Hampshire  men.    1882. 

Coleridge,  Hartley.  920  C68 

Lives  of  northern  worthies;  ed.  by  his  brother,  with  the  corrections 

of  the  author  and  the  marginal  observations  of  S.  T.  Coleridge.     3v. 

1852.     Moxon. 

v.T.  Andrew  Marvell.  —  Dr  Richard  Bentley. —  Thomas  lord  Fairfax. —  James  earl 
of  Derby. 

V.2.  Lady  Anne  Clifford. — Roger  Ascham. — ^John  Fisher. — The  Rev.  William 
Mason. — Sir  Richard  Arkwright. 

V.3.  William  Roscoe.  —  Captain  James  Cook.  —  William  Congreve.  —  Dr  John 

First  published  in  1833  under  the  title  "Biographia  borealis." 

Conrad,  Henry  Clay.  r920  C75 

Old  Delaware  clock-makers.     1898.     (Delaware  Historical  Society. 
Historical  and  biographical  papers,  v.3.) 
Read  before  the  society,  December  3,  1897. 

The  same.  (In  Delaware  Historical  Society.  Historical  and  bio- 
graphical papers,  v.3.) qr975.i  D39  v.3 

Short  biographical  sketches.     Portraits. 

Croffut,  William  Augustus.  920  C88 

The  Vanderbilts  and  the  story  of  their  fortune.     1886.     Belford. 
History   of   the   Vanderbilt   family.      Devoted   chiefly   to   the   careers   of   Cornelius 

and  William  H.  Vanderbilt. 

Davis,  Richard  Harding.  920  D323 

Real  soldiers  of  fortune.    1906.    Scribner. 

Contents:  Major-general  H.  R.  D.  Maclver. — Baron  James  Harden-Hickey. — W.  S. 
Churchill. — Captain  P.  N.  McGiffin. — General  William  Walker,  the  king  of  the  fili- 
busters.— Major  Burnham,  chief  of  scouts. 

Describes  six  unusual  and  romantic  careers. 

Delaplaine,  Joseph,  ed.  qr920  D38 

Delaplaine's  repository  of  the  lives  and  portraits  of  distinguished 
American  characters,    v.i,  pt.i-2,  v.2,  pt.i.    1815-18. 

v.i.  Columbus.  —  Vesputius.  —  Dr  Benjamin  Rush.  —  Fisher  Ames.  —  Hamilton. — 
Washington. — Peyton  Randolph. — Thomas  Jefferson. — John  Jay. — Rufus  King. — De 
Witt  Qinton. — Robert  Fulton. 

v.2,  pt.i.  Samuel  Adams. — George  Clinton. — Henry  Laurens. — Benjamin  Franklin. 
— Francis  Hopldnson. — Robert  Morris. 

De  Leon,  Thomas  Cooper.  920  D4i 

Belles,  beaux  and  brains  of  the  6o's.    1909.     Dillingham. 

"Here  will  be  found  set  down,  in  no  order  whatever,  the  name  of  apparently  every 
belle  who  ever  won  the  least  recognition  as  such  in  the  later  ante-bellum  South,  together 
with  an  account  of  her  pedigree,  her  suitors  and  dance  partners,  her  husband  or  hus- 
bands, and  her  children  and  relatives  living  or  dead.  As  a  succession  of  flashlight 
views  of  the  social  life  of  Richmond  during  the  war,  the  book  is  not  without  value." 
Nation,  19OQ. 

Du  Camp,  Maxim e.  q920  D86 

La  vertu  en  France.    1889. 

The  author  has  brought  together  incidents  in  the  lives  of  obscure  men  and  women 
of  France  illustrative  of  heroism  and  self-sacrifice. 

Eggleston,  George  Gary.  qr920  £35 

The  American  immortals;  the  record  of  men  who  by  their  achieve- 
ments in  statecraft,  war,  science,  literature,  art,  law  and  commerce,  have 


Eggleston,  George  Gary — continued.  qrg2o  E35 

created  the  American  republic  and  whose  names  are  inscribed  in  the 

Hall  of  Fame.     1901.     Putnam. 

Contents:  Introductory  [the  Hall  of  Fame]. — The  men  of  the  Revolution:  George 
Washington;  Benjamin  Franklin;  John  Adams;  Thomas  Jefferson. — The  statesmen: 
Daniel  Webster;  Henry  Clay. — The  jurists:  John  Marshall;  Joseph  Story;  James  Kent. 
— The  men  of  the  Civil  war:  Abraham  Lincoln;  U.  S.  Grant;  R.  E.  Lee;  D.  G.  Far- 
ragut. — The  men  of  letters:  Washington  Irving;  Nathaniel  Hawthorne;  H.  W.  Long- 
fellow; R.  W.  Emerson. — The  preachers:  Jonathan  Edwards;  W.  E.  Channing;  H.  W. 
Beecher. — The  philanthropists  and  educators:  George  Peabody;  Peter  Cooper,  Horace 
Mann. — The  inventors:  Robert  Fulton;  S.  F.  B.  Morse;  Eli  Whitney. — The  artists  and 
naturalists:     G.  C.  Stuart;  J.  J.  Audubon;  Asa  Gray. 

Eliot,  Charles  William.  920  E47 

Four  American  leaders.     1906.     Amer.  Unitarian  Assoc. 
Contents:     Franklin. — Washington. — Channing. — Emerson. 

920  E89 
Eton  portrait  gallery,  consisting  of  short  memoirs  of  the  more  eminent 
Eton  men,  by  a  barrister  of  the  Inner  Temple.    1876.    Simpkin. 

920  F21 
Famous  boys  and  how  they  became  great  men;  dedicated  to  youths  and 
young  men  as  a  stimulus  to  earnest  living.     1867.    Miller. 

Contents:  Daniel  Webster. — Samuel  Drew. — Benjamin  Franklin. — Robert  Burns. — 
E.  K.  Kane. — Henry  Clay. — John  Leyden. — James  Montgomery. — Nathaniel  Bowditch. — 
Henry  Havelock. — David  Livingstone. — Oliver  Evans. — S.  T.  Coleridge. — Robert  Fulton. 
— John  Kitto. — Humphrey  Davy. — Amos  Lawrence. — Stephen  Girard. — Samuel  Cromp- 
ton. —  Thomas  Chalmers. —  Jacques  Laffitte. —  J.  J.  Audubon. —  William  Jay. —  Roger 

Field,  Maunsell  Bradhurst.  920  F45 

Memories  of  many  men  and  of  some  women;  personal  recollections 
of  emperors,  kings,  queens,  princes,  presidents,  statesmen,  authors  and 
artists  at  home  and  abroad  during  the  last  30  years.     1874.    Harper. 

Fletcher,  Charles  Robert  lleslie.  qr920  F63 

Historical  portraits,  Richard  II  to  Henry  Wriothesley,  1400-1600; 
the  lives  by  C.  R.  L.  Fletcher,  the  portraits  chosen  by  Emery  Walker, 
with  an  introduction  on  the  history  of  portraiture  in  England.  1909. 
Clarendon  Press. 

Gaulot,  Paul.  920  G241 

Love  and  lovers  of  the  past;  tr.  by  F.  C.  Laroche.     1904.    Chatto. 

Contents:  The  duchesse  de  Berry,  the  regent's  daughter. — A  royal  couple  [Louis 
XVI  and  Marie  Antoinette]. — The  comtesse  Du  Barry's  last  love  affairs. — The  Favras 
case. — A  lover  of  Charlotte  Corday,  Adam  Lux. — ^A  Girondin's  love  affairs. — Madame  de 
KoUy. — The  member  of  the  convention  and  the  marquise  [Osselin  and  Madame  de 

Greene,  George  Washington.  920  G83 

Biographical  studies,     i860.     Putnam. 

Contents:  Cooper. — Personal  recollections  of  Cooper. — Cole. — Crawford. — Irving's 
wprks. — Irving's  Washington. 

Gresham  (John  M.)  &  Co.  pub.  qr920  G87 

Biographical  cyclopedia  of  the  commonwealth  of  Kentucky,  embrac- 
ing biographies  of  many  of  the  prominent  men  and  families  of  the 
state.     1896. 


Griggs,  Edward  Howard.  920  G8gg 

Great  autobiographies,  types  and  problems  of  manhood  and  woman- 
hood; a  handbook  of  ten  lectures.     1908.     Huebsch. 

Contents:  Note:  Spirit  of  the  course. — The  use  of  autobiography  in  the  study  of 
personal  life. — J.  S.  Mill;  an  admirable  education  and  the  recovery  from  it. — Pierre  Loti; 
the  sensitive  dreamer  as  child  and  man. — Benvenuto  Cellini;  the  artist  in  the  Florentine 
renaissance. — G.  J.  Romanes;  the  religious  problem. — Eugenie  de  Guerin;  the  woman  of 
the  old  regime. — Marie  Bashkirtseff ;  the  unfulfilled  life  of  a  woman  genius. — Sonya 
Kovalevsky;  the  conflict  between  love  and  ambition. — Amiel;  a  modern  Hamlet  in  per- 
sonal life. — Goethe;  the  great  aspects  of  personal  life  in  balanced  relation  and  large  ful- 
fillment.— Suggestions  to  students. 

"Boole  list,"  p.47-50. 

"Comparative  studies,"  at  the  end  of  each  chapter. 

Outlines  for  each  lecture  are  given,  followed  by  topics  for  study  and  discussion. 
The  aim  of  the  course  is  to  make  a  comparative  study  of  contrasting  types  of  men  and 

Griggs,  Edward  Howard.  920  G89 

Moral  leaders;  a  handbook  of  12  lectures.     1905.     Huebsch. 
"References"  at  the  end  of  each  chapter. 
The  same,  in  part,  as  Griggs'  "Syllabus  of  lectures  on  moral  leaders"  (rpzo  Asi). 

Haaren,  John  Henry,  &  Poland,  A.  B.  J920  H113 

Famous  men  of  Greece.  1904.  University  Pub.  Co. 
Contents:  Introduction:  The  gods  of  Greece. — Deucalion  and  the  flood. — Cadmus 
and  the  dragon's  teeth.  —  Perseus.  —  Hercules  and  his  labors.  —  Jason  and  the  golden 
fleece. — Theseus. — Agamemnon. —  Achilles. —  The  adventures  of  Ulysses. —  Lycurgus. — 
Draco  and  Solon. — Pisistratus. — Miltiades  the  hero  of  Marathon. — Leonidas  at  Ther- 
mopylae.— Themistocles. — Aristides. —  Cimon. — Pericles. —  AJcibiades. —  Lysander. —  Soc- 
rates.— Xenophon. — Epaminondas  and  Pelopidas. — Philip  of  Macedonia. — Alexander  the 
Great. —  Demosthenes. —  Aristotle,  Zeno,  Diogenes  and  Apelles. —  Ptolemy. —  Pyrrhus. — 
Cleomenes  III. — The  fall  of  Greece. 

Haaren,  John  Henry,  &  Poland,  A.  B.  J920  Hiiaf 

Famous  men  of  Rome.     1904.     University  Pub.  Co. 

Contents:  Romulus. — Numa  Pompilius. — The  Horatii  and  the  Curiatii. — The  Tar- 
quins. — Junius  Brutus. — Horatius.— Mucius  the  Left-handed. — Coriolanus. — The  Fabii. 
— Cincinnatus. — Camillus. —  Manlius  Torquatus. —  Appius  Claudius  Caecus. —  Regulus. — 
Scipio  Africanus. — Cato  the  Censor. — The  Gracchi. — Marius. — Sulla. — Pompey  the  Great. 
— ^Julius  Caesar. — Cicero. — Augustus. — Nero. — Titus. — Trajan. — Marcus  Aurelius. — Con- 
stantine  the  Great, — End  of  the  western  empire. 

Haaren,  John  Henry,  &  Poland,  A.  B.  J920  Hiisfa 

Famous  men  of  the  middle  ages.    1904.    University  Pub.  Co. 

Contents:  Introduction:  The  gods  of  the  Teutons;  The  Nibelungs.  —  Alaric  the 
Visigoth. — Attila  the  Hun. — Genseric  the  Vandal. — Theodoric  the  Ostrogoth. — Clovis. — 
Justinian. — Mohammed. — Charles  Martel  and  Pepin. — Charlemagtne. — Harun-al-Raschid. 
— Egbert  the  Saxon. — Rollo  the  Viking. — Alfred  the  Great. — Henry  the  Fowler. — Canute 
the  Great. — The  Cid. — Edward  the  Confessor. — William  the  Conqueror. — Peter  the  Her- 
mit —  Frederick  Barbarossa.  —  Henry  the  Second  and  his  sons. —  Louis  IX. —  Robert 
Bruce. — Marco  Polo. — ^Edward  the  Black  Prince. — ^William  Tell  and  Arnold  von  Winkel- 
ried. — Tamerlane. — Henry  V. — ^Joan  of  Arc. — Gutenberg. — Warwick  the  King-maker. 

Hall,  Samuel  Carter.  920  H17 

Book  of  memories  of  great  men  and  women  of  the  age,  from  per- 
sonal acquaintance.     [1877.]     Virtue. 

Hall  (1800-89)  was  an  author  and  editor  who  seems  to  have  been  more  or  less 
intimate  with  the  literary  people  of  the  England  of  his  day  and  to  have  been  on  a  friend- 
ly footing  with  many  of  the  artists. 


Harland,  Marion,  (pseud,  of  Mrs  Mary  Virginia  920  H27a 

(Hawes)  Terhune). 

Where  ghosts  walk;  the  haunts  of  familiar  characters  in  history  and 
literature;  new  series.    1910.     Putnam. 

Contents:  "Little  Boy  Blue." — The  ladies  of  Llangollen. — Charles  First  in  West- 
minster hall. — Sir  Philip  Sidney  at  Penshurst. — Among  historic  chateaux. — Joan  of  Arc 
at  Chinon. — Josephine  at  Malmaison. — Amy  Robsart  at  Cumnor  Place. — Salisbury  Plain 
and  Stonehenge. — Gentle  George  Herbert  at  Bemerton. — Marie  Stuart  at  Amboise. 

Higginson,  Thomas  Wentworth.  920  H53C 

Carlyle's  laugh,  and  other  surprises.  1909.  Houghton. 
Contents:  Carlyle's  laugh. — A  Shelley  manuscript. — A  Keats  manuscript. — Massa- 
soit,  Indian  chief. —  J.  F.  Cooper. —  C.  B.  Brown. —  H.  D.  Thoreau. —  Emerson's  "foot- 
note person,"  Alcott. — George  Bancroft. — C.  E.  Norton. — E.  C.  Stedman. — E.  E.  Hale. — 
A  Massachusetts  general,  Rufus  Saxton. — One  of  Thackeray's  women  [Jane  Stuart]. — 
John  Bartlett. — H.  E.  Scudder. — Edward  Atkinson. — J.  E.  Cabot. — Emily  Dickinson. — 
J.  W.  Howe. — W.  J.  Rolfe. — Gottingen  and  Harvard  a  century  ago. — Old  Newport  days. 
— A  half-century  of  American  literature. 

Chiefly  pen  portraits  of  the  author's  friends  and  contemporaries.  Many  of  the 
papers  have  a  peculiar  interest,  either  because  they  bring  out  an  unfamiliar  phase  of  a 
well-known  character,  or  because  they  introduce  the  reader  to  some  little  known  but 
unique  personality. 

[Higginson,  Thomas  Wentworth,  ed.]  920  Hssh 

Harvard  memorial  biographies.    2v.     1867.    Sever. 
"List  of  obituary  works,"  v. 2,  p. 470-472. 

"A  series  of  memoirs  of  those  graduates  and  former  undergraduates  of  Harvard  Uni- 
versity who  fell  in  battle  during  the  recent  war,  or  who  died  in  consequence  of  services 
rendered  in  the  contest.  Former  members  of  the  Professional  Schools  of  the  University 
are  not  included. .  .Historic  interest  has  been  kept  subordinate  to  the  exhibition  of  per- 
sonal character."     T.  W.  Higginson,  in  preface. 

Hill,  Constance.  920  H551 

House  in  St.  Martin's  street;  being  chronicles  of  the  Burney  family. 
1907.     Lane. 

The  book  is  named  from  the  house  of  Sir  Isaac  Newton,  which  was  occupied  by 
the  Burneys  from  1774  to  1783,  but  in  reality  the  book  follows  the  family  about,  es- 
pecially Fanny,  to  Streatham,  Bath,  Brighton  and  elsewhere,  in  such  a  way  that  the 
title  is  something  of  a  misnomer. 

Hitchcock,  Thomas.  920  H625 

Unhappy  loves  of  men  of  genius.     1891.     Harper. 

Contents:  Gibbon  and  Madame  Necker. — Dr  Johnson  and  Mrs  Thrale. — Goethe  and 
Charlotte  von  Stein. — Mozart  and  Aloysia  Weber. — Cavour  and  the  unknown. — Irving 
and  Mrs  Carlyle. 

"The  stories  are  concfsely  and  sympathetically  told,  and  the  book  presents  in  small 
compass  what,  in  lieu  of  it,  must  be  sought  through  many  volumes."     Dial,  1891. 

Hitchman,  Francis.  920  H62 

Eighteenth  century  studies;  essays.     1881.     Low. 

Contents:  John  Wilkes. — The  founder  of  Methodism  [John  Wesley]. — Charles 
Churchill,  parson  and  poet.  —  David  Garrick.  —  Richard  Cumberland.  —  "The  cook's 
oracle"  [William  Kitchiner]. — Isaac  Disraeli  and  Bolton  Comey. — Dr  Dibdin  and  the 
Roxburghe  Club. — Joseph  Priestley. — The  author  of  "Sandford  and  Merton"  [Thomas 
Day]. — Erasmus  Darwin. 

Hobbes,  John  Oliver,  {pseud,  of  Mrs  Pearl  Mary  920  H64 

(Richards)  Craigie). 

The  artist's  life.     1904.     Laurie. 

Contents:     Balzac,  Turner  and  Brahms. — Dante  and  Goya. — Dante  and  Botticelli. 

Three  lectures  which  do  not  contain  any  very  profound  or  original  criticism,  but 
are  charming  and  graceful  appreciations.     The  first  lecture,  which  gives  its  title  to  the 


Hobbes,  John  Oliver,  pseud. — continued.  920  H64 

book,  is  an  interesting  comparison  of  the  lives  and  difficulties  of  Balzac,  Turner  and 
Brahms,  and  from  these  three  artists  a  generalized  idea  of  the  special  problems  of  the 
artist's  life  is  drawn.  The  last  two  lectures  were  delivered  before  the  Dante  Society. 
Condensed  from  Outlook  (London),  1904. 

Holland,  Rupert  Sargent.  J920  H72 

Historic  boyhoods.     1909.    Jacobs. 

Contents:  Christopher  Columbus,  the  boy  of  Genoa. — Michael  Angelo,  the  boy  of 
the  Medici  gardens. — Walter  Raleigh,  the  boy  of  Devon. — Peter  the  Great,  the  boy  of 
the  Kremlin. — Frederick  the  Great,  the  boy  of  Potsdam. — George  Washington,  the  boy 
of  the  old  Dominion. — Daniel  Boone,  the  boy  of  the  frontier. — John  Paul  Jones,  the 
boy  of  the  Atlantic. — Mozart,  the  boy  of  Salzburg. — Lafayette,  the  boy  of  Versailles. — 
Horatio  Nelson,  the  boy  of  the  Channel  fleet. — Robert  Fulton,  the  boy  of  the  Conestoga. 
— Andrew  Jackson,  the  boy  of  the  Carolinas. — Napoleon  Bonaparte,  the  boy  of  Brienne. 
— Walter  Scott,  the  boy  of  the  Canongate. — J.  F.  Cooper,  the  boy  of  Otsego  hall. — John 
Ericsson,  the  boy  of  the  Gota  canal. — Garibaldi,  the  boy  of  the  Mediterranean. — Abra- 
ham Lincoln,  the  boy  of  the  American  wilderness. — Charles  Dickens,  the  boy  of  the 
London  streets. — Otto  von  Bismarck,  the  boy  of  Gottingen. 

Holloway,  Mrs  Laura  (Carter).  920  H73 

Famous  American  fortunes  and  the  men  who  have  made  them;  a 
series  of  sketches  of  many  of  the  notable  merchants,  manufacturers, 
capitalists,  railroad  presidents,  bonanza  and  cattle  kings  of  the  country. 
1884.    Bradley. 

Horgan,  John  J.  920  H79 

Great  Catholic  laymen.     1905.     Benziger. 

Contents:  Andreas  Hofer. — Gabriel  Garcia  Moreno. — Frederic  Ozanam. — Monta- 
lembert. — Frederick  Lucas. — Windthorst. — Louis  Pasteur. — Daniel  O'Connell. 

Brief  biographical  sketches  by  a  Catholic  layman. 

Houghton,  Walter  Raleigh,  ed.  920  H835 

Kings  of  fortune;  or,  The  triumphs  and  achievements  of  noble,  self- 
made  men.     1886.     Davis. 

Biographical  sketches  of  Americans  in  various  walks  of  life,  including  those  who 
achieved  success  in  their  professions  even  though  they  did  not  amass  great  wealth. 

Houssaye,  Arsene.  920  H83 

Philosophers  and  actresses.    2v.     1886.    Dillingham, 
v. I.     The  house  of  Scarron. — Voltaire. — Voltaire  and  Mile  de  Livry. — The  republic 
of  Plato. — Mademoiselle  Gaussin. — Jacques  Callot. — Raoul  and  Gabrielle. — The  hundred 
and  one  pictures  of  Tardif,  the  friend  of  Gillot. — Mademoiselle  de  Marivaux. — La  Tour. 
— The  whims  of  the  marchioness. — A  romance  on  the  banks  of  the  Lignon. 

v. 2.  Chamfort. — Three  pages  from  the  life  of  Madame  de  Parabere. — Abelard  and 
Heloise. — The  death  of  Andre  Chenier. — The  marquis  de  Sainte-Aulaire. — CoUe. — The 
daughter  of  Sedaine. — Prudhon. — Blangini. — An  unknown  sculptor. — Vandyck. — A  lost 
poet. — Hands  full  of  roses,  full  of  gold  and  full  of  blood. — The  mistress  of  Cornelius 
Schut. — Marie  de  Joysel. — The  tree  of  knowledge. 

Hubbard,  Elbert.  920  H87 

Little  journeys  to  the  homes  of  great  lovers.  2v.  in  i.  1906.  Roy- 

Contents:  Josiah  and  Sarah  Wedgwood. — William  Godwin  and  Mary  Wollstone- 
craft. — Dante  and  Beatrice. — J.  S.  Mill  and  Harriet  Taylor. — Parnell  and  Kitty  O'Shea. 
— Petrarch  and  Laura. — D.  G.  Rossetti  and  E.  E.  Siddal. — Balzac  and  Madame  Hanska. 
— Fenelon  and  Madame  Guyon. — Ferdinand  Lassalle  and  Helene  von  Donniges. — Lord 
Nelson  and  Lady  Hamilton. — R.  L.  Stevenson  and  Fanny  Osbourne. 


Hubbard,  Elbert.  920  H87I 

Little  journeys  to  the  homes  of  great  teachers.  2v.  in  i.  1908.  Roy- 

Contents:  Moses. — Confucius. — Pythagoras. — Plato. — King  Alfred. — Friedrich  Froe- 
bel. — B.  T.  Washington. — Thomas  Arnold. — Erasmus. — Hypatia. —  St.  Benedict. —  M.  B. 

Hueffer,  Ford  Madox.  920  H88 

Memories  and  impressions;  a  study  in  atmospheres.     1911.    Harper. 
Contents:     The   inner   circle. — The  outer    ring. — Gloom  and  the   poets. — Christina 

Rossetti  and  pre-Raphaelite  love. — Music  and  masters. — Pre-Raphaelites  and  prisons. — 

Anarchists  and  gray  frieze. — Various  conspirators. — Poets  and  presses. — A  literary  deity. 

— Deaths  and  departures. — Heroes  and  some  heroines. — Changes. — And  again   changes. 

— Where  we  stand. 

920  T19 

Human  documents;  portraits  and  biographies  of  eminent  men,  articles 
by  R.  L.  Stevenson,  Herbert  Spencer,  Professor  Drummond,  E.  E.  Hale, 
H.  H.  Boyesen,  Gen.  Horace  Porter,  Hamlin  Garland,  Robert  Barr  and 
others.    1895.    McClure.     (McClure's  biographies.) 

Bound  with  Tarbell's  "Short  life  of  Napoleon  Bonaparte." 
Appeared  in  "McQure's  magazine,"  v.  1-4,  June  1893-May  1895. 

James,  George  Wharton.  920  Ji6 

Heroes  of  California;  the  story  of  the  founders  of  the  Golden  state 

as  narrated  by  themselves  or  gleaned  from  other  sources.    1910.    Little. 

"Bibliography,"  P.494-S02. 

Chapters  on  Alargon,  de  Anza,  Pattie,  Beckwourth,  Taylor,  James  King  of  William, 
Field,  Lick,  Sutro,  Muir,  Burbank,  Henry  George  and  many  others.  Accounts  are  also 
given  of  the  Donner  party,  of  the  scouts,  the  pony  express  riders,  the  gold  seekers,  the 
railway  builders  and  the  lesser  heroes  of  commerce  and  politics. 

Jameson,  Ephraim  Orcutt.  qr920  Ji6 

Biographical  sketches  of  prominent  persons  and  the   genealogical 

records  of  many  early  and  other  families  in  Medway,  Mass.,  1713-1886. 

1886.    Privately  printed. 

Binder's  title  reads  "Medway  biographies  and  genealogies,  1886." 

Johnson,  John  Lipscomb.  r920  J36 

University  memorial;  biographical  sketches  of  alumni  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Virginia  who  fell  in  the  Confederate  war.     1871.    Turnbull. 

Lamartine,  Alphonse  de.  920  L17V 

Vies  de  quelques  hommes  illustres.  3v.  1863.  (CEuvres  completes, 

V.I.     Homere. — Ciceron. — Cesar. 

V.2.  Heloise,  Ab61ard. — Guillaume  Tell. — Gutenberg. — Jeanne  d'Arc. — Christophe 
Colomb. — Cromwell. 

V.3.     Milton. — Madame  de  Sevigne. — Bossuet. — Fenelon. — Nelson. 

Lang,  Mrs  Leonora  Blanche.  J920  L23 

Red  book  of  heroes;  ed.  by  Andrew  Lang.     1909.    Longmans. 

Contents:  The  lady-in-chief  [Florence  Nightingale]. — Prisoners  and  captives  [John 
Howard]. — Hannibal. — The  apostle  of  the  lepers  [Father  Damien]. — The  constant  prince 
[Ferdinand  of  Portugal]. — The  marquis  of  Montrose. — A  child's  hero  [Henry  Havelock]. 
— Conscience  or  king?  [Sir  Thomas  More]. — The  little  abbess  [Ang^lique  Arnauld]. — 
Gordon. — The  crime  of  Theodosius. — Palissy  the  potter. 


Lanman,  Charles.  920  L27h 

Haphazard  personalities,  chiefly  of  noted  Americans.  1886.  Lee. 
Contents:  Joseph  Henry. — H.  W.  Longfellow. — Joseph  Gales  and  W.  W.  Seaton. 
— Washington  Irving. — G.  P.  Marsh. — W.  C.  Bryant. — Henry  Clay. — Edward  Everett. — 
Park  Benjamin. — Horace  Greeley. — Peter  Force. — W.  S.  Mount. — James  Brooks. — Lewis 
Cass. — Manton  Eastburn. — L.  L.  Noble. — W.  B.  Sprague. — William  Jerdan  and  Wash- 
ington Irving. — J.  H.  Payne. — E.  N.  Kirk. — E.  K.  Kane. — G.  W.  Bethune. — Emanuel 
Leutze. — Charles  Heavysege. — L.  S.  Foster. — Charles  Dickens  and  Washington  Irving. — 
W.  A.  Buckingham. —  J.  F.  T.  Crampton. —  Samuel  Tyler. —  Winfield  Scott. —  Charles 
Mackay.— Clark  Mills. — C.  P.  Mcllvaine. — M.  F.  Tupper.— A.  H.  Stephens.— H.  R. 
Schoolcraft. — G.  B,  McClellan. — ^John  Trumbull. 

Lanman,  Charles.  920  L27 

Japan;  its  leading  men,  with  an  historical  summary  of  the  empire. 

1886.    Lothrop. 

"Foreign  bibliography  of  the  empire,"  p.4is-42i. 

Lennox,  Lord  William  Pitt.  920  L61 

Celebrities  I  have  known,  with  episodes  political,  social,  sporting 
and  theatrical.    2v.     1S76-77.    Hurst. 

Lord  Lennox  (i  799-1 881)  was  much  interested  in  sport,  especially  horse-racing, 
and  delighted  in  private  theatricals.     His  reminiscences  contain  many  anecdotes. 

Lewis,  Lady  Maria  Theresa  (Villiers)  Lister.  920  L67 

Lives  of  the  friends  and  contemporaries  of  Lord  Chancellor  Claren- 
don, illustrative  of  portraits  in  his  gallery.    3v.     1852.    Murray. 

V.I.     Life  of  Lord  Falkland. — Life  of  Lord  Capell. 

V.2.     Life  of  Lord  Capell  (continued). — Life  of  Marquis  of  Hertford. 

V.3.  Life  of  Marquis  of  Hertford  (continued). — Appendix:  An  account  of  the 
origin  of  the  collection  of  portraits  in  the  gallery  and  a  descriptive  catalogue  of  the 

"The  forming  of  this  famous  portrait-gallery  had  been  one  of  the  Chancellor's 
magnificent  passions. .  .The  quality  of  the  collection  was  more  remarkable  than  its 
number:  for  it  was  not  made  at  haphazard,  but  selected  by  design,  under  the  eye  of 
one  by  whom  all  that  was  eminent  in  English  story  was  thoroughly  known  and  ap- 
preciated, and  comprised  what  he  considered  the  elite  of  the  nation  during  the  most 
stirring  years  of  all  its  annals,  from  the  Armada  to  the  Restoration."  Edinburgh  re- 
view, i8i2. 

The  portraits  themselves  are  not  reproduced. 

Lindsay,  Alexander  William  Crawford,  lord.  920  L72 

Lives  of  the  Lindsays;  or,  A  memoir  of  the  houses  of  Crawford  and 
Balcarres.    3v.    1858.    Murray. 

The  author,  25th  earl  of  Crawford  and  8th  earl  of  Balcarres,  was  well  versed  in  the 
history  and  genealogy  of  this  ancient  Scottish  family. 

"To  a  Norman  gentleman,  M.  Toustain  de  Richebourg,  our  chronicler  is  indebted 
for  many  of  his  archaeological  materials;  while  abundance  of  lighter  matter,  concerning 
more  modern  times  and  persons,  has  been  gathered  from  journals,  diaries,  and  memorials 

kept  by  the  Lindsays It  is  by  no  means  a  constant  fact  that  every  heraldic  painter 

shall  execute  his  labour  of  love  and  reverence  with  so  much  sincerity,  delicacy  and 
patience  as  Lord  Lindsay  has.  He  has  given  us  a  book  which  Scott  would  have  de- 
lighted to  honour."     Athenceum,  1849. 

r920  L7472 
Lives  of  eminent  &  remarkable  characters  born  or  long  resident  in  the 
counties  of  Essex,  Suffolk  &  Norfolk.     1820.     Longman. 

Brief  biographical  sketches,  accompanied  by  portraits.  Thomas  Gainsborough, 
Francis  Quarles,  Cardinal  Wolsey,  John  Lydgate  and  Samuel  Purchas  are  among  the 
most  noted  names  included. 


Tg20  L747 
Lives  of  illustrious  and  eminent  persons  of  Great  Britain.  1820.  Long- 

Includes  bishops,  physicians,  court  dignitaries,  literary  people  and  others.  The 
biographies,  which  in  each  case  cover  scarcely  more  than  a  page,  are  accompanied  by 

Livingston,  John.  1920  L74P 

Portraits  of  eminent  Americans  now  living  [1853],  with  biographical 

and  historical  memoirs  of  their  lives  and  actions.     2v.     1853.     Cornish. 

Being  an  enlarged  edition  of  his  "Biographical  sketches  of  distinguished  Americans 
now  living." 

Macaulay,  Thomas  Babington,  lord.  920  Mii 

Biographies  contributed  to  the  Encyclopaedia  Britannica,  with  notes 

of  his  connection  with   Edinburgh  and  extracts  from  his  letters  and 

speeches,     i860.     Black. 

Contents:     Notes  on  Lord  Macaulay's   connection   with   Edinburgh. — Biographies: 

Francis  Atterbury;  John  Bunyan;  Oliver  Goldsmith;  Samuel  Johnson;  William  Pitt. 

McCabe,  James  Dabney,  {pseud.  Edward  Winslow  Martin).        920  M124 
Great  fortunes  and  how  they  were  made;  or,  The  struggles  and  tri- 
umphs of  our  self-made  men.     1872.     Maclean. 

Contents:  Merchants:  Stephen  Girard;  J.  J.  Astor;  A.  T.  Stewart;  Amos  Law- 
rence; A.  V.  Stout;  Jonas  Chickering;  Nicholas  Longworth;  George  Peabody. — Capital- 
ists: Cornelius  Vanderbilt;  Daniel  Drew;  J.  B.  Eads;  C.  W.  Field. — Inventors:  Robert 
Fulton;  Charles  Goodyear;  Eli  Whitney;  Chauncey  Jerome;  Elias  Howe,  jr.;  R.  M. 
Hoe;  Samuel  Colt;  S.  F.  B.  Morse. — Publishers:  James  Harper;  J.  T.  Fields. — Editors: 
J.  G.  Bennett;  Robert  Bonner. — Lawyers:  John  Marshall;  J.  T.  Brady. — Artists:  Ben- 
jamin West;  John  Rogers;  Hiram  Powers;  Emmanuel  Leutze.  —  Divines:  H.  W. 
Beecher;  Peter  Cartwright.  —  Authors:  H.W.Longfellow;  Nathaniel  Hawthorne. — 
Actors:  Edwin  Booth;  Joseph  Jefferson. — Physicians:  Benjamin  Rush;  Valentine 

Not  limited  solely  to  those  who  have  gained  pecuniary  wealth.  The  author  ex- 
plains that  he  has  included  in  his  short  biographical  sketches  artists,  writers,  inventors, 
etc.  who  have  benefited  the  world  and  in  that  way  won  for  themselves  enduring  riches. 

Maccunn,  Florence  A.  920  M143 

Sir  Walter  Scott's  friends.     1910.     Blackwood. 

Contents:  Old  ladies  of  Sir  Walter's  youth:  Alison  Rutherford  (Mrs  Cockburn); 
Mrs  A.  M.  Keith. — Parliament  house  friends:  George  Cranstoun  (Lord  Corehouse); 
Thomas  Thomson  (deputy-clerk  registrar);  William  Erskine  (Lord  Kinnedder);  J.  A. 
Cranstoun  (Countess  Purgstall). — Family  friends:  Tytlers  of  Woodhouselee;  Clerks  of 
Eldin  and  Adams  of  Blair-Adam;  Mrs  Maclean  Clephane  of  Torloisk. — Makers  of  the 
"Minstrelsy:"  Introductory;  John  Leyden;  Joseph  Ritson;  Robert  Surtees  of  Mains- 
forth;  C.  K.  Sharpe;  James  Hogg. — Buccleuch  group:  The  House  of  Buccleuch;  Frances, 
lady  Douglas;  Lady  Louisa  Stuart.- — "Marniion"  group:  W.  S.  Rose;  George  Ellis;  Sir 
William  Forbes;  James  Skene  and  Colin  Mackenzie. — Literary  ladies:  Anna  Seward; 
Joanna  Baillie;  J.  B.  S.  Morritt  of  Rokeby.  —  The  Abbotsford  household:  Sir  Adam 
Fergusson;  Willie  Laidlaw;  Tom  Purdie. — Scott's  relation  to  other  poets:  Campbell; 
Crabbe;  Moore;  Lord  Byron;  Wordsworth  and  Southey. 

Its  charm  for  the  most  part  is  that  it  brings  us  into  familiar  friendship  with  a  host 
of  old  Scottish  ladies,  Edinburgh  advocates,  antiquarian  lairds,  and  great  folk  whom  we 
had  learned  to  know  a  little  in  Lockhart  and  other  writers  of  memoirs.  Some  of  the 
material  is  from  printed  sources,  but  a  great  deal  of  it  Miss  Maccunn  has  drawn  from 
stores  of  unpublished  correspondence.  Beyond  its  burden  of  entertainment  the  chief 
merit  of  the  book  is  the  light  it  throws  on  the  genesis  of  Scott's  poems  and  novels.  Con- 
densed from  Nation,  igio. 

Macedo,  Joaquim  Manuel  de.  r920  M15 

Brazilian  biographical  annual,     v.i.     1876. 


Martineau,  Harriet.  920  M431 

Biographical  sketches.     1869.    Leypoldt. 

Contents:  Literary:  Amelia  Opie;  Professor  Wilson  ("Christopher  North");  J. 
G.  Lockhart;  M.  R.  Mitford;  Charlotte  Bronte  ("Currer  Bell");  Samuel  Rogers;  J.  W. 
Croker;  Mrs  Marcet;  Henry  Hallatn;  Mrs  Wordsworth;  Thomas  De  Quincey;  Lord 
Macaulay;  Mrs  Jameson;  W.  S.  Landor. — Scientific:  George  Combe;  Alexander  von 
Humboldt. — Professional:  Bishop  Blomfield;  Archbishop  Whately;  The  marquis  of 
Londonderry;  Lord  Raglan;  The  Napiers;  Lieut-Gen.  Sir  William  Napier;  Rear-Admiral 
Sir  Francis  Beaufort;  Sir  John  Richardson;  Lord  Denman;  Lord  Chancellor  Campbell; 
David  Roberts. — Social:  Miss  Berry;  Father  Mathew;  Robert  Owen;  Lady  Noel  Byron. 
— Politicians:  The  marquis  of  Anglesey;  Joseph' Hume;  Lord  Murray;  Lord  Herbert 
of  Lea;  The  marquis  of  Lansdowne;  Lord  Lyndhurst;  The  earl  of  Elgin  and  Kincar- 
dine; The  duke  of  Newcastle;  The  earl  of  Carlisle;  Lord  Palmerston;  Lord  Brougham. 
— Royal:  The  last  birthday  of  the  Emperor  Nicholas,  July  6th,  1854;  Metternich  and 
Austria;  The  duchess  of  Gloucester;  King  Frederick  William  IV  of  Prussia;  The 
duchess  of  Kent. 

Mennechet,  fidouard,  ed.  qrg20  M622 

Le  Plutarque  frangais;  vies  des  hommes  et  des  femmes  illustres  de 
la  France  depuis  le  cinquieme  siecle  jusqu'a  nos  jours;  deuxieme  edi- 
tion, publiee  sous  la  direction  de  T.  Hadot.    6v.     1844-47. 

V.I.     Moyen  age. 

V.2.     i4e,  ise,  i6e  siecles. 

V.3.     i6e,  i7e  siecles. 

V.4.     Siecle  de  Louis  XIV. 

v.s.     i8e  siecle. 

V.6.     Revolution;  empire. 

Menzies,  Sutherland.  r920  M62 

Royal  favourites.     2v.     1865.     Maxwell. 

v.i.  The  favourites  of  Edward  of  Caernarvon  and  Isabel  of  France. — Maria  de 
Padilla,  favourite  of  Don  Pedro  the  Cruel. — Agnes  Sorel  and  Charles  the  Victorious. — 
Diana  of  Poitiers.  —  Henry  of  Valois  and  the  minions.  —  The  favourites  of  Elizabeth 
Tudor. — Mary  Stuart  and  Chastelar. — Henry  the  Great  and  the  fair  Gabrielle. — The 
Italian  favourites  of  Marie  de'  Medici. — The  favourites  of  James  I  and  Anne  of  Den- 
mark.— The  favourites  of  Louis  the  Just  (XIII  of  France). 

V.2.  (5eorge  Villiers,  duke  of  Buckingham. — Marie  de  Rohan,  duchess  de  Chev- 
reuse,  favourite  of  Anne  of  Austria.  —  The  favourites  of  Louis  the  Fourteenth.  —  The 
12  favourites  of  Catherine  the  Second  of  Russia. 

Moore,  Frank  Frankfort.  920  M87 

A  Georgian  pageant.     1909.    Button. 

Contents:  The  monarch  of  the  pageant  [George  III]. — A  comedy  in  St.  Martin's 
street  [Mrs  Thrale]. — A  tragedy  in  the  Haymarket  [Giuseppe  Baretti]. — The  fatal  gift 
[Maria  and  Elizabeth  Gunning]. — The  fete  champetre. — The  plot  of  a  lady  novelist. — 
Tragedy  with  a  twinkle  [Oliver  Goldsmith]. — The  best  comedy  of  the  century  [She 
stoops  to  conquer]. — The  Jessamy  bride. — The  amazing  elopement  [R.  B.  Sheridan]. — 
The  amazing  duels  [R.  B.  Sheridan]. — A  melodrama  at  Covent  Garden. — The  comedy  at 
Downing  street. 

Mr  Moore  writes  with  wit  and  with  intimate  knowledge  of  the  period,  and  justifies 
his  title  by  his  dramatic  and  picturesque  presentment  of  characters  and  episodes. 

Morris,  Charles.  920  M91 

Heroes  of  progress  in  America.     1906.    Lippincott. 
The  same J920  M91 

Contents:  Roger  Williams. — John  Eliot. — ^William  Penn. — James  Oglethorpe. — 
Benjamin  Franklin.  —  Patrick  Henry.  —  Samuel  Adams.  —  Thomas  Jefferson.  —  Robert 
Morris. —  Alexander  Hamilton. —  John  Adams. —  Eli  Whitney. —  Robert  Fulton. —  John 
Jacob  Astor. — Stephen  Girard. — John  Marshall. — Henry  Clay. — Daniel  Webster. — J.  C. 
Calhoun.  —  S.  F.  B.  Morse.—  C.  W.  Field.—  Elias  Howe.—  C.  H.  McCormick.—  Charles 
Goodyear. — DeWitt  Clinton. — Horace  Wells. — W.  L.  Garrison. — Wendell  Phillips. — 
Charles  Sumner. — Lucretia  Mott. — E.  C.  Stanton. — S.  B.  Anthony. — Dorothea  Dix. — 
George  Peabody. — Peter  Cooper. — Abraham  Lincoln. — W.  H.  Seward. — ^J.  G.  Blaine. — 
Horace  Greeley. — ^John  Ericsson. — ^T.  A.  Edison. — F.  E.  Willard. — Clara  Barton. — An- 
drew Carnegie. — B.  T.  Washington. 


Moses,  George  H.  ed.  Tq20  M93 

New  Hampshire  men;  a  collection  of  biographical  sketches,  with 
portraits  of  sons  and  residents  of  the  state  who  have  become  known 
in  commercial,  professional  and  political  life.  1893.  New  Hampshire 
Pub.  Co. 

National  portrait  gallery.    4v.     [1875-77.]     Cassell.  qgao  N15 

Biographical  sketches,  with  portraits,  o£  English  statesmen,  scientists,  writers, 
clergymen,  etc.  of  the  19th  century. 

New  England  Historic  Genealogical  Society.  rg2o  N26 

Memorial  biographies  of  the  New  England  Historic  Genealogical 
Society;  Towne  memorial  fund,  1864-1897.    v.6-9.     1905-08. 

V.9  contains  complete  index  to  set. 

For  V.I -5  see  preceding  catalogue,  second  series. 

Noble,  Mark.  920  N38 

Memoirs  of  the  illustrious  house  of  Medici,  from  Giovanni,  the 
founder  of  their  greatness,  who  died  in  the  year  1428,  to  the  death  of 
Giovanni-Gaston,  the  last  grand  duke  of  Tuscany,  in  1737,  illustrated 
with  several  genealogical  tables.     1797.    Cadell. 

Contents:  A  preliminary  chapter,  describing  the  state  of  Italy  prior  to  the  history 
of  the  family  of  Medici. — Of  the  origin  of  the  house  of  Medici. — The  life  of  Giovanni 
de  Medici. — The  life  of  Cosmo,  father  of  his  country. — The  life  of  Pietro,  the  unpopu- 
lar.— The  life  of  Lorenzo,  the  magnificent. — The  life  of  Pietro,  the  unfortunate. — The 
life  of  Pope  Leo  X. — The  life. of  Pope  Clement  VII. — The  life  of  Alesandro,  duke  of 
Florence. — The  life  of  Cosmo  I,  grand  duke  of  Tuscany. — The  life  of  Francesco-Maria, 
gfrand  duke  of  Tuscany. — The  life  of  Ferdinando  I,  grand  duke  of  Tuscany. — The  life 
of  Cosmo  II,  grand  duke  of  Tuscany.  —  The  life  of  Ferdinando  II,  grand  duke  of 
Tuscany. — The  life  of  Cosmo  III,  grand  duke  of  Tuscany. — The  life  of  Giovanni-Gaston, 
g^rand  duke  of  Tuscany. — Genealogical  tables. 

Oliphant,  Thomas  Laurence  Kingston.  920  O233 

The  duke  and  the  scholar,  and  other  essays.    1875.    Macmillan. 

Contents:  Life  of  the  duke  de  Luynes. — Life  of  Huillard-BrehoUes. — Life  of  Fra 
Salimbene. — Was  the  old  English  aristocracy  destroyed  by  the  Wars  of  the  Roses? — 
The  long  union  between  the  English  lords  and  commons. 

Parker,  Mrs  Helen  (Fitch).  920  P23 

Morning  stars  of  the  New  World.     1854.     Derby. 

Contents:  Christopher  Columbus. — Americus  Vespucius. — Ferdinand  de  Soto. — Sir 
Walter  Raleigh. — Henry  Hudson. — Captain  John  Smith. — Captain  Miles  Standish. — Lady 
Arabella  Johnson. — John  Eliot. — William  Penn. 

Parry,  John  Humffreys.  r92o  P26 

Cambrian  Plutarch,  comprising  memoirs  of  some  of  the  most  emi- 
nent Welshmen,  from  the  earliest  times  to  the  present.  1834.  Simpkin. 
Contents:  Arthur.  —  Aneurln.  —  Taliesin.  —  Llywarch  Hen.  —  St.  David.  —  Asset 
Menevensis. — Hywel  Dda. — Rhys  ab  Tewdwr. — Owain  Gwynedd. — Giraldus  Cambrensis. 
— Llywelyn  ab  Gruffydd. — Davydd  ab  Gwilym. — Owain  Glyndwr. — Sir  Rhys  ab  Thomas. 
— Humphrey  Llwyd. — Dr  John  David  Rhys. — Bishop  Morgan. — Dr  John  Davies. — Ed- 
ward Llwyd. — Lewis  Morris. — Thomas  Pennant. — Rev.  Peter  Roberts. 

Plutarch.  qr920  P72 

Plutarchi  Chasronensis  vitae  parallelae,  cum  singulis  aliquot;  Graece 
et  Latine;  adduntur  variantes  lectiones  ex  mss.  codd.  veteres  &  novae, 
doctorum  virorum  notae  &  emandationes  et  indices  accuratissimi;  re- 
censuit  Augustinus  Bryanus.    5v.     1723-29. 

v.i,  1729;  v.2-4,  1723;  v.5,  1724. 

Title-pages  of  v.2-5  are  in  Greek  and  Latin. 


r920  P98 
Public  characters;  or,  Contemporary  biography;  memoirs.  1803.  Bonsai. 
Contents:  C.  J.  Fox. — William  Pitt. — Dr  Erasmus  Darwin. — Henry  Dundas. — John 
Walcott. — William  Herschel. — Marquis  Cornwallis. — Joseph  Priestley. — Mr  D'lsraeli. — 
Lord  Nelson. — Gilbert  Wakefield. — Earl  St.  Vincent. — Robert  Southey. — William  Godwin. 
— William  Cowper. — Warren  Hastings. — Sir  Ralph  Abercrombie. — Dr  James  Gregory. — 
Dr  William  Mavor. — Lord  Grenville. — Duke  of  Bridgewater. — Thomas  Jefferson. — Bush- 
rod  Washington. — Edmund  Randolph. — Dr  Hugh  Blair. — Sir  Joseph  Banks. — Henry 
Addington. — J.  H.  Tooke. — General  Bowles. — Count  Rumford. — Dr  James  Beattie. — Dr 
S.  L.  Mitchell. — Dr  Jenner. — General  Ira  Allen. — Earl  Stanhope. — Mr  Curran. 

920  R72 

Ross,  Mrs  Janet  Ann  (Duff-Gordon),  ed.  920  R73 

Lives  of  the  early  Medici  as  told  in  their  correspondence.  191 1. 

"Interesting  selection  of  intimate  letters,  which  covers  the  lives  of  Cosimo,  Piero, 
and  Lorenzo.  She  has  taken  her  material  not  merely  from  the  well-known  printed 
sources,  but  also  from  those  many  little  volumes  issued  privately  in  honour  of  the  mar- 
riage of  a  friend — ^in  accordance  with  a  graceful  Italian  custom  which  has  successfully 
prevented  quantities  of  valuable  material  from  being  of  use  to  any  but  the  few — and 
above  all  from  the  Medici  archives  in  Florence.  Consequently  much  of  the  contents  of 
the  present  volume  is  altogether  new. .  .The  majority  of  the  letters  are  political."  Athe- 
naum,  1910. 

[Ruetenik,  Hermann  Julius.]  920  R83 

Beriihmte  deutsche  vorkampfer  fiir  fortschritt,  freiheit  und  friede  in 

Nord-Amerika  von  1626  bis  1901;  150  biographien.     1904. 

Russell,  William,  LL.  D.  920  R91 

Extraordinary  men  and  women;  their  early  days  and  after  life.    2v. 

in  I.     [1853.]     Routledge. 

Contents:  Michael  Angelo.  —  Martin  Luther.  —  Shaksperc.  —  Oliver  Cromwell.  — 
Moliere. — Blaise  Pascal. — The  duke  of  Marlborough. — Peter  the  Great. — Franklin. — 
Mirabeau. — Mozart. — Sir  Samuel  Romilly. — Nelson. — Robert  Bums. — Sir  Thomas  Law- 
rence.— Wilkie. — Napoleon  Bonaparte. — Lord  Byron. — The  duke  of  Wellington. — Sir 
Robert  Peel. —  Louis  Philippe. —  W.  E.  Channing. —  William  Cobbett. —  Sheridan. —  J.  P. 
Richter. — The  Maid  of  Orleans. — Mrs  Fry. — The  empress  Josephine. — Madame  Roland. 
— Christina,  queen  of  Sweden. — Elizabeth  Woodville. — Mrs  Hutchinson. — Queen  Eliza- 
beth.— Madame  de  Sevigne. — Isabella  of  Castile. — Anne  Boleyn. — Lady  Jane  Grey. — 
Mary,  queen  of  Scots. — Lady  M.  W.  Montague. — Marie-Antoinette.— Mrs  Siddons. — 
Madame  de  Stael-Holstein. — Charlotte  Corday.- — ^Madame  Recamier. — Margaret  Fuller. 
— Lady  Hester  Stanhope. — Madame  de  Genlis. — Catherine  II,  empress  of  Russia. — Mrs 
Opie. — Maria-Theresa. 

Ryan,  Richard,  comp.  1920  R95 

Biographia  Hibernica;  a  biographical  dictionary  of  the  worthies  of 
Ireland  from  the  earliest  period  to  the  present  time.  2v.  1821.  Warren. 
Sainte-Beuve,  Charles  Augustin.  920  Si5po 

Portraits  of  the  17th  century,  historic  and  literary;  tr.  by  K.  P. 
Wormeley.    2v.     1904.    Putnam. 

V.I.  Cardinal  de  Richelieu. — Henri,  due  de  Rohan. — Cardinal  Mazarin. — Frangois, 
due  de  La  Rochefoucauld. — Anne-Genevieve  de  Bourbon  (Duchesse  de  Longueville). — 
Cardinal  de  Retz. — Mademoiselle  de  I'Enclos. — Tallemant  des  Reaux  and  Bussy-Rabutin. 
— The  abbe  de  Ranee. — Anne-Genevieve  de  Bourbon  ("La  grande  Mademoiselle"). — 
Marie-Madeleine  de  La  Vergne. — Henrietta  Anne  of  England. — Louis  XIV. — Louise  de 
la  Beaume  Le  Blanc. 

v. 2.  History  of  the  French  Academy. — Corneille. — Mademoiselle  de  Scudery. — 
Moliere. — La  Fontaine. — Pascal. — Madame  de  Sevigne. — Bossuet. — Boileau. — Racine. — 
Madame  de  Caylus. — Fenelon. — Comte  Antoine  Hamilton. — The  princesse  <Jes  Ursins. 


Sanders,  Lloyd  Charles.  920  S21 

Holland  house  circle.     [1908.]     Methuen. 

"Some  works  consulted,"  p.  19-25. 

Treats  of  the  many  distinguished  people  who  have  been  familiar  guests  at  this 
famous  house,  giving  particular  attention  to  its  most  brilliant  period,  the  first  half  of 
the  19th  century.  Compiled  from  contemporary  memoirs  and  correspondence.  Many 
illustrations  from  portraits. 

Scherr,  Johannes.  920  S32 

Menschliche  tragikomodie;  gesammelte  studien,  skizzen  und  bilder. 

v.3-4,  in  I.     1884. 

Contents:     Der  letzte  sonnensohn.  —  Der  weisse  teufel.  —  Zwei  Iconig^nnen.  —  Der 

falsche   Dmitry. — Cromwell. — Ein   prophet. — Ninon   de   Lenclos. — Der   verzauberte   kur- 


920  S38 

.'7«"itt'"'  ''D3n  nn'7in  isd 

Sherard,  Robert  Harborough.  920  S55 

Twenty  years  in  Paris;  being  some  recollections  of  a  literary  life. 
1905.     Hutchinson. 

Author  is  (1907)  an  English  newspaper  correspondent.  His  reminiscences  give 
some  interesting  glimpses  of  Victor  Hugo,  Dumas,  Ferdinand  de  Lesseps,  Thomas  A. 
Edison,  Ernest  Dowson,  Oscar  Wilde,  fimile  Zola  and  others. 

Smith,  John,  of  the  Inner  Temple.  qr92o  S652 
Iconographia  Scotica;  or,  Portraits  of  illustrious  persons  of  Scot- 
land,  engraved   from   the   most  authentic  paintings,   with   their   lives. 
[1798.]    Wilkinson. 

Socci,  Ettore.  920  S67 

Umili  eroi  della  patria  e  dell'umanita;  narrazioni  storiche  ad  uso 
delle  scuole.     [1903.] 

Contents:  Luca  Spano. — II  pagliaccio  Goretti. — Andrea  Brenta. — Pasquale  Sotto- 
corno. — Carlo  Zima. — Albino  e  Clemente  Bondi. — Elbano  Gasperi. — Luigi  Anderlini. — 
Giulia  Modena. — II  dottorino  Paolo  Arpesani. — II  tamburino  della  valle  dei  morti. — 
Federigo  Comandini. — Giovanni  Pezzotti. — Colomba  Antonietti. — Caterina  Baracchini. — 
La  famiglia  Bensaia. — Pietro  Frattini. — Don  Giovanni  Verita. — I  salvatori  di  Garibaldi 
in  Toscana. — Rocco  Lombardo. — Antonio  Sciesa. — Cervellino  La  Mattarella. — Maria  e 
Caterina  Avegno. — II  pescatore  Toffin. — Rosa  Donato. — Antonio  Lanzetta. — Giorgio 
Imbriani. — Francesco  Riso. — Tito  Strocchi. — Salvatore  Morelli. — Ettore  Panzeri  e  Guido 

Society  for  the  Diffusion  of  Useful  Knowledge.  qr920  S67 

Gallery  of  portraits,  with  memoirs.    7v.    1833-37. 

Large  number  of  portraits  of  statesmen,  artists,  writers,  scientists,  etc.  of  ancient 
and  modern  times,  arranged  without  any  apparent  system.  The  memoirs  are  extremely 

Speer,  Robert  Elliott.  920  S74 

Young  men  who  overcame.     1905.     Revell. 

Contents:  H.  M.  Beaver.  —  "Manny"  Holabird.  —  H.  W.  Rose.  —  H.  T.  Pitkin.  — 
Walter  Lowrie. — H.  W.  Camp. — Harry  Maclnnes. — Marshall  Newell. — ^T.  B.  Pryor. — 
G.  H.  C.  MacGregor.  —  Mirza  Ibrahim.  —  W.  E.  Dodge.  —  Hedley  Vicars.  —  C.  V.  R. 
Hodge.— I.  P.  Coale. 

Short  sketches  of  some  young  men  who  made  duty  and  the  service  of  Christ  the 
first  thing  in  their  lives. 


Stearns,  Frank  Preston.  920  S799 

Cambridge  sketches.     1905.     Lippincott. 

Contents:  The  close  of  the  war.  —  F.  J.  Child. — Longfellow.  —  Lowell.  —  C.  P. 
Cranch. — T.  G.  Appleton. — Doctor  Holmes. — Frank  Bird  and  the  Bird  club. — Sumner. — 
Chevalier  Howe. — The  war  governor  [J.  A.  Andrew]. — The  colored  regiments. — Emer- 
son's tribute  to  G.  L.  Steams. —  Elizur  Wright. —  Dr  W.  T.  G.  Morton. —  Leaves  from  a 
Roman  diary. — Centennial  contributions. 

Stevenson,  Adlai  Ewing.  920  S84 

Something  of  men  I  have  known,  with  some  papers  of  a  general 
nature,  political,  historical  and  retrospective.     1909.    McClurg. 

"As  a  prominent  lawyer  of  Illinois,  member  of  Congress,  first-assistant  postmaster 
general  (1885-89)  and  vice-president  in  Cleveland's  second  administration,  the  author 
had  opportunity  to  meet  and  know  most  of  the  distinguished  public  men  of  the  last 
third  of  the  nineteenth  century.  The  book  consists  mainly  of  estimates  and  characteriza- 
tions of  his  contemporaries,  enlivened  with  excellent  anecdotes,  but  also  includes  selec- 
tions from  the  author's  public  addresses  and  chapters  on  Lincoln,  Douglas,  the  Mormon 
exodus  from  Illinois,  and  noted  American  duels."     A.  L.  A.  booklist,  igio. 

Street,  George  Slythe.  920  S91 

Ghosts  of  Piccadilly.     1907.     Constable. 

Contents:  A  general  view. — Contrasted  fates. — Another  contrast  of  neighbours: 
81  and  82. —  Old  Q. —  The  ghosts  of  Albany. —  Byron. —  Of  Burlington  house. —  The 
Palmerstons  and  Cambridge  house. — 105,  106  and  107. — The  great  duke. — Emma  Hamil- 
ton.— Sir  Walter  in  London. — Harriot  Mellon. — Some  other  people. — Some  other  houses. 
— The  shops  and  the  taverns. — The  church  land  the  end. 

Symonds,  E.  M.  {pseud.  George  Paston).  920  S98I 

Little  memoirs  of  the  19th  century.     1902.     Richards. 
Contents:    B.  R.  Haydon. — Lady  Morgan  (Sydney  Owenson). — N.  P.  Willis. — Lady 
Hester  Stanhope. — Prince  Puckler-Muskau  in  England. — William  and  Mary  Howitt. 

Tappan,  Eva  March.  J920  T19 

American  hero  stories.     1906.     Houghton. 

Contains  15  short  stories  of  war  times,  five  accounts  of  voyagers  and  explorers,  five 
colonial  stories  and  brief  lives  of  Daniel  Boone,  David  Crockett,  Christopher  Carson  and 
Abraham  Lincoln. 

Tappan,  Eva  March,  comp.  J920  Ti9a 

Adventures    &   achievements.      1909.     Houghton.      (The    children's 

hour,  V.8.) 

The  mobbing  of  Garrison,  the  escape  of  Louis  Napoleon  from  the  fortress  of  Ham, 

the  burning  of  Washington,  Grace  Darling's  heroic  deed,  the  eruption  of  Mount  Vesuvius, 

which  destroyed  Pompeii  and  Herculaneum,  and  other  stories  of  adventure,  battle  and 


Tarbell,  Ida  Minerva.  920  T19 

Short  life  of  Napoleon  Bonaparte,  with  illustrations  from  G.  G.  Hub- 
bard's collection  of  Napoleon  engravings,  supplemented  by  pictures 
from  the  collections  of  Prince  Victor  Napoleon,  Prince  Roland  Bona- 
parte, Baron  Larrey  and  others.  1895.  McClure.  (McClure's  biogra- 

Contains  also  "Human  documents,"  by  various  writers,  and  "The  early  life  of 
Lincoln,"  by  I.  M.  Tarbell. 

Appeared  in  "McClure's  magazine,"  v.3-4,  Nov.  1894-May  1895. 

The  same,  with  a  sketch  of  Josephine,  empress  of  the  French.  1901. 
McClure 92  Ni29t 

Title  reads  "Life  of  Napoleon  Bonaparte." 

The  same,  with  a  sketch  of  Josephine,  empress  of  the  French.  1909. 
Moffat r92  Ni29t 

Title  reads  "Ijfe  of  Napoleon  Bonaparte" 


Taylor,  William  Cooke,  ed.  1:920  T25 

Romantic  biography  of  the  age  of  Elizabeth;  or.  Sketches  of  life 
from  the  bye-ways  of  history,  by  the  Benedictine  Brethren  of  Glenda- 
lough.    2v.    1842.    Lee. 

V.I.  Introduction. — Margaret  of  Valois,  queen  of  Henry  IV. — Robert  Dudley,  earl 
of  Leicester. — Castelnau,  ambassador  from  France. — La  Mothe  Fenelon. — La  Mothe 
Fenelon  and  Castelnau. — Thomas  Howard,  fourth  duke  of  Norfolk. — Hugh,  earl  of 
Tyrone,  and  notices  of  Walter,  first  earl  of  Essex. — Dr  Dee. 

V.2.  Calvin  and  the  church  of  Geneva. — William  Whittingham  and  the  Puritans. — 
Archbishop  Whitgift  and  Dr  Cartwright. — ^John  Darrel,  the  exorcist. — Loyola  and  the 
Order  of  the  Jesuits. — Robert  Parsons,  Edmund  Campian  and  the  Jesuits  in  England. — 
Pope  Sixtus  V. — Charles  de  Valois,  due  d'Angouleme. — Henry  de  la  Tour  d'Auvergne, 
viscount  Turenne  and  duke  de  Bouillon. 

The  "Benedictine  Brethren  of  Glendalough"  was  the  fanciful  name  chosen  by  a 
little  group  of  Trinity  College  graduates  who  agreed  to  collect  and  publish  curious  and 
little-known  bits  of  historical  information. 

Timbs,  John.  920  T47 

School-days  of  eminent  men.    1864.    FoUett. 

The  first  part  of  the  book  gives  an  outline  of  the  progress  of  education  in  England 
to  the  reign  of  William  IV.  The  "eminent  men"  range  from  Sir  Thomas  More  and 
Spenser  to  Lord  Byron  and  Thomas  Arnold. 

Toldy,  Ferencz.  920  T57 

Magyar  allamferfiak  es  irok.  v.1-2,  in  i.  1868.  (Osszegyiijtott 
munkai,  v.i-2.) 

Vannucci,  Atto.  920  V19 

I  martiri  della  liberta  italiana  dal  1794  al  1848.    2v.     1887. 

Vay,  Sandor,  grof,  ed.  920  V23 

Regi  nemes  urak  urasszonyok.     1908. 

Villasenor  y  Villasenor,  Alejandro.  920  V33 

Biografias  de  los  heroes  y  caudillos  de  la  independencia.     2v.  in  i. 


Ward,  Wilfrid.  920  W21 

Ten  personal  studies.    1908.    Longmans. 

Contents:  A.  J.  Balfour,  a  political  Fabius  Maximus. — Three  notable  editors: 
Delane,  Hutton,  Knowles. — Some  characteristics  of  Henry  Sidgwick. — Robert,  earl  of 
Lytton,  statesman  and  poet. — Father  Ignatius  Ryder;  a  reminiscence. — Sir  M.  E.  Grant 
Duff's  diaries. — Leo  XIII. — The  genius  of  Cardinal  Wiseman. — J.  H.  Newman;  an  ad- 
dress.— Newman  and  Manning. 

Wharton,  Grace,  (pseud,  of  Mrs  Katharine  Byerley  1920  W59 


Memoirs  of  the  Jacobites  of  1715  and  1745.    3v.     1845-46.     Bentley. 

v.i.  John  Erskine,  earl  of  Mar. — James  Radcliffe,  earl  of  Derwentwater.  —  The 
Master  of  Sinclair. — Cameron  of  Lochiel. 

v.2.  William  Maxwell,  earl  of  Nithisdale. — William  Gordon,  viscount  Kenmure. — 
William  Murray,  marquis  of  Tullibardine. — Sir  John  Maclean. — Rob  Roy  Macgregor 
Campbell. — Simon  Eraser,  lord  Lovat. 

v. 3.  Lord  George  Murray. — James  Drummond,  duke  of  Perth. — Flora  Macdonald. 
— William  Boyd,  earl  of  Kilmarnock. — Charles  Radcliffe. 

Lives  of  those  who  were  prominently  identified  with  the  two  Stuart  uprisings  in 

[Williams,  Edwin,  &  Lester,  C.  E.  (pseud.  Berkeley  men).]         920  W74 
The  Napoleon  dynasty;  or,  The  history  of  the  Bonaparte  family, 

an  entirely  new  work,  by  the  Berkeley  men.     1852.     Cornish. 

Contents:    Origin  of  the  Bonapartes;  Lives  of  Carlo,  Letitia  and  Cardinal  Fesch. — 

The  emperor  Napoleon. — The  empress  Josephine. — The  empress  Maria  Louisa. — Joseph 


[Williams,  Edwin,  &  Lester,  C.  E.] — continued.  920  W74 

Bonaparte,  king  of  Naples  and  Spain. — Lucien  Bonaparte,  prince  of  Canino. — Louis 
Bonaparte,  king  of  Holland;  Queen  Hortense.  —  Jerome  Bonaparte,  king  of  West- 
phalia; Napoleon's  sisters:  Eliza,  Pauline,  Caroline;  Eugene  Beauharnais;  Napoleon 
Francis  Joseph,  duke  of  Reichstadt. — Joachim  Murat,  king  of  Naples. — Louis  Napoleon, 
president  of  the  French  republic. — Historic  illustrations. 
Contains  many  portraits. 

Williamson,  Leland  M.  and  others,  ed.  qrg20  W75 

Prominent  and  progressive  Pennsylvanians  of  the  19th  century;  a 

review  of  their  careers.    3v.     1898.     Record  Pub.  Co. 
Contains  over  500  names.     Portraits. 

Wilson,  Henry  Schiitz.  920  W76 

Studies  in  history,  legend  and  literature.     1884.     Griffith. 
Contents:   Lucrezia  Borgtia. — Count  Struensee  and  Queen  Caroline  Mathilde. — Eliza- 
beth   Stuart,    queen   of   Bohemia. — Eppelein    von   Gailingen. — Facts    and    fancies   about 
Faust. — Madame  Roland. 

Young,  George  Frederick.  930  Y37 

The  Medici.    2v.     1909.    Button. 

"Authorities  consulted,"  v.  i,  p.  15-17. 

This  work  saps  the  foundations  of  many  a  time-honored  misconception  built  upon 
stories  that  cannot  bear  critical  examination.  The  author  places  before  us  the  results 
of  the  most  recent  research,  impartially  sifting  the  evidence  as  he  goes;  it  is  we  who 
draw  the  inevitable  conclusions.  In  the  course  of  his  survey  he  conscientiously  ex- 
amines the  life  of  each  member  of  the  Medici  family  whose  name  has  come  down  to 
posterity.  The  work  accordingly  comprises  more  than  a  hundred  biographical  sketches 
of  members  of  the  house  of  Medici,  beginning  with  its  founder  Giovanni  di  Bicci,  and 
ending  with  the  electress  Anna  Maria  Ludovica;  while  the  connected  subjects  upon 
which  it  throws  light  are  of  the  most  varied  character.    Condensed  from  Athencnim,  1909. 

Biographical  dictionaries 

Aa,  Abraham  Jacob  van  der,  and  others,  camp.  Tg20  An 

Biographisch  woordenboek  der  Nederlanden;  bevattende  levens- 
beschrijvingen  van  zoodanige  personen,  die  zich  op  eenigerlei  wijze  in 
ons  vaderland  hebben  vermaard  gemaakt;  voortgezet  door  K.J.  R.  van 
Harderwijk  en  G.  D.  J.  Schotel.     2iv.  in  27.     1852-78. 

r92o  A58 
Anglo-African  who's  who  and  biographical  sketch-book,  1905.  Rout- 

Walter  H.  Wills  and  R.  J.  Barrett,  ed. 

r920  A61 
Annuaire  historique  et  biographique  des  souverains,  des  chefs  et  mem- 
bres  des  maisons  princieres,  families  nobles  ou  distinguees  et  principale- 
ment  des  hommes  d'etat,  de  guerre,  de  science  et  de  ceux  dont  se  com- 
pose I'elite  des  diverses  nations,    v. 2.     1844. 

[Baldwin,  Charles  N.  camp.]  T920  B19 

Universal  biographical  dictionary,  containing  the  lives  of  the  most 
celebrated  characters  of  every  age  and  nation,  to  which  is  added  a  dic- 
tionary of  the  principal  divinities  and  heroes  of  Grecian  and  Roman 
mythology  and  a  biographical  dictionary  of  eminent  living  characters. 


Biagi,  Guido,  comp.  r920  B47 

Chi  e?  annuario  biografico  italiano.     1908. 
Italian  "Who's  who." 

Tg2o  B4872 
Biographisches  jahrbuch  und  deutscher  nekrolog;  hrsg.  von  Anton  Bet- 
telheim;  register,  v.i-io,  1896-1905. 

For  volumes  of  the  yearbook  see  preceding  catalogue,  second  series. 

Boase,  Frederic,  comp.  qrg20  B57 

Modern  English  biography;  concise  memoirs  of  persons  who  have 

died  since  1850.     v.4.     1908.    Privately  printed. 
V.4.     Supplement,  v.:,  A-C. 
For  v.i— 3  see  preceding  catalogue,  first  series. 

Canadian  who's  who.    1910.    The  Times.  r920  C16 

Caulfield,  James.  r92o  C28 

Portraits,  memoirs  and  characters  of  remarkable  persons  from  the 
revolution  in  1688  to  the  end  of  the  reign  of  George  II,  collected  from 
the  most  authentic  accounts  extant.    4v.     1819-20.     Whiteley. 

[Cooper,  Thompson.]  qrg20  C78 

Men  of  mark;  a  gallery  of  contemporary  portraits.  2v.  [i876]-77. 

Cortes,  Jose  Domingo.  qrg20  C82 

Diccionario  biografico  americano;  este  voliimen  contiene  los  nom- 
bres,  con  los  datos  biograficos  i  enumeracion  de  las  obras  de  todas  las 
personas  que  se  han  ilustrado  en  las  letras,  las  armas,  las  ciencias,  las 
artes  en  el  continente  americano.    1876. 

Cunningham,  George  Godfrey,  ed.  r920  Cga 

Lives  of  eminent  and  illustrious  Englishmen  from  Alfred  the  Great 
to  the  present  time  [1834].    8v.     [i83S]-42.    FuUarton. 

GaroUo,  Gottardo,  comp.  r920  Gig2 

Dizionario  biografico  universale.    2v.     1907. 

V.I.     Aa-Haydn. 

V.2.     Haydon-Zwingli,  e  appendice. 

920  G31 
Georgian  era;  memoirs  of  the  most  eminent  persons  who  have  flourished 
in  Great  Britain  from  the  accession  of  George  the  First  to  the  demise 
of  George  the  Fourth.    4v.    1832-34.    Vizetelly. 

V.I.  The  royal  family. — The  Pretenders  and  their  adherents. — Churchmen. — Dis- 
senters.— Statesmen. 

V.2.  Military  and  naval  commanders. — Judges  and  barristers. — Physicians  and  sur- 

V.3.     Voyagers  and  travellers. — Philosophers  and  men  of  science. — Authors. 

v.4.  Political  and  rural  economists. — Painters,  sculptors,  architects  and  engravers. 
— Composers. — Vocal,  instrumental  and  dramatic  performers. 

Giles,  Herbert  Allen,  comp.  qrg20  Gsg 

Chinese  biographical  dictionary.     1898. 

Includes  names  known  in  Chinese  history  and  literature  from  the  earliest  times  to 
living  persons  of  the  present  day. 


rg2o  H62 
Historic  gallery  of  portraits  and  paintings,  and  biographical  review; 
containing  a  brief  account  of  the  lives  of  the  most  celebrated  men  in 
every  age  and  country,  and  graphic  imitations  of  the  finest  specimens 
of  the  arts,  ancient  and  modern,    v.3-5.     1808-09.    Vernor. 

Hoefer,  Johann  Christian  Ferdinand,  ed.  r920  H67 

Nouvelle  biographie  generale  depuis  les  temps  les  plus  recules 
jusqu'a  nos  jours,  avec  les  renseignements  bibliographiques  et  I'indica- 
tion  des  sources  a  consulter.    46V.     1853-66. 

Bibliography,  v.i,  p.2-3. 

Ibn-Khallikan,  Shams  ad-Din  Abu'l  Abbas  Ahmad  Bin  qr92o  I12 

Biographical  dictionary;  tr.  from  the  Arabic  by  Bn  MacGuckin  de 
Slane.     4v.     1843-71.     Oriental  translation  fund  of  Great  Britain  and 

The  author  was  a  13th  century  Arabian  writer  and  scholar. 

"His  great  work. .  .contains  brief  sketches  of  the  lives  of  all  the  most  important 
personages  of  Muslim  history  and  literature,  with  many  appropriate  anecdotes  illustra- 
tive of  their  personal  character,  and  extracts  from  the  works  of  such  of  them  as  were 
authors  or  poets.  It  is  the  most  complete  and  at  the  same  time  the  most  universal  and 
comprehensive  biographical  dictionary  in  the  Arabic  lang^uage,  and  is  the  indispensable 
companion  of  the  student  of  Mahometan  literature."     Encyclopedia  Britannica. 

r920  M5g82 
Men  and  w^omen  of  America;  a  biographical  dictionary  of  contempo- 
raries.   1910.    Hamersly. 

rg20  MsgS 
Men  of  America;  a  biographical  dictionary  of  contemporaries;  ed.  by 
J.  W.  Leonard.    1908.    Hamersly. 

Morgan,  Henry  James,  ed.  tgno  MSga 

Canadian  men  and  women  of  the  time;  a  hand-book  of  Canadian 
biography.    1912.    Briggs. 

qr92o  Nisa 
National  cyclopaedia  of  American  biography;  supplement,  v.i.  1910. 

For  work  which  this  supplements  see  preceding  catalogue,  first  series. 

qr920  N33 
Nieuw  Nederlandsch  biografisch  woordenboek,  onder  redactie  van  P.  C. 
Molhuysen  en  P.  J.  Blok.    v.i.     1911. 

Ottinger,  Eduard  Maria,  comp.  qr920  O31 

Moniteur  des  dates,  contenant  un  million  de  renseignements  bio- 

graphiques,  genealogiques  et  historiquea.    9v.  in  2.    1866-82. 
German  text. 
v.7-9  are  supplementary  volumes  comp.  by  Hugo  Schramm-Macdonald. 

rg20  Q29 

Qui  etes-vous?  annuaire  des  contemporains,  1908,  1909/10.     [1908-09.] 

r920  W6652 
Who's  who  in  New  York  city  and  state,  1905, 1909.     1905-09-    Hamersly. 

Edition  for  1909  is  edited  by  J.  W.  Leonard. 


Who's  who  in  Pennsylvania,  1908.    1908.    Hamersly.  rgao  W665 

Biographical  dictionary  of  prominent  living  Pennsylvanians. 
For  volume  for  1904  see  preceding  catalogue,  second  series. 

920.4     Booksellers 

Knight,  Charles.  920.4  K34 

Shadows  of  the  old  booksellers.    1865.    Bell. 

Contents:  Thomas  Guy. — John  Dunton. — Jacob  Tonson. — Thomas  Gent,  printer, 
of  York. — The  Tonsons;  Lintotts;  Curll. — Samuel  Richardson. — William  Hutton. — Ed- 
ward Cave;  Ralph  Griffiths. — Robert  Dodsley. — Andrew  Millar;  Cadell  and  Strahan. — 
John  Newbery. — The  Chapter  coffee-house:  Edward  Dilly;  Thomas  Davies;  Peter  Elms- 
ley;  Thomas  Evans;  Thomas  Payne;  Thomas  Longman;  Robert  Baldwin;  John  Riving- 
ton;  John  Murray;  Thomas  Becket;  Joseph  Johnson;  John  Bell;  Cook;  Harrison;  Note: 
Publishers  of  Johnson's  Poets. — James  Lackington. — Appendix:    The  market  of  literature. 

Biog^raphical  sketches  and  anecdotes  of  booksellers  from  the  times  of  Charles  II  to 
the  19th  century. 

Marston,  Edward.  920.4  M42 

Sketches  of  some  booksellers  of  the  time  of  Dr  Samuel  Johnson. 
1902.     Low. 

Contents:  Afichael  Johnson. — Andrew  Millar. — Thomas  Davies. — Thomas  Osborne. — 
Bernard  Lintot;  Henry  Lintot. — Robert  Dodsley. — The  friends  of  literature. — Book- 
sellers' literary  club. — Thomas  Evans. — John  Nichols. — William  Bowyer. — Edward  Cave. 

920.7     Biography  of  women 

Armytage,  A.  J.  Green-.  920.7  A74 

Maids  of  honour;  12  descriptive  sketches  of  single  women  who  have 
distinguished  themselves  in  philanthropy,  nursing,  poetry,  travel, 
science,  prose.    1906.    Blackwood. 

Contents:  Hannah  More. — Mary  Carpenter. — C.  L.  Herschel. — Sister  Dora. — Mary 
Kingsley. — A.  A.  Procter. — Marianne  North. — Jean  Ingelow. — Louisa  Alcott. — Christina 
Rossetti. — Agnes  Strickland. — Epilogue;   Mary  Lamb. 

Bearne,  Mrs  Catherine  Mary  (Charlton).  920.7  B34 

Heroines  of  French  society  in  the  court,  the  revolution,  the  empire 
and  the  restoration.     1907.    Button. 

Contents:  Madame  Vigee  Le  Brun. — La  marquise  de  Montagu. — Madame  Tallien. 
— Madame  de  Gealis. 

Beniczkyne-Bajza,  Lenke.  920.7  B43 

Leanyok  tiikre;  nagy  magyar  nok  elete. 

Contents:  Szilagyi  Erzsebet. — Lorantffy  Zsuzsanna. — Szechy  Maria. — Zrinyi  Ilona. 
— Maria  Terezia. — Erzsebet. 

Bordeaux,  Henry.  920.7  B63 

Portraits  de  femmes  et  d'enfants.    1909. 

Contents:  Madame  de  Charmoisy. — La  comtesse  de  Boigfne. — Madame  de  Char- 
riere. — ^Julie  de  Lespinasse. — Trois  comediennes:  Ariane,  I<e  tombeau  de  la  Malibran,  La 
princesse  des  lies  d'Or. — Une  inconnue  de  Sainte-Beuve. — L'enfance  de  Bayart. — L'en- 
fance  de  Mistral. 

"These  biographical  sketches  include  subjects  of  varying  date,  some  familiar,  others 
•little  known.  The  latter  may  be  said  of  'Madame  de  Charmoisy,'  the  'Philothee'  of  St. 
Francois  de  Sales,  and  also  of  'Madame  de  Charriere,'  the  gifted  woman  of  letters  of 
the  later  eighteenth  century,  whose  works  and  whose  personality  so  strongly  attracted 
Sainte-Beuve.  As  to  portraits  of  children,  it  would  be  difficult  to  excel  in  charm 
'L'Enfance  de  Mistral.'  "     Spectator,  1909. 


Brantome,  Pierre  de  Bourdeilles,  seigneur  de.  920.7  B71 

Book  of  the  ladies  (Illustrious  dames),  with  elucidations  on  some 
of  those  ladies  by  C.  A.  Sainte-Beuve;  tr.  by  K.  P.  Wormeley.  1902. 

Contents:  Anne  de  Bretagne,  queen  of  France. — Catherine  de'  Medici,  queen  and 
mother  of  our  last  kings. — Marie  Stuart,  queen  of  Scotland,  formerly  queen  of  our 
France. — Elisabeth  of  France,  queen  of  Spain. — Marguerite,  queen  of  France  and  of 
Navarre. — Mesdames,  the  daughters  of  the  noble  house  of  France. — Of  various  illustri- 
ous ladies. 

Includes  a  sketch  of  Margaret  of  Angouleme,  queen  of  Navarre. 

"The  .\bbe  de  Brantome  (1540-1614)  [was]  ostensibly  a  writer  of  contemporary 
biography,  but  really  a  laughing  collector  of  piquant.  .  .stories  of  the  dames  de  par  le 
monde,  told  with  great  gusto  and  considerable  power  of  character  painting,  so  that  his 
works  are  reprinted  and  still  read."     fVells's  Modern  French  literature. 

Carnegie  Library  of  Pittsburgh.  016.92  C21 

Famous  royal  women;  a  reading  list  for  girls.     1908.    Pittsburgh. 

Reprinted  from  the  "Monthly  bulletin,"  Jan.  1908. 

The  same roi6.92  C2if 

Clerg^e,  Helen.  920.7  Cs7 

The    salon;    a    study    of    French    society    and    personalities    in    the 

i8th  century.     1907.     Putnam. 

Contents:    The  evolution  of  the  salon. — Madame  Du  Deffand. — Madame  d'fipinay. 

— ^Julie  de  Lespinasse. — Madame   Geoffrin. 

Creighton,  Mrj  Louise  Hume  (von  Glehn).  920.7  C87 

Some  famous  women.    1909.     Longmans. 

Contents:  St.  Hilda. — Joan,  the  fair  maid  of  Kent. — Jeanne  d'Arc,  the  Maid  of 
France. — Margaret  Beaufort. — Rachel,  lady  Russell. — Elizabeth  Fry. — Mary  Somerville. 
—  J.  S.  Inglis. —  Florence  Nightingale. —  Isabella  Bird,  afterwards  Mrs  Bishop.  —  Sister 
Dora. — Queen  Victoria. 

Endrodi,  Sandor,  ed.  920.7  E62 

Magyar  holgyek  eletrajzai. 

Fea,  Allan.  920.7  F31 

Some  beauties  of  the  17th  century.  1906.  Methuen. 
Contents:  The  duchess  of  Mazarin. — Henrietta,  duchess  of  Orleans. — The  duchess 
of  Somerset. — The  duchess  of  Portsmouth. — The  duchess  of  Richmond. — The  countesses 
of  Falmouth  and  Rochester. — Lucy  Walter. — Mary  of  Modena. — The  countess  of  Castle- 
maine. — The  countess  de  Gramont. — Nell  Gwyn. — The  countess  of  Shrewsbury. — Anne 
Temple,  Frances  Jennings  and  Goditha  Price. — The  beautiful  Myddeltons. — The  coun- 
tesses of  Chesterfield  and  Southesk. — The  Misses  Brooke,  Miss  Fraser  and  Miss  Law- 
son. — Mademoiselle  de  la  Valliere  and  the  marchioness  de  Montespan. 
Contains  many  reproductions  from  paintings  by  great  artists. 

Ferrero,  Guglielmo.  920.7  F41 

The  women  of  the  Caesars.     191 1.     Century. 

Contents:  Woman  and  marriage  in  ancient  Rome. — Livia  and  Julia. — The  daughters 
of  Agrippa. — Tiberius  and  Agrippina. — The  sisters  of  Caligula  and  the  marriage  of  Mes- 
salina. — Agrippina,  the  mother  of  Nero. 

These  accounts  of  the  careers  of  some  prominent  women  of  imperial  Rome  furnish 
a  remarkably  clear  picture  of  the  position  of  women  and  of  other  aspects  of  social  life 
in  ancient  Rome. 

Gerard,  Frances  A.  920.7  G31 

Some  celebrated  Irish  beauties  of  the  last  century.     1895.    Ward. 

Contents:      Mary    Molesworth,    countess    of    Belvedere.  —  Eleanor    Ambrose,    "the 

dangerous  papist." — The  Gunnings. — Maria,   countess  of  Coventry. — Elizabeth,  duchess 

of  Hamilton  and  Argyll. — Mrs  Travis  and  the  other  two  daughters. — General  Gunning 


Gerard,  Frances  A. — continued.  930.7  G31 

and  the  story,  of  his  daughter  Gunilda. — Peg  Woffington. — Dorothea  Monroe. — The 
three  Miss  Montgomerys. — Elizabeth  La  Touche,  countess  of  Lanesborough. — Anne 
Luttrell,  duchess  of  Cumberland. — The  romance  of  the  Coghlans  of  Ardo. — Miss  Far- 
ren,  countess  of  Derby. 

"Authorities   consulted,"  p.288-289. 

Gerard,  Frances  A.  920.7  G31S 

Some  fair  Hibernians;  being  a  supplementary  volume  to  "Some  cele- 
brated Irish  beauties  of  the  last  century."     1897.     Ward. 

Contents:  Dorothea  Jordan. — Lady  Anne  and  Lady  Gertrude  Fitzpatrick. — Mary 
Birmingham,  countess  of  Leitrim;  Anne  Birmingham,  countess  of  Charlemont. — Sarah 
Curran. — M.  C.  Trench. — Marguerite  Power,  countess  of  Blessington. — Sydney  Owen- 
son,  lady  Morgan;  and  Olivia  Owenson,  lady  Clarke.  —  C.E.Sheridan,  Mrs  Norton, 
afterwards  lady  Stirling-Maxwell  of  Keir. — Eliza  O'Neill,  lady  Wrixon  Becher. — M.  D. 
Gilbert,  Lola  Montez. 

"Authorities,"  p.273-274. 

Graham,  Harry.  930.7  G76 

Group  of  Scottish  women.     [1908.]     Methuen. 

Contents:  Scotswomen  of  early  times:  Dervorguilla. — Some  Scottish  Amazons: 
"Black  Agones  of  Dunbar." — Jane,  countess  of  Sutherland. — Elizabeth,  duchess  of  Lau- 
derdale.— Women  of  the  covenant:  Lady  Grisell  Baillie. — Anne,  duchess  of  Buccleuch 
and  Monmouth. — Catherine,  duchess  of  Queensberry. — Miss  "Nicky"  Murray. — Susan- 
nah, countess  of  Eglinton. — Mrs  Alison  Cockburn. — Elspeth  Buchan. — Isobel  Pagan. — 
Jane,  duchess  of  Gordon. — Lady  Anne  Barnard. — Mrs  Grant  of  Laggan. — Lady  Louisa 
Stuart. — Miss  C.  S.  Graham. 

Green,  Mrs  Mary  Anne  Everett  (Wood).  930.7  G83 

Lives  of  the  princesses  of  England  from  the  Norman  conquest. 
V.1-4.    1850-52.     Colburn. 

v.i.  Cscilia,  eldest  daughter  of  William  the  Conqueror. — Adeliza,  daughter  of  Wil- 
liam the  Conqueror. — Matilda,  daughter  of  William  the  Conqueror. — Constance,  daughter 
of  William  the  Conqueror. — Adela,  youngest  daughter  of  William  the  Conqueror. — 
Gundred,  supposed  daughter  of  William  the  Conqueror. — Matilda,  daughter  of  Henry  I. 
— Matilda,  daughter  of  King  Stephen. — Mary,  daughter  of  King  Stephen. — Matilda, 
eldest  daughter  of  Henry  II. — Eleanora,  second  daughter  of  Henry  II. — Joanna,  third 
daughter  of  Henry  II. — Joanna,  eldest  daughter  of  King  John. 

V.2.  Isabella,  second  daughter  of  King  John. — Eleanora,  third  daughter  of  King 
John. — Margaret,  eldest  daughter  of  Henry  III. — Beatrice,  second  daughter  of  Henry 
III. — Katherine,  third  daughter  of  Henry  III. — Eleanora,  eldest  daughter  of  Edward  I. 
— ^Joanna,  third  daughter  of  Edward  I. — Margaret,  fourth  daughter  of  Edward  I. — 
Berengaria,  fifth  daughter  of  Edward  I. — Mary,  sixth  daughter  of  Edward  I. 

V.3.  Elizabeth,  eighth  daughter  of  Edward  I. — Eleanora,  ninth  daughter  of  Edward  L 
— Eleanora,  eldest  daughter  of  Edward  II. — Joanna,  second  daughter  of  Edward  II. — 
Isabella,  eldest  daughter  of  Edward  III. — Joanna,  second  daughter  of  Edward  III. — 
Blanche,  third  daughter  of  Edward  III. — Mary,  fourth  daughter  of  Edward  III. — Mar- 
garet, fifth  daughter  of  Edward  III. — Blanche,  eldest  daughter  of  Henry  IV. — Philippa, 
second  daughter  of  Henry  IV. — Mary,  second  daughter  of  Edward  IV. — Cecilia,  third 
daughter  of  Edward  IV. — Margaret,  fourth  daughtef  of  Edward  IV. 

V.4.  Anne,  fifth  daughter  of  Edward  IV. — Catherine,  sixth  daughter  of  Edward  IV. 
— Bridget,  seventh  daughter  of  Edward  IV. — Margaret,  eldest  daughter  of  Henry  VII. 
— Elizabeth,  second  daughter  of  Henry  VII. 

Hamel,  Frank.  920.7  Higd 

The  dauphines  of  France.     1910.     Paul. 

Contents:  Jeanne  de  Bourbon. — Marg^uerite  de  Bourgogne. — Jacqueline  de  Baviere. 
— Marie  d'Anjou. — Margaret  of  Scotland. — Charlotte  de  Savoie. — Marguerite  of  Aus- 
tria.— Catherine  de  Medicis. — Mary  Stuart. — Marie  Anne  Christine  Victoire  de  Baviere. 
— Marie  Adelaide  de  Savoie. — Marie  Therese  d'Espagne. — Marie  Josephe  de  Saxe. — 
Marie  Antoinette. — Marie  Therese,  duchesse  d'Angouleme. 


Hamel,  Frank.  920.7  Higf 

Fair  women  at  Fontainebleau.     1909.     Nash. 

Contents:  Visions  of  fair  women. —  Women  of  the  middle  ages. — The  duchesse 
d'fitampes. — Diane  de  Poitiers. — Catherine  de  Medicis. — Gabrielle  d'Estrees. — Marie  de 
Medicis  and  Henriette  d'Entragues. — Anne  of  Austria. — Christina  of  Sweden. — Marie 
[de  Mancini],  Henriette  [of  England]  and  Lx)uise  [de  la  Valliere]. — Mme  de  Montespan 
and  Mme  de  Maintenon. — The  demoiselles  de  Nesle  and  Mme  de  Pompadour. — Mme  du 
Barry  and  Marie-Antoinette. — Empress  Josephine. — Helena  of  Mecklenburg. 

Hamel,  Frank.  920.7  H19 

Famous  French  salons.    1908.    Methuen. 

Contents:  The  Hotel  de  Rambouillet;  the  salon  of  manners. — La  Grande  Made- 
moiselle; the  salon  of  the  court. — Madame  de  Sevigne:  the  salon  of  friendship. — Ninon 
de  Lenclos;  the  salon  of  gallantry. — Madame  de  Maintenon;  the  salon  of  satire. — Madame 
Du  Deffand;  the  salon  of  wit. — Mademoiselle  de  Lespinasse;  the  salon  of  philosophy. — 
Madame  de  Stael;  the  salon  of  politics. — Madame  Recamier;  the  salon  of  literature. 

Holt,  Emily  Sarah.  920.7  H74 

Memoirs  of  royal  ladies.     2v.     1861.     Hurst. 

V.I.  Ela  de  Rosmar,  countess  of  Salisbury. — Alicia  de  Lacy,  countess  of  Salisbury, 
Lincoln,  Leicester,  Lancaster  and  Derby,  Dame  L'Estrange  and  De  Frenes. — Joan  Plan- 
tagenet,  countess  of  Kent  and  princess  of  Wales. — Constance  de  Navarra,  queen  of 
Castilla,  duchess  of  Lancaster. — Jean  Beaufort,  queen  of  Scotland. — Jeanne  de  Valois, 
queen  of  France,  duchess  of  Orleans  and  Berry. — Juana  de  Navarra,  queen  of  Spain, 
archduchess  of  Austria. — Marguerite  von  Hapsburg,  of  Austria  and  Burgundy,  queen 
of  France,  princess  of  the  Asturias  and  duchess  of  Savoy. 

V.2.  Marguerite  von  Hapsburg,  continued. — Charlotte  Marguerite  de  Montmorency, 
princess  of  Conde. — Marie  Casimire  Clementine  Sobieski,  titular  queen  of  England. 

Kayserling,  Meyer.  920.7  K146 

Zsido  nok  a  tortenelem,  az  irodalom  es  a  miiveszet  teren;  forditotta 
Reismann  Maria.    2v.     1883. 

Knapp,  Samuel  Lorenzo.  920.7  K33 

Female  biography;  containing  notices  of  distinguished  women  in 
different  nations  and  ages.    1834.    Carpenter. 

Lungo,  Isidoro  del.  920.7  L97 

Women  of  Florence;  tr.  by  M.  C.  Steegmann.    1908.    Doubleday. 
Contents:     Rise  of  the  commune  of  Florence. — From  Dante  to  Boccaccio. — Beatrice 
in  the  life  and  poetry  of  the  13th  century. — The  renaissance  and  the  last  years  of  free- 
dom.— A  matron  of  the  cinquecento;  being  certain  letters  written  by  Isabella  Sacchetti 
Guicciardini. — A  letter  of  Alessandra  Mancinghi  Strozzi. 

"The  social  and  political  life  of  mediaeval  Florence,  as  viewed  by  and  in  its  women, 
is  portrayed  with  the  assuredness  of  learning  and  insight. .  .in  vivid  phrases  that  make 
real  their  lives,  habits,  and  views  of  duty."     Outlook  (London),  J907. 

Mabie,  Hamilton  Wright,  &  Stephens,  Kate,  ed.  920.7  Mii 

Heroines  that  every  child  should  know;  tales  for  young  people  of 

the  world's  heroines  of  all  ages.     1908.    Doubleday. 

The  same.     1909 J920.7  Mii 

Contents:  Alcestis. — Antigone. — Iphigenia. — Paula. — Joan  of  Arc. — Catherine  Doug- 
las.— Lady  Jane  Grey. — Pocahontas. — Flora  Macdonald. — Madame  Roland. — Grace  Dar- 
ling.— Sister  Dora. — Florence  Nighting^ale. 

Magonio,  Gemma  Giovannini.  920.7  M25 

Italiane  benemerite  del  risorgimento  nazionale.    1907. 


Morozzo  della  Rocca,  Irene  (Verasis  di  Castiglione),  920.7  M91 

Profili  femminili.     1897.     (Biblioteca  delle  giovanette.) 

Contents:  A.  C.  Minutolo. — Eugenia  de  Guerin. — Carolina  Sammartino. — Lucilla 
Sauvan. — J.  W.  Carlyle. — Un'  imperatrice  regfgente  a  quindici  anni  [Pulcheria]. — Tora 
Gambacorta. — Una  regina  per  nove  giorni  [Lady  Jane  Grey]. — Maria  Luisa  Gabriella  di 
Savoia,  regina  di  Spagna. — Chi  la  dura  la  vince  [Marie  Legros]. — Maria  Adelaide  di 
Lorena,  regina  di  Sardegna. — Un  fiore  di  soavita  e  di  virtu  [Alice,  princess  of  England], 

Prichard,  Thomas  Jeffery  Llewelyn.  vg^o.^  P94 

Heroines  of  Welsh  history,  comprising  memoirs  and  biographical 
notices  of  the  celebrated  women  of  Wales.     1854.     Cash. 

Ryley,  M.  Beresford.  920.7  R98 

Queens  of  the  renaissance.     [1907.]     Methuen. 

Contents:  Catherine  of  Siena. —  Beatrice  d'Este. —  Anne  of  Brittany. —  Lucrezia 
Borgia. — Margaret  d'Angouleme. — Renee,  duchess  of  Ferrara. 

Staley,  Edgcumbe.  920.7  S78 

Famous  women  of  Florence.    1909.    Constable. 

"Bibliography,"  p. 287-291. 

Dante's  Beatrice,  Lucrezia  Tornabuoni,  La  Simonetta  of  GiuUano  de'  Medici,  Gio- 
vanna  degli  Albizzi,  Alessandra  ("the  mother  of  the  Strozzi"),  Leonardo's  Mona  Lisa, 
and  Bianca  Capello  are  his  seven  heroines. 

Ward,  Mrs  Elizabeth  Stuart  (Phelps),  and  others.  Tg20.j  W21 

Our  famous  women;  an  authorized  record  of  the  lives  and  deeds  of 
distinguished  American  women  of  our  times.     1884.     Worthington. 

Contents:  L.  M.  Alcott,  by  L.  C.  Moulton. —  S.  B.  Anthony,  by  E.  C.  Stanton.— 
C.  E.  Beecher,  by  H.  B.  Stowe. — Clara  Barton,  by  Lucy  Larcom. — M.  L.  Booth,  by  H. 
P.  Spofford.— The  Doctors  Blackwell,  by  L.  G.  Runkle. — F.  H.  Burnett,  by  E.  B.  Johns- 
ton.— R.  T.  Cooke,  by  H.  P.  Spofford. — Charlotte  Cushman,  by  Lilian  Whiting. — L.  M. 
Child,  by  Susan  Coolidge. — Mary  Clemmer,  by  Lilian  Whiting. — M.  M.  Dodge,  by  L.  G. 
Runkle. — Margaret  Fuller,  by  Kate  Sanborn. — A.  H.  Gibbons,  by  L.  G.  Runkle. — J.  W. 
Howe,  by  Maud  Howe. — C.  L.  Kellogg,  by  H.  P.  Spofford. — M.  A.  Livermore,  by  E.  S. 
Phelps. — Lucy  Larcom,  by  Mrs  A.  D.  T.  Whitney. — Maria  Mitchell,  by  J.  W.  Howe. — 
Lucretia  Mott,  by  Mary  Clemmer. — L.  C.  Moulton,  by  H.  P.  Spofford. — H.  P.  Spofford, 
by  R.  T.  Cooke.— Elizabeth  Prentiss,  by  "Marion  Harland."— E.  S.  Phelps,  by  E.  T. 
Spring.— H.  B.  Stowe,  by  R.  T.  Cooke.— E.  C.  Stanton,  by  L.  C.  Bullard.— M.  V.  Ter- 
hune  ("Marion  Harland"),  by  Kate  Sanborn. — Mrs  A.  t).  T.  Whitney,  by  H.  B.  Stowe. 
— Anne  Whitney,  by  M.  A.  Livermore. — F.  E.  Willard,  by  Kate  Sanborn. 

Watson,  Henry  Clay.  920.7  W31 

Heroic  women  of  history.    1855.    Gihon. 
Wheeler,  Ethel  Rolt.  920.7  W61 

Famous  Blue-stockings.     [1910.]     Methuen. 

Contents:  Proem:  The  age  of  the  Blue-stockings. — The  Blue-stocking. — Mrs 
Montagu. — Dramatis  personae  of  the  Bas  bleu. — Mrs  Delany. — Precursors  and  con- 
temporaries of  the  Blue-stockings. — Mrs  Thrale  (Piozzi). — Cards  and  conversation. — 
Mrs  Vesey. — The  squaring  of  the  circle. — Mrs  Chapone  (Hester  Mulso). — The  Blue- 
stockings in  pictures. — Fanny  Burney  (Madame  d'Arblay). — Blue-stocking  coteries. — 
Elizabeth  Carter. — The  Blue-stockings  in  the  garden. — Hannah  More. — The  Blue-stock- 
ingfs  and  feminine  occupations. — Conclusion. 

"She  has  not  confined  herself  to  the  purely  biographical,  but  has  interspersed  among 
her  personal  sketches  agreeably  written  short  essays  on  various  aspects  of  their  life 
and  surroundings.  The  whole  forms  a  competent  conspectus  of  the  English  salon." 
Athenaum,  1910. 

Williams,  Hugh  Noel.  920.7  W74 

Five  fair  sisters;  an  Italian  episode  at  the  court  of  Louis  XIV. 
1906.    Hutchinson. 

"The  author  has  constructed  from  his  very  copious  reading  an  account  of  the  for- 
tunes of  the  five  Mancini  sisters,  the  nieces  of  Mazarin,  whom  that  statesman  sought 


Williams,  Hugh  Noel — continued.  920.7  W74 

to  provide  with  husbands  among  men  of  rank  in  France  for  the  better  maintaining  of 
his  own  power.  The  careers  of  the  four  who  became  Duchesses  of  Bouillon,  Mercoeur 
and  Mazarin,  and  Comtesse  de  Soissons,  are  full  of  the  interest  that  attaches  to  all 
memoirs  of  the  remarkable  Court  of  the  young  Louis  XIV;  but  it  is  the  strangely  ro- 
mantic life  of  Marie  Mancini,  Duchess  of  Colonna,  who  came  so  near  to  sharing  the 
throne  of  the  king,  that  is  the  core  of  the  book."  Outlook  (London),  1906. 
Contains  numerous  portraits. 

Willing,  Thomson.  920.7  W75d 

Dames  of  high  degree;  being  portraits  after  English  masters,  with 
decorations  and  biographical  notes.     1896.     Knight. 

Contents:  Her  grace  of  Marlborough. — "My  good  Howard,"  countess  of  Suffolk. — 
Lady  Sarah  Lennox. — Her  grace  of  Gloucester,  countess  Waldegrave. — Her  grace  of 
Cumberland. — "True  Blue  and  Mrs  Crewe." — Her  grace  of  Gordon. — The  margravine 
of  Anspach,  Lady  Craven.  —  "Sweet  lass  of  Richmond  Hill,"  Mrs  Fitzherbert.  —  The 
countess  of  Ashbumham. 

920.8     Impostors 

Stoker,  Bram.  920.8  S87 

Famous  impostors.     1910.    Sturgis. 

Contents:  Pretenders:  Perkin  Warbeck;  The  hidden  king;  Stepban  Mali;  The  false 
dauphins;  Princess  Olive. — Practitioners  of  magic:  Paracelsus;  Cagliostro;  Mesmer. — 
The  wandering  Jew. — John  Law. — Witchcraft  and  clairvoyance:  Witches;  Doctor  Dee; 
La  Voisin;  Sir  Edward  Kelley;  Mother  Damnable;  Matthew  Hopkins. — Arthur  Orton 
(Tichborne  claimant). — Women  as  men. — Hoaxes,  etc. — Chevalier  d'Eon;  The  Bisley  boy. 

920.9     Biography  of  the  blind 

Artman,  William,  &  Hall,  L.  V.  920.9  A79 

Beauties  and  achievements  of  the  blind.     1872     Privately  printed. 
Biographical  sketches  of  blind  authors,  with  a  collection  of  poems  by  blind  poets. 

Mannix,  John  Bernard.  920.9  M33 

Heroes  of  the  darkness.     [191 1.]     Partridge. 

Contents:  Foreword. — Helen  Keller;  a  genius. — Sir  Francis  Joseph  Campbell. — 
Henry  Fawcett.  —  Dr  Armitage ;  practical  philanthropist.  —  Laura  Bridgman  and  her 
teachers. — Frangois  Huber.— Dr  Thomas  Blacklock. — John  Metcalf;  "Blind  Jack"  of 
Knaresborough. — John  Stanley. — Nicholas  Saunderson. — John  Milton. 

922     Religion 

Beach,  Harlan  Page.  922  B34 

Princely  men  in  the  heavenly  kingdom.     1903.    United  Soc.  of  Chris- 
tian Endeavor.     (Forward  mission  study  courses.) 

Contents:  Robert  Morrison,  China's  Protestant  pioneer. — J.  K.  Mackenzie,  "the  be- 
loved physician." — James  Gilmour,  the  apostle  to  the  Mongols. — ^J.  L.  Nevius,  the  Chris- 
tian organizer. — G.  L.  Mackay,  Formosa's  preacher  and  teacher. — Princely  martyrs  of 
China's  spiritual  renaissance. — Appendix:  Bibliography;  Organization  and  leadership; 
Questions  and  hints  on  the  chapters. — Map  of  China. 
"Bibliography,"  P.223-22S. 

Clarke,  Richard  Henry.  r922  C53 

Lives  of  the  deceased  bishops  of  the  Catholic  church  in  the  United 

States.    3v.     1888.     Clarke. 

"The  object  of  the  author  is  to  give  a  summary  of  the  chief  events  in  the  lives  of 


Clarke,  Richard  Henry — continued.  Tg22  C53 

deceased  American  prelates,  and  some  statement  of  their  most  prominent  traits  of  char- 
acter... As  he  writes  more  to  convey  general  information  than  to  make  an  historical 
study . . .  his  tone  is  not  critical ;  indeed  now  and  then  he  seems  to  pass  the  bounds  of 
formal  praise  and  to  be  too  laudatory."     Catholic  world,  1888. 

rg22  C6g 
Collection  of  memorials  concerning  divers  deceased  ministers  and 
others  of  the  people  called  Quakers  in  Pennsylvania,  New-Jersey,  and 
parts  adjacent,  from  nearly  the  first  settlement  thereof  to  the  year 
1787,  with  some  of  the  last  expressions  and  exhortations  of  many  of 
them.     1787.    Crukshank. 

Dawson,  Edwin  Collas.  922  D33 

Heroines  of  missionary  adventure;  true  stories  of  the  intrepid 
bravery  and  patient  endurance  of  missionaries  in  their  encounters  with 
uncivilized  man,  wild  beasts  and  the  forces  of  nature  in  all  parts  of  the 
world.    1909.    Lippincott. 

Contents:  Mrs  Duff.  —  Mrs  Robert  Clark.  —  A.  L.  O.  E.  —  Fanny  Butler.  —  Mary 
Reed. — Irene  Petrie. — Alice  Marvel. — Mrs  Hudson  Taylor  and  Mrs  Polhill. — The  mar- 
tyrs of  Hwa-Sang. — Louisa  Stewart. — Some  Chinese  martyrs. — Mrs  McDougall. — Mrs 
Bowen  Thompson. — Fidelia  Fiske. — Mrs  Krapf. — Anna  Hinderer. — Madame  Coillard. — 
Rebecca  Wakefield. — Mrs  Green. — Mrs  Bishop. —  Mother  Cecile. —  F.  J.  Shaw. —  M.  L. 
Whately. — H.  C.  Hinz. — Mrs  Ridley. — Martha  Croll. — Among  the  "blackfellows"  of 
North  Australia. 

Field,  Claude  Herbert  Alwyn  Faure.  922  F45 

Heroes  of  missionary  enterprise;  true  stories  of  the  intrepid  bravery 
and  stirring  adventures  of  missionaries  with  uncivilised  man,  wild 
beasts  and  the  forces  of  nature  in  all  parts  of  the  world.  1908.  Lippin- 

Fortescue,  Adrian.  922  F79 

The  Greek  Fathers.    1908.    Catholic  Truth  Soc. 

Contents:  St.  Athanasius. — St.  Basil. — St.  Gregory  of  Nazianzos. — St.  John  Chrys- 
ostom. — St.  Cyril  of  Jerusalem. — St.  Cyril  of  Alexandria. — St.  John  of  Damascus. 

"Literature"  at  the  end  of  each  chapter. 

"The  only  object  of  the  book  is  to  give  in  a  small  space,  and  in  English,  a  general 
account  of  what  is  commonly  known  about  these  fathers.  I  have  described  their  lives 
and  adventures  rather  than  their  systems  of  theology."     Preface. 

Fowler,  Henry.  922  F847 

American  pulpit;  sketches,  biographical  and  descriptive,  of  living 
American  preachers  and  of  religious  movements  and  distinctive  ideas 
which  they  represent.     1856.     Fairchild. 

Fowler,  Montague.  922  F84 

Some  notable  archbishops  of  Canterbury.     1895.    Soc.  for  Promoting 

Christian  Knowledge. 

Contents:  Augustine. — Theodore. — Anselm. — Becket. — Chicheley. — Warham. — Cran- 
mer. — Parker. — Laud. — Sancroft. — Howley. — Sumner. — Longley. — Tait. 

George,  Edward  Augustus.  922  G31 

Seventeenth  century  men  of  latitude;  forerunners  of  the  new  the- 
ology.    1908.    Scribner. 

Contents:  Men  of  latitude  in  a  century  of  narrowness. — John  Hales. — William 
Chillingworth. — Benjamin  Whichcote. — John  Smith. —  Henry  More. —  Jeremy  Taylor. — 
Sir  Thomas  Browne. — Richard  Baxter. 


Gorrie,  P.  Douglass.  922  G68 

Lives    of    eminent    Methodist    ministers,    containing    biographical 

sketches,  incidents,  anecdotes,  records  of  travel,  reflections,  &c.     [1852.] 


Contents:     John    Wesley. — Charles    Wesley. — J.    W.    Fletcher. — Joseph    Benson. — 

Thomas   Coke. — Adam   Qarke. — Richard  Watson. — Gideon   Ouseley. — Bishop  Asbury. — 

Bishop  Whatcoat. — ^Jesse  Lee. — Benjamin  Abbott. — Bishop  M'Kendree. — Bishop  George. 

— Bishop  Roberts. — Bishop  Emory. — William  Fisk. — Stephen  Olin. 

Herrick,  Samuel  Edward.  922  H47 

Some  heretics  of  yesterday.     1885.    Houghton. 

Contents:  Taulcr  and  the  mystics. — Wiclif. — Hus. — Savonarola. — Latimer. — Cran- 
mer. — Melancthon. — Knox. — Calvin. — Coligny. — William  Brewster. — Wesley. 

Jennings,  Samuel  Carnahan.  1922  J266 

Recollections    of   useful    persons    and   important   events   within    70 

years.     1884.    Dillon. 

Author  was  a  member  of  the  Pittsburgh  presbytery.     The  book  consists  largely  of 

short  sketches  of  Pennsylvania  Presbyterian  ministers. 

Kelly,  Bernard  William.  922  K17 

Some  great  Catholics  of  church  and  state.     [1908.]     Relfe. 

Contents :  Camoens. — Crashaw. — Sobieski. — Fenelon. — Hay. — Schlegel. — O'Connell. 
— Sheil. — Lingard. — Montalembert. — Rock. — Manzoni. — Moreno. — Brownson. —  Newman. 
— Windthorst. — Manning. — MacMahon. — Patmore. — Killowen. 

Brief  biographical  sketches. 

Le  Grand,  Albert.  qr922  L55 

Les  vies  des  saints  de  la  Bretagne  Armorique;  revu  et  corrige  par 
Guy  Autret,  avec  annotations  par  A.  M.  Thomas  [and  others].     1901. 

M'Clintock,  John,  ed.  qr922  M13 

Sketches  of  eminent  Methodist  ministers.     1854.     Carlton. 
Contents:    John  Wesley. —  William  M'Kendree. —  John  Emory.  —  R.  R.  Roberts. — 
Elijah  Hedding. — John  Fletcher. — Freeborn  Garrettson. — Willbur  Fisk. — George  Picker- 
ing.— Noah  Levings. — Stephen  Olin. — Jabez  Bunting. — The  old  New-England  conference. 

MacGregor,  Mary.  J922  M16 

Stories  of  three  saints,  told  to  the  children.     [1908.]     Jack.     (Told 

to  the  children  series.) 

Contents:     Saint  Francis. — Saint  Columba. — Saint  Cuthbert. 

Maclear,  George  Frederick.  922  M19 

Apostles  of  mediaeval  Europe.     [1869.]     Macmillan. 

Contents:  Introduction. — The  mission  field  of  the  middle  ages. — St.  Patrick. — St. 
Columba. —  St.  Columbanus.  —  St.  Eligius.  —  St.  Augustine  of  Canterbury.  —  St.  Willi- 
brord. — St.  Boniface. — Gregory  of  Utrecht;  Sturmi  of  Fulda;  Lebuin;  Liudger. — St. 
Anskar. — Olaf  Tryggveson  and  Olaf  the  saint. — St.  Cyril  and  Methodius. — Bishop  Otho, 
the  apostle  of  Pomerania.  —  St.  Vicelin,  bishop  of  Oldenburg.  —  Meinhard,  bishop  of 
Yxhull. — The  martyr  Adalbert  of  Prussia. — Raymund  Lull. — Retrospect  and  reflections. 

Mannix,  Mary  Ella.  922  M33 

Patron  saints  for  Catholic  youth.    3v.    1905-07.    Benziger. 

v.i.  St.  Joseph. — St.  Aloysius. — St.  Anthony. — St.  Philip  Neri. — St.  Anne. — St. 
Agnes. — St.  Teresa. — St.  Rose  of  Lima. 

V.2.  St.  Bernard.— St.  Martin  of  Tours. — St.  Blase. — St.  Michael. — St.  Cecilia.— 
St.  Helena. — St.  Monica. — St.  Bridget. 

V.3.  St.  Francis  Xavier. — St.  Patrick. — St.  Louis. — St.  Charles. — St.  Catharine. — 
St.  Elizabeth.— St.  Margaret.— St.  Clare. 


Perry,  William  Stevens.  qrg22  P44 

Bishops  of  the  American  church,  past  and  present;  sketches,  bio- 
graphical and  bibliographical,  of  the  bishops  of  the  American  church, 
with  a  preliminary  essay  on  the  historic  episcopate  and  documentary 
annals  of  the  introduction  of  the  Anglican  line  of  succession  into  Amer- 
ica.    1897.     Christian  Literature  Co. 

Pierson,  Hamilton  Wilcox,  ed.  922  P57 

American  missionary  memorial;  including  biographical  and  histori- 
cal sketches.     1853.     Harper. 

Contents:  Origin  of  American  foreign  missions,  by  S.  M.  Worcester. — Ordination 
of  the  first  American  foreign  missionaries,  by  A.  D.  Smith. — Gordon  Hall,  by  Bennet 
Tyler. — James  Richards,  by  B.  C.  Meigs. — Mrs  Harriet  Newell,  by  Aaron  Warner. — 
Adoniram  Judson,  Mrs  Ann  Hasseltine  Judson,  Mrs  Sarah  Boardman  Judson,  by  S.  S. 
Cutting. — Grover  S.  Comstock,  by  Pharcellus  Church. — Mrs  Sarah  D.  Comstock,  by  S.  F. 
Smith. — Mrs  Harriet  L.  Winslow,  by  W.  A.  Hallock. — James  McEwen,  by  John  Burtt. — 
Mrs  Catherine  H.  Scudder,  by  M.  S.  Hutton. — Pliny  Fisk,  by  Alvan  Bond. — Levi  Par- 
sons, by  M.  P.  Squier. — Mrs  Sarah  L.  Smith,  by  E.  W.  Hooker. — Daniel  Temple,  by 
William  Goodell. — Azariah  Smith,  by  George  Duf field,  jr. — David  Abeel,  by  T.  E.  Ver- 
milye. — Frederick  B.  Thomson,  by  A.  V.  Wyckoff. — Samuel  Munson  and  Henry  Lyman, 
by  G.  B.  Cheever. — Walter  M.  Lowrie,  by  R.  W.  Dickinson. — Mrs  Jane  Isabel  White, 
by  M.  J.  Hickok. — Melville  B.  Cox,  by  W.  1^.  Strickland. — Launcelot  B.  Minor,  by  C. 
M.  Butler. — William  B.  Williams,  by  George  Peck. — G.  W.  Simpson  and  Mrs  Eliza  P. 
Simpson,  by  J.  M.  Macdonald. 

[Podbielski,  Bronistaw.]  922  P73a 

Wieniec  liliowy;  czyli,  Zbior  zywotow  swi^tych,  bJogoslawionych  i 
swi^tobliwych  dziewic.    2v.  in  i.     1902-03. 

Shea,  John  Gilmary,  ed.  922  S53 

Pictorial  lives  of  the  saints,  with  reflections  for  every  day  in  the 
year,  compiled  from  "Butler's  Lives"  and  other  approved  sources. 
1887.    Benziger. 

Shelton,  Don  Odell.  922  S54 

Heroes  of  the  cross  in  America.  1904.  Young  People's  Missionary 
Movement.     (Forward  mission  study  courses.) 

Contents:  David  Brainerd. — J.  M.  Peck. — Marcus  Whitman. —  J«  L.  Dyer. —  Joseph 
Ward. — America's  greatest  need.  —  Appendix:  Bibliography;  The  organization  and 
leadership  of  mission  study  classes. 

References  at  the  end  of  each  chapter. 

"Bibliography,"  p.289-293. 

Sketches  of  the  lives  and  experiences  of  these  missionaries,  each  of  them  represent- 
ing a  different  section  of  the  country  and  a  typical  work. 

Smith,  Lucius  Edwin,  ed.  922  S65 

Heroes  and  martyrs  of  the  modern  missionary  enterprise;  a  record 
of  their  lives  and  labors,  including  an  historical  review  of  earlier  mis- 
sions, with  an  introduction  by  W.  B.  Sprague.     1852.    Brockett. 

Contents:  A  view  of  earlier  missionary  enterprises. — William  Carey. — John  Cham- 
berlain.— Henry  Martyn. — Gordon  Hall. — Samuel  Newell. — H.  W.  Fox. — Thomas  Coke. 
—  Adoniram  Judson. —  G.  D.  Boardman. —  Robert  Morrison. —  William  Milne. —  W.  M. 
Lowrie. —  David  Abeel. —  Munson  and  Lyman. —  J.  T.  Vanderkemp. —  W.  G.  Crocker. — '■ 
Lott  Cary. — M.  B.  Cox. — Pliny  Fisk. — Levi  Parsons. — Asahel  Grant. — John  Williams. — 
William  Richards. — Ard  Hoyt. — Cyrus  Shepard. — W.  H.  Hewitson. — G.  S.  Comstock. — 
James  Richards. 

Binder's  title  reads  "Missionary  heroes  and  martyrs." 


Stephen,  Sir  James,  178^-1859.  922  S82 

Essays  in  ecclesiastical  biography.     2v.     1853.     Longman,  Brown. 
V.I.     Hildebrand. — Saint   Francis  of  Assist. — The   founders   of  Jesuitism. — Martin 

Luther. — The  French  Benedictines. — The  Port-Royalists. 

V.2.     Richard  Baxter.  —  The  evangelical  succession.  —  William  Wilberforce.  —  The 

Clapham  sect. — The  historian  of  enthusiasm. — The  epilogue. 

Thomas  a  Kempis.  922  T37 

Founders  of  the  New  devotion;  being  the  lives  of  Gerard  Groote, 
Florentius  Radewin  and  their  followers;  tr.  into  English  by  J.  P.  Ar- 
thur.    1905.     Paul. 

The  New  devotion  was  the  name  given  to  the  religious  movement  started  in  Holland 
in  the  latter  half  of  the  14th  century  by  Gerard  Groot.  Societies  known  as  Brethren  of 
the  Common  Life  were  formed  and  monasteries  founded.  Lubert  Berner  and  John 
Cacabus  are  among  the  followers  of  whom  some  account  is  here  given. 

UUmann,  Karl.  922  U23 

Reformers  before  the  reformation,  principally  in  Germany  and  the 

Netherlands;  the  translation  by  Robert  Menzies.    2v.     1874-77.     Clark. 
V.I.     John  of  Goch. — ^John  of  Wesel. 
v.  2.     The  Brethren  of  the  Common  Lot  and  the  German  mystics. — ^John  Wessel. 

Visu  metu  gyvenimai  szventuju.    6v.  in  2.    1904-06.  922  V35 

Walker,  Patrick.  r922  W17 

Six  saints  of  the  Covenant:  Peden,  Semple,  Welwood,  Cameron, 
Cargill,  Smith;  ed.  with  illustrative  documents,  introduction,  notes  and 
a  glossary  by  D.  H.  Fleming  and  a  foreword  by  S.  R.  Crockett.  2v. 
1901.     Dodd. 

V.I.  Alexander  Peden's  life. — Short  relation  of  the  defections  in  1685. — Alexander 
Peden's  letter  to  prisoners  in  Dunnottar. — Alexander  Peden's  notes  on  the  covenant  of 
redemption. — Additional  passages. — Postscript. — John  Semple's  life. — Postscript. — James 
Welwood's  letter. — John  Welwood's  life. — Richard  Cameron's  life. — Vindication  of 
Cameron's  name. 

V.2.  Daniel,  or  Donald,  Cargill's  life. — Walter  Smith's  life. — Walter  Smith's  Steps 
of  defection. — Walter  Smith's  Rules  for  meetings. — Walter  Smith's  letter  »to  Janet 
Fimerton. — Postscript:  John  Semple;  Alexander  Peden;  John  Welwood;  Richard  Cam- 
eron; Grievance  at  the  Revolution. — Notes  to  Peden's  life. — Notes  to  Semple,  Welwood 
and  Cameron. — Notes  to  Vindication  of  Cameron's  name. — Notes  to  Cargill  and  Smith. 
— Illustrative  documents:  A  joint-testimony,  1684;  Earlston's  release,  1689;  Ransom  of 
banished  Covenanters,  1689;  A  widow's  petition,  1689;  Petition  of  Alexander  Sheilds 
and  others,  1689. — The  prisoners'  protest,  1693;  Alexander  Sheilds's  letter  to  his 
mother,   1700;  Andrew  Clarkson  and  Patrick  Walker,   1737. 

"List  of  editions  of  Walker's  works  examined,"  v.2,  p.237-240. 

Wallace,  Robert,  1791-1850.  922  W17 

Antitrinitarian  biography;  or.  Sketches  of  the  lives  and  writings  of 
distinguished  antitrinitarians,  exhibiting  a  view  of  the  state  of  the 
Unitarian  doctrine  and  worship  in  the  principal  nations  of  Europe  from 
the  reformation  to  the  close  of  the  17th  century,  to  which  is  prefixed 
a  history  of  Unitarianism  in  England  during  the  same  period.  3v. 
1850.    Whitfield. 

Ware,  William,  ed.  922  W22 

American  Unitarian  biography;  memoirs  of  individuals  who  have 
been  distinguished  by  their  writings,  character  and  efforts  in  the  cause 
of  liberal  Christianity.    2v.     1850-51.     Munroe. 

V.I.  Memoir  of  Noah  Worcester,  by  Henry  Ware. — ^John  Prince,  by  C.  W.  Upham. 
— Ezra  Ripley,  by  Barzillai  Frost. — James  Freeman,  by  F.  W.  P.  Greenwood. — Eliphalet 


Ware,  William,  ed. — continued.  922  W2a 

Porter,  by  George  Putnam. — Aaron  Bancroft,  by  Alonzo  Hill. — ^Joseph  Mottey,  by  David 
Damon. — John  Allyn,  by  Convers  Francis. — Henry  Ware,  by  J.  G.  Palfrey. — T.  M.  Har- 
ris, by  Nathaniel  Hall. — J.  T.  Kirkland,  by  Alexander  Young. — Nathaniel  Thayer,  by 
Alonzo  Hill. — Abiel  Abbot,  by  Stevens  Everett. 

V.2.  Memoir  of  John  Pierce,  by  T.  B.  Fox. — Character  of  Dr  Pierce  from  the 
"Christian  examiner,"  by  George  Putnam. — Memoir  of  Joseph  Tuckerman,  by  Mary 
Carpenter. — W.  E.  Channing,  by  W.  H.  Furness. — Joseph  Story,  by  William  Newell. — 
J.  S.  Buckminster,  by  S.  C.  Thacher. — Character  of  Buckminster  from  the  "General 
repository  and  review,"  by  Andrews  Norton. — Memoir  of  Levi  Frisbie,  by  Andrews 
Norton. — Nathan  Parker,  by  Henry  Ware. — S.  C.  Thacher,  by  F.  W.  P.  Greenwood. — 
Anthony  Forster,  by  M.  L.  Hurlbut. — John  Bartlett,  by  C.  T.  Thayer. — Samuel  Howe,  by 
Edward  Hall. 

Williams,  Robert  Folkestone.  922  W74 

Lives  of  the  English  cardinals,  including  historical  notices  of  the 
papal  court  from  Nicholas  Breakspear  (Pope  Adrian  IV)  to  Thomas 
Wolsey,  cardinal  legate.    2v.     1868.    Allen. 

Wilson,  Rev.  William.  922  W77 

Popular  preachers  of  the  ancient  church;  their  lives,  their  manner 
and  their  work.     [1859.]     Hogg. 

Contents:  The  Christian  philanthropist,  Cyprian  of  Carthage. — The  faithful  minister, 
Ambrose  of  Milan. — The  homely  preacher,  Augustine  of  Hippo. — The  fearless  bishop, 
Basil  the  Great. — The  genial  theologian,  Gregory  Nazianzen. — The  "golden-mouthed" 
orator,  Chrysostom  of  Byzantium. — Passages  from  Cyprian;  Ambrose;  Augustine;  Basil; 
Gregory  Nazianzen;  Chrysostom. 

923     Sociology 

Boutwell,  George  Sewall.  923  B65 

The  lawyer,  the  statesman  and  the  soldier.     1887.     Appleton. 
Contents:     Rufus  Choate,  the  lawyer.— rDaniel  Webster,  the  statesman. — President 

Lincoln,  the  statesman  and  liberator. — General  Grant,  the  soldier  and  statesman. 

Gibbins,  Henry  de  Bettgens.  923  G35 

English  social  reformers.    1902.    Methuen. 

Contents:  The  reformers  of  the  14th  century  (William  Langland  and  John  Ball). 
—  Sir  Thomas  More.  —  Wesley  and  Wilberf orce.  —  The  factory  reformers :  Richard 
Oastler;  Lord  Shaftesbury;  Robert  Owen. — Charles  Kingsley  and  the  Christian  social- 
ists.— Carlyle  and  Ruskin. — Retrospect. 

"Notes  on  authorities,"  at  the  end  of  every  section. 

"The  object  of  these  few  sketches  is  to  elucidate  the  chief  influences  for  social  and 
industrial  reform  that  have  been  active  in  England  in  the  past,  and,  in  one  or  two  cases, 
to  show  their  relation  to  problems  of  the  present.  In  writing  of  the  men  from  whom 
these  influences  proceeded,  I  have  tried  to  let  them,  where  possible,  speak  for  them- 
selves."    Preface. 

Gilliat,  Edward.  923  G41 

Heroes  of  modern  crusades;  true  stories  of  the  undaunted  chivalry 
of  champions  of  the  down-trodden  in  many  lands.     1909.    Lippincott. 

Contents:  The  crusade  against  slavery. — The  waste  of  human  life. — The  end  of  the 
British  slave-trade. — American  slavery. — Abraham  Lincoln. — St.  Vincent  de  Paul. — John 
Howard  and  prisons. — Oberlin  in  Alsace. — Sir  Samuel  Romilly. — Temperance  crusades. — 
Father  Mathew. — Lord  Shaftesbury  and  the  poor. — General  Gordon  and  "his  kings." — 
Sir  George  Williams  and  the  Y.  M.  C.  A. — The  Polytechnic  and  Quintin  Hogg. — Dr 
Grenfell  and  the  deep  sea. — Dr  Grenfell  and  the  coming  of  the  reindeer. — Dr  Barnardo. 


Gotti,  Aurelio.  q923  G72 

Italiani  del  secole  19,  con  prefazione  di  P.  T.  Mattiucci.    191 1. 

Contents:  Gino  Capponi. — Massimo  d'Azeglio. — Camillo  Cavour. — Bettino  Ricasoli. 
— Vittorio  Emanuele  e  Giuseppe  Garibaldi. — Ubaldino  Peruzzi  e  Bettino  Ricasoli. — Marco 
Tabarrini. — Cosimo  Ridolfi. —  Umberto  I. —  Giovanni  Prati. —  Vincenzo  Ricasoli. —  Gio- 
vacchino  Taddei. — Giovanni  Arrivabene. — Giuseppe  Pasolini. — A.  R.  Serbati  vicino  al 
Papa  Pio  IX. — Alfonso  La  Marmora. — Giovanni  Mestica. — Giuseppe  Rigutini  e  Policarpo 
Petrocchi. — Vittorio  Bacci. — Emilio  de  Fabris. 

"Aurelio  Grotti,"  by  P.  T.  Mattiucci,  p.7-33. 

Harper,  William  Rainey,  ed.  J923  H28 

Leaders  of  men.  1902.  Hall  &  Locke.  (Young  folks'  library,  new 
ser.  V.19.) 

Contents:  Moses,  by  A.  P.  Stanley. — Lycurgus,  by  Plutarch. — Alexander  the  Great, 
by  J.  H.  Gurney. — Pericles,  by  Plutarch. — The  murder  of  Julius  Czsar,  by  J.  A.  Froude. 
— Charlemagne,  by  A.  H.  Stirling. — Alfred  the  Great,  by  G.  F.  Bosworth. — Mahomet, 
the  prophet  of  Islam,  by  Washington  Irving. — Peter  the  Great,  Frederick  the  Great,  by 
A.  H.  Stirling. — William  the  Silent,  by  J.  L.  Motley. — The  character  of  Washington, 
by  Gen.  Henry  Lee. — Lord  Clive,  by  Sir  Charles  Wilson. — Nelson,  by  Thomas  Carlyle. 
—  The  duke  of  Wellington,  by  Lord  Roberts.  —  The  fall  of  Napoleon,  by  Viscount 
Wolseley. — U.  S.  Grant,  by  Matthew  Arnold. — R.  E.  Lee,  by  Gen.  Wade  Hampton. — 
Abraham  Lincoln,  by  J.  H.  Choate. 

Hubbard,  Elbert.  923  H87 

Little  journeys  to  the  homes  of  great  reformers.     2v.  in  i.     1907. 


Contents:    John  Wesley. — Henry  George. —  Garibaldi. —  Richard  Cobden.— Thomas 

Paine. — John  Knox. — John  Bright. —  [Charles]   Bradlaugh. —  Theodore  Parker. —  Oliver 

Cromwell. — Anne  Hutchinson. — J.  J.  Rousseau. 

Lamed,  Josephus  Nelson.  923  L32 

A  study  of  greatness  in  men.     191 1.     Houghton. 

Contents:  What  goes  into  the  making  of  a  great  man? — Napoleon,  a  prodigy  with- 
out greatness. — Cromwell,  imperfect  in  greatness. — Washington,  impressive  in  greatness. 
— Lincoln,  simplest  in  greatness. 

Martinengo-Cesaresco,  Evelyn  (Carrington),  contessa.  923  M431 

Patriotti  italiani;  ritratti.     [1898.] 

Contents:  Bettino  Ricasoli. —  Luigi  Settembrini. —  Giuseppe  Martinengo. —  Daniele 
Manin.— I  Poerio. — Costanza  d'Azeglio. — Goffredo  Mameli. — Ugo  Bassi. — Nino  Bixio. — 
I  Cairoli. 

Martini,  Luigi.  923  M43 

I  martiri  di  Belfiore;  pagine  di  Luigi  Martini  scelte  e  ordinate  da 
Guido  Mazzoni.     1904. 
Steffens,  Lincoln.  923  S81 

Upbuilders.     1909.    Doubleday. 

Contents:  Mark  Fagan,  mayor. — Everett  Colby,  "the  gentleman  from  Essex." — 
Ben  Lindsey,  the  just  judge. — Rudolph  Spreckeb,  a  business  reformer. — W.  S.  U'Ren, 
the  law-giver. 

Sketches  of  practical  reformers. 

Wilcox,  William  Craig.  r923  W71 

Six  makers  of  America  [George  Washington,  James  Madison,  Alex- 
ander Hamilton,  Thomas  Jefferson,  John  Marshall  and  Abraham  Lin- 
coln] ;  syllabus  of  six  lectures.    University  of  Iowa. 
Wilcox,  William  Craig.  r923  W71S 

Six  uncrowned  rulers  of  modern  Europe  [Danton,  Talleyrand,  Met- 
ternich,  Cavour,  Bismarck,  Gladstone] ;  syllabus  of  six  lectures.  Uni- 
versity of  Iowa. 


Wilcox,  William  Craig.  rgaa  Wyisi 

Six  unelected  presidents  of  the  United  States  [Henry  Clay,  Daniel 
Webster,  Stephen  A.  Douglas,  Horace  Greeley,  Samuel  J.  Tilden,  James 
G.  Blaine] ;  syllabus  of  six  lectures.    University  of  Iowa. 

Chief  rulers 
Benkard,  J.  B.  rg23.i  B43 

Historical  sketch  of  the  German  emperors  and  kings;  an  explana- 
tory text  for  the  representations  of  the  Imperial-hall;  tr.  from  the 
German  by  F.  Haas.    1855. 

The  Kaisersaal,  containing  the  royal  portraits,  is  in  the  city  hall  of  Frankfort-on-the- 
Main.     Illustrated. 

Bidwell,  Walter  Hilliard,  ed.  qrg23.i  B47 

Imperial  courts  of  France,  England,  Russia,  Prussia,  Sardinia  and 
Austria,  richly  illustrated  with  portraits  of  imperial  sovereigns  and 
their  cabinet  ministers,  with  biographical  sketches,  and  an  introduction 
by  W.  C.  Bryant.    1864.    Privately  printed. 

Bush,  Mrs  Annie  Forbes.  rg23.i  Bg6 

Memoirs  of  the  queens  of  France.    2v.     1847.     Carey. 

From  Queen  Basine,  the  wife  of  Childeric  I,  a  Frankish  king  of  the  sth  century, 
to  Marie  Amelie,  the  queen  consort  of  Louis  Philippe. 

Butler,  Joseph  G.  jr.  qrg23.i  B97 

Presidents  I  have  seen  and  known,  Lincoln  to  Taft.  1910.  Penton 

Contents:  Abraham  Lincoln. —  Andrew  Johnson. —  U.  S.  Grant. —  R.  B.  Hayes. — 
J.  A.  Garfield. — C.  A.  Arthur. — Grover  Qeveland. — Benjamin  Harrison. — ^William  Mc- 
Kinley. — Theodore  Roosevelt. — W.  H.  Taft. — A  day  in  Washington's  country. 

Crook,  William  Henry.  g23.i  C8g 

Through  five  administrations;  reminiscences  of  Col.  W.  H.  Crook; 
comp.  and  ed.  by  M.  S.  Gerry.     1910.     Harper. 

Contents:  Lincoln  as  I  knew  him. — The  White  house  family  and  other  people. — 
The  entrance  into  Richmond. — A  new  phase  of  the  assassination. — Andrew  Johnson  in 
the  White  house. — Dissension  with  the  radicals. — The  impeachment. — After  the  impeach- 
ment.— White  house  under  U.  S.  Grant. — Family  life  of  the  Grants. — Political  dissen- 
sion.— R.  B.  Hayes  in  the  White  house. — Social  life  in  the  Hayes  administration. — Gar- 
field and  Arthur. 

Intimate  reminiscences  of  an  official  who  was  body-guard  to  President  Lincoln.  He 
is  still  (1910)  at  the  White  house  after  45  years  of  continuous  service. 

Duyckinck,  Evert  Augustus.  qrg23.i  Dg6 

Lives  and  portraits  of  the  presidents  of  the  United  States,  from 
Washington  to  Arthur;  the  biographies  by  E.  A.  Duyckinck  and  the 
portraits  by  Alonzo  Chappel.     1881.    Johnson. 

Gould,  Sabine  Baring-.  4933*1  ^173 

Tragedy  of  the  Caesars;  a  study  of  the  Caesars  of  the  Julian  and 
Claudian  houses.    2v.     1893.    Scribner. 


Hall,  Mrs  Matthew.  923-1  H17 

Queens  before  the  conquest.    2v.     1854.     Hurst. 

v.i.  Cartismandua. — Boadicea  "the  warlike." — Gwenissa  the  fair. — Julia  "Domina." 
— Victoria,  Viturgia  and  Hunila. — St.  Helena. — Cartandis. — Helena  ap  Eudda. — Rowena. 
— Guenever  1. — Guenever  II. — Guenever  III. — Bertha. — Ethelburga  "the  silent"  and 
Enfleda. — St.  Ebba,  Quenburga,  surnamed  "Bebba"  and  Saxburga. 

V.2.  Ostrida  and  Werburga. — Quenburga,  Quenswitha  and  Alfleda. — Hereswytha, 
Sexburga,  Etheldreda,  Ermenburga  and  Ermenilda. — Domneva. — Ethelburga  and  Frido- 
githa. — ^uendrida-Petronilla. — Eadburga;  Elfleda. — Quendrida  II. — Osburga  and  Ethel- 
swytha. — Judith  of  France. — Elswitha,  queen  of  Alfred  the  Great  and  Ethelfleda,  "lady 
of  Mercia." — Egwina,  Elfleda,  Edgifa  and  Elfgifa. — Ethelgiva. — Elfrida. — Emma  of 
Normandy. — Editha  "the  good." — Editha  "the  fair." 

Hume,  Martin  Andrew  Sharp.  923«i  H92 

Queens  of  old  Spain.    1906.    Richards. 

Contents:  Isabel  the  Catholic.  —  Joan  the  Mad.  —  Mary  of  England.  —  Isabel  of 
Valois. — Isabel  of  Bourbon. — Mariana  of  Austria. — Marie  Louise  of  Orleans. — Mariana 
of  Neuburg. — Epilogue. 

Lancelott,  Francis.  923.1  L21 

Queens  of  England  and  their  times,  from  Matilda,  queen  of  William 
the  Conqueror,  to  Adelaide,  queen  of  William  the  Fourth.  2v.  1894. 

V.I.  Matilda  of  Flanders. — Matilda  Atheling. — Adelicia  of  Louvaine. — Matilda  of 
Boulogne. — Eleonora  of  Aquitaine. — Berengaria  of  Navarre. — Isabella  of  Angouleme.— 
Eleonora  of  Provence. — Eleonora  of  Castile. — Margaret  of  France. — Isabella  of  France. 
— Philippa  of  Hainault. — Anne  of  Bohemia. — Isabella  of  Valois. — Joanna  of  Navarre. — 
Katherine  of  France. — Margaret  of  Anjou. — Elizabeth  Woodville. — Anne  of  Neville. — 
Elizabeth  of  York. — Katherine  of  Arragon. — Anne  Boleyn. — Jane  Seymour. — Anne  of 
Cleves. — Katherine  Howard. — Katherine   Parr. — Mary. 

V.2.  Elizabeth. — Anne  of  Denmark. — Henrietta  Maria. — Katherine  of  Braganza. — 
Maria  Beatrix. — Mary  the  Second. — Anne. — Caroline  of  Brandenberg  Anspach. — Char- 
lotte of  Mecklenberg-Strelitz. — Caroline  of  Brunswick. — Adelaide  of  Saxe-Meiningen. 

Short  anecdotal  biographies,  similar  to  Strickland's  "Queens  of  England,"  but  more 
condensed.    First  published  about  1855.     Portraits. 

Lane,  Henry  Murray.  qr923.i  L33 

Royal  daughters  of  England  and  their  representatives,  with  genea- 
logical tables  of  the  royal  family  from  the  conquest  to  the  present  time 
[1910].    2v.    1910-11.    Constable. 

Deals  with  no  fewer  than  177  princesses,  presenting  a  summary  of  what  is  known 
of  each,  with  careful  notes  of  authorities.  Sixty-four  of  the  royal  ladies  mentioned  have 
living  descendants,  and  a  table  is  appended  showing  the  present  representatives  of  each. 
Includes  77  pedigrees  and  an  exhaustive  index. 

Lossing,  Benson  John.  r923.i  L91 

Lives  of  the  presidents  of  the  United  States;  embracing  a  brief  his- 
tory of  the  principal  events  of  their  respective  administrations.  1847. 

Lynam,  Robert.  1:923.1  L99 

History  of  the  Roman  emperors  from  Augustus  to  the  death  of 
Marcus  Antoninus;  ed.  by  J.T.White.    2v.     1850.     Simpkin. 

v. I.  Cxsar  Octavianus  Augustus.  —  Tiberius.  —  Caius  Julius  Caesar  Germanicus 
Caligula. — Qaudius. — Nero. 

v.2.  Galba. — Otho. — Vitellius. — Titus  Flavius  Sabinus  Vespasianus. — Titus. — Domi- 
tian. — Nerva. — Trajan. — Hadrian. — Titus  Antoninus. — The  emperors  Marcus  Antoninus 
Philosophus  and  Lucius  Verus. 


[Owen,  Mrs  Marguerite  (du  Plantz)  Cunliffe-.]  923.1  O34 

Within  royal  palaces;  a  brilliant  and  charmingly  written  inner  life 
view  of  emperors,  kings,  queens,  princes  and  princesses;  written  from 
a  personal  knowledge  of  scenes  behind  the  thrones  by  the  marquise  de 
Fontenoy.     1893.     Edgewood  Pub.  Co. 

Patmore,  K,  A.  923.1  Pag 

The  seven  Edwards  of  England.     [1911.]     Methuen. 

"Author's  design  is  to  give,  within  certain  prescribed  limits,  some  account  of  the 
personal  and  family  affairs  of  the  Edward  Kings  of  England,  and  of  the  minor  details 
of  their  daily  lives.  The  late  King  Edward  VII  has  a  specially  intimate  memoir."  Out- 
look  (.London),  igii. 

Peake,  Elizabeth.  923.1  P34 

History  of  the  German  emperors  and  their  contemporaries;  tr.  from 
the  German  and  compiled  from  authentic  sources.     1874.    Lippincott. 

Sang^acomo,  Olivieri.  923.1  S22 

I  reali  d'ltalia.    1902. 

Strickland,  Agnes.  923.1  S91I 

Lives  of  the  queens  of  Scotland  and  English  princesses  connected 
with  the  regal  succession  of  Great  Britain.    8v.     Harper.     1859-73. 

V.I.  Life  of  Margaret  Tudor,  queen  of  James  IV. — Life  of  Magdalene  of  France, 
first  queen  of  James  V. — Life  of  Mary  of  Lorraine,  second  queen  of  James  V. 

V.2.  Life  of  Mary  of  Lorraine  (continued). — Life  of  the  Lady  Margaret  Douglas, 
countess  of  Lennox. 

v.3-7.     Mary  Stuart. 

V.8.     Elizabeth  Stuart. — Sophia,  electress  of  Hanover. 

Upton,  Mrs  Harriet  Taylor.  ^923.1  U26 

Our  early  presidents,  their  wives  and  children,  from  Washington  to 
Jackson.    1890.    Lothrop. 

Williams,  Edwin.  r923.i  W74 

Presidents  of  the  United  States;  their  memoirs  and  administrations, 
including  an  account  of  the  inauguration  of  each  president  and  a  history 
of  the  political  events  of  his  administration  and  the  transactions  of 
Congress  at  each  session.     1849.    Walker. 

Political  science.     Statesmen 

Atlay,  James  Beresford.  923.2  A88 

Victorian  chancellors.    2v.    1906-08.    Smith. 

V.I.     Lord  Lyndhurst. — Lord  Brougham. — Lord  Cottenham. — Lord  Truro. 

V.2.  Lord  St.  Leonards. — Lord  Cranworth. — Lord  Chelmsford. — Lord  Campbell. — 
Lord  Westbury. — Lord  Cairns. — Lord  Hatherley. — Lord  Selborne. — Lord  Halsbury  and 
Lord  Herschell. 

Dalling  and  Bulwer,  Henry  Lytton  Earle  Bulwer,  baron.  923.2  D16 

Historical  characters.     1900.     Macmillan. 

Contents:     Talleyrand. — Mackintosh. — Cobbett. — Canning. — Peel. 

Biographical  sketches  containing  many  entertaining  anecdotes  and  acute  observa- 
tions. Author  (1801-72)  was  an  English  diplomat,  serving  at  Paris,  Florence,  Washing- 
ton and  Constantinople. 


Davidson,  John  Morrison.  923.2  D29 

Eminent  English  liberals  in  and  out  of  Parliament.     1880.     Osgood. 

Contents:  Eminent  liberals  in  Parliament:  W.  E.  Gladstone. — John  Bright. — 
P.  A.  Taylor. — Sir  C.  W.  Dilke. — Joseph  Cowen. — Sir  Wilfrid  Lawson. — Henry  Faw- 
cett. — Joseph  Chamberlain. — Thomas  Burt. — Henry  Richard. — L.  H.  Courtney. — A.  J. 
Mundella. — Charles  Bradlaugh. — Eminent  liberals  out  or  Parliament:  John  Morley. 
— R.  W.  Dale. — ^Joseph  Arch. — E.  S.  Beesly. — C.  H.  Spurgeon. — ^James  Beal. — M.  D. 
Conway. — ^J.  A.  Picton. — F.  A.  Maxse. — Hon.  Auberon  Herbert. — E.  A.   Freeman. 

Dwight,  Nathaniel.  r923.2  D97 

Lives  of  the  signers  of  the  Declaration  of  independence.  1851. 

Ewald,  Alexander  Charles.  923.2  EI96 

Representative  statesmen;  political  studies.    2v.    1879.    Chapman. 

V.I.  Strafford,  the  despotic  minister. — Halifax,  the  moderate  minister. — Sir  Robert 
Walpole,  the  minister  of  peace. — Chatham,  the  minister  of  war. — William  Pitt,  the  dis- 
interested minister. 

V.2.  Lord  Eldon,  the  deliberative  minister. — Channing,  the  brilliant  minister. — 
The  duke  of  Wellington,  the  conscientious  minister. — Sir  Robert  Peel,  the  minister  of 
expediency. — Palmerston,  the  English  minister. 

Forster,  John.  1^2^.2  F78 

Statesmen  of  the  commonwealth  of  England,  with  a  treatise  on  the 

popular  progress  in  English  history;  ed.  by  J.  O.  Choules.    1846.    Harper. 

Contents:     Sir  John  Eliot. — Thomas  Wentworth,  earl  of  Strafford. — John  Pym. — 

John  Hampden. — Sir  Henry  Vane,  the  younger. — Henry  Marten. — Oliver  Cromwell. 

The  same.  (In  Forster,  John,  and  others.  Eminent  British  states- 
men.    1831.     v.2-4,  6-7.) 923.2  F78 

Francis,  George  Henry.  923.2  F86 

Orators  of  the  age;  comprising  portraits,  critical,  biographical  and 
descriptive.     1847.     Harper. 

Contents:  Sir  Robert  Peel. — Lord  John  Russell. — The  duke  of  Wellington. — T.  B. 
Macaulay. — Lord  Stanley. — Lord  Palmerston. — Lord  Lyndhurst. — Earl  Grey. — Sir  James 
Graham. — Lord  Morpeth. — The  duke  of  Buckingham. — Earl  of  Radnor. — The  dtJce  of 
Richmond. — Mr  Bright. — Mr  Shell. — Lord  George  Bentinck. — Mr  Villiers. — T.  M.  Gib- 
son.—  Mr  Wakley. —  Dr  Bowring. —  T.  S.  Buncombe. —  Mr  Wyse. —  Mr  Hawes. —  Mr 
Ward. — Mr  Roebuck. — Sir  Thomas  Wilde. — Lord  Sandon. — Hugh  M'Neile. 

Harsha,  David  Addison.  r923.2  H3X 

The  most  eminent  orators  and  statesmen  of  ancient  and  modern 
times,  containing  sketches  of  their  lives,  specimens  of  their  eloquence 
and  an  estimate  of  their  genius.     1854.    Porter. 

Contents:  Demosthenes. — Cicero. — Lord  Chatham. — Edmund  Burke. — Henry  Grat- 
tan. — C.  J.  Fox. — Lord  Erskine. — J.  P.  Curran. — R.  B.  Sheridan. — William  Pitt — <5eorge 
Canning. — Lord  Brougham. — Patrick  Henry. — Fisher  Ames. — Henry  Clay. — J.  C.  Cal- 
houn.— Daniel  Webster. — Edward  Everett. 

Hasrward,  Abraham.  923.2  H37 

Sketches  of  eminent  statesmen  and  writers,  with  other  essays.  2v. 
1880.    Murray. 

V.I.  Thiers.  —  Prince  Bismarck. —  Count  Cavour. —  Prince  Metternich. —  Charles, 
comte  de  Montalembert. — Lord  Melbourne. — The  marquess  Wellesley. 

V.2.  Madame  de  Sevigne. — Saint-Simon. — Madame  du  Deffand  and  her  cor- 
respondents.— Holland  house. — Strawberry  hill. — Byron  and  Tennyson. — The  republic 
of  Venice;  its  rise,  decline  and  fall. 

Herringshaw,  Thomas  William,  comp.  r923.2  H47 

Herringshaw's  American  statesman  and  public  official  year-book, 
1907/08.     1907.     Amer.  Publishers'  Assoc. 


Hinton,  Richard  Josiah.  923.2  H57 

English  radical  leaders.  1875.  Putnam.  (Brief  biographies  of 
European  public  men.) 

Contents:  The  independent  members. — The  labor  agitation  and  its  friends. — Parlia- 
mentary agitators. — Popular  leaders. 

Holland,  Rupert  Sargent.  923,2  H72 

Builders  of  united  Italy.    1908.    Holt. 

Contents:  Alfieri,  the  poet. — Manzoni,  the  man  of  letters. — Gioberti,  the  philoso- 
pher.— Manin,  the  "Father  of  Venice." — Mazzini,  the  prophet. — Cavour,  the  statesman. 
— Garibaldi,  the  crusader. — Victor  Emmanuel,  the  king. 

Howard,  George  Elliott.  rg23.2  H84 

Biography  of  American  statesmanship;  an  analytical  reference  sylla- 
bus.   1909.    Nebraska  University. 

Syllabus  of  course  offered  at  the  University  of  Nebraska  1907/8  and  1908/9;  pub- 
lished by  the  Department  of  political  science  and  sociology,  University  of  Nebraska. 

Jones,  Charles  Colcock.  rg23.2  J39 

Biographical  sketches  of  the  delegates  from  Georgia  to  the  Con- 
tinental congress.     1891.     Houghton. 

Contents:  Benjamin  Andrew. — Abraham  Baldwin. — Nathan  Brownson. — Archibald 
Bulloch. — Joseph  Clay. — William  Few. — William  Gibbons. — James  Gunn. — Button  Gwin- 
nett.— John  Habersham. — Joseph  Habersham. — L3rman  Hall. — ^John  Houstoun. — William 
Houstoun. — Richard  Howley. — N.  W.  Jones. — Edward  Langrworthy. — Lachlan  Mcintosh. 
— William  Pierce. — Samuel  Stirk. — Edward  Telfair. — George  Walton. — ^John  Walton. — 
Joseph  Wood. — J.  J.  Zubly. 

King,  Edward.  923.2  K26 

French  political  leaders.  1876.  Putnam.  (Brief  biographies  of 
European  public  men.) 

Contents:  V.  M.  Hugo. — L.  A.  Thiers. — Leon  Gambetta. — Jules  Simon. — Marshal 
MacMahon  (Due  de  Magenta). —  Monseigneur  Dupanloup. —  Jules  Grevy. —  fidouard 
Laboulaye. — Eugene  Rouher. — E.  R.  Duval. — The  due  de  Broglie. — L.  J.  Buffet. — The 
due  d'Audiffret-Pasquier. — J.  A.  S.  Dufaure. — fimile  Ollivier. — ^Jules  Favre. — The  comte 
de  Chambord. — The  due  d'Aumale. — The  comte  de  Paris. — Ernest  Picard. — Henri  Roche- 
fort. — Casimir  Perier. — ^Jules  Ferry. 

Lanman,  Charles.  qr923.2  L27b 

Biographical  annals  of  the  civil  government  of  the  United  States, 
from  original  and  official  sources;  revised,  enlarged  and  completed  to 
date  by  J.  M.  Morrison.     1887.     Morrison. 

Gives  the  names  and  public  services  of  the  men  who  have  been  prominently  identi- 
fied with  the  national  and  state  governments.  Includes  a  list  of  the  members  of  each 
Congress  from  the  ist  to  the  49th. 

Linton,  William  James.  923.2  L72 

European  republicans;  recollections  of  Mazzini  and  his  friends. 
1892.    Lawrence. 

Contents:  Mazzini. — Ruffini  and  the  Bandieras. — Lamennais. — Pestel  and  Ryleieff. 
— Herzen. — Konarski;  Darasz;  Stolzman;  Worcell. — Appendix:  A  basis  of  organiza- 

Loring,  James  Spear.  r923.2  L87 

Hundred  Boston  orators  appointed  by  the  municipal  authorities  and 

other  public  bodies  from  1770  to  1852;  comprising  historical  gleanings 

illustrating  the  principles  and  progress  of  our  republican  institutions. 

1855-    Jewett. 

"Beginning  with  specimens  of  the  eloquence  of  Warren,  Hancock,  Lovell,  and  other 
Revolutionary  worthies,  by  which  we  are  put  in  touch  with  contemporary  thought  and 



Loring,  James  Spear — continued.  r923.2  L87 

manner  of  speaking,  the  collection  includes  public  addresses,  chiefly  Fourth  of  July  ora- 
tions, by  men  of  national  fame,  like  J.  Q.  Adams,  Josiah  Quincy,  Fisher  Ames,  Webster, 
Everett,  and  Choate.  Its  references  to  the  opening  events  of  the  Revolution,  with  its 
excellent  biographical  notices,  put  this  book  in  the  class  of  historical  literature.  The 
title  is  misleading."    Larned's  Literature  of  American  history. 

Magoon,  Elias  Lyman.  923.2  M25I 

Living  orators  in  America.     1849.     Baker. 

Contents:  Daniel  Webster,  the  logician. — Edward  Everett,  the  rhetorician. — Henry 
Qay,  the  politician. — ^J.  C.  Calhoun,  the  metaphysician. — George  McDuffie,  the  impetu- 
ous.— Lewis  Cass,  the  courteous. — T.  H.  Benton,  the  magisterial. — W.  C.  Preston,  the 
inspired  declaimer. — Thomas  Corwin,  the  natural  orator. 

Maurice,  Charles  Edmund.  923.2  M49 

Lives  of  English  popular  leaders  in  the  middle  ages.    v.2.    1875.    King. 
V.2.     Tyler,  Ball  and  Oldcastle. 

O'Flanagan,  James  Roderick.  923.2  O16 

Lives  of  the  lord  chancellors  and  keepers  of  the  great  seal  of  Ire- 
land from  the  earliest  times  to  the  reign  of  Queen  Victoria.  2v.  1870. 

By  a  member  of  the  Irish  bar. 

Saunders,  John.  qr923.2  S2S 

Portraits  and  memoirs  of  eminent  living  political  reformers;  the 
portraits  by  George  Hayter  and  other  eminent  artists,  and  the  memoirs 
by  a  distinguished  literary  character;  to  which  is  annexed  a  copious 
historical  sketch  of  the  progress  of  Parliamentary  reform  from  the  at- 
tempt to  repeal  the  Septennial  act  in  1734  to  the  passing  of  the  Reform 
bill  in  1832,  by  William  Howitt.    1840.    Dowding. 

Contents:  Lord  John  Russell.  —  Charles  Buller. — J.  A.  Roebuck.  —  William,  vis- 
count Melbourne. —  J.  T.  Leader. —  George  Grote.  —  John  Bowring.  —  Joseph  Hume.  — 
Lieut-Col.  T.  P.  Thompson. — George  Byng. — C.  P.  Thomson. — Thomas  Wyse. — Serjeant 
Talfourd. — Earl  Spencer. — T.  F.  Buxton. — Henry  Warburton. — Earl  of  Mulgrave. — Vis- 
count Ebrington.  —  Vice- Admiral  Sir  Edward  Codrington.  —  William  James.  —  Thomas 
Wakley. —  Lord  Viscount  Palmerston. —  H.  F.  Petty,  marquess  of  Lansdowne. —  J.  G. 
Lambton,  earl  of  Durham. — H.  R.  Vassal,  lord  Holland. — G.  W.  F.  Howard,  viscount 
Morpeth. — Charles,  earl  Grey  de  Howick. — Sketch  of  the  progress  of  parliamentary  re- 

Stanton,  Henry  Brewster.  923.2  S79 

Sketches  of  reforms  and  reformers  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland. 
1849.    Wiley. 

Tuttle,  Herbert.  923.2  T89 

German  political  leaders.  1876.  Putnam.  (Brief  biographies  of 
European  public  men.) 

Sketches  of  men  prominent  in  German  politics  in  the  latter  part  of  the  19th  century, 
including  Prince  Bismarck,  Prince  Hohenlohe,  Count  von  Arnim,  Falk,  Camphausen, 
von  Bennigsen,  Lasker,  Windthorst,  Loewe,  Jacoby,  Hasselmann,  Prof.  Virchow  and 

White,  Andrew  Dickson.  923.2  W63 

Seven  great  statesmen  in  the  warfare  of  humanity  with  unreason. 

1910.     Century. 

Contents:     Sarpi. — Grotius. — Thomasius. — Turgot. — Stein. — Cavour. — Bismarck. 


Judges.     LaAvyers 
Flanders,  Henry.  923.4  F61 

Lives  and  times  of  the  chief  justices  of  the  Supreme  court  of  the 
United  States.     2v.     1881.     Johnson. 

V.I.     The  life  of  John  Jay. — Life  of  John  Rutlcdge. 

V.2.  The  life  of  William  Gushing. — Life  of  Oliver  Ellsworth. — -Life  of  John  Mar- 

Foote,  Henry  Stuart.  1*923.4  F74 

Bench  and  bar  of  the  South  and  Southwest.     1876.     Soule. 
Personal  reminiscences.    The  author  was  himself  an  able  Southern  lawyer. 

Foss,  Edward,  comp.  1*923.4  F79 

Biographical  dictionary  of  the  judges  of  England  from  the  conquest 

to  the  present  time,  1066-1870.     1870.     Murray.     (Biographia  juridica.) 

Law  Association  of  Philadelphia.  1*923.4  L39 

Addresses  delivered  March  13,  1902  and  papers  prepared  or  repub- 
lished to  commemorate  the  centennial  celebration  of  the  Law  Associa- 
tion of  Philadelphia,  1802-1902.     [1906.]     Privately  printed. 

Aims  to  preserve  some  reminiscences  of  the  life  of  the  Pennsylvania  bar  in  the  19th 
century.  Memoirs  and  speeches  are  included  on  the  lives  of  Horace  Binney,  William 
Tilghman,  John  Sergeant,  William  Rawle  and  William  Morris  Meredith. 

Miller,  Stephen  Franks.  r923.4  M69 

Bench  and  bar  in  Georgia;  memoirs  and  sketches,  with  an  appen- 
dix containing  a  court  roll  from  1790  to  1857.  2v.  1858.  Lippincott. 
Shell,  Richard  Lalor.  923.4  S54 

Sketches  of  the  Irish  bar,  with  notes  by  R.  S.  Mackenzie.  2v.  1862. 

"Memoir  of  Mr  Sheil,"  by  R.  S.  Mackenzie,  v.i,  p.5-16. 

Most  of  the  sketches  relate  to  public  men,  including  O'Connell,  Plunket,  Bushe, 
Saurin,  Joy,  Lefroy,  Goold,  North,  Wallace,  Doherty,  Norbury,  O'Loghlin,  Blackburne, 
Foster  and  Brougham.  Some  are  of  events  connected  with  the  cause  of  civil  and  re- 
ligious liberty  in  Ireland,  and  others  are  narratives  of  interesting  criminal  cases. 

Townsend,  William  Charles.  923.4  T66 

Lives  of  12  eminent  judges  of  the  last  and  of  the  present  [19th]  cen- 
tury.   2v.     1846.    Longman. 

V.I.  Life  of  Justice  Buller. — Life  of  Lord  Kenyon. — Life  of  Lord  Alvanley. — Life 
of  Lord  Loughborough. — Life  of  Sir  Vicary  Gibbs. — Life  of  Lord  EUenborough. — Life 
of  Lord  Erskine. 

V.2.  Life  of  Lord  Erskine  (continued). — Life  of  Lord  Redesdale. — Life  of  Sir 
William  Grant. — Life  of  Lord  Tenterden. — Life  of  Lord  Stowell. — Life  of  Lord  Eldon. 

Willis,  William.  r923.4  W75 

History  of  the  law,  the  courts  and  the  lawyers  of  Maine,  from  its 

first  colonization  to  the  early  part  of  the  present  century.    1863.    Bailey. 

Military  and  naval 
Brand,  Jack.  923.5  B69 

Free  lances;  stories  of  the  sea  fighters  of  all  nations  in  their  long 
cruising  and  desperate  battling  for  honor  and  treasure.  1907.  Mc- 

Contents:  Sir  Francis  Drake  and  the  Spanish  Main. — Don  John  of  Austria,  the 
scourge  of  the  Turks. — The  wild  beggars  of  the  sea. — Sir  Richard  Grenville  and  the  last 

Brand,  Jack — continued.  923.5  B69 

fight  of  the  "Revenge."  —  Barentz  and  Van  Heemskerk,  the  Dutch  navigators  and 
fighters. — Cumberland,  the  noble  freebooter. — Du  Guay-Trouin,  the  great  French  "blue." 
— Lord  Anson's  four  years'  quest  for  the  rich  treasure-ships  of  Spain. — George  Walker 
and  the  "Glorioso." — American  privateers  who  won,  by  hard  fighting,  fame  and  for- 
tune.— Thomas  Cochrane,  earl  of  Dundonald,  the  salt  water  soldier  of  fortune. — Two 
Franco-American  sea  rovers. 

Chesney,  Charles  Cornwallis.  923.5  C42 

Essays  in  military  biography.     1874.     Holt. 

Contents:  The  military  life  of  General  Grant. — A  memoir  of  General  Lee. — Ad- 
mirals Farragut  and  Porter  and  the  navy  of  the  Union. — A  northern  raider  in  the  Civil 
war. — De  Fezensac's  recollections  of  the  Grand  army. — Henry  von  Brandt,  a  German 
soldier  of  the  First  empire. — Cornwallis  and  the  Indian  services.;— A  Carolina  loyalist 
in  the  Revolutionary  war. — Sir  William  Gordon  of  Gordon's  battery. — Chinese  Gordon 
and  the  Taiping  rebellion. 

Dunn-Pattison,  Reginald  Philipson.  923-5  Dg2 

Napoleon's  marshals.     1909.     Little. 

Contents:  L.  A.  Berthier,  prince  of  Wagram,  sovereign  prince  of  Neuchatel  and 
Valang^n. — Joachim  Murat,  king  of  Naples. — Andre  Massena,  duke  of  Rivoli,  prince  of 
Essling. — J.  B.  J.  Bernadotte,  prince  of  Ponte  Corvo,  king  of  Sweden. — J.  D.  N.  Soult, 
duke  of  Dalmatia. — Jean  Lannes,  duke  of  Montebello. — Michel  Ney,  duke  of  Elchingen, 
prince  of  Moskowa. — L.  N.  Davout,  duke  of  Auerstadt,  prince  of  Eckmuhl. — J.  fi.  J.  A. 
Macdonald,  duke  of  Tarentum. — A.  F.  L.  V.  De  Marmont,  duk£  of  Ragusa. — L.  G. 
Suchet,  duke  of  Albufera. — L.  G.  St.  Cyr. — B.  A.  J.  De  Moncey,  duke  of  Conegliano. 
— J.  B.  Jourdan. — C.  P.  F.  Augereau,  duke  of  Castiglione. — G.  M.  A.  Brune. — A.  £.  C. 
J.  Mortier,  duke  of  Treviso. — ^J.  B.  Bessieres,  duke  of  Istria. — C.  V.  Perrin,  duke  of 
Belluno. — Emmanuel  de  Grouchy. — F.  C.  Kellermann,  duke  of  Valmy. — F.  J.  Lefebvre, 
duke  of  Dantzig.  —  N.  C.  Oudinot,  duke  of  Reggio.  —  D.  C.  de  Perignon.  —  J.  M.  P. 
Serurier. — Prince  Joseph  Poniatowski. 

Frost,  John,  ccmip.  r923.5  F96 

Pictorial  history  of  the  American  navy,  comprising  lives  of  its  dis- 
tinguished commanders;  comp.  from  the  best  authorities.    1845.    Leavitt. 

Glazier,  Willard  Worcester.  923.5  G47 

Heroes  of  three  wars.    1884.     Hubbard. 

Contents:  Washington. —  Joseph  Warren. —  Nathaniel  Greene. —  Lafayette. —  Israel 
Putnam. — Ethan  Allen. — Francis  Marion. — John  Paul  Jones. — Kosciuszko. — Hugh  Mer- 
cer.— Anthony  Wayne. — John  Stark. — Winfield  Scott. — Zachary  Taylor. — W.  J.  Worth. 
—  J.  E.  Wool. —  Sam  Houston. —  James  Shields. —  Charles  May. —  Grant. —  Sherman. — 
Sheridan. — McClellan. — Burnside. — Thomas. — Hooker. — Meade. —  Slocum. —  McPherson. 
— Hancock. — Fremont. — Howard. — Farragut. — Sigel. —  Kilpatrick. —  Kearny. —  Nathaniel 
Lyon.— E.  E.  Ellsworth.— E.  D.  Baker. 

Hartley,  Cecil  B.  923.5  H33 

Heroes  and  patriots  of  the  South,  comprising  lives  of  General 
Francis  Marion,  General  William  Moultrie,  General  Andrew  Pickens, 
and  Governor  John  Rutledge,  with  sketches  of  other  distinguished 
heroes  and  patriots  who  served  in  the  Revolutionary  war  in  the  South- 
ern states,    i860.    Evans. 

Herbert,  Henry  William,  {pseud.  Frank  Forester).  923.5  H46 

Captains  of  the  Old  World  as  compared  with  the  great  modern  strat- 
egists; their  campaigns,  characters  and  conduct  from  the  Persian  to 
the  Punic  wars.     1851.    Scribner. 

Contents:  Introductory. — Miltiades,  the  son  of  Cimon. — Themistokles. — Pausanias, 
the  Spartan.  —  Xenophon,  the  Athenian.  —  Epaminondas,  the  Theban.  —  Alexander  of 
Makedon. — Hannibal. 


Johnston,  Robert  Matteson.  923.5  J36 

Leading  American  soldiers.     1907.     Holt.     (Biographies  of  leading 


Contents:    The  Revolution:     George  Washington;  Nathaniel  Greene. — From  the 

Revolution  to  the  Civil  war:     Andrew  Jackson. — Zachary  Taylor;  Winfield  Scott. — 

The  Civil  war:     U.  S.  Grant;  W.  T.  Sherman;  P.  H.  Sheridan;  G.  B.  Mcaellan;  G.  G. 

Meade;  R.  E.  Lee;  T.  J.  Jackson;  J.  E.  Johnston. 

Locker,  Edward  Hawke.  qr923.5  L76 

Naval  gallery  of  Greenwich  Hospital;  comprising  a  series  of  por- 
traits and  memoirs  of  celebrated  naval  commanders.     1831.     Harding. 

Contents:  Edward  Lord  Hawke. — Admiral  Viscount  Bridport. — John  Benbow. — 
Captain  James  Cook. — Defeat  of  the  Spanish  Armada. — Robert  Blake. — Edward  Russell, 
earl  of  Orford. — George  Byng,  first  viscount  Torrington. — Honourable  Samuel  Barring- 
ton.  —  The  battle  of  the  Nile.  —  Edward  Montague,  earl  of  Sandwich.  —  Admiral  Sir 
George  Rooke. — Admiral  Sir  Charles  Saunders. — Rear-admiral  Richard  Kempenfelt. — 
King  Henry  VIII  sailing  for  Calais  in  the  Harry  Grace  a  Dieu. — Charles  Howard,  earl 
of  Nottingham. — George  Monk,  duke  of  Albemarle. — Admiral  Lord  Collingwood. — Wil- 
liam Locker. — Lord  Howe's  victory  off  Ushant. 

Morris,  Charles.  J923>5  Mgih 

Heroes  of  the  army  in  America.     1906.    Lippincott. 

Short  sketches  of  American  soldiers  from  Washington  to  Gen.  Miles,  the  Sioux  and 
Apache  Indian  fighter.  Among  others,  includes  Israel  Putnam,  the  ranger  and  warrior; 
Ethan  Allen,  the  chief  of  the  Green  mountain  boys;  Anthony  Wayne,  the  stormer  of 
Stony  Point;  Henry  Lee,  the  Light  Horse  Harry  of  '76;  William  Henry  Harrison,  the 
hero  of  Tippecanoe;  Samuel  Houston,  the  winner  of  Texan  independence,  and  the 
principal  Civil  war  leaders  on  both  sides. 

Morris,  Charles.  923>5  Mgis 

Heroes  of  the  navy  in  America.     1907.    Lippincott. 

Contents:  Jeremiah  O'Brien.  —  Nicholas  Biddle.  —  J.  P.  Jones.  —  Richard  Dale. — 
John  Barry. — Benedict  Arnold. — Samuel  Tucker. — ^Joshua  Barney. — Thomas  Truxton. — 
Edward  Preble. —  William  Bainbridge. —  Stephen  Decatur. —  Johnston  Blakeley. —  Isaac 
Hull. — Jacob  Jones. — James  Lawrence. — Charles  Morris. — David  Porter. — O.  H.  Perry. 
— Thomas  Macdonough. — S.  C.  Reid. — Charles  Stewart. — M.  C.  Perry. — D.  G.  Farragut. 
— D.  D.  Porter. — W.  B.  Gushing.— George  Dewey.— R.  P.  Hobson. 

The  same J923.5  M91 

Norman,  Charles  Boswell.  923.5  N44 

Corsairs  of  France.     1887.     Low. 

Contents:  Introduction:  The  rise  of  the  French  navy.  —  Jean  Bart  of  Dunkirk, 
1650-1702. — Jacques  Cassard  of  Nantes. — Duguay  Trouin  of  St.  Malo,  1 673-1 736. — 
Francois  Thurot  of  Boulogtne,  1 727-6o.-^Leveille  of  Dunkirk. — Robert  Surcouf  of  St. 
Malo,  1 773-1 827. — Conclusion. — Appendix. 

Settle,  J.  H.  comp.  923.5  S49 

Anecdotes  of  soldiers  in  peace  and  war.     1905.     Methuen. 
Stories  of  soldiers  in  all  grades  of  service,  but  limited  almost  entirely  to  events  in 

English   history.      Treats   at   special   length   of  incidents   connected   with   the  battle   of 

Waterloo  and  the  Boer  war. 

Shand,  Alexander  Innes.  923.5  S538 

Soldiers  of  fortune  in  camp  &  court.    1907.    Button. 

Contents:  The  condottieri. — Sir  James  Turner. — Sir  John  Hepburn  and  Colonel 
Robert  Munro. — Count  Leslie  of  Balquhain. — Prince  Eugene. — Marshal  Keith. — Marshal 
Saxe. — Indian  adventurers. 

"This  is  military  adventure  of  the  old  romantic  sort,  strung  together  on  a  thread 
of  the  biographies  of  a  dozen  adventurers."     Saturday  review,  1908. 


Shanks,  William  Franklin  Gore.  923.5  S52 

Personal  recollections  of  distinguished  generals.     1866.     Harper. 
Contents:     Sherman  as  a  strategist. — Thomas  as  a  tactician. — Grant  as  a  general. — 
Sheridan  as  a  cavalryman. — Fighting  Joe  Hooker. — Recollections  of   Rousseau. — Pecu- 
liarities of  various  generals. — Some  peculiarities  of  our  veterans. 

Statham,  Edward  Phillips.  923.5  S79 

Privateers  and  privateering.     1910.     Hutchinson. 

Partial  contents:  Andrew  Barton. — William  Dampier. — Woodes  Rogers. — George 
Shelvocke  and  John  Qipperton. — Fortunatus  Wright. — George  Walker. — Jean  Bart. — 
Du  Guay  Trouin. — Jacques  Cassard. — Robert  Surcouf. — Captain  Silas  Talbot. — Captains 
Barney  and  Haraden. — Captain  Thomas  Boyle. 

"List  of  modern  authorities,"  p.7. 

Waldo,  Samuel  Putnam.  r923.5  W16 

Biographical  sketches  of  distinguished  American  naval  heroes  in 
the  war  of  the  Revolution  between  the  American  republic  and  the  king- 
dom of  Great  Britain.     1823.     Andrus. 

Contents:  Nicholas  Biddle. — J.  P.  Jones. — Edward  Preble. — Alexander  Murray. — 
Appendix:  Character  and  official  services  of  James  Monroe;  Familiar  letters  of  John 
Adams  and  Thomas  Jefferson. 

Wilson,  James  Grant.  923-5  W76 

Sketches  of  illustrious  soldiers.     1874.     Putnam. 

Contents:  Gonsalvo  of  Cordova. — The  chevalier  Bayard. — The  constable  Bourbon. 
— Prince  of  Orange. — Duke  of  Parma. — Prince  Wallenstein. — Gustavus  Adolphus. — 
Oliver  Cromwell. — Marshal  Turenne. — The  great  Conde. — Duke  of  Marlborough. — Prince 
Eugene. — Charles  the  Twelfth. — Marshal  Saxe. — Frederick  the  Great. — Marshal  Suwar- 
row. — Gen.  Washington. — Duke  of  Wellington. — Napoleon  Bonaparte. — Gen.  Scott. — 
Lord  Clyde. — Marshal  Moltke. — Gen.  Lee. — Gen.   Sherman. — Gen.   Grant. 

Reformers.     Educators 

Bartlett,  David  W.  923.6  B27 

Modern  agitators;  or,  Pen  portraits  of  living  American  reformers. 

1856.     Miller. 

Contents:    H.  W.  Beecher. — Lyman  Beecher. — E.  H.  Chapin. — Frederick  Douglass. — 

H.  B.  Stowe.—  Elihu  Burritt.—  W.  L.  Garrison.—  J.  B.  Gough.—  C.  G.  Finney.—  J.  R. 

Giddings. — W.  C.  Bryant. — Theodore  Parker. — Ichabod  Codding. — N.  P.  Rogers. — J.  G. 

Whittier. — Horace  Bushnell. — W.  H.   Seward. — ^J.  R.  Lowell. — Horace  Greeley. — T.  W. 


Barnard,  Henry,  ed.  923'7  B25 

German  educational  reformers;  memoirs  of  eminent  teachers  and 
educators,  with  contributions  to  the  history  of  education  in  Germany. 
1878.     Brown. 

Republished  from  the  "American  journal  of  education." 

Commences  with  a  brief  account  of  the  Christian  teachers  of  the  7th  and  8th  cen- 
turies and  concludes  with  the  early  part  of  the  19th  century. 


[Winslow,  Stephen  Noyes.]  r923.8  W79 

Biographies  of  successful  Philadelphia  merchants.     1864.     Simon. 
Brief  sketches. 



McMurry,  Charles  Alexander.  J923.9  M2i 

Pioneers  on  land  and  sea;  stories  of  the  Eastern  states  and  of  ocean 

explorers.    1905.    Macmillan.     (Pioneer  history  stories,  bk.i.) 

Contents:  Champlain  in  New  France. —  Henry  Hudson.  —  Walter  Raleigh.  —  John 
Smith. — Popham's  settlement. — John  Smith's  description  of  New  England. — Christopher 
Columbus. — Ferdinand  Magellan. — Hernando  Cortes. — Ponce  de  Leon. — George  Wash- 

Verne,  Jules.  923.9  Vayt 

Der  triumph  des  19.  jahrhunderts.    2v. 

V.I.  Das  morgenroth  eines  jahrhunderts  der  entdeckungen. — Die  erforschung  und 
kolonisirung  Afrikas.  —  Die  wissenschaftlichen  bestrebungen  im  Orient  und  die  for- 
schungen  in  Amerika. 

V.2.  Erdumsegler  aus  verschiedenen  nationen. — -Die  franzosischen  erdumsegler. — 
Die  polar-expeditionen. 

925     Science 

Cattell,  James  McKeen,  ed.  41*925  C28 

American  men  of  science;  a  biographical  directory  [1910].     1910. 
For  volume  for  1906  see  preceding  catalogue,  second  series. 

Hubbard,  Elbert.  925  H87 

Little  journeys  to  the  homes  of  great  scientists.  2v.  in  i.  1905. 

Contents:  Copernicus. —  Galileo. —  Sir  Isaac  Newton.  —  Humboldt.  —  Herschel. — 
Charles  Darwin. — Ernst  Haeckel. — Carl  von  Linnaeus. — Thomas  Huxley. — John  Tyndall. 
—A.  R.  Wallace.— John  Fiske. 

Jordan,  David  Starr,  ed.  925  J42 

Leading  American  men  of  science.  1910.  Holt.  (Biographies  of 
leading  Americans.) 

Contents:  Benjamin  Thompson,  count  Rumford,  by  E.  E.  Slosson. — Alexander 
Wilson,  by  Witmer  Stone. — ^J.  J.  Audubon,  by  Witmer  Stone. — Benjamin  Silliman,  by 
D.  C.  Gilman. — Joseph  Henry,  by  Simon  Newcomb. — Louis  Agassiz,  by  C.  F.  Holder. — 
Jeffries  Wyman,  by  B.  G.  Wilder. — Asa  Gray,  by  J.  M.  Coulter. — J.  D.  Dana,  by  W.  N. 
Rice.—  S.  F.  Baird,  by  C.  F.  Holder.—  O.  C.  Marsh,  by  G.  B.  Grinnell.  —  E.  D.  Cope,  by 
Marcus  Benjamin. — ^J.  W.  Gibbs,  by  E.  E.  Slosson. — Simon  Newcomb,  by  Marcus  Ben- 
jamin.— G.  B.  Goode,  by  D.  S.  Jordan. — H.  A.  Rowland,  by  Ira  Remsen. — W.  K.  Brooks, 
by  E.  A.  Andrews. 

Fifteen  short,  sympathetic  biographies,  each  by  a  man  in  some  degree  known  as  a 
disciple  of  his  subject. 

Knox,  Robert,  1791-1862.  925  K3S 

Great  artists  and  great  anatomists;  a  biographical  and  philosophical 

study.     1852.    Van  Voorst. 

Deals  chiefly  with  the  lives  of  the  anatomists  Cuvier  and  Geoffroy  Saint-Hilaire. 

Contains  a  discussion  of  the  relation  which  anatomy  bears  to  science,  philosophy  and  art. 

National  Academy  of  Sciences.  r925  N15 

Biographical  memoirs,    v.6.     1909. 

v.6.  J.  S.  Newberry.  —  Clarence  King.  —  C.  E.  Beecher.  —  G.  P.  Marsh.  —  John 
Rodgers. — Fairman  Rogers. — W.  A.  Rogers. — S.  L.  Penfield. — Joseph  Le  Conte. — L.  H. 
Morgan. — Asaph  Hall. — Alpheus  Hyatt. — Joseph  Lovering. — W.  M.  Gabb. — Alexis  Cas- 
well.—J.  W.  Gibbs.— Elliott  Coues.— O.  N.  Rood. 

For  V.1-5  see  preceding  catalogue,  second  series. 


Ostwald,  Wilhelm.  925  O29 

Grosse  manner.     1909.     (Ostwald,  Wilhelm,  ed.    Grosse  manner,  v.i.) 
Contents:      Vorbereitung. — Humphry    Davy. — J.    R.     Mayer. — Michael    Faraday. — 

Justus    Liebig. — Charles    Gerhardt. — Hermann    Helmholtz. — AUgemeine    orientierung. — 

Die  jugend. — Das  grosse  werk. — Klassiker  und  roraantiker. — Hernach. — Schluss. 

Interesting  attempt  to  classify  scientific  men  of  genius  and  to  formulate  the  laws 

governing  their  careers.     A  careful  comparison  is  made  of  the  lives  of  six  scientists 

who  have  greatly  influenced  the  life  of  their  time. 

Poincare,  Jules  Henri.  925  P74 

Savants  et  ecrivains.     [1910.] 

Contents:  Sully  Prudhomme. — Greard,  ecrivain. — Curie  et  Brouardel. — Laguerre. — 
Hermite. —  Cornu. —  Halphen. —  Tisserand. —  Bertrand. —  Berthelot. —  Faye. —  Potier. — 
Weierstrass. — Lord  Kelvin. — Loewy. — Les  polytechniciens. 

Potamian,  Brother  (Michael  Francis  O'Reilly),  &  Walsh,  J.  J.  925  P84 
Makers  of  electricity.  1909.  Fordham  University  Press. 
Contents:  Peregrinus  and  Columbus. — Norman  and  Gilbert. — Franklin  and  some 
contemporaries. — Galvani,  discoverer  of  animal  electricity. — Volta,  the  founder  of 
electrical  science. —  Coulomb. —  H.  C.  Oersted. —  A.  M.  Ampere. —  Ohm,  the  founder  of 
mathematical  electricity. — Faraday. — Clerk  Maxwell. — Lord  Kelvin. 

Brief  but  reasonably  complete  sketches  of  the  lives  of  the  great  pioneer  workers  in 

Maiden,  Joseph  Henry.  r925.8  M26 

Records  of  Queensland  botanists;  a  paper  read  before  the  [Austral- 
asian Association  for  the  Advancement  of  Science].     1909.     Gumming. 
With  this  is  bound  his  "Records  of  the  earlier  French  botanists  as  regards  Australian 

926     Useful  arts 

Engineers.     Physicians.     Printers 

Layson,  John  F.  926  L44 

Great  engineers.     Scott. 

Contents:  George  Stephenson. — Robert  Stephenson. — Richard  Trevithick. — William 
Hedley. — Timothy  Hackworth. — Isambard  Brunei. — Sir  Wm.  Fairbairn. — Lord  Arm- 
strong.— Gustave  Eiffel. — Sir  John  Fowler. — Sir  Benjamin  Baker. — Sir  William  Arrol. 

Lives  of  distinguished  shoemakers.     1849.    Davis.  926  L74 

Contents:  Saint  Crispin. — James  Lackington. — Timothy  Bennett. — Roger  Sherman. 
— William  Carey. — Robert  Bloomfield. — Simon  Antoine. — Hans  Sachs. — William  Gif- 
ford. — Thomas  Holcroft. — Thomas  Hardy. — Cloudesley  Shovel. — George  Fox. — ^James 
Woodhouse. — Jacob  Behmen. — Noah  Worcester. — John  Pounds. 

Perry,  Frances  Melville.  J926  P44 

Four  American   inventors:    Robert  Fulton,   Eli  Whitney,  S.   F.   B. 

Morse,  T.  A.  Edison;  a  book  for  young  Americans.  1901.    Amer.  Book 
Co.     (Four  great  Americans  series.) 

Pioneers  of  progress.     [1910.]     Collins.    (Noble  lives  series.)        926  P64 

Brief  chapters  on  Brunei  and  the  Thames  tunnel,  Stevenson  and  the  Skerryvore 
lighthouse.  Lord  Armstrong  and  the  breech-loader,  Lord  Lister  and  antiseptic  surgery. 
Sir  William  Perkin  and  coal-tar  colors,  Sir  William  Arrol  and  bridge-building.  Rontgen 
and  X-rays. 

Stuart,  Charles  Beebe.  r926  S92 

Lives  and  works  of  civil  and  military  engineers  of  America.     1871. 

Van  Nostrand. 

Contents:     Major  Andrew  Ellicott. — James   Geddes. — Benjamin  Wright. — Canvass 


Stuart,  Charles  Beebe — continued.  rgae  S92 

White.— D.  S.  Bates.— N.  S.  Roberts.— Gridley  Bryant.— Gen.  J.  G.  Swift.— J.  L.  Wil- 
liams.— Col.  William  McRee. — S.  H.  Kneass. — Capt  John  Childe. — Frederick  Harbach. 
— Maj.  D.  B.  Dougla.s. — Jonathan  Knight. — B.  H.  Latrobe. — Col.  Charles  Ellet,  jr. — 
Samuel  Forrer. — W.  S.  Watson. — J.  A.  Roebling. 

Doctor's  who's  who.    1906.    Saalfield.  rg26.i  D66 

Ed.  by  C.  W.  Moulton. 

Aims  to  include  the  names  of  all  foreigjn  physicians  of  extraordinary  repute  and  of 
American  physicians  who  are  either  authors  of  medical  works,  professors  in  recognized 
colleges  conferring  the  M.  D.  degree,  editors  of  prominent  medical  journals,  superintend- 
ents of  important  state  medical  institutions  or  presidents  of  important  medical  societies. 

Jeaffreson,  John  Cordy.  926.1  J22 

Book  about  doctors.     [1862.]     Hurst. 
Anecdotal  sketches  of  noted  physicians. 

Osier,  William.  926.1  O29 

An  Alabama  student  [John  Y.  Bassett],  and  other  biographical  es- 
says.    1908.     Oxford  University  Press. 

Other  essays:  Thomas  Dover,  physician  and  buccaneer. — John  Keats,  the  apothe- 
cary poet. — Oliver  Wendell  Holmes. — John  Locke  as  a  physician. — Elisha  Bartlett,  a 
Rhode  Island  philosopher. — A  backwood  physiologist  [William  Beaumont]. — The  in- 
fluence of  Louis  on  American  medicine. — William  Pepper. — Alfred  Stille. — Sir  Thomas 
Browne. — Fracastorius. — Harvey  and  his  discovery. 

About  the  older  physicians  much  entertaining  and  sometimes  curious  information  is 
given.  The  historic  data  have  been  infused  with  life  and  human  interest  through  the 
author's  sympathy  and  imaginative  insight.     Condensed  fram  Nation,  1908. 

Williams,  Stephen  West.  r926.i  W74 

American  medical  biography;  or,  Memoirs  of  eminent  physicians, 

embracing  principally  those  who  have  died  since   [1828].     1845.     Mer- 

Hennig,  Richard.  926.2  H44 

Buch  beriihmter  ingenieure;  grosse  manner  der  technik,  ihr  lebens- 
gang  und  ihr  lebenswerk,  fiir  die  reisere  jugend  und  fiir  erwachsene  ge- 
schildert.    191 1. 

Contents:  William  Siemens. — J.  B.  Eads. — John  Ericsson. — Ferdinand  von  Lesseps. 
— Alfred  Nobel. — Henry  Bessemer. — ^John  Fowler. — Nikolaus  Riggenbach. — Otto  Intze. 
— Max  von  Eyth. 

Hubbard,  Elbert.  926.5  H87 

Little  journeys  to  the  homes  of  great  business  men.    2v.  in  i.     1909. 


Contents:     Robert  Owen. —  James  Oliver. —  Stephen  Girard. —  M.  A.   Rothschild. — 

Philip  Armour. — ^J.   J.   Astor. — Peter   Cooper. — Andrew    Carnegie. — George   Peabody. — 

A.  T.  Stewart.— H.  H.  Rogers.— J.  J.  Hill. 

McKerrow,  Ronald  Brunlees,  ed.  r926.5  M18 

Dictionary  of  printers  and  booksellers  in  England,  Scotland  and  Ire- 
land, and  of  foreign  printers  of  English  books,  1557-1640.  •  1910.  Blades. 
(London,  Bibliographical  Society.) 

"List  of  some  books  and  articles  referred  to,"  p.21-23. 

Plomer,  Henry  Robert.  r926.5  P71 

Dictionary  of  the  booksellers  and  printers  who  were  at  work  in 
England,  Scotland  and  Ireland  from  1641  to  1667.  1907.  Blades. 
(London  Bibliographical  Society.) 


Allen,  John  Fenwick.  926.6  A42 

Some  founders  of  the  chemical  industry;  men  to  be  remembered. 

1906.    Sherratt. 

Contents:     William   Gossage. — J.  C.  Gamble. — James    Muspratt. — Andreas    Kurtz. — 

Henry  Deacon. — James  Shanks. — Christian  Allhusen. — Peter  Spence. 

927     Fine  arts 

r927  D56 

Dictionncure  critique  et  documentaire  des  peintres,  sculpteurs,  dessina- 
teurs  et  graveurs  de  tous  les  temps  et  de  tous  les  pays,  par  un  groupe 
d'ecrivains  specialistes  frangais  et  etrangers  sous  la  direction   de   E. 
Benezit.    v.l.     191 1. 
.  v.i.     A-C. 
"Bibliographic,"  v.i,  p.8-ii. 

Dohme,  Robert,  ed.  qr927  D68 

Kunst  und  kiinstler  des  mittelalters  und  der  neuzeit;  biographien 
und  charakteristiken.    v.1-3,  in  6.     1877-80. 

v.i,pt.i-2.  Kunst  und  kunstltr  Deutschlands  und  der  Niederlande  bis  gegen  die 
mitte  des  18.  jahrhunderts. 

V.2,  pt.1-3.     Kunst  und  kiinstler  Italiens  bis  um  die  mitte  des  18.  jahrhunderts. 

V.3.  Kunst  und  kiinstler  Spaniens,  Frankreichs  und  Englands  bis  gegen  das  ende 
des  18.  jahrhunderts. 

For  V.4  see  preceding  catalogue,  first  series. 

EUet,  Mrs  Elizabeth  Fries  (Lummis).  927  E51 

Women  artists  in  all  ages  and  countries.     1859.     Harper. 

Pecht,  Friedrich.  927  P35 

Deutsche  kiinstler  des  19.  jahrhunderts;  studien  und  erinnerungen. 

4V.    1877-85. 

V.I.  Cornelius. —  Ludwig  Richter. —  Ernst  Rietschel. —  Ludwig  Knaus. —  Gottfried 
Semper. — Moriz  von  Schwind. — Anselm  Feuerbach. — Fr.  Preller. 

V.2.  Carl  Rottmann. — Franz  Defregger. — Wilhelm  v.  Kaulbach. — Franz  Lenbach. 
— Alfred  Rethel. — Arnold  Bocklin. — Christian  Rauch. — Ludwig  Passini. — Buonaventura 
Genelli. — Adolph  Menzel. — Hans  Makart. 

v. 3.  Rafael  Mengs. — Asmu?  Carstens. — Daniel  Chodowiecki. — Joseph  v.  Fiihrich. 
— Theophilos  Hansen. — Heinrich  v.  Ferstel. — Friedrich  Schmidt. — Karl  v.  Piloty. — 
Gabriel  Max. — Eduard  Bendemann. — K.  F.  Lessing. — Andreas  Achenbach. — Benjamin 

v.4.  Schinkel. — Leo  von  Klenze. — Friedrich  Overbeck. — Peter  von  Hess. — Franz 
Winterhalter. — Bernhard  von  Neher. — Karl  Rahl. — Eduard  Schleich. — Arthur  von  Ram- 
berg. — Ernst  HahneL — ^Johannes  Schilling. — ^Anton  von  Werner. — Peter  Janssen. 

Thieme,  Ulrich,  &  Becker,  Felix,  ed.  qr927  T35 

Allgemeines  lexikon  der  bildenden  kunstler  von  der  antike  bis  zur 
gegen  wart.    v.  1-5.     1907-11. 

v.l.  Aa-Antonio  de  Miraguel. 

V.2.  Antonio  da  Monza-Bassan. 

V.3.  Bassano-Bickham. 

v.4.  Bida-Brevoort. 

v.5.  Brewer— Carlingen. 

Vasari,  Giorgio.  927  V22V 

Le  vite  de'  piti  eccellenti  pittori,  scultori  ed  architetti;  ridotte  e  an- 
notate per  le  scuole  secondo  i  migliori  studi  sulla  storia  dell'arte  a  cura 
di  Giulio  Urbini.     1905. 


Wurzbach,  Alfred,  ritter  von  Tannenberg.  qrQZ?  W97 

Niederlandisches    ktinstler-lexikon;    auf    grund    archivalischer    for- 

schungen  bearbeitet.    v.i.     1904-06. 
v.i.    A-K. 

Architects.     Sculptors 
Berty,  Adolphe.  bg27.2  B46 

Les  grands  architectes  frangais  de  la  renaissance,  d'apres  de  nom- 
breux  documents  inedits  des  bibliotheques  et  des  archives,     i860. 

Contents:  Philibert  de  I'Orme. — Pierre  Lescot. — ^Jean  Goujon. — Les  Androuet  du 
Cerceau:  Jacques  Androuet,  le  graveur;  Baptiste  Androuet;  Jacques  Androuet,  I'ar- 
chitecte  de  Henri  IV;  Jean  Androuet. — Les  MixEZEAu:  Clement  Metezeau,  le  macon 
de  Dreux;  Thibaut  Metezeau;  Louis  Metezeau;  Clement  Metezeau,  I'architecte  de  Louis 
XIII. — Les  Chambiges:  Martin  Chambiges;  Pierre  Chambiges,  I'architecte  de  la  ville 
de  Paris;  Robert  Chambiges;  Pierre  Chambiges,  I'architecte  de  la  petite  galerie  du 
Louvre;  Louis  Chambiges. — Jean  BuUant. 

Chancellor,  Edwin  Beresford.  b927.2  C36 

Lives  of  the  British  architects,  from  William  of  Wykeham  to  Sir 
William  Chambers.    1909.    Duckworth. 

Contents:  Wykeham  and  his  predecessors.  —  Thorpe,  Chrismas,  Symons,  Holt, 
Acroyde  and  the  Smithsons. — Inigo  Jones. — Webb,  Hooke  and  Jerman. — Sir  Christopher 
Wren. — Bell  of  Lynn,  Talman,  Pratt,  Hawksmoor  and  Vanbrugh. — Archer,  James  of 
Greenwich,  Campbell,  Burlington,  Pembroke  and  Kent. — Batty  Langley,  Gibbs,  Wood  of 
Bath,  Carr  of  York,  Ripley  and  the  amateurs:  Aldrich,  Clarke,  Burrough  and  Essex. — 
Vardy,  Ware,  Dance,  Flitcroft  and  Brettingham. — Taylor,  Paine,  Morris,  the  Adams 
and  Chambers. 

"List  of  some  of  the  authorities  consulted,"  P.32S-326. 

Forrer,  L.  comp.  r927.3  F78 

Biographical  dictionary  of  medallists,  coin,  gem  and  seal-engravers, 
mint-masters,  &c.,  ancient  and  modern,  with  references  to  their  works, 
B.  C.  soo-A.  D.  1900.    V.4.    1909.    Spink, 

For  V.1-3  see  preceding  catalogrue,  second  series. 

Lami,  Stanislas.  qr927.3  L18 

Dictionnaire  des  sculpteurs  de  I'ecole  franqaise  du  moyen  age  au 
regne  de  Louis  XIV;  preface  de  Gustave  Larroumet.     1898. 

Biographical  dictionary  of  French  sculptors.  Includes  bibliographical  reference 


See  also  Painting,  750 

Balkema,  C.  H.  r927,5  B19 

Biographie  des  peintres  flamands  et  hollandais  qui  ont  existe  depuis 
Jean  et  Hubert  Van  Eyck  jusqu'a  nos  jours,  pour  servir  de  guide  aux 
peintres  et  aux  amateurs  de  tableaux.     1844. 

Biographical  dictionary  of  Flemish  painters. 

Corner,  John.  qr927-5  C82 

Portraits  of  celebrated  painters,  with  medallions  from  their  best  per- 
formances, engraved  by  John  Corner,  with  authentic  memoirs  from 
established  authorities.     1825.     Longman. 

Fairholt,  Frederick  William.  927.5  F16 

Homes,  works  and  shrines  of  English  artists,  with  specimens  of 
their  styles,  to  which  is  added  Rambles  in  Rome.     1873.    Virtue. 

Contents:     Homes  and  shrines  of  English  artists:   Sir  Joshua  Reynolds;  William 


Fairholt,  Frederick  William — continued.  927'5  Fi6 

Hogarth;  Thomas  Gainsborough;  Richard  Cosway;  George  Morland;  Richard  Wilson; 
J.  M.  W.  Turner;  William  Collins;  William  Etty;  William  Blake;  John  Flaxman; 
Joseph  Nollekens;  R.  J.  Wyatt;  Samuel  Cooper;  George  Vcrtue;  William  Woollett; 
Thomas  Bewick. — Rambles  in  Rome. 

Home,  Olive  Browne,  &  Scobey,  K.  L.  J927.5  Hyg 

Stories  of  great  artists.     1903.     Amer.  Book  Co.     (Eclectic  school 


Contents:    Raphael. — Michael  Angelo. — Rembrandt  van  Ryn. — Sir  Joshua  Reynolds. 

— ^Jean  Baptiste  Camille  Corot. — Sir  Edwin  Landseer. — Jean  Francois  Millet. — Rosa  Bon- 


About  some  of  the  world's  great  pictures  and  the  artists  who  painted  them. 

McSpadden,  Joseph  Walker.  927.5  M22 

Famous  painters  of  America.     [1907.]     Crowell. 

Contents:  Benjamin  West. — J.  S.  Copley. — Gilbert  Stuart. — George  Inness. — Eliha 
Vedder. — Winslow  Homer. — John  La  Farge. — ^J.  A.  M.  Whistler. — J.  S.  Sargent. — E.  A- 
Abbey.— W.  M.  Chase. 

"Bibliography,"  p.357-362- 

Maxwell,  Sir  William  Stirling-.  927.5  M52 

Stories  of  the  Spanish  artists  until  Goya;  selected  and  arranged  by 
Luis  Carreiio,  with  introduction  by  Edward  Hutton.  1910.  Chatto. 
Contents:  Luis  Morales. — Sanchez  Coello. — Juan  Fernandez  Navarrete,  El  Mudo. 
— El  Greco. — Luis  de  Vargas. — Juan  de  las  Roelas. — -Francisco  de  Herrera*  the  elder. — 
Francisco  Pacheco. — Velasquez. — Ribera. — Zurbaran. — Alonso  Cano. — Murillo. — Goya. — 
Cean  Bermudez. — A  list  of  the  chief  works  of  the  principal  Spanish  painters. 

O'Neil,  A.  comp.  ^  qr927.5  O25 

Dictionary  of  Spanish  painters,  comprehending  simply  that  part  of 
their  biography  immediately  connected  with  the  arts  from  the  14th 
century  to  the  i8th.    2v.     1833-34.    O'Neil. 

Ragg,  Mrs  Laura  M.  (Roberts).  927.5  R14 

Women  artists  of  Bologna.     [1907.]     Methuen. 

Contents:  Caterina  dei  Vigri. — Properzia  de'  Rossi. — Lavinia  Fontana. — Elisabetta 

"Authorities,"  p.309-310. 

"The  life  of  Caterini  dei  Vigri... is  as  typical  of  one  side  of  Italian  mediaevalism 
as  that  of  the  sculptress  Properzia  dei  Rossi  of  the  Renaissance,  and  those  of  Lavinia 
Fontana  and  Elisabetta  Sirani  of  the  life  of  the  later  sixteenth  and  seventeenth  cen- 
turies. Many  excellent  illustrations  assist  in  forming  a  complete  estimate  of  the  artis- 
tic achievement  of  the  four  subjects  of  biography,  and  the  author  is  to  be  congratulated 
on  a  local  study  of  genuine  and  scholarly  interest."     Outlook,  (London),  1907. 

Robinson,  Frank  Torrey.  ^^927.5  R54 

Living  New  England  artists;  biographical  sketches;  reproductions 

of  original  drawings  and  paintings  by  each  artist.     1888.    Cassino. 
Nearly  30  painters  and  illustrators  are  included. 

Musicians  and  composers 

See  also  Music,  780 

Clarke,  A.  Mason,  comp.  r927.8  C52 

Biographical  dictionary  of  fiddlers,  including  performers  on  the 
violoncello  and  double  bass,  past  and  present,  containing  a  sketch  of 
their  artistic  career,  together  with  notes  of  their  compositions,  &c. 
1895.    Reeves. 


Diehl,  Alice  Mangold.  927.8  D57 

Musical  memories.     1897.     Bentley. 
Reminiscences  of  musical  celebrities,  chiefly  in  London  and  Paris,  in  the  50's  and  6o'8. 

Ehrlich,  A.  927.8  E38C 

Celebrated  pianists  of  the  past  and  present;  a  collection  of  139  biog- 
raphies.    1894     Presser. 

Very  short  sketches,  each  accompanied  by  a  portrait. 

Ferris,  George  Titus.  927.8  F42g 

Great  German  composers.     1893.    Appleton. 

Contents:  Bach. —  Handel. —  Gluck. —  Haydn.  —  Mozart.  —  Beethoven.  —  Schubert, 
Schumann  and  Franz. — Chopin. — Weber. — Mendelssohn. — Wagner. 

Short  biographical  and  critical  sketches. 

Ferris,  George  Titus.  927.8  F42gr 

Great  Italian  and  French  composers.     1893.    Appleton. 

Contents:  Palestrina. —  Piccini,  Paisiello  and  Cimarosa. —  Rossini. —  Donizetti  and 
Bellini.  —  Verdi.  —  Cherubini  and  his  predecessors.  —  Mehul,  Spontini  and  Halevy.  — 
Boieldieu  and  Auber. — Meyerbeer. — Gounod  and  Thomas. — Berlioz. 

Short  biographical  and  critical  sketches. 

Finck,  Henry  Theophilus.  927.8  F49 

Success  in  music,  and  how  it  is  won,  with  a  chapter  on  tempo  rubato 
by  I.  J.  Paderewski.    1909.    Scribner. 

Contents:  Music,  money  and  happiness. — Successful  singers. — Great  pianists. — Four 
types  of  violinists. — Teachers,  parents  and  pupils. 

Begins  with  some  interesting  statistics  as  to  the  pecuniary  returns  of  a  musical 
career.  Then  follow  a  number  of  biographies  of  special  interest,  the  inclusion  of  such 
names  as  Geraldine  Farrar,  Mary  Garden,  Victor  Maurel,  Maurice  Renaud,  Ludwig 
Wiillner  and  others  making  this  portion  of  the  work  very  much  up  to  date  (1910).  The 
author  has  a  personal  acquaintance  with  most  of  the  singers  he  describes  and  his  pages 
are  enlivened  with  anecdotes  and  conversations,  as  well  as  with  shrewd  estimates. 

Jaeger,  Carl.  927.8  J14 

Gallery  of  German  composers;  a  series  of  photographic  portraits, 

with  biographical  and  critical  notices  by  E.  F.  Rimbault.     1873.     Bruck- 


Contents:    J.  S.  Bach. — G.  F.  Handel. — Christopher  Gluck. — Joseph  Haydn. — W.  A. 

Mozart. — Ludwig  van  Beethoven. — Franz  Schubert. — C.  M.  v.  Weber. — Felix  Mendels- 

sohn-Bartholdy. — Robert  Schumann. — Jacob  Meyerbeer. — Richard  Wagner. 

Strang,  Lewis  Clinton.  927-8  S89 

Famous  prima  donnas.     [1906.]     Page. 

Contents:  Alice  Nielsen. — Virginia  Earle. — Lillian  Russell. — Josephine  Hall. — 
Mabelle  Gilman. — Fay  Templeton. — Madge  Lessing. — J.  B.  Davis. — Edna  Wallace  Hop- 
per.— Paula  Edwardes. — Lulu  Glaser. — Minnie  Ashley. — Edna  May. — Marie  Celeste. — 
Christie  MacDonald. — Marie  Dressier. — Delia  Fox. — Camille  D'Arville. — Marie  Tempest. 
— Maud  Raymond. — Pauline  Hall. — Hilda  Clark. 

Strang,  Lewis  Clinton.  927.8  S89f 

Famous  stars  of  light  opera.     [1906.]     Page. 

Contents:  Francis  Wilson. — J.  T.  Powers. — Walter  Jones. — DeWolf  Hopper. — 
Richard  Golden. — Dutch  comedy  and  its  delineators. — T.  Q.  Seabrooke. — Frank  Daniels. 
— Jerome  Sykes. — Dan  Daly. — H.  C.  Barnabee. — H.  E.  Dixey. — Otis  Harlan. — Richard 
Carle. — Digby  Bell. — Jefferson  DeAngelis. — P.  F.  Dailey. — Light  comedy  in  opera  and 
its  exponents. 

Tapper,  Thomas.  927.8  T19 

First  studies  in  music  biography.     1900.    Presser. 

Contents:  Bach. — Handel. — Haydn. —  Mozart. —  Beethoven. —  Schubert. —  Mendels- 
sohn.— Schumann. — Chopin. — Wagner. 


Upton,  George  Putnam.  r927.8  U26S 

Standard  musical  biographies;  a  handbook  setting  forth  the  lives, 
works  and  characteristics  of  representative  composers.    1910.    McClurg. 
"Principal  works"  at  the  beginning  of  each  chapter. 

"Handbook  giving  in  condensed  form  the  biographies  of  one  hundred  and  four  com- 
posers whose  works  are  most  familiar  in  concert  rooms,  with  a  list  of  the  principal  com- 
positions of  each  and  an  estimate  of  their  claims  to  fame.  There  are  some  surprising 
omissions  but  the  book  is  on  the  whole  useful  and  both  unbiased  and  authoritative." 
A.  L.  A.  booklist,  igio. 


See  also  Theatre,  792 

Edwards,  Henry  Sutherland.  927.9  E31 

Idols  of  the  French  stage.    2v.     1889.    Remington. 
The  same.    2v 1^927.9  E31 

V.I.  The  wife  of  Moliere. — Adrienne  Lecouvreur. — Madame  Favart. — Sophie  Ar- 
nould. — Mademoiselle  de  Camargo. 

V.2.  Madeline  Guimard.  —  Madame  Dugazon.  —  Mademoiselle  Clairon.  —  Made- 
moiselle Contat. — Mademoiselle  Raucourt. — Madame  de  Saint-Huberty. — Rachel. — Sarah 

r927.9  G82 
Green  room  book;  or,  Who's  who  on  the  stage,  1907,  1909.  [1907-09.] 

General  biographical  dictionary  of  actors,  managers,  playwrights  and  critics.  Con- 
tains also  miscellaneous  information  in  regard  to  the  theatrical  events  of  the  year. 

Hamm,  Margherita  Arlina.  927.9  H22 

Eminent  actors  in  their  homes;  personal  descriptions  and  interviews. 
1902.    Pott. 

Contents:  Introduction:  The  actor  and  his  home.  —  E.  H.  Sothern,  Virginia 
Harned-Sothern  in  West  Sixty-ninth  street,  N.  Y. — Richard  Mansfield,  Beatrice  Cam- 
eron-Mansfield, their  lares  and  penates. — Marie  Bates,  her  home  in  East  Thirty-first 
street,  N.  Y.  —  Elsie  de  Wolfe  at  her  own  hearth.  —  M.  M.  Fiske  at  home.  —  Annie 
O'Neill  at  home  and  abroad. — Edward  Harrigan  at  Schroon  lake. — A.  W.  Tiffany  by 
the  sea-shore. — May  Robson,  the  domestic  side  of  a  great  artist. — David  Warfield  at 
leisure. — Viola  Allen,  her  domestic  gods. — Francis  Wilson  at  the  Orchard. — ^Julia  Mar- 
lowe on  hearth  and  heath. — Annie  Russell,  her  mansion  and  bungalow. — Amelia  Bing- 
ham and  her  many-sided  home. — Burr  Mcintosh  in  many  roles. — Chauncey  Olcott,  the 
domestic  side  of  a  nomad. — ^J.  K.  Hackett,  Mary  Mannering-Hackett,  their  home  life. — 
Mr  and  Mrs  Robert  Edeson  at  home. — Joseph  Jefferson,  America's  first  actor;  his  inner 
life. — Otis  Skinner  in  town  and  woodland. — W.  H.  Crane  and  his  "Fishing-box." — Mary 
Anderson  de  Navarro,  mistress  of  the  Court  Farm,  Broadway,  Worcestershire. — N.  C. 
Goodwin,  Maxine  Elliott-Goodwin,  their  home  on  the  Old  Kent  road. 

Melbourne,  George  A.  pub.  qr927.9  M58 

Famous  players  of  to-day.     1904. 

Brief  sketches,  accompanied  by  full-page  portraits,  of  Mrs  Leslie  Carter,  Kyrle 
Bellew,  Blanche  Bates,  E.  H.  Sothern,  Maude  .\dams,  David  Warfield,  Drina  de  Wolfe, 
Wright  Lorimer,  Eleanor  Robson,  Tyrone  Power,  Rose  Coghlan,  Robert  Hilliard, 
Marie  Cahill,  T.  Q.  Seabrooke,  Mrs  Fiske  and  Henry  Miller. 

Shipman,  Louis  Evan.  1*927.9  S55 

Group  of  theatrical  caricatures;  12  plates  by  W.  J.  Gladding,  with  an 
introduction  and  biographical  sketches  by  L.  E.  Shipman.  1897.  Dunlap 

The  caricatures  were  drawn  in  1868  and  are  said  to  give  faithfully  the  striking 
characteristics  of  each  actor.  They  include  John  Lester  Wallack,  Edwin  Forrest,  Wil- 
liam J.  Florence  and  Edwin  Booth. 


Strang,  Lewis  Clinton.  927.9  SSgf 

Famous  actors  of  the  day.     [1906.]     Page. 

Contents:  Joseph  Jefferson. — J.  A.  Heme. — Richard  Mansfield. — E.  M.  Holland. — 
E.  H.  Sothern. —  John  Drew. —  William  Faversham. —  J.  B.  Mason.  —  N.  C.  Goodwin. — 
James  O'Neill. — W.  H.  Crane. — Wilton  Lackaye. — William  Gillette. — Henry  Miller. — 
J.  K.  Hackett. — Henry  Jewett. — Stuart  Robson. — Melbourne  MacDowell. — S.  S.  Russell. 
— Otis  Skinner. — J.  E.  Dodson. — R.  B.  Mantell. — Roland  Reed. — Joseph  Haworth. — 
Herbert  Kelcey. 

qr927.9  W66 
Who's  who  on  the  stage;  the  dramatic  reference  book  and  biographical 
dictionary  of  the  theatre,  records  of  actors,  actresses,  managers  and 
playwrights  of  the  American  stage;  ed.  by  Walter  Browne  and  F.  A. 
Austin.     1906.     Walter  Browne. 

928     Literature.     Authors 

Austin,  Wiltshire  Stanton,  jr.  &  Ralph,  John.  928  A93 

Lives  of  the  poets-laureate,  with  an  introductory  essay  on  the  title 
and  office.    1853.    Bentley. 

Bell,  Charles  Dent.  928  B39 

Some  of  our  English  poets.     1895.     Stock. 

Contents:  Thomas  Gray. — Oliver  Goldsmith. — William  Cowper. — Sir  Walter  Scott. 
— Samuel  Taylor  Coleridge. — William  Wordsworth. 

Bell,  Robert.  928  B41 

Lives  of  the  most  eminent  literary  and  scientific  men  of  Great 
Britain;  English  poets.    2v.    1839.    Longman. 

v.i.  Michael  Drayton. — Abraham  Cowley. — Edmund  Waller. — John  Milton. — Sam- 
uel Butler. 

V.2.  John  Dryden. — Two  centuries  of  minor  poets. — Matthew  Prior. — Alexander 
Pope. — Edward  Young. — Mark  Akenside. 

Black,  Mrs  Helen  C.  928  B51 

Notable  women  authors  of  the  day;  biographical  sketches.     1893. 


Contents:  Mrs  Lynn  Linton. — Mrs  Riddell. — Mrs  L.  B.  Walford. — Rhoda  Brough- 
ton. — John  Strange  Winter  (Mrs  Arthur  Stannard). — Mrs  Alexander. — Helen  Mathers. 
— Florence  Marryat. — Mrs  Lovett  Cameron. — Mrs  Hungerford. — Matilda  Betham  Ed 
wards. — Edna  Lyall. — Rosa  Nouchette  Carey. — Adeline  Sergeant. — Mrs  Edward  Ken 
nard.— ^Jessie  Fothergill. — Lady  Duffus  Hardy. — Iza  Duffus  Hardy. — May  Crommelin 
— Mrs  Houstoun. — Mrs  Alex.  Eraser. — Honourable  Mrs  Henry  Chetwynd. — Jean  Mid' 
dlemass. — -\ugusta  de  Grasse  Stevens. — Mrs  Leith  Adams. — Jean  Ingelow. 

Gary,  Henry  Francis.  928  C24 

Lives  of  English  poets  from  Johnson  to  Kirke  White;  designed  as 

a  continuation  of  Johnson's  Lives.     1846.    Bohn.     (Works,  v.3.) 

Contents:     Samuel   Johnson. — John    Armstrong. — Richard   Jago. — R.  O.  Cambridge. 

— Tobias   Smollett. — Thomas   Warton. — Joseph   Warton. — Christopher  Anstey. — William 

Mason. — Oliver  Goldsmith. — Erasmus  Darwin. — W.  J.  Mickle. — James  Beattie. — William 

Hayley. — Sir  William  Jones. — Thomas  Chatterton.— H.  K.  White. 

Clarke,  Charles  Cowden,  &  Clarke,  Mrs  Mary  Cowden.  928  C52 

Recollections  of  writers.     [1878.]     Scribner. 

Contents:  General  recollections. — Recollections  of  John  Keats. — Charles  Lamb  and 
his  letters. — Mary  Lamb. — Leigh  Hunt  and  his  letters. — Douglas  Jerrold  and  his  letters. 
— Charles  Dickens  and  his  letters. 


Ditchfield,  Peter  Hampson.  928  D638 

Books  fatal  to  their  authors.  1903.  Stock.  (Book-lover's  library.) 
Enumerates  a  large  number  of  authors  of  all  countries  who  have  suffered  because 

of  their  books. 

Dutt,  William  Alfred.  928  D95 

Some  literary  associations  of  East  Anglia,  with  illustrations  in  colour 
by  Walter  Dexter.    1907.    McClure. 

Contents:  The  homes  and  haunts  of  Edward  Fitzgerald. — With  Crabbe  at  Alde- 
burgh. — In  and  about  Framlingham. — With  Crabbe  at  Parham. — East  Dereham. — Nor- 
wich.— Sir  Thomas  Browne  and  Bishop  Hall. — Lowestoft. — George  Borrow  at  Oulton. — 
Dickens'  "Blunderstone"  and  Thomas  Gray. — Great  Yarmouth. — The  Waveney  valley. — 
Bury  St.  Edmunds. — Barton  and  Hawstead. — Honington,  Euston  and  Ickworth. — King's 
Lynn  and  North  Norfolk. 

"Works  consulted,"  p.332-333. 

East  Anglia,  the  ancient  English  kingdom,  corresponded  to  the  modern  Norfolk 
and  Suffolk. 

Edwards,  Matilda  Betham-.  928  E31 

French  men,  women  and  books;  a  series  of  19th  century  studies. 
1910.    Chapman. 

Contents:  French  domestic  poetry,  with  original  translations. — A  great  love-story: 
Balzac  and  Madame  Hanska. — French  author  and  publisher:  Barbey  D'Aurevilly  and 
Trebutien. — An  Anglo-French  romance:  Mary  Clarke  and  Claude  Fauriel. — A  "God- 
intoxicated  Frenchman:"  Jean  Reynaud. — The  new  fiction:  MM.  Boysleve  and  Henry 
Bordeaux. — A  great  prose  epic,  1870-71:  the  brothers  Margueritte. — A  typical  artisan 
and  the  people's  universities. — Anglophile  and  reformer:  Edmond  Demolins. — The  his- 
torian of  a  tragedy:  M.  Joseph  Reinach. — French  views  of  England:  MM.  Chevrillon, 
Coste,  Boutmy  and  others. — Postscript:  La  France  vue  de  I'Angleterre;  French  study 
by  the  author. 

Erskine,  John.  928  E78 

Leading  American  novelists.     1910.    Holt.     (Biographies  of  leading 


Contents:     C.  B.  Brown. — J.  F.  Cooper. — W.  G.  Simms. — Nathaniel  Hawthorne. — 

H.  B.  Stowe. — Bret  Harte. 

Essays,  both  biographical  and  critical. 

Forrest,  Mary,  {pseud,  of  Julia  Deane  Freeman).  r928  F78 

Women  of  the  South  distinguished  in  literature.     1866.     Richardson. 

Contents:  O.  W.  Le  Vert.  —  Caroline  Gilman.  —  Caroline  Howard.  —  A.  C.  M. 
Ritchie. — C.  A.  Warfield.— E.  P.  Lee. — M.  J.  Mcintosh.— A.  L.  Phelps.— Marion  Har- 
land.— E.  D.  E.  N.  Southworth— R.  V.  Johnson — C.  L.  Hentz.— S.  R.  Ford.— S.  A. 
Talley.— A.  J.  Evans.— J.  T.  H.  Cross.— M.  S.  B.  D.  Shindler.— A.  E.  Dupuy.^A.  B. 
Welby. — K.  A.  Du  Bose. — A.  R.  Blount  and  C.  B.  Sinclair. — Lizzie  Petit. — S.  A. 
Reedy. — L.  V.  French. — M.  E.  Bryan. — A.  P.  Dinnies. — L.  S.  McCord. — M.  E.  Lee. — 
G.  A.  H.  McLeod.— M.  J.  Windle.— J.  T.  Worthington.— R.  Jacobus.— E.  B.  Chees- 
borough. — E.  C.  S.  Chilton. 

Forster,  Joseph.  928  F786 

Great  teachers.     1898.     Redway. 

Contents:  Burns. — Shelley. — Coleridge. — Tennyson. — Ruskin. — Carlyle. — Emerson. 
— Browning. 

Graham,  Henry  Grey.  928  G76 

Scottish  men  of  letters  in  the  i8th  century.     1901.     Black. 
Contents:     Dawn  of  literature,  Allan  Ramsay,  Hamilton  of  Bangour,  Robert  Blair. 
— Early  Scottish  philosophy,  Hutcheson,  David  Hume. — John  Home. — Principal  Robert- 
son.— Adam  Ferguson,   Dr  Hugh   Blair,  William  Wilkie,   Dr   Blacklock. — Adam   Smith. 
— Literary  judges:  Lord  Kames,  Lord  Monboddo,  Lord  Hailes. — James  Boswell. — James 


Graham,  Henry  Grey — continued.  928  G76 

Macpherson. — Dr  Thomas  Reid,  Dr  James  Beattie. — Scottish  men  of  letters  in  England: 
Mallet,  Thomson,  Smollett. — Women  of  letters :  Lady  Wardlaw,  Lady  Grisell  Baillie, 
Mrs  Cockburn,  Jean  Elliot,  Lady  Anne  Barnard,  Lady  Nairne. — Song-writers:  Skinner, 
Bruce,  Fergusson. — Robert  Burns. — Henry  Mackenzie,  Dugald  Stewart,  Close  of  the 

Anecdotal  biographies. 

Gubernatis,  Angelo,  conte  de,  comp.  qrg28  Ggsd 

Dictionnaire    international    des    ecrivains    du    monde    latin.      1905. 

Biographical  dictionary  which  includes  authors  of  all  nationalities  who  have  written 

on  the  Latin  world.     The  largest  place  is  given  to  Italian  writers  and  to  books  relating 

to  Italy.     Contains  a  subject  index. 

928  H75 
Homes  of  American  authors,  comprising  anecdotical,  personal  and  de- 
scriptive sketches,  by  various  w^riters.     1853.     Putnam. 

Contents:  J.J.  Audubon. — J.  K.  Paulding. — Washington  Irving. — W.  C.  Bryant. 
— George  Bancroft. — R.  H.  Dana. — W.  H.  Prescott. — C.  M.  Sedgwick. — J.  F.  Cooper. 
— Edward  Everett. —  R.  W.  Emerson. —  W.  G.  Simms. —  H.  W.  Longfellow. — Nathaniel 
Hawthorne. — Daniel  Webster. — J.   P.   Kennedy. — J.   R.  Lowell. 

Huneker,  James  Gibbons.  928  H93 

Egoists;  a  book  of  supermen.     1909.    Scribner. 

Contents:  Stendhal. — Baudelaire. — Flaubert. — Anatole  France.  — Huysmans. — Bar- 
res. — Nietzsche. — Blake. — Ibsen. — Stirner. — Ernest    Hello. 

Appeared  in  various  magazines. 

Jerrold,  William  Blanchard.  928  J28 

Days  with  great  authors,  comprising  choice  selections  from  Charles 
Dickens,  Sir  Walter  Scott,  W.  M.  Thackeray  and  Douglas  Jerrold,  with 
biographical  sketches.    1894.    Hagemann. 

Kavanagh,  Julia.  928  K14 

French  women  of  letters;  biographical  sketches.    2v.     1862.     Hurst. 
V.I.     Introduction. — Mademoiselle  de  Gournay. — Mademoiselle  de  Scudery. — "Ibra- 
him."— "The  grand  Cyrus." — "Clelia." — Mademoiselle  de  Scudery's  purpose. — Madame 
de  la  Fayette.  —  "Zayde."  —  "The  princess  of  Cleves."  —  Madame  de  Tencin.  —  "The 
memoirs  of  Comminge;"  "The  misfortunes  of  love." — Madame  Riccoboni. 

V.2.  Madame  Riccoboni's  tales. — Madame  de  Genlis. — Historical  novels. — Domestic 
tales. — Madame  de  Charriere:  The  "Letters  from  'Lausanne.'" — Madame  de  Kriidener. 
— "Valerie." — Madame  Cottin:  "Amelie  Mansfield." — Madame  de  Stael. — "Delphine." 
— "Corinne." 

Konnecke,  Gustav,  cotnp.  q928  K37 

Deutscher  literaturatlas,  mit  einer  einfiihrung  von  Christian  Muff. 


Reproductions  of  manuscripts,  illustrations  and  title-pages,  autographs,  miniatures, 

portraits  of  authors,  etc.,  with  brief  explanatory  text. 

Mason,  Edward  Tuckerman,  ed.  928  M44 

Personal  traits  of  British  authors.    4v.    1885.    Scribner. 

v. I.  Lord  Byron. — P.  B.  Shelley. — Thomas  Moore. — Samuel  Rogers. — John  Keats. 
— Robert  Southey. — W.  S.  Landor. 

V.2.  William  Wordsworth. — S.  T.  Coleridge. — Charles  Lamb. — William  Hazlitt. — 
J.  H.  L.  Hunt. — B.  W.  Procter. — Evenings  with  the  Lamb.s. 

V.3.  Sir  Walter  Scott. — James  Hogg. — Thomas  Campbell. — Thomas  Chalmers. — 
John  Wilson. — Thomas  De  Quincey. — Lord  Jeffrey. 

V.4.  Thomas  Hood. —  Lord  Macaulay. —  Sydney  Smith. —  D.  W.  Jerrold. —  Charles 
Dickens. — Charlotte  Bronte. — W.  M.  Thackeray. 

"List  of  authorities"  at  the  end  of  each  volume. 


Nichols,  John.  r928  N31 

Literary  anecdotes    of  the    i8th   century,   comprizing   biographical 

memoirs  of  William  Bowyer  and  many  of  his  friends;  an  incidental 

view  of  the  progress  and  advancement  of  literature  in  this  kingdom 

during  the  last  century,    gv.    1812-15.     Nichols. 
V.7  is  an  index  volume. 
"Invaluable  bibliographical  and  biographical  storehouse  of  information being  an 

expansion  of  the  earlier  'Memoirs  of  Bowyer.'  "    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Pajme,  William  Morton.  928  P33 

Leading  American  essayists.  1910.  Holt.  (Biographies  of  lead- 
ing Americans.) 

Contents:  Introduction. — Washington  Irving. — R.  W.  Emerson. — H.  D.  Thoreau. 
— G.  W.  Curtis. 

"Bibliographical  note,"  p.7-8. 

Sketches,  partly  biographical,  partly  critical. 

Poe,  Edgar  Allan.  928  P74 

Literati;    Autography;    ed.    by    J.  A.    Harrison.      1902.      Crowell. 

(Complete  works,  v.15.) 

The  same.    1902.     (Complete  works, 814  P74 

Bound  with  his  "Essays  and  miscellanies." 

Shelley,  Henry  Charles.  928  S54 

Literary  by-paths  in  old  England.     1906.     Little. 

Contents:  In  Spenser's  footsteps. — The  home  of  Sir  Philip  Sidney. — Memorials 
of  William  Penn. — The  birthplace  of  Gray's  Elegy. — Gilbert  White's  Selborne. — Gold- 
smith's "Deserted  village." — Burns  in  Ayrshire. — Keats  and  his  circle. — In  Carlyle's 
country. — Thomas  Hood's  homes  and  friends. — Royal  Winchester. 

"He  refreshes  vague  memories  and  supplies  fresh  clues  at  almost  every  turn,  and 
his  is  exactly  the  book  one  would  like  to  take  along  on  a  pilgrimage  to  poetic  shrines. . . 
The  plates  are  beautiful,  and  there  are  exactly  one  hundred  and  twenty-five  of  them, 
mostly  reproduced  from  photographs  of  the  author's  own."     Atlantic  tnonthly,  1907. 

Strachey,  Lionel,  &  Littlefield,  Walter,  ed.  928  S8g 

Love  letters  of  famous  poets  and  novelists;  selected  by  Lionel 
Strachey  and  prefaced  with  descriptive  sketches  by  Walter  Littlefield. 
1909.     McBride. 

Contents:  Byron  with  Lady  Caroline  Lamb,  Anna  Milbanke,  Jane  Clairmont  and 
the  countess  Guiccioli. — Poe  to  Mrs  Whitman. — Congreve  to  Mrs  Hunt. — Victor  Hugo 
with  Adele  Fouchet,  Juliette  Drouet  and  Claire. — Goethe  with  Augusta  zu  Stolberg,  Frau 
von  Stein  and  Bettina  Brentano. — Scott  from  Charlotte  Carpenter. — Merimee  to  the 
"Unknown." — Sterne  to  Elizabeth  Lumley,  Catherine  Fourmantel,  Lady  Percy  and  Mrs 
Draper. — Heine  to  the  "Fly." — Balzac  to  Madame  Hanska. — Pope  to  the  Blount  sisters. 
— Lamartine  from  Madame  Charles. — Lytton  and  Rosina  Wheeler. — Schiller  and  Char- 
lotte von  Lengefeld. — Keats  to  Fanny  Brawne. — George  Sand  and  Alfred  de  Musset. — 
Burns  with  Ellison  Begbie  and  "Clarlnda." 

Thome,  William  Henry.  928  T41 

Modern  idols;  studies  in  biography  and  criticism.  1887.  Lippincott. 
Contents:      Matthew    Arnold. —  Robert    Browning. —  Ole    Bull. —  Robert    Bums. — 

Thomas  Carlyle. — George  Eliot. — George  Sand. 

Vincent,  George  Edgar.  928  V34 

Some  Italian  authors  and  their  works.    1887.    Lothrop. 

Contents:  Introductory. — Cato,  the  censor. — Cicero,  the  orator. — Virgil,  the  poet. — 
Horace,  the  satirist. — Pliny,  the  younger. — Juvenal,  the  satirist — Tacitus,  the  historian. 
— Dante,  the  poet. — Petrarch,  the  poet. — Machiavelli,  the  diplomatist. — Alfieri. 


Warner,  Charles  Dudley,  ed.  928  W23W 

The  Warner  classics;  selected  from  the  introductory  studies  included 
in  "Library  of  the  world's  best  literature."    v.5-6.     1905.     Doubleday. 

v.s.  Shakespeare,  by  Edward  Dowden. — William  Shakespeare  the  man  and  the 
actor,  by  John  Malone. — Goethe,  by  Edward  Dowden. — Moliere,  by  Brander  Matthews. 
— .iEschylus,  by  J.  W.  White. — Henrik  Ibsen,  by  W.  H.  Carpenter. 

V.6.  O.  E.  L.  von  Bismarck,  by  Munroe  Smith. — Benjamin  Franklin,  by  John  Bige- 
low. — Lord  Beaconsfield,  by  I.  C.  Cabell. — William  Pitt,  from  "History  of  the  English 
people." — Thomas  Jefferson,  by  P.  L.  Ford. — Lincoln's  death  and  fame,  from  "Abra- 
ham Lincoln;  a  history." — Abraham  Lincoln,  by  H.  W.  Mabie. — Alexander  Hamilton,  by 
D.  C.  Gilman. — Henry  Clay,  by  J.  R.  Procter. 

Binder's  title  reads  "Studies  of  great  authors." 

For  V.  1-4  see  preceding  catalogue,  first  series. 

Williams,  Jane,  called  Ysgafell.  928  W74 

Literary  women  of  England,  including  a  biographical  epitome  of  all 
the  most  eminent  to  the  year  1700,  and  sketches  of  the  poetesses  to  the 
year  1850,  with  extracts  frpm  their  works  and  critical  remarks.  1861. 

Wilson,  Rufus  Rockwell.  928  W77 

New  England  in  letters.     1904.     Wessels. 

Contents:  Through  Longfellow's  country. — Wanderings  in  Whittier  land. — The 
Salem  of  Hawthorne. — Emerson  and  others  in  Concord. — Cambridge  and  its  worthies. — 
A  day  of  literary  beginnings. — The  Autocrat  and  his  comrades. — The  Boston  of  a  later 
time. — The  land  of  the  Pilg^rims. — A  winding  Bay  state  journey. — The  Berkshires  and  be- 
yond.— Connecticut  wits  and  worthies. 

Winchester,  Caleb  Thomas.  928  W778 

A  group  of  English  essayists  of  the  early  19th  century.  1910.  Mac- 

Contents:  The  new  essay;  Jeffrey  as  critic. — William  Hazlitt. — Charles  Lamb. — 
Thomas  De  Quincey. — John  Wilson. — Leigh  Hunt. 

He  sets  to  work  to  etch  the  lineaments  of  his  subjects  through  biographical  study 
and  then  to  show  how  their  literary  powers  and  limitations  were  conditioned  by  their 
characters.  Fairness,  proportion  and  completeness  are  felt  in  his  portraiture.  Con- 
densed from  Nation,  1910. 

Winter,  William.  928  W794 

Old  friends;  literary  recollections  of  other  days.  1909.  Moffat. 
Contents:  H.  W.  Longfellow.  —  Bohemian  days.  —  Vagrant  comrades.  —  O.  W. 
Holmes. — T.  B.  Aldrich. — Bayard  Taylor. — Charles  Dickens. — Wilkie  Collins. — G.  W. 
Curtis. — Old  familiar  faces :  Arthur  Sketchley. — Artemus  Ward. — Bohemia  again. — E. 
C.  Stedman. — The  Ornithorhyncus  Club. — C.  B.  Seymour. — William  North. — Sol  Ey- 
tinge. — ^J.  R.  Lowell. — D.  G.  Mitchell. — ^A.  H.  Smyth. — P.  J.  Bailey. — Notes:  Long- 
fellow letters. — George  Arnold. — Selected  letters  of  T.  B.  Aldrich. — Ada  Cavendish. 

"Doubly  interesting,  first,  for  the  intimate  personal  glimpses  which  it  affords  of 
men  who  have  won  popularity  and  abiding  honor  in  the  field  of  American  literature, 
and,  secondly,  for  the  unconscious  revelation  which  it  makes  of  the  finer  qualities  of 
the  author  himself."     Nation,  1909. 

Woodberry,  George  Edward.  928  W85 

Great  writers.    1907.    McClure. 

Contents:     Cervantes. — Scott. — Milton. — Virgil. — Montaig^ne. — Shakspere. 
Wright,  Thomas,  1810-77.  r928  W93 

Biographia  Britannica  literaria;  or.  Biography  of  literary  characters 
of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland;  Anglo-Norman  period.     1846.     Parker. 

Part  of  an  ambitious  work,  never  completed,  intended  to  cover  the  period  from 
Anglo-Saxon  times  to   1840. 

"He  recovered  from  manuscript  and  printed  for  the  first  time  many  valuable  histori- 
cal and  literary  records.  Much  of  his  work  was  hastily  executed,  and  errors  abound, 
but  his  enthusiasm  and  industry  were  inexhaustible."     Dictionary  of  national  biography. 


929    Genealogy  and  heraldry 


Newcastle-upon-Tyne,  England — Public  libraries.  qroi6.92g  N26 

Catalogue  of  books  and  tracts  on  genealogy  &  heraldry  in  the  Cen- 
tral Public  Libraries.    1910,    Doig. 

United  States — Library  of  Congress.  qroi6.g29  U25 

American  and  English  genealogies  in  the  Library  of  Congress;  pre- 
liminary catalogue.    1910. 

General  \vorks 

Bernau,  Charles  Allan,  comp.  1929  B45 

International  genealogical  directory,  1907.     [1907.] 

Bridger,  Charles.  r929  B74 

Index  to  printed  pedigrees  contained  in  county  and  local  histories, 
the  Heralds'  visitations  and  in  the  more  important  genealogical  collec- 
tions.   1867.    Smith. 

Binder's  title  reads  "Index  to  pedigrees  of  English  families." 

Includes  the  landed  gentry  of  England  and  Wales,  and  indexes  brief  genealogies 
as  well  as  such  monumental  works  as  Burke's. 

Fothergill,  Gerald,  and  others.  Tg2g  F82 

Some  special  studies  in  genealogy.     1908.     Bernau. 
Contents:     American   emigrants,   how  to  trace   their   English   ancestry,   by   Gerald 

Fothergill. — The  Quaker  records,  by  Josiah  Newman. — The  genealogy  of  the  submerged, 

by  C.  A.  Bernau. 

qr929  G75 
Grafton  magazine  of  history  and  genealogy;  a  quarterly  publication, 
June  1908-date.     v.i-date.     1908-date. 

Haxtun,  Annie  Arnoux.  qrgsg  H36 

Early  settlers  of  New  Amsterdam. 

Reprinted  from  the  "Mail  and  express,  N.  Y.,"  1903. 

Notes  on  some  old  New  York  families  including  the  Loockermans,  Van  Cortlandts, 
Van  Rensselaers,  De  Forests,  Livingstons,  De  Peysters,  Stuyvesants,  Morrises,  Ja3rs, 
Bayards,  De  Lanceys,  Beekmans,  Waltons,  De  la  Montag^nes,  Provoosts,  Brevoorts,  Kips, 
Remsens,  Willinks,  Van  Wycks,  Philipses,  Broncks,  Stillwells,  Townsends  and  Roosevelts. 

Haactun,  Annie  Arnoux.  qrgag  H36S 

Signers  of  the  Mayflower  compact.     3v.  in  i. 

Reprinted  from  the  "Mail  and  express,  N.  Y.,"  1896. 

Biographical  and  genealogical  notes  concerning  the  signers. 

1929  H62 
Historical   bulletin;    monthly,   July    1905-Sept.    1906.     v. 7-9.      1905-06. 

Discontinued  with  v. 9,   Sept.    1906. 

Magazine  of  United  States  history  and  genealogy. 

Munsell's  (Joel)  Sons,  pub.  qr929  M96i2 

Index  to  American  genealogies  and  to  genealogical  material  con- 
tained in  all  works;  supplement,  1900-08.     1908. 

For  work  which  this  supplements  see  preceding  catalogue,  first  series. 


rg2g  N36 
New  England  historical  &  genealogical  register;  index  of  persons,  v.i- 
50,  1847-96.    V.3. 
V.3.    s-z. 

Index  of  subjects,  v.  1-50,  1847-96. 

Index  of  places,  v.  1-50,  1847-96. 

For  volumes  of  magazine  and  for  earlier  volumes  of  index  see  preceding  catalogues. 

qrgag  P36 
Pedigree  register;  quarterly,  June  1907-March  1909.  v.i,  no. 1-8.    1907-09. 

Round,  John  Horace.  929  R77P 

Peerage  and  pedigree;  studies  in  peerage  law  and  family  history. 
2v.     1910.     Nisbet. 

V.I.  The  Willoughby  d'Eresby  case  and  the  rise  of  the  Berties. — The  barony  of 
Delawarr. — Peerage  cases  in  the  court  of  chivalry. — The  muddle  of  the  law. — Tales  of 
the  conquest. — The  House  of  lords. 

V.2.  Some  "Saxon"  houses. — The  great  Carington  imposture. — The  geste  of  John 
de  Courcy. — Heraldry  and  the  gent.      ' 

Scottish  Record  Society.  qrgag  S43 

[Publications],  March  1908-date.     pt.40-date.     1908-date. 
Index  to  the  register  of  the  parish  of  Edinburgh  is  catalogued  separately   (qrgag 

United  States — Census  office  (ist  census:  1790).  qi'gsg  U25 

Heads  of  families  at  the  first  census  of  the  United  States,  v.i-12. 

V.  1.     Vermont. 

V.2.     New  Hampshire. 

V.3.     Maryland. 

V.4.     Rhode  Island. 

v.s.     Connecticut. 

V.6.     Maine. 

V.7.     South  Carolina. 

V.8.     Massachusetts. 

v.g.     New  York.     North  Carolina. 

V.I  I.     Pennsylvania. 

V.12.     Virginia;  records  of  the  state  enumerations,  1782  to  1785. 

The  aim  is  to  publish  eventually  lists  of  the  heads  of  families  of  all  the  17  states 
included  in  the  first  census.  The  work  will  probably  be  of  service  chiefly  to  genealo- 
gists. Under  each  town  of  a  county  are  given  the  names  of  the  heads  of  families  and 
there  is  a  general  index  at  the  end  of  each  volume. 

Family  genealogies 

Bellet,  Louise  Pecquet  du.  rg2g.2  B41 

Some  prominent  Virginia  families.    4v.     1907.     [Bell.] 

Genealogies  of  the  Jaquelin,  Cary,  Randolph,  Fairfax,  Carter,  Lee,  Willis,  Nicholas, 

Moncure,  Marshall,  Harrison,  Fitzhugh,  Mason,  Bernard  Smith,  Mills,  Dimitry,  Evans, 

Pendleton,  Boiling  and  other  prominent  families. 

Bond,  Henry.  qr92g.2  B62 

Genealogies  of  the  families  and  descendants  of  the  early  settlers  of 
Watertown,  Massachusetts,  including  Waltham  and  Weston;  to  which 
is  appended  the  early  history  of  the  town,  with  a  memoir  of  the  author 
by  H.  G.  Jones.    2v.  in  i.     i860. 


Chambers,  Theodore  Frelinghuysen.  qrg2g.2  C35 

Early  Germans  of  New  Jersey;  their  history,  churches  and  genealo- 
gies.    [1895.     Dover  Printing  Co.] 

Section  on  genealogy  covers  Hunterdon,  Morris,  Sussex  and  Warren  counties. 
Maps  and  illustrations. 

Crozier,  William  Armstrong,  ed.  r975.5  V3493  v.8 

Key  to  Southern  pedigrees;  being  a  comprehensive  guide  to  the 
colonial  ancestry  of  families  in  the  states  of  Virginia,  Maryland, 
Georgia,  North  Carolina,  South  Carolina,  Kentucky,  Tennessee,  West 
Virginia  and  Alabama.     [191 1.]     (In  Virginia  county  records,  v.8.) 

Egle,  William  Henry,  comp.  qrgzg.i  B34 

Genealogical  record  of  the  families  of  Beatty,  Egle,  Miiller,  Murray, 
Orth  and  Thomas.     1886.     Hart. 

Goodwin,  Nathaniel.  ^  r929.2  G633 

Genealogical  notes;  or.  Contributions  to  the  family  history  of  some 
of  the  first  settlers  of  Connecticut  and  Massachusetts.     1856.     Brown. 

Mackenzie,  George  Norbury,  ed.  qr929.2  M18 

Colonial  families  of  the  United  States  of  America,  in  which  is  given 
the  history,  genealogy  and  armorial  bearings  of  colonial  families  who 
settled  in  the  American  colonies  from  the  time  of  the  settlement  of 
Jamestown,  13th  May  1607,  to  the  battle  of  Lexington,  19th  April  1775. 
v.i-2.     1907-11.     Grafton  Press. 

Pelletreau,  William  Smith.  qr929.2  P37 

Historic  homes  and  institutions  and  genealogical  and  family  history 
of  New  York.    4v.    1907.    Lewis. 

Sanford,  John  Langton,  &  Townsend,  Meredith.  r929.2  S22 

Great  governing  families  of  England.    2v.    1865.    Blackwood. 
A  chapter  is  devoted   to  each  of  the  great  families  included,  in  which  something 

of  their  history  and  genealogy  is  presented. 

Summers,  Ewing,  ed.  qr929.2  S95 

Genealogical  and  family  history  of  eastern  Ohio.     1903. 

Short  biographical  sketches  of  many  present  (1903)  and  former  residents  of  East 
Liverpool,  Youngstown  and  neighboring  towns,  with  some  notice  of  their  ancestors. 

Ward,  Andrew  Henshaw.  r929.2  W21 

Family  register  of  the  inhabitants  of  the  town  of  Shrewsbury,  Mass. 
from  its  settlement  in  1717  to  1829,  and  of  some  of  them  to  a  later 
period.     1847.    Drake. 

Whayman,  Horace  W.  Billings,  ed.  rg29.2  W59 

Pittsburgh  and  Pennsylvania  genealogies  (fragmenta  genealogica 
heraldica).    v.1-2.     1906-07.     Pierpont.    Pittsburgh. 

Whitmore,  William  Henry,  comp.  r929.2  W64 

Register  of  families  settled  at  the  town  of  Medford,  Mass.  1855. 



Acheson,  Alexander  W.  rg29.2  A17 

History  of  the  Acheson  family  on  the  paternal  side.    1878.    Pittsburgh. 

Family  of  Scotch-Irish  extraction  which  settled  at  Washington,  Pa.  in  the  late  i8th 


Alexander,  John  Edmiston.  r92g.2  A37 

Record  of  the  descendants  of  John  Alexander  of  Lanarkshire,  Scot- 
land, and  his  wife,  Margaret  Glasson,  who  emigrated  from  county 
Armagh,  Ireland  to  Chester  county,  Pennsylvania,  1736.    1878.    Martien. 


Balch,  Thomas  Willing,  comp.  qr929.2  B18 

Balch  genealogica.     1907.     Allen. 

Barber,  Edwin  AtLee,  comp.  r929.2  B23 

Genealogy  of  the  Barber  family,  the  descendants  of  Robert  Barber 
of  Lancaster  county,  Pa.     1890.     Fell. 


Seilhamer,  George  Overcash.  r929.2  B237 

Bard  family;  a  history  and  genealogy  of  the  Bards  of  "Carroll's 
Delight,"  with  a  chronicle  of  the  Bards  and  genealogies  of  the  Bard 
kinship.     1908. 


Jennings,  Zelie.  *  vq2q.2  J26 

Some  account  of  Dettmar  Basse  and  the  Passavant  family  and  their 
arrival  in  America.     [1903.] 

[Borneman,  Joseph  H.  comp.]  r929.2  B63 

History  of  the  Borneman  family  in  America  since  the  first  settlers, 
1721  to  1878.    1881.     Privately  printed. 


Boughton,  James.  ,  r929.2  B65 

Bouton-Boughton  family;  descendants  of  John  Bouton,  a  native  of 
France,  who  embarked  from  Gravesend,  Eng.  and  landed  at  Boston  in 
December  1635  and  settled  at  Norwalk,  Ct.     1890.    Munsell. 


Craighead,  James  Geddes.  r929.2  C86 

Craighead   family;   a   genealogical    memoir    of   the    descendants    of 

Thomas  and  Margaret  Craighead,  1658-1876.     1876.     Privately  printed. 

Waylen,  James.  r929.2  C89 

House  of  Cromwell;  a  genealogical  history  of  the  family  and  de- 
scendants of  the  Protector;  revised  by  J.  G.  Cromwell.     1897.    Stock. 

Genealogy  of  the  family  from  the  14th  to  the  19th  century,  including  a  short 
chapter  on  the  Cromwells  in  America. 


Cope,  Gilbert.  1929.2  D25C 

Genealogy  of  the  Darlington  family;  a  record  of  the  descendants  of 
Abraham  Darlington  of  Birmingham,  Chester  co.,  Penna.  and  of  some 
other  families  of  the  name.     1900.     Privately  printed. 

De  Carpentier 
Sellers,  Edwin  Jaquett,  comp.  1929.2  D35 

Genealogy  of  the  De  Carpentier  family  of  Holland.  1909.  Privately 


Dickson,  William  Brown,  ed.  1929.2  D55 

Genealogy  of  the  Dickson  family  and  its  immediate  collateral 
branches,  with  notes  on  the  Scottish  emigration  to  North  Ireland.  1908. 
Privately  printed. 

Darby,  William.  r929.2  D64 

Dixons  of  Dixon's  ford;  with  "The  soldier's  tale,"  a  story  of  the 
people  of  Derry  in  1776.     1878.     Dauphin  County  Historical  Soc. 

A  letter  and  a  story  relating  to  an  old  Pennsylvania  family  of  Revolutionary  times. 
The  letter  also  makes  frequent  mention  ot  the  Roan  family. 

Maxwell,  Sir  Herbert  Eustace.  929.2  D75 

History  of  the  house  of  Dtouglas  from  the  earliest  times  down  to 
the  legislative  union  of  England  and  Scotland,  with  an  introduction  by 
W.  A.  Lindsay.    2v.     1902.     Freemantle. 

"Principal  authorities  quoted,"  v.i,  p.17-18. 

The  book  is  more  than  a  bare  genealog^y,  since  the  history  of  this  famous  Scottish 
family  is  for  some  centuries  co-extensive  with  the  history  of  Scotland. 

Du  Puy 

Du  Puy,  Charles  Meredith,  comp.  qrg2g.2  D93 

Genealogical  history  of  the  Dupuy  family,  with  additions  by  his  son 
Herbert  DuPuy.     1910.     Privately  printed. 


Cope,  Gilbert,  comp.  r929.2  D95 

Genealogy  of  the  Dutton  family  of  Pennsylvania,  preceded  by  a 
history  of  the  family  in  England  from  the  time  of  William  the  Con- 
queror to  the  year  1669,  with  an  appendix  containing  a  short  account 
of  the  Duttons  of  Conn.     1871.    Privately  printed. 


Flagg,  Norman  Gershom,  &  Flagg,  L.  C.  S.  comp.  1929.2  F59 

Family  records  of  the  descendants  of  Gershom  Flagg  (born  1730)  of 
Lancaster,  Massachusetts,  with  other  genealogical  records  of  the  Flagg 
family  descended  from  Thomas  Flegg  of  Watertown,  Mass.  and  includ- 
ing the  Flegg  lineage  in  England.     1907.    Privately  printed. 

GENEALOGY  AND  HERALDRY                         2445 


Graff,  Paul.  r929.2  G76 

History  of  the  Graff  family  of  Westmoreland  co.  1891.  Privately 


Harrison,  William  Welsh.  qr929.2  H31 

Harrison,  Waples  and  allied  families;  the  ancestry  of  George  Leib 
Harrison  of  Philadelphia  and  of  his  wife,  Sarah  Ann  Waples,  by  their 
son.    1910.    Privately  printed. 


Herr,  Theodore  Witmer,  cotnp.  r929.2  H47 

Genealogical  record  of  Reverend  Hans  Herr  and  his  direct  lineal 

descendants,  from  his  birth,  A.  D.   1639  to  the   present  time.     1908. 
Privately  printed. 

Howard,  Joseph  Piatt,  and  others,  comp.  qr929.2  H84 

Abraham  Howard  of  Marblehead,  Mass.  and  his  descendants.  1897. 
Privately  printed. 

Sellers,  Edwin  Jaquett.  r929.2  J18 

Genealogy  of  the  Jaquett  family.    1907.    Privately  printed. 

Landis,  David  Bachman.  r929.2  L22 

Landis  family  of  Lancaster  county;  a  comprehensive  history  of  the 
Landis  folk  from  the  martyrs'  era  to  the  arrival  of  the  first  Swiss 
settlers,  giving  their  numerous  lineal  descendants.  1888.  Privately 


Mead,  Edward  Campbell,  ed.  Tg2g.2  L52m 

Genealogical  history  of  the  Lee  family  of  Virginia  and  Maryland 
from  A.  D.  1300  to  A.  D.  1866,  with  notes  and  illustrations.  1868. 

Lea,  James  Henry,  &  Hutchinson,  J.  R.  qr929.2  L71 

Ancestry  of  Abraham  Lincoln.    1909.    Houghton. 

"The  value  of  this  volume  rests  upon  the  fact  that  it  is  the  work  of  trained  investi- 
gators, who  have  carefully  weighed  their  evidence,  and  who  have  not  hesitated  to  mark 
what  is  doubtful  or  misleading."     Nation,  igog. 


Lindsay  Family  Association  of  America.  r929.2  L722 

Annual  report  (ist-6th,  8th),  1904-09,  1911.     [Lindsey.] 



Linn,  George  Wilds.  rg2g.2  L72 

History  of  a  fragment  of  the  clan  Linn  and  genealogy  of  the  Linn 
and  related  families.     1905.    Privately  printed. 


Livingston,  Edwin  Brockholst,  cotnp.  r92g.2  L74 

The  Livingstons  of  Livingston  manor;  being  the  history  of  that 
branch  of  the  Scottish  house  of  Callendar  which  settled  in  the  English 
province  of  New  York  during  the  reign  of  Charles  the  Second,  and  also 
including  an  account  of  Robert  Livingston  of  Albany,  "The  nephew," 
a  settler  in  the  same  province,  and  his  principal  descendants.  1910. 
Privately  printed. 

"List  of  authorities,"  p.564-S7S- 


Buchanan,  Roberdeau.  rg2g.2  M176 

Genealogy  of  the  McKean  family  of  Pennsylvania,  with  a  biography 
of  the  Hon.  Thomas  McKean;  with  an  introductory  letter  by  T.  F. 
Bayard.     1890.     Inquirer  Printing  Co. 


Merrill,  John  Houston.  r929.2  M67 

Memoranda  relating  to  the  Mifflin  family.  [1890.]  Privately  printed. 
Genealogical  information  in  regard  to  the  descendants  of  John  Mifflin,  who  came 

to  this  country  from  Wiltshire,  England  between  1676  and  1679.  • 


Banes,  Charles  Henry.  rg2g.2  M68 

Annals  of  Miles  ancestry  in  Pennsylvania  and  story  of  a  forged  will. 
1895.    Buchanan. 


Moffat,  R.  Burnham.  rg2g.2  M76 

Moffat  genealogies;  descent  from  John  Moffat  of  Ulster  county, 
New  York.     1909.    Privately  printed. 


Hayden,  Horace  Edwin.  rg2g.2  O23 

Oliver  genealogy;  a  record  of  the  descendants  of  Joseph,  Reuben 

and  Levi  Oliver  of  New  York,  Pennsylvania  and  Delaware,  1727-1888, 

and  of  Pierre  Elisee  Gallaudet  of  New  Rochelle,  N.  Y.,  1711-1888.  1888. 
Reprinted   from   the   "New   York   genealogical   and   biographical   record,"    v.  19-20, 

July,  Oct.  1888,  Jan.  1889. 


[Page,  Richard  Channing  Moore.]  qrg2g.2  P14 

Genealogy  of  the  Page  family  in  Virginia;  also  a  condensed  ac- 
count of  the  Nelson,  Walker,  Pendleton  and  Randolph  families,  with 


[Page,  Richard  Channing  Moore] — continued.  qrg2g.2  P14 

references  to  the  Byrd,  Carter,  Gary,  Duke,  Gilmer,  Harrison,  Rives, 
Thornton,  Wellford,  Washington  and  other  distinguished  families  in 
Virginia,  by  one  of  the  family.     1883.    Jenkins. 


Jennings,  Zelie.  1929.2  J26 

Some  account  of  Dettmar  Basse  and  the  Passavant  family  and  their 
arrival  in  America.     [1903.] 


Brenan,  Gerald.  929.2  P42 

History  of  the  house  of  Percy  from  the  earliest  times  down  to  the 

present  century;  ed.  by  W.A.Lindsay.    2v.     1902.     Freemantle. 

Account  of  one  of  the  most  ancient  and  illustrious  of  English  families,  in  which  the 
title  of  earl,  later  duke,  of  Northumberland  is  hereditary.    From  a  Catholic  point  of  view. 


Perrine,  Howland  Delano.  qr92g.2  P44 

Daniel  Perrin,  "the  Huguenot,"  and  his  descendants  in  America  of 
the  surnames  Perrine,  Perine  and  Prine,  1665-1910.  1910,  Privately 

Sinnett,  Charles  Nelson.  r929.2  P63 

Richard  Pinkham  of  old  Dover,  New  Hampshire,  and  his  descend- 
ants, east  and  west.     1908.    Rumford. 


Chase,  Levi  B.  contp.  r929.2  P731 

Genealogy   and   historical   notices  of   the   family  of   Plimpton   or 

Plympton  in  America  and  of  Plumpton  in  England.  1884.     Privately 


Randolph,  Lewis  Van  Syckle  Fitz.  r929.2  R18 

Fitz  Randolph  traditions;  a  story  of  a  thousand  years.     1907.     New 

Jersey  Historical  Soc. 

Genealogy  and  history  of  the  Fitz  Randolph  family. 


Searight,  James  Allison.  r92g.2  S43 

Record  of  the  Searight  family  (also  written  Seawright),  established 
in  America  by  William  Seawright,  who  came  from  near  Londonderry 
in  the  north  of  Ireland  to  Lancaster  county.  Pa.  about  the  year  1740, 
with  an  account  of  his  descendants  as  far  as  can  be  ascertained.    1893. 



Underhill,  Mrs  Lora  Altine  (Woodbury).  rg2g.2  S635 

Descendants  of  Edward  Small  of  New  England  and  the  allied  fami- 
lies, with  tracings  of  English  ancestry.    3v.     1910.     Privately  printed. 


Spangler,  Edward  Webster.  qr929.2  S74 

Annals  of  the  families  of  Caspar,  Henry,  Baltzer  and  George  Speng- 
ler, who  settled  in  York  county  respectively  in  1729,  1732,  1732  and 
1751,  with  biographical  and  historical  sketches  and  memorabilia  of 
contemporaneous  local  events.     1896.     Privately  printed. 


Stanton,  William  Alonzo.  qrg2g.2  Syg 

Record,  genealogical,  biographical,  statistical,  of  Thomas  Stanton 
of  Connecticut,  and  his  descendants,  1635-1891.     1891.    Munsell. 


Hayden,  Horace  Edwin,  comp.  rg2g.2  W47 

Weitzel  memorial;  historical  and  genealogical  record  of  the  de- 
scendants of  Paul  Weitzel  of  Lancaster,  Pa.,  1740,  including  brief 
sketches  of  the  families  of  Allen,  Byers,  Bailey,  Crawford,  Davis, 
Hayden,  M'Cormick,  Stone,  White  and  others.    1883.    Privately  printed. 


Clarke,  Adam.  r929.2  W55 

Memoirs  of  the  Wesley  family,  collected  principally  from  original 
documents.     1824.     Bangs. 


Wharton,  Anne  Hollingsworth,  comp.  qrg2g.2  Wsgs 

Genealogy  of  the  Wharton  family  of  Philadelphia,  1664  to  1880. 
1880.     Privately  printed. 


Kevin,  Franklin  Taylor,  comp.  qrg2g.2  Wysn 

Table  of  the  descendants  of  Margaret  Williamson.    1898.    Pittsburgh. 

Blue-print  copy. 

Woods,  Henry  Ernest,  comp.  qrg2g.2  W86 

Woods  family  of  Groton,  Massachusetts;  a  record  of  six  genera- 
tions.    1910.     Privately  printed. 

Reprinted  from  "New  England  historical  and  genealogical  register,"  v.64. 


Zahniser,  Kate  M.  &  Zahniser,  C.  R.  r92g.2  Z18 

The  Zahnisers;  a  history  of  the  family  in  America.     1906.     Privately 


Origin  and  general  history  of  the  family,  followed  by  a  genealogy. 


Registers.     Vital  records.     ^A^ills 

Ashbumham,  Mass.  ^929.3  A82 

Vital  records  of  Ashbumham,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the 
year  1849.  1909.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of.  towns 
of  Massachusetts.;  : 

Athol,  Mass.  1^929.3  A87 

Vital  records  of  Athol,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year  1849. 
1910.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of  Massa- 

Baldwin,  Jane,  afterward  Mrs  Cotton,  comp.  ^929.3  B19 

Maryland  calendar  of  wills,    v.3.     1907. 

V.3.     Wills  from  1703  to  1713. 

For  v.i-2  see  preceding  catalogue,  first  series. 

Barre,  Mass.  ^  r929.3  B26 

Vital  records  of  Barre,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year  1849. 
1903.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of  Massa- 

Bolton,  Mass.  1^29.3  B61 

Vital  records  of  Bolton,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year  1849. 
1910.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of  Massa- 

Brookfield,  Mass.  r929.3  B77 

Vital  records  of  Brookfield,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year 
1849.  1909.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of 

Charlton,  Mass.  '  1*929.3  C37 

Vital  records  of  Charlton,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year 
1849.  1905.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of 

Douglas,  Mass.  r929.3  D75 

Vital  records  of  Douglas,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year  1849. 
1906.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of  Massa- 

Dudley,  Mass.  r929.3  D87 

Vital  records  of  Dudley,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year  1849. 
1908.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of  Massa- 

Framingham,  Mass.  r929.3  F85 

Vital  records  of  Framingham,  Massachusetts,  to  the  year  1850; 
comp.  by  T.  W.  Baldwin.    191 1.     [Wright] 

Gardner,  Mass.  r929.3  G18 

Vital  records  of  Gardner,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year 

1849.     1007.     (Systematic  History  Fund.     Vital  records  of  towns  of 


Grafton,  Mass.  rgzg.s  G76 

Vital  records  of  Grafton,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year  1849. 
1906.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of  Massa- 

Harris,  Virgil  M.  929.3  H29 

Ancient,  curious  and  famous  wills.    191 1.    Little. 

Brings  together  some  500  wills  from  various  countries  and  times.  Includes  a  chapter 
of  practical  suggestions  for  will  making  and  one  on  wills  in  fiction  and  poetry. 

Holden,  Mass.  r929.3  Hyi 

Vital  records  of  Holden,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year  1849. 
1904.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of  Massa- 

Hubbardston,  Mass.  r929.3  H87 

Vital  records  of  Hubbardston,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the 
year  1849.  1907.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns 
of  Massachusetts.) 

Hull,  Mass.  r929.3  Hgi 

Vital  records  of  Hull,  Massachusetts,  to  the  year  1850;  comp.  by 
T.W.Baldwin.     1911.     [Wright.] 

Lancaster,  Mass.  r92g.3  L2in 

Birth,  marriage  and  death  register,  church  records  and  epitaphs  of 
Lancaster,  Massachusetts,  1643-1850;  ed.  by  H.  S.  Nourse.     1890. 

Leicester,  Mass.  r929.3  L55 

Vital  records  of  Leicester,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year 
1849.  1903.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of 

Leominster,  Mass;  r929.3  L63 

Vital  records  of  Leominster,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year 
1849.  191 1.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of 

Marlborough,  Mass.  1*929.3  M39 

Vital  records  of  Marlborough,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year 
1849.  1908.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of 

Millbury,  Mass.  r929.3  M68 

Vital  records  of  Millbury,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year 
1849.  1903.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of 

Natick,  Mass.  r929.3  Nis 

Vital  records  of  Natick,  Massachusetts,  to  the  year  1850;  comp.  by 
T.W.Baldwin.    1910.     [Gilson  Co.] 

New  England  Historic  Genealogical  Society.  ^929.3  N261 

Vital  records  [of  the  towns]  of  Massachusetts  to  the  year  1850.  23V. 


Norfolk,  Conn.  Church  of  Christ.  r929-3  N43 

Baptisms,  marriages,  burials  and  list  of  members  taken  from  the 
church  records  of  the  Reverend  A.  R.  Robbins,  first  minister  of  Nor- 
folk, Connecticut,  1761-1813;  in  commemoration  of  the  150th  anni- 
versary of  the  organization  of  the  church,  Dec.  24,  1760.    1910. 

Oakham,  Mass.  ^929.3  On 

Vital  records  of  Oakham,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year 
1849.  1905.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of 

Oxford,  Mass.  r929.3  O35 

Vital  records  of  Oxford,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year  1849. 
1905.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of  Massa- 

Parish  Register  Society.  i'929.3  Pas 

Registers.    no.6o-68,  in  4v.     1908-11. 

V. IS,  no. 60-62.  Bruton,  Somerset,  1554-1680,  v.i. — Appendix  to  a  list  of  parish 
registers. — Saint  Martin's  chapell  in  Fenny  Stratford,  Buckingham. 

V.I 6,  no.63-64.     Hanham  and  Oldland,  Gloucestershire. — St.  Mary,  Leicester. 

V.17,  no.65-66.     Mickleover  and  Littleover,  Derby. — Halesowen,  Worcester. 

V.I 8,  no. 67-68.     Bruera  Church,   St.   Oswald,   Chester.  —  Bruton,   Somerset,    1681- 

1812,   V.2. 

For  no.  1-59  see  preceding  catalogue,  second  series. 

Petersham,  Mass.  r929-3  P45 

Vital  records  of  Petersham,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year 
1849.  1904.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of 

Phillipston,  Mass.  r929.3  P51 

Vital  records  of  Phillipston,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year 
1849.  1906.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of 

Princeton,  Mass.  r929.3  P95 

,  Vital  records  of  Princeton,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year 
1849.  1902.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of 

Purple,  Samuel  Smith,  comp.  qr929.3  P98 

Index  to  the  marriage  records  from  1639  to  1801  »of  the  Reformed 
Dutch  church  in  New  Amsterdam  and  New  York.  1890.  Privately 

Royalston,  Mass.  1*929-3  I^8i 

Vital  records  of  Royalston,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year 
1849.  1906.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of 

Rutland,  Mass.  r929.3  R93 

Vital  records  of  Rutland,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year  1849. 
1905.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of  Massa- 


Sargent,  William  M.  comp.  ^929.3  S24 

Maine  wills,  1640-1760.     1887.    Thurston. 

Sharon,  Mass.  1^929.3  S53 

Vital  records  of  Sharon,  Massachusetts,  to  the  year  1850;  comp.  by 
T.W.Baldwin.     1909.     [Gilson  Co.] 

Sherbom,  Mass.  r92g.3  S55 

Vital  records  of  Sherborn,  Massachusetts,  to  the  year  1850;  comp.  by 
T.W.Baldwin.     1911.     [Gilson  Co.] 

Shrewsbury,  Mass.  r929.3  S56 

Vital  records  of  Shrewsbury,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year 
1849.  1904.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of 

Slaughter,  Philip.  r929.3  S63 

History  of  Bristol  parish,  Va.,  with  genealogies  of  families  con- 
nected therewith  and  historical  illustrations.     1879.    Randolph. 

First  published  in  1846. 

Southborough,  Mass.  r929.3  S72 

Vital  records  of  Southborough,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the 
year  1849.  1903.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns 
of  Massachusetts.) 

Spencer,  Mass.  r929.3  S74 

Vital  records  of  Spencer,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year  1849. 
1909.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of  Massa- 

Sutton,  Mass.  r929.3  S96 

Vital  records  of  Sutton,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year  1849. 
1907.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of  Massa- 

Templeton,  Mass.  r929.3  T28 

Vital  records  of  Templeton,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year 
1849.  1907.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of 

Upton,  Mass.  r929.3  U26 

Vital  records  »of  Upton,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year  1849. 
1904.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns  of  Massa- 

Warren,  Mass.  rg29.3  W24 

Vital  records  of  Warren  (formerly  Western),  Massachusetts,  to  the 
end  of  the  year  1849.  1910.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records 
of  towns  of  Massachusetts.) 

West  Boylston,  Mass.  r929.3  W561 

Vital  records  of  West  Boylston,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the 
year  1849.  191 1.  (Systematic  History  Fund.  Vital  records  of  towns 
of  Massachusetts.) 


Westborough,  Mass.  r929.3  W56 

Vital  records  of  Westborough,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year 
1849.     1903.      (Systematic   History  Fund.     Vital  records   of  towns  of 
Westminster,  Mass.  rg2g.3  W569 

Vital  records  of  Westminster,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year 
1849.     1908.     (Systematic   History  Fund.     Vital  records   of  towns  of 
Winchendon,  Mass.  ,  r929.3  W77 

Vital  records  of  Winchendon,  Massachusetts,  to  the  end  of  the  year 
1849.     1909.     (Systematic  History  Fund.     Vital  records   of  towns  of 
Worcester,  Mass.  qrgag.s  W88 

Worcester  births,  marriages  and  deaths;  comp.  by  F.  P.  Rice.     1894. 
(Worcester  (Mass.)  Society  of  Antiquity.     Collections,  v.12.) 

Contents:    Births,  1714-1848. — Marriages,  1747-1848. — Deaths,  1826-48. 
Wrentham,  Mass.  ^929.3  W92 

Vital  records  of  Wrentham,  Massachusetts,  to  the  year  1850;  comp. 
by  T.  W.  Baldwin.    2v.     1910.    Gilson. 

V.I.     Births. 

V.2.     Marriages  and  deaths. 

Yorkshire  Parish  Register  Society.  r929.3  Y33 

Publications,     v.33.     1908. 

V.33.     The  parish  registers  of  Otley,  co.  York,  1562-1672.     pt.i. 

Names  of  persons  and  places 

Anderson,  William,  1805-66.  1929.4  A55 

Genealogy   and    surnames,    with    some    heraldic    and    biographical 

notices.     1865.     Ritchie. 

Devoted   almost   entirely   to   names,   giving   the   origin   of   a   large  number,   chiefly 

English  and  Scottish. 

Arthur,  William,  1 796-1875,  comp.  r929.4  A79 

Etymological   dictionary   of  family  and   Christian   names,   with   an 
essay  on  theii;  derivation  and  import,     i860.     Sheldon. 
Barber,  Henry.  1*929.4  B233 

British  family  names;  their  origin  and  meaning,  with  lists  of  Scan- 
dinavian, Frisian,  Anglo-Saxon  and  Norman  names.     1903.     Stock. 
"Books  consulted,"  p. 11-12. 

Chicago  &  North-western  Railway  Co,  r929.4  C43 

History  of  the  origin  of  the  place  names  connected  with  the  Chicago 
&  North  Western  and  Chicago,  St.  Paul,  Minneapolis  &  Omaha  rail- 
ways; comp.  by  one  who  for  more  than  34  years  has  been  an  officer  in 
the  employ  of  the  system.    1908.    Privately  printed. 
Douglas-Lithgow,  Robert  Alexander,  comp.  r929.4  D75 

Dictionary  of  American-Indian  place  and  proper  names  in  New  Eng- 
land, with  many  interpretations,  etc.     1909.     Salem  Press  Co. 

"Bibliographical  list  of  principal  works  consulted,"  p.397-400. 


Dudgeon,  Patrick.  r929.4  D86 

Short  introduction  to  the  origin  of  surnames.     1890.     Douglas. 

Edmunds,  Flavell.  ''929.4  £29 

Traces  of  history  in  the  names  of  places,  with  a  vocabulary  of  the 
roots  out  of  which  names  of  places  in  England  and  Wales  are  formed. 
1869.     Longmans. 

Gentry,  Thomas  George.  r929.4  G29 

Family  names  from  the  Irish,  Anglo-Saxon,  Anglo-Norman  and 
Scotch,  considered  in  relation  to  their  etymology,  with  brief  remarks 
on  the  history  and  languages  of  the  peoples  to  whom  we  are  indebted 
for  their  origin.    1892.    Burk. 

Hitching,  F.  K.  &  Hitching,  S.  comp.  1929.4  H63 

References  to   English   surnames  in   1601;   an  index  giving  about 

19,650  references  to  surnames  contained  in  the  printed  registers  of  778 

English  parishes  during  the  first  year  of  the  17th  century.    1910.    Bernau. 

Lower,  Mark  Antony,  comp.  r929.4  L95P 

Patronymica  Britannica;  a  dictionary  of  the  family  names  of  the 
United  Kingdom.     1840.     Smith. 

McCormick,  Julian.  r929.4  M14 

The  child's  name;  a  collection  of  nearly  500  uncommon  and  beautiful 
names  for  children,  with  an  introduction  on  the  tasteful  use  of  Chris- 
tian names.    1899.    Young. 

Paterson,  James.  qr92g.4  Pag 

Scottish  surnames;  a  contribution  to  genealogy.     1866.     Stillie. 

Traces  the  derivation  of  the  names  and  supplies  other  genealogical  notes  con- 
cerning the  Fernie,  Cunninghame,  Wauchope,  Paterson,  Campbell  and  Russell  families. 

Salverte,  Anne  Joseph  Eusebe  Baconniere.  r929.4  S18 

History  of  the  names  of  men,  nations  and  places  in  their  connec- 
tion with  the  progress  of  civilization;  tr.  by  L.  H.  Mordacque.  2v. 
1864.    J.  R.  Smith. 

Sims,  Clifford  Stanley.  i'929-4  S61 

Origin  and  signification  of  Scottish  surnames,  with  ai vocabulary  of 

Christian  names.    1862.    Munsell. 
Bibliography,  p.9-10. 

Staples,  Hamilton  B.  qr929.4  S79 

Origin  of  the  names  of  the  states  of  the  Union.     1882.     Hamilton. 
A  paper  read  at  the  regular  meeting  of  the  American  Antiquarian  Society,  Oct.  21, 
1881,  and  published  in  its  "Proceedings." 


Rice,  Franklin  Pierce,  comp.  qr929.5  R39 

Marlborough,  Massachusetts,  burial  ground  inscriptions;  Old  Com- 
mon, Spring  Hill  and  Brigham  cemeteries.  1908.  Privately  printed. 
(Systematic  history  fund.) 


Rice,  Franklin  Pierce,  comp.  4^929.5  Psa 

Paxton,  Massachusetts,  burial  ground  inscriptions  to  the  end  of  the 

year    1849.      1906.      Privately    printed.      (Systematic    History    Fund; 


Unger,  Frederic  William.  929.5  U25 

Epitaphs;  a  unique  collection  of  post  mortem  comment,  obituary  wit 

and  quaint  and  gruesome  fancy.    1905.    Penn. 

Boutell,  Charles.  r929.6  6653 

Heraldry,  historical  and  popular.     1864.     Bentley. 
Copinger,  Walter  Arthur.  r929.6  C79 

Heraldry  simplified;  an  easy  introduction  to  the  science  and  a  com- 
plete body  of  armory,  including  the  arts  of  blazoning  and  marshalling, 
with  full  directions  for  the  making  of  pedigrees  and  information  as  to 
records,  &c.    1910.    Manchester  University  Press. 
Cussans,  John  Edwin.  929.6  C94 

Handbook  of  heraldry.    1882.    Chatto. 
Davies,  Arthur  Charles  Fox-.  r929.6  D31C 

Complete  guide  to  heraldry.     1909.     Jack. 

Primarily  a  guide  to  the  laws  of  heraldry  for  present  day  usage.  Reviews  ancient 
heraldic  practice,  defining  terms  and  describing  historic  ornaments  and  devices.  Illus- 
trated, partly  in  color. 

Davies,  Arthur  Charles  Fox-.  1929.6  Dsih 

Heraldry  explained.     [1907.]     Jack. 

Useful  handbook  of  information,  discussing  such  questions  as  how  to  prove  a  right 
to  arms,  and  the  process  and  cost  of  obtaining  a  grant  of  arms.  Explains  the  different 
parts  of  an  heraldic  device. 

Eve,  George  W.  929.6  E95 

Heraldry  as  art;  an  account  of  its  development  and  practice,  chiefly 

in  England.     1907.    Batsford. 

Manual  for  the  beginner  in  heraldic  art.     Numerous  illustrations. 

Eysenbach,  G.  rgag.d  Egg 

Histoire  du  blason  et  science  des  armoiries.     1848. 
"Bibliographie  de  I'art  heraldique,"  p.267-296. 
"Dictionnaire  heraldique,"   p.297-390. 

Jenkins,  Robert  Charles.  rg2g.6  J25 

Heraldry,  English  and  foreign,  with  a  dictionary  of  heraldic  terms. 

1886.     Paul. 

Lower,  Mark  Antony.  rg29.6  Lg5 

Curiosities  of  heraldry,  with  illustrations  from  old  English  writers. 

1845.    J.  R.  Smith. 

Author  was  an  eminent  English  antiquary.    The  book  is  a  collection  of  miscellaneous 

information  in  regard  to  heraldic  terms,  devices  and  mottoes. 

Ringrose,  Jerome  Arthur,  &  Berny,  Laure,  countess  de.  q929.6  R47 

Arms  and  origin  of  American  colonial  families.     1910.     Harrington 

Square  Heraldic  Studios. 

The  same qr929.6  R47 


Robson,  Thomas.  qrgag.G  R56 

History  of  heraldry,  containing  inquiries  into  its  origin,  with  an  ac- 
count of  its  rise  and  progress  in  England  and  of  the  various  institutions 
connected  therewith,  to  which  is  added  a  complete  glossary  of  terms 
used  in  the  science  of  heraldry,  with  explanatory  engravings.  1830. 
Turner.  . 

Tyas,  Robert.  rg2g.6  Tgs 

Flowers  and  heraldry;  or.  Floral  emblems  and  heraldic  figures  com- 
bined to  express  pure  sentiments,  kind  feelings  and  excellent  principles 
in  a  manner  at  once  simple,  elegant  and  beautiful.     1851.    Houlston. 

Warnecke,  Friedrich,  comp.  qrg2g.6  W23 

Heraldisches  handbuch  fiir  freunde  der  wappenkunst,  sowie  fiir 
kiinstler  und  gewerbetreibende  bearbeitet.    1893. 

Peerage.     Titles  of  honor 

Allen  &  Ginter,  pub.  rg2g.7  A42 

Fifty  decorations  of  the  principal  orders  of  knighthood  and  chivalry 
of  the  world. 

Illustrations  in  color,  with  brief  history  of  each  order. 
Archer,  James  Henry  Lawrence-.  qrgag.y  A67 

Orders  of  chivalry,  from  the  original  statutes  of  the  various  orders 
of  knighthood  and  other  sources  of  information.     1887.    Allen. 

"Catalogue  of  various  works  on  the  'orders  of  chivalry,' "  P.349-3S2. 

Many  illustrations. 

Ballestrem,  Eufemia,  grdfin,  afterward  Frau  von  r929.7  B21 

Adlersfeld,  coinp. 
Das  goldene  buch;  ein  chronologisches  verzeichniss  der  regierenden 
haupter    herrschender,    erloschener    und    mediatisirter    furstenhauser 
Europas,  sowie  der  deutschen  standesherren.     1898. 

Burke,  Ashworth  Peter,  comp.  qrg2g.7  Bgi6 

Family  records.     1897.     Harrison. 

Gives  an  account  of  many  families  not  included  in  the   "Peerage"  and   "Landed 
gentry,"  and  follows  the  plan  of  those  volumes. 

Burke,  Sir  John  Bernard,  comp.  qrg2g.7  Bgigen 

Genealogical  and  heraldic  history  of  the  colonial  gentry.    2v.     1891- 
95.    Harrison. 

V.2  is  edited  by  A.  P.  Burke. 

Burke,  Sir  John  Bernard,  comp.  qrg2g.7  Bgige 

Genealogical  and  heraldic  history  of  the  landed  gentry  of  Ireland; 
ed.  by  A.  P.  Burke.    1904.    Harrison. 

Burke,  Sir  John  Bernard,  comp.  qrg2g.7  Bgig 

Genealogical  and  heraldic  history  of  the  peerage  and  baronetage, 
1911.    V.73.     1911. 

V.73  is  edited  by  A.  P.  Burke. 

For  earlier  volumes  see  preceding  catalogue,  first  series. 


[Cokayne,  George  Edward,  comp.]  qr929.7  C67 

Complete  peerage  of  England,  Scotland,  Ireland,  Great  Britain  and 
the  United  Kingdom,  extant,  extinct  or  dormant;  ed.  by  Vicary  Gibbs. 
V.I.     1910.    St,  Catherine  Press. 

v.i.     Ab-Basing. 

Debrett,  John,  comp.  1^929.7  D35a 

Peerage,  baronetage,  knightage  and  companionage;  comprising  in- 
formation concerning  all  persons  bearing  hereditary  or  courtesy  titles, 
privy  councillors,  knights  and  companions  of  all  the  various  orders  and 
the  collateral  branches  of  all  peers  and  baronets,  (194th  year),  1907. 

The  same.     Ed.20.     1834 r929.7  D3S 

Title  reads  "Complete  peerage  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland." 

Gore,  James  Howard,  comp.  r929.7  G66 

American  members  of  foreign  orders.     1910.     Privately  printed. 

Howard,  Joseph  Jackson,  &  Crisp,  F.  A.  ed.  qr929.7  H84 

Visitation  of  England  and  Wales,    v.14-17.     1906-11. 

Records  such  genealogical  information  as  was  contained  in  the  heralds'  visitations  of 
the  1 6th  and  17th  centuries.  The  pedigrees  begin  with  the  grandparents  of  the  repre- 
sentative of  the  family,  and  contain  notices  of  all  descendants  of  their  name,  giving  thus, 
in  many  cases,  a  complete  record  of  five  generations. 

For  v.  I -1 3  see  preceding  catalogue,  second  series. 

Hozier,  Ambroise  Louis  Marie  d',  &  Hozier,  A.  C.  A.  qr92g.7  H86 

comte  d'. 
Armorial  general  d'Hozier   [Louis  Pierre] ;  ou,  Registre  de  la  no- 
blesse de  France  continue  par  M.  le  president  d'Hozier  et  M.  le  comte 
C.  d'Hozier.    2v.  in  i.     [1844-48.] 

Coats  of  arms  and  genealogy  of  about  30  families  of  the  French  nobility. 
Lorenz,  Ottokar.  qr929.7  L87 

Genealogisches  handbuch  der  europaischen  staatengeschichte;  be- 
arbeitet  von  Ernst  Devrient.     1908. 

"Dritte,  vermehrte  auflage  des  Genealogischen  hand-  und  schulatlas." 

Genealogical  tables  of  the  royal  houses  of  each  nation,  from  the  4th  to  the  19th 

Nicolas,  Sir  Nicholas  Harris.  qr929.7  Nsa 

,  History  of  the  orders  of  knighthood  of  the  British  empire,  of  the 
Order  of  the  Guelphs  of  Hanover  and  of  the  medals,  clasps  and  crosses 
conferred  for  naval  and  military  services.    4v.    1842.    Hunter. 

V.I -2.     History  of  the  most  noble  Order  of  the  Garter. 

v.3.  History  of  the  most  noble  and  most  ancient  Order  of  the  Thistle. — History 
of  the  most  honourable  Order  of  the  Bath. 

V.4.  History  of  the  most  illustrious  Order  of  Saint  Patrick. — History  of  the  Order 
of  Saint  Michael  and  Saint  George. — History  of  medals,  chains,  clasps  and  crosses  con- 
ferred in  reward  of  military  or  naval  services. — History  of  the  royal  Order  of  the 
Guelphs  of  Hanover. 

Paul,  Sir  James  Balfour,  ed.  qr929-7  P31 

Scots  peerage;  founded  on  Wood's  edition  of  Sir  Robert  Douglas's 
Peerage  of  Scotland,  containing  an  historical  and  genealogical  account 
of  the  nobility  of  that  kingdom.    v.S-8.     190&-11. 

v.s.     Innermeath-Mar. 

V.6.     Marchmont-Oxfuird. 

V.7.     Panmure-Sinclair. 

v.8.     Somerville-Winton. 

For  V.1-4  see  preceding  catalogue,  second  series. 


Perrot,  Aristide  Michel.  r929.7  P44 

Historische  sammlung  aller  noch  bestehenden  ritterorden  der  ver- 
schiedenen  nationen,  nebst  einer  chronologischen  uebersicht  der  er- 
loschenen  ritterorden;  aus  dem  franzosischen  iibersetzt.  3v.  in  i.  1821. 
Shaw,  William  Arthur,  cotnp.  qr929.7  S53 

The  knights  of  England;  a  complete  record  from  the  earliest  time 
to  the  present  day  of  the  knights  of  all  the  orders  of  chivalry  in  Eng- 
land, Scotland  and  Ireland  and  of  knights  bachelors;  incorporating  a 
complete  list  of  knights  bachelors  dubbed  in  Ireland,  comp.  by  G.  D. 
Burtchaell.    2v.    1906.-    Sherratt. 

"Sources,"  p.i-ii. 

The  first  volume,  with  the  exception  of  a  useful  historical  introduction,  is  devoted 
to  lists  of  the  knights  of  various  orders  down  to  1904.  The  second  volume  contains  a 
list  of  knights  bachelors  and  an  exhaustive  index  to  the  whole  work.  Dr  Shaw  has  had 
free  access  to  the  records  of  the  various  orders,  so  that  his  work  has  an  official  stamp 
which  adds  greatly  to  its  value.     Condensed  from  Atheneeum,  igo6. 

Townsend,  Francis,  comp.  i"929.7  T66 

Catalogue  of  knights  from  1660-1760.     1833.    Harjette. 

Gives  the  date  when  knighthood  was  conferred  and  in  many  instances  the  dates  of 
birth  and  death. 

Walford,  Edward.  qr929.7  W16 

County  families  of  the  United  Kingdom;  or,  Royal  manual  of  the 
titled  and  untitled  aristocracy  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland.  1873. 

Seals.    Coats  of  arms.     Crests 

Birch,  Walter  De  Gray.  qr929.8  B48 

Seals.  [1907.]  Methuen.  (Connoisseur's  library.) 
"This  book  on  seals  is  less  useful  than  we  could  wish . . .  Except  for  ten  pages  at  the 
beginning,  the  work  is  devoted  to  the  seals  of  the  middle  ages  and  later  times.  It  con- 
tains nothing  about  the  seals  of  the  Orient  since  the  founding  of  Islam,  and  yet  in 
modern  times  there  is  no  part  of  the  world  where  seals  are  used  so  cormnonly  as  in  the 
Moslem  East  There  is  no  mention  of  the  seals...  of  the  remote  East. .  .nothing  about 
the  engraved  gems  of  Greek  and  Greco-Roman  antiquity ...  Dr.  Birch  is  known  as  a 
trustworthy  guide and  yet  we  must  conclude  that  the  vast  deal  of  interesting  informa- 
tion in  this... work  is  limited  in  range  and  hardly  made  accessible."    Nation,  igo8. 

Bloom,  James  Harvey.  929.8  B56 

English  seals.    1906.    Methuen. 

Short  bibliography  at  the  end  of  some  of  the  chapters. 

Description  of  royal  and  episcopal  seals,  also  of  those  of  knights,  squires,  corpora- 
tions, etc.     Numerous  illustrations. 

Burke,  John,  &  Burke,  Sir  J.  B.  comp.  qr929.8  B9i7h 

Heraldic  illustrations,  comprising  the  armorial  bearings  of  the  prin- 
cipal   families    of  the    empire,    with    pedigrees    and    annotations.     3v. 
1844-46.    Churton. 
Davies,  Arthur  Charles  Fox-.  r929.8  Dsih 

Heraldic  badges.    1907.    Lane. 

Short  essay  on  the  history  and  use  of  badges,  followed  by  a  list  of  badges. 
Foster,  Joseph.  qr929.8  F81 

Some  feudal  coats  of  arms  and  others;  illustrated  from  the  Bayeux 
tapestry,  Greek  vases,  seals,  tiles,  effigies,  brasses  and  heraldic  rolls. 
1902.     Parker. 

FLAGS  2459 

Laing,  Henry.  qrg2g.8  Li6 

Supplemental  descriptive  catalogue  of  ancient  Scottisli  seals,  royal, 
baronial,  ecclesiastical  and  municipal,  embracing  the  period  from  1150 
to  the  i8th  century,  taken  from  original  charters  and  other  deeds  pre- 
served in  public  and  private  archives.    1866.    Edmonston. 

Matthews,  John,  ed.  qrg2g.8  M47 

American  armoury  and  blue  book,  1901,  1911,  pt.i.  [1901-11.]  Mat- 

Includes  the  names  of  those  whose  title  to  bear  arms  is  derived  by  direct  descent; 
the  names  of  those  whose  title  to  bear  arms  is  claimed  by  right  of  prescription,  1. 1, 
by  reason  of  their  having  been  used  for  at  least  three  generations,  and  the  more  import- 
ant of  those  arms  which  are  extinct.  The  blue  book  includes  the  names  of  those  whose 
ancestors  were  among  the  early  settlers  or  held  high  positions  in  the  state,  before  or 
after  the  Revolution. 

"No  American  pedigree  even  is  given.  The  present  generation  and  its  alleged 
progenitors,  some  three  centuries  ago,  are  named,  but  not  a  single  proof  of  English 
pedigree  or  affiliation  is  adduced."     Nation,  1899. 

Pasini-Frassoni,  Ferruccio,  conte.  qrg2g.8  P27 

Essai  d'armorial  des  papes,  d'apres  les  manuscrits  du  Vatican  et  les 
monuments  publics.     1906. 

Description,  in  many  cases  accompanied  by  illustrations,  of  the  arms  of  the  popes 
from  Clement  II  to  Pius  X. 

Slafter,  Edmund  Farwell.  rg2g.8  S63 

Royal  arms  and  other  regal  emblems  and  memorials  in  use  in  the 
colonies  before  the  American  revolution;  a  paper  read  before  the 
Massachusetts  Historical  Society,  Jan.  10,  1889.  1889.  Privately 

United  States — State  department.  qrg2g.8  U2S 

History  of  the  seal  of  the  United  States  [prepared  by  Gaillard 
Hunt].    1909. 

Canby,  George.  929.9  C16 

Evolution  of  the  American  flag,  from  materials  collected  by  George 
Canby,  by  Lloyd  Balderston.    1909.    Ferris. 

Contents:  Flags  which  preceded  the  stars  and  stripes. — The  making  of  the  first 
star  spangled  banner. — Use  of  the  stars  and  stripes  during  the  Revolutionary  war. — The 
flag  since  the  Revolutionary  war. — Appendices  :  Washington's  coat  of  arms. — Biograph- 
ical notes  in  regard  to  the  persons  concerned  in  making  the  first  flag. — History  of  the 
Betsy  Ross  tradition. — Affidavits  appended  to  W.  J.  Canby's  paper. — The  flag  house. — 
The  grand  union  flag. — Additional  affidavits  and  statements  in  regard  to  the  making  of 
the  first  flag. — Diary  of  Lieutenant  Digby. 

Few,  John  Henry.  929.9  F84 

True  story  of  the  American  flag.    1908.     Campbell. 
The  same rg29.g  F84 

Especially  intended  to  prove  the  historical  inaccuracy  of  the  story  that  Betsy  Ross 
desig^ned  and  made  the  first  American  flag  as  we  now  know  it.     Illustrated  in  color. 

Galbreath,  Charles  Burleigh.  rg2g.g  G14 

Ohio  emblems  and  monuments;  seals,  flag,  flower,  buckeye,  jewels, 
McKinley  memorial. 

2460  FLAGS 

Harrison,  Peleg  Dennis.  929.9  H29 

Stars  and  stripes  and  other  American  flags;  including  their  origin 

and  history,  the  origin  of  the  name  "Old  Glory,"  with  songs  and  their 

stories.     1906.     Little. 

The  same r929.9  H29 

The  same J929.9  H29 

Colored  illustrations. 

New  York  (state) — Education  department.  qr929.9  N26 

The  American  flag;  comp.  and  ed.  by  H.  H.  Horner.    1910. 

Being  a  supplement  to  the  6th  annual  report,  for  1908/09,  of  the  Education  depart- 
ment of  the  state  of  New  York. 

"Reference  list,"  p.  1 06-1 10. 

qr929.9  O28 
Die  orden,  wappen  und  flaggen  aller  regenten  und  staaten,  in  original- 
getreuen  abbildungen.    1883. 

With  this  is  bound  "Specielle  beschreibung  der  order  aller  europaischen  und  nicht- 
europaischen  regenten  und  staaten;  supplement,  1887." 

Prussia — Kriegs-ministerium.  qr929.9  P97 

Geschichte  der  koniglich  preussischen  fahnen  und  standarten  seit 

dem  jahr  1807.    2v.    1889. 

History  and  descriptions  of  the  flags  and  standards  used  in  the  Prussian  army  since 

1807.    Illustrated. 

United  Confederate  Veterans.  r929.9  U2532 

Flags  of  the  Confederate  States  of  America.    1907. 

92     Individual  biography 

Critical  biographies  of  artists  will  be  fottnd  in  class  700,  Fine  arts 

A  Becket,  Thomas.    See  Thomas  h.  Becket,  St. 

92  A1432k 

Accoramboni,  Vittoria,  duchess  of  Bracciano.  92  Ai72g 

Gnoli,  Domenico,  conte.  Vittoria  Accorambonij  storia  del  secolo  16, 
corredata  di  note  e  documenti.    1870. 

[Acheson,  Edward  Goodrich.]  92  Aiyy 

A  pathfinder,  discovery,  invention  and  industry;  how  the  world 
came  to  have  aquadag  and  oildag,  also  carborundum,  artificial  graphite 
and  other  valuable  products  of  the  electric  furnace.  1910.  Press  Scrap 

"Papers  written  and  read"  by  E.  G.  Acheson,  p.  133-1 34. 

Acheson  is  (1910)  a  chemist  and  inventor,  who  has  discovered  some  entirely  new 
and  valuable  materials,  including  carborundum  and  artificial  graphite.  Book  is  chiefly 

Acton,  John  Emerich  Edward  Dalberg,  baron.  92  A188I 

Lord  Acton  and  his  circle;  ed.  by  Abbot  Gasquet.  [1906.]  Allen. 
Collection  of  letters  covering  the  period  1858—71,  most  of  them  written  by  Lord 
Acton  to  Richard  Simpson  and  Mr  Wetherell  and  relating  to  the  fortunes,  policy  and 
management  of  the  "Rambler,"  the  "Home  and  foreign  review,"  the  "Chronicle"  and 
the  "North  British  review."  There  are  also  a  few  hitherto  unpublished  letters  from 
Cardinal  Newman. 

Adams,  James  Capen.  92  A2i44h 

Hittell,    Theodore    Henry.     Adventures    of   James    Capen    Adams, 

mountaineer  and  grizzly  bear  hunter  of  California.    191 1.    Scribner. 

Adams    (1807-60)    lived   like   a   primitive   man,    but   his   object  was   the   capture 

rather  than  the  destruction  of  wild  animals.     His  stories  of  many  exciting  adventures 

are  graphic  and  interesting.    Mr  Hittell's  discovery  of  Adams  is  as  interesting  as  any  of 

the  adventures  subsequently  narrated  to  him  by  the  hunter. 

Addison,  Joseph.  92  A225a 

Aikin,  Lucy.    Life  of  Joseph  Addison.    2v.    1843.    Longman. 

"Contains  many  letters  of  Addison  never  before  published,  [and]  is  the  subject  of 
an  essay  by  Macaulay,  who,  while  praising  Miss  Aikin's  other  works,  and  especially  her 
'Memoirs  of  the  Court  of  James  I,'  observes  that  she  was  'far  more  at  home  among  the 
ruffs  and  peaked  beards'  of  Theobald's  than  among  the  steenkirks  and  flowing  periwigs 
which  surrounded  Queen  Anne's  tea  table  at  Hampton.'  "  Dictionary  of  national  bi- 

Aikin,  John.  92  A292a 

Aikin,  Lucy.  Memoir  of  John  Aikin,  with  a  selection  of  his  mis- 
cellaneous pieces,  biographical,  moral  and  critical.  2v.  1823.  Bald- 

V.I.     Memoir  of  John  Aikin. 

V.2.  Critical  essays  on  English  poets:  Accotint  of  the  life  and  works  of  Spenser; 
An  essay  on  the  poetry  of  Milton;  An  essay  on  the  heroic  poem  of  Gondibert;  Critical 



Aikin,  John — continued.  92  A2g2a 

remarks  on  Dryden's  Fables;  Observations  on  Pope's  Essay  on  man;  An  essay  on  the 
plan  and  character  of  Thomson's  Seasons;  A  comparison  between  Thomson  and  Cow- 
per  as  descriptive  poets;  Essay  on  Dr  Armstrong's  Art  of  preserving  health;  Essay  on 
the  poems  of  Green;  A  critical  essay  on  Somerville's  poem  of  The  chace;  An  essay  on 
the  poetry  of  Goldsmith. 

A  Kempis,  Thomas.    See  Thomas  k  Kempis. 

Albany,  Louise  Marie  Caroline  von  Stolberg-Gedern,  92  A326V- 

countess  of. 

Vaughan,  Herbert  Millingchamp.  The  last  Stuart  queen,  Louise, 
countess  of  Albany;  her  life  &  letters.    1910.    Duckworth. 

Author  divides  his  narrative  into  three  distinct  parts:  the  years  extending  from 
1772,  when  the  countess  of  Albany  was  the  wife  of  the  Pretender,  Prince  Charles 
Eklward  Stuart,  to  her  legal  separation  from  him  in  1784;  the  time  of  her  close  associa- 
tion with  Alfieri  until  his  death  in  1803;  and  the  last  20  years  of  her  widowhood,  during 
which  she  was  the  central  figure  of  a  salon  at  Florence  that  achieved  a  European  repu- 

Albee,  Mrs  Helen  (Rickey).  ga  AsaSaa 

The  gleam.    191 1.    Holt. 

"Might  be  called  the  autobiography  of  a  soul — a  record  of  the  development  of  tht 
spiritual  instinct  from  its  dawn  in  a  child  of  six  to  its  fruition  in  a  woman  of  forty- 
seven.  It  is  told  with  sincerity  and  simplicity,  with  a  childlike  frankness,  and  at  the 
same  time  great  reticence  in  all  matters  except  those  of  the  spirit,  and  also  with  an 
astonishing  lack  of  what  is  commonly  called  egotism."     Nation,  1911. 

Albemarle,  George  Monk,  duke  of.    See  Monk,  George,  duke  of  Albemarle, 

Albemarle,  George  Thomas  Keppel,  earl  of.  92  A32& 

Fifty  years  of  my  life.    1876.    Holt. 

The  sixth  duke  of  Albemarle  (i  799-1 891)  was  both  a  soldier  and  a  traveler.  Thi» 
record  of  his  life,  which  comes  only  to  1854,  is  vivaciously  written  and  interspersed 
with  many  anecdotes,  especially  of  his  early  years  when  he  spent  much  time  at  the  court 
of  George  IV  as  the  playfellow  of  the  princess  Charlotte. 

Albret,  Jeanne  d'.    See  Jeanne  d'Albret,  queen  of  Navarre. 

Alcott,  Louisa  May.  92  Aassm 

Moses,  Belle.  Louisa  May  Alcott,  dreamer  and  worker;  a  story  of 
achievement.    iQog.    Appleton. 

This  biography  of  the  author  of  "Little  women"  is  written  especially  for  girls.  It 
reveals  her  buoyant  nature  and  the  happiness  of  her  home  life,  both  of  which  found  ex- 
pression in  her  stories. 

Aldrich,  Thomas  Bailey.  92  A365g 

Greenslet,  Ferris.    Life  of  Thomas  Bailey  Aldrich.    1908.    Houghton. 

"Bibliography,"  p.261-292. 

Mr  Greenslet  has  brought  to  his  work  delicacy  and  reticenc/;,  together  with  a  skill- 
in  words  that  reproduces  something  of  the  charm  of  one  who  made  refinement  the  end 
of  all  his  labor.  He  tells  just  enough  of  the  child's  surrounding^s  at  Portsmouth,  of  the 
clerk  and  youthful  editor  in  New  York;  he  follows  the  man  sympathetically  through  his 
Boston  years  of  prosperous  toil  and  golden  ease,  to  the  honored  close.  It  is  a  happy  life- 
gracefully  told.    Condensed  from  Nation,  igo8. 

Alexander  I,  of  Bulgaria,  titular  prince  of  Battenberg.  92  A3744k 

Koch,  Adolf.    Prince  Alexander  of  Battenberg;  reminiscences  of  hi& 

reign  in  Bulgaria,  from  authentic  sources.    1887.    Whittaker. 

Alexander  (1857-93)  was  elected  prince  of  Bulgaria  in  1879  and  resigned  in  1886. 

His  rule  was  during  a  critical  period  in  Bulgaria's  history  and  the  life,  which  is  writtea 

by  Alexander's  court  chaplain,  dwells  at  length  on  political  events. 


Alexander  the  Great.  qrga  A374a 

Arrian.  History  of  the  expedition  of  Alexander  the  Great  and  con- 
quest of  Persia  [Indian  history  and  An  account  of  the  division  of  the 
empire  and  conquests  of  Alexander  after  his  death,  from  Photius's 
abridgment] ;  tr.  from  the  original  Greek  by  [John]  Rooke,    1813.    Davis. 

"Of  Arrian's  original  works  the  one  of  greatest  importance  is  his  account  of  the 
expedition  of  Alexander  the  Great... It  contains  the  most  complete  and  authentic  ac- 
count  of  that  conqueror's  career,  being  based  upon  the  lost  works  of  Aristobulus  and 
Ptolemy,  the  son  of  Lagus,  both  of  whom  accompanied  the  king  during  the  expedition." 
Encyclopedia  Britannica. 

Alexander,  James  Waddel,  1804-59.  92  A376 

Forty  years'  familiar  letters,  constituting,  with  the  notes,  a  memoir 
of  his  life;  ed.  by  John  Hall.    2v.    i860.    Scribner. 

Alexander  was  a  Presbyterian  clergyman,  for  some  years  professor  in  the  Princeton 
Theological  Seminary  and  later  pastor  of  the  Fifth  Avenue  Presbyterian  Church,  New 
York  city. 

Alexander,  John  Henry,  1812-67.  rga  A376P 

Pinkney,  William,  1810-83.  Memoir  of  John  H.  Alexander;  read  be- 
fore the  Maryland  Historical  Society,  May  2,  1867.  [1867.]  (Maryland 
Historical  Society.    Publications.) 

Alexander  was  a  Maryland  scientist,  at  one  time  professor  of  physics  in  the  Uni- 
versity of  Pennsylvania  and  later  in  the  University  of  Maryland. 

Alexander,  William,  called  earl  of  Stirling,  1726-83.  i'974-9  N26C  v.a 

Duer,  William  Alexander.  Life  of  William  Alexander,  earl  of  Stir- 
ling, major  general  in  the  army  of  the  United  States  during  the  Revolu- 
tion, with  selections  from  his  correspondence.  1847.  New  Jersey  His- 
torical Society. 

Being  v.a  of  Collections  of  the  New  Jersey  Historical  Society. 

Alexander  was  the  first  governor  of  King's  College,  now  Columbia  University, 
which  he  had  taken  an  active  part  in  promoting.  In  the  Revolution  he  early  achieved 
military  distinction,  was  in  command  of  New  York  city  and  later  of  Albany.  This  biog- 
raphy by  his  grandson  is  the  chief  authority  for  his  life. 

Alexandra  Feodorovna,  empress  of  Russia.  92  A379g 

Grimm,  August  Theodor  von.  Alexandra  Feodorowna,  empress  of 
Russia;  tr.  by  Lady  Wallace.    2v.    1870.    Edmonston. 

Portrays  life  of  the  capital,  court  and  imperial  family  as  a  background  for  the  char- 
acter of  the  empress,  wife  of  Nicholas  I.     Author  was  for  many  years  her  close  friend. 

Alford,  Henry,  dean.  92  A389 

Life,  journals  and  letters;  ed.  by  his  widow.     1873.     Lippincott. 
Henry  Alford  (i  810-71)  was  dean  of  Canterbury  and  editor  of  the  Greek  testament, 

which  constitutes  his  chief  claim  to  gratitude  and  fame. 

Alice  Maud  Mary,  princess  of  England,  grand  duchess  92  AsgS 

of  Hesse-Darmstadt. 

Letters  to  Her  Majesty  the  queen  [Victoria],  with  a  memoir  by 
H.  R.  H.  Princess  Christian.    1897. 

"Sketch  of  the  life  of  Princess  Alice,  by  Sir  Theodore  Martin,"  p.a73-28i. 

First  published  in  1884. 

Princess  Alice  (1843-78)  was  the  second  daughter  of  Queen  Victoria.  The  letters 
are  familiar  and  unaffected.  Most  of  them  relate  to  the  details  of  social  and  domestic 
life  and  to  the  princess's  many  charities.  They  also  include  material  relating  to  the 
Austro-Prussian  and  the  Franco-Prussian  wars. 


Alighieri,  Dante.    See  Dante  Alighieri. 

Alison,  Sir  Archibald.  92  A413 

Some  account  of  my  life  and  writings;  an  autobiography;  ed.  by 
Lady  Alison.    2v.    1883.    Blackwood. 

English  historian  (1792-1867). 

"The  last  volume  of  his  autobiography  contains  full  details  of  many  interviews  with 
distinguished  persons  in  London  and  elsewhere,  his  reception  at  the  houses  of  the 
nobility,  and  his  speeches  at  public  dinners  and  meetings,  together  with  speculation* 
upon  politics,  human  nature  and  criticism. .  .On  the  whole,  his  accounts  of  distinguished 
men,  though  coloured  by  his  prejudices,  are  sensible  as  far  as  they  go.  The  book  is 
amusingly  characteristic  of  his  even  temper,  calm  conviction  of  his  own  merits,  and  con- 
fidence in  his  own  predictions;  but,  like  all  autobiographies,  is  chiefly  interesting  in 
the  earlier  part."     Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Allingham,  William,  1824-89.  92  A437 

Diary;  ed.  by  H.  Allingham  and  D.Radford.     1907.     Macmillan. 

"List  of  works,"  p.390-391. 

Allingham  was  an  Irish  poet.  The  interest  of  his  diary  depends  little  on  his  own 
literary  achievements  and  much  on  the  fame  of  his  friends,  the  chief  of  whom  were 
Tennyson  and  Carlyle.  Rossetti  and  Browning  are  often  mentioned  and  a  host  of  lesser 
literary  names.  Allingham  knew  how  to  draw  the  best  from  his  friends  in  conversation 
and  we  learn  much  of  their  characteristics  from  his  pages. 

An  American,  pseud.    See  Cass,  Lewis. 

Anagnos,  Michael.  92  A532S 

[Sanborn,  Franklin  Benjamin.]     Michael  Anagnos,  1837-1906.     1907. 


Reprinted  and  revised  from  the  75th  annual  report  of  the  Perkins  Institution  and 

Massachusetts  School  for  the  Blind. 

Anagnos  was  director  of  the  Perkins  Institution  for  the  Blind,  at  Boston,    1876— 

1906.     This  volume  contains  sketches  of  his  life,  tributes  to   his  work  by  friends  and 

pupils,  and  the  memorial  services  held  at  the  school  after  his  death.     Portraits. 

Anderson,  Alexander.  qr92  A545I 

Lossing,  Benson  John.  Memorial  of  Alexander  Anderson,  M.  D., 
the  first  engraver  on  wood  in  America;  read  before  the  New  York  His- 
torical Society,  Oct.  s,  1870.     1872.     Privately  printed. 

Anderson,  Walter  B.  pseud.    See  Schultz,  James  Willard. 

Andrea  del  Sarto.    See  Artists,  p.1409. 

Angelico,  Fra  Giovanni.    See  Artists,  p.1409. 

Angelo,  Henry.  92  A584 

Reminiscences,  with  memoirs  of  his  late  father  and  friends,  includ- 
ing original  anecdotes  and  curious  traits  of  the  most  celebrated  char- 
acters that  have  flourished  during  the  last  80  years.  2v.  1828-30. 

Angelo  (1760-1839?)  was  the  son  of  an  Italian  fencing  master,  Domenico  Angelo 
Malevolti  Tremamondo,  known  in  England  as  Domenico  Angelo.  He  became  the  virtual 
head  of  his  father's  academic  in  1785.  His  circle  of  acquaintances  included  many  dis- 
tinguished men. 

"The  stories  range  among  all  ranks  of  society,  from  the  regent  and  William  IV  to 
Macklin  and  Kean,  and  from  Byron  to  Lady  Hamilton.  Verisimilitude  is  occasionally 
lacking,  and  the  writer  abstains  throughout  with  a  graceful  ease  from  giving  any  dates."" 
Dictionary  of  national  biography. 


Angelo,  Michael.    See  Michael  Angelo. 

Angouleme,  Marie  Therese  Charlotte,  duchesse  d'.  92  A593I 

Lenotre,  Louis  Leon  Theodore  Gosselin.  Daughter  of  Louis  XVI, 
Marie  Therese  Charlotte  de  France,  duchesse  d'Angouleme;  tr.  by  J.  L. 
May.    1908.    Lane. 

"List  of  documents,"  p.337-339. 

Includes  only  the  period  between  her  imprisonment  in  the  Temple  and  her  marriage, 
1799.  Though  the  main  interest  is  Madame  Royale,  we  learn  enough  about  her  unhappy 
family  and  her  friends  and  relatives  to  complete  the  picture  and  give  the  atmosphere  of 
the  time.     Illustrated. 

Anne  Boleyn,  queen  of  Henry  VIII.  92  A6z3b 

Benger,   Elizabeth  Ogilvy.     Memoirs   of  the  life  of  Anne   Boleyn, 

queen  of  Henry  VIIL     2v.     1821.     Longman. 

The  attempt  is  made  throughout  to  justify  Anne's  conduct.    Author  was  an  English 

poet  and  novelist,  the  compiler  of  several  biographies. 

Anne  of  Austria,  queen  of  Louis  XIII  of  France.  92  A6i33g 

Granti  Mrs  Colquhoun.     Queen  and  cardinal;  a  memoir  of  Anne  of 

Austria  and  of  her  relations  with  Cardinal  Mazarin.    1906.    Murray. 
Deals  with  the  mystery  of  their  relations,  though  it  does  not  solve  the  problem  of 

their  reputed  marriage. 

Anne  of  Brittany,  queen  of  Charles  VIII  and  of  Louis  XII.  92  A6i34d 

De  la  Warr,  Constance  Mary  Elizabeth  Sackville,  countess.    A  twice 

crowned  queen,  Anne  of  Brittany.    1906.    Nash. 
"Works  consulted,"  p.  11. 
Anne  of   Brittany    (1476-1514)    married  two  successive  kings   of    France,   Charles 

VIII  and  Louis  XII.     This  story  of  her  romantic  career  shows  with  some  detail  the  life 

which  surrounded  the  nobility  of  France  at  that  time. 

Antes,  Henry.  qr92  A627h 

Heckewelder,  pseud.    Newspaper  clippings  about  Henry  Antes.    1890. 

Clippings  from  the  Lancaster  "Examiner  and  express,"  Oct.  9-10,  1890  and  "News 
era,"  Oct.  25,  1890,  and  from  the  "Bethlehem  daily  news,"  Nov.  i,  1890. 

Antes,  Henry.  r92  A627m 

McMinn,  Edwin.  A  German  hero  of  the  colonial  times  of  Pennsyl- 
vania; or.  The  life  and  times  of  Henry  Antes.  1886.  Privately  printed. 
Antes  (1701-55)  emigrated  from  Germany  to  America  about  1720,  built  a  paper- 
mill  on  the  Wissahickon  near  Philadelphia  and  became  a  leader  in  the  civil  and  religious 
affairs  of  the  colony.  He  was  a  friend  of  Whitefield  and  Zinzendorf  and  one  of  the 
founders  of  Bethlehem,  Pa. 

Appleton,  Thomas  Gold.  92  A652h 

Hale,  Susan.  Life  and  letters  of  Thomas  Gold  Appleton.  1885.  Ap- 

Appleton  (1812-84)  was  a  brother-in-law  of  the  poet  Longrfellow.  Morse  in  his 
"Life  and  letters  of  Oliver  Wendell  Holmes"  describes  him  as  "a  gentleman,  famous  for 
a  generation  as  'Tom'  Appleton,  wit,  raconteur,  and  comrade  of  all  the  literary  Bos- 
tonians  of  his  day." 

Aragon,  Isabella  of,  duchess  of  Milan.    See  Isabella  of  Aragon,  duchess 

of  Milan. 
Arany,  Janos.  92  A662a 

Levelezese  iro-baritaival.  2v.  1888-89.  (Hatrahagyott  iratai  es 
levelezese,  v.3-4.) 


Arany,  Janos.  ga  A662r 

Riedl,  Frederick.    Arany  Janos.    1904. 

Bibliography,  p.333-342- 

Arbuthnot,  Sir  Alexander  John.  92  A667 

Memories  of  Rugby  and  India;  ed.  by  Constance,  lady  Arbuthnot. 
1910.    Unwin. 

The  "Memories"  tell  little  of  Rugby  or  of  Arnold,  but  give  some  glimpses  of  Rugby 
boys  who  lived  to  be  famous.  The  recollections  of  Indian  service  are  somewhat  random 
and  disconnected.  Thirty  years  of  this  service  the  author  spent  in  Madras,  as  director  of 
public  instruction,  as  chief  secretary  to  the  Council,  and  later  as  member  of  the  Council. 

Arc,  Joan  of.    See  Joan  of  Arc. 

Argenson,  Rene  Louis  de  Voyer,  marquis  d'.  9a  A688 

Journal  and  memoirs;  published  from  the  autograph  mss  in  the  li- 
brary of  the  Louvre  by  E.  J.  B.  Rathery,  with  an  introduction  by  C.  A. 
Sainte-Beuve;  tr.  by  K.  P.  Wormeley.    2v.    1902.     Hardy. 

"The  Marquis  d'Argenson  [i  694-1 757],  a  statesman  and  a  man  of  great  intelli- 
gence, concealed  under  a  rough  and  clumsy  exterior,  has  left  memoirs  which  are  valu- 
able for  the  early  and  middle  part  of  the  reig^n  of  Louis  XV."  Saintsbury's  Short  his- 
tory of  French  literature. 

Argyll,  George  Douglas  Campbell,  duke  of.  ga  A6g5 

Autobiography  and  memoirs;  ed.  by  the  dowager  duchess  of  Argyll. 
2v.     1906.     Murray. 

"List  of  published  works,  pamphlets,  letters,  etc.  by  the  duke  of  Argyll,"  v.2, 

This  very  full  memoir  of  the  eighth  duke  of  Argyll  (i  823-1 900)  consists  of  an 
autobiography,  which,  however,  comes  down  only  to  1857,  supplemented  by  a  memoir 
by  the  dowager  duchess,  letters,  etc.  The  duke's  interests  were  many.  He  is  well 
known  as  the  author  of  "The  reign  of  law,"  and  other  scientific  works,  he  played  a 
considerable  part  in  politics  and  ranked  high  as  an  orator.  The  book  has  many  interest- 
ing descriptive  criticisms  of  his  political  and  literary  contemporaries.  Portraits  and 
other  illustrations. 

Ariosto,  Lodovico.  ga  Ayiag 

Gardner,  Edmund  Garratt.  King  of  court  poets;  a  study  of  the 
work,  life  and  times  of  Lodovico  Ariosto.     1906.     Constable. 

"Bibliography,"  p.369-3  76. 

"He  has  admirably  analysed  for  us  the  'Orlando  Furioso,'  Ariosto's  minor  poems, 
and  his  comedies. .  .he  has  presented  to  us  in  flesh  and  blood  Ariosto,  the  man,  the  cour- 
tier, the  commissary,  the  diplomatist,  the  stage-manager,  the  poet,  the  distracted  lover." 
Saturday  review,  1906. 

92  A717k 
92  A717t 

Arnold,  Benedict.  9a  Aysah 

Hill,  George  Canning.  Benedict  Arnold;  a  biography.  [1858.] 

Rather  short  biography,  naturally  denouncing  Arnold's  treason,  but  aiming  also  to 
show  that  be  was  not  devoid  of  good  qualities. 


Arnold,  William  Thomas.  92  A761W 

Ward,  Mrs  Humphry,  &  Montague,  C.  E.    William  Thomas  Arnold, 

journalist  and  historian.     1907.     Manchester  University  Press. 

The   same.      1906.      (In    Arnold's    Studies    of    Roman    imperialism, 

P-3-I23.) 937  A76 

Arnold  (i  852-1904)  was  a  son  of  Arnold  of  Rugby,  for  nearly  20  years  a  journalist 
on  the  staff  of  the  "Manchester  guardian,"  and  an  authority  on  Roman  provincial  ad- 

Arthur,  King.  92  A788d 

Dickinson,  William  Howship.  King  Arthur  in  Cornwall.  1900. 

"An  attempt  to  bring  together  what  may  be  accepted  with  regard  to  the  personality 
and  actual  life  of  King  Arthur ...  I  have  given  especial  weight  to  the  details  of  topog- 
raphy, more  particularly  in  Cornwall."    Preface. 

Assisi,  Francis  of,  St.    See  Francis  of  Assisi,  St, 

Atkyns,  Lady  Charlotte  (Walpole).  92  A879b 

Barbey,  Frederic.    A  friend  of  Marie-Antoinette  (Lady  Atkyns) ;  tr. 

from  the  French,  with  a  preface  by  Victorien  Sardou.    1906.    Chapman. 

Lady  Atkyns  was  a  devoted  and  self-sacrificing  Royalist  who  spent  much  money  in 
contriving  the  escape  of  the  dauphin  from  the  Temple  and  in  assisting  the  Emigres.  Her 
correspondence  from  1792  to  her  death  in  Paris  in  1836,  is  here  given. 

Audubon,  John  James.  92  A916S 

St.  John,  Mrs  Horace  Roscoe.  Audubon,  the  naturalist  of  the  New 
World;  his  adventures  and  discoveries.     1861.     Crosby. 

The  author  has  drawn  largely  upon  Audubon's  own  writings  in  this  account  which 
she  gives  of  his  various  scientific  journeyings. 

Augustine,  St.  Tg2  A923C 

Capgrave,  John.  Lives  of  St.  Augustine  and  St.  Gilbert  of  Sempring- 
ham,  and  a  sermon;  ed.  by  J.  J.  Munro.  1910.  (Early  English  Te.Kt 
Society.    Publications,  v.  140.) 

Austen,  Jane.  92  A933I3 

Lady  Susan;  The  Watsons;  Letters.    2v.    1906.    Colonial  Press  Co. 
v.i.     Lady  Susan. — The  Watsons. — Letters. 
V.2.     Letters  (continued). 
The  same;  and  A  memoir.    1892.    Athenaeum  Club 92  A933I2 

Austen,  Jane.  92  A933he 

Helm,  William  Henry.  Jane  Austen  and  her  country-house  comedy. 
1909.    Nash. 

"Bibliographical  note,"  P.251-2S3. 

"In  the  meagre  details  of  Jane  Austen's  career  he  diligently  seeks  for  the  material 
of  her  novels,  and  from  the  novels  in  turn  deduces  the  realities  of  her  personal  experi- 
ence . . .  His  appreciation  contains  perhaps  too  much  of  the  critical  element  to  be  wholly 
acceptable  to  the  straitest  sect  of  Jane  Austen  enthusiasts;  but  his  applause  is  as  un- 
grudging as  it  is  discriminating,  and  has  the  note  of  personal  affection."   Athenceum,  1909. 

Austen,  Jane.  92  A933m 

Mitton,  Geraldine  Edith.  Jane  Austen  and  her  times.  [1905.]  Me- 

An  attempt  to  show  the  novelist  against  a  background  of  contemporary  life  in  Eng- 
land and  to  describe  the  fashions  and  manners  on  which  she  drew. 


Austin,  Alfred.  92  Agssa 

Autobiography  of  Alfred  Austin,  poet  laureate,  1835-1910.  2v.  191 1. 

"A  traveller  in  many  lands,  a  war  correspondent,  a  diligent  interviewer,  Mr. 
Austin  gossips  about  men  and  things  in  a  way  which  is  occasionally  interesting,  but 
not  very  entertaining  on  the  whole.     He  tells  little  that  is  new."     Saturday  review,  1911. 

Ava,  Frederick  Temple  Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood,  marquess  of.  See 
Dufferin  and  Ava,  Frederick  Temple  Hamilton-Temple-Black- 
wood, marquess  of. 

Bach,  Johann  Sebastian.  92  Bi25pa 

Parry,  Sir  Charles  Hubert  Hastings.    Johann  Sebastian  Bach;  the 

story  of  the  development  of  a  great  personality.    1909.     Putnam. 

"Both  for  the  student  and  the  general  reader.  It  is  illuminating  in  its  discussion 
of  Bach's  music;  it  presents  all  aspects  of  the  master's  career  fully  and  with  insight;  it 
is  sympathetic  and  highly  appreciative."     Dial,  igjo. 

Bacon,  Delia  Salter.  92  Bi29b 

[Bacon,  Theodore.]  Delia  Bacon;  a  biographical  sketch.  1888. 

Delia  Bacon  (181 1-59)  was  an  American  author  who  zealously  advocated  the 
Baconian  authorship  of  Shakespeare's  plays.  She  lived  for  five  years  in  England  while 
making  her  researches.  The  story  of  her  life  is  tragic,  for  her  brilliant  though  unsound 
mind  finally  gave  way  under  the  strain  of  her  delusion,  but  her  biography  has  interest 
and  value,  if  only  for  the  glimpse  it  gives  of  her  friends,  Hawthorne,  Carlyle  and  Emer- 
son. The  former  was  from  first  to  last  her  faithful  and  devoted  friend,  and  all  three 
were  her  correspondents.  Emerson  served  as  her  channel  of  communication  with  editors 
and  publishers. 

Bacon,  Thomas.  r92  Bissa 

Allen,  Ethan,  D.D.     Rev.  Thomas  Bacon,  1745-1768,  incumbent  of 

St.  Peter's,  Talbot  co.  and  All  Saints,  Frederick  co.,  Maryland. 

Paper  read  before  the  Maryland  Historical  Society  and  published  in  the  "American 

quarterly  church  review  and  ecclesiastical  register,"  v.  17,  no.3,  Oct.  1865. 

Baertsoen,  Albert.    See  Artists,  p.1413. 

Baird,  Absalom.  r92  Bi66b 

Copies  of  authentic  letters  and  papers  throwing  some  light  on  the 
history  of  Doctor  Absalom  Baird  of  the  army  of  the  Revolution,  who 
died  at  Washington,  Pennsylvania,  in  1805,  likewise  referring  to  his 
associates.    1909.    Pittsburgh. 

Baireuth,  Frederica  Sophia  Wilhelmina,  markgrdfin  von.    See  Frederica 

Sophia  Wilhelmina,  markgrdfin  von  Baireuth. 
Baldwin,  Robert.  92  B195I 

Leacock,  Stephen  Butler.  Baldwin,  LaFontaine,  Hincks;  responsible 
government.    1907.    Morang.     (Makers  of  Canada.) 

Biographies  of  three  Canadian  political  leaders,  Baldwin  (1804-58),  LaFontaine 
(1807-64)  and  Hincks  (1807-85). 

Baldwin,  William  Henry,  jr.  92  Bi962b 

Brooks,  John  Graham.  An  American  citizen;  the  life  of  William 
Henry  Baldwin,  jr.     1910.     Houghton. 

An  American  railway  executive  (1863-1905),  from  1896  to  the  time  of  his  death 
president  of  the  Long  Island  railway.  Book  is  both  important  and  inspiring,  revealing 
the  sturdy  qualities  of  a  man  who  turned  his  back  on  questionable  methods  and  attained 
success  without  loss  of  integrity. 


Baltimore,  George  Calvert,  baron.  Tg2  B217C 

[Campbell,  Bernard  U.]     Review  of  John  P.  Kennedy's  Discourse  on 
the  life  and  character  of  George  Calvert,  the  first  lord  Baltimore.     1846. 
Reprinted  from  the  "United  States  Catholic  magazine,"  v.s,  April  1846. 
Takes  exception  to  Kennedy's  remarks  on  Lord   Baltimore's  motives  for  coloniza- 
tion, believing  them  to  have  been  solely  religious,  and  contends   that   Lord   Baltimore 
was  at  one  time  a  Protestant. 

Baltimore,  George  Calvert,  baron.  r92  B2i7k 

Kennedy,  John  Pendleton.  Discourse  on  the  life  and  character  of 
George  Calvert,  the  first  lord  Baltimore;  made  before  the  Maryland 
Historical  Society,  Dec.  9,  1845.  1845.  (Maryland  Historical  Society. 

Largely  concerned  with  Lord  Baltimore's  religious  beliefs,  affirming  that  bis 
schemes  for  colonization  were  not  due  wholly  to  religious  motives. 

Baltimore,  George  Calvert,  baron.  Tg2  B2i7ke 

Kennedy,  John  Pendleton.     Reply  to  the  review  of  his  Discourse 

on  the  life  and  character  of  Calvert,  published  in  the  United  States 

Catholic  magazine,  April  1846.    1846. 

Reprinted  from  the  "United  States  Catholic  magazine,"  T.5,  April  1846. 

B£ilzac,  Honore  de.  92  B218C 

Correspondence  of  Honore  de  Balzac,  with  a  memoir  by  his  sister, 

Madame  de  Surville;  tr.  by  C.  L.  Kenney.    2v.    1878.    Bentley. 

One  of  the  most  important  sources  of  our  knowledge  of  the  novelist's  life  and 

Balzac,  Honore  de.  92  B2i81a 

Lawton,  Frederick.     Balzac.     1910.     Richards. 

For  the  most  part  an  impartial  plain-speaking,  well-informed  account  of  a  wonder- 
ful personality.  Mr  Lawton  has  not  made  any  notable  additions  to  the  materials  for 
Balzac's  biography,  but  he  has  gathered  up  nearly  all  the  most  illuminative  anecdotes, 
and  retold  most  of  the  bits  of  history  collected  by  various  experts  from  printed  and 
manuscript  sources.  He  has  also  sketched  the  plots  of  many  of  the  principal  novels. 
If  there  be  any  admirers  of  Balzac  who  are  sensitive  to  criticism  of  his  manners  and 
habits,  they  may  be  advised  to  leave  Mr  Lawton's  stout  book  unread.  Condensed  from 
Athenceum,  igio. 

Bancroft,  George.  92  B2222h 

Howe,  Mark  Antony  De  Wolfe.  Life  and  letters  of  George  Ban- 
croft.   2v.    1908.    Scribner. 

"Bibliography  of  books  and  pamphlets  by  George  Bancroft;  comp.  by  H.  C.  Strip- 
pel,"  V.2,  p.329-341. 

Author  had  access  to  the  private  papers  of  the  historian. 

"Mr.  Howe  has  performed  creditably  a  work  of  peculiar  difficulty.  He  had  to  dis- 
pose of  a  large  mass  of  material;  but  he  has  confined  the  narrative  within  proper  limits. 
He  evinces  a  fair  degree  of  sympathy;  and  he  has  been  wise  enough  to  let  Mr.  Bancroft 
tell  most  of  the  story  himself  through  the  medium  of  letters."    Nation,  igo8. 

Bancroft,  Marie  Effie  (Wilton),  lady,  &  Bancroft,  Sir  S.  B.  92  B2232b 

The  Bancrofts;  recollections  of  60  years.     1909.    Murray. 

These  theatrical  reminiscences,  though  containing  much  that  is  trivial  and  egotistical, 
constitute  a  pleasant  and  valuable  dramatic  record.  Both  the  Bancrofts  enjoyed  honor- 
able and  successful  careers  on  the  English  stage  and  were  for  many  years  the  managers 
of  two  London  theatres,  the  old  Prince  of  Wales  and  the  Haymarket.  They  had  notable 
success  in  producing  some  of  Robertson's  plays  and  the  public  appreciation  of  their  work 
was  instant  and  permanent. 


Banneker,  Benjamin.  rg2  B2382I 

Latrobe,  John  Hazlehurst  Boneval.  Memoir  of  Benjamin  Banneker; 
read  before  the  Maryland  Historical  Society,  May  i,  1845.  1845.  (Mary- 
land Historical  Society.     Publications.) 

Banneker  (i 731-1806)  was  a  Maryland  negro  who  gained  considerable  reputation 
as  an  astronomer  and  mathematician. 

Banneker,  Benjamin.  192  B2282t 

[Tyson,  Mrs  Martha  EUicott.]  Sketch  of  the  life  of  Benjamin  Ban- 
neker, from  notes  taken  in  1836;  read  by  J.  S.  Norris  before  the  Mary- 
land Historical  Society,  Oct.  5,  1854.  [1854.]  (Maryland  Historical 
Society.    Publications.) 

92  B231k 

Barbarelli.    See  Artists,  p.1410. 

Barbauld,  Mrs  Anna  Letitia  (Aikin).  92  B2320 

.  Oliver,  Mrs  Grace  Atkinson  (Little)  Ellis,  ed.  Memoir,  letters  and 
a  selection  from  the  poems  and  prose  writings  of  Anna  Lsetitia  Bar- 
bauld.   2v.    1874.    Osgood. 

V.I.     Memoir,   with  many  of  her  letters. 

V.2.     A  selection  from  the  poems  and  prose  writings. 

Barney,  Joshua.  92  B2563b 

Barney,  Mrs  Mary,  ed.    Biographical  memoir  of  the  late  Commodore 

Joshua  Barney,  from  autographical  notes  and  journals  in  possession  of 

his  family  and  other  authentic  sources.    1832.    Gray. 
Binder's  title  reads  "Memoir  of  Commodore  Barney." 
Joshua   Barney   (1759-1818)    was   an   American  naval   officer.     He  served  in   the 

Revolutionary  war,  was  a  captain  in  the  French  service,  1795-1800,  and  during  the  War 

of  1 81 2  commanded  the  American  flotilla  in  Chesapeake  bay.     He  died  in  Pittsburgh. 

Barr,  James  P.  r92  6259! 

In  memoriam  James  P.  Barr,  born  September  4th,  1822,  died  Sep- 
tember 14th,  1886.     1887.     Pittsburgh. 

Editor  and  principal  proprietor  of  the  "Pittsburgh  post"  for  31  years. 

Barre,  Isaac.  r9a  8263111 

Miner,  Sidney  Roby.  Colonel  Isaac  Barre,  1726-1802,  orator,  sol- 
dier, statesman  and  friend  of  the  American  colonies.    1901, 

Reprinted  from  the  Wyoming  Historical  and  Geological  Society's  "Proceedings  and 
collections,"  v.6,  1901. 

Barre  was  one  of  the  two  men  after  whom  the  city  of  Wilkes-Barre  was  named.  He 
was  with  Wolfe  at  the  capture  of  Quebec  and  was  one  of  the  opposers  of  the  stamp 
act  in  the  English  parliament.     Contains  a  portrait. 

Barry,  Sir  Charles.  92  B27ib 

Barry,  Alfred.    Memoir  of  the  life  and  works  of  the  late  Sir  Charles 

Barry,  architect.     1870.    Murray. 

Sir  Charles  Barry  (1795-1860)   was  an  English  architect,  designer  of  the  present 

Houses  of  Parliament 

Barry,  Marie  Jeanne  Gomard  de  Vaubernier,  comtesse  du.    5"^  Du  Barry, 

Marie  Jeanne  Gomard  de  Vaubernier,  comtesse. 
Bartholdy,  Felix  Mendelssohn-.    See  Mendelssohn-Bartholdy,  Felix. 


Barye,  Antoine  Louis.    See  Artists,  p.1360. 

Beattie,  James.  qrga  B345 

Forbes,  Sir  William.  Account  of  the  life  and  writings  of  James 
Beattie,  including  many  of  his  original  letters.  2v.  in  i.  1806.  Con- 

Beattie  (1735-1803)  was  an  English  poet,  essayist  and  moral  philosopher. 

"A  life  of  Beattie  by  Sir  William  Forbes,  who  had  much  enthusiasm  but  little 
judgment,  appeared  in  1.S06.  Beattie's  letters,  of  which  there  is  a  profusion  in  these 
volumes,  are  for  the  most  part  dull  and  cumbersome."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Beaver,  Hugh  McAllister.  ga  B3578 

Speer,   Robert   Elliott.     Memorial  of  a  true  life;   a  biography  of 

Hugh  McAllister  Beaver.     1898.     Revell. 

Beaver  (1873-97)  was  the  son  of  Gov.  Beaver  of  Pennsylvania.  He  was  prominent 
in  the  religious  work  of  the  men's  colleges  and  at  the  Northfield  conferences. 

Becket,  Thomas  a.    See  Thomas  k  Becket,  St. 

Beecher,  Lyman.  92  B379 

Autobiography,  correspondence,  etc.;  ed.  by  Charles  Beecher.     2v. 

1864.    Harper. 

Lyman    Beecher    (1775-1863)    was    a    Congregational    clergyman    of    note,    a    bold 

thinker  and  an  outspoken  enemy  of  slavery.    He  was  the  father  of  Henry  Ward  Beecher 

and  Harriet  Beecher  Stowe. 

Beechey,  Sir  William.    See  Artists,  p.1401. 

Beethoven,  Ludwig  van.  9a  B383I 

Letters,  with  explanatory  notes  by  A.  C.  Kalischer;  tr.  with  preface 
by  J.  S.  Shedlock.    2v.    1909. 

Contains  those  from  the  first  Nohl  collection  and  66  letters  to  the  archduke  Rudolph. 

Beethoven,  Ludwig  van.  92  B383sa 

Samtliche  briefe  und  aufzeichnungen;  hrsg.  und  erlautert  von  Fritz 
Prelinger.    5v.    1907-11. 

V.I.    1783-1814. 

V.2.    1815-1822. 

v.3.    1823-1827. 

V.4.     Nachtrage. 

v-s.     Nachtrage,  erlauterungen. 

Beethoven,  Ludwig  van.  ga  B383t 

Thayer,  Alexander  Wheelock.    Ludwig  van  Beethovens  leben;  nach 
dem  original-manuskript   deutsch   bearbeitet,  neu   bearbeitet  und   er- 
ganzt  von  Hermann  Deiters,    Sv.     1901-11. 
T.a-S  are  edited  by  Hugo  Riemann. 

In  preparing  this  revision  Dr  Deiters  has  not  only  had  free  access  to  all  the  papers, 
notes  and  documents  left  by  the  author,  but  has  also  studied  all  the  Beethoven  litera- 
ture which  has  appeared  since  1866.  It  may  practically  be  regarded  as  a  new  book  for 
which  the  old  volume  served  as  a  basis.    Condensed  from  Athenaum,  1901. 

Behaim,  Martin.  rga  C7a7d 

Dodge,  Robert.  Memorials  of  Columbus  [and  Martin  Behaim  and 
his  globe,  at  Nurembergh] ;  read  to  the  Maryland  Historical  Society, 
April  3,  1851.    1851.    (Maryland  Historical  Society.     Publications.) 

Short  account  of  the  autograph  letters  of  Columbus  preserved  at  Genoa  and  of  the 
globe  constructed  by  Behaim,  the  15th  century  navigator  and  cosmographer. 


Behaim,  Martin.  192  B386m 

Morris,  John  Gottlieb.  Martin  Behaim,  the  German  astronomer  and 
cosmographer  of  the  times  of  Columbus;  discourse  before  the  Mary- 
land Historical  Society,  Jan.  25,  1855.  1855.  (Maryland  Historical  So- 
ciety.    Publications.) 

Behaim  (1459?-! 506)  was  a  friend  of  Columbus.  His  terrestrial  globe  constructed 
in  1492  and  still  preserved  in  Nuremberg  is  valuable  as  a  record  of  geographical  knowl- 
edge just  before  the  discovery  of  America. 

Belgiojoso,  Cristina  (Trivulzio),  principessa  di.  92  B396W 

Whitehouse,  Henry  Remsen.  A  revolutionary  princess,  Christina 
Belgiojoso-Trivulzio,  her  life  and  times,  1808-1871.     1907.     Unwin. 

"Bibliography,"  p.307-309. 

The  princess  de  Belgiojoso  was  a  dramatic  figure  in  the  struggle  for  Italian  unity. 
She  had  genius  for  organization  and  a  power  of  arousing  enthusiasm.  Exiled  for  some 
years  in  Paris,  she  numbered  among  her  friends  there  George  Sand,  Margaret  Fuller 
Ossoli,  Alfred  de  Musset,  Thiers  and  Lafayette. 

Belleimont,  Richard  Coote,  earl  of.  qr92  B4i3d 

De  Peyster,  Frederic.  Life  and  administration  of  Richard,  earl  of 
Bellomont,  governor  of  the  provinces  of  New  York,  Massachusetts  and 
New  Hampshire  from  1697  to  1701;  an  address  delivered  before  the 
New  York  Historical  Society,  at  the  celebration  of  its  7Sth  anniversary, 
Nov.  18,  1879.    1879.    New  York  Historical  Soc. 

Belt,  Joseph.  1:92  B423m 

Magruder,  Caleb  Clarke.  Colonel  Joseph  Belt;  a  paper  read  before 
the  Society  of  Colonial  Wars  in  the  District  of  Columbia,  March  25, 
1909.  [1909.]  (Society  of  Colonial  Wars,  District  of  Columbia.  His- 
torical papers,  no.S.) 

Col.  Joseph  Belt  (1680-1761)  was  a  factor  in  the  early  history  of  the  District  of 
Columbia.  For  12  years  he  represented  Prince  George's  county,  now  the  District  of 
Columbia,  in  the  Maryland  House  of  burgesses.  The  book  includes  a  genealogfy  of  the 
Belt  family. 

Benezet,  Anthony.  r92  B433V 

Vaux,  Roberts.     Memoirs  of  the  life  of  Anthony  Benezet.     18 17. 


Benezet  (1713-84)  was  an  American  philanthropist,  one  of  the  earliest  opponents 
of  the  slave-trade. 

Benjamin,  Judah  Philip.  92  B436b 

Butler,  Pierce.  Judah  P.  Benjamin.  1907.  Jacobs.  (American 
crisis  biographies.) 

"Bibliography,"  p.442-449. 

Benjamin  (1811-84)  was  a  brilliant  Southern  lawyer.  He  was  a  member  of  the 
United  States  senate  from  Louisiana,  but  withdrew  at  the  secession  of  that  state  and 
during  the  war  occupied  prominent  positions  in  the  Confederate  government.  At  the 
close  of  the  war  he  went  to  live  in  England,  where  he  achieved  great  success  in  his 

Bennett,  James  Gordon.  r92  B439 

Life  and  writings  of  James  Gordon  Bennett,  editor  of  the  New  York 
herald.     1844. 


Bennett,  Sir  William  Sterndale.  92  B43gb 

Bennett,  James  Robert  Sterndale.     Life  of  William  Sterndale  Ben- 
nett.    1907.     Cambridge  University  Press. 
"List  of  works,"  p.455-460. 

Sir  William  Bennett  (1816-75)  at  the  time  of  his  death  ranked  chief  among  Eng- 
lish musical  composers.  He  was  a  friend  of  both  Mendelssohn  and  Schumann  and  the 
biography  contains  a  number  of  their  letters. 

Bentham,  George.  92  B4442J 

Jackson,  Benjamin  Daydon.  George  Bentham.  1906.  Dent.  (Eng- 
lish men  of  science.) 

"Bibliography,"  p.269-284. 

Compact  account  of  the  interesting  private  life  and  valuable  scientific  labors  of 
the  English  botanist  (1800-84). 

Beranger,  Pierre  Jean  de.  92  B448m 

Ma  biographic,  avec  un  appendice  et  un  grand  nombre  de  notes  in- 
edites  de  Beranger  sur  ses  chansons.     1858. 

Beranger  (1780-1857)  was  a  French  lyric  poet  and  song  writer.  His  political 
sympathies  were  republican  and  Bonapartist  and  for  expressing  them  he  was  twice  prose- 
cuted by  the  government.     His  songs  have  enjoyed  an  extraordinary  popularity. 

Berkeley,  George,  bp.  92  B455P 

Porter,  Noah.  Two-hundredth  birthday  of  Bishop  George  Berkeley; 

a  discourse  given  at  Yale  College  on  the  12th  of  March  1885.  Scribner. 
Presents  briefly  the  most  important  facts  in  the  life  of  the  Irish  bishop.     During 

his  stay   in   this  country    (1829-31)    Berkeley  became  interested   in   Yale   College   and 

gave  to  it  his  estate  in  Rhode  Island  as  the  foundation  of  the  Berkeley  scholarships, 

and  a  library  of  about  a  thousand  volumes. 

Bemardin  de  Saint  Pierre,  Jacques  Henri.     See  Saint  Pierre,  Jacques 

Henri  Bernardin  de. 
Bernhardt,  Sarah.  92  B457 

Memories  of  my  life;  being  my  personal,  professional  and  social 
recollections  as  woman  and  artist.    1907.    Appleton. 

"Rich  as  it  is  in  minor  details  and  vivacious  descriptions  it  adds  but  little  to  the 
common  knowledge  of  [her]  career.  In  fact,  it  is  studiously  reticent  concerning  many 
essential  facts,  including  those  of  parentage  and  pedigree,  about  which  the  curious  in 

such  matters  would  like  to  be  better  informed The  monstrous  egotism  of  the  book 

greatly  weakens  the  pleasurable  impression  created  by  its  vivacity,  its  cleverness,  and  its 
abundance  of  interesting  material."    Nation,  1907. 

Bernis,  Frangois  Joachim  de  Pierre,  cardinal  de.  92  B4572 

Memoirs  and  letters,  with  an  introduction  by  C.  A.  Sainte-Beuve; 

tr.  by  K.  P.  Wormeley.    2v.     1902.     Hardy. 

The  same.    2v.    1902.    Heinemann r92  B457 

Bernis  (1715-94)  was  a  French  cardinal  and  diplomatist,  prominent  in  the  reign  of 
Louis  XV.     The  memoirs  and  letters  do  not  extend  further  than  1 760. 

Bernstiel,  Bar  ones  sa  Olimpia  di  Savio.    See  Savio  di  Bemstiel,  Baronessa 

Berry,  Charles  Ferdinand  d'Artois,  due  de.  92  B4592C 

Chateaubriand,  Frangois  Auguste,  vicotnte  de.  Memoirs,  letters  and 
authentic  details  relating  to  the  life  and  death  of  Charles  Ferdinand 
d'Artois,  duke  de  Berry;  tr.  from  the  French.     1821.    Oilier. 

Short,  eulogistic  biography.  An  emigre  at  the  time  of  the  French  revolution,  the 
due  de  Berry  served  for  several  years  in  the  army  of  Conde,  later  lived  in  England  and 
finally  returned  to  France  at  the  restoration  of  the  Bourbons.  He  was  assassinated  at 
Paris  in  1820. 


Bertsch,  Hugo.  92  B4652 

Bilderbogen  aus  meinem  leben.     1906. 

Contents:  Ubersicht.^Im  kreise  meiner  familie. — Aus  meiner  kindheit. — Unver- 
gessbare  worte. — Aus  meiner  lehrzeit. — Als  soldat. — Als  matrose. — Bei  den  antipoden. 
— Im  urwald. — Zickzackwanderungen. — Kleine  abentcuer. — Des  stromers  erste  Hebe. 

Besant,  Mrs  Annie  (Wood).  92  B4662 

Annie  Besant;  an  autobiography.     1893.     Unwin. 

Author  (b.  1847)  is  now  (1909)  best  known  for  her  connection  with  theosophy,  but 
she  was  earlier  a  prominent  labor  and  socialist  agitator  and  a  writer  and  lecturer  on 
relig^ious  and  scientific  subjects. 

Bigelow,  John,  1817-1911.  q92  B478 

Retrospections  of  an  active  life.    v.  1-3,    1909.    Baker. 

V.I.      181 7-1863. 

V.2.   1863-1865. 
V.3.   1865-1866. 

The  author  participated  actively  in  American  affairs  of  the  last  three-quarters  of 
the  century.  He  was  for  12  years  one  of  the  editors  of  the  New  York  "Evening  post," 
was  consul  at  Paris,  1861-64,  arid  minister  to  France,  1864-67.  His  recollections  are 
full  of  memories  of  American  statesmen  of  the  middle  19th  century  and  letters  from 
public  men  of  distinction.  Especially  full  and  frequent  are  the  letters  from  Charles 
Sumner,  an  intimate  friend.  These  three  ample  volumes  close  with  his  retirement  from 
the  diplomatic  service. 

Birch,  Harvey.    See  Crosby,  Enoch. 

Bird,  Isabella  L.  afterward  Mrs  Bishop.  92  B488S 

Stoddart,  Anna  M.  Life  of  Isabella  Bird  (Mrs  Bishop).  1906.  Murray. 

Isabella  Bird  (i  831— 1902)  was  an  English  traveler  who  made  many  remarkable 
journeys — through  Tibet,  Persia,  Armenia,  Manchuria,  Korea,  Australia,  the  United 
States  and  elsewhere,  visiting  places  where  no  white  woman  had  ever  been.  She  care- 
fully recorded  all  that  she  saw.  Her  biographer  gives  many  extracts  from  her  letters 
of  description  and  succeeds  also  in  bringing  out  her  attractive  personal  side. 

Bishop,  Mrs  Isabella  L.  (Bird).    See  Bird,  Isabella  L. 

Bismarck,  Karl  Otto  Eduard  Leopold,  furst  von.  92  B497bs 

Busch,  Moritz.     Unser  reichskanzler;  studien  zu  einem  charakter- 
bilde.    2v.    1884. 
Bixio,  Nino.  92  64993 

Abba,  Giuseppe  Cesare.    La  vita  di  Nino  Bixio.    1905. 
Black,  Jeremiah  Sullivan.  r92  Bsisa 

Allegheny  County,  Pa.  Bar.  Proceedings  of  a  memorial  meeting  in 
reference  to  the  late  Hon.  Jeremiah  S.  Black,  held  August  27th,  1883. 
1883.     Pittsburgh. 

Black  Prince,  The.    See  Edward,  the  Black  Prince. 
Blackie,  John  Stuart.  92  Bsisb 

Letters  to  his  wife,  with  a  few  earlier  ones  to  his  parents;  selected 
and  ed.  by  his  nephew,  A.  S.  Walker.     1910.    Blackwood. 

Blackie  (1809-95)  was  a  Scottish  philologrist,  for  30  years  professor  of  Greek  in  the 
University  of  Edinburgh.  The  letters  to  his  parents  cover  about  two  years  and  a  half, 
while  he  was  a  student  in  Germany  and  Italy.  The  youthful  letters  are  followed  by 
others  written  ten  years  later  to  Miss  Wyld,  whom  he  afterward  married.  The  rest  of 
the  correspondence,  and  the  largest  part,  covers  Blackie's  married  life,  1843-95.  The 
letters  are  various  in  theme  but  uniform  in  their  tone  of  steadily  sustained  cheerful- 
ness.    They  contain  references  to  nearly  all  the  distinguished  men  of  his  time. 

Blackie,  John  Stuart.  92  Bsisbl 

Notes  of  a  life;  ed.  by  A.  S.  Walker.    1910.    Blackwood. 

Autobiography  begun  by  Professor  Blackie  in  1869  and  abandoned  after  the  com- 
pletion of  the  seventh  chapter. 


Blackwood,  Frederick  Temple  Hamilton-Temple-,  marquess  of  Dufferin 
and  Ava.  See  Dufferin  and  Ava,  Frederick  Temple  Hamilton- 
Temple-Blackwood,  marquess  of. 

Blaine,  Mrs  Harriet  Bailey  (Stanwood).  92  B5223 

Letters;  ed.  by  H.  S.  B.  Beale.    2v.    1908.     Duffield. 

Written  between  1869  and  1889,  mostly  to  her  children,  they  at  first  abound  in 
domestic  detail,  but  later  reveal  more  clearly  both  her  own  and  her  husband's  likeable 
personalities.  The  allusions  to  him  and  his  more  famous  contemporaries  are  utterly 
free,  and  sometimes  very  intimate,  evidently  made  without  the  slightest  idea  of  publi- 

Blaine,  James  Gillespie.  qga  B522r 

Ridpath,  John  Clark,  and  others.  Life  and  work  of  James  G.  Blaine. 

Blake,  William.  92  B528 

Letters;  together  with  a  life  by  Frederick  Tatham;  ed.  from  the 
original  manuscripts  with  an  introduction  and  notes  by  A.  G.  B.  Russell. 
1906.    Methuen. 

"Tatham,  sculptor  and  miniature  painter,  knew  Blake  in  his  last  years  intimately, 
and  his  account  of  the  poet  is  the  best  contemporary  document  we  have... Mr.  Russell's 
Introduction  is  written  from  large  knowledge,  and  is  a  really  valuable  essay  on  Blake 
as  an  artist."    Nation,  1906. 

Blake,  William.  92  B528C 

Chesterton,   Gilbert   Keith.     William   Blake.      [1910.]      Duckworth. 

(Popular  library  of  art.) 

"Contains  much  about  Blake,  but  more  about  Mr.  Chesterton  and  his  views  on  life, 
poetry,  and  painting,  with  passing  allusions  to . . .  other  fascinating  but  irrelevant  fbpics 
...  As  a  piece  of  controversial  criticism  it  is  good  reading.  For  sympathetic  insight  and 
appreciation  we  must  seek  elsewhere."    Saturday  review,  igii. 

Blake,  William.  92  B528sy 

Symons,  Arthur.    William  Blake.     1907.     Constable. 
"List  of  books  consulted,"  p.  13-1 5. 

Mr  Symons  has  here  gathered  together  and  reprinted  from  the  manuscripts,  where 
possible,  all  the  records  of  Blake's  life  from  contemporary  sources,  down  to  the  publica- 
tion of  Gilchrist's  Life  in  1863,  but  excluding  the  Letters  and  Tatham's  Life.  Among 
other  things  is  a  complete  and  exact  transcription  of  the  parts  of  Crabbe  Robinson's 
Diary  and  reminiscences  alluding  to  Blake.  Mr  Symons's  own  contribution  to  the  work 
affords  an  admirable  criticism  of  Blake  as  artist,  poet  and  thinker  and  settles  a  number 
of  disputed  biographical  points.    Condensed  from  Nation,  1907. 

Blavatsky,  Mme  Helene  Petrovna  (Hahn).  92  B542 

Sinnett,  Alfred  Percy,  ed.  Incidents  in  the  life  of  Madame  Blavat- 
sky; compiled  from  information  supplied  by  her  relatives  and  friends. 
1886.    Redway. 

The  editor  was  a  friend  and  disciple  of  Mme  Blavatsky.  The  incidents  relate 
largely  to  her  work  with  the  occult. 

Bobin,  Isaac.  r92  B575 

Letters  of  Isaac  Bobin,  private  secretary  of  Hon.  George  Clarke, 

secretary  of  the  province  of  New  York,   1718-1730.     1872.     Munsell. 
(New  York  colonial  tracts,  no.4.) 

Written  to  his  patron  from  New  York  city.  They  afford  glimpses  of  commercial, 
political  and  domestic  affairs,  but  are  chiefly  devoted  to  the  enumeration  and  price  of 
various  commodities  which  the  writer  sends  at  different  times  to  Mr  Clarke. 


Boccaccio,  Giovanni.  92  BsjGih 

Hutton,  Edward.  Giovanni  Boccaccio;  a  biographical  study.  1909. 

"English  works  on  Boccaccio,"  P.3SS-3S9;  "Boccaccio  and  Chaucer  and  Shake- 
speare," p.360-366;  "Synopsis  of  the  Decameron  together  with  some  works  to  be  con- 
sulted," p.367-393. 

There  is  (1910)  no  other  study  of  Boccaccio  in  English  to  compare  with  Mr 
Button's  in  fulness  or  in  literary  worth.  The  many  illustrations  from  old  pictures, 
books  and  manuscripts  add  much  to  the  value  of  the  book. 

Boigne,  Eleonore  Adele  (d'Osmond)  Le  Borgne,  comtesse  de.       92  B594 
Memoirs;  ed.  from  the  original  ms.  by  Charles  Nicoullaud.     v.1-3. 

1907-08.    Heinemann  and  Scribner. 
V.I.     1781-1814. 

V.2.        1815-1819. 
V.3.        182O-183O. 

The  comtesse  de  Boigne  (i  781-1866)  was  a  brilliant  and  attractive  Frenchwoman 
whose  salon,  during  the  first  half  of  the  19th  century  was  frequented  by  many  dis- 
tinguished persons.  Her  vivacious  memoirs  throw  many  sidelights  on  events  from  the 
reign  of  Louis  XVI  to  the  revolution  of  1848.  She  relates  much  of  the  gossip  of  her 
time  and  her  personalities  are  often  touched  with  prejudice. 

Boleslawita,  B.  pseud.    See  Kraszewski,  Jozef  Ignacy. 

Bolingbroke,  Henry  St.  John,  viscount.  92  B6iim 

Macknight,  Thomas.    Life  of  Henry  St.  John,  viscount  Bolingbroke. 

1863.     Chapman. 

English  statesman  (1678-1751). 

"Mr.  Macknight  is  a  painstaking  and  conscientious  writer.     He  has  made  himself 

well  acquainted  with  all  that  is  to  be  known  of  Bolingbroke  and  his  career,  and  on  the 

whole  takes  just  and  well-grounded  views  of  the  matters  which  he  handles."     Saturday 

revdw,  1863. 

Bolivar,  Simon.  92  B6ii2p 

Petre,  Francis  Loraine.  Simon  Bolivar,  "el  libertador;"  a  life  of  the 
chief  leader  in  the  revolt  against  Spain  in  Venezuela,  New  Granada  & 
Peru.     1910.     Lane. 

"List  of  books,  maps  and  papers  consulted  by  the  author,"  p.8-io. 

"Solid  and  instructive  contribution  to  the  history  of  a  conspicuous  passage  in  the 
growth  of  the  New  World.  The  purely  biographical  side  of  the  story  is  told  with  in- 
sight and  in  an  interesting  manner... On  the  whole,  Mr.  Petre  leaves  us  in  charity  and 
sympathy  with  the  Liberator."      Outlook   (London),  1910. 

Bolton,  Charles  Edward.  92  B6i4b 

Bolton,  Mrs  Sarah  (Knowles).  Charles  E.  Bolton;  a  memorial 
sketch.     1907.     Cambridge  University  Press. 

Mr  Bolton   (1841-1901)  was  an  inventor  and  lecturer. 

Bonaparte,  Jerome.    See  Jerome  Napoleon,  king  of  Westphalia. 

Bonaparte,  Louis  Napoleon.    See  Napoleon  III,  emperor  of  the  French. 

Bonaparte,  Napoleon.    See  Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French. 

Bonheur,  Rosa.  92  B624 

Stanton,  Theodore,  ed.  Reminiscences  of  Rosa  Bonheur,  1910. 

Without  being  a  formal  biography  this  volume  about  the  French  animal  painter 
contains  in  chronological  order  all  the  events  of  her  career,  and  includes  many  of  her 
letters  and  notes  of  her  conversations,  together  with  recollections,  anecdotes  and  ap- 
preciations of  friends.     Fully  illustrated. 


Boone,  Daniel.  92  B63ib 

Bruce,  Henry  Addington  Bayley.  Daniel  Boone  and  the  Wilder- 
ness road.     1910.    Macmillan. 

To  Boone's  bold  pioneering  the  United  States  owes  one  of  its  greatest  highways 
of  empire — the  famous  Wilderness  road,  along  which  many  pioneers  passed  in  the 
early  peopling  of  the  West.  The  book  is  not  only  a  biography  of  Boone,  but  an  account 
of  this  early  westward  movement  and  its  bearing  on  the  subsequent  development  of  the 
United  States. 

Booth,  Gen.  William.  92  B6333C 

Coates,  Thomas  F.  G.  The  prophet  of  the  poor;  the  life-story  of 
General  Booth.    1906.    Dutton. 

"Largely  compilation,  and  one  will  turn  to  it  in  vain  to  find  broad  grasp  of  the 
relation  of  the  Army  to  other  religious  and  social  efforts  of  the  time,  or  even  vivid  por- 
trayal of  the  personality  of  its  subject."    Independent,  jpo6. 

Borgia,  Lucrezia,  duchessa  di  Ferrara.  92  B636gr 

Gregorovius,    Ferdinand.      Lucrezia    Borgia,    secondo    documenti    e 

carteggi  del  tempo;  traduzione  dal  tedesco  per  Raffaele  Mariano.    1885. 

Boswell,  James.  92  B645 

Letters  to  W.  J.  Temple,  with  an  introduction  by  Thomas  Seccombe, 

1908.    Sidgwick. 

Written  by  the  biographer  of  Johnson  to  an  intimate  life-long  friend. 

"They  begin  in  1758,  when  Boswell  was  eighteen,  and  continue  till  he  could  write 
no  longer.  Of  course  the  predominant  subject  is  Bozzy  himself ..  .his  amours,  and  his 
various  matrimonial  projects. .  .his  worldly  schemes,  his  quarrels  with  his  father,  his 
repentances  and  resolutions  to  amend,  and  his  meditations  upon  this  world  and  the 
next"    Spectator,  1857. 

Botticher,  Karl  Gottlieb  Wilh.elm.  qr92  66480 

Ernst  (Wilhelm),  &  Sohn,  pub.  Zum  hundertjahrigen  geburtstag 
Karl  Bottichers,  ante  diem  tert.  cal.  Jun.  1906.     [1906.] 

Contains  Botticher's  "Das  prinzip  der  hellenischen  und  germanischen  bauweise 
hinsichtlich  der  ubertragung  in  die  bauweise  unserer  tage." 

Bownas,  Samuel.  r92  B663 

Account  of  [his]  life,  travels  and  Christian  experiences  in  the  work 
of  the  ministry.     1759.     Dunlap. 

Reprint  of  the  London  edition  of  1756. 

Bownas  (1676-1753)  was  a  Quaker  minister  and  writer. 

Boyle,  John,  earl  of  Cork  and  Orrery.    See  Cork  and  Orrery,  John  Boyle, 

earl  of. 
Brace,  Charles  Loring.  92  B676 

Life;  chiefly  told  in  his  own  letters;  ed.  by  his  daughter  [Emma 
Brace].    1894.    Scribner. 

Brace  (1826-90)  was  an  eminent  American  philanthropist,  chief  founder  of  the 
New  York  Children's  Aid  Society.  His  life  may  almost  be  said  to  be  a  history  of 
philanthropic  effort  in  the  United  States  during  a  quarter  of  a  century.  Not  only  has 
the  society  which  he  built  up  in  New  York  done  an  immense  work,  but  his  system  has 
been  widely  copied  in  other  states  and  in  Europe. 

Bracht,  Eugen.    See  Artists,  p.  1404. 

Bradford,  William,  1719-91.  r92  B682W 

Wallace,  John  William.  An  old  Philadelphian,  Colonel  William 
Bradford,  the  patriot  printer  of  1776;  sketches  of  his  life.  1884.  Sher- 

"Books  printed  by  Colonel  Bradford,"  p.349-362. 


Brady,  Samuel.  rga  B686 

Sketches  of  the  life  and  Indian  adventures  of  Captain  Samuel 
Brady,  a  native  of  Cumberland  county,  born  1758,  a  few  miles  above 
Northumberland,  Pa.     1891.     Zahm. 

Appeared  in  the  "Blairsville  record." 

Brady  was  a  Pennsylvania  hero  of  pioneer  days  who  won  fame  as  an  Indian  Hghter. 
He  commanded  a  band  of  scouts  known  as  "Brady's  rangers." 

Brahms,  Johannes.  92  B6882C 

Colles,  Henry  Cope.  Brahms.  1908.  Brentano.  (Music  of  the 

"Bibliography,"  p.9-10;  "Complete  list  of  works  by  Johannes  Brahms,"  p.163-168. 
Does  not  attempt  to  present  any  new  material,  or  to  tell  the  uneventful  life  of  the 
composer,  but  gives  a  concise  and  lucid  description  of  his  works. 

Brahms,  Johannes.  92  B6882h 

Henschel,  George.  Personal  recollections  of  Johannes  Brahms; 
some  of  his  letters  to  and  pages  from  a  journal  kept  by  George  Hen- 
schel.    1907.    Badger. 

Slight  and  fragmentary  reminiscences  of  recital  tours  with  Brahms  in  Germany  in 
the  '70's. 

Brahms,  Johannes.  92  B6882ma 

Maitland,  John  Alexander  Fuller-.    Brahms.    191 1.     Methuen. 

Less  space  is  given  to  his  biography  than  to  analyses  of  his  compositions.  Author  is 
frankly  eulogistic.  His  book  is  the  most  comprehensive  work  about  Brahms  that  has 
yet  appeared  in  English  (191 1). 

Brainerd,  John.  .  92  B 6892b 

Brainerd,  Thomas.     Life  of  John  Brainerd,  the  brother  of  David 

Brainerd  and  his  successor  as  missionary  to  the  Indians  of  New  Jersey, 


Contains  letters  and  extracts  from  the  journal  of  Brainerd  (1720-81). 

Brandes,  Georg  Moritz  Cohen.  92  B697 

Reminiscences  of  my  childhood  and  youth.     1906.    Duffield. 

Dr  Brandes,  who  is  eminent  as  philosopher,  critic  and  literary  artist,  shows  himself 
in  this  attractive  volume  mainly  in  the  last  of  these  capacities.  The  book  comes  to  an 
end  while  he  is  still  under  thirty.  The  first  half  deals  mainly  with  his  life  in  Denmark 
and  throws  many  interesting  side-lights  on  Danish  scholars  and  men  of  letters.  The 
second  half  tells  of  his  sojourn  in  France  and  Italy  and  his  brief  visit  to  England. 
Condensed  from  Athenceutn,  1906. 

Brangwyn,  Frank.    See  Artists,  p.1401. 

Brassey,  Thomas,  1805-70.  92  B7i4h 

Helps,   Sir  Arthur.      Life   and   labours   of   Mr   Brassey,    1805-1870. 

1874.    Roberts. 

Thomas  Brassey  was  one  of  the  greatest  railway  builders  of  the  19th  century  and 
was  interested  in  enterprises  in  every  quarter  of  the  globe.  Among  his  chief  under- 
takings were  the  Great  Northern  railway  and  the  Grand  Trunk  railway  of  Canada. 

Bremer,  Fredrika.  92  B728 

Life,  letters  and  posthumous  works;  ed.  by  Charlotte  Bremer,  tr. 

from  the  Swedish  by  Frederick  Milow  and  Emily  Nonnen.  1868.  Hurd. 
The  same.    Low r92  B728 

Short  biography  of  the  Swedish  novelist  (1801-65).  The  letters  include  only  those 
written  to  her  sister  from  Stockholm  and  from  their  country  estate. 


Bridgman,  Laura.  92  B745I 

Lamson,  Mrs  Mary  (Swift).     Life  and  education  of  Laura  Dewey 

Bridgman,  the  deaf,  dumb  and  blind  girl.    1879.    New  England  Pub.  Co. 

Author  was  for  three  years  the  special  instructor  of  Laura  Bridgman  at  the 
Perkins  Institution,  and  for  37  years  an  intimate  acquaintance. 

Briggs,  Mrs  Caroline  (Clapp).  93  B747 

Reminiscences  and  letters  of  Caroline  C.  Briggs;  ed.  by  G.  S.  Mer- 
riam.    1897.    Houghton. 

"This  book  is  one  of  the  family  of  those  which  admit  us  to  the  companionship  of 
remarkable  people  who  have  no  notoriety  or  reputation,  and  who  encourage  us  with  the 
assurance  that  there  are  many  such... The  student  of  [New  England]  social  manners 
and  development  will  find  here  a  memoir  so  serviceable  as  to  suggest  comparisons  with 
Mrs.  Susan  Leslie's  'Recollections  of  My  Mother'  [92  L989I] ..  .Taken  as  a  whole,  the 
book  is  one  of  the  healthiest  imaginable,  and  it  must  have  a  tonic  influence  on  those 
who  read  it."     Nation,  1897. 

Brodzinski,  Kazimierz.  92  B763a 

"Wspomnienia  mojej  mlodosci;"  i  inne  urywki  autobiograficzne, 
wydat  i  wst?pem  opatrzyt  Jozef  Tretiak.    1901. 

Brooks,  Charles  William  Shirley.  9a  B773I 

Layard,  George  Somes.  A  great  "Punch"  editor;  being  the  life, 
letters  and  diaries  of  Shirley  Brooks.    1907.    Pitman. 

Brooks  (1815-74)  was  from  an  early  age  a  voluminous  contributor  to  the  press,  be- 
sides writing  a  number  of  novels.  In  1870  he  assumed  the  editorship  of  "Punch."  He 
was  a  great  talker  of  the  old  sort;  a  tremendous  writer,  turning  out  jokes,  poems,  parlia- 
mentary reports,  any  kind  of  "copy,"  with  incredible  ease — a  born  journalist.  His  let- 
ters are  of  the  kind  that  must  have  filled  the  recipient  with  joy,  but  that  somehow  in 
cold  print,  half  a  century  later,  sound  forced  and  schoolboyish.  Condensed  from  Nation, 

Brooks,  Phillips,  bp.  92  B774a2 

Allen,  Alexander  Viets  Griswold.  Phillips  Brooks,  1835-1893;  memo- 
ries of  his  life,  with  extracts  from  his  letters  and  note-books.  1907. 

Abridgment  of  his  "Life  and  letters  of  Phillips  Brooks"  (92  67743). 

Brown,  Henry  Armitt.  92  B788h 

Hoppin,  James  Mason,  ed.  Memoir  of  Henry  Armitt  Brown,  to- 
gether with  four  historical  orations.    1880.     Lippincott. 

Contents:  Memoir. — Historical  orations:  Oration  delivered  in  Carpenters'  hall, 
Philadelphia,  on  the  looth  anniversary  of  the  meeting  of  the  Congress  of  1774;  "The 
settlement  of  Burlington"  [N.  J.] ;  an  oration  delivered  in  that  city,  Dec.  6,  1877,  in 
commemoration  of  the  200th  anniversary  of  its  settlement;  Oration  at  Valley  Forge, 
June  19,  1878,  the  looth  anniversary  of  the  departure  of  the  army  of  the  Revolution 
from  winter  quarters  at  that  place;  Oration  composed  to  be  delivered  at  Freehold,  New 
Jersey,  June  28,  1878,  the  looth  anniversary  of  the  battle  of  Monmouth. 

More  than  half  the  book  is  occupied  with  the  memoir  of  Brown  (1844-78),  who  was 
a  Philadelphia  lawyer  and  orator  of  much  ability  and  promise.  His  principal  orations, 
which  are  here  included,  were  historical  in  character. 

Brown,  John,  M.  D.  92  B7912 

Letters  of  Dr  John  Brown,  with  letters  from  Ruskin,  Thackeray  and 
others;  ed.  by  his  son  [John  Brown]  and  D.  W.  Forrest,  with  biographi- 
cal introduction  by  E.  T.  M'Laren.    1907.    Black. 


Brown,  John,  of  Ossawatomie.  92  B7gid 

Du  Bois,  William  Edward  Burghardt.  John  Brown.  1909.  Jacobs. 
(American  crisis  biographies.) 

"Bibliography,"  p.397-400. 

Readable  volume  of  appreciation,  written  from  the  point  of  view  of  the  negro. 
Disappointing  in  that  it  betrays  little  original  research  and  contains  many  inaccuracies, 
partly  because  the  author  has  relied  on  his  predecessors  in  the  field.  The  last  chapter 
is  a  notable  discussion  of  the  race  question  as  it  stands  to-day  in  the  light  of  John 
Brown's  sacrifice. 

Brown,  John,  of  Ossawatomie.  92  B791V 

Villard,  Oswald  Garrison.  John  Brown,  1800-1859;  a  biography  50 
years  after.     1910.    Houghton. 

"Bibliography,"  p.689— 709. 

No  pains  have  been  spared  to  produce  a  biography  both  accurate  and  complete. 
Author  has  traced  Brown's  life  from  day  to  day  throughout  the  entire  active  period  of 
his  career,  has  gone  minutely  over  the  ground  on  which  he  operated,  and  tested  every 
printed  or  verbal  statement  with  the  rigid  thoroughness  of  a  laboratory  investigator. 
We  have  here  a  book,  and  the  only  book,  in  which  the  unquestioned  facts  of  John 
Brown's  career  are  completely  exhibited.  If  the  author's  conclusions  differ  from  the 
conclusions  of  others,  he  cannot  be  charged  with  either  withholding  or  distorting  the 
evidence  upon  which  they  are  based.     Condensed  from  Nation,  1910. 

Browning,  Oscar.  92  B8182 

Memories  of  60  years  at  Eton,.  Cambridge  and  elsewhere.  1910. 

Oscar  Browning  (b.  1837)  was  master  of  Eton  from  i860  to  1875  and  has  been 
lecturer  in  history  and  political  science  at  Cambridge  since  1876.  He  has  found  his 
supreme  interest  in  the  education  of  statesmen,  and  he  looks  upon  Mr  Gerald  Balfour 
and  Lord  Curzon,  whom  he  taught,  as  works  of  his  hand.  His  book  is  personal  from 
beginning  to  end,  but  never  self-important. 

Browning,  Robert.  92  BSigr 

Robert  Browning  and  Alfred  Domett  [letters] ;  ed.  by  F.  G.  Ken- 
yon.     1906.    Button. 

Contains  some  30  letters  from  Browning  and  Joseph  Arnould,  afterwards  judge  of 
the  Supreme  court  of  Bombay,  to  Alfred  Domett,  who  went  as  a  colonist  to  New  Zealand 
in  1842  and  remained  there  for  30  years.  The  letters  are  those  of  friends  and  are 
chiefly  occupied  with  the  personal  affairs  of  the  writers.  The  volume  is  of  much  inter- 
est if  only  as  showing  Browning's  sympathetic  nature  and  gift  for  friendship. 

Browning,  Robert.  92  BSigdo 

Douglas,  James,  6.  1869.  Robert  Browning.  1903.  Hodder.  (Book- 
man biographies.) 

The  biographies  in  this  series  are  extremely  brief  and  their  value  lies  chiefly  in  the 
large  number  of  portraits  and  other  illustrations. 

Browning,  Robert.  92  BSiggr 

Griffin,  W.  Hall.  Life  of  Robert  Browning,  with  notices  of  his  writ- 
ings, his  family  &  his  friends;  completed  and  ed.  by  H.  C.  Minchin.  1910. 

"The  late  Professor  Hall  Griffin  was  an  enthusiastic  student  of  Browning,  and  had 
collected  a  large  amount  of  biographical  and  illustrative  material.  Among  other  things, 
he  discovered  the  diary  of  Alfred  Domett;  he  visited  and  identified  all  Browning's 
homes,  early  and  late;  and  his  friendship  with  the  Browning  family  and  with  some  of 
Browning's  closest  friends  gave  him  access  to  many  unpublished  sources  of  information 
. . .  Book  is  more  than  a  thesaurus  of  facts.  It  is  admirably  written,  and  full  of  good 
sense  and  good  judgment.  It  does  not  attempt  to  provide  any  elaborate  critical  ap- 
paratus, but  such  criticism  as  is  given  seems  to  us  exceptionally  balanced  and  sane.  The 
book  is  primarily  a  biography,  and  in  the  second  place  a  history  of  literary  influences 
and  the  genesis  of  the  poems."     Spectator.  1910. 


Bruneau,  Alfred.  92  BSash 

Hervey,  Arthur.  Alfred  Bruneau.  1907.  Lane.  (Living  masters  of 

"Alfred  Bruneau's  works,"  p.85-86. 
"Bibliography,"  p.87. 

Bruneau  is  (1907)  one  of  the  most  distinguished  of  living  French  composers  and  a 
leading  musical  critic. 

Brutus,  Decimus  Junius,  92  BSsgb 

Bondurant,  Bernard  Camillus.  Decimus  Junius  Brutus  Albinus;  a 
historical  study.    1907. 

"Selected  list  of  books,  articles  and  dissertations,"  p.  14-16. 
Thesis  for  Ph.  D.,  University  of  Chicago. 

Decimus  Brutus  was  associated  with  Marcus  Brutus  and  Cassius  in  the  conspiracy 
against  Caesar.     This  study  discusses  at  some  length  his  part  in  the  assassination. 

Buchanan,  George,  1506-82.  92  B849im 

Millar,  'D.A.ed.  George  Buchanan;  a  memorial,  1506-1906;  contri- 
butions by  various  writers,  comp.  and  ed.  by  D.  A.  Millar  on  behalf  of 
the  executive  of  the  Students'  Representative  Council  of  St.  Andrews 
University.     [1907.]     Henderson. 

Buchanan,  the  Scottish  historian  and  poet,  was  a  graduate  of  St.  Andrews  Univer- 
sity. The  papers  present  different  phases  of  his  life  and  work.  The  second  part  of 
the  book  gives  a  number  of  his  Latin  poems,  with  translations,  and  the  appendix  contains 
an  account  of  the  quarter-centenary  celebration  at  Glasgow  in  1906. 

Bulwer-Lytton,  Edward  Robert,  earl  of  Lytton.  See  Meredith,  Owen,  pseud. 

Bunsen^  Mme  Mary  Isabella  (Waddington)  de.  92  B8843 

In  three  legations  [Turin,  Florence,  The  Hague].    1909.    Unwin. 

"These  memoirs  contain  the  contemporary  impressions  of  the  wife  of  a  Prussian 
diplomat  at  Turin,  Florence,  and  The  Hague  a  generation  ago . . .  English  by  stock, 
French  by  bringing  up,  and  Prussian  by  marriage,  she  had  the  cosmopolitan  point  of 
view  and  contacts  which  well  fitted  her  to  be  a  diplomat's  wife.  Add  to  those  charms 
a  quick  and  receptive  intellect,  and  simplicity  of  character  proof  against  the  artificiality 
of  courts  and  social  conventions,  and  you  have  an  unusual  personality.  Madame  de 
Bunsen  was  at  Turin  from  1858  to  1862,  during  the  years  when  the  Piedmontese  capital 
became  the  storm-centre  of  Europe.  Her  impressions  of  men  and  events  are  vivid." 
Nation,  1910. 

Burba,  Aleksandras.  92  B889J 

Jonas,  pseud.    Kun.  A.  Burba,  jo  gjrvenimas  ir  darbai.    1898. 

Burke,  Edmund.  92  B9i6ma 

Macknight,  Thomas.     History  of  the  life  and  times  of  Edmund  Burke. 

3v.    1858-60.    Chapman. 

"Prolix,  pompous  and  uncritical,  but  containing  a  large  amount  of  information." 

Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Burnand,  Sir  Francis  Cowley.  92  B928 

Records  and  reminiscences,  personal  and  general.  2v.  1904.  Methuen. 

Burnand  was  editor  of  "Punch,"  1 862-1 906,  and  the  author  of  many  light  comedies. 
The  volumes  consist  largely  of  cheerful  anecdotes  of  his  contemporaries  and  are  illus- 
trated by  photographs,  cartoons  and  sketches. 

Burne-Jones,  Sir  Edward.    See  Artists,  p.1401. 

Burns,  Robert.  ga  Bgsgd 

Douglas,  Sir  George  Brisbane  Scott-,  &  Crockett,  W.  S.  Robert 
Burns.     1904.     Hodder.     (Bookman  biographies.) 


Bums,  Robert.  92  Bgagj 

Jean  Armour  Burns  Club,  Washington,  D.  C.    Speeches  and  essays, 

by  John  Wilson  and  others,  with  poems  on  Burns,  by  Montgomery  and 

others.     1908.     Gibson. 

The  same.    1904 r92  Bgsgj 

The  association  was  organized  as  the  "Burns  Club  of  Washington,  D.  C."  but  was 
later  reorganized  under  present  name. 

Bums,  Robert.  r92  Bgsgt 

Tyler,  Samuel.  Robert  Burns,  as  a  poet  and  as  a  man.  1848.  Baker. 
"Divided  into  two  parts:  the  one  proposing  a  new  theory  of  beauty  as  applied  to 

the  art  of  poetry,  and  especially  as  illustrated  by  the  works  of  Burns;  and  the  other 

constituting  an   almost  unconditional   defence  of  the   Poet  in   his  various   relations   to 

society  as  a  man."     Princeton  review,  1849. 

Burton,  Sir  Richard  Francis.  92  Bgssd 

Dodge,  Walter  Phelps.    The  real  Sir  Richard  Burton.     1907. 
The  author  has  great  admiration  for  his  subject.     He  relates  nothing  new  in  regard 
to  the  famous  English  explorer,  but  he  gives  a  good  account  of  his  many  journeys  and 
devotes  considerable  space  to  the  rather  romantic  circumstances  of  Burton's  marriage. 

Burton,  5"tV  Richard  Francis.  92  B953W 

Wright,  Thomas,  principal  of  Cowper  school,  Olney.  Life  of  Sir  Richard 
Burton.    2v.    1906.    Everett. 

"Bibliography  of  Richard  Burton,"  v. 2,  apx.  p.3-6. 

Mr  Wright  has  amassed  a  rich  harvest  of  details,  anecdotes  and  gossip.  He  is  a 
eulogist  rather  than  a  critic,  but  he  throws  a  great  number  of  side-lights  upon  a  singu- 
larly romantic  career.     Condensed  from  Saturday  review,  1906. 

Bury,  Lady  Charlotte  Susan  Maria  (Campbell).  92  B955 

Diary  of  a  lady-in-waiting;  being  the'  Diary  illustrative  of  the  times 
of  George  the  Fourth,  interspersed  with  original  letters  from  the  late 
Queen  Caroline  and  from  other  distinguished  persons;  ed.  with  an  in- 
troduction by  A.  F.  Steuart.    2v.     1908.    Lane. 

First  published  anonymously  in  1838,  under  the  title  "Diary  illustrative  of  the  times 
of  George  the  Fourth." 

Busbecq,  Augier  Ghislen  de.  92  Bgsyf 

Forster,  Charles  Thornton,  &  Daniell,  F.  H.  B.  Life  and  letters  of 
Ogier  Ghiselin  de  Busbecq,  seigneur  of  Bousbecque,  knight,  imperial 
ambassador.    2v.    1881.    Paul. 

v. I.     Life  of  Busbecq. — Turkish  letters. 

v.2.     Letters   from  France. — Appendix. 

"List  of  the  various  editions  and  translations  of  Busbecq's  works,"  v.2,  p.288-291. 

De  Busbecq  (1522-92)  was  a  Flemish  diplomat  and  scholar.  He  was  for  eight 
years  ambassador  at  Constantinople  and  his  "Turkish  letters"  are  a  valuable  source  of 
information  on  the  social  and  political  life  of  Turkey  in  the  i6th  century. 

Butler,  Mrs  Frances  Anne.    See  Kemble,  Frances  Anne. 

Butler,  Sir  William  Francis.  92  B9792b 

Sir  William  Butler;  an  autobiography.    191 1.    Constable. 

Sir  William  Butler  (1838-1910)  was  an  Irish  soldier  who  served  under  Lord  Wolse- 
Icy  in  Canada,  in  Ashanti,  in  Egypt  and  in  South  Africa.  The  most  interesting  part  of 
the  book  is  perhaps  to  be  found  in  the  last  three  chapters  which  relate  to  the  South 
African  war.  Disapproving  of  the  British  management  of  the  situation,  just  before  the 
outbreak  of  hostilities  he  resigned  his  command  and  returned  to  England.  The  auto- 
biography ends  at  this  point  but  there  is  a  brief  supplementary  chapter  by  his  daughter. 
The  book  makes  agreeable  reading,  both  from  the  vigor  of  the  narrative  and  from  the 
frankness  of  the  views  expressed. 


Byron,  George  Gordon  Noel,  lord.  ga  BggSl 

Letters  and  journals;  ed.  by  R.  E.  Prothero.    6v.     1898-1901. 

V.I.     Nov.  1798— Aug.  181 1. 

V.2.     Aug.   iSii-April  1814. 

V.3.     Jan.   1814-N0V.   1816. 

V.4.     Nov.  1816-March  1820. 

V.5.     April   1820-Oct.    1821. 

V.6.     Jan.   1822-April  1824. 

"Sources  of  the  text,"  v.6,  p.459-493. 

V.6  contains  an  index  to  the  set. 

Contains  much  new  biographical  detail  and  many  letters  inaccessible  to  previous 
biographers  and  editors. 

"Byron's  letters  appeal  on  three  special  grounds  to  all  lovers  of  English  literature. 
They  offer  the  most  suggestive  commentaiy  on  his  poetry;  they  give  the  truest  portrait 
of  the  man;  they  possess,  at  their  best,  in  their  ease,  freshness  and  racy  vigour,  a  very 
high  literary  value."     Preface. 

Byron,  George  Gordon  Noel,  lord.  ga  BggSb 

Blessington,   Margaret   (Power)    Gardiner,  countess  of.     Journal  of 

conversations  with  Lord  Byron.     1859.     Veazie. 
"Memoir  of  the  countess  of  Blessing^ton,"  p.  5-31. 
The  Blessingtons  met  Byron  at  Genoa  in  1823  and  for  two  months  were  in  daily 

intercourse    with    him.      The   conversation,    here    reported   with    little    reserve,    forms    a 

valuable  authority  for  his  life. 

Byron,  George  Gordon  Noel,  lord.  g2  BggSe 

Elze,  Karl.     Lord  Byron,  a  biography  with  a  critical  essay  on  his 

place  in  literature;  tr.  and  ed.  with  notes.     1872.     Murray. 

"He  has  given,  though  not  a  brilliant  nor  a  lively,  a  good  solid  chronicle  of  Byron." 
Saturday  review,  iSjz. 

Byron,  George  Gordon  Noel,  lord.  rg2  BggSg 

Gait,  John.    Life  of  Lord  Byron.     1830.    Colburn. 

A  work  which  created  considerable  discussion  when  it  first  appeared  and  which 
passed  through  several  editions.     To-day  it  is  rarely  consulted. 

Byron,  George  Gordon  Noel,  lord.  ga  BggSg 

Guiccioli,  Teresa  Gamba,  contessa,  afterward  marquise  de  Boissy.    My 

recollections  of  Lord  Byron  and  those  of  eye-witnesses  of  his  life. 

2v.  in  I.     1869.     Lippincott. 
Defense  of  Lord  Byron. 

Cabot,  George.  g2  C1143 

Life  and  letters  [ed.]  by  H.  C.  Lodge.     1878.     Little. 

"Cabot  [1751-1823]  was  a  leading  Massachusetts  Federalist,  and  president  of  the 
Hartford  Convention.  Aside  from  its  general  value  as  an  authoritative  biography,  the 
volume  has  special  importance  for  its  publication  of  Cabot's  letters,  and  its  exhibition 
of  the  attitude  of  the  New  England  Federalists  towards  the  national  government  in  the 
time  of  the  war  of  1812."     Larned's  Literature  of  American  history. 

Caesar,  Gains  Julius.  g2  Ciigs 

Sihler,  Ernest  Gottlieb.  Annals  of  Caesar;  a  critical  biography  with 
a  survey  of  the  sources,  for  more  advanced  students  of  ancient  history 
and  particularly  for  the  use  and  service  of  instructors  in  Caesar.  191 1. 

"Professor  Sihler  gives  a  purely  scientific  investigation  of  the  facts  of  Caesar's  life, 
as  set  forth  by  the  ancient  authorities ...  In  preserving  a  strictly  judicial  attitude  of 
mind,  he  neither  condones  Caesar's  crimes,  nor  exaggerates  his  achievements. .  .A  long 
appendix  contains  a  critical  discussion  of  the  sources,  including  a  biting  arraignment  of 
Mommsen  and  Froude."     Nation,  1911. 


Calderwood,  Henry.  92  Ci2gc 

Calderwood,  W.  L.  &  Woodside,  David.  Life  of  Henry  Calderwood, 
with  a  special  chapter  on  his  philosophical  works  by  A.  S.  Pringle- 
Pattison.     1900.     Hodder. 

List  of  Henry  Calderwood's  more  important  writings,  p.  443-447. 

Calderwood  (1830-97)  was  a  minister  in  the  United  Presbyterian  church  of  Scot- 
land, who  for  many  years  held  the  chair  of  moral  philosophy  in  the  University  of  Edin- 

"His  systematic  teaching  was  on  the  lines  of  the  Scottish  philosophy  and  against 
all  Hegelian  tendencies,  and  he  showed  how  philosophical  studies  could  be  pursued  in 
a  devout  spirit."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Calvert,  George,  baron  Baltimore.    See  Baltimore,  George  Calvert,  baron. 

Calvin,  John,  92  C144 

Letters;  comp.  from  the  original  manuscripts  artd  ed.  with  historical 
notes  by  Jules  Bonnet,  tr.  from  the  Latin  and  French  languages  by 
David  Constable,     v.1-2.     1855-57.     Constable. 

No  more  published. 

The  two  volumes  cover  the  years  from  1528  to  1553. 

Calvin,  John.  92  Cz44b 

Barth,  Fritz.    Calvin  und  Servet.    1909. 

Presents  minutely  the  events  and  transactions  which  brought  about  the  arrest  and 
trial  of  the  free-thinker,  Servetus,  whom  Calvin  sacrificed  for  reasons  of  state. 

Calvin,  John.  92  C144W 

Walker,  Williston.  John  Calvin,  the  organiser  of  reformed  Protes- 
tantism, 1509-1564.    1906.    Putnam.     (Heroes  of  the  reformation.) 

"Bibliographical  note,"  p.  11-18. 

"No  other  equally  brief  life  has  so  well  assimilated  the  vast  amount  of  material  or 
summed  up  Calvin's  character  and  career  with  so  much  insight;  and  no  other  life  of 
Calvin  preserves  throughout  so  judicial  a  tone.  It  is  a  book  whose  scholarship  will 
appeal  to  both  the  church  historian  and  the  general  historical  reader."  American  his- 
torical review,  igoy. 

Cambridge,  George  William  Frederick  Charles,  duke  of.  92  C147 

George,  duke  of  Cambridge;  a  memoir  of  his  private  life  based  on 
journals  and  correspondence;  ed.  by  Edgar  Sheppard.  2v.  1906.  Long- 

V.I.     181 9-1 871. 

v. 2.        I  871-1904. 

The  duke  of  Cambridge,  as  the  cousin  of  Queen  Victoria,  occupied  a  high  place  in 
court  circles.     He  was  also  commander-in-chief  of  the  British  army  from  1856  to  1895. 

"This  memoir. .  .attractive  as  it  is  to  the  observer  of  character  and  manners,  and 
absorbing  as  it  must  be  to  those  who  take  a  proper  interest  in  all  printed  matter  bearing 
upon  the  daily  life  of  exalted  personages,  has  not  very  great  importance  in  the  narrow 
sense  in  which  the  word  is  understood  among  students  of  politics."  Outlook  (London), 

Camp,  Henry  Ward.  92  Ci55t 

Trumbull,  Henry  Clay.  The  knightly  soldier;  a  biography  of  Major 
Henry  Ward  Camp.    1892.    Wattles. 

First  published  in  1865. 

Major  Camp  (1839-64),  of  the  Tenth  regiment  of  Connecticut  volunteers,  lost  his 
life  in  battle  before  Richmond,  Va.    He  was  a  man  of  noblest  character. 

Campbell,  George  Douglas,  duke  of  Argyll.    See  Argyll,  George  Douglas 
Campbell,  duke  of. 


Campbell,  John  Campbell,  baron.  92  C159 

Life  of  John,  lord  Campbell,  lord  high  chancellor  of  Great  Britain; 
consisting  of  a  selection  from  his  autobiography,  diary  and  letters;  ed. 
by  his  daughter  the  Hon.  Mrs  Hardcastle.    2v.     1881.    Linn. 

"Lively  picture  of  a  remarkable  man  [ 1 779-1861] ..  .The  account  of  Campbell's 
early  life  in  London;  his  struggles  to  maintain  himself,  his  discouragements,  his  fail- 
ures and  successes,  his  slow  but  sure  rise  at  the  Bar — all  comes  fresh  as  it  was  written 
day  by  day."    Athenteum,  1881. 

Campbell,  Thomas.  rga  C161 

Life  and  letters;  ed.  by  William  Beattie.    3v.    1850.    Hall. 

The  editor  was  for  many  years  an  intimate  friend  of  the  poet  and  the  work  is 
considered  one  of  the  best  authorities  on  Campbell's  life. 

Campbell,  Thomas.  92  Ci6ir 

Redding,  Cyrus.  Literary  reminiscences  and  memoirs  of  Thomas 
Campbell.    2v.     i860.    Skeet. 

This  life  of  the  British  poet  and  miscellaneous  writer  (i  777-1844)  was  written  by 
a  personal  friend. 

Canning,  George.  92  C1732P 

Phillips,  Walter  Alison.    George  Canning.     1903.    Button. 

Excellent  short  biography  of  the  English  statesman.     Contains  several  portraits. 

Cappelle,  Marie.    See  Lafarge,  Mme  Marie  Fortunee  (Cappelle). 
Cardan,  Jerome.    See  Cardano,  Girolamo. 

Cardano,  Girolamo.  92  Cigim 

Morley,  Henry.  Jerome  Cardan;  the  life  of  Girolamo  Cardano  of 
Milan,  physician.    2v.     1854.     Chapman. 

Cardano  (1501-76)  was  an  Italian  mathematician,  physician,  astrologer  and  author, 
one  of  the  most  interesting  characters  connected  with  the  revival  of  science  in  Europe. 
The  work  of  Cardano's  which  retains  most  interest  for  this  generation  is  his  auto- 
biography, "De  vita  propria."  In  its  clearness  and  frankness  of  self-revelation  it  stands 
alone  among  records  of  its  class  and  may  be  compared  with  the  autobiography  of  Ben- 
venuto  Cellini.  Professor  Morley  has  ably  condensed  Cardano's  autobiography  and  at 
the  same  time  supplemented  it  by  information  from  the  general  body  of  his  writings 
and  other  sources, 

Carleton,  Guy,  baron  Dorchester.    See  Dorchester,  Guy  Carleton,  baron. 
Carlyle,  Alexander,  1722-1805.  92  C2142C 

Autobiography  of  Dr  Alexander  Carlyle  of  Inveresk,  1722-1805;  ed. 
by  J.  H.  Burton,  with  notes.     1910.    Foulis. 

Carlyle  was  a  Scottish  clergyman,  an  eloquent  debater  and  skilful  leader  in  the 
General  Assembly. 

"His  'Autobiography'  gives  a  most  agreeable  impression  of  him  as  a  genial,  cul- 
tivated, liberal-minded,  and  sagacious  minister  of  the  kirk,  who  united  to  the  breadth  of 
the  man  of  the  world  a  sincere  devotion  to  what  he  considered  to  be  the  true  interests 
of  his  order,  and  it  is  unrivalled  as  a  picture  of  the  Edinburgh  and  Scotch  society  of  his 
time."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Carlyle,  Afrs  Jane  Baillie  (Welsh).  92  C2i4ii 

Ireland,  Mrs  Annie  Elizabeth.  Life  of  Jane  Welsh  Carlyle.  1891. 

Mrs  Ireland  writes  sympathetically,  if  somewhat  effusively,  of  Mrs  Carlyle.  She 
thinks  that  the  causes  which  militated  most  strongly  against  her  happiness  were  in  her 
own  complicated  nature  rather  than  in  circumstances. 

Carlyle,  Thomas,  &  Carlyle,  Mrs  J.  B.  (Welsh).  92  C214I0 

Love  letters  of  Thomas  Carlyle  and  Jane  Welsh;  ed.  by  Alexander 
Carlyle.    2v.     1909.     Lane. 


Carlyle,  Thomas.  92  C2i4ch 

Chesterton,  Gilbert  Keith,  &  Williams,  J.  E.  H.  Thomas  Carlyle. 
1903.     Hodder.     (Bookman  biographies.) 

Carlyle,  Thomas.  92  C214CO 

Conway,  Moncure  Daniel.  Thomas  Carlyle.  1881.  Harper. 
Mr  Conway's  personal  intercourse  with  Carlyle  was  long-continued  and  intimate  and 
he  has  given  evidently  a  faithful  and  trustworthy  delineation  of  the  man.  The  book  is 
rich  in  anecdote  and  conversation,  especially  that  relating  to  Carlyle's  early  life.  The 
most  interesting  part  is  the  correspondence,  containing  extracts  from  letters  written  by 
Carlyle  to  two  college  friends  between  the  years  1814  and  1824,  when  Carlyle  was  a 
young  tutor.  There  are  also  letters  to  Leigh  Hunt  and  several  other  persons.  Con- 
dtnsed  from  Dial,  1881. 

Carlyle,  Thomas.  92  C2i4wy 

Wylie,  William  Howie.  Thomas  Carlyle,  the  man  and  his  books; 
illustrated  by  personal  reminiscences,  table-talk  and  anecdotes  of  him- 
self and  his  friends;  revised  by  William  Robertson,  with  a  prefatory 
note  and  a  brief  memoir  of  the  author  by  his  daughter,  M.  A.  Wylie. 
1909.    Unwin. 

By  a  friend  and  fellow-countryman  of  Carlyle.     First  published  in  1881. 

Masterly  little  biography;  a  picture  deftly  painted  and  pleasant,  yet  far  above  the 
mere  art  of  the  portrait-painter;  appreciative  to  the  verge  of  hero-worship,  but  stopping 
short  at  that  point  where  hero-worship  becomes  idolatry: — a  bit  of  work,  indeed,  which 
it  would  be  hard  to  surpass  for  sympathy,  delicacy,  liberality  of  view,  and  wealth  of 
friendly  insight.  Read,  as  it  should  be  read,  after  the  "Reminiscences,"  it  purifies  the 
memory  of  certain  igfnoble  moods.     Condensed  from  Contemporary  review,  1881. 

Carnegie,  Andrew.  92  C2i6f 

Falkenegg,  Baron  von.     Carnegie;  ein  charakterbild.     1909. 

Carnegie,  Andrew.  r92  C2i6h 

Heredia,  Costa  Rica,  Liceo  de.  Andres  Carnegie;  publicacion  del 
Liceo  de  Heredia,  25  de  Mayo  1908.    1908. 

Carnegie,  Andrew.  r92  C2i6m 

McCleary,  James  Thompson.     Speech  in  presenting  to  the  public 

library  of  Mankato,   Minnesota  an   oil  portrait  of  Andrew   Carnegie, 

Nov.  27,  1905.     [1905.] 

Carnegie,  Andrew.  qr92  C2i6p 

Paris,  Universite  de.     Reception  de  A.  Carnegie  a  la  Sorbonne,  le 

26  mai  1909.     [1909.] 

French  and  English  text. 

Carnegie,  Andrew.  r92  C216 

Scrap  book  of  clippings  relating  to  Mr  Andrew  Carnegie. 

Caroline  Matilda,  queen-consort  of  Christian  VII,  92  C2i8iwr 

king  of  Denmark  and  Norway. 
Wraxall,  Sir  Frederick  Charles  Lascelles.     Life  and  times  of  Her 

Majesty  Caroline  Matilda,  queen  of  Denmark  and  Norway,  and  sister 

of  H[is]    M[ajesty]    George  III   of  England;  from  family  documents 

and  private  state  archives.    3v.    1864. 

"Uncritical. .  .though  valuable  where  based  on  the  private  papers  of  the  author's 

g^randfather.  Sir  Nathaniel  W.  Wraxall."     Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Carolsfeld,  Julius  Schnorr  von.    See  Artists,  p.  1405. 
Carpaccio,  Vittore.    See  Artists,  p.1409. 


Carrington,  Mrs  Frances  (Courtney).  92  C232 

My  army  life  and  the  Fort  Phil.  Kearney  massacre,  with  an  account 
of  the  celebration  of  "Wyoming  opened."     1910.    Lippincott. 
Binder's  title  reads  "Army  life  on  the  plains." 

The  massacre  of  Fort  Kearney  ranks  next  to  that  of  Custer  and  his  troops  in  the 
annals  of  American  army  tragedies.  On  Dec.  21,  1866,  81  officers  and  men  of  the 
18th  Infantry  perished  in  combat  with  3,000  Indians  near  Fort  Kearney.  Author  was 
the  wife  of  one  of  the  officers  killed  in  the  massacre  and  she  sets  forth  in  this  volume 
the  record  of  her  brief  and  tragic  frontier  experience. 

Carroll,  Anna  Ella.  r92  C233b 

Blackwell,  Sarah  Ellen.  Life  and  writings  of  Anna  Ella  Carroll  of 
Maryland;  comp.  from  family  records  and  congressional  documents. 
2v.     1891-95.    Judd. 

V.I.     A  military  genius. 

V.2.  Civil  war  papers  in  aid  of  the  administration,  and  closing  years  of  a  noble 

Anna  E.  Carroll  (fc.  1815)  was  a  Southern  woman  who  by  her  writingrs  and  military 
plans  rendered  valuable  aid  to  the  North  during  the  Civil  war.  Claims  for  her  services 
were  recogrnized  by  Congress  but  their  payment  was  ignored. 

Carter,  Elizabeth.  r92  C236 

Letters  to  Mrs  Montagu  between  the  years  1755  and  1800,  chiefly 
upon  literary  and  moral  subjects;  published  from  the  originals  in  the 
possession  of  Montagu  Pennington.    3v.     181 7.    Rivington. 

"Mrs.  Carter  was  more  celebrated  for  the  solidity  of  her  learning  than  for  any 
brilliant  intellectual  qualities;  and  it  is  as  a  Greek  scholar  and  the  translator  of  Epictetus 
that  she  is  now  best  remembered. .  .Her  poems  have  ceased  to  be  read  and  are  not  of 
very  high  order. .  .Her  letters  display  considerable  vigour  of  thought,  and  now  and  then 
a  transient  flash  of  humour."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Cartrie,  Toussaint-Ambroise  Talour  de  la,  comte  de  la  Villeniere.     See 
Talour  de  la  Cartrie,  Toussaint-Ambroise,  comte  de  la  Villeniere. 

Cartwright,  Peter.  92  C242W 

Watters,  Philip  M.     Peter  Cartwright.     1910.     Eaton. 
Peter  Cartwright  (1785-1872)  was  a  Methodist  clergyman  who  served  for  45  years 

in  the  Illinois  conference. 

Gary,  Henry  Francis.  r92  C245 

Memoir,  with  his  literary  journal  and  letters,  by  his  son,  Henry 
Cary.     2v.     1847.     Moxon.     (Works,  v.  1-2.) 

Casas,  Bartolome  de  las,  bp.  92  C249d 

Dutto,  Louis  Anthony.     Life  of  Bartolome  de  Las  Casas  and  the 

first  leaves  of  American  ecclesiastical  history.     1902.     Herder. 

Las  Casas  (1474-1566)  was  a  Spanish  monk  of  the  Dominican  order,  known  as  the 
"Apostle  of  the  Indies." 

Casaubon,  Isaac.  93  C251P 

Pattison,  Mark.    Isaac  Casaubon,  1559-1614.    1892.    Clarendon  Press. 

"Chronological  list  of  works  by  Isaac  (Dasaubon,"  p.475-484. 

Casaubon  was  born  in  Geneva  but  lived  during  the  latter  part  of  his  life  in  Paris 
and  in  England. 

"Mr.  Pattison  has  not  only  done  justice  to  a  famous  name,  but  also  rendered  a 
veritable  service  to  history  by  showing  us  how  the  life  of  this  simple  student  reflects 
the  history  of  his  age,  and  how  a  conjuncture  of  political  and  other  conditions  made  a 
retiring  and  laborious  Greek  scholar  one  of  the  prominent  men  of  his  times."  Atheneeum, 


Cass,  Lewis.  92  C258S 

Smith,  William  L.  G.     Fifty  years  of  public  life;  the  life  and  times 

of  Lewis  Cass.     1856.     Derby. 

Cass  (1782- 1 866)  was  an  American  statesman  and  soldier.     He  served  in  the  War 

of  1812,  was  governor  of  Michigan  territory,   1813-31,  United  States  senator,   1845-48 

and  1849-57  aid  secretary  of  state,   1857-60. 

Castiglione,  Baldassare,  conte.  92  0269!! 

Hare,  Christopher,  (pseud,  of  Mrs  Marian  Andrews).  Courts  & 
camps  of  the  Italian  renaissance;  a  mirror  of  the  life  and  times  of  the 
ideal  gentleman,  Count  Baldassare  Castiglione,  derived  largely  from 
his  own  letters  and  other  contemporary  sources,  to  which  is  added  an 
epitome  of  his  famous  work,  "The  book  of  the  courtier,"  with  apprecia- 
tions &  annotations.    1908.    Scribner. 

"Books  consulted,"  p.280-282. 

Castiglione  (1478-1529)  was  an  Italian  author  and  statesman  whose  "Libro  del 
cortegiano,"  a  manual  for  courtiers,  was  one  of  the  most  widely  popular  books  of  the 
period,  both  in  Italy  and  elsewhere.  It  is  notable  for  the  high  ideals  which  it  sets  forth 
as  to  the  qualities  of  the  perfect  courtier. 

Castlereagh,  Robert  Stewart,  lord.    See  Londonderry,  Robert  Stewart, 
marquis  of,  1 769-1 822. 

Catharine  II,  empress  of  Russia.  92  C279 

Memoirs,  with  a  preface  by  A.  Herzen;  tr.  from  the  French.  1859. 

"As  this  work  was  not  published  until  the  outbreak  of  the  Crimean  War,  the  ques- 
tion of  its  genuineness  was  everywhere  raised.  From  internal  evidence  it  is  now  gener- 
ally accepted  as  authentic;  though  it  was  long  in  the  hands  of  Catherine's  imperial 
successors,  and  the  proof  that  it  was  not  tampered  with  is  not  quite  complete.  The 
volume  has  to  do  almost  exclusively  with  Catherine's  early  years.  But  it  is  a  most 
extraordinary  uncovering  of  Russian  court  life.  The  imbecility  of  Peter  the  Third,  the 
dissimulation  and  ambition  of  his  wife,  the  mixture  of  barbarism  and  brutality  that 
everywhere  prevailed,  are  nowhere  else  more  graphically  portrayed."  Adams's  Manual 
of  historical  literature. 

Catharine  II,  empress  of  Russia.  Tg2  C279t 

Tooke,  William.     Life  of  Catharine  II,  empress  of  all  the  Russias, 

with  portrait  of  the  tzarina  and  a  correct  map  of  the  Russian  empire. 

2v.    1802.    Fry. 

The  author  lived  for  several  years  in  St.  Petersburg,  had  access  to  the  Imperial 
Library  and  was  on  intimate  terms  with  many  Russian  men  of  letters,  so  that  his  oppor- 
tunities for  the  study  of  Russian  history  were  excellent.  Although  little  read  to-day 
he  was  formerly  considered  an  authority. 

Catharine  of  Aragon,  queen  of  Henry  VIII.  92  C2792d 

Du  Boys,  Albert.  Catharine  of  Aragon  and  the  sources  of  the  Eng- 
lish reformation;  ed.  from  the  French,  with  notes  by  C.  M.  Yonge.  2v. 
1881.    Hurst. 

Life  of  the  queen  from  a  Roman  Catholic  point  of  view,  with  special  reference  to 
her  divorce  from  Henry  VIII. 

Catharine  of  Siena,  St.  92  C2793g 

Gardner,  Edmund  Garratt.    Saint  Catherine  of  Siena;  a  study  in  the 

religion,  literature  and  history  of  the  14th  century  in  Italy.    1907.    Dent. 
"Bibliography,"   p.423-428. 
Not  a  conventional  biography,  but  a  study  in  Italian  history  centring  about  the  work 

and  personality  of  the  truest  and  most  single-hearted  patriot  of  her  age.     Undoubtedly 


Catharine  of  Siena,  St. — continued.  92  C2793g 

the  best  life  of  Saint  Catharine  ever  written.  Particulariy  interesting  is  the  chapter  on 
the  great  schism,  which  includes  many  new  and  important  details.  Illustrated.  Con- 
densed from  Nation,  jgo8. 

Caulfield,  James,  earl  of  Charlemont.    See  Charlemont,  James  Caulfield, 
earl  of. 

Cavendish,  Elizabeth,  duchess  of  Devonshire.    See  Devonshire,  Elizabeth 
Cavendish,  duchess  of. 

Cavendish,  Georgiana,  duchess  of  Devonshire.    See  Devonshire,  Georgiana 
Cavendish,  duchess  of. 

Cavour,  Camillo  Benso,  conte  di.  qg2  C2g6 

Diario  inedito,  con  note  autobiografiche  del  conte  di  Cavour;  pub- 

blicato  per  cura  e  con  introduzione  di  Domenico  Berti.     1888. 

The  "Diario"   (p.  1-266)   covers  the  years  1833-38,  and  the  "Note  autobiografiche" 

(p.267-323)  relate  to  Cavour's  stay  in  Paris,  1842-43.     Both  are  written  in  French. 

Cavour,  Camillo  Benso,  conte  di.  92  C296a 

Alberti,  Arnaldo  Acquarelli.  Cavour  e  Mazzini  nel  risorgimento 
italiano;  conferenza.     1893. 

Cavour,  Camillo  Benso,  conte  di.  92  C2g6b 

Botta,  Vincenzo.  Discourse  on  the  life,  character  and  policy  of 
Count  Cavour;  delivered  in  the  hall  of  the  New  York  Historical  So- 
ciety, Feb.  20,  1862.    1862.    Putnam. 

Eulogy  by  a  compatriot,  spoken  less  than  a  year  after  Cavour's  death. 

Cavour,  Camillo  Benso,  conte  di.  92  C296C 

Cadogan,  Edward  Cecil  George.  Life  of  Cavour.  1907.  Smith, 

Presents  no  new  material  but  gives  a  compact  account  of  the  life  of  the  Italian 
statesman  and  of  his  part  in  the  making  of  modern  Italy. 

Cavour,  Camillo  Benso,  conte  di.  92  C296ma 

Martinengo-Cesaresco,  Evelyn  (Carrington),  contessa.  Cavour  [in 
Italian].     1901. 

Caxton,  William,  r92  C297k 

Knight,  Charles.  William  Caxton,  the  first  English  printer;  a  biog- 
raphy.    1844.     Knight. 

Bibliography,  p.  7-8. 

Includes  a  short  account  of  printing  in  England  from  the  times  of  Caxton  to  1843. 

Cecil,  Edward,  viscount  Wimbledon.  92  Csiid 

Dalton,  Charles.  Life  and  times  of  General  Sir  Edward  Cecil,  vis- 
count Wimbledon,  colonel  of  an  English  regiment  in  the  Dutch  service, 
1605-1631,  and  one  of  His  Majesty's  most  honourable  privy  council, 
1628-1638.    2v.     1885.    Low. 

"The  mass  of  contemporary  documents,  admirably  annotated  and  indexed,  that  Mr. 
Dalton  has  collected,  illustrating  the  war  of  Dutch  independence  and  English  history 
during  the  reigns  of  James  and  Charles  I.,  is  of  much  value.     Lord  Wimbledon  and  his 

associates,  for  the  most  part,  are  permitted  to  describe  themselves These  volumes  can 

be  recommended  to  a  student  who,  though  'well  up  in  Gardiner,'  is  willing  to  gain  fresh 
insight  into  the  causes  of  collision  between  the  Crown  and  the  people."    Athenaum,  1885. 


Chalmers,  James.  J92  C356k 

Kelman,  Janet  Harvey.    Story  of  Chalmers  of  New  Guinea.     [1906.] 

Jack.     (Children's  heroes  series.) 

Life  of  the  great  missionary,  known  to  the  South  sea  islanders  as  Tamate.     Colored 


Chalmers,  James.  92  C3532I 

Lovett,  Richard,  ed.  James  Chalmers;  his  autobiography  and  letters. 

Chalmers,  Thomas.  92  C3530 

Oliphant,  Mrs  Margaret  Oliphant  (Wilson).  Thomas  Chalmers, 
preacher,  philosopher  and  statesman.     1896.     Methuen. 

"Short  and  brilliant  biography,  hewn  from  that  vast  quarry,  the  Life  and  Corre- 
spondence of  Dr.  Chalmers,  by  his  son-in-law.  Dr.  Hanna  [92  C3S3h].  Mrs  Oliphant 
does  not  pretend  or  attempt  to  add  any  new  material  to  the  mass  which  was  given  to 
the  world  in  that  work."     Saturday  reznew,  1893. 

Charlemont,  James  Caulfield,  earl  of.  r92  C374h 

Hardy,  Francis.     Memoirs  of  the  political  and  private  life  of  James 

Caulfield,  earl  of  Charlemont.    2v.    1812.    Cadell. 
Caulfield  (1728-99)  was  an  Irish  statesman. 
"The   memoirs  contain   much   interesting  matter,  but   are   rather  diffuse,   and   not 

free  from  inaccuracies."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Charles  I,  king  of  England.  92  C3752ai 

Aikin,  Lucy.  Memoirs  of  the  court  of  King  Charles  the  First.  2v. 
1833.     Carey. 

"Though  we  can  award  much  praise  to  Miss  Aikin,  we  cannot  say  that  she  has  ful- 
filled our  idea  of  a  complete  and  satisfactory  Memoir.  Her  work  is,  in  several  respects, 
deficient  and  meagre:  it  has  not  enough  of  such  information  as  affords  an  insight  into 
characters,  manners  and  opinions, — the  state  of  society,  and  the  civilisation  and  condi- 
tion of  the  people  at  large."    Edinburgh  review,  1834. 

Charles  I,  king  of  England.  qr92  C375S 

Skelton,  Sir  John,  {pseud.  Shirley).     Charles  I.    1898.    Goupil. 

"The  letterpress  of  the  book  consists  of  a  clever  and  interesting  but  rather  ram- 
bling and  very  one-sided  essay  on  King  Charles.  Sir  John  Skelton  cannot,  of  course, 
maintain  that  his  hero  committed  no  faults,  but  he  strongly  holds  that  he  was  far  more 
sinned  against  than  sinning,  and  thinks  that  the  Civil  War  must  be  ascribed  to  the  Long 
Parliament's  arrogance,  not  to  the  King's  incurable  tendency  towards  mental  reserva- 
tions and  double-dealing."    Saturday  review,  i8g8. 

The  illustrations,  which  are  unusually  excellent,  include  several  portraits  by  Van 
Dyck  of  Charles  I  and  his  court. 

Charles  V,  emperor  of  Germany.  92  C3753 

Correspondence  of  the  emperor  Charles  V  and  his  ambassadors  at 
the  courts  of  England  and  France;  from  the  original  letters  in  the  im- 
perial family  archives  at  Vienna,  with  a  connecting  narrative  and  bio- 
graphical notices  of  the  emperor,  together  with  the  emperor's  itinerary 
from  1519-1551;  ed.  by  William  Bradford.     1850.     Bentley. 

Charles  Albert,  king  of  Sardinia.  9a  C3755m 

Masi,  Ernesto.  II  segreto  del  re  Carlo  Alberto;  Cospiratori  in 
Romagna  dal  1815  al  1859.    1890. 

Charles  Edward  Stuart,  the  Young  Pretender.     See  Stuart,  Charles  Ed- 
ward, the  Young  Pretender. 


Charles  the  Bold,  duke  of  Burgundy.  92  C3756P 

Putnam,  Ruth.    Charles  the  Bold,  last  duke  of  Burgundy,  1433-1477. 

1908.    Putnam.     (Heroes  of  the  nations.) 
"Bibliography,"  p.463-468. 
Author  has  worked  from  sources  and  has  condensed  much  valuable  material  into  a 

readable  biography.     Charles  the  Bold,  the  leader  of  the  last  struggle  of  the  great  feudal 

lords  of  France  against  the  crown,  is  here  pictured  in  his  relation  to  his  times.     Maps 

and  illustrations. 

Charlotte  Augusta,  princess  of  Wales.  ga  C379W 

Weigall,  Lady  Rose  Sophia  Mary.  Brief  memoir  of  the  princess 
Charlotte  of  Wales,  with  selections  from  her  correspondence.  1874. 

Daughter  of  George  IV.  After  a  very  unhappy  girlhood  she  had  one  year  of  real 
happiness  as  the  wife  of  Prince  Leojwld  of  Saxe-Coburg,  before  her  sudden  death.  This 
excellent  little  biography  is  one  of  the  chief  authorities  for  her  life. 

Charlotte  Elizabeth,  duchesse  d'Orleans.    See  Elizabeth  Charlotte,  duchesse 

Chateaubriand,  Frangois  Auguste,  vicotnte  de.  92  C396I 

Le  Braz,  Anatole.  Au  pays  d'exil  de  Chateaubriand.  1909.  (La 
Bretagne  et  les  pays  celtiques.) 

Chatham,  William  Pitt,  earl  of.   See  Pitt,  William,  earl  of  Chatham,  1708-78. 

Chatterton,  Thomas.  92  C399W 

Wilson,  Sir  Daniel.    Chatterton;  a  biographical  study.     1869.     Mac- 


An  apology  for  Chatterton  and  his  work. 

Chaucer,  Geoffrey.  92  C411C 

Coulton,  George  Gordon.  Chaucer  and  his  England.  [1908.]  Me- 

Useful  as  a  clear  account  of  the  poet's  life  and  work,  but  more  valuable  as  a  pic- 
ture of  conditions  at  the  end  of  the  14th  century  in  England. 

Chaucer,  Geoffrey.  92  C4iig 

Godwin,  William.  Life  of  Geoffrey  Chaucer,  including  memoirs  of 
John  of  Gaunt,  duke  of  Lancaster,  with  sketches  of  the  manners, 
opinions,  arts  and  literature  of  England  in  the  14th  century.  4v.  1804. 

"Godwin,  while  nominally  writing  a  life  of  Chaucer,  looked  upon  biography  as 
nothing  more  than  an  entrance  into  the  broader  fields  of  social  and  political  history, 
where  it  was  permitted  him  to  disport  himself  at  will . . .  He  seemed,  moreover,  constitu- 
tionally incapable  of  sifting  truth  from  error,  and  was  especially  inclined  to... stating 

as   true   what   he  was   anxious   should   be   true He   added   something  specific   to   our 

knowledge  of  the  poet  by  printing  a  few  official  documents  which  had  never  before  been 
brought  to  light."     Lounsbury's  Studies  in  Chaucer. 

Chesterfield,  Philip  Dormer  Stanhope,  earl  of.  92  C427C 

Craig,  W.  H.  Life  of  Lord  Chesterfield;  an  account  of  the  ancestry, 
personal  character  &  public  services  of  the  fourth  earl  of  Chesterfield. 
1907.    Lane. 

"The  first  connected  account  of  the  public  life  of  Lord  Chesterfield,  and  the  most 
elaborate  attempt  to  appreciate  his  value  as  a  serious  statesman."    Saturday  review,  1907. 


Chesterton,  Gilbert  Keith.  92  C4373 

Gilbert  K.  Chesterton;  a  criticism.     1909.     Lane. 

Chiefly  criticism  of  his  writings,  though  supplying  some  few  biographical  details 
and  three  photographs  at  different  stages  of  his  career.  Somewhat  fulsome  in  its  ad- 
miration of  the  man  and  his  work.     Published  anonymously. 

Chopin,  Frederic  Franqois.  92  C456ha 

Hadden,  James  Cuthbert.    Chopin.    1903.    Dent.    (Master  musicians.) 

"List  of  Chopin's  published  works,"  p.237-243. 

"Bibliography,"  p.244-246. 

Short  biography. 

"Mr.  Hadden  writes  clearly  and  simply,  but  without  any  distinction."    Spectator,  igo4. 

Chopin,  Frederic  Frangois.  *  92  C456ho 

Hoesick,  Ferdynand.  Fryderyk  Chopin,  zarys  biograficzny.  1899. 
(2yciorysy  slawnych  Polakow.) 

Chopin,  Frederic  Francois.  92  C456S 

Sand,  George,  (pseud,  of  Mme  Dudevant).  Chopin;  sketches  from 
George  Sand's  History  of  my  life  and  A  winter  in  Majorca;  selected 
and  arranged  from  the  original  by  Laura  Wieser,  tr.  by  Grace  Curtis. 
1892.    Summy. 

Chopin,  Frederic  Franqois.  92  C456st 

Strenger,  Henryk.  O  zyciu  Chopina,  gfienjuszu  i  duchu  jego  muzyki; 
proba  syntezy.     1910. 

Chorley,  Henry  Fothergill.  92  C457h 

Hewlett,  Henry  Gay,  ed.  Henry  Fothergill  Chorley;  autobiography, 
memoir  and  letters.    2v.     1873.    Bentley. 

Chorley  (1808—72)  was  an  English  author  and  critic,  for  over  30  years  on  the  staff 
of  the  "Athenaeum,"  of  which  he  was  finally  the  chief  musical  critic.  Dickens  was  one 
of  his  most  intimate  friends  and  he  knew  well  the  Brownings,  Miss  Mitford,  Lady 
Blessington,  Mendelssohn  and  Moscheles.  This  work  is  founded  on  his  unfinished 

Christison,  Sir  Robert.  92  C46ia 

Life;  ed.  by  his  sons.    2v.    1885-86.    Blackwood. 

V.I.     Autobiography. 

T.3.     Memoirs. 

Eminent  Scottish  physician  (1797-1882)  medical  professor  at  Edinburgh  University. 

"Vol.  i.  is  an  autobiography,  1797-1830,  very  pleasingly  written,  with  a  fund  of 
anecdote;  vol.  ii.  includes  chapters  on  his  career  as  a  physician  by  Professor  Gairdner, 
and  on  his  scientific  career  by  Professor  T.  R.  Fraser."  Dictionary  of  national  biog- 

Chrysostom,  John,  St.  92  C465m 

Macgilvray,  Walter.  John  of  the  Golden  Mouth,  preacher  of  An- 
tioch  and  primate  of  Constantinople.    1871.    Nisbet. 

"John — who  was  as  exclusively  known  to  his  contemporaries  by  that  name  as  he 
is  to  us  by  his  complimentary  title  of  Chrysostom  or  the  'golden-mouthed' — is  one  of 
the  most  splendid  and  interesting  figures  in  the  early  history  of  the  Church.  Less 
profound  a  theologian  than  Athanasius,  or  Augustine,  or  Gregory  of  Nazianzus . . .  less 
learned  than  Origen  or  Jerome;  less  practically  successful  than  Ambrose,  he  yet  com- 
bines so  many  brilliant  gifts  that  he  stands  almost  supreme  among  the  Doctores  Ecclesiae 
as  an  orator,  as  an  exegete,  as  a  great  moral  reformer,  as  a  saint  and  confessor." 
Farrar's  Lives  of  the  Fathers. 

Chudleigh,  Elizabeth.    See  Kingston,  Elizabeth  (Chudleigh),  duchess  of. 


Churchill,  Lord  Randolph.  ga  C46g3r 

Rosebery,  Archibald  Philip  Primrose,  earl  of.  Lord  Randolph 
Churchill.     1906.    Humphreys. 

Brief  personal  reminiscence  and  study  of  the  English  statesman  (1849-95)  with 
whom  Lord  Rosebery  was  much  thrown  and  whose  brilliant  qualities  he  fully  appre- 

Churchill,  Lady  Randolph  Spencer,  afterward  Mrs  Corn-  92  C4693 

Reminiscences  of  Lady  Randolph  Churchill,    1908.    Centliry. 

Lady  Randolph  Churchill  lived  for  many  years  among  the  most  distinguished  peo- 
pie  in  Europe,  and  noted  not  only  their  political  significance,  but  their  clothes,  manners 
and  temperaments.  Mrs  Cornwallis-West  is  able  to  write  with  such  detachment  of  Lady 
Randolph  Churchill  as  to  exploit  somewhat  droUy  her  beauty  and  personal  charm.  The 
letters  printed  and  the  conversations  quoted  abound  in  allusions  of  the  sort  that  people 
usually  leave  their  heirs  to  publish.     Condensed  from  Nation,  1908. 

Cicero,  Marcus  TuUius.  rga  C475m 

Middleton,  Conyers.  History  of  the  life  of  Marcus  Tullius  Cicero. 
3v.    1767.    Strahan. 

First  published  in  1741,  and  long  considered  a  model  of  style.  Much  of  the  ma- 
terial is  taken  from  Cicero's  letters  and  orations. 

Cid,  Rodrigo  or  Ruy  Diaz  de  Bivar,  called  the.  J92  C477P 

Plummer,  Mary  Wright.  Stories  from  the  Chronicle  of  the  Cid. 
1910.     Holt. 

The  knighting  of  the  Cid  and  his  banishment,  how  Martin  Pelaez  the  coward  became 
a  brave  knight,  the  Cid's  victory  over  29  Moorish  kings,  his  last  ride  on  Babieca,  and 
other  stories  of  the  Spanish  hero,  Rodrigo  Diaz  de  Bivar,  called  the  Cid. 

Cimon.  92  C483P 

Plutarch.    Cimon  and  Pericles,  with  The  funeral  oration  of  Pericles 

(Thucydides,   II,   35-46);   newly   tr.   with   introduction   and   notes   by 

Bernadotte  Perrin.    1910.    Scribner.    (Six  of  Plutarch's  Greek  lives,  v.2.) 

Cipriani,  Lisi  Cecilia.  ga  C4gi 

A  Tuscan  childhood.     1907.    Century. 

This  autobiographical  account  of  an  Italian  childhood  pictures  in  a  delightful  way 
child  life  among  the  aristocracy  of  Italy. 

Clapp,  Theodore.  ga  C513 

Autobiographical  sketches  and  recollections  during  a  35  years'  resi- 
dence in  New  Orleans.    1857.    Phillips. 

Unitarian  minister  (i 792-: 866). 

During  Mr  Clapp's  long  residence  in  New  Orleans  there  were  several  epidemics  of 
cholera  and  yellow  fever  and  he  did  heroic  service  among  the  people.  Although  he 
speaks  modestly  of  what  he  accomplished  he  writes  at  some  length  of  the  conditions  in 
the  city  at  the  time. 

Clarendon,  Edward  Hyde,  earl  of.  92  C515I 

Lister,  Thomas  Henry.     Life  and  administration  of  Edward,  first 

earl  of  Clarendon,  with  original  correspondence  and  authentic  papers 

never  before  published.    3v.     1837-38.     Longman,  Orme. 

Clarendon  (1609-74)  was  an  historian  and  influential  statesman  during  the  reigna 

of  Charles  I  and  Charles  II.    The  letters  and  papers  are  contained  in  the  third  Tolume. 


Clark,  Robert.  92  C524C 

Clark,  Henry  Martyn.     Robert  Clark  of  the  Panjab,  pioneer  and 

missionary  statesman.    1907.    Melrose. 

"The  life  and  work  of  a  pioneer  missionary  amidst  a  fierce  and  fanatical  people,  in 
Northwestern  India. .  .The  narrative  is  blended  with  sketches  of  the  land  and  the  people, 
[and]  their  ways."    Outlook,  1907. 

Clarke,  Sir  Caspar  Purdon.  r92  C5282I 

Lane,  John.    Sir  Caspar  Purdon  Clarke.     1905.    Lane. 
Reprinted,  with  additions,  from  the  "International  studio,"  April  1905. 
Brief  sketch  of  the  director  (1905-10)  of  the  Metropolitan  Museum  of  Art,  New- 
York  city,  with  some  remarks  on  American  art 

Clarkson,  Gerardus.  r92  CssSh 

Hall,  John,  h.  1806,  &  Clarkson,  Samuel.  Memoirs  of  Matthew 
Clarkson  of  Philadelphia,  1735-1800  and  of  his  brother  Gerardus  Clark- 
son, 1737-1790.     1890.    Thomson  Printing  Co. 

Clarkson,  Matthew.  r92  C538h 

Hall,  John,  b.  1806,  &  Clarkson,  Samuel.  Memoirs  of  Matthew 
Clarkson  of  Philadelphia,  1 735-1800  and  of  his  brother  Gerardus  Clark- 
son, 1737-1790.     1890.    Thomson  Printing  Co. 

Claus,  fimile.    See  Artists,  p.1413. 

Clay,  Henry.  92  C549C 

Colton,  Calvin,  (pseud.  Junius).  Life  and  times  of  Henry  Clay.  2v. 
1846.    Barnes. 

"Colton's  biography  is  eulogistic  but  on  the  whole  well  done.  The  author  was- 
engaged  on  the  work  for  years,  and  in  the  correspondence  made  his  selections  from  more 
than  three  thousand  documents."    Larned's  Literature  of  American  history. 

Clayton,  John  Middleton.  r92  C552C 
Comegys,  Joseph    Parsons.     Memoir   of   John    M.    Clayton.      1882. 
The  same.      (In  Delaware  Historical  Society.     Historical  and  bio- 
graphical papers,  v.i,  pt.4.) <ir975-i  D39  v.i 

Clayton  (1796-1865)  was  a  Delaware  lawyer,  United  States  senator  at  various  times- 
and  secretary  of  state  during  Taylor's  administration. 

Clemens,  Samuel  Langhorne.    See  Twain,  Mark,  psetid. 

Cleopatra,  queen  of  Egypt.  92  Csyib- 

Bernath,  Desire  de.     Cleopatra.     1907.     Humphreys.     (Royal  library 

historical  series.) 

"Fairly  well-written  and  readable  account  of  the  life  of  the  great  queen,  taken  for 

the  most  part  from  the  pages  of  Plutarch  and  Dion  Cassius."     Athenaum,  1908. 

Cleopatra,  queen  of  Egypt.  92  C571& 

Sergeant,  Philip  Walsingham.  Cleopatra  of  Egypt,  antiquity's- 
queen  of  romance.    1909.    Hutchinson. 

"List  of  chief  modern  authorities  consulted,"  p.333;  "Ancient  authorities  ar- 
ranged according  to  date,"  p.334. 

"Mr.  Sergeant  describes  the  story  of  Qeopatra  as  'the  most  enthralling  romance  of 
antiquity;'  and  he  has  aimed  in  telling  it  at  making  her  'as  interesting  to  the  general 

reader  as  some  of  the  queens  and  empresses  of  more  recent  times' It  is  all  done  welF 

and  skilfully.  The  history  is  sound  and  the  scholarship  satisfactory.  The  characters- 
are  distinct  and  living."     Spectator,  igio. 


Cleveland,  Grover.  92  CsSzg 

Gilder,  Richard  Watson.  Grover  Cleveland;  a  record  of  friendship. 
1910.     Century. 

"It  has  seemed  to  the  writer  not  only  an  obligation  of  friendship  but  of  patriotism 
to  make  some  record  of  the  personality  of  Mr.  Cleveland,  as  revealed  in  an  intimacy  of 
many  years.  The  large  traits  of  his  character,  and  those  imptortant  public  services  which 
far  transcended  partisan  accomplishment,  have  made  their  impress  upon  the  American 
people  and  the  world. .  .Sympathetic  speakers  and  writers  have  told  much,  also,  of  his 
characteristics  and  his  daily  walk,  but  the  full  portrait  has  not  yet  been  rounded  out. 
I  desire  merely  to  add  a  few  intimate  touches  to  that  portrait,  not  thinking  to  complete 
it;  but  only  to  help  loyally  toward  its  completion."    Introduction. 

Cleveland,  Grover.  92  C582P 

Parker,  George  Frederick.  Recollections  of  Grover  Cleveland.  1909. 

"Bibliography,"  p.409. 

"The  book  is  properly  named.  There  is  a  preliminary  sketch  of  Cleveland's  life 
before  he  became  a  national  figure,  and  hardly  any  really  important  event  of  his  career 
goes  entirely  unmentioned:  but  the  book  is  not  a  biogrraphy. .  .Mr.  Parker's. .  .are  not  the 
only  recollections  the  book  contains.  Others  of  Cleveland's  friends  have  contributed  to 
his  store,  and  perhaps  the  most  valuable  of  all  are  certain  of  Qeveland's  own,  given 
from  time  to  time  in  conversation,  dealing  with  some  of  the  most  interesting  episodes 
of  his  career  and  with  the  best-known  of  his  contemporaries.  And  yet,  although 
thoroughly  reminiscential,  the  book  is  not  light  and  gossipy,  or  of  a  newspaper  or  maga- 
zine flavor,  but  a  careful  presentment  of  a  great  public  character  as  seen  by  his  inti- 
mates."   Nation,  1909. 

Cleveland,  Grover.  92  CsSawi 

Williams,  Jesse  Lynch,  b.  1871.  Mr.  Cleveland;  a  personal  impres- 
sion.   1909.    Dodd. 

Intimate  portrait,  of  the  ex-president  in  his  retirement  at  Princeton.  Interesting 
anecdotes  and  stories  illustrate  his  personal  traits. 

Cobbett,  William.  92  C6322h 

Huish,   Robert.     Memoirs  of  the  late  William  Cobbett,   M.  P.  for 
'Oldham;  embracing  all  the  interesting  tvents  of  his  memorable  life  ob- 
tained from  private  and  confidential  sources,  also  a  critical  analysis  of 
his  scientific  and  elementary  writings.    2v.     1836.    Saunders. 

Cobbett  (1762-1835)  was  an  English  political  writer,  agriculturist  and  grammarian. 
He  emigrated  to  America  in  1792  and  began  the  publication  of  "Porcupine's  gazette," 
which  upheld  the  Federal  side  in  politics.  Twice  prosecuted  for  libel,  he  returned  to 
England  and  started  his  famous  "Weekly  political  register,"  which,  from  being  a  Tory 
organ,  gradually  changed  its  politics  and  became  the  determined  opponent  of  the  govern- 
ment.    Among  his  best  known  works  is  his  "Grammar  of  the  English  language." 

Cochrein,  Joseph  Plumb.  92  C645S 

Speer,  Robert  Elliott.     "The  Hakim  Sahib,"  the  foreign  doctor;  a 

biography  of  Joseph  Plumb  Cochran,  M.  D.  of  Persia.     1911.     Revell. 

Cole,  Cornelius.  r92  C683 

Memoirs  of  Cornelius  Cole,  ex-senator  of  the  United  States  from 
California.     1908.     McLoughlin. 

Recollections  of  the  early  days  of  California,  of  the  Civil  war  and  of  the  reconstruc- 
tion period. 

Coleridge,  John  Duke,  baron,  chief  justice.  92  C687C 

Coleridge,  Ernest  Hartley,  ed.  Life  &  correspondence  of  John  Duke, 
lord  Coleridge,  lord  chief  justice  of  England.    2v.    1904.    Appleton. 

Made  up  chiefly  of  letters.  Lord  Coleridge  (1820-94)  before  and  after  his  appoint- 
ment to  the  bench  was  connected  with  many  famous  cases,  of  which  the  Tichborne  case 
was  one. 


Coleridge,  Samuel  Taylor.  92  C688co 

Cottle,  Joseph.  Reminiscences  of  Samuel  Taylor  Coleridge  and 
Robert  Southey.     1847.    Houlston. 

"The  book  [which  was  written  by  Coleridge's  publisher]  is  very  inaccurate  in  its 
dates,  and... the  documents  quoted  are  seriously  garbled.  Reprehensible  and  in  some 
parts  absurd,  it  is,  however,  by  no  means  dull,  and  besides  its  curious  and  valuable  par- 
ticulars of  the  early  literary  career  of  Coleridge  and  Southey,  has  notices  of  other  inter- 
esting persons,  otherwise  little  known,  such  as  Robert  Lovell  and  William  Gilbert"' 
Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Colfax,  Schuyler.  92  C69ima 

Moore,  A.  Y.    Life  of  Schuyler  Colfax.    1868.    Peterson. 
Published  just  before  his  nomination  to  the  vice-presidency  and  deals  almost  entirely 

with  his  political  career.    Selections  are  given  from  his  speeches  and  writings. 

Coligny,  Gaspard  de,  admiral  of  France.  92  C692W 

Whitehead,  Arthur  Whiston.  Gaspard  de  Coligny,  admiral  of 
France.     [1904.]     Methuen. 

"This  study  of  the  g^eat  Huguenot  is  a  fine  piece  of  historical  portraiture,  alike 
vivid  in  individual  characterisation  and  comprehensive  in  its  wide  national  backgrounds, 
and  conceived  throughout  in  a  spirit  of  fine  impartiality ...  Mr.  Whitehead  tells  the, 
story  with  scholarship  and  clearness,  tracing  the  early  rivalry  between  the  houses  of 
Montmorency  and  Guise,  and,  when  the  personal  strife  merges  in  the  larger  political 
and  religious  conflict,  giving  an  admirable  survey  of  the  complex  warfare  of  diplomacy 
no  less  than  that  of  the  sword."    Academy,  1904. 

Contains  genealogical  table,  maps  and  plans. 

CoUeoni,  Bartolommeo.  V92  C6g$\y 

Browning,  Oscar.  Life  of  Bartolomeo  Colleoni  of  Anjou  and  Bur- 
gundy.    1891.    Arundel  Soc. 

Contains  also  Kitchin's  "Life  of  Pope  Pius  II." 

Colleoni  (1400-75)  was  an  Italian  general  who  won  fame  in  the  war  between  the 
Venetians  and  the  Milanese.  From  1454  until  his  death  he  was  generalissimo  of  the 
Venetian  state. 

Collins,  Mortimer.  92  C713:* 

His  letters  and  friendships,  with  some  account  of  his  life;  ed.  by 
Frances  Collins.    2v.     1877.    Low. 

Collins  (1827-76)  was  a  writer  of  novels  and  humorous  verse  and  a  frequent  con- 
tributor to  periodicals. 

Colonna,  Vittoria,  marchesa  di  Pescara.  92  C722J 

Jerrold,  Mrs  Maud  F.    Vittoria  Colonna,  with  some  account  of  her 

friends  and  her  times.     1906.    Dent. 
"Bibliography,"  p.322-326. 
Mrs  Jerrold  makes  no  claim  to  original  research,  but  from  materials  easily  available 

she  has  written  a  readable  life  of  Vittoria  Colonna. 

Columbus,  Christopher.  92  C727ab 
Abbott,  John  Stevens  Cabot.  Christopher  Columbus.  1898.  Dodd. 
The  same J92  C727st 

Columbus,  Christopher.  92  C727al 

Aldor,  Imre.     Columbus  Krist6f. 

Coliimbus,  Christopher.  qr9io  P63  v.ia 

Columbus,  Ferdinand.  History  of  the  life  and  actions  of  Admiral- 
Christopher  Colon  and  of  his  discovery  of  the  West  Indies,  called  the 
New  World;  written  by  his  son.  [1812.]  (In  Pinkerton,  John,  ed.. 
General  collection  of  voyages  and  travels,  v.12,  p.i-iSS.) 


Columbus,  Christopher.  rga  C727C 

Curtis,  William  Eleroy.  Relics  of  Columbus;  an  illustrated  descrip- 
tion of  the  historical  collection  in  the  monastery  of  La  Rabida  [World's 
Columbian  Exposition,  Chicago  1893].    1893.    Lowdermilk. 

Columbus,  Christopher.  rga  C727d 

Dodge,  Robert.  Memorials  of  Columbus  [and  Martin  Behaim  and 
his  globe,  at  Nurembergh] ;  read  to  the  Maryland  Historical  Society, 
April  3,  1851.     1851.     (Maryland  Historical  Society.    Publications.) 

Short  account  of  the  autograph  letters  of  Columbus  preserved  at  Genoa  and  of  the 
globe  constructed  by  Behaim,  the  15th  century  navigator  and  cosmographer. 

Columbus,  Christopher.  J92  C7a7i 

Imlach,  Gladys  M.     Story  of  Columbus;  pictures  by  Stewart  Orr. 

[1906.]     Jack.     (Children's  heroes  series.) 
Colored  pictures. 

Columbus,  Christopher.  92  C727I 

Lollis,  Cesare  de.  Vita  di  Cristoforo  Colombo;  narrata  secondo  gli 
ultimi  documenti.    1895, 

Columbus,  Christopher.  92  C727y 

Young,  Filson.  Christopher  Columbus  and  the  New  World  of  his 
discovery;  a  narrative,  with  a  note  of  Columbus's  first  voyage  by  the 
earl  of  Dunraven.    2v.    1906.    Lippincott. 

Popular,  interesting  account,  with  many  extracts  from  Columbus's  own  writings. 

"In  this  'note'  [by  Dunraven]  the  student  will  find  the  most  lucid  and  satisfactory 
treatment  of  the  subject  known  to  the  reviewer."    Nation,  1907. 

Combermere,  Stapleton  Stapleton  Cotton,  viscount.  92  C732C 

Combermere,  Mary  Woolley  (Gibbings)  Stapleton  Cotton,  vis- 
countess, &  Knollys,  W.  W.  Memoirs  and  correspondence  of  Field- 
marshal  Viscount  Combermere,  from  his  family  papers.  2v.  1866. 

Viscount  Combermere  (1773-1865)  was  a  British  general  who  served  in  the  Penin- 
sular war  and  later  was  commander-in-chief  in  Ireland  and  in  India. 
"An  excellent  biography."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Comenge,  Gaston  Jean  Baptistc,  comte  de.    See  Cominges,  Gaston  Jean 
Baptiste,  comte  de. 

Cominges,  Gaston  Jean  Baptiste,  comte  de.  92  C734J 

Jusserand,  Jean  Jules.  French  ambassador  at  the  court  of  Charles 
the  Second,  le  comte  de  Cominges,  from  his  unpublished  correspond- 
ence.   1892.    Putnam. 

Cominges  (1613-70)  was  ambassador  to  the  English  court  from  1662  to  1665. 
"Pleasant  and  essentially  readable — though  the  interest,  at  least  from  the  point  of 
view  of  the  political  student,  is  not  very  accentuated,  and  though  there  is  no  important 
contribution  to  our  knowledge  of  character  or  manners."    Athenetum,  1892. 

Constable,  John.    See  Artists,  p.1401. 

Constant  de  Rebecque,  Henri  Benjamin.  92  S778n 

Nolde,  Elisabeth,  baronne  de,  ed.     Madame  de  Stael  and  Benjamin 

Constant;  unpublished  letters,  together  with  other  mementos  from  the 


Constant  de  Rebecque,  Henri  Benjamin — continued.  92  877811 

papers  left  by  Mme  Charlotte  de  Constant;  tr.  from  the  French  by- 
Charlotte  Harwood.     1907.    Putnam. 

Baronne  de  Nolde,  great-granddaughter  of  Mme  de  Constant,  furnishes  the  necessary 
connecting  narrative  to  the  letters. 

"They  are  interesting  and  characteristic,  though  they  do  not  affect  the  judgment 
which  the  world  has  long  since  delivered  upon  the  two  famous  writers."  Outlook 
(London),  1907. 

Conway,  Moncure  Daniel.  92  C768m 

My  pilgrimage  to  the  wise  men  of  the  East.    1906.    Houghton. 

Covers  a  part  of  Mr  Conway's  life  not  recorded  in  his  "Autobiog^raphy"  (93  C768). 
The  experiences  relate  to  his  journey  around  the  world  in  1883,  and  the  larger  part  of 
the  book  contains  his  conversations  with  leading  Buddhists,  Brahmins,  Parsees  and 
Moslems  and  his  impressions  of  countries  visited,  India,  Ceylon,  Australasia.  There  are 
reminiscences  also  of  Robert  Ingersoll,  John  Bright,  Joseph  Jefferson,  Sir  William 
Hunter,  Mme  Blavatsky  and  others. 

Cook,  Capt.  James.  J92  C774I 

Lang,  John.     Story  of  Captain  Cook.      [1906.]     Jack.     (Children's 

heroes  series.) 

Capt.  Cook's  search  for  the  "Great  Unknown  Land"  and  the  Northwest  passage, 

and  his  adventures  among  the  South  sea  cannibals. 

Cooke,  Jay.  92  C7780 

Oberholtzer,  Ellis  Paxson.  Jay  Cooke,  financier  of  the  Civil  war. 
2v.     [1907.]    Jacobs. 

Cooke  (1821-1905)  was  a  Philadelphia  banker  who,  as  principal  financial  agent  of 
the  Federal  government  during  the  Civil  war,  performed  services  of  great  value  to  the 
nation.  He  negotiated  loans  aggregating  over  two  billion  dollars.  He  was  an  ardent 
advocate  of  the  national  banking  system  and  was  influential  in  securing  its  success  at 
the  start 

Cooley,  Edwin  Gilbert.  92  C783C 

Crissey,  Forrest.     Making  of  an  American   school-teacher    [E.   G. 

Cooley].     1906.    Barnes. 

Brief  account  of  the  teaching  career  of  Edwin  G.  Cooley,  superintendent  of  schools 

in  Chicago,  1900-09. 

Coote,  Richard,  earl  of  Bellamont.    See  Bellamont,  Richard  Coote,  earl  of. 

Cope,  Charles  West.  92  C793 

Reminiscences  [ed.]  by  C.  H.  Cope.     1891.     Bentley. 

Personal  and  traveling  reminiscences  of  an  English  historical  painter  (1811-90). 
They  include  an  entertaining  account  of  his  experiences  in  America,  which  he  visited 
in  1876  as  representative  of  the  Royal  Academy  at  the  centennial  exhibition  in  Phila- 

Copernicus.  92  C794P 

Polkowski,  Ignacy.    2ywot  Mikotaja  Kopernika.    1873. 

Copley,  John  Singleton,  lord  Lyndhurst.  See  Lyndhurst,  John  Singleton 
Copley,  lord. 

Coppee,  Francois.  92  C796C 

Souvenirs  d'un  Parisien.    1910. 

"Somewhat  disappointing,  consisting  as  it  does  of  fragments  only  of  what,  had  it 
been  completed,  would  have  been  one  of  the  most  fascinating  biographies  of  modern 
times,  so  truly  in  touch  with  his  time  was  the  man  who  has  been  called  the  poet  of  the 
humble  and  lowly,  but  the  scattered  essays  are  full  of  interest,  especially  those  which  tell 
of  the  writer's  early  struggles  and  first  meetings  with  such  men  as  Flaubert  and  Victor 
Hugo."     Outlook  (London),  1910. 


Corbulo,  Cneius  Domitius.  rga  C8i2s 

Schoonover,  Draper  Tolman.     Study  of  Cn.   Domitius   Corbulo  as 

found  in  the  "Annals"  of  Tacitus.    1909.    University  of  Chicago  Press. 
Thesis  for  Ph.  D.,  University  of  Chicago. 
Aims  to  show  that  Tacitus  did  not  use  the  "Memoirs"  of  Corbulo  as  the  source  of 

material   for  his  account  of  Corbulo's  campaigns,  but  that  he  employed  and   partially 

incorporated  into  his  history  a  biography  of  unknown  source. 

Cork  and  Orrery,  John  Boyle,  earl  of.  q92  C8i6c 

Cork  and  Orrery,  Emily  Charlotte  Boyle,  countess  of,  ed.  The  Orrery 
papers.    2v.    1903.    Duckworth. 

The  collection  of  papers  from  which  the  contents  of  these  volumes  have  been 
selected  was  chiefly  made  by  John  Boyle  (1707-62),  fifth  earl  of  Orrery.  He  was  the 
intimate  friend  of  most  of  the  literary  celebrities  of  the  day,  especially  Swift  and  Pope, 
and  was  himself  the  author  of  a  life  of  Swift  and  a  translation  of  Pliny's  letters.  His 
correspondence  contains  interesting  glimpses  of  contemporary  society,  but  little  history. 

Cornell,  Ezra.  rga  C8222C 

Carnegie,  Andrew.  Ezra  Cornell;  an  address  to  the  students  of  Cornell 

University  on  Ezra  Cornell  Centennial  day,  April  26, 1907.    [1907.]    Roth. 

Cornwall,  Barry,  pseud.    See  Procter,  Bryan  Waller. 

Comwallis-West,  Mrs  George.    See  Churchill,  Lady  Randolph  Spencer. 

Correggio,  Antonio  Allegri  da.    See  Artists,  p.  1409. 

Cortes,  Hernando.  92  C829m 

MacNutt,  Francis  Augustus.    Fernando  Cortes  and  the  conquest  of 

Mexico,  1485-1547.     1909.    Putnam.     (Heroes  of  the  nations.) 

"Virtually  an  expansion  of  a  biographical  introduction  which  the  author  prefixed  to 
his  two-volume  edition  of  the  'Letters  of  Cortes' . . .  Its  bias  in  favor  of  Cortes  makes  it 
a  salutary  corrective  to  the  older  writers  who  erred  in  the  opposite  direction."  Nation, 

Costa,  Giovanni.  q92  C834a 

Agresti,  Olivia  Rossetti.  Giovanni  Costa;  his  life,  work  and  times. 
1904.    Richards. 

Giovanni  Costa  (1826-1903)  was  an  Italian  painter  and  patriot.  His  studies  of  the 
Roman  Campagna  have  taken  a  high  place  in  Italian  art  and  he  played  an  important 
part  as  soldier  and  conspirator  in  the  cause  of  United  Italy.  After  the  unification  and 
liberation  of  Italy  were  accomplished,  Costa  gave  his  whole  attention  to  reform  in  the 
tendency  of  Italian  art. 

Cotton,    Stapleton   Stapleton,  viscount  Combermere.     See   Combermere, 

Stapleton  Stapleton  Cotton,  viscount. 
Cowper,  William.  92  C84gsou 

Southey,  Robert.     Life  of  William  Cowper.    2v.     1839.     Otis. 

The  same.  1853-54.  Bohn.  (In  Cowper's  Life  and  letters,  v.1-2, 
p.i-160.) 92   C84gso  v.i-a 

One  of  the  best  authorities  on  Cowper's  life. 

Cox,  David.    See  Artists,  p.1401. 
Cranach,  Lucas,  the  elder.    See  Artists,  p.  1404. 

Cranbrook,  Gathorne  Gathorne-Hardy,  earl  of.  92  C866 

Gathorne  Hardy,  first  earl  of  Cranbrook;  a  memoir,  with  extracts 
from  his  diary  and  correspondence;  ed.  by  his  son  A.  E.  Gathorne- 
Hardy.    2v.     1910.    Longmans. 

Faithful  and  affectionate  portrait  of  a  great  public  servant.  Gathorne  Hardy 
( 1 814-1906)   served  under  three  prime  ministers,   Derby,  Disraeli  and   Salisbury:   was 


Cranbrook,  Gathorne  Gathorne-Hardy,  earl  of — continued.  92  C866 

successively  president  of  the  Poor  law  board,  home  secretary,  secretary  for  India  and 
twice  president  of  the  Council.  His  life  is  in  the  fullest  sense  the  history  of  his  time. 
But  the  book  is  more  than  a  manual  of  political  history.  It  is  an  admirable  "portrait 
of  a  gentleman"  and  an  intimate  record  of  a  singularly  happy  life.  Condensed  from 
Spectator,  1910. 

Crane,  Walter.  92  C8673 

An  artist's  reminiscences.     1907.     Macmillan. 

"The  especial  interest  of  this  autobiography  aside  from  the  simple,  straight-forward 
account  of  the  author's  own  life  and  work,  lies  in  the  sincere  report  of  impressions  of 
contemporary  men  and  women,  and  in  the  prominence  given  to  socialistic  ideas  and 
movements  started  by  William  Morris.  Most  is  told,  naturally,  of  the  Pre-Raphaelite 
group  of  painters,  the  promoters  of  the  arts  and  crafts  movement,  and  their  friends, 
with  whom  he  had  most  to  do.  Walter  Crane  may  perhaps  claim  a  wider  interest  among 
men  than  some  of  his  greater  confreres,  by  reason  of  the  variety  of  expression  which 
his  art  found  for  itself."    A.  L.  A.  booklist,  igo8. 

Cranmer,  Thomas,  abp.  of  Canterbury.  92  C867P 

Pollard,  Albert  Frederick.  Thomas  Cranmer  and  the  English  refor- 
mation, 1489-1556.     1904.     Putnam.     (Heroes  of  the  reformation.) 

The  book  can  rightly  claim  to  be  the  first  considerable  biography  of  Cranmer  which 
has  been  written  according  to  the  canons  of  modern  scientific  historical  work.  It  is 
obviously  based  in  large  measure  on  original  research;  it  is  clear,  and  for  the  most  part 
consistent  and  convincing;  and  though  it  contains  nothing  that  is  startlingly  new,  it  ar- 
ranges in  useful  and  readable  form  a  vast  amount  of  hitherto  scattered  and  not  always 
trustworthy  information.     Condensed  from  American  historical  review,  1905. 

Cranmer,  Thomas,  abp.  of  Canterbury.  92  C867t 

Todd,  Henry  John.     Life  of  Archbishop  Cranmer.     2v.     1831.     Riv- 


"Of  the  various  lives  of  Cranmer  Strype's   [92  C867S]  is  the  earliest,  the  fullest, 

and  contains  most  original  matter... The  Life  by  H.  J.  Todd  is  more  readable,  but  is 

too  apologetic,  and  adds  little  to  Strype."    Pollard's  Thomas  Cranmer. 

Craufurd,  Russell.  92  C87a 

Ramblings  of  an  old  mummer.     1909.     Greening. 
Recollections  of  an  English  actor. 

Crawford,  William,  1 744-1826.  r92  C875C 

Crawford,  John,  &  Crawford,  Jennings.  William  Cra\vford  memo- 
rial.    1904. 

William  Crawford  was  a  colonel  in  the  American  army,  fighting  on  the  border 
during  the  Revolution,  and  serving  later  under  "Mad  Anthony"  Wa3me.  He  was  one 
of  the  earliest  settlers  in  Washington  county.  Pa.  and  this  volume  contains  a  list  of  his 
descendants  as  well  as  accounts  of  his  life. 

Creigh,  David  S.  r92  C876C 

[Creigh,  Thomas,  comp.]  Brief  sketch  of  the  life  and  character  of 
D.  S.  Creigh  [by  W.  H.  Syme],  with  an  authentic  account  of  the  circum- 
stances of  his  cruel  and  lamented  death.  1865.  Lewisburg,  W.  Va. 
Weekly  Times. 

Creigh  (1807-64)  was  a  native  of  Lewisburg,  Va.  He  was  convicted  and  executed 
for  the  killing  of  a  Federal  soldier  whom  he  discovered  in  the  act  of  robbing  his  house. 

Cristoforis,  Carlo  de.    See  De  Cristoforis,  Carlo. 

Croker,  John  Wilson.  r92  C889 

The  Croker  papers;  the  correspondence  and  diaries  of  John  Wilson 
Croker;  ed.  by  L.  J.  Jennings.    3v.     1884.    Murray.    • 

Croker  (1780-1857)  was  an  English  politician  and  essayist.  He  was  one  of  the 
founders  of  the  "Quarterly  review"  and  contributed  many  political  articles  to  its  pages 
as    well    as    numerous    literary    reviews,    one    of    the    most    famous    being    on    Keats's 


Croker,  John  Wilson — continued.  rgz  C88g 

"Endymion."  His  annotated  edition  of  Boswell's  Johnson  was  the  occasion  of  Ma- 
caulay's  savage  review.  The  three  volumes  of  Croker's  memoirs  contain  ample  materials 
for  forming  an  estimate  of  him. 

Cromwell,  Oliver,  t^2  C8g2h 

Harris,  William,  1720-70.  Historical  and  critical  account  of  the  life 
of  Oliver  Cromwell,  lord  protector  of  the  commonwealth  of  England, 
Scotland  and  Ireland,  after  the  manner  of  Mr  Bayle,  drawn  from  origi- 
nal writers  and  state  papers,  to  which  is  added  an  appendix  of  original 
papers.    1762.    Millar. 

"[Author]  wrote  in  an  unattractive  style,  and  is  not  impartial;  but  his  notes  are 
full  of  information  from  sources  not  easily  accessible."     Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Cromwell,  Oliver.  J92  CSgam 

Marshall,  Henrietta  Elizabeth.  Story  of  Oliver  Cromwell,  with  pic- 
tures by  Allan  Stewart.    [1907.]    Jack.    (Children's  heroes  series.) 

Some  of  the  chapters  are,  The  thimble  and  bodkin  army. — Ironsides. — A  three  days' 
battle. — The  battle  of  Dunbar. — Willie  Wastle. — Take  away  that  bauble. — The  Lord  Pro- 

Cromwell,  Oliver.  92  C8g2mi 

Michael,  Wolfgang.  Cromwell  [in  German].  2v.  1907.  (Geistes- 

Bibliographies  at  the  end  of  each  volume. 

"Professor  Michael's  biography  bears  many  resemblances  to  that  of  Professor  Firth 
[92  C892f]...It  is  commonly  accurate  and  scholarly,  free  from  digressions  and  philo- 
sophical disquisitions,  and  is  at  all  times  cautious  and  impartial.  It  is  rather  longer 
than  is  Professor  Firth's  work,  and  touches  more  aspects  of  Cromwell's. character. . . 
Professor  Michael  is  familiar  with  a  wide  range  of  Cromwellian  literature."  Nation, 

Contains  two  portraits  which  have  not  before  been  reproduced. 

Cromwell,  Thomas,  earl  of  Essex.  See  Essex,  Thomas  Cromwell,  earl  of. 
Crosby,  Enoch.  r92  C8g4b 

Barnum,  H.  L.  The  spy  unmasked;  or.  Memoirs  of  Enoch  Crosby, 
alias  Harvey  Birch,  the  hero  of  Mr  Cooper's  tale  of  the  neutral  ground; 
being  an  authentic  account  of  the  secret  services  which  he  rendered  his 
country  during  the  Revolutionary  war,  taken  from  his  own  lips  in 
short-hand,  comprising  many  interesting  facts  and  anecdotes  never  be- 
fore published.     1828.    Harper. 

Crosby  (1750-1835)  was  a  soldier  in  the  Revolutionary  war,  whose  chance  discovery 
of  a  Tory  conspiracy  led  to  his  appointment  to  a  place  in  the  secret  service,  where  he 
accomplished  most  successful  work  for  the  patriot  cause. 

Crosby,  Ernest  Howard.  192  C8942 

Addresses  in  memory  of  Ernest  Howard  Crosby  (1856-1907),  Cooper 

Union,  New  York,  March  7,  1907.    1907. 

Crosby  was  a  New  York  philanthropist  and  social  reformer,  one  of  the  founders  and 

the  first  president  of  the  Social  Reform  Club.     He  devoted  his  life  to  such  causes  as 

international  peace,  industrial  conciliation  and  arbitration,  anti-imperialism,  single  tax, 

settlement  work,  children's  playgrounds,  etc. 

Crosby,  Fanny  J.  {Mrs  Frances  Jane  (Crosby)  92  C894 

Van  Alstyne). 

Memories  of  80  years;  the  story  of  her  life  told  by  herself;  an- 
cestry, childhood,  womanhood,  friendships,  incidents  and  history  of  her 
songs  and  hymns.     1906.     Earle. 

Life  of  the  blind  hymn-writer,  many  of  whose  hymns  appeared  in  Moody  and 
Sankey's  collections  and  attained  wide  popularity. 


Crosland,  Mrs  Camilla  (Toulmin).  92  C8942 

Landmarks  of  a  literary  life,  1820-1892.  1893.  Scribner. 
Mrs  Crosland  was  an  English  writer,  for  more  than  50  years  a  regular  contributor 
to  "Chambers's  journal."  She  was  a  sincere  believer  in  spiritualism.  This  is  her  last 
and  most  interesting  work,  written  when  she  was  over  80  years  of  age.  It  relates  with 
much  charm  her  meetings  with  famous  men  and  women,  among  them  the  Brownings, 
Hawthorne,  Miss  Mitford,  Lady  Blessington,  Mrs  Stowe  and  Margaret  Fuller. 

Cross,  Mrs  Mary  Ann  (Evans).    See  Eliot,  George,  pseud. 
Cniikshank,  George.  92  C897h 

Hamilton,  Walter.  Memoir  of  George  Cruikshank,  artist  and  hu- 
mourist.    1878.    Stock. 

Lecture  on  the  life  and  works  of  the  eminent  English  illustrator  and  caricaturist 
( 1 792-1 878).     Includes  an  account  of  the  Cruikshank- Ainsworth  controversy. 

Cumberland,  Richard,  1732-1811.  r92  C917 

Memoirs  written  by  himself,  containing  an  account  of  his  life  and 
writings  interspersed  with  anecdotes  and  characters  of  several  of  the 
most  distinguished  persons  of  his  time  with  whom  he  had  intercourse 
and  connexion.    2v.    1807.    Lackington. 

English  dramatist. 

"A  very  loose  book,  dateless,  inaccurate,  but  with  interesting  accounts  of  Bentley, 
Dodington,  Lord  G.  Germaine,  and  other  men  of  note."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Cumming,  Constance  Frederica  Gordon-.  92  C918 

Memories.     1904.     Blackwood. 

Miss  Gordon-Cumming  (6.  1837)  belongs  to  a  large  and  eminent  family  which  has 
included  g^reat  soldiers,  travelers,  hunters  and  famous  beauties.  She  herself  has  traveled 
widely  and  writes  with  keen  zest  both  of  her  family  memories  and  of  her  travels. 

Curran,  John  Philpot.  92  C931P 

Phillips,  Charles.  Curran  and  his  contemporaries.  1857.  Black- 

Curran  (1750-1817)  was  an  Irish  lawyer,  statesman  and  orator.  He  conducted 
the  defense  in  the  bloody  series  of  persecutions  instituted  by  the  government  against  the 
leaders  of  the  Irish  insurrection  in  1798. 

Curtis,  Benjamin  Robbins,  1809-74.  92  C933 

Memoir,  with  some  of  his  professional  and  miscellaneous  writings; 
ed.  by  his  son,  B.  R.  Curtis.    2v.     1879.     Little. 

Curtis  was  one  of  the  foremost  of  Massachusetts  lawyers. 

"The  biographical  part  of  this  memoir,  contained  in  the  first  volume  is  the  work 
of  Mr.  George  Ticknor  Curtis,  the  brother  of  Judge  Curtis.  The  second  volume  consists 
altogether  of  professional  and  miscellaneous  writings,  of  which  the  most  important  are 

an  article  on  'Debts  of  the  States' the  Report  of  the  Commissioners  on  the  Reform  of 

Procedure  in  Massachusetts;  the  dissenting  opinion  in  the  Dred  Scott  case;  and  the 
Argument  in  Defence  of  President  Johnson,  delivered  before  the  Senate  in  1868.  The 
biography  is  well  written,  and  as  much  is  made  as  was  possible  out  of  the  uneventftil 
life  of  its  subject."    Nation,  1S79. 

Curtis,  George  William.  92  C934W 

Winter,  William.     George  William  Curtis;  a  eulogy  delivered  be- 
fore the  people  of  Staten  island,  Feb. 24,  1893.     1893.    Macmillan. 
Curwen,  Samuel.  r92  C936 

Journal  and  letters,  from  1775  to  1784,  comprising  remarks  on  the 
prominent  men  and  measures  of  that  period;  to  which  are  added  bio- 
graphical notices  of  many  American  loyalists  and  other  eminent  per- 
sons, by  G.  A.  Ward.     1842.     Francis. 

"Essential  for  an  appreciation  of  the  hardships  incurred  by  those  persons  who  chose 


Curwen,  Samuel — continued.  rga  C936 

the  Loyalist  (Tory)  side  in  the  American  Revolution.  Describes  Curwen's  flight  from 
Salem,  Massachusetts,  to  Philadelphia,  and  thence  to  England,  and  his  daily  life  with 
the  other  refugees  there.  The  information  thus  given  can  be  obtained  nowhere  else. 
The  162  biographical  sketches  in  the  appendix,  largely  of  his  fellow  Loyalists,  are  in- 
ferior to  those  given  in  a  good  biographical  dictionary."  Larned's  Literature  of  Ameri- 
can history. 

Gushing,  Alonzo  Hersford.  92  Cgsgh 

Haight,  Theron  Wilber.  Three  Wisconsin  Cushings;  a  sketch  of 
the  lives  of  Howard  B.,  Alonzo  H.  and  Willjam  B.  Gushing,  children  of 
a  pioneer  family  of  Waukesha  county.  1910.  Wisconsin  History  Com- 
mission.    (Wisconsin  History  Commission.    Original  papers,  no.3.) 

Gushing,  Howard  B.  92  Ggsgh 

Haight,  Theron  Wilber.  Three  Wisconsin  Cushings;  a  sketch  of  the 
lives  of  Howard  B.,  Alonzo  H.  and  William  B.  Cushing,  children  of  a 
pioneer  family  of  Waukesha  county.  1910.  Wisconsin  History  Com- 
mission.    (Wisconsin  History  Commission.    Original  papers,  no.3.) 

Gushing,  William  Barker.  92  Ggsgh 

Haight,  Theron  Wilber.  Three  Wisconsin  Cushings;  a  sketch  of  the 
lives  of  Howard  B.,  Alonzo  H.  and  William  B.  Cushing,  children  of  a 
pioneer  family  of  Waukesha  county.  1910.  Wisconsin  History  Com- 
mission.    (Wisconsin  History  Commission.    Original  papers,  no.3.) 

Gushmem,  Charlotte  Saunders.  V92  G9412C 

Clement,  Mrs  Clara  (Erskine),  afterward  Mrs  Waters.  Charlotte 
Cushman.    1882.    Osgood.     (American  actor  series.) 

Brief,  authoritative  biography  of  the  celebrated  American  actress  (1816-76). 

Gushman,  Francis  W.  qr92  G9413U 

United  States — House.  Francis  W.  Cushman  (late  a  representative 
from  Washington);  memorial  addresses,  6ist  congress,  2d  session. 
House  of  representatives,  April  2,  1910.     1910. 

Guster,  Gen.  George  Armstrong.  92  G944 

My  life  on  the  plains;  or,  Personal  experiences  with  Indians.  1874. 

"These  papers,  which  were  originally  printed  in  the  Galaxy  magazine  during  187a 
and  1873  recount  the  writer's  adventures  while  campaigning  against  the  southern 
Cheyennes  and  other  Indians  in  the  region  between  the  Missouri  River  and  the  Rocky 
Mountains . . .  The  dangerous  character  of  the  service  and  the  military  view  of  Indian 
questions  are  strongly  brought  out,  and  frontiersman,  scout  and  Indian  are  vigorously 
depicted."     Larned's  Literature  of  American  history. 

Later  edition  published  under  the  title  "Wild  life  on  the  plains." 

Gzartoryski,  Adam  Jerzy,  prince.  92  Gggdb 

Bielinski,  Jozef.  2ywot  Ks.  Adama  Jerzego  Czartoryskiego.  2v. 
in  I.    1905. 

Dalberg,  John  Emerich  Edward,  baron  Acton.    See  Acton,  John  Emerich 

Edward  Dalberg,  baron. 
Dalhousie,  James  Andrew  Ramsay,  marquis.  92  D164W 

Warner,  Sir  William  Lee-.  Life  of  the  marquis  of  Dalhousie.  2v. 
1904.    Macmillan. 

The  author  of  this  biography  of  the  great  Indian  administrator  had  access  to  his 


Dalhousie,  James  Andrew  Ramsay,  marquis — continued.  92  D164W 

private  papers  and  letters,  which,  according  to  Dalhousie's  will,  were  not  to  be  made 
public  for  a  certain  term  of  years.  The  narrative  is  naturally  concerned  principally  with 
his  services  as  governor-general  of  India,  1847-56,  and  the  aim  has  been  to  present  a 
fair  and  impartial  account  of  his  career,  especially  in  regard  to  the  question  of  his 
responsibility  for  the  Indian  mutiny. 

Dallas,  George  Mifflin.  92  D166 

Diary  while  United  States  minister  to  Russia,  1837  to  1839,  and  to 

England,  1856  to  1861 ;  ed.  by  Susan  Dallas.    1892.    Lippincott. 

American  statesman  and  diplomat  (1792-1864),  vice-president  of  the  United  States, 

X  845-49- 

Dalton,  John.  92  Diysm 

Millington,  John  Price.  John  Dalton.  1906.  Dent.  (English  men 
of  science.) 

"John  Dalton's  books,"  p.217-221. 

"Concise  and  well-written  account  of  the  illustrious  author  of  the  atomic  theory 
[  1 766-1 844].  Everything  there  is  to  tell  about  the  old  Quaker  philosopher  has  already 
been  told  in  such  well-known  works  as  the  "Memoirs"  of  Henry  and  Angrus  Smith, 
and  in  the  lesser-known  biography  of  Dr  Lonsdale,  and  all  that  a  modern  historian  can 
do  is  to  put  together ...  the  facts  of  his  simple,  uneventful  life."    Nature,  1907. 

Damlen  de  Veuster,  Father  Joseph.  92  Di86q 

Quinlan,  May  F.  Damien  of  Molokai.  1909.  Benziger.  (St. 
Nicholas  series.) 

With  this  is  bound  "Father  Damien;  an  open  letter  to  Dr  Hyde  of  Honolulu,"  by 
R.  L.  Stevenson. 

"Remarkably  fresh,  attractive,  and  full  portrait  of  the  martyr  of  Molokai."  Catholic 
world,  igio. 

Damien  de  Veuster,  Father  Joseph.  92  Di86q 

Stevenson,  Robert  Louis.     Father  Damien.     1909.     Benziger.     (In 

Quinlan,  M.  F.    Damien  of  Molokai,  p.156-184.) 

The  same.     1906.     Davos  Press.     (In  his  In  the  South  seas,  p.211- 

229.) 919.6  88412 

The  same.    1895.    Scribner.     (In  his  Prince  Otto,  p.411-432.). . .  S848PI 

Dana,  Charles  Anderson.  92  D193W 

Wilson,  James  Harrison.     Life  of  Charles  A.  Dana.     1907.     Harper. 

Dana   (1819-97)   was  an  American  journalist.     He  was  connected  with  the  "New 

York  tribune,"    1847-62,   was  assistant  secretary   of  war,    1863-64,    and   editor  of  the 

New  York  "Sun,"  1868-97. 

Gen.  Wilson  was  a  warm  personal  friend  of  Dana's  and  his  biography  is  naturally 
uncritical.  The  book  is  fullest  and  most  authoritative  in  the  chapters  covering  Dana's 
work  in  the  war  as  a  kind  of  glorified  confidential  reporter  with  the  army  for  Stanton, 
and  later  as  assistant  secretary  of  war.    Condensed  from  Nation,  1907. 

Dante  Alighieri.  92  D237ba 

Balbo,  Cesare,  conte.     Vita  di  Dante  Alighieri.     2v.  in  i.     1885-98. 

Dante  Alighieri.  92  D237bot 

Botta,  Vincenzo.  Dante  as  philosopher,  patriot  and  poet,  with  an 
analysis  of  the  Divina  commedia,  its  plot  and  episodes.  1865.  Scribner. 
"It  consists  of  two  parts,  the  first  relates  to  the  life  and  times  of  Dante,  his  politics, 
philosophy,  science  and  religious  principles.  The  second  contains  a  careful  analysis  of 
the  poem,  in  which,  with  copious  selections  from  Gary's  translation,  we  have  the  con- 
nexions of  the  whole  given  in  a  learned  and  comprehensive  manner."    Athenaum,  186$. 

D'Arc,  Jeanne.    See  Joan  of  Arc. 


Davidson,  Thomas.  92  D2ggk 

Knight,  William  Angus,  ed.  Memorials  of  Thomas  Davidson,  the 
wandering  scholar.     1907.     Ginn. 

"Bibliography  of  Thomas  Davidson's  works,"  p.235-241. 

Davidson  (1840-1900)  was  a  Scottish  philosopher  who  lived  much  of  his  life  in 
America.  He  conducted  for  many  years  in  the  Adirondacks  a  summer  school  for  cul- 
ture sciences,  and  from  1898,  a  class  of  Russian  Jews  in  New  York  city.  The  book 
contains,  beside  the  sketch  of  his  life,  reminiscences  by  William  James  and  others,  a 
number  of  documents  relating  to  his  sociological  projects  in  London  and  New  York  and 
some  letters  about  his  philosophical  studies. 

Davis,  Jefferson.  92  Dsigd 

Dodd,  William  Edward.    Jefferson  Davis.     1907.    Jacobs.     (Ameri- 
can crisis  biographies.) 
"Bibliography,"  p.384-385. 

Sympathetic  yet  judicial  treatment,  by  a  Southerner,  professor  (1908)  in  Randolph- 
Macon  College,  Virginia.  Considers  especially  Davis's  political  career,  showing  that  the 
failure  of  the  Confederacy  was  due  to  inherent  weaknesses  which  neither  he  nor  any 
other  man  could  have  made  good. 

Davis,  Joseph.  r92  Dsigah 

Hayden,  Horace  Edwin.  Brief  sketch  of  Captain  Joseph  Davis  and 
Lieutenant  William  Jones  of  the  Pennsylvania  line,  who  were  slain  by 
the  Indians  at  Laurel  Run,  Pa.,  April  23, 1779;  read  before  the  Wyoming 
Historical  and  Geological  Society,  May  21,  1897.     1897. 

Davis,  Joseph.  192  D3192P 

Phelps,  Mrs  Martha  (Bennett).  Address  delivered  on  the  occasion 
of  the  erection  of  a  monument  at  Laurel  Run,  Luzerne  county,  Penn- 
sylvania, September  12,  1896,  to  mark  the  spot  where  Captain  Joseph 
Davis  and  Lieutenant  William  Jones  of  the  Pennsylvania  line  were 
slain  by  the  Indians,  April  23,  1779.  1897.  Wyoming  Historical  and 
Geological  Soc. 

Davy,  Sir  Humphry.  92  D327 

Fragmentary  remains,  literary  and  scientific,  with  a  sketch  of  his 

life  and  selections  from  his  correspondence;  ed.  by  John  Davy.     1858. 


Natural  philosopher  (i  778-1 829).     Title  is  rather  misleading  for  the  book  contains 

very  little  in  regard  to  his  views  on  science  but  is  made  up  almost  entirely  of  letters 

to  or  from  Davy.     Several  from  Coleridge  are  included. 

Deak,  Ferencz.  92  D342e 

Eotvos,  Karoly.     Deak  Ferencz  es  csaladja.     2v.     1905.     (Munkai, 

V.  13-14) 

Debussy,  Achille  Claude.  92  D356I 

Liebich,  Mrs  Louise.    Claude-Achille  Debussy.    1908.    Lane.    (Living 

masters  of  music.) 

Debussy  is  (1908)  the  most  conspicuous  of  the  younger  French  composers,  whose 

"Pelleas  et  Melisande"  marked  an  epoch  in  the  history  of  operatic  music 

De  Cristoforis,  Carlo.  92  D366C 

Campolieti,  Nicola  Maria.  La  mente  e  I'anima  d'un  eroe  [Carlo  De 
Cristoforis].    1909.  , 

Deffand,  Marie  (de  Vichy-Chamrond),  marquise  du.     See  Du  Deffand, 
Marie  (de  Vichy-Chamrond),  marquise. 


Defoe,  Daniel.  Tg2  D378W 

Wilson,  Walter.     Memoirs  of  the  life  and  times  of  Daniel  De  Foe, 
containing  a  review  of  his  writings  and  his  opinions  upon  a  variety  of 
important  matters,  civil  and  ecclesiastical.    3v.     1830.     Hurst. 
Elaborate  and  excellent,  but  somewhat  heavy. 

Degas,  Hilaire  Germain  Edgard.    See  Artists,  p. 1406. 

De  Kalb,  John.    See  Kalb,  Johann,  baron  von. 

Delacroix,  Eugene.    See  Artists,  p. 1406. 

Denman,  Thomas  Denman,  baron.  92  D42ga 

Arnould,  Sir  Joseph.  Life  of  Thomas,  first  lord  Denman,  formerly 
lord  chief  justice  of  England.    2v.    1874.     Estes. 

"Lord  Denman's  connexion  with  great  political  events — his  part  as  one  of  Queen 
Caroline's  law  officers,  his  zealous  advocacy  of  the  Reform  Bill,  and  his  ardent  opposi- 
tion to  the  slave  trade  and  slavery — would  ensure  for  his  biography  a  high  degree  of 
political  interest. .  .but  the  great  charm  of  the  biography  is  derived  from  the  man's 
gfuileless  and  honourable  private  character."     Saturday  review,  1874. 

Dennison,  Eliphalet  Whorf.  Tg2  D432 

E.  W.  Dennison;  a  memorial.     1909.     [Updike.] 
Life  of  the  founder  of  the  Dennison  Manufacturing  Company. 

Dery,  Istvanne.  92  D451 

Deryne  naploja;  Bayer  Jozsef  [szerk.].    3v. 

De  Soto,  Hernando.    See  Soto,  Hernando  de. 

Devonshire,  Elizabeth  Cavendish,  duchess  of.  92  D497f 

Foster,  Vere  Henry  Lewis,  ed.  The  two  duchesses,  Georgiana, 
duchess  of  Devonshire,  Elizabeth,  duchess  of  Devonshire;  family  cor- 
respondence of  and  relating  to  Georgiana,  duchess  of  Devonshire, 
Elizabeth,  duchess  of  Devonshire,  earl  of  Bristol  (bishop  of  Derry), 
the  countess  of  Bristol,  Lord  and  Lady  Byron,  the  earl  of  Aberdeen, 
Sir  Augustus  Foster  and  others,  1777-1859.     1898.     Blackie. 

The  two  duchesses  were  inseparable  companions,  and  lived  under  the  same  roof  for 
nearly  a  quarter  of  a  century.  They  traveled  together  in  Switzerland  and  Italy; 
Georgiana,  usually  referred  to  as  the  "beautiful  duchess"  writing  an  account  of  their 
travels  in  verse  addressed  to  her  children,  and  pieces  of  poetry  addressed  to  her  friend, 
while  Elizabeth  illustrated  Georgiana's  poetry  by  paintings.  Georgiana  died  in  1806,  and 
Elizabeth  became  the  second  wife  of  the  former's  husband,  the  fifth  duke  of  Devonshire. 
Condensed  from  Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Devonshire,  Georgiana  Cavendish,  duchess  of.  92  D497f 

Foster,  Vere  Henry  Lewis,  ed.  The  two  duchesses,  Georgiana, 
duchess  of  Devonshire,  Elizabeth,  duchess  of  Devonshire;  family  cor- 
respondence of  and  relating  to  Georgiana,  duchess  of  Devonshire, 
Elizabeth,  duchess  of  Devonshire,  earl  of  Bristol  (bishop  of  Derry), 
the  countess  of  Bristol,  Lord  and  Lady  Byron,  the  earl  of  Aberdeen, 
Sir  Augustus  Foster  and  others,  1777-1859.     1898.    Blackie. 

Diaz,  Porfirio.  ,  92  D539C 

Creelman,  James.     Diaz,  master  of  Mexico.     191 1.     Appleton. 
"Except  for  its  at  times  almost  absurd  'whitewashing'  of  Mexican  conditions,  this 

work  is  valuable  as  a  history  of  Mexico  for  the  past  sixty  years,   and  because  of  its 


Diaz,  Porfirio — continued.  92  D539C 

brisk,  journalistic  style  extremely  interesting.  Under  the  too  high  coloring,  the  portrait 
of  the  great  statesman — the  most  successful  military  despot  of  modern  times — is  clearly 
outlined.  The  author  has  had  Diaz'  private  memoirs  to  draw  on  for  much  of  his  ma- 
terial."   A.  L.  A.  booklist,  igu. 

Diaz,  Porfirio.  92  D539g 

Godoy,  Jose   Francisco.     Porfirio   Diaz,  president  of   Mexico,   the 

master  builder  of  a  great  commonwealth.     1910.     Putnam. 

Highly  eulogistic,  semi-official  biography  of  Diaz  by  his  late  charge  d'affaires  at 


Dickens,  Charles.  92  Dssili 

Life,  letters  and  speeches,  with  biographical  sketches  of  the  princi- 
pal illustrators  of  Dickens's  works.  2v.  1854.  Houghton.  (Writings, 

Dickens,  Charles.  92  Dssich 

Chesterton,  Gilbert  Keith.     Charles  Dickens.     1906.     Methuen. 

Sympathetic  study  in  biography  and  criticism,  written  with  Mr  Chesterton's 
accustomed  vigor  and  delight  in  paradox  and  the  trenchant  phrase. 

Dickens,  Charles.  92  D551C 

Chesterton,  Gilbert  Keith,  &  Kitton,  F.  G.  Charles  Dickens.  1903. 
Hodder.     (Bookman  biographies.) 

Dickens,  Charles.  92  Dssih 

Hanaford,  Mrs  Phebe  Anne  (Coffin).     Life  and  writings  of  Charles 

Dickens;  a  woman's  memorial  volume.     1875.     Allen. 

Chiefly  made  up  of  extracts   from  Dickens's  works.     The  biography  is  slight  and 

somewhat  fulsome. 

Diderot,  Denis.  92  D562 

Memoires,  correspondance  et  ouvrages  inedits  de  Diderot;  publics 
d'apres  les  manuscrits  confies,  en  mourant,  par  I'auteur  a  Grimm.  4v. 

The  correspondence  takes  up  the  greater  part  of  the  first  three  volumes  and  the 
most  important  letters  are  those  addressed  to  the  sculptor  Falconnet  and  to  Mademoiselle 
Voland.  Concerning  the  letters  to  the  latter,  Saintsbury  writes,  "It  is  not  too  much 
to  say  that  they  supply  not  only  the  most  vivid  picture  of  Diderot  himself  which  is 
attainable,  but  also  the  best  view  of  the  later  and  extremer  philosophe  society." 

Dine,  Duchesse  de.     See  Talleyrand-Perigord,  Dorothee   (von   Biron), 
duchesse  de. 

Dix,  John  Adams.  92  D6473d 

Dix,  Morgan.  Memoirs  of  John  Adams  Dix.  2v.  1883.  Harper. 
Biography,  written  by  his  son,  of  an  American  statesman  and  soldier  (i  798-1879) 
prominent  in  New  York  politics.  He  was  successively  attorney-general  of  New  York, 
secretary  of  state  and  United  States  senator.  In  1861  he  was  appointed  major-general 
of  the  United  States  volunteers,  was  placed  in  command  of  the  Department  of  Mary- 
land and  later  took  command  of  the  Department  of  the  East.  He  was  governor  of  New 
York,  1873-75. 

Dodge,  William  Earl,  1805-83.  92  D67im 

Martyn,  William  Carlos.  William  E.  Dodge,  the  Christian  mer- 
chant.    1890.     Funk. 

Dodge  was  an  American  merchant  and  philanthropist.  He  was  interested  in  many 
forms  of  religious  work,  in  the  temperance  question  and  in  the  education  of  freedmen. 


Dodington,  George  Bubb,  baron  Melcombe.  rgz  D671 

Diary  from  March  8,  1749  to  February  6,  1761,  with  an  appendix 
containing  some  curious  and  interesting  papers  which  are  either  re- 
ferred to  or  alluded  to  in  the  diary;  pub.  from  his  lordship's  original 
manuscripts  by  H.  P.  Wyndham.     1785.    Wilkie. 

English  politician  (1691-1762)  who  allied  himself  first  to  one  party,  then  another, 
to  further  his  own  advancement.     He  was  also  a  patron  of  literature.  . 

"It  is  the  most  curious  illustration  in  existence  of  the  character  of  the  servile 
place-hunters  of  the  time,  with  unctuous  professions  of  virtuous  sentiment  which  serve 
to  heighten  the  effect.  It  also  contains  some  curious  historical  information,  especially 
as  to  the  Prince  and  Princess  of  Wales  during  the  period  1749-60."  Dictionary  of  na- 
tional biography. 

Domett,  Alfred.  92  BSigr 

Browning,  Robert.  Robert  Browning  and  Alfred  Domett  [letters] ; 
ed.  by  F.  G.  Kenyon.     1906.     Dutton. 

Contains  some  30  letters  from  Browning  and  Joseph  Arnould,  afterwards  judge  of 
the  Supreme  court  of  Bombay,  to  Alfred  Domett,  who  went  as  a  colonist  to  New  Zea- 
land in  1842  and  remained  there  for  30  years.  The  letters  are  those  of  friends  and  are 
chiefly  occupied  with  the  personal  affairs  of  the  writers.  The  volume  is  of  much  in- 
terest, if  only  as  showing  Browning's  sympathetic  nature  and  gift  for  friendship. 

Donaldson,  Thomas.  qr92  Dyigb 

Brown,  George  William.    Sketch  of  the  life  of  Thomas  Donaldson 

[read  before  the  Maryland  Historical  Society,  1881].     1881.    Cushings. 

Donaldson  (1815-77)  was  a  Baltimore  lawyer. 

Donne,  John.  r92  D728d 

Letters  to  severall  persons  of  honour;  the  text  ed.  with  notes  by 
C.  E.  Merrill.     1910.    Sturgis. 

Contains  facsimile  of  title-page  of  original  edition,  London,  1651. 
Intimate  passages  are  rare,  and  as  a  rule  the  letters  move  in  the  peculiar  field  of 
generalization  that  makes  most  of  the  correspondences  of  his  age  neither  quite  literature 
nor  quite  familiar  self-revelation.  The  letters  that  passed  from  man  to  man  in  those  days 
were  written  not  so  much  to  acquaint  the  recipient  with  the  details  of  the  sender's  life, 
as  to  foster  the  ideal  of  friendship,  and  it  is  with  this  understanding  that  we  must  ap- 
proach Donne's  letters.  Mr  Merrill's  explanatory  and  historical  notes  show  judgment 
and  learning.     Condensed  from  Nation,  1911. 

Dorchester,  Guy  Carleton,  baron.  92  D735b 

Bradley,    Arthur    Granville.      Lord    Dorchester.      1907.      Morang. 

(Makers  of  Canada.) 

Guy  Carleton,  baron  Dorchester  (1724-1808)  was  governor  of  Quebec  at  intervals 
from  1766  to  1796.  During  the  Revolution  he  successfully  defended  Quebec  against 
the  Americans  and  after  the  resignation  of  Sir  Henry  Clinton  in  1781,  he  was  made 
commander-in-chief  of  the  British  army  in  America. 

D'Orsay,  Alfred  Guillaume,  comte.  92  D743S 

Shore,  William  Teignmouth.  D'Orsay;  or,  The  complete  dandy. 
[1911.]     Long. 

Account  of  the  career  of  Count  D'Orsay  (1798-1852)  and  of  the  remarkable  circle 
whose  interests  centred  in  the  Blessington-D'Orsay  salon  at  Gore  house.  A  considerable 
part  of  the  book  is  really  a  biography  of  Lady  Blessington. 

Douglas,  Sir  James.  92  D758C 

Coats,  Robert  Hamilton,  &  Gosnell,  R.  E.  Sir  James  Douglas.  1908. 
Morang.     (Makers  of  Canada.) 

Sir  James  Douglas  (1803-77)  was  chief  factor  of  the  Hudson  Bay  Company  on  the 
Pacific  coast  for  many  years  and  the  first  governor  of  British  Columbia. 


Douglas,  Stephen  Arnold.  92  D759C 

Carr,  Clark  Ezra.  Stephen  A.  Douglas;  his  life,  public  services, 
speeches  and  patriotism.    1909.    McClurg. 

Mr  Carr,  a  life-long  Republican,  heard  in  part  the  great  debates  of  1858,  and  then 
and  later  was  on  friendly  terms  with  the  contestants,  of  whom  he  g^ves  interesting  per- 
sonal anecdotes.  He  writes  out  of  full  knowledge  and  in  a  spirit  of  candor,  believing 
that  the  man  of  whom  in  early  life  he  strongly  disapproved  has  suffered  injustice  and 
failed  of  recognition  as  a  most  potent  factor  in  saving  the  Union.  He  makes  very  vivid 
the  memorable  work  of  Douglas  in  his  last  days.     Condensed  from  Nation,  igio. 

Douglas,  Stephen  Arnold.  92  D759J 

Johnson,  Allen.  Stephen  A.  Douglas;  a  study  in  American  politics. 
1908.    Macmillan. 

Vivid  picture  of  the  man  whose  life  spans  the  controversial  epoch  before  the  Civil 
war.  We  see  him  as  a  debater  of  remarkable,  almost  terrible  power  and  as  the  politician 
who  could  work  for  merely  personal  or  party  ends — as  being  nearer  a  great  demagogue 
than  a  great  statesman.    Condensed  from  Nation,  1908. 

Douglas,  Stephen  Arnold.  92  D759W 

Willis,  Henry  Parker.  Stephen  A.  Douglas.  1910.  Jacobs.  (Amer- 
ican crisis  biographies.) 

"Bibliography  and  bibliographical  notes,"  p.354-359. 

"Incisive  study  of  a  great  American  politician  in  action The  conditions  involved 

in  each  of  the  eight  or  ten  critical  games  of  which  his  political  career  was  composed  are 
carefully  set  forth  by  Mr.  Willis... The  good  and  the  bad  motives  and  methods  are  de- 
scribed with  equal  composure  and  without  waste  of  words."     Nation,  191 1. 

Douglass,  Frederick.  92  D761W 

Washington,  Booker  Taliaferro.  Frederick  Douglass.  1906.  Jacobs. 
(American  crisis  biographies.) 

"Bibliography,"  p.3S3. 

Remarkable  as  a  book  by  the  most  notable  Afro-American  of  this  epoch  about  the 
most  notable  Afro-American  of  the  ep9ch  immediately  preceding.  It  gives,  with  great 
frankness,  great  impartiality,  and  an  entire  absence  of  bitterness  of  spirit,  the  views 
of  both  men  respecting  slavery,  reconstruction,  the  political  rights  and  duties  of  the 
negro,  and  the  relations  between  the  races.     Condensed  from  Outlook,  1907. 

Draper,  William  Franklin.  92  D795 

Recollections  of  a  varied  career.    1908.    Little. 

Author  (born  in  1842)  came  in  his  boyhood  into  the  environment  of  the  Hopedale 
community  in  Massachusetts,  where  he  worked  in  mills  belonging  to  his  family.  Enlist- 
ing in  the  Union  army,  he  rose  to  generalship  at  the  age  of  22.  Later  he  became  head  of 
the  Hopedale  mills.  Among  the  notable  events  of  his  later  life  were  his  election  to 
Congress  and  his  appointment  as  minister  to  Italy. 

92  D823a 

Du  Barry,  Marie  Jeanne  Gomard  de  Vaubernier,  comiesse.  92  D856d 

Douglas,  Robert  B.     Life  and  times  of  Madame  Du  Barry.     1896. 


One  of  the  most  trustworthy  accounts  of  her  life. 

Du  Deffand,  Marie  (de  Vichy-Chamrond),  marquise.  92  D869C 

Correspondance  inedite,  precedee  d'une  notice  par  le  marquis  de 

Sainte-Aulaire.    2v.    1859. 

Correspondence  with  the  duchess  de  Choiseul  and  the  abb6  Barth^lemy,  1761-80. 

Dudevant,  Mme  Amantine  Lucile  Aurora  (Dupin).     See  Sand,  George, 


Dudley,  Charles  Benjamin.  r92  D872a 

American  Society  for  Testing  Materials.  Memorial  volume  com- 
memorative of  the  life  and  life-work  of  C.  B.  Dudley,  late  president  of 
the  International  Association  for  Testing  Materials  and  of  the  Ameri- 
can Society  for  Testing  Materials.     [iQn] 

"Bibliography  of  Charles  B.  Dudley,"  p.116-117. 

Dudley,  Jane  (Grey),  lady.    See  Grey,  Lady  Jane. 

Dudley,  Joseph.  92  D873k 

Kimball,  Everett.  Public  life  of  Joseph  Dudley;  a  study  of  the 
colonial  policy  of  the  Stuarts  in  New  England,  1660-1715.  191 1.  Long- 
mans.    (Harvard  historical  studies.) 

"List  of  authorities  cited,"  p.219-229. 

Joseph  Dudley  (1647-1720)  was  a  colonial  governor  of  Massachusetts.  Though  an 
able  administrator,  he  frequently  antagonized  the  colonists  by  his  arbitrary  methods  and 
has  been  unfavorably  viewed  by  former  historians.  The  present  study  is  not  intended 
to  meet  the  criticisms  of  his  character  but  rather  to  set  forth  the  Stuart  colonial  policy 
and  Dudley  as  its  exponent. 

Dudley,  Robert,  earl  of  Leicester.    See  Leicester,  Robert  Dudley,  earl  of. 

Duff,  Mrs  Mary  Ann  (Dyke).  92  D8774i 

Ireland,  Joseph  Norton.  Mrs  Duff.  1882.  Osgood.  (American 
actor  series.) 

Mrs  Duff  ( 1 794-1 857)  was  of  English  birth,  although  most  of  her  life  was  spent 
in  America.  She  was  considered  a  great  actress  in  her  day  and  played  with  Kean,  For- 
rest and  Booth. 

Dufferin  and  Ava,  Frederick  Temple  Hamilton-Temple-  92  D8773I 

Blackwood,  marquess  of. 
Lyall,  Sir  Alfred  Comyns.    Life  of  the  marquis  of  Dufferin  and  Ava. 
2v.    1905.    Murray. 

The  marquess  of  Dufferin  and  Ava  (1826— 1902)  was  among  the  first  of  the  English 
diplomats  of  his  time.  He  held  many  government  positions,  having  been  viceroy  of 
Canada  and  of  India,  and  ambassador  at  St.  Petersburg,  Constantinople,  Rome  and 

"Gives  us  a  full  account  of  his  various  high  public  posts  and  the  work  he  accom- 
plished in  them;  but  he  does  not  criticise  or  explain  overmuch,  leaving  that  duty  to  the 
copious  quotations  from  Lord  Dufferin's  own  letters  and  speeches."     Spectator,  igos. 

Du  Guesclin,  Bertrand.  92  D882J 

Jamison,  D.  F.  Life  and  times  of  Bertrand  du  Guesclin;  a  history  of 
the  14th  century.    2v.     1864.     Russell. 

Du  Guesclin  (c.  1320-80),  constable  of  France,  was  one  of  the  most  celebrated  of 
the  French  soldiers  of  his  age.  He  was  particularly  distinguished  in  his  campaigns 
against  the  English  and  Pedro  the  Cruel. 

Duncan,  William,  b.  1832.  92  DS992a 

Arctander,  Karl  Johan  Ludwig  Wilhelm  August.  The  apostle  of 
Alaska;  the  story  of  William  Duncan  of  Metlakahtla.     1909.     Revell. 

In  1856  William  Duncan,  a  young  Englishman,  was  sent  as  a  missionary  to  a  war- 
like cannibal  tribe  on  the  northwest  coast  of  Alaska.  To-day  at  Metlakahtla  there  is  a 
community  of  industrious,  law-abiding  Indians.  Mr  Arctander  has  spent  five  summers 
with  Mr  Duncan,  of  whose  work  he  gives  a  graphic  and  enthusiastic  account. 

Dunoyer,  Mme  Anne  Marguerite  (Petit).  92  D925 

Correspondence;  tr.  and  ed.  by  F.  L.  Layard.    2v.     1890.    Bentley. 
French  author  (1663-1720). 
"The  correspondence  between  Mme.  du  Noyer  and  her  nameless  friend  reminds  the 

reader  of  the  Arabian  Nights  far  more  than  of  any  French  letters  we  may  happen  to 


Dimoyer,  Mme  Anne  Marguerite  (Petit) — continued.  92  D925 

know.  One  lady  is  always  trying  to  outdo  the  other  in  the  matter  of  stories,  which  in 
each  case  are  wholly  lacking  in  the  grace  of  style  for  which  the.  .  .letters  and  Memoirs  of 
Mme.  de  Sevig:ne  and  Mme.  Aulnoy  are  remarkable.  Mme.  du  Noyer  writes  from  the 
South  of  France,  Avigfnon,  Montpellier,  Orange,  and  such  places,  to  her  friend  in  Paris, 
alludes  lightly  to  the  beauty  of  the  climate  or  of  the  women,  and  relates  lengthy  histories 

of  the  people  she  meets.    The  friend tells  her — at  equal  length — some  of  the  gossip  of 

the  day."    Saturday  review,  1890. 

Du  Plessis,  Louis  Francois  Armand,  due  de  Richelieu.     See  Richelieu, 
Louis  Francois  Armand  du  Plessis,  due  de. 

Dupre,  Giovanni.  92  D933 

Pensieri  sull'  arte,  e  ricordi  autobiografici.     1906. 

Dupre,  Giovanni.  92  D933t 

Thoughts  on  art,  and  autobiographical  memoirs;  tr.  from  the  Italian 

by  E.  M.  Peruzzi,  with  an  introduction  by  W.  W.  Story.     1886.     Roberts. 

Italian  sculptor  (1817-82). 

"An  unaffected  and  unpretending  record  of  his  life  and  thoughts.  .  .The  history  of 
his  early  struggles  and  poverty,  the  pictures  of  his  childhood  and  youth,  are  eminently 
interesting. .  .If  the  'Thoughts  upon  Art'  do  not  exhibit  any  great  profundity  of  think- 
ing, they  are  earnest,  instructive,  and  characteristic.  Hi^  descriptions  of  his  travels  in 
France  and  England;  his  criticisms  and  anecdotes  of  artists  and  persons  in  Florence;  his 
account  of  his  daily  life  in  his  studio  and  at  his  home, — are  lively  and  amusing.  Al- 
together, the  book  has  a  special  charm  which  it  is  not  easy  to  define."  W.  IV.  Story,  in 

Duquesne,  Abraham,  marquis.  r92  D935r 

Richer,  Adrien.    Vie  du  marquis  Du  Quesne,  dit  le  grand  Du  Quesne, 

lieutenant-general  des  armees  navales  de  France  sous  Louis  XIV.    1783. 

Durham,  John  George  Lambton,  earl  of.  92  D942r 

Reid,  Stuart  J.  Life  and  letters  of  the  first  earl  of  Durham,  1792- 
1840.     2v.     1906.     Longmans. 

Durham  was  an  English  statesman  whose  name  is  chiefly  associated  with  the 
Reform  bill  and  the  reorganization  of  Canada.  In  1838  he  was  made  governor-general 
of  the  British  provinces  of  North  America,  and  his  report  made  on  retirement  remains 
the  charter  of  Great  Britain's  present-day  colonial  policy.  His  biographer  furnishes 
much  detail  concerning  his  life,  bis  work  in  Canada  occupying  about  one-fourth  of  the 

Duse,  Eleonora.  92  D947m 

Mapes,  Victor.  Duse  and  the  French,  with  an  introduction  by 
Daniel  Frohman.    1898.     (Dunlap  Society.    Publications,  n.  s.  no.6.) 

Paper  recounting  Mme  Duse's  first  appearance  in  Paris,  her  apparent  failure  and 
ultimate  success. 

Duse,  Eleonora.  92  D947r 

Rasi,  Luigi.     La  Duse.     1901. 

Ekidy,  Mrs  Mary  (Baker)  Glover.  92  E264C 

Christian  Science  Publishing  Society.  Editorial  comments  on  the 
life  and  work  of  Mary  Baker  Eddy.    191 1. 

Eddy,  Mrs  Mary  (Baker)  Glover.  92  E264m 

Milmine,  Georgine.     Life  of  Mary  Baker  G.  Eddy  and  the  history 

of  Christian  science.    1909.    Doubleday. 

Appeared  in  "McCIure's  magazine,"  v.28-31,  1907-June  1908. 


Eddy,  Mrs  Mary  (Baker)  Glover.  92  £2640 

O'Brien,  Mrs  Sibyl  Wilbur.  Life  of  Mary  Baker  Eddy.  1908.  Con- 
cord Pub.  Co. 

Approved  by  the  Christian  Science  church. 

Edgeworth,  Richard  Lovell.  92  E2842 

Memoirs,  begun  by  himself  and  concluded  by  his  daughter  Maria 

Edgeworth.     1844.     Bentley. 

The  life   of   Edgeworth    (i 744-1 81 7)    was   passed   mostly   in    Ireland   and   was   not 

eventful.      He   wrote  somewhat   on   educational   subjects   and   served   in   the   last   Irish 

parliament.     The  memoirs  are  enlivened  by  stories  and  anecdotes. 

Edison,  Thomas  Alva.  92  E288dy 

Dyer,  Frank  Lewis,  &  Martin,  T.  C.  Edison;  his  life  and  inventions. 
2v.     1910.     Harper. 

"List  of  United  States  patents  granted  to  Thomas  A.  Edison,"  v. 2,  p. 943-970; 
"Foreign  patents  granted  to  Edison,"  v. 2,  p.971. 

"Full  and  authentic  biography  of  the  inventor  and  record  of  his  work.  Technical 
terms  are  avoided  as  far  as  possible,  and  many  of  the  accounts  are  in  Mr.  Edison's  own 
words,  either  written  or  from  dictation.  While  without  any  literary  pretensions,  the 
clear,  direct  style  gives  the  work  interest  to  readers  of  all  classes."   A.  L.  A.  booklist,  1911. 

Edison,  Thomas  Alva.  92  E288J 

Jones,  Francis  Arthur.  Thomas  Alva  Edison;  60  years  of  an  inven- 
tor's life.    1907.    Hodder. 

Popular,  anecdotal  biography,  describing  also  Edison's  inventions.     Illustrated. 

Edward  VI,  king  of  England.  92  Esissm 

Markham,  Sir  Clements  Robert.  King  Edward  VI;  an  appreciation. 
1907.    Smith. 

"Authorities,"  p.227-231. 

Does  not  attempt  to  review  the  history  of  the  times,  but  rather  to  show  that,  despite 
his  youth  and  the  vitiated  political  atmosphere  in  which  he  was  nurtured,  Edward  VI 
gave  every  promise  of  high  character  and  future  greatness.  Only  9  years  of  age  when 
he  was  proclaimed  king  and  meeting  a  premature  death  from  consumption  at  16,  be 
had  only  limited  opportunities  for  displaying  his  kingly  qualities.  Condensed  from  Out- 
look (London),  igoy. 

Edward  VII,  king  of  England.  92  E3i33k 

King  Edward  VII;  biographical  and  personal  sketches  and  anec- 
dotes.    1910.    Skeffington. 

Contents:  As  prince  of  Wales  and  monarch. — The  life  education  of  a  king,  by 
Sir  Edward  Dicey. — ^At  home,  by  Mrs  O'Farrell. — As  guest,  by  Mrs  O'Farrell. — As 
man  of  the  world,  by  Charles  Lowe. — As  peacemaker,  by  W.  T.  Stead. — ^As  sportsman 
and  racing  man. — The  kingt's  deer  forests,  by  Ang^s  Henderson. — Good  stories  of  the 
king,  by  Charles  Lowe. — Queen  Alexandra,  by   B.  S.  Woolf. 

Edward,  the  Black  Prince,  92  E3i34d 

Dunn-Pattison,    Reginald    Philipson.      The    Black    Prince.      [1910.] 


Mr  Dunn-Pattison's  account  of  the  Prince's  life  is  excellent.  It  is  not  on  the 
plane  of  the  inspired  historiographers;  but  it  is  much  more  than  a  piece  of  bookmaking. 
It  is  full,  thoughtful,  completely  informed,  and  responsible.  Condensed  from  Outlook 
(London),  1910. 

Eggleston,  George  Cary.  92  E357 

Recollections  of  a  varied  life.     1910.     Holt. 

Mr  Eggleston,  who  is  the  original  of  his  brother's  "Hoosier  schoolmaster,"  recalls 
the  experiences  and  associates  of  his  career  as  journalist,  editor  and  author.  Though 
he  made  various  escapes  from  journalism  it  always  reclaimed  him.     He  calls  himself 


Eggleston,  George  Gary — continued.  92  E357 

near  the  end  of  his  volume  an  "extemporaneotis  writer,"  the  sort  developed  by  the 
stress  and  strain  of  modern  journalism  and  his  brisk  anecdotal  narrative  has  all  the 
excellences  and  but  few  of  the  defects  of  the  trained  journalist. 

Egle,  William  Henry.  rga  EsGah 

Hayden,  Horace  Edwin.     William  Henry  Egle,  1830-1901.     1901. 
Reprinted  from  the  Wyoming  Historical  and  Geological  Society's  "Proceedings  and 

collections,"  v.6,  1901. 

Egle  was  an  authority  on  Pennsylvania  history,  one  of  the  editors  of  the  second 

series  of  the  "Pennsylvania  archives"  and  for  several  years  librarian  of  the  state  library. 

92  E473W 

Eliot,  George,  (pseud,  of  Mrs  Mary  Ann  (Evans)  Gross).  92  E4761e 

Letters  from  George  Eliot  to  Elma  Stuart,  1872-1880;  ed.  by  Roland 
Stuart.    1909.    Simpkin. 

Mrs  Stuart  began  her  friendship  with  George  Eliot  as  a  distant  worshipper  of  her 
art.  Her  heartfelt  homage  was  met  by  a  gentle  and  dignified  gratitude  deepening  into 
close  personal  attachment  which  pervades  all  these  letters,  the  last  of  which  was  written 
four  days  before  George  Eliot's  death.  They  are  a  real  addition  to  the  literature  that 
has  gathered  around  her  name. 

92  E476r 

.tDjin  KB•^K^^  n'o^Tn  nns'-n  ,t21^^K  Jlt^J?^ 

92  R777r 

Elizabeth,  queen  of  England.  92  E485m 

Mumby,  Frank  Arthur.  Girlhood  of  Queen  Elizabeth;  a  narrative 
in  contemporary  letters,  with  an  introduction  by  R.  S.  Rait.  1909. 

"List  of  printed  works  and  manuscript  collections  from  which  letters  have  been 
selected,"  p. 9-10. 

Illustrates  the  dangers  and  hardships  which  surrounded  Elizabeth  up  to  the  time 
of  her  accession  (1559)  and  shows  the  relations  between  Henry  VIII,  Elizabeth,  Mary 
and  Edward  VI. 

Mr  Mumby  has  modernized  the  spielling  in  the  letters  in  order  to  reach  as  large  a 
public  as  possible.  Apart  from  the  more  serious  value  of  the  book,  it  shows  in  a  most 
interesting  way  the  elements  which  helped,  in  her  girlhood,  to  mold  Elizabeth's  charac- 

Elizabeth,  queen  of  England.  J92  E485t 

Tappan,  Eva  March.     In  the  days  of  Queen  Elizabeth.     1902.     Lee. 

In  story  form  gives  a  life  of  the  famous  English  sovereign  who  "guided  the  ship 

of  state  with  most  consummate  skill  in  its  perilous  passage  through  the  troubled  waters 

of  the  latter  half  of  the  sixteenth  century."     Illustrations  from  famous  paintings. 

Elizabeth  Charlotte,  duchesse  d'Orleans.  92  E485ib 

Barine,  Arvede,  (pseud,  of  Mme  Charles  Vincens),    Madame,  mother 

of  the  regent,  1652-1722;  tr.  by  Jeanne  Mairet  (Madame  Charles  Bigot). 

1909.    Putnam. 

Life  of  Elizabeth  Charlotte  of  Bavaria,  second  wife  of  Monsieur  Due  d'Orleans,  the 

younger  brother  of  Louis  XIV.     The  record  of  her  years  in  France  is  full  of  dramatic 



Elizabeth  Stuart,  queen  of  Bohemia.  92  E4853g 

Green,  Mrs  Mary  Anne  Everett  (Wood).  Elizabeth,  electress  Pala- 
tine and  queen  of  Bohemia;  revised  by  S.  C.  Lomas,  with  a  prefatory 
note  by  A.  W.  Ward.     [1909.]     Methuen. 

"Documents,  books  and  pamphlets  consulted  for  this  work,"  p.29-36. 

First  published  in  1855. 

Elizabeth  Stuart,  daughter  of  James  I,  sister  of  Charles  I,  wife  of  Frederick,  elector 
Palatine  and  king  of  Bohemia,  is  one  of  the  most  interesting  fignires  of  the  early  17th 
century.  This  new  edition  of  her  life,  which  first  appeared  in  Mrs  Green's  "Lives  of 
the  princesses  of  England,"  has  been  thoroughly  revised  and  supplied  with  notes  and 

Elson,  Louis  Charles.  92  E5562 

European  reminiscences,  musical  and  otherwise;  being  the  recollec- 
tions of  the  vacation  tours  of  a  musician  in  various  countries.  1896. 

Largely  collated  from  letters  sent  to  American  newspapers  during  the  years  of  his 
foreign  travel.     The  chief  interest  is  musical. 

Emerson,  Ralph  Waldo.  92  E586J 

Journals  of  Ralph  Waldo  Emerson,  with  annotations;  ed.  by  E.  W. 
Emerson  and  W.E.Forbes,     v.  1-6.     1909-11.     Houghton. 

V.I.      1820-1824. 

V.2.       1 824-1  832. 

V-3-      1833-1835. 

V.4.    1836-1838. 

v.s.     1838-1841. 

V.6.     1 841-1844. 

Emerson,  as  a  boy,  kept  a  journal  and  held  to  the  habit  as  long  as  his  powers  re- 
mained. The  journals,  covering  more  than  half  a  century,  constitute  a  remarkable  auto- 
biography of  a  mind,  and  it  was  these  daily  entries  that  he  drew  upon  for  the  raw 
material  of  his  lectures. 

Emerson,  Ralph  Waldo,  &  Furness,  W.  H.  92  E586r 

Records  of  a  lifelong  friendship,  1807-1882,  Ralph  Waldo  Emerson 

and  William  Henry  Furness;  ed.  by  H.  H.  F[tjrness].    1910.    Houghton. 

Furness  (1802-96),  whose  friendship  with  Emerson  dated  from  childhood,  was  a 
Unitarian  clergyman,  for  50  years  minister  of  the  First  Unitarian  Church  in  Philadel- 
phia. This  correspondence,  covering  the  years  from  1837  to  1875,  is  full  of  affection 
and  mutual  recognition.  A  poem  entitled  "Fortus"  is  included,  written  by  Emerson, 
aged  ten,  and  illustrated  by  Furness,  aged  eleven. 

Emerson,  Ralph  Waldo.  92  E586W 

Woodberry,  George  Edward.     Ralph  Waldo  Emerson.     1907.     Mac- 

millan.     (English  men  of  letters.) 

"Naturally  in  dealing  with  such  an  author  as  Emerson  the  critical  chapters  rather 
overbalance  the  narrative,  but  by  no  means  the  least  satisfactory  portion... is  that  which 
deals  with  the  boyhood  of  Emerson  and  his  life  in  Concord."    Nation,  1907. 

Emmet,  Thomas  Addis,  h.  1828.  qr92  £5946 

Incidents  of  my  life;  professional,  literary,  social,  with  services  in 

the  cause  of  Ireland.     191 1.    Putnam. 

"Chief  contributions  to  medical  literature,"  p.460-463. 

Writer  is  (1911)  a  New  York  physician,  grandson  of  Thomas  A.  Emmet,  the  lawyer 

and  politician,  and  gn'and-nephew  of  Robert  Emmet,  the  Irish  patriot  and  orator. 

£otv5s,  Jozsef,  har6.  92  E679 

Levelek,  es  filetrajz  [irta  Voinovich  Geza].  1903.  (Osszes  munkai, 


Eotvos,  Jozsef,  bdrS.  92  Edygv 

Voinovich,  Geza,    B.  Eotvos  Jozsef.    1904. 

"Eotvos-irodalom,"  p.103— io8. 

The  same.  1903,  (In  Eotvos,  Jozsef,  bar6.  Levelek,  es  filetrajz, 
p.195-306.) 92  E679 

"Eotvos-irodalom,"  p.299— 304. 

£pinay,  Mme  Louise  Florence  Petronille  Tardieu  92  E694 

(d'Esclavelles)  de  la  Live  d'. 
Memoirs  and  correspondence;  tr.  with  introduction  and  brief  notes 
by  J.  H.  Freese.    3v.     1899.     Nichols. 

"Bibliography,"  v.i,  p.45-46. 

The  same.    3v.    1903.    Merrill.    (Courtiers  and  favourites  of 
royalty) r92  E694 

"Bibliography,"  v.i,  p.4S— 46. 

Mme  d'fipinay  (1726-83)  was  a  French  author,  the  friend  of  Diderot,  d'Alembert, 
Rousseau  and  Grimm. 

"There  is  no  book  which  better  describes  the  society  and  manners  of  the  i8th  cen- 
tury."    Translated  from  Sainte-Beuve's  Causeries  du  lundi. 

Erasmus,  Desiderius.  92  Eyia 

Epistles,  from  his  earliest  letters  to  his  Sist  year,  arranged  in  order 
of  time;  English  translations  from  the  early  correspondence,  with  a 
commentary  confirming  the  chronological  arrangement  and  supplying 
further  biographical  matter,  by  F.  M.  Nichols.    2v.    1901-04.    Longmans. 

"It  is  not  likely  that  the  critical  work  here  attempted  by  Mr.  Nichols  will  be  done 
again  soon,  if  ever.  It  offers  an  indispensable  starting-point  for  every  future  study  of 
the  great  humanist."    Nation,  1905. 

Erasmus,  Desiderius.  92  E7120 

Opus  epistolarum  Des.  Erasmi  Roterodami;  denuo  recognitum  et 
auctum  per  P.  S.  Allen,    v.1-2.    1906-10.    Clarendon  Press. 

V.I.     1484-1514. 

V.2.       1514-17. 

Erasmus,  Desiderius.  92  E712C 

Capey,  Ernest  F.  H.  Erasmus.  1905.  Methuen.  ,  (Oxford  biogra- 

"Bibliography,"   p.  196-220. 

"A  modest  compendious  view  of  the  great  humanist's  career  —  It  is  eminently 
candid  in  tone,  keeps  the  chronology  well  in  hand,  epitomizes  the  'Praise  of  Folly,' 
quotes  freely  from  the  'Colloquies'  and  from  other  writings  (including  the  correspond- 
ence), and  fairly  sets  forth  the  claims  of  Erasmus  to  distinction  and  admiration." 
Nation,  1903. 

Espinasse,  Julie  Jeanne  fileonore  de  1'.     See  Lespinasse,  Julie  Jeanne 

fileonore  de. 
Essex,'Thomas  Cromwell,  earl  of.  92  E846 

Life  and  letters  of  Thomas  Cromwell,  by  R.  B.  Merriman.  2v.  1902. 
Clarendon  Press. 

V.I.     Life. — Letters  to  1535. 

V.2.     Letters  from  1536. — Notes. 

"List  of  authorities,"  v.2,  p.313-318. 

Cromwell  (1485?-!  540)  was  an  English  statesman,  Henry  Vlll't  prime  agent  in 
effecting  the  reformation. 

"The  book  is  an  attempt  to  present  the  life  of  Thomas  Cromwell  as  a  statesman, 
and  to  estimate  his  work  without  relig^ious  bias."    Preface. 


Eugenie,  empress  of  the  French.  92  £92316 

Legge,  Edward.  Empress  Eugenie,  1870-1910;  Her  Majesty's  life 
since  "the  terrible  year,"  with  the  statement  of  her  case,  the  emperor's 
own  story  of  Sedan,  an  account  of  his  exile  and  last  days  and  reminis- 
cences of  the  prince  imperial,  from  authentic  sources.  1910.  Scribner. 
Intimate  record  of  Napoleon  III,  the  empress  Eugenie  and  the  prince  imperial. 
Author  is  a  devoted  Bonapartist  and  a  champion  of  the  empress.  He  writes  in  detail  of 
domestic  matters  at  Chislehurst  and  Farnborough  and  tells  some  good  stories. 

Eugenie,  empress  of  the  French.  92  E923I 

Loliee,  Frederic.  Z  zycia  Cesarzowej  Eugenii;  z  francuskiego  prze- 
Jozyla  Z.  N.    1909. 

Eugenie,  empress  of  the  French.  92  E923S 

Sergeant,  Philip  Walsingham.  Last  empress  of  the  French;  being 
the  life  of  the  empress  Eugenie,  wife  of  Napoleon  III.  [1907.]  Lip- 

"Though  Mr.  Sergeant  exhibits  no  marked  distinction  of  thought  or  style,  he  has 
succeeded  better  than  his  predecessors ...  He  writes  in  a  plain,  simple  style,  and  steers 
an  even  keel  between  frankness  and  reserve.  The  personal  charm  of  the  third  Na- 
poleon's consort,  the  tenderness  and  impetuosity,  the  frivolity  and  courage,  are  well 
brought  out."     Outlook  (London),  1907. 

Contains  portraits  and  other  illustrations. 

Evans,  Mary  Ann.    See  Eliot,  George,  pseud. 

Evans,  Robley  Dunglison.  92  £9483 

An  admiral's  log;  continued  recollections  of  naval  life.  1910.  Ap- 

Sequel  to  "A  sailor's  log." 

"Genial  narrative,  full  of  interesting  anecdote  dealing  with  the  protective,  diplo- 
matic and  social  duties  which  occupy  a  navy  in  times  of  peace  and  describing  Admiral 
Evans'  most  important  assignments  during  the  period  from  1899... to  1908,  when  he 
retired  from  service.  Includes  a  sojourn  in  the  Philippines,  a  visit  to  Peking  while 
occupied  by  the  allies,  the  escort  of  Prince  Henry's  party  and  the  first  stage  of  the 
Pacific  cruise."     A.  L.  A.  booklist,  igio. 

Evens,  William.  qr92  E954m 

Mellor,  Charles  Chauncey.  Sketch  of  the  life  of  William  Evens. 
1906.     [Pittsburgh.] 

Manuscript  copy. 

Ewing,  Alexander,  bp.  92  E9742r 

Ross,  Alexander  Johnstone.  Memoir  of  Alexander  Ewing,  bishop  of 
Argyll  and  the  Isles.    1879.    Paul. 

"His  life  was  not  eventful,  yet  Mr.  Ross  has  contrived  to  give  an  interesting  and 
touching  picture  of  the  noble-hearted  man  who  devoted  his  life  and  his  fortune  to  the 
improvement  of  the  Western  Highlands."    Athencnttn,  1877. 

Eyck,  Hubert  van.    See  Artists,  p.1414.  « 

Eyck,  Jan  van.    See  Artists,  p.1414. 

Eyth,  Maximilian  Fr.  E.  von.  92  E9952h 

Hinter  pflug  und  schraubstock;  skizzen  aus  dem  taschenbuch  eines 

Reminiscences  of  a  German  engineer  and  author  (b.  1836).  In  1861  he  became  en- 
gineer in  Fowler's  manufactory  of  agricultural  implements  at  Leeds,  for  which  firm  he 
traveled  abroad  extensively.  He  was  chief  engineer  of  Halim  Pasha  from  1863  to  1866, 
during  which  time  the  steam  plow  was  introduced  into  Egypt. 


Eyth,  Maximilian  Fr.  E.  von.  92  Eggsa 

Im  Strom  unserer  zeit;  aus  brief  en  eines  ingenieurs.     3v.     1903-09. 

V.I.     Lehrjahre. 

V.2.     Wanderjahre. 

V.3.     Meisterjahre. 

Vierte  auflage  des  "Wanderbuchs  eines  ingenieurs." 

Falkland,  Lucius  Cary,  viscount.  92  Figam 

Marriott,  John  Arthur  Ransome.  Life  and  times  of  Lucius  Cary, 
viscount  Falkland.     [1907.]     Methuen. 

"Bibliographical  note,"  p.341-343. 

Falkland  (i6io?-43)  was  an  English  politician  and  writer,  member  of  Parliament, 
and  secretary  of  state  in  1642.  At  the  outbreak  of  the  civil  war  he  joined  the  King^s 
party  and  was  killed  at  the  battle  of  Newbury. 

Industrious  and  sympathetic  analysis  of  Falkland,  of  his  character  and  of  the  part 
he  played.  Mr  Marriott's  verdict  is  that  Falkland  was  "one  of  the  greatest  men  of  the 
17th  century."    Condensed  from  Athenceum,  1907. 

Father  Damien.     See  Damien  de  Veuster,  Father  Joseph. 

Father  Mathew.    See  Mathew,  Theobald. 

Feam,  Mrs  Frances  (Hewitt),  ed.  92  Fsiaf 

Diary  of  a  refugee.    1910.    Moffat. 

"Diary  of  a  planter's  wife  who  fled  from  a  plantation  on  Bayou  Lafourche, 
when  New  Orleans  was  taken  by  the  federal  forces,  and  went  to  France  by  way  of 
Texas,  Mexico  and  Cuba.  The  narrative  loses  by  reason  of  obvious  interpolations  by 
another  hand,  and  while  of  interest  and  some  value  as  a  picture  of  the  times  is  inferior 
to  many  other  Civil  War  memoirs."    A.  L.  A.  booklist,  igit. 

Felix,  filisa  Rachel.    See  Rachel,  filisa  Felix,  called. 

Fenelon,  Frangois,  abp.  of  Cambray.  92  F356sa 

St.  Cyres,  Stafford  Harry  Northcote,  viscount.  Francois  de  Fenelon. 
1901.    Methuen. 

"Chronological  table  of  the  principal  events  in  Fenelon's  life,"  P.303-30S. 

"List  of  the  more  important  books  dealing  with  Fenelon,"  p.307-308. 

Fenelon  (1651-1715)  was  a  French  archbishop,  orator  and  author. 

"Follows  Fenelon  from  youth  to  age,  not  only  in  the  incidents  of  his  life,  but  still 
more  in  his  mental  and  spiritual  history.  Always  it  is  the  work  of  a  trained  thinker, 
intelligent,  tolerant,  not  wanting  in  delicate  insight,  and  so  abounding  in  felicities  of 
description  and  characterization  as  to  make  the  reading  a  constant  delight."  Atlantic 
monthly,  1902. 

Fenelon,  Francois,  abp.  of  Cambray.  92  F3568 

Sanders,  Ella  K.     Fenelon,  his  friends  and  his  enemies,  1651-1715. 

1901.     Longmans. 

Impartial  sketch  of  his  career,  with  a  detailed  account  of  the  religious  controversies 

in  which  he  took  part.     Includes  chapters  on  Mme  de  Maintenon,  Mme  Guyon  and  the 

duke  of  Burgundy. 

Fergfuson,  James.  92  F387 

Life,  in  a  brief  autobiographical  account,  and  further  extended  mem- 
oir, with  numerous  notes  and  illustrative  engravings  by  Ebenezer  Hen- 
derson.    1870.    FuUarton. 

First  published  in  1867. 

English  astronomer  (1710-76).  The  autobiography  extends  to  1743.  The  memoir 
is  chiefly  devoted  to  an  account  of  his  experiments  and  inventions. 


Ferguson,  William.  Tg2  FsSSa 

Alexander,  Charles  Beatty.  Major  William  Ferguson,  member  of 
the  American  Philosophical  Society,  officer  in  the  army  of  the  Revolu- 
tion and  in  the  army  of  the  United  States.    1908.     [Trow  Press.] 

Ferguson  (i7S3?-9i)  served  in  a  Pennsylvania  regiment  during  tlie  Revolution. 
The  book  gives  a  brief  record  of  his  military  services,  little  being  known  of  his  private 

Ferrer  Guardia,  Francisco.  92  F4i8a 

Archer,  William.  Life,  trial  and  death  of  Francisco  Ferrer.  191 1. 

"Impartial  account  of  the  events  which  culminated  in  the  tragedy. .  .The  author 
condemns  the  policy  pursued  by  Church  and  State,  and  betrays  in  so  doing  a  certain 
measure  of  sympathy  with  the  unfortunate  reformer,  though  he  does  not  in  the  slightest 
let  this  obscure  his  judgment.  The  points  for  both  sides  are  marshalled  and  discussed 
with  true  judicial  balance. .  .and  his  outline  of  the  trial  is  a  keen  study  of  Spanish  juris- 
prudence  The  twenty  illustrations  add  greatly  to  the  value  of  the  book."     Outlook 

(London),  1911. 

Fersen,  Axel,  grefve.  92  F425 

Diary  and  correspondence  relating  to  the  court  of  France;  tr.  by 
K.  P.  Wormeley.     1902.     Hardy. 

The  author  was  in  France  at  the  time  of  the  revolution  and  aided  the  royal  family 
in  their  flight  to  Varennes. 

"There  is  no  figure  so  noble  in  the  court  of  the  last  days  of  old  France  as  the 
young  Swede,  in  describing  whom  the  much  misused  word  'chivalrous'  in  its  best  mean- 
ing is  instinctively  used."    Atlantic  monthly,  1902. 

Fessenden,  William  Pitt.  92  F429f 

Fessenden,  Francis.  Life  and  public  services  of  William  Pitt  Fes- 
senden, United  States  senator  from  Maine,  1854-1864,  secretary  of  the 
treasury,  1864-1865,  United  States  senator  from  Maine,  1865-1869.  2v. 
1907.    Houghton. 

Fessenden  (1806-69)  was  one  of  the  leaders  of  the  Republican  party  through  the 
antislavery  struggle,  the  Civil  war  and  reconstruction.  The  records  of  these  events  are 
found  only  in  part  in  these  volumes,  but  what  is  lacking  in  the  way  of  history  is  more 
than  made  good  by  private  letters  and  memoranda  of  the  senator,  giving  us  his  inmost 
thoughts  at  critical  periods  and  portraying  his  personality  as  no  other  hand  could  do. 
The  arrangement  of  the  matter  is  defective,  but  the  matter  itself  is  of  the  first  class. 
Condensed  from  Nation,  190S. 

Fielding,  Henry.  92  F46ig 

Godden,  G.  M.  Henry  Fielding;  a  memoir  including  newly  dis- 
covered letters  and  records,  with  illustrations  from  contemporary 
prints.     1910.    Low. 

"Bibliography,"  p.317-318. 

English  novelist  (1707-54). 

"New  material  alone  could  justify  any  attempt  to  supplement  the  Fielding  of  Mr. 
Austin  Dobson.  Such  material  has  now  come  to  light,  and  together  with  reliable  facts 
collected  by  previous  biographers,  forms  the  subject  matter  of  the  present  volume.  As 
these  pages  are  concerned  with  Fielding  the  man ...  literary  criticism  has  been  avoided." 

Fielding,  Henry.  92  F461I 

Lawrence,  Frederick.  Life  of  Henry  Fielding,  with  notices  of  his 
writings,  his  times  and  his  contemporaries.     1855.    Hall. 

"List  of  Fielding's  works,"  p.375-377. 

"This  is  an  exceedingly  painstaking  book,  and  constitutes  the  first  serious  attempt 
at  a  biography."    Dobson's  Fielding. 


Fisk,  Pliny.  rga  Fsagb 

Bond,  Alvan.  Memoir  of  the  Rev.  Pliny  Fisk,  late  missionary  to 
Palestine.     1828.     Crocker. 

Fisk  (1792-1825)  was  an  American  missionary,  appointed  by  the  American  board 
to  the  Palestine  mission  in  1818.  After  traveling  extensively  in  Greece,  Egypt,  Pales- 
tine and  Syria,  he  joined,  in  1825,  the  mission  established  at  Beirut  and  died  there  of 
fever  shortly  afterward. 

Fitch,  John,  1743-98.  r92  F552W 

Westcott,  Thompson.  Life  of  John  Fitch,  the  inventor  of  the 
steam-boat.     1857.     Lippincott. 

"That  John  Fitch  made  successful  experiments  in  steam-navigation  twenty-one 
years  before  Fulton's  boat  on  the  Hudson  astonished  the  world  is  beyond  a  doubt... 
Many  of  his  personal  adventures  are  stranger  than  most  fiction,  while  the  details  with 
reference  to  the  early  history  of  steam-navigation  are  copious,  and  bear  all  the  marks  of 
diligent  and  thorough  research."     North  American  review,  185S. 

Fitch,  Sir  Joshua  Girling.  92  F552I 

Lilley,  Alfred  Leslie.  Sir  Joshua  Fitch;  an  account  of  his  life  and 
work.     1906.    Arnold. 

"Bibliography,"  p.2s6-2s8. 

"His  life  [1824-1903]  was  spent  in  the  great  work  of  re-organising  public  education 
in  England.  In  that  work  he  became  known,  not  only  for  a  complete  mastery  of  his 
subject,  but  for  singular  tact  and  judgment  in  the  expression  of  his  views."  Contempo- 
rary review,  1903. 

FitzSimons,  Thomas.  r92  F586g 

Griffin,    Martin    Ignatius    Joseph.      Thomas    FitzSimons,    Pennsyl- 
vania's Catholic  signer  of  the  constitution  of  the  United  States;  read 
before  the  American  Catholic  Historical  Society  of  Philadelphia,  Sept. 
15,  1887.     1887.    Amer.  Catholic  Historical  Researches. 
Flaubert,  Gustave.  rF6i9c 

Selected  correspondence,  with  an  intimate  study  of  the  author  by 
Caroline  Commanville.  1904.  Dunne.  (In  his  Complete  works, 
Fletcher,  Mrs  Eliza  (Dawson).  92  F6342 

Autobiography,  with  letters  and  other  family  memorials;  ed.  by  the 
survivor  of  her  family  [M.  F.  Richardson].     1876.     Roberts. 

Mrs  Fletcher  (1770-1858)  related  these  incidents  of  her  Yorkshire  and  Scottish 
life  for  her  family  and  friends. 

"Those  persons  who  love  to  study  social  history  will  find  ample  opportunity  in 
this  Autobiography,  full,  as  it  is,  of  healthy  reading,  amusing  details,  incidents,  cor- 
respondence and  conversations,  with  the  occasional  appearance  of  persons  who  are  fore- 
most in  the  world  of  intellect.  It  is  emphatically  a  charming  book,  about  a  most  love- 
able  woman."    Athenaum,  1875. 

Flint,  Timothy.  92  F647k 

Kirkpatrick,  John  Ervin.  Timothy  Flint,  pioneer,  missionary,  author, 
editor,  1780-1840;  the  story  of  his  life  among  the  pioneers  and  frontiers- 
men in  the  Ohio  and  Mississippi  valley  and  in  New  England  and  the 
South.     191 1.    Clark. 

"Bibliography,"  p.305-318. 
Flower,  Sir  William  Henry.  92  F672I 

Lydekker,  Richard.  Sir  William  Flower.  1906.  Dent.  (English 
men  of  science.) 

"List  of  the  more  important  scientific  publications  of  Sir  William  Flower," 

Deals  with  the  scientific  side  of  the  career  of  the  English  zoologist  and  anthropolo- 
gist (1831-99). 


Fljmt,  Josiah,  {pseud,  of  Frank  Willard).  92  F679 

My  life,  with  an  introduction  by  Arthur  Symons.    1908.    Outing. 

The  story  of  his  life  told  by  himself,  the  account  of  his  last  days  being  supplied  by 
a  friend.  Though  of  gentk  birth,  he  was  early  attracted  to  the  life  of  a  tramp  and 
tramped  over  this  country  and  Europe,  writing,  under  the  name  of  Josiah  Flynt,  of  his 
experiences  on  the  road. 

Foley,  John  Henry.    See  Artists,  p.  1361. 

Fontane,  Theodor.  92  F739 

Meine  kinderjahre;  autobiographischer  roman.     1908. 

Fontane,  Theodor.  92  F739V 

Von  20  bis  30;  autobiographisches.    1898. 

Foote,  Samuel.  r92  F748C 

Cooke,  William.    Memoirs  of  Samuel  Foote,  with  a  collection  of  his 

genuine  bon-mots,  anecdotes,  opinions,  &c.,  mostly  original,  and  three 

of  his  dramatic  pieces.     2v.     1806.     Mesier. 

Foote  (1720-77)  was  an  English  actor  and  dramatist,  celebrated  in  his  day  as  a  wit. 
Many  anecdotes  concerning  him  are  to  be  found  among  theatrical  ana.  The  three 
dramatic  pieces  here  included  are  the  second  act  of  the  "Diversions  of  the  morning," 
the  "Trial  of  Samuel  Foote,  Esq."  and  an  "Occasional  prelude." 

Forbes,  Duncan.  92  L938b 

Burton,  John  Hill.  Lives  of  Simon,  lord  Lovat  and  Duncan  Forbes 
of  Culloden,  from  original  sources.     1847.     Chapman. 

Lord  Lovat  (i667?-i747)  sided  with  the  government  in  the  Jacobite  uprising  of 
171S,  but  with  the  rebels  in  1745-46.  He  was  captured  at  the  battle  of  Culloden,  tried 
for  treason  and  executed.  Forbes  (1685-1747)  was  a  Scottish  judge  and  a  warm  sup- 
porter of  the  government. 

"He  gives authorities  which  show  an  extent  of  research,  among  printed  and  un- 

printed  materials,  for  which...  we  were  not  prepared. .  .The  value  of  his  labours  can 
only  be  acknowledged  by  those  who,  by  having  studied  this  portion  of  our  history,  can 
estimate  the  skill  with  which  he  has  compressed  so  much  into  so  small  a  compass." 
North  British  review,  1847. 

Forbes,  Edward.  92  F752W 

Wilson,  George,  1818-59,  &  Geikie,  Sir  Archibald.  Memoir  of  Ed- 
ward Forbes.     1861.    Macmillan. 

"List  of  Professor  Forbes's  writings,"  P.S7S-583. 

English  naturalist  (1815-54). 

"Forbes  lived  an  unusually  full  life,  occupied  in  promoting  science  and  arousing  en- 
thusiasm and  awakening  intelligence  in  others.  To  almost  every  department  of  biology 
he  rendered  much  service... He  played  an  important  part  in  elevating  palaeontolog^y  to  a 
high  position  in  practical  geology,  and  in  elucidating  ancient  British  zoology."  Dic- 
tionary of  national  biography. 

Forbes,  Mrs  Elizabeth  Adela  (Armstrong).    See  Artists,  p.  1402. 

Forbes,  Stanhope  Alexander.    See  Artists,  p.1402. 

Forestier,  Francois  le.    See  Le  Forestier,  Francois. 

Forrest,  Edwin.  qr92  F78ib 

Barrett,  Lawrence.  Edwin  Forrest.  1882.  Osgood.  (American  ac- 
tor series.) 

Short  biography  of  the  famous  American  tragedian  (1806-72)  by  another  distin- 
guished actor. 


Forster,  William  Edward.  92  F787r 

Reid,  Sir  Thomas  Wemyss.    Life  of  William  Edward  Forster.     1889. 


The  author  of  this  biography  of  the  English  statesman   (1818-86)   was  a  personal 

friend  who  was  also  familiar  with  the  political  affairs  of  the  time.     He  has  made  large 

use  of  Mr  Forster's  letters. 

Fortuny  y  Carbo,  Mariano  Jose  Maria  Bernardo.  92  F794d 

Davillier,  Jean  Charles,  baron.     Life  of  Fortuny,  with  his  works  and 

correspondence;  from  the  French,  with  notes  and  reminiscences  by  a 

friend.     1885.     Porter. 

"Fortuny  [i838?-74]  was  one  of  the  most  artistic  of  modern  artists;  a  painter  and 
etcher  who,  whatever  the  final  judgment  of  his  brother  artists  upon  his  work  may  prove 
to  be,  is  certain  never  to  be  ignored  by  them... A  number  of  his  letters,  and  a  brief 
and  sympathetic  discussion  of  his  merits  are  contained  in  this  book."  Sturgis  and 
Krehbiel's  Annotated  bibliography  of  fine  art. 

Foscari,  Francesco.  92  M761W 

Wiel,  Mrs  Alethea  Jane  (Lawley).  Two  doges  of  Venice;  a  slight 
sketch  of  the  lives  and  times  of  Tomaso  Mocenigo  and  Francesco 
Foscari.     1891.    Chiswick  Press. 

Mocenigo  was  doge  of  Venice  from  141 4  to  1423,  and  Foscari,  from  1423  to  1457. 
They  were  politically  at  variance,  the  former  endeavoring  to  maintain  the  position  of 
Venice  by  a  policy  of  peace,  the  latter  standing  for  an  aggressive  policy. 

Foscolo,  Ugo.  92  F797 

Epistolario;  raccolto  e  ordinato  da  F.  S.  Orlandini  e  da  E.Mayer. 
3v.  in  I.    1892.    (Opere,  v.6-8.) 

Foster,  John  Watson.  92  F8173 

Diplomatic  memoirs.    2v.    1909.     Houghton. 

These  volumes  contain  a  personal  record  and  are  to  be  clearly  differentiated  from 
his  three  earlier  works  dealing  with  diplomatic  subjects.  His  long  career  in  the  Amer- 
ican diplomatic  service  affords  him  a  large  fund  of  material  upon  which  to  draw.  He 
has  served  as  minister  to  Mexico,  to  Russia  and  to  Spain;  he  was  prominent  in  the 
Bering  sea  arbitration,  the  Alaskan  boundary  dispute  and  the  Hague  peace  conference, 
and  upheld  China's  interests  in  the  peace  negotiations  with  Japan. 

Foster,  Myles  Birket.  92  F8172C 

Cundall,  Herbert  Minton.     Birket  Foster.     1906.     Black. 

"List  of  the  principal  books  illustrated  by  Birket  Foster,"  p.193-198. 

"The  art  of  Birket  Foster  [1825-99]  makes  only  a  limited  appeal  to  modern  taste. 
It  is  somewhat  smug  and  conventional;  it  is  essentially  mid- Victorian  in  its  influence, 
and  yet  there  is  a  quiet  pastoral  charm  about  his  work  which  will  insure  it  a  permanent 
place  in  the  English  school  of  landscape-painters  and  illustrators  of  the  later  half  of 
the  nineteenth  century."     Outlook  (London),  1907. 

Illustrated  in  color. 

Fox,  Charles  James.  92  F851I 

Landor,  Walter  Savage.  Charles  James  Fox;  a  commentary  on  his 
life  and  character;  ed.  by  Stephen  Wheeler.     1907.     Murray. 

This  book  was  printed  in  181 2,  but  has  never  before  been  published,  as  the  an- 
tagonistic tone  it  assumed  toward  Fox  made  it  inadvisable  to  bring  it  out  at  the  time. 
It  is  a  commentary  on  John  Bernard  Trotter's  "Memoirs  of  Charles  James  Fox,"  which 
appeared  in  181 1. 

"As  an  historical  estimate  of  Fox  the  book  is  too  polemical  to  have  much  value, 
but  the  style  has  a  rare  energy  and  color."    Nation,  1907. 

Fra  Angelico.    See  Artists,  p.  1409. 


France,  Anatole,  {pseud,  of  Jacques  Anatole  Thibault).  92  F86ib 

Brandes,  Georg  Moritz  Cohen.     Anatole  France.     1908.     McClure. 

(Contemporary  men  of  letters  series.) 

Review  of  his  writings  and  sketch  of  his  personality. 

Francis  of  Assisi,  St.  92  F866b 

Bailly,  Auguste.  The  divine  minstrels;  a  narrative  of  the  life  of 
Saint  Francis  of  Assisi  with  his  companions;  tr.  by  Ernest  Barnes. 
1909.    Warner. 

Francis  of  Assisi,  St.  92  F866d 

Dubois,  Leo  Louis.  Saint  Francis  of  Assisi,  social  reformer.  1906. 

"Sources  and  bibliography  on  St.  Francis  of  Assisi,"  p.21 9-250. 

Author,  who  is  a  Roman  Catholic,  in  describing  the  work  of  St.  Francis  points 
out  that  his  aim  was  to  reform  society  through  individual  virtue  and  not  by  attacking 
the  existing  religious  or  political  institutions. 

Francis  de  Sales,  St.  92  F8662S 

Stacpoole-Kenny,  Louise  M.  Francis  de  Sales;  a  study  of  the  gentle 
saint.    1909.    Washbourne. 

Francis  I  [Sforza],  duke  of  Milan.     See  Sforza,  Francesco  Alessandro, 

duke  of  Milan. 
Francis  Joseph  I,  emperor  of  Austria.  92  F867m 

Mahaffy,  R.  P.  Francis  Joseph  I;  his  life  and  times;  an  essay  in 
politics  (with  an  appendix  on  recent  events).    1908.    Duckworth. 

Summarizes  the  events  of  his  public  life  and  aims  to  pronounce  a  fair  judgment 
on  his  part  in  the  history  of  his  country.  Appendix  on  the  annexation  of  Bosnia  and 

Francis,  Sir  Philip.  92  F868p 

Parkes,  Joseph,  &  Merivale,  Herman,  Memoirs  of  Sir  Philip  Fran- 
cis, with  correspondence  and  journals;  commenced  by  the  late  Joseph 
Parkes,  completed  and  ed.  by  Herman  Merivale.  2v.  1867.  Long- 

Franklin,  Benjamin.  92  F879fr 

Vita  di  Beniamino  Franklin  scritta  da  se  medesimo;  nuovamente 
tradotta  dall'  edizione  di  Filadelfia  del  1868,  ricavata  per  la  prima  volta 
dal  manoscritto  dell'  autore  di  Pietro  Rotondi.     1907. 

Franklin,  Benjamin.  qr92  F879a  v.2-6 

American  Philosophical  Society.    Calendar  of  the  papers  of  Benja- 
min Franklin  in  the  library  of  the  American  Philosophical  Society;  ed. 
by  I.  M.  Hays.     sv.     1908.     (In  its  Record  of  the  celebration  of  the 
200th  anniversary  of  the  birth  of  Benjamin  Franklin,  v.2-6.) 
V.  1-2.     Letters  to  Benjamin  Franklin,  1730-82. 
V.3.     Letters   to    Benjamin    Franklin,    1783-90. — Letters    from   Benjamin    Franklin, 


V.4.  Letters  to  William  Temple  Franklin,  1775-90. — Miscellaneous  letters,  1643- 
181  o. — Appendix. 

v.S.     Index. 

Franklin,  Benjamin.  qr92  F879a 

American  Philosophical  Society.     Record  of  the  celebration  of  the 

200th  anniversary  of  the  birth  of  Benjamin  Franklin,  under  the  auspices 


Franklin,  Benjamin — continued.  qrga  F879a 

of  the  American  Philosophical  Society  for  Promoting  Useful  Knowl- 
edge, April  the  17th  to  April  the  20th,  A.  D.  1906.    6v.     1906-08. 

V.I.     Commemorative  addresses. 

v.2-6.  Calendar  of  the  papers  of  Benjamin  Franklin  in  the  library  of  the  American 
Philosophical  Society,  ed.  by  I.  M.  Hays. 

Franklin,  Benjamin.  r92  FSygfr 

Franklin  Bi-centennial  Committee,  Boston.  Two-hundredth  anni- 
versary of  the  birth  of  Benjamin  Franklin;  celebration  by  the  common- 
wealth of  Massachusetts  and  the  city  of  Boston  in  Symphony  hall, 
Boston,  Jan.  17,  1906.    1906. 

The  proceedings  of  the  celebration,  which  included  addresses  by  Gov.  Guild  of 
Massachusetts,  Henry  S.  Pritchett,  M.  Jusserand,  and  an  oration  on  "Our  debt  to 
Franklin"  by  Carroll  D.  Wright.     A  few  selections  from  Franklin's  writings  are  added. 

92  F879h 

.''  .8'  ,pimn 

Franklin,  Benjamin.  92  FSygha 

Hale,  Edward  Everett,  &  Hale,  E.  E.  jr.  Franklin  in  France,  from 
original  documents,  most  of  which  are  now  published  for  the  first  time. 
2v.    1888.    Roberts. 

v. I.     The  alliance. 

V.2.     The  treaty  of  peace  and  Franklin's  life  till  his  return. 

"In  1882  the  United  States  government  acquired... a  large  mass  of  hitherto  un- 
published documents  written  by  or  relating  to  Benjamin  Franklin,  which  had  been  be- 
queathed by  Franklin  to  his  son,  Wm.  Temple  Franklin.  From  these  papers  Mr.  Hale, 
assisted  by  his  son,  has  compiled  an  account  of  Franklin's  life  in  France  during  the 
nine  years  of  his  residence  there  (1776-85).  The  work  has  been  done  in  a  thoroughly 
impartial  and  scholarly  manner,  but  has  led  to  no  revision  of  past  judgments  regarding 
Franklin's  career  in  France,  except  in  some  minor  matters  of  detail."  Larned's  Litera- 
ture of  American  history. 

Franklin,  Benjamin.  92  FSygmi 

Mignet,  Francois  Auguste  Marie.  Franklin  elete;  francziabol 
forditotta  de  Gerando  Attila.     1874. 

Fraser,  Mrs  Hugh.  92  F886 

A  diplomatist's  wife  in  many  lands.  2v.  191 1.  Dodd. 
"The  daughter  of  Thomas  Crawford  the  sculptor,  the  sister  of  Marion  Crawford, 
a  kin  on  the  mother's  side  to  the  Wards  of  New  York  and  the  Howes  of  Boston,  allied 
by  marriage  with  gentlefolk  of  England  and  Germany,  Mrs.  Hugh  Fraser  has  had  a 
most  distingfuished  acquaintance.  As  a  diplomatist's  wife,  she  has  travelled  widely  and 
lived  in  many  lands.  She  gathers  up  not  merely  her  personal  reminiscences,  but  an 
enormous  amount  of  material  touched  only  by  report.  The  record  is  not  so  much  of  her 
life  as  of  her  interests.  A  certain  superciliousness  in  her  literary  manner  hardly  detracts 
from  the  charm  of  her  narrative."    Nation,  1911. 

Fraser,  James,  bp.  92  F887h 

Hughes,  Thomas.     James  Fraser,  second  bishop  of  Manchester;  a 

memoir,  1818-85.     1887.     Macmillan. 

Written   from   intimate  knowledge.     Bishop  Fraser  was  a  man  of  singular  charm 

and  openness  of  mind,  keenly  interested  in  all  the  social  and  educational  movements 

of  his  day.     Many  of  his  letters  are  included. 

Fraser,  Simon,  lord  Lovat.    See  Lovat,  Simon  Fraser,  lord. 


Frederica  Sophia  Wilhelmina,  margrdfin  von  Baireuth.  93  F894f 

Fester,  Richard.  Die  Bayreuther  schwester  Friedrichs  des  Grossen; 
ein  biographischer  versuch.     1902. 

Frederick  II,  emperor  of  Germany.  92  F89520 

Oliphant,  Thomas  Laurence  Kington.  History  of  Frederick  the 
Second,  emperor  of  the  Romans;  from  chronicles  and  documents  pub- 
lished within  the  last  10  years.    2v.    1862.    Macmillan. 

Frederick  the  Great.  92  FSgskos 

Koser,  Reinhold.    Friedrich  der  Grosse  als  kronprinz.    1901. 

Life  of  Frederick  the  Great  (1712-86)  to  his  accession  to  the  Prussian  throne  in 

Frederick  the  Great.  q92  F895ko 

Koser,  Reinhold.    Konig  Friedrich  der  Grosse.    2v.     1904-05. 

Life  of  Frederick  the  Great  from  his  accession  to  the  throne  of  Prussia  in   1740 

to  his  death  in  1786. 

"Greatest  modern  authority  on  Frederick."     Larned's  History  for  ready  reference. 

Frederick  the  Great.  r92  FSgst 

Thiebault,  Dieudonne.  Original  anecdotes  of  Frederick  the  Great, 
king  of  Prussia,  and  of  his  family,  his  court,  his  ministers,  his  academies 
and  his  literary  friends,  collected  during  a  familiar  intercourse  of  20 
years  with  that  prince;  tr.  from  the  French.    2v.     1806. 

Frelinghuysen,  Theodore.  92  FgiSc 

Chambers,  Talbot  Wilson.     Memoir  of  the  life  and  character  of  the 

late  Hon.  Theo.  Frelinghuysen.    1863.     Harper. 

Frelinghuysen  (1787-1862)  was  an  American  legislator  and  educator,  United  States 

senator,  chancellor  of  the  University  of  New  York  and  president  of  Rutgers  College. 

Fremont,  John  Charles.  92  F922U 

Upham,  Charles  Wentworth.    Life,  explorations  and  public  services 

of  John  Charles  Fremont.     1856.    Ticknor. 

At  the  time  of  its  publication  was  highly  regarded  and  widely  circulated,   and  is 

still  useful. 

Frenilly,  Auguste  Francois  Fauveau,  marquis  de.  92  F9292£ 

Recollections  of  baron  de  Frenilly,  peer  of  France  (1768-1828);  ed. 
with  an  introduction  and  notes  by  Arthur  Chuquet,  tr.  from  the  French 
by  Frederic  Lees.    1909.    Heinemann. 

"Frenilly ...  while  not  a  conspicuous  figure  in  the  history  of  the  Revolution,  was 
acquainted  with  those  who  were.  He  was  a  typical  product  of  the  privileged  class  of  the 
old  regime,  a  young  man-about-town  with  no  other  purpose  in  life  than  to  shine  in 
society.  His  'Recollections,'  which  were  begun  only  in  1837,  show  a  remarkably  keen 
memory,  particularly  for  small  but  picturesque  details,  but  they  are  so  deeply  dyed  in 
aristocratic  prejudice  that  he  would  be  a  bold  historian  who  would  be  willing  to  rest 
content  with  such  a  source  for  any  incident  which  it  recounts."    Nation,  1909. 

Friedenwald,  Aaron.  r92  F949 

Life,  letters  and  addresses,  by  his  son  Harry  Friedenwald.  1906. 
Privately  printed. 

"List  of  published  and  unpublished  writings,"  p.3S3-3s6. 

Aaron  Friedenwald  (i 836-1 902)  was  a  prominent  Jewish  physician  of  Baltimore,  a 
member  of  the  faculty  of  the  College  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons. 


Frothingham,  Octavius  Brooks.  92  F9718 

Stedman,  Edmund  Clarence.  Octavius  Brooks  Frothingham  and 
the  new  faith.     1876.     Putnam. 

Short,  appreciative  sketch. 

Frothingham  (1822-95)  was  a  Unitarian  minister  who  represented  the  most  radical 
branch  of  that  body.  He  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Free  Religious  Association  and 
finally  withdrew  from  connection  with  any  specific  church.  The  last  years  of  his  life 
were  spent  in  Boston,  where  he  devoted  himself  to  literary  work. 

Fuller,  Arthur  Buckminster.  92  Fg82£ 

Fuller,  Richard  Frederick.  Chaplain  Fuller;  being  a  life  sketch  of 
a  New  England  clergyman  and  army  chaplain.    1863.    Walker. 

Life  of  Arthur  Buckminster  Fuller  (1822-62),  a  Unitarian  minister  and  brother  of 
Margaret  Fuller.     He  was  chaplain  of  the   i6th  regiment  of  Massachusetts  volunteers 

and  was  killed  at  the  battle  of  Fredericksburg.  "•*' 

■  ■5-.; 

Fulton,  Robert.  r92  F986C 

Colden,  Cadwallader  David.  Life  of  Robert  Fulton;  read  before  the 
Literary  and  Philosophical  Society  of  New  York,  with  an  appendix 
[containing  documents].     1817.     Kirk. 

A  biography  of  considerable  leng^th  as  it  contains  material  not  read  before  the 
society.  The  author  was  a  personal  friend  of  Fulton  and  writes  chiefly  in  regard  to 
bis  inventions. 

Fulton,  Robert.  92  F986S 

Sutcliffe,  Mrs  Alice  (Crary).  Robert  Fulton  and  the  "Clermont;" 
the  authoritative  story  of  Robert  Fulton's  early  experiences,  persistent 
efforts  and  historic  achievements,  containing  many  of  Fulton's  hitherto 
unpublished  letters,  drawings  and  pictures.    1909.    Century. 

Furness,  William  Henry,  &  Emerson,  R.  W.  92  E586r 

Records  of  a  lifelong  friendship,  1807-1882,  Ralph  Waldo  Emerson 

and  William  Henry  Furness;  ed.  by  H.  H.  F[urness].    1910.    Houghton. 

Furness  (1802-96),  whose  friendship  with  Emerson  dated  from  childhood,  was  a 
Unitarian  clergyman,  for  50  years  minister  of  the  First  Unitarian  Church  in  Philadel- 
phia. This  correspondence,  covering  the  years  from  1837  to  1875,  is  full  of  affection 
and  mutual  recognition.  A  poem  entitled  "Fortus"  is  included,  written  by  Emerson, 
aged  ten,  and  illustrated  by  Furness,  aged  eleven. 

Gabryella,  pseud.    See  2michowska,  Narcyza. 

Galileo.  92  G147 

Private  life  of  Galileo;  comp.  principally  from  his  correspondence 
and  that  of  his  eldest  daughter.  Sister  Maria  Celeste.    1869.    Potter. 

Affords  very  interesting  glimpses  of  the  social  and  domestic  relations  of  Galileo,  in 
which  his  own  character  is  presented  in  the  most  favorable  light.  His  daughter's  letters 
are  so  many  pictures  of  convent  life  in  the  17th  century. 

Galileo.  92  Gi47fa 

Favaro,  Antonio.     Galileo  Galilei  e  lo  studio  di  Padova.    2v.     1883. 
"Scritti  e  document!  Galileiani,"  v.a,  p.460-471. 

Gait,  John.  ga  G158 

Autobiography.    2v.    1833.    Key. 


Gait,  John.  rga  Gi5ft 

Literary  life,  and  Miscellanies.    3v.    1834.    Blackwood. 

v.i.     Literary  life. 

\.2-3.     Miscellanies. 

Scottish  novelist  (.i779-iS39). 

"The  chief  authorities  for  Gait's  career  are  his  Autobiography  and  Literary  Life. 
But  both  works,  though  diffuse,  are  provoTdngly  deficient  in  dates  and  definiteness  of 
detail."     Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Galton,  Francis.  92  G159 

Memories  of  my  life.     [1908.]     Methuen. 

"Books  and  memoirs  by  the  author,"  p.325-331. 

Author,  born  in  1822,  is  an  English  anthropologist  and  traveler,  known  especially 
for  his  studies  of  heredity  and  his  discovery  of  the  method  of  personal  identification  by 
means  of  finger-print  impressions. 

"Those  who  are  interested  in  the  history  of  the  growth  of  science  in  this  country, 
and  in  the  men  who  participated  in  its  development,  will  thank  Dr  Galton  for  having 
provided  them  with  a  characteristic  account  of  his  own  life  and  of  his  relations  with 
three  generations  of  men  of  thought  and  action."    Nature,  igoS. 

Gambetta,  Leon  Michel.  92  Gi63g 

Gheusi,  Pierre  B.  Gambetta,  life  and  letters;  authorised  trans- 
lation by  V.  M.  Montagu.     1910.    Unwin. 

"These  letters  are  mostly  addressed  to  members  of  his  own  family — his  father,  mother, 
and  sister.  They  do  not  perhaps  throw  much  light  upon  the  history  of  the  time,  but 
they  reveal  the  deep  tenderness  of  an  affectionate  nature  which  never  failed  under  any 
trials Well  translated."    Saturday  review,  1910. 

Garfield,  James  Abram.  92  Gi84h 

Hoar,  George  Frisbie.    James  Abram  Garfield.    1882.    Houghton. 

Eulogy  delivered  in  Worcester,  Mass.  shortly  after  Garfield's  death. 

Garibaldi,  Gen.  Giuseppe.  92  GiSse 

Epistolario,  con  documenti  e  lettere  inedite  (1836-1882);  raccolto 
ed  annotato  da  E.  E.  Ximenes.    2v.  in  i.    1885. 

Garibaldi,  Gen.  Giuseppe.  92  Gi85n> 

Memorie  autobiografiche.    1888. 
Garibaldi,  Gen.  Giuseppe.  92  G185C 

Causa,  Cesare.  Giuseppe  Garibaldi;  storia  della  sua  vita,  narrata  al 
popolo.     [1910.] 

Garibaldi,  Gen.  Giuseppe.  q92  GiBsmar 

Mario,  Signora  Jessie  Merriton  (White).  Garibaldi  e  i  suoi  tempi. 
1907.     (Edizione  popolare  del  centenario.) 

Garibaldi,  Gen.  Giuseppe.  92  GiBsma 

Mario,  Signora  Jessie  Merriton  (White).  Vita  di  Giuseppe  Garibaldi. 
2v.  in  I.     1904. 

Garman,  Charles  Edward.  92  G1B7 

Letters,  lectures  and  addresses;  a  memorial  volume  prepared  with 
the  cooperation  of  the  class  of  1884,  Amherst  College,  by  E.  M.  Gar- 
man.     1909.    Houghton. 

Charles  E.  Garman  (1850-1907)  was  connected  for  25  years  with  the  faculty  of 
Amherst  College,  and  exercised  a  remarkable  influence  as  a  teacher  who  made  philosophy 
a  matter  of  vital  interest  to  young  men.  He  lifted  college  teaching  out  of  mechanical 
and  academic  routine,  and  passing  by  the  opportunity  to  publish  or  to  pursue  original 
investigation,  devoted  all  his  energies  to  being  an  inspiring  teacher.  Appendix  contains 
tributes  by  former  students  who  had  felt  his  charm  and  power. 


Garrett,  John.  rga  Gigsh 

Hayden,  Horace  Edwin.  Major  John  Garrett,  slain  July  3,  1778;  a 
forgotten  hero  of  the  massacre  of  Wyoming,  Pa.    1895. 

Appeared  in  the  "Harrisburg  telegraph,"  Oct.  24,  28,  1893. 
Includes  genealogical  notes  on  the  Garrett  family. 

Garrick,  David.  qrga  G194 

Private  correspondence  of  David  Garrick  with  the  most  celebrated 
persons  of  his  time;  now  first  published  from  the  originals  and  illus- 
trated with  notes  and  a  new  biographical  memoir  of  Garrick.  2v.  1835. 

Chief  authority  for  his  life. 

Garrick,  David.  92  G194 

Some    unpublished    correspondence;    ed.    by    G.   P.  Baker.      1907. 


Binder's  title  reads  "Letters  of  David  Garrick." 

Reproduces   some   40   letters   and   manuscripts,   which   although   interesting   do    not 

throw  much  new  light  on  the  actor's  disposition,  ability  or  career.     Many  portraits. 

Garrick,  David.  92  G194P 

Parsons,  Mrs  Florence  Mary.  Garrick  and  his  circle.  1906.  Put- 

"Some  works  consulted,"  p.  17-20. 

A  careful  study  of  the  period  derived  from  the  mass  of  existing  material.  Written 
with  excellent  taste  and  keen  judgment. 

"Invaluable  to  all  who  may  desire  to  acquaint  themselves  with  theatrical  and  social 
conditions  during  the  latter  half  of  the  eighteenth  century  in  England,  but  are  unable 
to  go  to  the  original  sources  of  information."     Nation,  1906. 

Garrison,  Wendell  Phillips.  92  G1952 

Letters  and  memorials.    1908.    Riverside  Press. 

Contents:  Letters. — Fortieth  anniversary  of  the  "Nation." — Poems. — Editorials  and 
essays. — The  new  Gulliver. 

"Wendell  Phillips  Garrison,"  p.3-11. 

Aim  of  this  small  selection  from  the  whole  body  of  his  work  is  to  exhibit  some  of 
the  principles  and  convictions,  the  editorial  methods  and  ideals,  the  tastes  and  interests 
of  the  man  who  for  over  40  years  (1865-1906)  was  literary  editor  of  the  New  York 

Garrison,  William  Lloyd.  92  G195SW 

Swift,  Lindsay.  William  Lloyd  Garrison.  191 1.  Jacobs.  (Amer- 
ican crisis  biographies.) 

"Bibliography,"  p.387-390. 

Sets  forth  in  brief  compass  and  in  an  orderly  manner  the  main  events  of  Garrison's 
career,  giving  enough  of  general  history  to  show  the  connection  and  enough  of  personal 
detail  to  show  the  man.  More  successfully  than  almost  any  other  historian  who  has 
dealt  with  the  abolition  movement,  Mr  Swift  has  outlined  the  moral  foundations  of 
Garrison's  course.     Condensed  from  Nation,  1911. 

Gaskell,  Mrs  Elizabeth  Cleghorn  (Stevenson).  92  G215C 

Chadwick,  Mrs  Esther  Alice.  Mrs  Gaskell;  haunts,  homes  and 
stories.     1910.    Pitman. 

"Bibliography,"  p.454-464. 

It  was  Mrs  Gaskell's  wish  that  her  biography  should  not  be  written,  hence  none  of 
her  letters  are  available  and  the  lack  of  them  is  felt  in  this  book,  which  is  partly  bio- 
graphical and  partly  critical  and  which  identifies  many  of  the  persons  and  scenes  of  her 
novels  with  actual  characters  and  incidents. 

Gathorne-Hardy,  Gathorne,  earl  of  Cranbrook.    See  Cranbrook,  Gathorne 
Gathorne-Hardy,  earl  of. 


Genast,  Eduard.  92  G2gz 

Aus  dem  tagebuche  eines  alten  schauspielers.    4v.  in  3.    1862-66. 
George  III,  king  of  England.  qr92  Gsiih 

Huish,  Robert.  Public  and  private  life  of  George  the  Third,  com- 
prising also  an  historical  memoir  of  the  house  of  Brunswick  from  its 
early  foundation  to  the  present  period  [1821].     1821.    Kelly. 

Anecdotal,  quasi-historical  account  by  an  obscure  English  writer.     Illustrated. 

George  IV,  king  of  England.  Tg2  G3112C 

Croly,  George.  Life  and  times  of  His  late  Majesty,  George  the 
Fourth,  with  anecdotes  of  distinguished  persons  of  the  last  50  years. 
1830.    Duncan. 

"A  work  of  no  historical  value,  but  creditable  to  his  [Croly's]  independence  of 
spirit."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

George  V ,  king  of  England.  92  Gsiiss- 

Smith,  Annie  A.  Our  sailor  king  [George  V,  king  of  England],  with 
preface  by  Sir  George  Birdwood.    1910.    Shaw. 

Popular  life  of  the  king  to  his  accession.    Illustrated. 

Geselschap,  Friedrich.    See  Artists,  p.  1404. 

Ghirleindajo,  Domenico.    See  Artists,  p. 1409. 

Ghislen  de  Busbecq,  Augier.    See  Busbecq,  Augier  Ghislen  de. 

Gibbon,  Edward.  92  GsGr 

Life,  with  selections  from  his  correspondence  and  illustrations  by 

H.  H.  Milman.     1839.     Murray. 

Contents:    Memoirs  of  my  life  and  writings. — Letters  from  Edward  Gibbon  to  Lord 

Sheffield. — Letters  from  Edward  Gibbon  to  Lord  Sheffield  and  others. 

Gibbon,  Edward.  92  G36ime 

Memoirs  written  by  himself,  and  a  selection  from  his  letters,  with 
occasional  notes  and  narrative  by  Lord  Sheffield;  ed.  by  Henry  Morley. 
1891.     Routledge. 

"Edward  Gibbon's  unfinished  Memoirs. .  .are  justly  regarded  as  one  of  the  best 
pieces  of  Autobiography  in  English  Literature.  Supplemented  by  his  nearest  surviving, 
friend,  with  an  account  of  his  death  and  a  selection  from  his  familiar  letters,  they  re- 
produce for  us  the  writer  of  the  'History  of  the  Decline  and  Fall  of  the  Roman  Em- 
pire.' "     Introduction. 

Gibson,  John,  1790-1866.    See  Artists,  p.1361. 

Giffard,  Martha  (Temple),  lady.  ga  G377 

Martha,  lady  Giffard,  her  life  and  correspondence  (1664-1722) ;  ed. 
by  J.  G.  Longe,  with  preface  by  [E.  A.]  Parry.     1911.    Allen. 

Lady  Giffard  was  the  sister  of  Sir  William  Temple,  lived  with  him,  accompanied 
him  in  his  diplomatic  missions  and  survived  him  for  some  years.  As  a  letter-writer  she 
does  not  shine  in  comparison  with  her  sister-in-law,  Dorothy  Osborne,  to  whose  "Letters" 
this  volume  is  in  a  sense  a  sequel,  but  her  letters  give  perhaps  a  wider  view  of  the 
domestic  and  courtly  life  of  the  time,  and  they  carry  on  the  story  of  Sir  William  Tem- 
ple's life  which  his  wife's  letters  begin. 

Gilbert,  Sir  William  Schwenck.  92  G384b^ 

Browne,  Edith  A.    W.  S.  Gilbert.    1907.    Lane.    (Stars  of  the  stage.) 

Contents:  The  genesis  of  an  impressionist  sketch. — The  nebulous  stage. — The  Bab 
ballads. — Gilbert  as  playwright. — Our  national  opera. — The  national  debt  to  W.  S.  Gil- 
bert —  List  of  the  Gilbert  and  Sullivan  operas.  —  The  O.  P.  Club  Savoyard  celebration. 


Gilbert,  Sir  William  Schwenck — continued.  92  G384b 

dinner,  toast  list  and  programme. — List  of  Savoyards  present  at  the  dinner. — The  plays 
of  W.  S.  Gilbert;  bibliography. 

Brief  biography  of  an  English  dramatist,  best  known  for  the  comic  operas  in  which 
he  collaborated  with  the  composer,  Sir  Arthur  Sullivan. 

Gilchrist,  Mrs  Anne  (Burrows).  92  G385 

Her  life  and  writings;  ed.  by  H.  H.  Gilchrist,  with  a  prefatory  notice 

by  W.  M.  Rossetti.     1887.    Unwin. 

This  life   of  the  English  authoress    (1828-85)    >s  largely  composed  of  letters  and 

anecdotes.     She  numbered  among  her  friends  and  correspondents  the  Carlyles,  the  Ros- 

settis,  Tennyson  and  W*lt  Whitman.    Two  essays  on  Whitman's  poetry  are  included. 

Gilman,  Daniel  Coit.  92  G42i£ 

Franklin,  Fabian.    Life  of  Daniel  Coit  Gilman.     1910.    Dodd. 

Mr  Gilman  (i  831-1908)  scored  more,  and  more  various,  successes  than  any  other 
man  who  ever  dealt  with  education  in  America.  Others  may  have  equaled  him  in  the 
quality  of  their  service,  but  none  conducted  so  many  important  enterprises  so  suc- 
cessfully. Deeply  associated  with  the  organization  of  the  Sheffield  Scientific  School 
at  New  Haven,  with  the  upbuilding  of  the  University  of  California,  the  foundation  of 
Johns  Hopkins  University,  and  of  its  Medical  School,  he  found  energy  at  seventy  to 
inaugurate  the  work  of  the  Carnegie  Institution,  and  in  the  last  year  of  his  life  he 
practically  gave  shape  to  the  Russell  Sage  Foundation  for  sociological  and  charitable 
investigation.  In  treating  such  a  career,  the  biographer  had  no  choice  but  to  merge 
the  hero  in  his  causes.  This  Dr  Franklin,  a  former  Johns  Hopkins  colleague,  has 
done,  adding  as  a  sort  of  supplement  a  selection  from  his  intimate  correspondence,  and 
a  brief  sketch  of  his  family  life  by  Mrs  Gilman.  Dr  Franklin  has  set  forth  with  admi- 
rable orderliness  and  lucidity  the  chief  activities  of  a  varied  and  complicated  life. 
Condensed  from  Nation,  igio. 

Gilman,  Daniel  Coit.  r92  G42Z} 

Johns  Hopkins  University.     Daniel  Coit  Gilman,  first  president  of 

the  Johns  Hopkins  University,  1876-1901.     1908.     (Circulars,  no.2li.) 
The  same.    1908.    (In  its  Circulars,  no.211.) qr378.7J35no.211 

Report  of  the  exercises  held  in  honor  of  his  memory,  Nov.  8,  1908.  Includes  ad- 
dresses by  President  Remsen,  James  Bryce  and  others,  and  a  biographical  sketch  by 
W.  C.  Gilman. 

Giorgione,  called  Barbarelli.    See  Artists,  p.1410. 

Giovanna  I,  queen  of  Naples.  92  G441S 

Steele,  Francesca  Maria.    The  beautiful  queen,  Joanna  I  of  Naples. 

1910.     Hutchinson. 

"Sources  of  information  and  books  consulted,"  p.337-338. 

Relates  entertainingly  the  stormy  life  of  Joanna  of  Naples,  who  came  to  the  throne 

in  1343.    A  more  favorable  interpretation  of  her  character  than  that  offered  by  some  of 

her  other  biographers. 

Girard,  Stephen.  r92  G445S 

Simpson,   Stephen.     Biography  of  Stephen   Girard,  with   his   will 

affixed;  comprising  an  account  of  his  private  life,  habits,  genius  and 

manners,  together  with  a  detailed  history  of  his  banking  and  financial 

operations.     1832.    Bonsai. 

Girard  (i  750-1 831)  was  an  American  merchant  and  philanthropist.    He  was  largely 

interested  in  the  first  United  States  bank  and  during  the  war  of  1812  was  the  chief 

financial  support  of  the  government 

Gislenius  Busbequius,  Augerius.    See  Busbecq,  Augier  Ghislen  de. 
Giulio  Romano.    See  Artists,  p.1410. 


Giusti,  Giuseppe.  92  64556 

Epistolario;  ordinate  da  Giovanni  Frassi  e  preceduto  dalla  vita 
deir  autore.    2v.    1903. 

Gladden,  Washington.  92  G457 

Recollections.     1909.    Houghton. 

"Books  by  Washington  Gladden,"  p.433-434- 

Story  of  his  long  career  as  editor,  preacher  and  social  reformer. 

Godkin,  Edwin  Lawrence.  92  G554 

Life  and  letters;  ed.  by  Rollo  Ogden.    2v.     igo%     Macmillan. 

Bibliography,   v. 2,   p.260-268. 

Godkin  (1831-1902)  was  an  American  journalist  and  political  writer,  born  in  Ire- 
land. In  1865  he  established  and  became  editor  of  the  "Nation."  He  was  one  of  the 
foremost  leader  writers  in  the  history  of  the  American  press  and  his  editorials  in  the 
"Nation"  from  the  first  influenced  the  best  thought  of  the  time. 

Goethe,  Frau  Catharina  Elisabetha  (Textor).  92  G5593 

Goethe's  mother;  correspondence  of  Catharine  Elizabeth  Goethe 
with  Goethe,  Lavater,  Wieland,  Duchess  Anna  Amalia  of  Saxe-Weimar, 
Friedrich  von  Stein  and  others;  tr.  from  the  German,  with  biographi- 
cal sketches  and  notes,  by  A.  S.  Gibbs,  with  an  introductory  note  by 
Clarence  Cook.     1880.    Dodd. 

In  his  life  of  Goethe,  Lewes  speaks  of  Goethe's  mother  as  "one  of  the  pleasantect 
figures  in  German  literature."  The  letters  are  natural  and  delightful,  full  of  pride  in 
her  famous  son,  warmth  of  affection  and  joyousness  of  spirit. 

Goethe,  Johann  Wolfgang  von.  92  G559d 

Diintzer,  Johann  Heinrich  Joseph.    Goethes  leben.     1883. 

"A  valuable  contribution.  But  it  will  not  supersede  Lewes's  book  [Life  and  works 
of  Goethe,  92  G559le] ;  it  will  be  read  with  it...  The  book  is  not  so  much  a  biog^raphy 
as  materials  for  a  biography.  Of  the  writer's  industry  in  collecting  and  verifying  his 
materials  it  is  impossible  to  speak  too  highly,  but  of  his  skill  in  arranging  them  it  is 
still  less  possible  to  speak  politely ...  The  other  stumbling-block  is  the  attitude  of  adora- 
tion Herr  Duntzer  assumes  toward  Goethe."     Saturday  review,  1884. 

Goethe,  Johann  Wolfgang  von.  92  G559du 

Diintzer,  Johann  Heinrich  Joseph.     Life  of  Goethe;  tr.  by  T.  W. 

Lyster.    1884.    Estes. 

"A  small  selection  from  the  works  of  most  importance  to  the  student  of  Goethe's 

biography,"  p.21-22. 

Goodrich,  Samuel  Griswold,  (pseud.  Peter  Parley).  92  G628P 

Peter  Parley's  own  story.     1864.     Sheldon. 

Gordon,  Leon.  92  G658r 

Rhine,  Abraham  Benedict.     Leon  Gordon;  an  appreciation.     1910. 

Jewish  Publication  Soc.  of  America. 
"Bibliography,"  p.  175-1 76. 
Gordon  (1831-92)  was  a  Russian  Hebrew  writer  and  poet. 

Gordon,  ^xV  Thomas  Edward.  92  G659 

A  varied  life;  a  record  of  military  and  civil  service,  of  sport  and  of 

travel  in  India,  Central  Asia  and  Persia,  1849-1902.     1906.     Murray. 

"Sport  and  military  service  take  up  a  large  part  of  this  book,  but  it  differs  from 
the  biographies  of  many  soldiers  in  the  fact  that  the  author's  long  life  in  the  East 
brought  him  into  personal  contact  with  five  Central  Asian  sovereigns."    Academy,  jgo6. 


Gordon-Ciimming,  Constance  Frederica.  See  Cununing,  Constance 
Frederica  Gordon-. 

[Gosse,  Edmund  William.]  92  G6g8g 

Father  and  son;  biographical  recollections.     1907.    Scribner. 

"Record  of  the  author's  childhood  and  youth  in  a  home  where  the  most  austere 
Puritanism  prevailed;  of  his  father,  a  scientist  of  distinction,  devoted  first  of  all  to  the 
religious  bringing  up  of  his  son.  Tells  of  the  development  of  the  boy's  individuality,^ 
and  the  final  break  between  father  and  son,  between  the  rigid  religion  of  the  past  and 
the  liberality  of  the  present,  which  sacrificed  neither  the  love  of  the  father  nor  the 
respect  of  the  son.  Written  with  great  charm,  with  delicacy  of  feeling,  poetic  insight, 
and  not  a  little  humor."    A.  L.  A.  booklist,  igo8. 

Gothe,  Johann  Wolfgang  von.    See  Goethe,  Johann  Wolfgang  von. 

Gower,  Lady  Harriet  Elizabeth  (Cavendish)  Leveson-,  countess  Gran- 
ville. See  Granville,  Lady  Harriet  Elizabeth  (Cavendish)  Leveson- 
Gower,  countess. 

Goya  y  Lucientes,  Francisco.    See  Artists,  p.1411. 

Graham,  James,  marquis  of  Montrose.  See  Montrose,  James  Graham,. 
marquis  of. 

Grant,  Gen.  Ulysses  Simpson.  r92  GySgb 

Boyd,  James  Penny.  Military  and  civil  life  of  Gen.  Ulysses  S.  Grant, 
leading  soldier  of  the  age,  president  of  the  United  States,  loved  and 
honored  American  citizen,  the  world's  most  distinguished  man.  1886. 

Grant,  Gen.  Ulysses  Simpson.  92  G78gn 

Nicolay,  Helen.    Boys'  life  of  Ulysses  S.  Grant.    1909.    Century. 

Grant,  Gen.  Ulysses  Simpson.  92  GySgs 

Smith,  Nicholas.  Grant,  the  man  of  mystery.  1910.  Young  Church- 
man Co. 

Somewhat  eulogistic  work  which  aims  to  give  a  concise  sketch  of  Grant's  life  and 
character,  but  which  over-emphasizes  the  so-called  mystery  of  his  personality. 

Granville,  Harriet  Elizabeth  (Cavendish)  Leveson-Gower,         92  G7912 
Letters,  1810-45;  ed.  by  her  son  F.  L.  Gower.    2v.    1894.    Longmans. 

The  countess  of  Granville  [1806-68]  was  the  daughter  of  the  fifth  duchess  ot 
Devonshire,  famous  for  her  beauty,  and  the  wife  of  a  diplomat  who  at  various  times 
represented  England  at  the  courts  of  St  Petersburg,  The  Hague  and  Paris. 

"Her  letters  to  her  brother  and  sisters,  written  in  all  the  freedom  of  confidential 
intercourse,  are  racy,  graphic,  humorous  and  instinct  with  good  sense  and  right  feeling 
...[Their]  greatest  charm,  however  —  is  the  pathos  which  underlies  their  mirth,  and 
the  true  nobility  of  character  which,  in  scenes  little  favourable  to  serious  thought  or 
delicate  feeling,  preserved  Lady  Granville  throughout  life  wholly  unspotted  by  the  world 
. .  .The  work  forms  an  important  and  most  agreeable  addition  to  our  knowledge  of  Eng* 
lish  society  in  the  first  half  of  the  century."     Saturday  review,  1894. 

Grattan,  Henry,  1746-1820.  92  G^ggg. 

Grattan,  Henry,  1789-1859.  Memoirs  of  the  life  and  times  of  Henry 
Grattan,  by  his  son.    5v.     1839-46.     Colburn. 

Grattan  was  an  Irish  statesman  and  orator,  through  whose  efforts  the  independence 
of  the  Irish  parliament  was  secured  in  1783. 


Gray,  David,  1836-88.  92  G8162 

Letters,  poems  and  selected  prose  writings;  ed.  with  a  biographical 
memoir  by  J.  N.  Larned.    2v.    1888.    Courier  Co. 

v.i.     Life,  letters,  poems,  etc. 

V.2.     Letters  of  travel. 

Gray  was  poet,  journalist  and  a  man  of  particularly  attractive  personality.  The  let- 
ters of  travel  were  written  to  the  "Buffalo  courier,"  of  which  he  was  editor  for  many 

Gray,  Thomas,  1716-71.  92  G8i9gr 

Gray  and  his  friends;  letters  and  relics  in  great  part  hitherto  un- 
published; ed.  by  D.  C.  Tovey.     1890.    Cambridge  University  Press. 

Contents:  Introductory  essay. — Unpublished  letters,  chiefly  of  foreign  travel; 
Gray,  Walpole  and  Ashton. — Correspondence  and  remains  of  Richard  West. — Gray  to 
John  Chute. — Gray  to  Percy  and  Brockett. — Miss  Speed  to  Gray. — Gray's  Notes  of 
travel. — Thoughts  and  verse  fragments. — Collectanea  and  conjectures. — Latin  poems. 

Greble,  John  Trout.  qr92  G825I 

Lossing,  Benson  John.  Memoir  of  Lieut.-col.  John  T.  Greble  of  the 
United  States  army.     1870.    Privately  printed. 

Greble  (1834-61)  was  a  graduate  of  the  United  States  Military  Academy  and  after- 
ward served  there  as  professor  until  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  war.  He  was  killed  at 
the  battle  of  Big  Bethel. 

Greco,  Dominico  Theotocopuli,  called.    See  Artists,  p.  141 2. 

Greeley,  Horace.  qr92  G826e 

Erlich,  Jacob.  Sketch  of  the  life  of  Horace  Greeley,  with  brief  ex- 
tracts from  his  writings  and  biographical  notes.  191 1.  Chappaqua 
Historical  Soc. 

Green,  Thomas  Hill.  92  GSssan 

Nettleship,  Richard  Lewis.     Memoir  of  Thomas  Hill  Green,  with 

a  short  preface  specially  written  for  this  edition  by  Mrs  T.  H.  Green. 

1906.    Longmans. 

The  same r92  GSssn 

Admirable  account  of  the  distinguished  English  philosopher  (1836—82),  written  by 
a  friend  and  pupil,  the  editor  of  his  works.  It  was  first  published  in  connection  with 
Green's  works  in  1888  and  is  mainly  a  record  of  his  opinions. 

Greene,  Robert.  1828  G83  v.i 

Storozhenko,  Nikolai  Il'ich.  Robert  Greene,  his  life  and  works;  a 
critical  investigation;  tr.  from  the  Russian  by  E.  A.  B.  Hodgetts,  with 
introduction  and  additional  notes  by  A.  B.  Grosart.  1878.  (In  Greene, 
Robert.     Life  and  complete  works,  v.i.) 

Greenough,  Horatio.  92  G847 

Letters  to  his  brother  Henry  Greenough,  with  biographical  sketches 
and  some  contemporary  correspondence;  ed.  by  F.  B.  Greenough.  1887. 

One  of  the  earliest  American  sculptors  (1805-52).  The  letters  give  descriptions  of 
art  and  society  in  Europe  and  America,  as  well  as  revelations  of  bis  own  interesting 

Grenfell,  Wilfred  Thomason.  92  G875g 

Adrift  on  an  ice-pan.    Houghton. 

"Biographical  sketch,"  p.ii-26. 

Vivid  account  of  the  author's  sensations  and  experiences  while  drifting  out  to  sea 
in  a  field  of  broken  ice. 


Gresham,  Sir  Thomas.  92  G87gb 

Burgon,  John  William.     Life  and  times  of  Sir  Thomas  Gresham; 

compiled  chiefly  from  his  correspondence,  including  notices  of  many 

of  his  contemporaries.    2v.     1839.    Jennings. 

Sir    Thomas    Gresham    (iSi9?-79)    was    an    English    merchant    and    financier,    to 

whose  shrewd  advice  Queen  Elizabeth's  successful  financial  policy  owed  much. 

Grey,  Lady  Jane.  92  G8872d 

Davey,  Richard.  The  nine  days'  queen,  Lady  Jane  Grey  and  her 
times;  ed.  with  introduction  by  Martin  Hume.     [1909.]     Methuen. 

"Bibliography  of  Lady  Jane  Grey,"  p.363-364. 

Easy,  informed  and  sympathetic,  Mr  Davey  is  rightly  equipped  for  the  task  he  set 
himself  in  writing  of  Lady  Jane  Grey.  In  his  account  of  her  nine  days'  sovereignty,  her 
education  and  bringing-up,  he  corrects  some  errors  of  strange  popularity,  and  in  the 
introduction  Mr  Hume  exposes  the  political  situation  in  Europe  and  the  social  condition 
of  England  in  such  a  way  as  to  make  intelligible  much  that  would  confuse  the  average 
man.    The  work  will  please  the  general  public.    Condensed  from  Outlook  (London),  1909. 

Grieg,  Edvard.  92  G891I 

Lee,  Ernest  Markham.    Grieg.     1908.    Bell.     (Bell's  miniature  series 

of  musicians.) 

"Some  books  and  articles  on  Grieg,"  p.8o. 

Little  volume  of  80  pages.     Both  biographical  and  critical. 

Grierson,  Francis.  92  G8912 

Valley  of  shadows.     1909.    Constable. 

Contents:  Proem. — The  meeting-house. — The  load-bearer. — The  log-house. — Soc- 
rates gives  advice. — Silas  Jordan's  illness. — The  cabin  of  Socrates. — At  the  post-office. 
— My  visit  to  the  load-bearer's  home. — A  night  of  mystery. — Sowing  and  reaping. — The 
flight. — The  camp-meeting. — The  pioneer  of  the  Sangamon  country. — The  regulators. — 
Alton  and  the  Mississippi.-r- Abraham  Lincoln. — St.  Louis;  society  and  the  churches. — 
The  great  fair. —  The  Planters'  house. —  The  torch-light  procession. —  Camp  Jackson. — 
General  Fremont — The  dance  of  death. — In  the  maze. — Grierson's  raid. — The  valley  of 

The  author  of  this  fascinating  book  of  reminiscence  was  born  in  England  in  1848. 
The  next  year  his  father  emigrated  to  America  and  settled  in  the  Illinois  country.  There 
the  sensitive  and  keenly  observant  boy  grew  to  manhood.  The  thread  of  incident  run- 
ning through  the  first  two-thirds  of  the  book  gives  it  somewhat  the  character  of  a  novel, 
but  the  last  chapters  have  slight  connection  with  what  has  gone  before.  Three  chapters 
are  given  to  Fremont  and  his  experiences,  and  there  is  an  admirable  description  of  the 
Lincoln-Douglas  debate,  and  of  the  city  of  St.  Louis  about  i860.  It  is  a  matter  of  regret 
that  a  work  which  makes,  in  large  part,  so  welcome  an  addition  to  autobiographical 
literature  should  not  have  been  more  consistently  carried  out.  Condensed  from  Nation, 

Griscelli  de  Vezzani,  Jacques  Frangois,  called  baron  de  Rimini.      Tg2  Gg27 

Memoirs.    1888.    Remington. 

Griscelli  de  Vezzani  was  at  various  times  secret  agent  of  Napoleon  III,  Cavour  and 

Guesclin,  Bertrand  du.    See  Du  Guesclin,  Bertrand. 

Guide  Reni.    See  Artists,  p.1410. 

Gulliver,  Lemuel,  pseud.    See  Swift,  Jonathan,  dean. 

Gunning,  Elizabeth,  afterward  duchess  of  Hamilton  and  Argyll.    See  Hamil- 
ton, Elizabeth  (Gunning),  duchess  of,  afterward  duchess  of  Argyll. 
Gustavus  II,  Adolphus,  king  of  Sweden.  qr92  G983 

Gustaf  II  Adolfs  bref  till  Ebba  Brahe,  med  en  inledning  af  P. 
Sonden.    [1901.] 


Gustavus  II,  Adolphus,  king  of  Sweden.  92  GgSsh 

Harte,  Walter.  History  of  Gustavus  Adolphus,  king  of  Sweden, 
to  which  is  prefixed  an  Essay  on  the  military  state  of  Europe,  con- 
taining the  manners  and  customs  in  the  early  part  of  the  17th  century; 
revised  by  J.  J.  Stockdale.    2v.     1807.     Stockdale. 

"A  list  of  the  books  made  use  of  in  composing  the  life  of  Gustavus  Adolphus," 
V.I,  p.24-28. 

First  published  in   1759. 

Gustavus  III,  king  of  Sweden.  92  G9832b 

Bain,  Robert  Nisbet.     Gustavus  III  and  his  contemporaries,  1746- 

1792;  an  overlooked  chapter  of  i8th  century  history.    2v.     1894.    Paul. 

V.2  contains  an  excellent  outline  of  Swedish  literature  with  especial  reference  to 
the  period  of  Gustavus  III. 

Gustavus  III  was  king  of  Sweden  from  1771  until  his  death. 

"\'aluable  and  permanent  addition  to  historical  literature.  It  is  the  fruit  of 
original  research,  and  sets  in  a  clear  and  accurate  light  many  hitherto  distorted  passages 
in  the  career  of  a  sovereig^n  who  may  almost  be  called  great"    Saturday  review,  1895. 

Guyon,  Mme  Jeanne  Marie  Bouvier  de  la  Motte.  92  G993 

Autobiography;  tr.  in  full  by  T.  T.  Allen.    2v.    1897.    Paul. 

First  complete  translation  of  the  autobiography  of  the  French  mystic  and  quietist 
.  (1648-1717).     The  earlier  lives  are  founded  on  it  but  they  fail  to  reproduce  its  peculiar 
charm  and  power. 

Haeckel,  Ernst.  92  Hi32b 

Bolsche,  Wilhelm.  Haeckel;  his  life  and  work,  with  introduction 
and  supplementary  chapter  by  the  translator,  Joseph  McCabe.  1906. 

"Bibliography,"  p.3^3-3'7- 

"Record  of  the  life  of  the  celebrated  German  biologist  written  with... good  taste, 
and  in  a  spirit  of  discriminating  good  fellowship."    Outlook  (London),  igo6. 


Hale,  Sir  Matthew.  92  H1612W 

Williams,  Sir  John  Bickerton.  Memoirs  of  the  life,  character  and 
writings  of  Sir  Matthew  Hale.    1835.    Jackson. 

Hale  (1609-76)  was  chief  justice  of  England  under  Charles  II. 

92  H165r 

.nytarn  njra'n'K  "i^rtsD^riJ  lyn  ,"(i^n  m'ln'' 
Halifax,  George  Savile,  marquis  of.  92  HiGyf 

Foxcroft,  H.  C.  Life  and  letters  of  Sir  George  Savile,  first  marquis 
of  Halifax,  with  a  new  edition  of  his  works  now  for  the  first  time  col- 
lected and  revised.    2v.     1898.    Longmans. 

Savile  (1633-95)  was  an  English  politician  and  statesman,  lord  privy  seal  under 
Charles  II  and  William  III. 

"His  finely  balanced  intellect  appears  to  best  advantage  in  his  writings.  As  a 
censor  of  the  heated  partisan  conflicts  of  the  day,  and  as  an  inspirer  of  the  declaration 
of  rights. .  .Halifax  exercised  a  far-reaching  influence,  and  his  political  opinions  rather 
than  his  acts  give  his  career  its  chief  historical  importance."  Dictionary  of  national 

Hamilton,  Alexander.  ga  HigSo 

Oliver,  Frederick  Scott.  Alexander  Hamilton;  an  essay  on  Ameri- 
can union.    1906.    Constable. 

Biography  of  Hamilton  and  a  study  of  American  politics  during  the  critical  period 
just  after  the  Revolutionary  war,  by  an  Englishman.  The  final  chapters  are  devoted  to 
a  comparison  of  the  conditions  which  confronted  Hamilton  with  those  before  the  Eng- 
lish people  to-day. 


Hamilton,  Alexander.  92  HigSsh 

Shea,  George.  Life  and  epoch  of  Alexander  Hamilton;  a  historical 
study.    1881.    Houghton. 

To  1777,  when  Hamilton  was  appointed  aide-de-camp  to  Washington. 

Hamilton,  Elizabeth  {Gunning), duchess  of,  afterward  rga  Haxiab 

duchess  of  Argyll. 
Bleackley,  Horace  William.    Story  of  a  beautiful  duchess;  being  an 
account  of  the  life  &  times  of  Elizabeth  Gunning,  duchess  of  Hamilton 
&  Argyll.     1907.    Constable. 

The  duchess  of  Hamilton  (1734-90)  was  one  of  the  most  beautiful  and  virtuous  of 
the  women  of  her  time.  The  author  has  consulted  contemporary  newspapers  and  letters 
and  has  produced  an  entertaining  if  somewhat  gossipy  narrative. 

Hamilton,  Emma  (Lyon),  lady.  V9^  H2iib 

Baily,  J.  T.  Herbert.  Emma,  lady  Hamilton;  a  biographical  essay 
with  a  catalogue  of  her  published  portraits.     1905.     Menzies. 

Brings  together  23  reproductions  of  the  most  famous  of  her  portraits,  including  all 
the  best  Romneys.  The  text  is  more  of  a  setting  for  the  pictures  than  an  original  con- 
tribution to  history. 

Hamilton,  Emma  (Lyon),  lady.  92  H211S 

Sichel,  Walter  Sydney.  Emma,  lady  Hamilton;  from  new  and  origi- 
nal sources  and  documents,  together  with  an  appendix  of  notes  and 
new  letters.     1905.     Constable. 

Lady  Hamilton  (i76i?-i8is)  was  a  celebrated  English  beauty,  wife  of  Sir  William 
Hamilton,  ambassador  at  Naples.  She  was  a  powerful  influence  in  the  life  of  Lord 
Nelson  and  was  supposed  to  have  played  a  considerable  part  in  the  political  relations  of 
the  court  of  Naples  with  England. 

"Mr.  Walter  Sichel  has  utilised  several  new  'sources'  for  the  life  of  Lady  Hamilton. 
Some  letters  by  her  were  not  acquired  by  the  British  Museum  until  1896  and  were 
therefore  unknown  to  earlier  writers  on  the  Neapolitan  period  of  Nelson's  life;  and 
there  can  be  no  doubt  that  the  author's  treatment  of  the  whole  subject  is  far  more  com- 
plete and  authoritative  than  that  of  Mr.  Cordy  Jeaffreson."  English  historical  review, 

Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood,  Frederick  Temple,  marquess  of  Dufferin 
and  Ava.  See  Dufferin  and  Ava,  Frederick  Temple  Hamilton- 
Temple-Blackwood,  marquess  of. 

Hampden,  John.  92  H228n 

Nugent,  George  Nugent  Temple  Grenville,  baron.  Some  memorials 
of  John  Hampden,  his  party  and  his  times,  with  a  memoir  of  the  writer. 
1854.     Chapman. 

Hampden  (1594-1643),  a  leader  in  both  the  Short  and  the  Long  Parliaments,  is 
chiefly  remembered  as  the  opposer  of  ship-money.  This  biography  called  forth  Ma- 
caulay's  essay  on  Hampden,  in  which  the  work  is  praised,  although  he  regrets  that  no 
new  material  has  been  brought  to  light. 

Harding,  Chester.        .  92  H255 

Sketch  of  Chester  Harding,  artist,  drawn  by  his  own  hand;  ed.  by 

his  daughter,  M.  E.  White.    1890.    Houghton. 

Harding  (1792-1866)  was  an  American  portrait-painter,  a  self-educated  artist  who 
rose  from  the  humblest  beginnings  to  prominence  and  popularity.  He  painted  many  of 
the  celebrities  of  his  time  in  England  and  America.  He  was  at  one  stage  in  his  career 
engaged  in  business  in  Pittsburgh  as  a  sign-painter. 


Hardwicke,  Philip  Yorke,  earl  of.  92  H25gh 

Harris,  George,  1809-90.  Life  of  Lord  Chancellor  Hardwicke,  with 
selections  from  his  correspondence,  diaries,  speeches  and  judgments. 
3v.    1847.    Moxon. 

An  authority  for  the  life  of  this  eminent  English  jurist  (1690-1764),  lord  chan- 
cellor for  nearly  20  years. 

Hardy,  Gathorne  Gathorne-,  earl  of  Cranbrook.    See  Cranbrook,  Gathorne 
Gathorne-Hardy,  earl  of. 

Harland,  Marion,  (pseud,  of  Mrs  Mary  Virginia  (Hawes)  92  H274 

Autobiography;  the  story  of  a  long  life.     1910.     Harper. 

Contains  also  a  sketch  of  E.  P.  Terhune,  by  J.  R.  Duryee. 

"The  author's  memory  runs  back  to  a  quarter  century  before  the  civil  war,  and 
out  of  her  recollections  she  constructs  a  picture  of  what  the  Old  South  was  and  presents 
striking  war  pictures;  her  literary  activities  and  her  travels  are  discoursed  upon  pleasant- 
ly; and  she  brings  her  story  down  to  her  present  activities  at  the  head  of  the  woman's 
syndicate  page  established  by  the  North  American."     Book  review  digest,  1910. 

Harrison,  Gen.  Thomas.  92  H312S 

Simpkinson,  Charles  Hare.  Thomas  Harrison,  regicide  and  major- 
general.     1905.     Dent.     (Temple  biographies.) 

Harrison  (1606-60)  was  a  regicide  and  religious  fanatic.  His  connection  with  the 
Fifth  Monarchy  men  and  his  conspiracies  against  Cromwell  resulted  in  imprisonment 
and  loss  of  office.  At  the  restoration,  as  one  of  the  seven  regicides,  he  was  con- 
demned to  death  and  executed. 

Harrisse,  Henry.  r92  H3i22g 

Growoll,  Adolf.    Henry  Harrisse;  biographical  and  bibliogfraphical 

sketch.     1899.    Dibdin  Club. 

"List  of  his  bibliographical  writings,"   p.p— 13. 

Harrisse  was  the  compiler  of  the  "Bibliotheca  Americana  vetustissima"  and  author 

of  various  books  on  the  early  discoveries  in  North  America. 

Hastings,  Selina  Shirley,  countess  of  Huntingdon.  92  H3433I 

Life  and  times  of  Selina,  countess  of  Huntingdon,  by  a  member  of 

the  houses  of  Shirley  and  Hastings.    2v.    1844.    Painter. 

The  countess  of  Huntingdon   (1707-91)  was  one  of  the  most  influential  promoters 

of  the  early  Methodist  movement  and  an  intimate  friend  of  the  brothers  Wesley  and  of 

Whitefield.     She  founded  numerous  chapels  and  expended  large  sums  in  the  support  of 

young  men  trained  for  itinerant  preaching. 

Hastings,  Warren.  92  H343g 

Gleig,  George  Robert.     Memoirs  of  the  life  of  Warren  Hastings; 

comp.  from  original  papers.    3v.    1841.    Bentley. 

The  main  source  for  Hastings's  biography  and  the  text  of  Macaulay's  famous  essay. 

Macaulay  says  that  the  work  consisted  of  "three  big,  bad  volumes,  full  of  undigested 

correspondence  and  undiscerning  panegyric." 

Hastings,  Warren.  92  H343la 

Lawson,  Sir  Charles  Allen.  Private  life  of  W'lrren  Hastings,  first 
governor-general  of  India.     1895.     Sonnenschein. 

"Anecdotic  biography  of  the  Governor-General,  with  notices  of  his  friends,  his 
enemies,  his  trial  in  Westminster  Hall,  and  his  later  years.  It  is  admirably  illustrated 
with  portraits  and  views  and  reproductions  of  contemporary  caricatures.  The  author 
is  more  deeply  interested  in  the  personality  than  in  the  achievements  of  his  hero.  He 
does  not  attempt  to  deal  with  the  administration  of  Hastings  in  India  or  with  his 
career  as  a  public  man."     Nation,  1895. 


Hawthorne,  Nathaniel.  92  H367la 

Lathrop,  George  Parsons.    Study  of  Hawthorne.     1876.     Osgood. 

Biographical  and  critical. 

Hawthorne,  Nathaniel.  92  H367S 

Stearns,  Frank  Preston.    Life  and  genius  of  Nathaniel  Hawthorne. 

1906.    Lippincott. 
Eulogistic  biography. 

Haydon,  Benjamin  Robert.  92  H3712I 

Life,  letters  and  table  talk;  ed.  by  R.  H.  Stoddard.  1876.  Scribner. 
English  historical  painter   (i  786-1 846),  who  numbered  among  his  correspondents 

Miss  Mitford,  Sir  Walter  Scott,  Wordsworth  and  Keats. 

Haydon,  Benjamin  Robert.  92  H37i2li 

Life  of  Benjamin  Robert  Haydon,  historical  painter,  from  his  auto- 
biography and  journals;  ed.  and  comp.  by  Tom  Taylor.  2v.  1853. 

"A  valuable  biography."     Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Haydon,  Benjamin  Robert.  92  H3712S 

Symonds,  E.  M.  (pseud.  George  Paston).  B.  R.  Haydon  and  his 
friends.     1905.    Nisbet. 

"Rarely  has  a  professional  man  had  a  career  more  bitter  than  fell  to  the  lot  of  this 
friend  of  Keats  and  Lamb. .  .Yet. .  .he  cherished  high  ambitions  with  a  splendid  sincerity, 
and  the  concise,  well-balanced  account  of  his  career. .  .is. .  .well  worth  reading  for  its  re- 
production of  the  atmosphere  in  which  generations  of  British  artists  have  lived."  At- 
lantic monthly,  1906. 

Hayne,  Robert  Young.  92  H3742J 

Jervey,  Theodore  Dehon.  Robert  Y.  Hayne  and  his  times.  1909. 

"Mr.  Jervey  has  devoted  his  book  more  to  the  times  in  South  Carolina  and  par- 
ticularly in  Charleston,  and  to  the  course  of  federal  politics  upon  the  state-rights  issue, 
than  to  a  detailed  narrative  of  Hayne's  doing^.  In  fact  the  book  is  principally  a 
chronicle  of  Charleston  affairs  from  1791  to  1839,  with  Hayne's  career  a  recurring 
rather  than  a  continuous  theme."     American  historical  review,  igio. 

Ream,  Lafcadio.  92  H3852J 

Japanese  letters;  ed.  with  an  introduction  by  Elizabeth  Bisland. 
1910.     Houghton. 

Contents:  Letters  to  B.  H.  Chamberlain. — Letters  to  W.  B.  Mason. — Letters  to  Mrs 

"To  those  who  still  practice  the  moribund  art  of  hobnobbing  with  books,  of  being 
intimate  with  them  and  running  in  on  them  for  informal  converse,  the  volume  offers 
endless  possibilities  of  intellectual  stimulus  and  pleasant  intercourse.  Nine-tenths  of  the 
collection  are  letters  to  Basil  Hall  Chamberlain,  the  noted  and  devoted  student  of  Japan 
and  guide,  philosopher  and  familiar  mental  crony  of  Hearn's  Japanese  years.  In  these 
letters  Hearn  has  almost  literally  poured  out  his  mind  to  his  friend.  The  comments  of  a 
keen  critic  of  literature  and  of  life,  the  subtle  characterizations  of  an  intuitively 
sympathetic  observer,  the  whimsies  of  a  child-like  and  sensitive  imagination,  and  the 
joyous  discoveries  and  puzzled  bewilderments  of  a  delver  into  alien  mysteries,  all  tumble 
over  one  another  in  the  fine  disarray  of  an  untrammeled  spontaneity  and  with  the  un- 
sought perfection  of  trained  faculties  at  play."     Life,  1911. 

Hearn,  Lafcadio.  92  H385a 

Life  and  letters  [ed.]  by  Elizabeth  Bisland.    2v.     1906.     Houghton. 

v.i.     Introductory   sketch,   by   Mrs  Elizabeth    (Bisland)    Wetmore. — Letters, 
v. 2.     Letters  (continued). 

Hearn  (1850-1904)  was  peculiarly  fitted  by  temperament  to  become  the  ideal  in- 
terpreter of  Japan  and  he  has  left  a  series  of  books  unique  in  our  language.     Mrs 



Heam,  Lafcadio — continued.  92  H3852 

Wetmore,  who  was  his  intimate  friend  for  20  years,  has  succeeded  in  depicting  his 
sensitive  and  exotic  nature,  which  the  letters  themselves  reveal  even  more  clearly.  A 
correspondence  of  unusual  interest. 

Heam,  Lafcadio.  92  H3852g 

Gould,  George  Milbry.    Concerning  Lafcadio  Hearn.    1908.    Jacobs. 

"Bibliography,"  by  Laura  Stedman,  p.336-416. 

Dr  Gould  approaches  the  subject  from  a  novel  point  of  view.  He  is  an  eye  special- 
ist, well  known  for  a  series  of  studies  in  which  he  has  derived  the  eccentricities  of 
various  geniuses  from  faulty  vision.  In  this  respect  Hearn,  with  his  one  eye  intensely 
myopic,  offered  a  tempting  field  which  the  oculist  could  not  avoid.  In  the  actual  details 
of  Hearn's  life,  Dr  Gould  presents  not  much  that  is  new.  The  most  valuable  parts  of 
the  book  are  those  in  which  Hearn's  literary  activities  are  traced.  Besides  a  long  and 
complete  analysis  of  all  his  published  works,  with  extracts  from  the  reviews  of  the  time, 
there  is  also  a  full  bibliography,  which  includes  even  the  manuscripts  left  by  Heam. 
Condensed  from  Nation,  1908. 

Heam,  Lafcadio  92  H3852n 

Noguchi,  Yone.    Lafcadio  Hearn  in  Japan.     1910.     Kelly. 
Appreciations  of  Hearn  by  the  Japanese  lecturer  on  English  literature  in  Keio  Uni- 
versity,  Tokyo.      Mrs   Hearn's   reminiscences    and   the   recollections    of   Mr   Otani    are 
included.     The  make-up  of  the  book  is  Japanese,  and  the  illustrations  include  some  of 
Mr  Hearn's  own. 

Heidelbaugh,  Milton.  r92  H416P 

Pennsylvania — Senate.  Memorial  proceedings  upon  the  death  of 
Milton  Heidelbaugh,  late  a  senator  from  the  13th  district.    1909. 

Heine,  Heinrich.  92  H419 
Heinrich  Heine's  memoirs,  from  his  works,  letters  and  conversa- 
tions; ed.  by  Gustav  Karpeles,  English  translation  by  Gilbert  Cannan. 
2v.     1910.     Heinemann. 

v. I.     Childhood  and  youth. — Student  years. — ^Wander  years. — In  exile. 

v.r.     In  exile  (continued). — The  living  tomb. 

Compilation  from  his  published  writings  in  prose  and  verse,  arranged  in  such  a  way 
as  to  form  a  sort  of  biography.  Does  not  present  a  complete  and  coherent  life  of  the 
poet,  and  the  unity  of  the  narrative  is  disturbed  by  the  disparity  of  style  shown  in  the 
various  extracts.  These  extracts  are  not  held  together  by  any  thread  of  commentary 
and  no  explanatory  notes  are  supplied  in  the  English  version.  In  spite  of  defects,  how- 
ever, it  is  a  useful  collection  of  material  in  convenient  form. 

92  H419r 

Heine,  Heinrich.  92  H4i9se 

Selden,  Camille.  Heinrich  Heine's  last  days;  newly  tr.  from  the 
French  by  Mary  Thiddall,  with  introductory  notice  of  "La  Mouche" 
[Camille  Selden].     1898.    Unwin. 

Fragmentary  reminiscences  of  the  poet,  with  some  of  his  letters  to  the  author. 
Camille  Selden  (1829-96)  was  a  French  writer,  an  ardent  admirer  of  Heine,  whose 
close  friend  she  became  during  his  last  illness. 

Helmholtz,  Hermann  Ludwig  Ferdinand  von.  92  H429k 

Konigsberger,  Leo.     Hermann  von  Helmholtz;  tr.  by  F,  A.  Welby, 

with  a  preface  by  Lord  Kelvin.    1906.    Clarendon  Press. 

"Chronological  index  to  the  scientific  career  of  Hermann  von  Helmholtz,"  p.7-17. 
Authorized  biography  of  the  eminent  German  physicist  (1821-94). 


Hemans,  Mrs  Felicia  Dorothea  (Browne).  92  H435C 

Chorley,  Henry  Fothergill.     Life  of  Mrs  Hemans,  with  illustrations 

of  her  literary  character  from  her  private  correspondence.     2v.  in  i. 

1842.     Saunders. 

Treats  of  her  career  as  a  poetess  rather  than  of  her  domestic  life  and  is  fullest  for 

her  later  years,  when  Chorley  knew  her  intimately. 

Hemans,  Mrs  Felicia  Dorothea  (Browne).  92  H435h 

[Hughes,  Mrs.]     Memoir  of  the  life  and  writings  of  Mrs  Hemans, 

by  her  sister.    1842.    Lea. 

This  life  of  the  English  poetess  (1793-1835)  contains  a  number  of  her  letters. 

Henry  II,  king  of  England.  192  H451I 

Lyttelton,  George  Lyttelton,  baron.  History  of  the  life  of  King 
Henry  II  and  of  the  age  in  which  he  lived,  to  which  is  prefixed  a 
History  of  the  revolutions  of  England  from  the  death  of  Edward  the 
Confessor  to  the  birt*h  of  Henry  H.    4v.    1768.    Faulkner. 

One  of  the  most  important  works  of  Lord  Lyttelton,  prominent  in  politics  and  let- 
ters in  the  i8th  century,  painstaking  and  industrious  as  an  author,  but  never  original. 
This  biography  has  been  described  as  "a  full  and  sober  account  of  the  time." 

Henry  III,  king  of  France.  93  H45i7f 

Freer,  Martha  Walker,  afterward  Mrs  Robinson.  Henry  III,  king 
of  France  and  Poland;  his  court  and  times,  from  numerous  unpublished 
sources,  including  ms.  documents  in  the  Bibliotheque  Imperiale  and 
the  archives  of  France  and  Italy,  etc.    3v.     1888.     Dodd. 

"Not  a  book  of  any  critical  value,  but  one  of  some  interest  for  the  account  it  gives 
of  court  life."    Adams's  Manual  of  historical  literature. 

Henry  IV,  king  of  France  and  Navarre.  q92  H45ib 

Blair,  Edward  T.  Henry  of  Navarre  and  the  religious  wars.  1895. 

The  book  lays  no  claim  to  scholarship.  It  cites  no  sources  and  gives  no  references 
to  authorities.  It  is  a  simple  narration  of  the  fortunes  of  Henry  IV,  places  the  personal 
element  in  the  foreground  and  makes  love  affairs  and  court  intrigue  of  equal  importance 
with  the  movement  of  politics. 

Henry,  Joseph.  r92  H4522t 

Taylor,  William  Bower.  Memoir  of  Joseph  Henry;  a  sketch  of  his 
scientific  work;  read  before  the  Philosophical  Society  of  Washington, 
October  26th,  1878.     1879. 

The  same.  1881.  (In  Smithsonian  Institution.  Miscellaneous  col- 
lections, V.20,  p.230-368.) r5o6  S66m 

"List  of  scientific  papers  by  Joseph  Henry,"  p.360-368. 

Henry  (i  799-1 878)  was  an  American  physicist,  especially  noted  for  investigations  in 

Henry,  Patrick.  92  H452m 

Morgan,  George.     The  true  Patrick  Henry.     1907.     Lippincott. 
"In  preparing  his  entertaining  volume,  which  is  especially  rich  on  the  personal  side, 
and  in  its  presentation  of  Virginia  and  family  tradition,  Mr.  Morgan  has  bad  the  use 
of  many  original  papers  relating  to  Henry,  which  have  come  to  light  since  the  publica- 
tion of  Wirt's  well-known  biography."    Nation,  1907. 

Henry,  William,  1729-86.  92  H453J 

Jordan,  Francis.  Life  of  William  Henry  of  Lancaster,  Pennsyl- 
vania, 1 729-1 786,  patriot,  military  officer,  inventor  of  the  steamboat;  a 
contribution  to  Revolutionary  history.    1910.    New  Era  Printing  Co. 


Herbert,  George.  92  H46i2h 

Hyde,  A.  G.    George  Herbert  and  his  times.     1906.     Putnam. 
"In  coining  to  this  theme  Mr.  Hyde  has  nothing  new  to  add  to  our  knowledge  of 

Herbert's  life  or  surroundings.     But  he  has  a  cultivated  style,  is  well  read  in  the  general 

field,  and  from  common  sources  has  put  together  a  thoroughly  entertaining  volume." 

Nation,  1906. 

Herbert  of  Lea,  Sidney  Herbert,  haron.  92  H463S 

Stanmore,  Arthur  Hamilton  Gordon,  haron.     Sidney  Herbert,  lord 

Herbert  of  Lea;  a  memoir.    2v.     1906.     Button. 

Herbert  (181 0-61)  was  an  English  statesman  and  a  man  of  peculiarly  attractive 
personality  and  character.  His  connection  with  the  War  office,  where  he  rendered  his 
most  important  service,  covered  the  period  of  the  Crimean  war. 

Herrick,  Robert,  1591-1674.  92  H477m 

Moorman,  Frederic  William.  Robert  Herrick;  a  biographical  & 
critical  study.     1910.    Lane. 

Patient  and  minute  research  has  not  enabled  Mr  Moorman  to  add  anything  dis- 
tinctly new  to  the  story  of  Herrick's  life,  but  he  has  given  a  very  readable  critical  study 
of  his  poems.  ^ 

Hiester,  Joseph.  ^974.8  P3993  v.i6 

Richards,  Henry  Melchior  Muhlenberg.  Governor  Joseph  Hiester; 
a  historical  sketch.  1907.  (In  Pennsylvania-German  Society.  Proceed- 
ings and  addresses,  v.i6  [pt.3].) 

Forms  v.  17  of  "Pennsylvania;  the  German  influence  in  its  settlement  and  develojj- 

Higginson,  Stephen.  92  H5362h 

Higginson,  Thomas  Wentworth.     Life  and  times  of  Stephen  Hig- 
ginson, member  of  the  Continental  congress  (1783).     1907.     Houghton. 
Stephen    Higginson    (1743-1828)    was   a    Salem   merchant,   the   grandfather   of   the 
author.     He  was  active  in  the  suppression  of  Shay's  rebellion. 

Hill,  George  Birkbeck.  92  H552 

Letters;  arranged  by  his  daughter  Lucy  Crump.     1906.     Arnold. 

The  most  important  literary  work  of  Hill  (1835-1903)  was  the  editing  of  Boswell's 

"They  cannot  in  fairness  be  ranked  high  in  epistolary  literature,  but  with  the  con- 
necting bits  of  biography  they  give  us  some  insight  into  an  impressively  though  not 
winningly  individual  character,  and  furnish  a  sufficiently  detailed  account  of  a  scholarly 
career  more  than  creditable  in  its  achievements  and  not  lacking  in  heroic  and  pathetic 
features  —  We  should  be  duly  thankful  for  the  glimpses  we  get  of  Swinburne,  Burne- 
Jones,  and  other  interesting  men,  and  for  some  of  Dr.  Hill's  frank  utterances  on  litera- 
ture and  politics  —  There  are  a  few  capital  sayings  and  anecdotes."    Nation,  1907. 

Hincks,  Sir  Francis.  92  B195I 

Leacock,  Stephen  Butler.  Baldwin,  LaFontaine,  Hincks;  responsible 
government.     1907.    Morang.     (Makers  of  Canada.) 

Biographies  of  three  Canadian  political  leaders,  Baldwin  (1804-58),  LaFontaine 
(1807-64),  and  Hincks  (1807-85). 

Hitchcock,  Ethan  Allen.  92  H625 

Fifty  years  in  camp  and  field;  diary  of  E.  A.  Hitchcock;  ed.  by  W. 

A.  Croffut.     1909.     Putnam. 

Gen.  Hitchcock  (1798-1870)  was  a  grandson  of  the  Revolutionary  hero,  Ethan 
Allen  of  Ticonderoga.     He  was  engaged  in  the  Florida  wars  and  removed  the  last  of 


Hitchcock,  Ethan  Allen — continued.  92  H625 

the  Seminoles.  In  the  Mexican  war  he  was  first  with  Gen.  Taylor  in  the  North,  and 
later  was  Gen.  Scott's  inspector-general  in  the  South.  During  the  Civil  war  he  was  the 
military  adviser  of  President  Lincoln  and  Secretary  Stanton.  During  all  this  time  he 
kept  a  diary  which  constitutes  a  voluminous  record  of  passing  events  filled  with  de- 
scriptions, and  estimates  of  methods  and  men. 

Hodge,  Charles.  92  H663h 

Hodge,  Archibald  Alexander.     Life  of  Charles  Hodge,  professor  in 

the  Theological  Seminary,  Princeton,  N.  J.    1880.    Scribner. 

Charles  Hodge  (i 797-1 878)  was  connected  with  the  Princeton  Theological  Seminary 
for  over  50  years.  He  was  the  founder  of  the  "Biblical  repertory,"  later  known  as  the 
"Princeton  review."    The  life  is  written  by  his  son. 

Hoffman,  Eugene  Augustus.  r92  HeySr 

[Russell,  Francis  Thayer.]  Eugene  Augustus  Hoffman;  in  memo- 

Reprinted  from  the  "New  York  genealogical  and  biographical  record,"  Oct.  1902. 
Contains  also  Dix's  "In  memoriam  Eugenii  August!  Hoffman." 

Hoffman,  Richard.  ■   92  H678 

Some  musical  recollections  of  50  years.    1910.    Scribner. 

Biographical  sketch  by  his  wife,  p.  1-60. 

Hoffman  (1831-1909)  was  for  more  than  50  years  identified  with  the  musical  life 
of  New  York.  He  first  came  into  prominence  as  pianist  in  Jenny  Lind's  company. 
Among  other  mi^sicians  with  whom  he  was  intimate  were  Thalberg,  Gottschalk,  Hall6 
and  von  Biilow. 

Hogarth,  William.    See  Artists,  p.  1402. 

Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen,  Kraft,  prinz  zu.  92  H6892 

Aus  meinem  leben.    4v.    1897-1907. 

V.I.     Vom  revolutionsjahr,  1848,  bis  zum  ende  des  kommandos  in  Wien,  1856. 

v.2.     Fliigeladjutant  unter  P'riedrich  Wilhelm  IV  und  Konig  Wilhelm,  1856-63. 

V.3.     Die  kriege  1864  und  1866. — Friedenszeit  bis  1870. 

V.4.     Der  krieg  1870/71. — Reise  nach  Russland. 

"The  interest  excited  by  the  Memoirs  of  Prince  Chlodwig  zu  Hohenlohe-Schillings- 
furst  has  thrown  into  the  background  those  of  the  general  of  artillery.  Prince  Kraft  zu 
Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen,  who  belonged  to  an  older  branch  of  the  same  family... The 
work  is  valuable  as  a  contribution  to  the  history  of  Germany  in  the  latter  half  of 
the  nineteenth  century,  and  especially  as  a  record  of  events  leading  up  to  the  establish- 
ment of  the  German  empire."    Nation,  1907. 

Hohenlohe-Schillingsfiirst,  Chlodwig  Karl  Viktor,  fiirst  zu.         92  H689 
Memoirs;  authorised  by  Prince  Alexander  of  Hohenlohe-Schillings- 
fuerst  and  ed.  by  Friedrich  Curtius,  English  ed.  supervised  by  G.  W. 
Chrystal.    2v.     1906.     Macmillan. 

Prince  Hohenlohe  (1 819-1901)  was  one  of  the  founders  of  German  unity.  From 
1866  to  1870  he  was  Bavarian  minister  of  foreign  affairs  and  chancellor  of  the  German 
empire,  1894-1900.  His  intimate  political  association  with  Bismarck  enabled  him  to 
contribute  much  of  interest  to  the  story  of  that  statesman's  long  career  and  final  down- 

"They  deserve  to  take  rank  among  the  few  personal  records  left  by  the  actors  in 
great  episodes  which  help  to  make  their  genesis  and  development  more  intelligible  to 
later  times . . .  The  book  is  extremely  well  translated  and  is  to  be  recommended  without 
reserve  to  all  students  of  European  history  not  by  reason  of  any  startling  revelations 
it  contains. .  .but  because  it  throws  much  light  on  a  complicated  and  important  series 
of  events  and  is  the  record  of  an  upright,  courageous  and  far-seeing  statesman."  Sat- 
urday review,  1906. 


Holland,  Josiah  Gilbert.  92  H724P 

Plunkett,  Mrs  Harriette  Merrick  (Hodge).    Josiah  Gilbert  Holland. 

1894.    Scribner. 

Life  of  the  American  author  and  lecttirer  (1819-81).    Contains  portraits. 

"The  little  volume betrays  the  admirer,  but  not  the  practised  book-maker ...  Still, 

one  may  get  from  it  some  idea  of  Dr.  Holland's  character  and  achievement."     Nation, 


Holstein,  Anne  Louise  Germaine  (Necker),  baronne  de  Stael-.    See  Stael- 
Holstein,  Anne  Louise  Germaine  (Necker),  baronne  de. 

Hook,  Theodore  Edward.  92  H7732b 

Barham,  Richard  Harris  Dalton.  Life  and  remains  of  Theodore  Ed- 
ward Hook.    2v.     1849.    Bentley. 

Hook  ( 1 788-1 841)  was  an  English  novelist  and  humorist,  the  editor  of  "John 
Bull,"  a  scurrilous  but  very  facetious  and  at  one  time  powerful  journal.  He  was 
master  of  a  low  style  of  humor,  and  the  most  brilliant  improvisatore,  whether  with  the 
pen  or  at  the  piano,  that  his  country  has  seen.  Condensed  from  Dictionary  of  national 

Hopkins,  William.  r92  H786P 

Pennsylvania — Constitutional  convention,  1872.  Obituary  addresses 
on  the  occasion  of  the  death  of  William  Hopkins  of  Washington  coun- 
ty, delivered  March  6,  1873.     1873.     Lippincott. 

Hopkins  (1804-73)  was  one  of  the  most  prominent  citizens  of  Washington  county. 
He  served  for  several  terms  in  the  state  legislature  and  was  in  1872  elected  a  member 
of  the  convention  to  revise  the  constitution  of  Pennsylvania. 

Hopper,  Isaac  Tatem.  92  H788C 

Child,  Mrs  Lydia  Maria  (Francis).  Isaac  T.  Hopper;  a  true  life. 
1853.    Jewett. 

Hopper  (1771-1852)  was  a  philanthropist,  member  of  the  Society  of  Friends  and 
an  ardent  abolitionist.  The  book  contains  many  stories  concerning  the  fugitive  slaves 
whom  he  befriended. 

Horace.  \  Tg2  H793m 

Milman,  Henry  Hart.    Life  of  Quintus  Horatius  Flaccus.     1854. 

"It  is both  well  written  and — what  with  such  a  subject  is  of  essential  importance 

— gracefully  and  genially  conceived,  and  should  be  taken  into  account  by  every  subse- 
quent editor  of  the  Roman  Lyrist."     Edinburgh  review,  1850. 

Horner,  Francis.  92  H811 

Memoirs  and  correspondence;   ed.  by  Leonard  Horner.  2v.     1853. 


English  statesman  and  political  economist  (1778-18 17),  one  of  the  founders  of  the 

"Edinburgh  review." 

V.2  contains  a  selection  from  his  speeches  in  the  House  of  commons. 

Houdin,  Jean  Eugene  Robert-.    See  Robert-Houdin,  Jean  Eugene. 

Howard,  Gen.  Oliver  Otis.  92  H8462 

Autobiography.    2v.     1907.    Baker. 

Gewsral  Howard  (fc.  1830)  fought  in  many  of  the  great  battles  of  the  Civil  war — 
Bull  Run,  Antietam,  Gettysburg,  and  marched  with  Sherman  to  the  sea.  He  was  com- 
missioner of  the  Freedmen's  Bureau,  1865-74  and  writes  at  some  length  concerning  the 
work  accomplished  by  the  bureau. 

Howard,  Gen.  Oliver  Otis.  92  H8462ni 

My  life  and  experiences  among  our  hostile  Indians;  a  record  of  per- 
sonal observations,  adventures  and  campaigns  among  the  Indians  of  the 


Howard,  Gen.  Oliver  Otis — continued.  92  H8462m 

great  West,  with  some  account  of  their  life,  habits,  traits,  religion,  cere- 
monies, dress,  savage  instincts  and  customs  in  peace  and  war.  1907. 

Author  was  sent  by  Gen.  Grant  in  1872  as  peace  commissioner  to  settle  troubles  be- 
tween different  Indian  tribes  or  between  them  and  the  whites.      Many  colored  illustrations. 

Howe,  Mrs  Julia  (Ward).  92  H854r 

Richards,  Mrs  Laura  Elizabeth  (Howe).    Two  noble  lives;  Samuel 

Gridley  Howe,  and  Julia  Ward  Howe,  by  their  daughter.     191 1.    Estes. 

Brief  tribute.     Intended  especially  for  use  in  schools. 
Howe,  Samuel  Gridley.  92  H854 

Letters  and  journals;  ed.  by  his  daughter,  L.  E.  Richards.  2v.  1906- 
09.     Estes. 

V.I.     The  Greek  revolution,  with  notes  and  a  preface  by  F.  B.  Sanborn. 

V.2.     The  servant  of  humanity. 

Dr  Howe  (1801-76)  was  a  distinguished  philanthropist  and  reformer,  most  generally 
known  for  his  connection  with  the  education  of  the  blind,  though  from  1825  to  1875  there 
was  hardly  a  movement  for  the  relief  of  human  oppression  or  suffering  with  which  he 
was  not  associated.     He  has  been  called  "The  Lafayette  of  the  Greek  revolution." 

Howe,  Samuel  Gridley.  92  H854r 

Richards,  Mrs  Laura  Elizabeth  (Howe).    Two  noble  lives;  Samuel 

Gridley  Howe,  and  Julia  Ward  Howe,  by  their  daughter.     191 1.    Estes. 

Brief  tribute.     Intended  especially  for  use  in  schools. 

Howell,  James.  92  H856 

Epistolse  Ho-elianae;  or.  Familiar  letters,  with  an  introduction  by 
Agnes  Repplier.     2v.     1907.     Houghton. 

Howell  (i594?-i666)  was  one  of  the  greatest  travelers  of  his  day,  a  friend  of  Ben 
Jonson,  an  accomplished  linguist  and  an  outspoken  loyalist  Charles  II  created  for  him 
the  position  of  historiographer  royal,  which  he  retained  until  his  death.  He  is  one  of 
the  earliest  as  well  as  one  of  the  most  delightful  of  the  succession  of  English  letter- 

"Philosophic  reflection,  political,  social  and  domestic  anecdote,  scientific  speculation, 
are  all  intermingled  with  attractive  ease  in  the  correspondence  which  he  professes  to  have 
addressed  to  men  of  all  ranks  and  degrees  of  intimacy. .  .But  the  'familiar  epistles'  as  a 
whole,  although  of  much  autobiographic  interest,  cannot  rank  high  as  an  historical 
authority."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Hubbard,  Elbert.  r92  H874g 

Gardner,  Irene.  Little  journey  to  the  home  of  Elbert  Hubbard. 
[1903.    Times-bee.] 

Contents:  The  Roycrofters  and  their  home. — Elbert  Hubbard  and  his  work  at 
close  range. 

Reprinted  from  the  "Toledo  Times-bee,"  July  19-26,  1903. 

Hudson,  Henry.  92  H887b 

Bacon,  Edgar  May  hew.    Henry  Hudson;  his  times  and  his  voyages. 

1907.    Putnam.     (American  men  of  energy.) 

A  readable  account  by  one  who  has  made  a  special  study  of  the  Hudson  river  and 

its  early  history. 

Hughes,  John,  1 797-1864,  abp.  of  New  York.  92  H8972h 

Hassard,  John  Rose  Greene.    Life  of  John  Hughes,  first  archbishop 

of  New  York,  with  extracts  from  his  private  correspondence.     1866. 


Archbishop  Hughes  was  noted  for  his  skill  in  debate  and  his  warm  defense  of  the 

Roman    Catholic   church    against   attacks.      These    public   controversies   and    discussions 

his  biographer  has  described  at  considerable  length. 


Hugo,  Victor.  92  HSggba 

Barbou,  Alfred.  Victor  Hugo  and  his  time;  tr.  from  the  French  by 
E.  E.  Frewer.    1882.    Harper. 

"Full  circumstantial  and  interesting  account  of  the  life  of  the  poet  and  of  the  cir- 
cumstances of  the  production  of  bis  poems. .  .Dumas'  Memoirs,  Gautier's  Histoire  du 
Romantisme ..  .Art  drawn  upon,  as  they  always  must  be,  for  the  memorable  days  of 
1 830... On  later  days  not  less  noteworthy  for  their  literary  productiveness,  if  hardly  at 
interesting  in  point  of  biography,  M.  Barbou  has  much  that  is  curious  and  readable... 
All  the  poet's  residences  from  Feuillantines  to  the  Avenue  d'Eylau  are  pleasantly  de- 
scribed."   George  Saintsbury,  in  Academy,  i8Sz. 

Contains  portraits,  views  of  the  poet's  homes,  illustrations  from  his  works  and  lev- 
eral  reproductions  of  his  own  drawings. 

Huidekoper,  Frederic  Wolters.  192  Hgiih 

[Huidekoper,    Frederic   Louis.]      In   memoriam    Frederic   Wolters 
Huidekoper.     [1910.]     (Society  of  Colonial  Wars,  District  of  Columbia. 
Memorial  papers,  no.6.) 
Humbert  I,  king  of  Italy.  92  H922P 

Pesci,  Ugo.     II  re  martire;  la  vita  e  il  regno  di  Umberto  I;  date, 
aneddoti,  ricordi,  1844-1900.     1902. 
Humboldt,  Alexander  von.  92  H923b 

Bruhns,  Carl  Christian,  ed.  Life  of  Alexander  von  Humboldt,  com- 
piled in  commemoration  of  the  centenary  of  his  birth  by  J.  Lowenberg, 
Robert  Ave-Lallemant  and  Alfred  Dove;  tr.  from  the  German  by  Jane 
and  Caroline  Lassell.     2v.     1873.     Longmans. 

The  standard  biography  of  the  distinguished  German  naturalist  and  traveler  (1769- 
1859).     Portraits. 

Hume,  David.  92  H925 

Letters  to  William  Strahan;  ed.  with  notes,  index,  etc.  by  G.  B.  Hill. 
1888.    Clarendon  Press. 

Strahan  was  Hume's  publisher  and  literary  executor.  The  letters,  which  cover  the 
period  from  1756  to  1776,  have  been  edited  with  exhaustive  notes.  Hume's  autobiogra- 
phy is  also  included. 

Hume,  David.  r92  H925 

Life,  written  by  himself.     1777.     Strahan. 

The  same.    1879.    (In  his  History  of  England,  v.i,  p.S-13.)  .  .942  H92  v.i 

Title  reads  "My  own  life." 

Contains  also  "Supplement  to  the  Life  of  David  Hume,"  Home's  "Letter  to  Adam 
Smith  on  the  life,  death  and  philosophy  of  his  friend  David  Hume"  and  Kurd's  "Apology 
for  the  life  and  writings  of  David  Hume." 

Hume,  David.  92  H925b 

Burton,  John  Hill.  Life  and  correspondence  of  David  Hume;  from 
the  papers  bequeathed  by  his  nephew  to  the  Royal  Society  of  Edin- 
burgh, and  other  original  sources.    2v.    1846.    Tait. 

"Mr.  Burton  has... from  every  accessible  quarter,  drawn  to  his  aid  all  kinds  of 
materials,  in  the  selection  and  disposal  of  which  his  sound  sense  and  good  taste  are  no 
less  apparent  than  the  faithfulness  and  impartiality  of  his  narrative."  Westminster 
revievj,  1847. 

Hunnewell,  James  Frothingham.  r92  Hgssra 

Murdock,   Harold.     Memorial   of  James   Frothingham   Hunnewell, 

read  before  the  Bostonian  Society  on  Jan.  17,  191 1.     191 1.     Privately 


James  F.  Hunnewell  (1832-19 10)  was  a  prominent  Boston  merchant  and  writer  on 

historical  subjects. 


Hunt,  Leigh.  92  H939C 

Correspondence;  ed.  by  his  eldest  son.    2v.     1862.    Smith,  Elder. 

"A  number  of  his  letters,  not  included  in  these  volumes,  were  published  in  1878  by 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cowden  Qarke  in  their  'Recollections  of  Writers'  [928  C52]."  Dictionary 
of  national  biography. 

Hunt,  William  Holman.    See  Artists,  p.1402. 

Huntingdon,  Selina  Hastings,  countess  of.    See  Hastings,  Selina  Shirley, 

countess  of  Huntingdon. 
Huntington,  Frederic  Dan,  bp.  92  H945 

Memoir  and  letters   [ed.]   by  A.  S.  Huntington.     1906.     Houghton. 

"Bibliography,"  p.431. 

When  Bishop  Huntington  (1819-1904)  first  entered  the  ministry  he  was  a  Unita- 
rian. Later  his  views  changed  and  he  became  rector  of  an  Episcopal  church  in  Boston 
and  from  1869  until  his  death  he  was  bishop  of  Central  New  York.  The  memoir  goes 
very  little  into  the  discussion  of  theological  questions,  but  shows  rather  the  man  as  his 
family  and  intimate  friends  knew  him.  The  glimpses  which  one  gets  of  his  early  life 
and  later  summers  spent  in  Hadley,  Massachusetts  are  particularly  delightful. 

Hurd,  Richard,  bp.  92  H949k 

Kilvert,  Francis.  Memoirs  of  the  life  and  writings  of  Richard  Kurd, 
with  a  selection  from  his  correspondence  and  other  unpublished  papers. 
i860.     Bentley. 

"The  works  of  Bishop  Hurd  chronologically  arranged,"  P.38S-386. 
Hurd  (1720-1808)  was  bishop  of  Worcester. 

Hutten,  Ulrich  von.  92  H976S 

Strauss,  David  Friedrich.     Ulrich  von  Hutten.     1871.    Brockhaus. 
Hutten   (1488-1523)  was  a  German  humanist,  the  friend  and  supporter  of  Luther. 
"The   best    biography    (although    it    is    also    somewhat    of   a    political    pamphlet)." 

Encyclopedia  Britannica. 

Hutten,  Laurence.  92  H977b2 

A  boy  I  knew,  and  Four  dogs.     1898.    Harper. 

These  two  sketches  were  origtinally  published  in  "St.  Nicholas,"  and,  as  the  writer 
says,  are  true  histories,  which  he  hopes  will  interest  boys  and  girls.*  The  reader  soon 
discovers  that  "the  boy"  is  the  writer  himself. 

The  same.     1900 92  H977b 

With  this  is  bound  "Some  more  dogs." 

Huxley,  Thomas  Henry.  92  H983d 

Davis,  James  Richard  Ainsworth.  Thomas  H.  Huxley.  1907.  Dent. 
(English  men  of  science.) 

"Chief  biographical  sources,"  p.255-256. 

"List  of  published  works,"  P.2S7-278. 

"Mr.  Davis  has  produced  in  small  compass  an  account  of  the  life  and  work  of 
Huxley  that  is  at  once  readable  and  stimulating.  It  was  inevitable  that  he  should  draw 
largely  upon  Mr.  Leonard  Huxley's  biography  of  his  illustrious  father  [92  HgSsh],  but 
the  materials  have  been  skilfully  employed,  and  the  book  is  far  from  being  a  mere 
abstract  of  the  larger  work."    Nature,  190J. 

Hyde,  Edward,  earl  of  Clarendon.    See  Clarendon,  Edward  Hyde,  earl  of. 

Iberville,  Pierre  le  Moyne,  sieur  d'.  92  Ii23r 

Reed,  Charles  Bert  The  first  great  Canadian;  the  story  of  Pierre 
Le  Moyne,  sieur  d'Iberville.     1910.     McClurg. 

"Bibliography,"  p.243-248. 

"Traces  his  adventurous  career  from  his  schoolboy  days  in  Canada,  his  training  in 
the  French  navy,  and  his  first  expedition  to  Hudson  Bay  with  De  Troyes  in  1686,  to  his 
death  in   1706,  at  the  moment  when  he  had  completed  ambitious  plans  for  raiding  the 


Iberville,  Pierre  le  Moyne,  sieur  d' — continued.  92  Ii23r 

British  colonies  from  Virginia  to  Massachusetts.  Into  these  twenty  years  were  crowded 
such  achievements  as  have  rarely  fallen  to  the  lot  of  any  single  man . . .  Notable  contribu- 
tion to  the  literature  of  early  American  history."    Nation,  igio. 

Ibsen,  Henrik.  92  Ii27g 

Gosse,  Edmund  William.  Henrik  Ibsen.  1908.  Scribner.  (Literary 

"Valuable  little  study Mr.  Gosse  has  made  the  best  use  of  his  rare  ling^uistic  equip- 
ment.    The  Scandinavian  and  German  sources  of  information  have  been  open  to  him, 
and  he  has  produced  what  is  the  only  adequate  and  organic  biographical  study  of  Ibsen." 
Outlook  (London),  190S. 
Contains  portraits. 

Ibsen,  Henrik.  92  1127m 

Macfall,  Haldane.  Ibsen,  the  man,  his  art  &  his  significance.  1907. 

"Some  of  the  best  books  upon  Ibsen,"  p. [327]. 

A  curious  compound  of  indiscriminating  eulogy  and  some  criticism.  It  provides  a 
fairly  full  biography,  gfives  synopses  of  all  the  plays  in  their  order,  with  explanations 
of  their  motives  and  symbolism,  which  if  they  are  not  authoritative  are  at  least  interest- 
ing.   Condensed  from  Nation,  igo?. 

Ibsen,  Henrik.  92  Ii27mo 

Moses,  Montrose  Jonas.  Henrik  Ibsen,  the  man  and  his  plays.  1908. 

"Bibliographical  note,"  p.518-522. ' 

Comprehensive  summary  of  a  considerable  body  of  literature  on  Ibsen,  containing 
a  sketch  of  his  life,  detailed  synopses  of  his  plays,  a  variety  of  selected  comment  and 
interpretation,  and  a  liberal  proportion  of  the  author's  own  views,  which  often  show 
strong  common  sense  and  a  power  of  discrimination.     Condensed  from  Nation,  igo8. 

Ignatius  de  Loyola,  St.  92  1 175! 

Thompson,  Francis.  Saint  Ignatius  Loyola;  ed.  by  J.  H.  Pollen. 
1909.    Burns. 

"The  story  of  the  great  Spanish  nobleman  who  became  'a  fool  for  Christ's  sake,' 
has  been  told  over  and  over  again;  and  nothing  new  could  be  looked  for  in  Francis 
Thompson's  book,  lexccpt  the  form  in  which  the  well-known  events  would  be  clothed... 
As  was  to  be  expected,  in  this  narrative  of  St.  Ignatius  not  a  shred  of  its  romance  and 
poetry  has  escaped  the  singer  of  'The  Hound  of  Heaven.'  With  a  wealth  of  imagery, 
which  sometimes  even  usurps  the  function  of  poetry,  he  carries  us  smoothly  on  from 
one  event  of  Ignatian  history  to  another."    ^Catholic  world,  1910. 

Ingelow,  Jean.  92  I2442S 

Some  recollections  of  Jean  Ingelow  and  her  early  friends.  [1901.] 

Published  anonymously. 

"Unassuming  little  memoir... The  author  does  not  know  very  much  about  Jean 
Ingelow  and  her  forbears,  but  she  knows  a  great  deal  more  than  any  one  else,  and 
tells  it  well  and  kindly."    Atheneeum,  1901. 

Ingersoll,  Robert  Green.  92  12443k 

Kittredge,  Herman  Eugene.    Ingersoll;  a  biographical  appreciation. 

191 1.    Dresden  Pub.  Co. 

Intimate  and  admiring  portrait.     Deals  with   Ingersoll's  war  record,   his  politicsl 

career,  the  philosophic  foundation  of  his  beliefs  and  with  his  unusually  happy  domestic 


Ingersoll,  Robert  Green.  92  I2443S 

Smith,  Edward  Garstin.  Life  and  reminiscences  of  R.  G.  Ingersoll. 
1904.    National  Weekly  Pub.  Co. 


Ingres,  Jean  Auguste  Dominique.    See  Artists,  p.  1406. 

Inness,  George.  qrg2  124621 

Trumble,  Alfred.  George  Inness,  N.  A.;  a  memorial  of  the  student, 
the  artist  and  the  man.    1895.    "The  Collector." 

Brief  essay  based  on  a  study  of  Inness  published  in  the  "Collector,"  Oct.   1894. 

Innocent  III,  pope.  92  l246g 

Gordon,  C.  H.  C.  Pirie-.     Innocent  the  Great;  an  essay  on  his  life 

and  times.    1907.    Longmans. 

"Author's  statement  concerning  authorities,"  p.9-13. 

Innocent  III  (1161-1216)  was  elected  pope  in  1198.     During  his  pontificate  the  papal 

power  was  more  widely  extended  than  ever  before.     The  book  includes  chapters  on  the 

fourth  crusade  and  on  the  relations  of  Innocent  with  Sicily,  England  and  the  city  of 

Rome.     Contains  maps  and  genealogical  tables. 

Irvine,  Alexander  Fitzgerald.  ga  I2884 

From  the  bottom  up;  the  life  story  of  Alexander  Irvine.  1910. 

Author  was  born  to  a  life  of  want  and  ignorance  in  a  small  Irish  village;  he  has 
been  a  newsboy,  a  miner,  a  converted  sinner,  a  religious  fanatic,  a  soldier,  an  emigrant, 
a  milkman,  a  Bowery  missionary,  a  clergyman  and  a  socialist.  He  is  at  present  (191 1) 
lay-reader  in  the  Church  of  the  Ascension,  New  York  city,  and  the  presiding  officer  of 
that  church's  Sunday  evening  conferences  for  civic  and  social  discussion. 

Irving,  Sir  Henry.  92  12883b 

Brereton,  Austin.     Life  of  Henry  Irving.    2v.     1908.     Longmans. 
"Bibliography    to    the   end   of    1883,"    v.i,   p.381;    "Bibliography,    1884-1908,"    v.2, 

Record  of  the  actor's  professional  life  and  triumphs,  inspired  by  the  zeal  of  ardent 
friendship,  and  based  on  unexceptionable  sources  of  information.  Many  interesting  illus- 
trations.   Condensed  from  Nation,  igo8. 

Irving,  Sir  Henry.  92  1 2883s 

Stoker,  Bram.  Personal  reminiscences  of  Henry  Irving.  2v.  1906. 

"Of  Irving  as  man  and  manager... he  gives  a  most  attractive  and  vital  portrait; 
a  portrait,  moreover,  whose  truthfulness  is  not  attested  solely  by  the  manifest  sincerity 
of  his  own  enthusiastic  af  f  ection . . .  but  by  the  plain  record  of  indisputable  facts...  But 
it  will  bring  disappointment  to  all  those  who  try  to  find  in  it  any  illuminating  details  of 
Irving's  growth  and  development  as  an  actor ...  or  any  attempt  to  discriminate  between 
the  comparative  excellence  of  his  different  impersonations."    Nation,  1906. 

Isabella  of  Aragon,  duchess  of  Milan.  92  I29i2h 

Hare,  Christopher,  (pseud,  of  Mrs  Marian  Andrews).  Isabella  of 
Milan,  princess  d'Aragona  and  wife  of  Duke  Gian  Galeazzo  Sforza;  the 
intimate  story  of  her  life  in  Milan  told  in  the  letters  of  her  lady-in- 
waiting.     [1911.]     Scribner. 

Told  with  strict  historical  accuracy  of  incident,  character  and  date,  through  the 
letters  of  an  imaginary  eye-witness. 

92  I297f 

Ivinskis,  Laurynas.  q92  l335g 

Grinius,  K.    Medziaga  L.  Ivinskio  biografijai.    1908. 


Jackson,  Andrew.  92  Ji23br 

Brady,  Cyrus  Townsend.  The  true  Andrew  Jackson.  1906.  Lip- 

"For  both  facts  and  conclusioas  he  seems  to  rely  chiefly  on  Parton,  Buell,  Sumner, 
Brown,  and  Colyar,  excerpts  from  whose  writings  make  up  no  small  proportion  of  his 
book... His  work  is  further  open  to  objection  as  ill-proportioned,  abounding  in  extreme 
staements,  and  uncritical — defects  which  quite  outweigh  the  considerations  that  it  is 
vivacious,  rich  in  anecdote,  and  thoroughly  readable."     Outlook,  1906. 

Jackson,  Sheldon.  92  J1262S 

Stewart,  Robert  Laird.  Sheldon  Jackson,  pathfinder  and  prospector 
of  the  missionary  vanguard  in  the  Rocky  mountains  and  Alaska.  1908. 

Deals  with  the  life  and  service  of  a  frontier  missionary  of  the  Presbyterian  church 
Jackson,  Gen.  Thomas  Jonathan,  {called  Stonewall).  92  Ji26d 

Dabney,  Robert  Lewis.  Life  and  campaigns  of  Lieut. -Gen.  Thomas 
J.  Jackson  (Stonewall  Jackson).     1866.     Blelock. 

Dabney  served  on  Jackson's  staff  during  two  campaigns  and  had  access  to  much  of 
his  private  correspondence  and  to  the  archives  of  the  Confederate  war  department. 
The  book  was  written  however  while  the  Civil  war  was  still  in  progress  and  it  is  dis- 
tinctly controversial   in   its  tone. 

Jackson,  Gen.  Thomas  Jonathan,  {called  Stonewall).  92  J126W 

White,  Henry  Alexander.  Stonewall  Jackson.  1908.  Jacobs.  (Amer- 
ican crisis  biographies.) 

"Bibliography,"  p.366-368. 

Principally  a  review  of  his  military  career. 

Jacqueline  of  Bavaria,  countess  of  Hainaut  and  Holland.  92  J137P 

Putnam,  Ruth.     A  mediaeval  princess;  being  a  true  record  of  the 
changing  fortunes  which  brought  divers  titles  to  Jacqueline,  countess 
of  Holland,  together  with  an  account  of  her  conflict  with  Philip,  duke 
of  Burgundy  (1401-1436).     1904.    Putnam. 
"Bibliography,"  P.31S-322. 

Sympathetic  narrative  of  Jacqueline's  stormy,  melodramatic  career.  In  spite  of  the 
author's  wide  reading  and  signal  industry,  the  princess's  personality  remains  somewhat 
shadowy,  and  the  volume  is  more  valuable  as  a  consistent  account  of  the  methods  by 
which  Burgrundian  power  was  built  up  in  the  Netherlands.     Many  illustrations. 

James  I,  king  of  Scotland.  92  J163J 

Jusserand,  Jean  Jules.  Romance  of  a  king's  life;  tr.  from  the  French 
by  M.  R.    1896.    Unwin. 

"The  substance  of  this  sketch  of  the  energetic  career  of  King  James  [James  I  of 
Scotland]  is  a  paraphrase  of  the  'King's  Quair'  combined  with  an  account  of  the  mission 
of  Regnault  Girard  to  Scotland  in  1435-36  for  the  purpose  of  taking  back  to  France  the 
Princess  Margaret,  who  was  to  become  Dauphiness."    Athenaum,  1897. 

Jaricot,  Pauline  Marie.  92  Ji94m 

Maurin,  Julia.  Pauline  Marie  Jaricot,  foundress  of  the  Association 
for  the  Propagation  of  the  Faith  &  of  the  Living  Rosary;  tr.  from  the 
French  by  E.  Speppard.     1906.     Benziger. 

Pauline  Marie  Jaricot  (1799-1862)  was  the  daughter  of  a  wealthy  silk  weaver  of 
Lyons.  The  Association  for  the  Propagation  of  the  Faith  was  founded  to  aid  Roman 
Catholic  missions  and  the  Living  Rosary  was  a  devotional  association.  She  was  also 
interested  in  enterprises  for  the  improvement  of  the  condition  of  the  working  classes. 
"It  is  the  life  of  one  of  those  women  who  recall,  in  a  less  conspicuous  way,  St. 
Catharine  of  Siena . . .  She  resembled  her  in  this :  that  being  a  single  woman,  living  at 
home  a  quiet,  obscure  religious  life,  she  yet  left  a  conspicuous  mark  on  the  organization 
of  the  vast  Church  to  which  she  belonged."    AtheiuBum.  igo6. 


Jeanne  d'Albret,  qwen  of  Navarre.  92  Jaayf 

Freer,  Martha  Walker,  afterward  Mrs  Robinson.  Life  of  Jeanne 
d'Albret,  queen  of  Navarre;  from  numerous  unpublished  sources  includ- 
ing ms.  documents  in  the  Bibliotheque  Imperiale  and  the  Archives 
Espagnoles  de  Simancas.     [1855.]     Hurst. 

Jeanne  d'Albret  (1528-72)  was  mother  of  Henry  IV,  king  of  France  and  Navarre, 
and  a  warm  supporter  of  the  Huguenot  cause. 

Jeanne  d'Arc.    See  Joan  of  Arc. 

Jebb,  Sir  Richard  Claverhouse.  92  J228J 

Jebb,  Caroline  Lane  (Reynolds)  Slemmer,  lady.    Life  and  letters  of 

Sir  Richard   Claverhouse  Jebb,  by  his  wife.     1907.     Cambridge  Uni- 
versity Press. 

Contains  a  chapter  on  Jebb  the  scholar  and  critic,  by  A.  W.  Verrall. 
Eminent  classical  scholar   (i  841— 1905),  from  1889  until  his  death  regius  professor 
of  Greek  at  the  University  of  Cambridge. 

Jefferson,  Thomas.  92  J2323d 

Domestic  life  of  Thomas  Jefferson;  comp.  from  family  letters  and 
reminiscences,  by  his  great-granddaughter,  S.  N.  Randolph.  1871. 

"When  the  great  collection  of  Jefferson's  manuscripts  was  sold  to  the  United  States 
government,  there  was  reserved  a  mass  of  papers  which  were  deemed  to  be  of  such  « 
private  nature  as  to  possess  no  value  in  the  national  archives,  and  to  belong  more  proper- 
ly to  the  family.  These  eventually  came  into  the  possession  of  Jefferson's  great-grand- 
daughter, and  they  form  the  raison  d'etre  of  this  book.  It  possesses  the  merits  and  de- 
merits which  might  be  expected,  the  documents  being  of  positive  value,  and  the  family 
recollections  and  traditions  of  distinct  interest;  but  the  book  is  faulty  in  method,  being 
both  ill-proportioned  and  disjointed.  It  is,  therefore,  far  more  valuable  to  the  maker 
than  to  the  reader  of  history."     Larned's  Literature  of  American  history. 

Jefferson,  Thomas.  V92  J2323 

Germantown  letters,  together  with  other  papers  relating  to  his  stay 
in  Germantown  during  the  month  of  November  1793,  by  C.  F.Jenkins. 
1906.     Campbell. 

During  the  epidemic  of  yellow  fever  in  Philadelphia  in  1793  Congress  met  at  Ger- 
mantown. Jefferson  was  then  secretary  of  state  and  about  60  of  his  letters  written 
at  that  time,  including  both  personal  and  official  correspondence,  have  been  here 
gathered  together.  An  oration  is  included  which  was  delivered  by  the  principal  of  the 
Germantown  Academy  shortly  after  Jefferson's  death. 

Jefferson,  Thomas.  92  W272si 

Simpson,  Stephen.  Lives  of  George  Washington  and  Thomas  Jef- 
ferson, with  a  parallel.     1833.    Young. 

The  life  of  Washington  is  based  upon  Marshall's  biography,  that  of  Jefferson  is 
gathered  chiefly  from  his  letters  and  writings. 

Jeffrey,  Francis,  lord.  92  J2342C 

Cockburn,  Henry  Thomas,  lord.  Life  of  Lord  Jeffrey,  with  a  selec- 
tion from  his  correspondence.    2v.  in  i.     1856.     Lippincott. 

Lord  Jeffrey  (1773-1850)  was  a  lawyer  and  critic,  at  one  time  editor  of  the  "Edin- 
burgh review,"  which  became  under  his  rule  the  leading  organ  of  public  opinion  and  the 
most  dreaded  of  critical  censors.  He  criticized  with  g^eat  severity  the  new  school  of 
poetry  represented  by  Wordsworth,  Shelley,  Byron  and  Coleridge. 

Jerome  Napoleon,  king  of  Westphalia.  92  J28i2m 

Martinet,  Andre.    Jerome  Napoleon,  roi  de  Westphalie.     1902. 
Too  much  in  the  style  of  a  panegyric  and  not  sufficiently  critical;  but  it  contains 


Jerome  Napoleon,  king  of  Westphalia — continued.  92  J28i2m 

many  documents  taken  from  the  national  archives.  Includes  also  many  interesting 
details  on  the  short-lived  kingdom  of  Westphalia  and  accounts  of  the  many  conspiracies 
which  took  place  there.     Condensed  from  Nation,  igos. 

Jerome  Napoleon,  king  of  Westphalia.  92  J2812S 

Sergeant,  Philip  Walsingham.     The  burlesque  Napoleon;  being  the 

story  of  the   life   and  the   kingship   of  Jerome    Napoleon   Bonaparte, 

youngest  brother  of  Napoleon  the  Great.     1905.     Laurie. 

The  only  monograph   (1905)   in   English  on   Napoleon's  youngest  brother  and  the 

pasteboard  throne  of  the  state  of  Westphalia. 

Jesup,  Morris  Ketchum.  92  J298b 

Brown,  William  Adams.  Morris  Ketchum  Jesup;  a  character  sketch. 
1910.    Scribner. 

Morris  K.  Jesup  (i  830-1908)  was  a  New  York  philanthropist,  president  of  the 
New  York  Chamber  of  Commerce,  president  of  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  His- 
tory, one  of  the  founders  and  president,  1872-75,  of  the  Young  Men's  Christian  Associa- 
tion and  largely  interested  in  many  other  philanthropies. 

Jesup,  Morris  Ketchum.  V9^  J298n 

Resolutions  in  appreciation  of  Morris  Ketchum  Jesup,  by  the  trus- 
tees of  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  the  scientific  staff  of 
the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  the  New  York  Academy  of 
Sciences  [and  other  societies].     1908. 

Jewett,  Sarah  Orne.  92  J316J 

Letters;  ed.  by  Annie  Fields.     191 1.     Houghton. 

These  letters,  addressed  to  various  friends  in  America  and  England,  have  the  un- 
usual qualities  which  give  distinction  to  Miss  Jewett's  stories.  They  are  full  of  char- 
acter and  charm,  and  reveal  her  love  of  nature,  impressions  of  foreign  travel,  literary 
likings,  keen  criticism  of  books,  and  a  rare  capacity  for  friendship. 

Joan  of  Arc.  92  J329b 

Bangs,   Mary  Rogers.     Jeanne   d'Arc,  the   Maid  of   France.     1910. 


"Her  narrative  eschews  controversy  and  gives  a  purely  objective  statement  of  the 
facts  as  ascertained  by  recent  research,  couched,  it  is  true,  in  the  language  of  enthusiasm, 
but  not  colored  by  any  attempt  at  systematic  explanation."    Nation,  igio. 

Joan  of  Arc.  q92  j329mo 

Boutet  de  Monvel,  Maurice.    Joan  of  Arc.    1907.    Century. 
With  many  illustrations  in  color. 

Joan  of  Arc.  92  J329fr 

France,  Anatole,  {pseud,  of  Jacques  Anatole  Thibault).  Life  of  Joan 
of  Arc;  a  translation  by  Winifred  Stephens.    2v.     1909. 

While  nowhere  calling  in  question  the  sincerity  of  his  heroine,  M.  France  belittles 
the  part  she  played  in  the  public  events  of  1429-30.  He  attempts  to  explain  away  all 
the  spiritual  side  of  her  history  and  represents  the  Maid  as  an  heroic  but  weak  creature, 
a  visionary,  whose  illusions  physical  science  can  account  for.  He  attempts  to  dear  away 
the  mystery  that  surrounds  her  life  by  advancing  the  theory  that  she  acted  under  the 
advice  of  some  unknown  person. 

Joan  of  Arc.  92  J329f 

France,  Anatole,  {pseud,  of  Jacques  Anatole  Thibault).  Vie  de 
Jeanne  d'Arc.    2v.    1908. 


Joan  of  Arc.  92  J329la 

Lang,  Andrew.  The  Maid  of  France;  the  story  of  the  life  and  death 
of  Jeanne  d'Arc.     1909.    Longmans. 

Written  by  an  ardent  admirer  of  Joan  of  Arc,  who  is  conceived  as  saintly,  brave, 
of  high  intelligence,  a  natural  leader  of  men.  This  view  is  vigorously  upheld  against 
those  of  some  other  historians,  notably  that  of  Anatole  France  in  his  "Vie  de  Jeanne 
d'Arc,"  which  is  subjected  to  a  severe  and  evidently  merited  criticism.  Portraits,  maps. 
"A  strong,  clear,  well-ordered  brief,  and  will  be  an  invaluable  document  for  the 
next  biographer  of  the  Maid."    Nation,  igog. 

Joan  of  Arc.  92  J329mi 

Michelet,  Jules.  Jeanne  d'Arc;  ed.  by  J.  H.  Sacret.  1909.  Claren- 
don Press.     (Oxford  modern  French  series.) 

"Intended  for  students  who  read  French  with  some  facility,  the  volume  will  appeal 
especially  to  those  who  in  preparation  for  college  or  otherwise  have  studied  De  Quin- 
cey's  'Joan  of  Arc,'  which  attacks  this  very  book."    Nation,  1909. 

Joan  of  Arc.  92  J329V 

Vaughan,  Bernard.  Life  lessons  from  blessed  Joan  of  Arc,  with 
preface  by  the  archbishop  of  Westminster.     1910.     Allen. 

Combination  of  history  and  homily.  .Author  outlines  the  facts  in  her  story  and 
draws  the  lessons. 

Joanna  I,  queen  of  Naples.    See  Giovanna  I,  queen  of  Naples. 

John  of  Gaunt,  duke  of  Lancaster.  92  C4iig 

Godwin,  William.  Life  of  Geoffrey  Chaucer,  including  memoirs  of 
John .  of  Gaunt,  duke  of  Lancaster,  with  sketches  of  the  manners, 
opinions,  arts  and  literature  of  England  in  the  14th  century.  4v.  1804, 

John  of  Gaunt,  duke  of  Lancaster.  92  J3562S 

Smith,  Sydney  Armitage-.  John  of  Gaunt,  king  of  Castile  and  Leon, 
duke  of  Aquitaine  and  Lancaster,  earl  of  Derby,  Lincoln  and  Leicester, 
seneschal  of  England.     1904.     Constable. 

"Sources  and  authorities,"  p.13-18. 

"He  has  done  much  to  reconcile  apparent  inconsistencies  in  the  career  of  the 
father  of  the  first  Lancastrian  king  and  to  unravel  the  tangled  skein  of  English  politics 
in  the  last  quarter  of  the  fourteenth  century.  .  .His  analysis  of  Lancaster's  policy  during 
the  early  years  of  his  nephew's  reign  is  well  worked  out,  and  with  the  help  of  the  un- 
printed  register  of  the  duchy  he  clears  up  some  obscure  points. .  .The  chapter  on  the 
Lancastrian  estates  brings  out  very  clearly  the  enormous  political  influence  wielded 
by  their  owner,  and  a  map,  which  is  evidently  the  result  of  much  labour,  shows  how 
widespread  they  were."    English  historical  review,  1905. 

John,  Griffith.  92  J356t 

Thompson,  Ralph  Wardlaw.  Griffith  John;  the  story  of  50  years 
in  China.     1906.    Armstrong. 

Interesting  account  of  a  veteran  missionary  who  went  to  China  at  the  age  of  2a 
and  has  remained  there  ever  since. 

Johnson,  John  Albert.  92  J362d 

Day,  Frank  A.  &  Knappen,  T.  M.  Life  of  John  Albert  Johnson, 
three  times  governor  of  Minnesota.     1910.     Forbes. 

.  John  A.  Johnson  (i 861-1909)  was  thrice  elected  as  Democratic  governor  of  Re- 
publican Minnesota.  This  story  of  his  life,  told  by  two  of  his  close  associates,  is  not 
intended  as  a  critical  biography  but  as  a  memorial.  It  is  too  early  to  measure  the  man's 
influence  or  determine  his  place  in  the  history  of  the  nation,  but  the  sympathetic  picture 
here  presented  by  those  who  knew  and  loved  him  is  well  worth  preserving.  Condensed 
from  Nation,  1910. 


Johnson,  Samuel,  1 696-1 772.  92  J3652b 

Beardsley,  Eben  Edwards.  Life  and  correspondence  of  Samuel 
Johnson,  missionary  of  the  Church  of  England  in  Connecticut  and 
first  president  of  King's  College,  New  York.     1874.     Hurd. 

Johnson,  Samuel,  1709-84.  92  JaSsbr 

Broadley,  Alexander  Meyrick.  Doctor  Johnson  and  Mrs  Thrale, 
including  Mrs  Thrale's  unpublished  journal  of  the  Welsh  tour  made  in 
1774  and  much  hitherto  unpublished  correspondence  of  the  Streatham 
coterie,  with  an  introductory  essay  by  Thomas  Seccombe.     1910.    Lane. 

Johnson,  Samuel,  1709-84.  92  J365hi 

Hill,  George  Birkbeck.  Dr  Johnson,  his  friends  and  his  critics. 
1878.    Smith,  Elder. 

Contents:  Oxford  in  Johnson's  time. — Lord  Macaulay  on  Johnson. — Mr  Carlyle  on 
Boswell. — Lord  Macaulay  on  Boswell. — The  melancholy  of  Johnson  and  Cowper. — Lord 
Chesterfield  and  Johnson. — Lord  Chesterfield's  letters. — Bennet  Langton. — Topham 
Beauclerk.  —  Oliver  Goldsmith.  —  Appendix;  The  duration  of  Johnson's  residence  at 

"Seldom  has  a  pleasanter  commentary  been  written  on  a  literary  masterpiece ...  It  in- 
spires a  continual  desire  to  take  down  the  volumes  of  Boswell. .  .[Author]  has  labored 
to  remove  misconceptions  both  of  Johnson  and  of  Boswell  formed  by  Lord  Macaulay  and 
by  Mr.  Carlyle."     Saturday  review,  1878. 

Johnson,  Samuel,  1709-84.  192  J365P 

Piozzi,  Mrs  Hester  Lynch  (Salusbury)  Thrale.  Anecdotes  of 
Samuel  Johnson  during  the  last  20  years  of  his  life.    1786.    Cadell. 

Johnson,  Samuel,  1709-84.  ■  92  J365r 

Raleigh,  5" ir  Walter  Alexander.    Samuel  Johnson;  the  Leslie  Stephen 

lecture  delivered  in  the  Senate  house,  Cambridge,  22  February   1907. 

1907.    Clarendon  Press. 

An  appreciative  sketch,  dwelling  more  on  the  Johnson  that  we  find  in  the  Rambler 

and  the  Lives  of  the  poets  than  on  Boswell's  portrayal. 

Johnson,  Tom  Loftin.  92  J3662I 

Lorenz,  Carl.    Tom  L.  Johnson,  mayor  of  Cleveland.    191 1.    Barnes. 

A  view  at  close  range  of  a  powerful,  impetuous,  strife-loving  personality,  but  the 
view  is  unsteady.  The  writer  fails  to  give  due  space  to  some  of  the  turning-points  in  a 
career  which  he  apparently  knows  thoroughly.     Condensed  from  Nation,  igii. 

Joinville,  Frangois  Ferdinand  Philippe  Louis  Marie  92  J377 

d'Orleans,  prince  de. 
Memoirs    (Vieux  souvenirs);  tr.  from  the   French   by  Lady  Mary 
Loyd,  with  many  illustrations  from  original  drawings  by  the  author. 
1895.    Heinemann. 

The  prince  de  Joinville  (1818-1900)  was  the  son  of  Louis  Philippe,  king  of  the 
French.  He  served  in  the  French  navy,  commanding  the  squadron  in  the  war  against 
Morocco  in  1844.  During  the  Civil  war  he  joined  McClellan's  staff  for  a  short  period. 
These  memoirs,  however,  come  up  only  to  the  year  1848. 

Jokai,  Mor.  92  J378 

A  Jokai-jubileum  es  a  nemzeti  diszkiadas  tortenete;  az  elofizetok 
nevsoraval  es  a  szaz  kotet  reszletes  tartalomjegyzekevel  valamint  Jokai 
osszes  irasainak  bibliographiajaval.     1908.     (Osszes  miivei,  v.  100.) 

"Jokai   Mor  osszes  megjelent  muveinek  bibliografiaja,"  p.i 55-190. 


J6kai,  Mor.  92  JaySm 

Mikszath,  Kalman.    Jokai  Mor  elete  es  kora.    2v.    1907. 

Jones,  Sir  Edward  Burne-.    See  Artists,  p.1401. 

Jones,  John  Paul.  J93  J4iia 

Abbott,  John  Stevens  Cabot.     Life  of  John  Paul  Jones.     1903.     Dodd. 

Account  of  the  early  life  of  John  Paul  Jones,  the  cruise  of  the  Bon  Homme  Richard, 
the  Russian  campaign  and  other  events  in  the  career  of  the  famous  admiral  of  Revolu- 
tionary times.     By  an  ardent  admirer. 

Jones,  John  Paul.  qrga  J411U 

United  States — Navy  department.  John  Paul  Jones  commemoration 
at  Annapolis,  April  24,  1906;  comp.  by  C.  W.  Stewart.  1907.  (59th 
cong.    1st  sess.    House.    Doc.  no.804.) 

Official  report  of  the  finding  of  the  remains  of  John  Paul  Jones  in  a  disused  Paris 
cemetery  and  of  the  ceremonies  connected  with  their  removal  to  Annapolis.  A  few  of 
his  letters  are  included  and  numerous  portraits. 

Jones,  Sir  William.  r828  J41  v.i-a 

Teignmouth,  John  Shore,  lord.  Memoirs  of  the  life,  writings  and 
correspondence  of  Sir  William  Jones.  2v.  1807.  (In  Jones,  Sir  Wil- 
liam.    Works,  v.i-2.) 

Jones,  William,  d.  1779.  r92  Daigah 

Hayden,  Horace  Edwin.  Brief  sketch  of  Captain  Joseph  Davis  and 
Lieutenant  William  Jones  of  the  Pennsylvania  line  who  were  slain  by 
the  Indians  at  Laurel  Run,  Pa.  April  23,  1779;  read  before  the  Wyoming 
Historical  and  Geological  Society,  May  21,  1897.     1897. 

Jones,  William,  d.  1779.  r92  D3ig2p 

Phelps,  Mrs  Martha  (Bennett).  Address  delivered  on  the  occasion 
of  the  erection  of  a  monument  at  Laurel  Run,  Luzerne  county,  Penn- 
sylvania, September  12,  1896,  to  mark  the  spot  where  Captain  Joseph 
Davis  and  Lieutenant  William  Jones  of  the  Pennsylvania  line  were 
slain  by  the  Indians,  April  23,  1779.  1897.  Wyoming  Historical  and 
Geological  Society. 

Jordaens,  Jakob.    See  Artists,  p.1414. 

Josselin,  Ralph.  93  J452 

Diary  of  Ralph  Josselin,  1616-1683;  ed.  for  the  Royal  Historical  So- 
ciety by  E.  Hockliffe.  1908.  (Camden  Society.  Publications,  3d  ser.  v.  15.) 

Records  all  the  details  of  his  life  as  vicar  of  Earles  Colne.  He  was  occupied  with 
many  things  besides  the  care  of  his  parish;  we  hear  of  political  events  and  the  progress 
of  the  plague,  the  price  of  land,  cows  and  pigs,  wages,  the  cost  of  a  birthday  party  and 
the  duty  on  hops. 

Judson,  Adoniram.  92  J496W 

Wayland,  Francis.  Memoir  of  the  life  and  labors  of  Adoniram  Jud- 
son.   2v.    1853.    Phillips.. 

American  missionary  (1788-1850)  who  from  1812  until  his  death  devoted  his  life 
to  the  cause  of  missions  in  India. 


Julian,  emperor  of  Rome,  called  the  Apostate.  92  Jsisn 

Negri,  Gaetano.    Julian  the  Apostate;  tr.  from  the  second  Italian  ed. 

by  the  duchess  Litta-Visconti-Arese,  with  an  introduction  by  Pasquale 

Villari.    2v.    1905.    Unwin. 

"The  reader  obtains  a  complete  explanatory  account  of  the  whole  spiritual  situation 
of  the  century  in  which  Julian  lived... He  does  not  contribute  any  new  body  of  fact 
for  the  church  historian,  but  he  gives  a  vivid  picture  of  the  moral  conditions  of  the 
Christianized  empire  and  a  brilliant  and  illuminating  construction  of  the  doctrinal  de- 
velopment whether  Christian  or  Neoplatonic."    American  historical  review,  1906. 

Junius,  pseud.  qrga  J528C 

Chabot,    Charles,    1815-82.     Handwriting   of  Junius   professionally 

investigated  by   Charles   Chabot,   expert,  with   preface  and   collateral 

evidence  by  Edward  Twisleton.     1871.     Murray. 

Contents:     Report  of  Mr  Chabot  on  Sir  Philip  Francis. — Report  of  Mr  Chabot  on 

Lady  Temple,  Lord  George  Sackville  and  others. 

K.,  O.    See  Novikoff,  Mme  Olga  (Kireeff),  {pseud.  O.  K.). 

Kalb,  Johann,  baron  von.  r92  K117S 

Smith,  John  Spear.  Memoir  of  the  baron  de  Kalb;  read  at  the 
meeting  of  the  Maryland  Historical  Society,  Jan.  7,  1858.  1858.  (Mary- 
land Historical  Society.     Publications.) 

An  account  of  Baron  von  Kalb's  services  during  the  Revolutionary  war. 

Kane,  Elisha  Kent.  93  Ki27e 

Elder,  William.     Biography  of  Elisha  Kent  Kane.     1858.     Childs. 

Kane  (1820—57)  was  an  American  Arctic  explorer.  He  conducted  the  expedition 
in  search  of  Sir  John  Franklin  in  1850. 

Kirolyi,  Gabor,  gr6f.  92  Ki36e 

Eotvos,  Karoly.  Grof  Karolyi  Gabor  foljegyzesei.  2v.  (Munkai, 

Katherine.    See  Catharine. 

Keene,  Laura.  92  K1572C 

Creahan,  John.  Life  of  Laura  Keene,  actress,  artist,  manager  and 
scholar,  with  some  interesting  reminiscences  of  her  daughters  [Clara 
Taylor  and  Emma  Taylor].     1897.    Rodgers. 

Uncritical  biography  compiled  from  personal  recollections,  newspaper  articles  and 
estimates  by  contemporaries.  Useful  for  the  early  history  of  the  American  stage. 

Keller,  Helen  Adams.  92  Ki65h 

Historya  mego  zycia;  z  angielskiego  wydania  krytycznego   P.  A. 

Macy,  przelozyla  i  przedmowQ  opatrzyta  Alina  Swiderska.     1905. 
Polish  translation  of  "Story  of  my  life." 

Keller,  Helen  Adams.  qr92  K165V 

Volta  Bureau,  Washington,  D.  C.  Helen  Keller  souvenir  no.2,  1892- 
1899;  commemorating  the  Harvard  final  examination  for  admission  to 
Radcliffe  College,  June  29-30,  1899.    1899. 

PajJers  relating  to  the  methods  of  instruction  pursued  with  Helen  Keller,  by  Dr  A. 
Graham  Bell  and  Annie  Sullivan,  accounts  by  Arthur  Gilman  and  Merton  S.  Keith  of 
her  college  preparatory  work  and  a  chronological  statement  of  her  studies  by  Miss  Keller. 


Kelpius,  Johann.  192  K1722 

Journal,    1694-1708;    photographically    reproduced    by    J.  F.  Sachse. 

1893.     Privately  printed. 

Kelpius  (1673-1708)  was  a  German  mystic  who  came  to  Germantown  in  1694  and 

settled  later  with  his  followers,  who  were  known  as  the  Hermits  of  the  Ridge,  on  the 

banks  of  the  Wissahickon,  not  far  from  Philadelphia.     His  journal  is  in  Latin  and  a 

few  letters  written  by  him  in  English  and  German  are  included. 

Kelvin,  William  Thomson,  baron.  92  Ki72g 

Gray,  Andrew.     Lord  Kelvin;  an  account  of  his  scientific  life  and 

work.    1908.    Dent.     (English  men  of  science.) 

Author  was  for  some  years  private  secretary  and  assistant  of  Lord  Kelvin  at  the 

University  of  Glasgow  and  writes  with  authority  concerning  his  methods  and  work. 

Kelvin,  William  Thomson,  baron.  92  Ki72t 

Thompson,  Silvanus  Phillips.  Life  of  William  Thomson,  baron 
Kelvin  of  Largs.    2v.     1910.    Macmillan. 

"Bibliography,"  v.2,  p.1223-1274. 

Lord  Kelvin  (1824-1907),  one  of  the  very  few  men  raised  to  the  British  peerage 
for  purely  scientific  achievements,  was  professor  of  natural  philosophy  at  Glasgow 
University  from  1846  to  1899.  The  direct  successor  of  Newton,  he  launched  into  the 
world  the  principle  of  conservation  of  energy,  on  which  the  whole  fabric  of  modern 
physics  was  based.  The  world  knows  him  best  as  the  man  who  has  shown  how  prac- 
tically to  measure  electric  and  magnetic  quantities,  and  has  made  it  possible  to  link 
together  distant  continents  by  the  electric  telegraph. 

"Full  and  authoritative  account  of  his  life  and  work.  This  biography  was  begun 
during  the  life  of  Lord  Kelvin,  and,  in  fact,  had  his  cooperation;  after  his  death,  the 
original  sketch  was  greatly  extended  by  the  materials  furnished  from  his  letters,  diaries, 
and  other  documents  put  at  the  biographer's  disposal.  In  addition  to  the  abundant 
record  thus  available,  Professor  Thompson  had  the  high  privilege  of  being  a  personal 
friend  of  the  great  physicist.  The  result  is  a  book  which  will  appeal  strongly  not 
only  to  men  of  science,  who  have  been  eagerly  awaiting  it,  but  also  to  all  those  who 
have  an  interest  in  the  thought  of  the  nineteenth  century."    Nation,  jgio. 

Kemble,  Frances  Anne.  r92  K173 

Journal.    2v.    1835.    Carey. 

English  actress  (1809-93),  daughter  of  Charles  Kemble.  This  journal  covers  the 
first  year  of  her  tour  in  America,  1832-33. 

Kempis,  Thomas  a.    See  Thomas  a  Kempis. 

Kennedy,  John  Pendleton.  92  Ki84t 

Tuckerman,  Henry  Theodore.     Life  of  John  Pendleton  Kennedy. 

1871.    Putnam. 

Kennedy  (i  795-1870),  congressman,  secretary  of  the  navy,  and  an  author  of  some 

importance  in  his  day. 

"The  chief  merit  of  this  book  is  the  attractive  picture  it  gives  of  the  best  sort  of 

Southern  gentleman,  well  educated,  of  literary  tastes,  an  honest  politician,  and  a  good 

lawyer."    Nation,  1S71. 

Keppel,   George   Thomas,   earl  of  Albemarle.     See  Albemarle,   George 

Thomas  Keppel,  earl  of. 
Key,  Francis  Scott.  ga  K234S 

Smith,  Francis  Scott  Key.  Francis  Scott  Key,  author  of  "The  star 
spangled  banner;"  what  else  he  was  and  who.    1911.    Privately  printed. 

King,  Thomas  Starr.  92  Ka67f 

Frothingham,  Richard.  Tribute  to  Thomas  Starr  King.  1865.  Tick- 

King    (1824-64)    was   a   Unitarian  minister,   writer   and   lecturer,   for   some   years 


King,  Thomas  Starr — continued.  92  K267f 

pastor  of  the  Hollis  Street  Church,  Boston.  The  last  part  of  his  life  was  spent  in  San 
Francisco  and  he  was  instrumental  in  persuading  California  to  remain  in  the  Union  at 
the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  war. 

Kingston,  Elizabeth  (Chudleigh),  duchess  of.  92  K273P 

Pearce,  Charles  E.  The  amazing  duchess,  being  the  romantic  his- 
tory of  Elizabeth  Chudleigh,  maid  of  honour,  the  Hon.  Mrs  Hervey, 
duchess  of  Kingston  and  countess  of  Bristol.    2v.    [1911.]     Paul. 

"Authorities,"  v.a,  p.3S7-3S9. 

"[The  story  of  Elizabeth  Chudleigh]  is  said  to  have  suggested  to  Thackeray  the 
character  of  Beatrice  in  'Esmond'  and  of  the  Baroness  Bernstein  in  'The  Virginians.' " 
Dictionary  of  national  biography, 

Kisfaludy,  Karoly.  92  K295b 

Banoczi,  Jozsef.    Kisfaludy  Karoly  es  munkai.    2v.     1882-83. 

Knight,  Cornelia.  92  K343 

Autobiography  of  Cornelia  Knight,  lady  companion  to  the  princess 
Charlotte  of  Wales,  with  extracts  from  her  journals  and  anecdote 
books.    2v.    1861.    Allen. 

"Miss  Knight's  autobiography  is  among  the  most  valuable  sources  of  information 
for  the  court  history  of  those  days."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Konopnicka,  Marya.  92  K377g 

Galle,  Henryk.  Tworczosc  poetycka,  Maryi  Konopnickiej,  w  ci^gu 
dwndziestu  pigciu  lat.     1902. 

Kosciuszko,  Thaddeus.  92  K389Z 

Z.,  X.  Y.  Kosciuszko  w  Ameryce,  jego  bohaterskie  czyny  w  walce 
o  niepodleglosc  stanow  zjednoczonych;  obraz  historyczny.     1890. 

Kossuth,  Louis.  92  K392g 

Gracza,  Gyorgy.    Kossuth  Lajos  elete,  miikodese  es  halala.    1903. 

Kotzebue,  August  Friedrich  Ferdinand  von.  r93  K395 

The  most  remarkable  year  in  the  life  of  Augustus  von  Kotzebue, 
containing  an  account  of  his  exile  into  Siberia  and  of  other  extraordi- 
nary events  which  happened  to  him  in  Russia,  written  by  himself;  tr. 
from  the  German  by  Benjamin  Beresford.    3v.     1802.    Phillips. 

In  1800  Kotzebue,  the  German  dramatist,  while  traveling  from  Vienna  to  Russia 
was  arrested  as  a  spy  on  the  Russian  frontier  and  sent  to  Siberia.  He  was  recalled 
however  by  the  czar,  Paul  I,  about  a  year  later  and  made  manager  of  the  German  theatre 
at  St.  Petersburg. 

Kowalewska,  Zofia.  92  K3972 

Pamigtnik  Zofii  Kowalewskiej;  prz.  J.  Szczawinskiej.     1898. 
Memoirs  of  Zofia  Kowalewska. 

Kranach,  Lucas.    See  Artists,  p.  1404. 

Kraszewski,  Jozef  Ignacy.  92  K4i3ac 

Chmielowski,  Piotr.  Jozef  Ignacy  Kraszewski;  zarys  historyczno- 
literacki.     1888. 

Kriiger,  Franz.    See  Artists,  p.  1405. 


Knipp,  Alfred.  92  K427t 

Tesch,  Albert.    Alfred  Krupp.    1910.     (Manner  des  erfolgs.) 

Alfred  Krupp  (1812-87)  was  the  son  and  successor  of  the  founder  of  the  great 
Krupp  steel-works  at  Essen,  Germany.  This  brief  biography  describes  the  rapid  develop- 
ment of  the  foundries  under  his  management,  and  gives  a  glimpse  of  the  welfare  work 
carried  on  there  among  the  employees. 

Kriisi,  Hermann.  92  K428 

Recollections  of  my  life;  an  autobiographical  sketch  supplemented 
by  extracts  from  his  personal  records  and  a  review  of  his  literary  pro- 
ductions, together  with  selected  essays;  arranged  and  ed.  by  E.  S.  Ail- 
ing.    1907.    Grafton  Press. 

Kriisi's  father  was  a  teacher  in  Pestalozzi's  school  at  Yverdon,  Switzerland  and  the 
son  was  among  the  first  to  make  Pestalozzi's  theory  of  education  known  in  the  United 
States.    He  taught  for  25  years  at  the  Oswego  Normal  School. 

Laclede,  Pierre  Ligueste.  r92  L1242S 

Stevens,  Walter  Barlow.    Laclede,  the  founder  of  St.  Louis. 

Issued  by  the  Merchants-Laclede  National  Bank  of  St.  Louis. 

Pierre  Laclede  (1724-78)  was  a  French  fur  trader  who  organized  the  Louisiana 
Fur  Company  and  in  1764  founded  St.  Louis. 

Lacoe,  Ralph  Dupuy.  rga  Li25h 

[Hayden,  Horace  Edwin.]  Memorial  sketch  of  Ralph  Dupuy  Lacoe, 
of  Pittston,  Pa.,  1824-1901  [read  before  the  Wyoming  Historical  and 
Geological  Society,  April  19,  1901].    1901. 

Contains  also:     Mr  Lacoe's  relations  to  science,  by  David  White. 

Reprinted  from  the  Wyoming  Historical  and  Geological  Society's  "Proceedings  and 
collections,"  v. 6,  1901. 

Lacoe  was  an  authority  on  the  geology  of  the  anthracite  coal  region.  His  collec- 
tion of  fossil  plants,  considered  one  of  the  most  valuable  in  existence,  was  presented  by 
him  to  the  National  Museum  at  Washington. 

La  Farge,  John.  92  L143C 

Cortissoz,  Royal.  John  La  Farge;  a  memoir  and  a  study.  191 1. 

It  should  be  said  in  praise  and  definition  of  Mr  Cortissoz's  adroit  and  sympathetic 
study  that  no  opinion  and  no  phrase  in  it  would  disappoint  La  Farge  himself.  It  gives 
admirably  the  subtle  and  vivid  thinker,  the  fastidious  talker,  the  delightful  man  of  the 
world,  who  was  perhaps  the  greatest  social  figure  in  America  of  our  time.  Neither  a 
record  nor  a  criticism,  but  a  character  study.  Aim  is  to  make  us  hear  and  see  the  man ; 
a  knowledge  of  his  works  is  presupposed  and  the  delightful  effect  of  the  book  depends 
precisely  upon  this  limitation  of  the  field.     Condensed  from  Nation,  1911. 

Lafarge,  Mme  Marie  Fortunee  (Cappelle).  r92  L142 

Memoirs,  written  by  herself.    2v.     1841.     Colburn. 

Madame  Lafarge  (1816-52)  was  a  Frenchwoman  whose  husband  died  under  rat- 
picious  circumstances.  The  affair  was  more  or  less  mysterious  and  Madame  Lafarge 
was  convicted,  but  finally  released  after  several  years  in  prison.  The  memoirs  were 
written  during  her  period  of  imprisonment. 

Lafayette,  Marie  Jean  Paul  Roch  Yves  Gilbert  r92  Li44b 

Motier,  marquis  de. 

Butler,  Frederick.  Memoirs  of  the  marquis  de  La  Fayette,  major- 
general  in  the  Revolutionary  army  of  the  United  States  of  America, 
together  with  his  tour  through  the  United  States.     1825.    Deming. 

One  of  the  earliest  of  the  biographies  of  Lafayette.  The  description  of  his  tour  is 
compiled  from  contemporary  newspapers  and  gives  an  account  of  his  reception  in  the 
different  towns,  the  speeches  which  were  delivered,  etc. 


Lafayette,  Marie  Jean  Paul  Roch  Yves  Gilbert  ga  L144C 

Motier,  marquis  de. 
Cutter,  William.    Life  of  General  Lafayette.    1856.    Derby. 

Deals  largely  with  his  services  during  the  Revolutionary  war  and  the  French  revo- 

Lafayette,  Marie  Jean  Paul  Roch  Yves  Gilbert  rga  L144P' 

Motier,  marquis  de. 
Parker,  A.  A.    Recollections  of  General  Lafayette  on  his  visit  to  the 
United  States  in  1824  and  1825,  with  the  most  remarkable  incidents  of 
his  life.    1879.    Keene,  N.  H.  Sentinel  Printing  Co. 

Lafontaine,  Sir  Louis  Hypolite.  92  B195I 

Leacock,  Stephen  Butler.  Baldwin,  LaFontaine,  Hincks;  responsible 
government.    1907.    Morang.     (Makers  of  Canada.) 

Biographies  of  three  Canadian  political  leaders,  Baldwin  (1804-58),  LaFontaine 
(1807-64),  and  Hincks  (1807-85). 

Lamartine,  Alphonse  de.  92  LiySd 

Domvile,  Lady  Margaret  (St.  Lawrence).  Life  of  Lamartine.  1888. 

Places  rather  more  emphasis  on  Lamartine's  political  than  on  his  literary  career. 

"It  is  to  her  credit  that  she  has  recognized  his  limitations  and  defects.  She  has 
not  tried  to  make  of  him  a  great  statesman:  she  has  succeeded  in  demonstrating  the 
nobility  of  his  character. .  .Outside  of  minor  inaccuracies  of  which  there  are  but  few, 
her  book  gives,  in  addition  to  the  life  of  Lamartine,  a  very  good  picture  of  French 
political  conditions  during  the  fifty  years  succeeding  the  Revolution."     Nation,  1889. 

Lamb,  Charles.  92  Liygp- 

Procter,  Bryan  Waller,  (pseud.  Barry  Cornwall).     Charles  Lamb;  a 

memoir.     1866.     Moxon. 

"Simple  and  unpretending,  but  irradiated  by  the   light  of  personal   acquaintance- 

and  the  glow  of  sympathy."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Lambton,  John   George,  earl  of  Durham.     See  Durham,  John   George 
Lambton,  earl  of. 

Lancaster,  John  of  Gaunt,  duke  of.    See  John  of  Gaunt,  duke  of  Lancaster. 

Langhans,  Karl  Gotthard.  192  L254h. 

Hinrichs,  Walther  Th.  Carl  Gotthard  Langhans;  ein  schlesischer 
baumeister,  1733-1808.    1909. 

Dissertation  zur  erlangung  der  akademischen  wiirde  eines  doktor  ingenieurs;  ge- 
nehmigt  von  der  Konigl.  Technischen  Hochschule  zu  Hannover. 

Langley,  Samuel  Pierpont.  r92  L258&. 

Smithsonian  Institution.    Samuel  Pierpont  Langley,  secretary  of  the 
Smithsonian    Institution,   1887-1906;   memorial   meeting,   December   3,. 
1906,   addresses   by    [A.  D.]    White,    [E.  C]    Pickering   and    [Octave] 
Chanute.    1907.      (Miscellaneous  collections,  v.49.) 

"Bibliography  of  the  published  works  of  S.  P.  Langley,"  P.3S-49. 

With  this  is  bound  "A  biographical  sketch  of  S.  P.  Langley,"  by  J.  A.  Brashear. 

The  same.    (In  its  Miscellaneous  collections,  v.49.) rso6  S66m  v.49 

Las  Casas,  Bartolome  de,  bp.    See  Casas,  Bartolome  de  las,  bp. 

La  Siboutie,  Francois  Louis  Poumies  de.    See  Poumifis  de  La  Siboutie,. 

Francois  Louis. 


Lassalle,  Ferdinand.  92  L345bra 

Brandes,  Georg  Moritz  Cohen.    Ferdinand  Lassalle.    191 1.     Heine- 


Study  of  the  life  and  influence  of  the  German  socialist  agitator  (1825-64). 

La  Touche,  Mrs  Maria  (Price).  93  L358 

Letters  of  a  noble  woman  (Mrs  La  Touche  of  Harristown);  ed.  by 
M.  F.  Young.    1908.    Allen. 

Mrs  La  Touche  (i  824-1 906)  was  an  Irishwoman  of  distinction  and  charm,  whose 
daughter  Rose  was  the  pupil  and  friend  of  Ruskin.  Several  of  the  letters  in  this  vol- 
ume are  written  to  Ruskin  and  to  his  niece  Mrs  Severn.  The  greater  part  of  Mrs  La 
Touche's  long  life  was  spent  on  her  estate  in  County  Kildare.  Her  letters  tell  of  her 
daily  life,  her  garden,  her  reading  and  other  occupations. 

La  Villeniere,  Toussaint-Ambroise  Talour  de  La  Cartrie,  comte  de.    See 
Talour  de  La  Cartrie,  Toussaint-Ambroise,  comte  de  La  Villeniere. 
Lawrence,  Amos.  r92  L4222I 

Extracts  from  the  diary  and  correspondence  of  Amos  Lawrence, 
with  a  brief  account  of  some  incidents  in  his  life;  ed.  by  his  son  W.  R. 
Lawrence.    1855.    Gould. 

Amos  Lawrence  (1786-1852)  was  ^n  American  merchant  and  philanthropist,  largely 
identified  with  the  cotton  manufacturing  industry  in  New  England.  These  extracts  are 
chosen  chiefly  with  a  view  to  illustrating  his  high  Christian  character. 

Lawrence,  Sir  Thomas.  92  L426k 

Knapp,  Oswald  Greenwaye,  ed.  An  artist's  love  story,  told  in  the 
letters  of  Sir  Thomas  Lawrence,  Mrs  Siddons  and  her  daughters.  1904. 

"Not  of  overmuch  importance  as  a  contribution  to  artistic  and  dramatic  biography. 
Its  main  theme,  the  double  courtship  by  Sir  Thomas  Lawrence  of  Mrs.  Siddons'  two 
daughters,  Sally  and  Maria,  has  long  since  been  established The  value  of  this  corre- 
spondence consists,  in  fact,  in  its  repeated  illustration  of  bygone  manners  and  habits 
of  thought."    Athenceum,  1904. 

Illustrated  by  several  reproductions  of  portraits  by  Lawrence. 

Lawrence,  Sir  Thomas.  92  L426W 

Williams,  D.  E.  Life  and  correspondence  of  Sir  Thomas  Lawrence. 
2v.    1831.    Colburn. 

Life  of  the  English  portrait  painter  (1769-1830),  who  in  1820  succeeded  Benjamin 
West  as  president  of  the  Royal  Academy.  The  biographer  had  access  to  Lawrence's 
private  papers  and  letters. 

Layard,  Sir  Austen  Henry.  92  L436 

Autobiography  and  letters  from  his  childhood  until  his  appointment 
as  H.  M.  ambassador  at  Madrid;  ed.  by  W.  N.  Bruce,  with  a  chapter 
on  his  parliamentary  career  by  Sir  Arthur  Otway.    2v.     1903.     Murray. 
Layard  (1817-94)  was  an  English  traveler,  archaeologist  and  diplomatist  whose  repu- 
tation rests  chiefly  on  his  excavations  of  Nineveli. 

Lear,  Edward.  92  L459 

Letters  of  Edward  Lear  to  Chichester  Fortescue,  Lord  Carlingford 
and  Frances,  countess  Waldegrave;  ed.  by  Lady  Strachey.  1908. 

Lear  (1812-88)  is  known  chiefly  as  the  author  of  "The  book  of  nonsense,"  but  he 
was  a  considerable  water-color  artist  as  well,  and  a  man  of  interesting  personality,  as  is 
shown  in  this  collection  of  personal  letters  to  his  nearest  friends.  They  were  written 
from  1849  to  1864,  most  of  which  time  he  spent  on  the  continent.  Illustrated  with  re- 
productions in  color  and  black  and  white  of  Lear's  paintings  and  sketches. 


Le  Borgne,  Eleonore  Adele,  comtesse  (U  Boigne.    See  Boigne,  Eleonore 

Adele  (d'Osmond)  Le  Borgne,  comtesse  de. 
Lecky,  William  Edward  Hartpole.  92  L488I 

[Lecky,  Mrs  Elisabeth  (van  Dedem).]  Memoir  of  William  Edward 
Hartpole  Lecky,  by  his  wife.     iQog.    Longmans. 

Lecky  (1838-1903)  was  an  Irish  statesman  and  historian  of  England  in  the  i8th 

Lee,  Gen.  Charles.  Tg2  L521I 

[Langworthy,  Edward.]  Memoirs  of  the  life  of  the  late  Charles 
Lee;  to  which  are  added  his  political  and  military  essays,  also  letters 
to  and  from  many  distinguished  characters  both  in  Europe  and  Amer- 
ica.   1792.    Allen. 

General  Lee  (1731-82)  was  an  Englishman  who  served  on  the  American  side  in  the 
Revolution.  For  disobeying  orders  at  the  battle  of  Monmouth  he  was  tried  by  court 
martial,  suspended  from  the  army  for  a  year  and  later  was  dismissed  altogether  by 

"The  sketch  of  his  life  though  brief  is  interesting,  and  the  Waitings  are  often 
piquant."    Larned's  Literature  of  American  history. 

Lee,  Gen.  Robert  Edward.  r92  L5262a 

Adams,  Charles  Francis,  b.  1835.  Lee's  centennial;  an  address  de- 
livered at  Lexington,  Virginia,  Jan.  19,  1907,  on  the  invitation  of  the 
president  and  faculty  of  Washington  and  Lee  University.     [1907.] 

Lee,  Gen.  Robert  Edward.  92  L526ich 

Childe,  Edward  Lee.     Life  and  campaigns  of  General  Lee;  tr.  from 

the  French  by  George  Litting.     1875.     Chatto. 
Written  for  a  French  public  by  General  Lee's  nephew. 

Lee,  Gen.  Robert  Edward.  92  L5261I 

Jones,  John  William.  Personal  reminiscences,  anecdotes  and  let- 
ters of  Gen.  Robert  E.  Lee.     1875.    Appleton. 

As  chaplain  in  the  Army  of  Northern  Virginia  and  later  as  one  of  the  chaplains 
in  Washington  and  Lee  University,  of  which  Lee  was  president,  1865-70,  the  author 
came  into  rather  frequent  personal  contact  with  him.  Lee's  character  and  private  life 
are  dwelt  upon  more  fully  than  his  military  career. 

Lee,  Gen.  Robert  Edward.  92  L526im 

McCabe,  James  Dabney,  {pseud.  Edward  Winslow  Martin).  Life 
and  campaigns  of  General  Robert  E.  Lee.    1866.    National  Pub.  Co. 

Devoted  almost  entirely  to  Lee's  campaigns.  The  author,  although  a  Southerner, 
was  bitter  towards  Jefferson  Davis,  to  whose  blunders  he  attributed  many  of  the  South- 
em  disasters. 

Lee,  Gen.  Robert  Edward.  92  L5261P 

Page,  Thomas  Nelson.  Robert  E.  Lee,  the  Southerner.  1908.  Scrib- 

Biography  dwelling  more  on  his  personality  than  on  his  generalship  and  aiming  to 
vindicate  him  from  hostile  criticism. 

Le  Forestier,  Franqois.  r92  L541 

Le  Forestier's  relation;  autobiography  and  voyages,  a  recently  dis- 
covered manuscript;  ed.  by  Hasket  Derby  [in  French].  1904.  Boston 

Le  Forestier  (1749-18 19)  was  a  refugee  from  Mauritius  and  a  teacher  in  New 
England.  The  book  gives  in  French  the  story  of  his  life,  which  he  wrote  out  in  181  » 
on  his  voyage  from  Salem,  Mass.  to  Mauritius. 


Legare,  Hugh  Swinton.  rg2  L543 

Writings,  consisting  of  a  diary  of  Brussels  and  journal  of  the  Rhine, 
extracts  from  his  private  and  diplomatic  correspondence,  orations  and 
speeches  and  contributions  to  the  New-York  and  Southern  reviews; 
prefaced  by  a  memoir  of  his  life,  ed.  by  his  sister.  2v.  1845-46. 

V.I.  Biographical  notice. — Diary  of  Brussels. — Journal  of  the  Rhine. — Diplomatic 
correspondence. — Private  correspondence. — Oration  on  the  4th  of  July  1823. — Speech 
before  the  Union  party. — Spirit  of  the  sub-treasury. — Recognition  of  Hayti. — Southern 
naval  depot — Official  defalcations. — Arbitrament  of  national  disputes. — The  constitu- 
tional history  of  Greece. — Demosthenes,  the  man,  the  statesman  and  the  orator. — The 
origin,  history  and  influence  of  Roman  legislation. 

V.2.  Classical  learning. — Roman  literature. — Kent's  Commentaries. — Craft's  fugitive 
writings. — Travels  of  the  duke  of  Saxe-Weimar. — The  diSowned;  Tales  of  the  great  St. 
Bernard. —  Cicero  de  Republica.  —  Hall's  Travels  in  North- America.  —  Early  Spanish 
ballads;  Charlemagrne  and  his  peers. — Sir  Philip  Sidney's  miscellanies. — Lord  Byron's- 
character  and  writings.  —  Byron's  letters  and  journals.  —  Jeremy  Bentham  and  the 
utilitarians. — Codification. — The  public  economy  of  Athens. — D'Aguesseau. 

Legare  (1797-1843)  was  an  American  jurist  and  statesman,  member  of  Congress 
from  South  Carolina.  He  was  founder  and  editor  of  the  "Southern  review,"  and 
served  as  charg6  d'affaires  at  Brussels,  1832-38. 

Leicester,  Robert  Dudley,  earl  of.  rga  RsSQa 

Adlard,  George.  Amye  Robsart  and  the  earl  of  Leycester;  a  critical 
inquiry  into  the  authenticity  of  the  various  statements  in  relation  to 
the  death  of  Amye  Robsart  and  of  the  libels  on  the  earl  of  Leycester,. 
with  a  vindication  of  the  earl  by  Sir  Philip  Sydney;  and  a  History  of 
Kenilworth  castle,  together  with  Memoirs  and  correspondence  of  Sir 
Robert  Dudley,  son  of  the  earl  of  Leycester.    1870.    J.  R.  Smith. 

Leighton,  Frederic,  lord.    See  Artists,  p.  1402. 

Leisewitz,  Johann  Anton.  92  L56& 

Brief e  an  seine  braut;  nach  den  handschriften  herausgegeben  von 
Heinrich  Mack.     1906. 

Leisewitz  (1752-1806)  was  a  German  dramatic  poet.  His  single  complete  drama, 
"Julius  von  Tarent,"  was  written  in  Lessing's  style  and  waa  very  popular  in  Germany. 

Le  Mo3me  d'lberville,  Pierre.    See  Iberville,  Pierre  le  Moyne,  sieur  d'. 

Leo  XIII,  pope.  q92  L6igma 

McGovern,  James  Joseph.     Life  and  life-work  of  Pope  Leo  XIIL 

with  an  introduction  by  Joseph  Selinger.     1903. 
Official  edition. 
"The   writer   of   this  biography   has   endeavored   to   condense   within   these   pages   a. 

multitude  of  facts  of  the  Holy   Father's  eventful  career,  gathered  from  oral  tradition, 

personal  reminiscences,  and  a  knowledge  of  local  environments."     Preface. 

Leo  XIII,  pope.  92  L6190 

O'Reilly,  Bernard.     Life  of  Leo  XIH,  from  an  authentic  memoir 

furnished  by  his  order.    1887.    Webster. 

Gives  a  full  account  of  the  pope's  career  to  1886,  and  also  considers  Italy  in  relation 

to  the  pap4cy. 

Leonard,  James  Francis.  qr92  L622t 

Townsend,  John  Wilson.     Life  of  James  Francis  Leonard;  the  first 

practical  sound-reader  of  the  Morse  alphabet,  and  [Biographical  sketch 


Leonard,  James  Francis — continued.  qrga  L62at 

of   Colonel  Joseph    Crockett,   by   S.  W.,Price].     1909.      (Filson    Club. 

Leonardo  da  Vinci.    See  Artists,  p.1410. 

Lespinasse,  Claire  Franqoise  de.  See  Lespinasse,  Julie  Jeanne  fileo- 
nore  de. 

Lespinasse,  Julie  Jeanne  fileonore  de.  92  L647S 

Segur,  Pierre  Marie  Maurice  Henri,  marquis  de.  Julie  de  Lespi- 
nasse; tr.  from  the  French  by  P.  H.  L.Warner.     1907.     Holt. 

"Principal  new  authoritiest  consulted,"  p.  16. 

Mile  de  Lespinasse  (1732-76)  was  a  French  social  leader  who  presided  first  with 
Mme  du  Deffand  over  a  fashionable  literary  salon  and  afterward  over  a  rival  salon  of 
her  own. 

The  final  and  authoritative  life  of  this  remarkable  woman,  the  heroine  of  so  much 
romance  in  her  own  day  and  ours.  Many  curious  and  doubtful  points  in  her  story 
have  been  cleared  up  by  the  author,  who  has  had  access  to  hitherto  unexplored  docu- 
ments.   Condensed  from  Spectator,  1907. 

92  L649k 

Lessing,  Gotthold  Ephraim.  92  L649SC 

Schmidt,  Erich,  b.  1853.  Lessing;  geschichte  seines  lebens  und  seiner 
schriften.    2v.     1899. 

The  standard  authority  in  Germany.     First  published  in  1884. 

Lessing,  Gotthold  Ephraim.  92  L649Z 

Zimmern,  Helen.    Gotthold  Ephraim  Lessing;  his  life  and  his  works. 

1878.     Longmans. 

"Both  biographers  [Miss  Zimmern  and  Mr  Sime]  draw  their  material  from  the 
same  sources;  the  difference  in  treatment  consists  in  [Miss  Zimmern]  principally  con- 
fining herself  to  a  sketch  of  Lessing's  life,  and  [Mr  Sime]  superadding  a  minute  anal- 
ysis of  all  his  writings,  and  giving  lengthened  comments  upon  them... The  reader  will 
miss  in  both . . .  those  biographical  details  which  impart  interest  and  vividness  to  a  nar- 
rative."   Athenaum,  1S7S. 

Lever,  Charles.  92  L664f 

Fitzpatrick,  William  John.    Life  of  Charles  Lever.     [1884.]    Ward. 

The  chief  authority  for  the  life  of  the  Irish  novelist  (1806-72). 

Leveson-Gower,  Lady  Harriet  Elizabeth  (Cavendish),  countess  Granville. 
See  Granville,  Lady  Harriet  Elizabeth  (Cavendish)  Leveson- 
Gower,  countess. 

92  L667h 

.ntro  in  ,p^«D"13;n 

92  L667n 

.1)^3  pnsi  ,]n«Ti"'iiy^ 

Lewes,  Mrs  Mary  Ann  (Evans).    See  Eliot,  George,  pseud. 


Lewis,  Ellis.  92  L673k 

Konkle,  Burton  Alva.     Life  of  Chief  Justice  Ellis  Lewis,  1798-1871, 

of  the  first  elective  supreme  court  of  Pennsylvania.     1907.     Campion. 
Based  on  original  records.     The  author  considers  Lewis  one  of  the  most  important 

figures  in  the  early  history  of  the  Democratic  party  in  Pennsylvania. 

Leypoldt,  Frederick.  Tg2  L677g 

Growoll,  Adolf.  Frederick  Leypoldt;  biographical  and  biblio- 
graphical sketch.     1899.    Dibdin  Club. 

A  very  brief  account.  Leypoldt  (1835-84)  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Amer- 
ican book-trade  and  of  the  American  Library  Association. 

Li  Hung  Chang.  92  L695I 

Little,  Mrs  Alicia  (Bewicke).  Li  Hungchang;  his  life  and  times. 
1903.     Cassell. 

"Practically  a  history  of  China  during  the  latter  half  of  the  nineteenth  century. 
For  fifty  years,  from  the  outbreak  of  the  Taiping  rebellion  in  1851  to  the  European 
occupation  of  Peking  in  1901,  Li  Hung-Chang  was  in  the  thick  of  affairs,  and  for  more 
than  a  generation  he  stands  out  as  the  most  prominent  personality  in  the  Far  East. 
This  book... [is]  an  account  of  his  public  career."    Contemporary  review,  1904. 

Lieber,  Francis.  92  L69r 

Life  and  letters  of  Francis  Lieber;  ed. by T.  S.  Perry.    1882.    Osgood. 

Compiled  from  Lieber's  diary  and  correspondence.  Covers  chiefly  the  period  after 
his  arrival  in  this  country. 

Liebig,  Justus,  baron  von.  92  L692V 

Volhard,  Jakob.    Justus  von  Liebig.    2v.    1909. 

By  a  former  pupil  and  assistant  of  Liebig  in  Munich.  Contains,  in  addition  to 
interesting  personal  recollections,  valuable  material  derived  from  Liebig's  extensive  cor- 
respondence with  relatives,  friends  and  prominent  scientific  men.  Gives  also  a  valuable 
account  of  the  origin  and  evolution  of  organic  chemistry,  of  which  Liebig  was  the  real 
founder.    Condensed  from  Nation,  190S. 

Ligueste,  Pierre  Laclede.    See  LacUde,  Pierre  Ligueste. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  93  L715 

Letters  and  addresses.     1903.     Bell. 
Selection  of  the  most  important,  characteristic  or  interesting. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  92  L7i5ab 

Abraham  Lincoln;  tributes  from  his  associates,  reminiscences  of 
soldiers,  statesmen  and  citizens,  with  introduction  by  W.  H.  Ward. 
1895.    Crowell. 

Appeared  in  a  special  Lincoln  number  of  the  "Independent,"  April  4,  1895. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  92  L7i5bat 

Bates,  David  Homer.  Lincoln  in  the  telegraph  office;  recollections 
of  the  United  States  military  telegraph  corps  during  the  Civil  war. 
1907.     Century. 

The  author  was  manager  of  the  War  department's  telegraph  office,  1861-66,  and  was 
also  its  chief  operator  in  cipher  despatches.  President  Lincoln  spent  much  time  in  the 
telegraph  office  and  was  often  present  while  Mr  Bates  was  deciphering  important  mes- 
sages direct  from  the  seat  of  war.  The  book  contains  many  anecdotes  about  Lincoln 
and  incidents  of  Washington-  life. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  92  L7i5bi 

Binns,  Henry  Bryan.     Abraham  Lincoln.     1907.     Dent.     (Temple 


"This  is,  as  far  as  I  am  aware,  the  first  serious  attempt  made  by  an  Englishman  to 


Lincoln,  Abraham — continued.  92  L7i5bi 

portray  on  any  full-sized  canvas  the  greatest  of  the  popular  statesmen  of  the  last  cen- 
tury...! have  not  attempted  to  do  more  than  to  suggest,  by  way  of  background,  the 
events  amongst  which  he  lived."    Prefatory  note. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  ga  Lyisbo 

Bolles,  E.  C.  &  Maulsby,  D.  L.  comp.  Lincoln  day  program;  music 
by  L.  R.  Lewis  and  Carrie  Bullard.     1909.     Mason. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  92  L715C 

Carr,  Clark  Ezra.    Lincoln  at  Gettysburg.    1907.    McClurg. 

Reminiscences  of  the  dedicatory  exercises  of  the  National  cemetery  at  Gettysburg, 
centring  about  Lincoln's  address.  Author  was  present  as  Illinois  member  of  the  Memo- 
rial Association. 

Lincoln,  Abraham,  92  L715CU 

Curtis,  William  Eleroy.  The  true  Abraham  Lincoln.  1903.  Lippin- 

"The  volume  is  an  indiscriminate  collection  of  striking  passages  from  Herndon, 
Lamon,  Nicolay,  Carpenter,  Ben.  Perley  Poore,  and  McClure,  interspersed  with  remi- 
niscences and  anecdotes  probably  culled  from  newspaper  cuttings.  All  the  old  Lincoln 
stories  may  be  found  here,  regardless  of  the  number  of  times  they  have  been  denied 
or  disproved."     Dial,  1903. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  92  Lyisgi 

Gilder,  Richard  Watson.  Lincoln  the  leader,  and  Lincoln's  genius 
for  expression.     1909.     Houghton. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  92  Lyishi 

Hill,  Frederick  Trevor.  Lincoln  the  lawyer.  1906.  Century. 
Appeared  in  the  "Century  magazine,"  v.71-72,  Dec.  1905-May  1906. 
"The  first  effort  to  make  a  careful  estimate  of  his  position  and  reputation  as  a 
lawyer,  and  to  present  the  main  features  of  his  twenty-three  years*  practice  in  the 
lUinob  courts . . .  Many  parts  of  the  book  have  almost  the  value  of  original  documents, 
since  the  writer  has  gathered  much  material  at  first  hand  from  Judge  Weldon,  James 
Ewing,  Col.  Peter  Dey,  and  other  witnesses."    Nation,  1906. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  rga  L715J 

Johnson,  Herrick.  "God's  ways  unsearchable;"  a  discourse  on  the 
death  of  President  Lincoln,  preached  before  the  Third  Presbyterian 
congregation  in  Mozart  hall,  Pittsburgh,  Sunday,  April  23d,  1865. 
[1865.]     Johnston.     Pittsburgh. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  rga  L7i5k 

Krauth,  Charles  Porterfield.  The  two  pageants;  a  discourse  deliv- 
ered in  the  First  Eng.  Evan.  Lutheran  Church,  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  Thurs- 
day, June  1st,  1865.     1865.    Haven.    Pittsburgh. 

Memorial  discourse  upon  the  occasion  of  the  national  fast  appointed  in  consequence 
of  the  death  of  President  Lincoln. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  92  Lyislau 

Laughlin,  Clara  Elizabeth.  Death  of  Lincoln;  the  story  of  Booth's 
plot,  his  deed  and  the  penalty.    1909.    Doubleday. 

Popular  account  based  on  official  documents  and  records.     Illustrated. 
Lincoln,  Abraham.  r92  L715I 

Loyal  Legion,  Military  Order  of  the,  Pennsylvania  commandery. 
Abraham  Lincoln;  memorial  meeting,  Feb.  13,  1907.     1907. 

Short  addresses,  a  few  of  thetn  being  personal  reminiscences  of  Lincoln. 


Lincoln,  Abraham.  ga  L7i5ma 

MacChesney,  Nathan  William,  ed.  Abraham  Lincoln;  the  tribute  of 
a  century,  1809-1909,  commemorative  of  the  Lincoln  centenary  and  con- 
taining the  principal  speeches  made  in  connection  therewith.  1910. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  qrga  L7i5me 

Meserve,  Frederick  Hill.     Photographs  of  Abraham  Lincoln.     191 1. 

Privately  printed. 

One  hundred  photographs  of  Lincoln  arranged  in  chronological  order,  with  notes 
regarding  the  time  and  place  of  taking,  photogfrapher  and  owner.  Some  photographs  of 
Mrs  Lincoln,  the  three  sons,  the  vice-presidents,  and  members  of  the  cabinets  are  added. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  qga  Lyismi 

Miller,  Francis  Trevelyan.  Portrait  life  of  Lincoln;  life  of  Abraham 
Lincoln,  the  greatest  American,  told  from  original  photographs  taken 
with  his  authority  during  the  great  crisis  through  which  he  led  his 
country,  treasured  among  the  7000  secret  service  war  negatives  in  the 
Brady-Gardner  collection  at  Springfield,  Mass.  and  in  private  collec- 
tions, valued  at  $150,000,  collected  by  E.  B.  Eaton.  1910.  Patriot 
Pub.  Co. 

"Hundred  gtreatest  books  on  Abraham  Lincoln,"  p.161-164. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  qrga  L7i5n 

New  York  (city) — Common  council.  Obsequies  of  Abraham  Lin- 
coln in  the  city  of  New  York,  under  the  auspices  of  the  Common  coun- 
cil.    1866. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  jga  Lyisn 

Nicolay,  Helen.     Boys'  life  of  Abraham  Lincoln.     1906.     Century. 

How  he  rose  from  obscurity  to  fame — from  postmaster  of  New  Salem  village  to 
president  of  the  United  States,  from  captain  of  a  backwoods  volunteer  company  to 
commander-in-chief  of  the  army  and  navy. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  rg2  L7i5pi 

Pittsburgh,  St.  Andrew's  Protestant  Episcopal  Church.  Memorial 
on  the  death  of  President  Lincoln.    1865.    Haven.    Pittsburgh. 

Contents:  The  nation's  bereavement,  by  W.  A.  Snively. — Address  on  the  day  of 
the  obsequies,  by  William  Preston. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  ga  L715P 

Pratt,  Silas  Gamaliel,  ed.  Lincoln  in  story;  the  life  of  the  martyr- 
president  told  in  authenticated  anecdotes.     1903.    Appleton. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  ga  L715PU 

Putnam,  George  Haven.  Abraham  Lincoln,  the  people's  leader  in 
the  struggle  for  national  existence.     1909.     Putnam, 

"A  clear  and  readable  essay  on  Lincoln  expanded  from  a  popular  address  given  in 
New  York  city  on  Lincoln  Day,  February  12,  1909,  forms  the  body... While  the  pre- 
sentation of  the  subject  is  without  novelty,  the  language  is  simple  enough  to  appeal  to 
young  people,  and  the  narrative  is  enlivened  by  interesting  reminiscences  of  the  author's 
army  life."     Nation,  1909. 

Includes  the  speech  delivered  by  Lincoln  in  New  York,  Feb.  27,  i860,  with  an 
introduction  by  C.  C.  Nott  and  annotations  by  Judge  Nott  and  Cephas  Brainerd. 


Lincoln,  Abraham.  92  Lyisro 

Rothschild,  Alonzo.     Lincoln,  master  of  men;  a  study  in  character. 

1906.    Constable. 

"List  of  books  cited,"  p.427-438. 

After  devoting  tv\>  chapters  to  his  earlier  life,  Mr  Rothschild  centres  each  of  the 

six  remaining  chapters  about  Lincoln's  relations  with  one  of  six  prominent  men  with 

whom  circumstances  brought  him  into  some  degree  of  conflict,  namely:  Douglas,  Seward, 

Chase',  Stanton,  Fremont  and  McClellan. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  92  L715SC 

Schauffler,  Robert  Haven,  ed.  Lincoln's  birthday;  a  comprehensive 
view  of  Lincoln  as  given  in  the  most  noteworthy  essays,  orations  and 
poems,  in  fiction  and  in  Lincoln's  own  writings.  1909.  Moffat.  (Our 
American  holidays.) 

The  same r92  L715SC 

The  same J92  L715S 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  92  Lyissch 

Schurz,  Carl.  Abraham  Lincoln;  aus  dem  englischen  ubersetzt  von 
Mary  Nolte.    1908. 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  920  T19 

Tarbell,  Ida  Minerva,  &  Davis,  J.  M.  Early  life  of  Abraham  Lin- 
coln, containing  many  unpublished  documents  and  unpublished  reminis- 
cences of  Lincoln's  early  career.  1896.  McClure.  (McClure's  biogra- 

Bound  with  Tarbell's  "Short  life  of  Napoleon." 

Lincoln,  Abraham.  92  L715W 

Welles,  Gideon.  Lincoln  and  Seward;  remarks  upon  the  memorial 
address  of  Charles  Francis  Adams  on  the  late  William  H.  Seward,  with 
incidents  and  comments  illustrative  of  the  measures  and  policy  of  the 
administration  of  Abraham  Lincoln  and  views  as  to  the  relative  posi- 
tions of  the  late  president  and  secretary  of  state.  1874.  Sheldon. 
Lincoln,  Abraham.  92  L7i5wh 

Whitlock,  Brand.     Abraham  Lincoln.     1909.     Small.     (Beacon  bio- 
graphies of  eminent  Americans.) 
"Bibliography,"  p.200-205. 
"Tells  the  story  of  Lincoln's  career  concisely  and  entertainingly."     Nation,  igog. 

Lind,  Jenny,  afterward  Mme  Goldschmidt.  r92  Lyiyf 

Foster,  George  G.    Memoir  of  Jenny  Lind.    1850.    Dewitt. 
The  author,  an  American,  has  gathered  together  the  press  notices  and  criticisms  of 

Miss  Lind's  work  in  Europe  and  presents  them  to  an  American  public  just  before  her 

first  visit  to  this  country  in  1851. 

Lindsey,  Benjamin  Barr.  92  L723 

The  beast,  by  B.  B.  Lindsey  and  H.  J.  O'Higgins.     1910.    Doubleday. 
Autobiography  of  Judge  Ben  Lindsey,  who  founded  the  Juvenile  court  of  Denver 
and  exposed  the  political  rottenness  of  Denver  and  of  Colorado.     It  is  a  detailed  story 
of  his  single-handed  fight  against  the  powers  of  darkness  in  politics  and  society,  sym- 
bolized by  the  beast. 

Linton,  Mrs  Eliza  (Lynn).  92  L729I 

Layard,  George  Somes.     Mrs  Lynn  Linton;  her  life,  letters,  and 

opinions.    1901.    Methuen. 
"Bibliographical,"  p.379- 
Mrs  Linton  (1822-98)  was  an  English  novelist  and  journalist. 


Liszt,  Franz.  92  LysSh 

Hervey,  Arthur.    Franz  Liszt  and  his  music.    191 1.    Lane. 

"Principal  compositions,"  p.i6i-i68;  "Literary  works,"  p.169-171;  "Bibliography," 
p.  1 73-1 76. 

Mr  Hervey  has  devoted  the  larger  part  of  his  book  to  a  careful  and  very  musicianly 
analysis  of  Liszt's  chief  works  for  piano,  orchestra  and  voice,  but  in  the  brief  account 
of  Liszt's  life  he  has  been  admirably  successful  in  bringing  out  the  nobility  of  his  char- 
acter.    Condensed  from  Academy,  1911. 

Liszt,  Franz.  92  LysShu 

Huneker,  James  Gibbons.  Franz  Liszt.  191 1.  Scribner. 
Certain  aspects  of  Liszt's  life  and  art  are  studied  without  strict  adherence  to  chrono- 
logical sequence.  The  result,  though  it  falls  short  of  the  author's  original  plan  for  an 
exhaustive  biography,  is  admirable  and  the  book  gives  a  vivid  impression  of  this  many- 
sided  musical  genius,  his  career  and  the  adulation  which  he  received.  There  are  126 
pages  of  extracts  from  the  writings  of  men  and  women  who  have  known  Liszt,  analyses 
of  some  of  his  most  important  compositions  and  numerous  illustrations. 

Liszt,  Franz.  92  LysSm 

Martin,  T.  Carlaw.     Franz  Liszt.     [1886.]     Reeves. 

"Liszt's  chief  compositions,"  p.  102-1 04. 

Brief  sketch  of  his  life  and  appreciation  of  his  genius. 

Livingston,  Robert  R.  qr92  L7482d 

De  Peyster,  Frederic.  Biographical  sketch  of  Robert  R.  Livings- 
ton.    1876.    New  York  Historical  Soc. 

Read  before  the  New  York  Historical  Society,  Oct.  3,   1876. 

Livingston  (1746-1813)  was  an  American  jurist  and  statesman,  chancellor  of  the 
state  of  New  York  and  United  States  minister  to  France.  He  negotiated  the  Louisiana 
purchase  in   1803,  and  was  associated  with  Fulton  in  furthering  steamboat  navigation. 

Livingstone,  David.  J92  L749g 

Golding,    Vautier.      Story    of    David    Livingstone.      [1906.]      Jack. 

(Children's  heroes  series.) 

Tells  of  the  horrors  of  the  African  slave-trade  and  the  indomitable  courage  of 

Livingstone,  who  helped  to  break  it  up. 

Lobatschewsky,  Nicholaus  Ivanovich.  192  L754V 

Vasiljev,  Aleksandr  Vasiljevic.  Nicolai  Ivanovich  Lobachevsky; 
address  pronounced  at  the  commemorative  meeting  of  the  Imperial 
University  of  Kasan,  Oct.  22,  1893;  tr.  from  the  Russian,  with  a  preface, 
by  G.  B.  Halsted.    1894.    The  Neomon.     (Neomonic  series,  v.i.) 

Locke,  John.  92  L759 

Life  and  letters,  with  extracts  from  his  journals  and  common-place 
books  by  Lord  King.     1864.     Bell. 

First  published  in  1829. 

"As  a  lineal  descendant  of  Locke's  cousin  and  legatee,  Lord  King  had  in  his  posses- 
sion an  extremely  valuable  collection  of  documents,  and  in  publishing  portions  of  these 
he  rendered  an  important  service. .  .These  materials,  however,  only  serve  to  illustrate 
some  passages  in  Locke's  life,  and  some  phases  in  his  character;  and  Lord  King,  not- 
withstanding the  title  of  his  work,  seems  to  have  made  no  effort  at  all  to  string  them 
together  in  any  order,  or  to  combine  with  them  such  information  as  he  could  procure 
from  other  sources."    Bourne's  Life  of  John  Locke. 

Londonderry,  Charles  William  Stewart,  afterward  93  L822a 

Vane,  marquis  of. 
Alison,  Sir  Archibald.     Lives  of  Lord  Castlereagh  and  Sir  Charles 
Stewart,  the  second  and  third  marquesses  of  Londonderry,  with  annals 
of  contemporary  events  in  which  they  bore  a  part,  from  the  original  pa- 
pers of  the  family.    3v.    1861.    Blackwood. 


Londonderry,  Robert  Stewart,  marquis  of,  1769-1822.  92  L822a 

Alison,  Sir  Archibald.  Lives  of  Lord  Castlereagh  and  Sir  Charles 
Stewart,  the  second  and  third  marquesses  of  Londonderry,  with  annals 
of  contemporary  events  in  which  they  bore  a  part,  from  the  original 
papers  of  the  family.    3v.     1861.    Blackwood. 

Authoritarive  account,  though  considered  unduly  laudatory.  The  brothers  were 
both  eminent  in  English  politics  and  diplomacy  in  the  first  half  of  the  19th  century, 
Castlereagh  being  by  far  the  more  notable.  The  younger  marquis  had  a  long  and 
eventful  military  career,  having  engaged  in  25  battles  between  1796  and  1814. 

Longfellow,  Henry  Wadsworth.  92  L828n 

Norton,  Charles  Eliot.  Henry  Wadsworth  Longfellow;  a  sketch  of 
his  life,  together  with  Longfellow's  chief  autobiographical  poems. 
1907.     Houghton. 

Contains,  besides  the  sketch  of  hb  life,  those  of  his  shorter  poems  which  are 
referred  to  in  the  narrative,  also  those  which  have  a  distinctly  autobiographical  charac- 
ter and  those  which  relate  to  his  special  friends  and  to  the  places  of  his  birth  and 

Louis  XIV,  king  of  France.  92  M8592W 

Williams,   Hugh   Noel.     Madame   de  Montespan  and   Louis   XIV. 

1910.    Scribner. 

Smaller  and  less  fully  illustrated  edition  of  the  elaborate  quarto  which  appeared  in 

1903  (qr92  M8s9w). 

"Remains,  after  seven  years,  the  only  complete  and  accurate  account  in  English  of 

the  most  famous  and  most  magnificent  of  all  French  royal  favorites."     Nation,  1911. 

Louis  XVII,  titular  king  of  France.  92  L9274e 

Evans,  Mrs  Elizabeth  Edson   (Gibson).     Story  of  Louis  XVII  of 
France.     1893.     Sonnenschein. 
"Bibliography,"  p.359-36o- 

Although  it  has  now  been  proved  that  the  son  of  Louis  XVT  and  Marie  Antoinette 
died  in  1795,  various  pretenders  to  the  title  appeared  after  that  time.  The  book,  which 
is  written  especially  to  champion  the  claims  of  Eleazer  Williams,  the  American  mis- 
sionary to  the  Indians,  devotes  a  large  amount  of  space  to  the  life  of  Karl  Wilhelm 
Naundorf  f  who  also  claimed  to  be  the  dauphin. 

Louis  XVII,  titular  king  of  France.  92  L9274W 

Welch,  Catharine.    The  little  dauphin.     1909.     Scribner. 

Story  of  the  boy's  life,  with  a  clear  account  of  the  many  pretenders  to  the  title. 

Louis  XVIII,  king  of  France.  92  L9275S 

Sandars,  Mary  Frances.    Louis  XVIII.    1910.    Hutchinson. 

"Author  has  contrived  to  make  a  readable  book  by  impartial  treatment  of  unpromis- 
ing material."    Athenaum,  1910. 

Louis  Napoleon.    See  Napoleon  III,  emperor  of  the  French. 

Louis  Philippe,  king  of  the  French.  92  L9272W 

Wright,  George  Newnham.    Life  and  times  of  Louis  Philippe,  king 

of  the  French.     [1843?]     Fisher. 

Concludes  with  events  of  1838.     Early  history  based  on  the  king's  published  journal. 

Appendix  describes  the  visit  of  Queen  Victoria  to  the  Chateau  d'Eu,  in  1843.     Portraits. 

Author  was  an  English  clergyman. 

Louisa  Auguste  Wilhelmine  Amalie,  queen  of  Prussia.  q92  L927b 

Bailleu,  Paul.    Konigin  Luise;  ein  lebensbild.    1908. 

"Die  zeitgenossischen  bildnisse  der  Konigin  Luise,"  von  Paul  Seidel,  p.358-384. 
This  biography  of  the  beautiful  and  well  beloved  queen  of  Prussia   (1776-1810)  is 
semi-popular  in  style,  yet  based  on  good  sources  and  finely  illustrated. 


Louisa  Auguste  Wilhelmine  Amalie,  queen  of  Prussia.  92  Lgaym 

Moffat,  Mary  Maxwell.    Queen  Louisa  of  Prussia.    [1906.]    Methuen. 

"Sources  of  information  concerning  the  life  of  Queen  Louisa,"  p.311-312. 

Readable  and  sympathetic  account  of  the  life  of  the  famous  Prussian  queen  (1776- 
1810).  The  author  has  consulted  German  authorities  and  made  use  of  recently  pub- 
lished letters  of  the  queen.     Contains  portraits. 

Lovat,  Simon  Fraser,  lord.  92  LgsSb 

Burton,  John  Hill.  Lives  of  Simon,  lord  Lovat  and  Duncan  Forbes 
of  Culloden,  from  original  sources.     1847.     Chapman. 

Lord  Lovat  (1667?-! 747)  sided  with  the  government  in  the  Jacobite  uprising  of 
1715,  but  with  the  rebels  in  1745-46.  He  was  captured  at  the  battle  of  Culloden,  tried 
for  treason  and  executed.  Forbes  (1685-1747)  was  a  Scottish  judge  and  a  warm  tup- 
porter  of  the  government. 

"He  gives. .  .authorities  which  show  an  extent  of  research,  among  printed  and  on- 
printed  materials,  for  which... we  were  not  prepared. .  .The  value  of  his  labours  can 
only  be  acknowledged  by  those  who,  by  having  studied  this  portion  of  our  history,  can 
estimate  the  skill  with  which  he  has  compressed  so  much  into  so  small  a  compass." 
North  British  review,  1S47. 

Low,  Will  Hicok.  92  L952 

Chronicle  of  friendships,  1873-1900.  1908.  Scribner. 
Recollections  by  an  American  painter  of  his  life  and  experience  in  Paris  and  in 
New  York.  Of  particular  interest  is  the  attractive  and  vivid  picture  of  the  life,  the 
feelings  and  sentiments  of  artists  and  art  students  in  Paris  and  on  their  summer  expedi- 
tions. Many  well-known  men  are  numbered  among  his  friends,  notably  Robert  Louis 
Stevenson,  his  cousin  "Bob,"  and  Augustus  Saint-Gaudens.     Many  illustrations. 

Lowell,  Charles  Russell.  92  L956 

Life  and  letters  [ed.]  by  E.  W.  Emerson.    1907.    Houghton. 

Lowell  (1835-64)  was  a  nephew  of  the  poet.  At  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  war  he 
applied  for  a  commission  in  the  regular  army.  He  showed  genuine  military  ability  and 
his  commission  to  be  brigadier-general  was  signed  on  the  day  that  he  was  killed  at  the 
battle  of  Cedar  Creek.  To  a  singular  degree  everyone  who  came  in  contact  with  Lowell 
seems  to  have  felt  the  fineness  of  his  spirit.  Mr  Emerson  prefaces  the  letters,  many  of 
which  were  written  to  his  wife  Josephine  Shaw  Lowell  and  to  his  friends  Thomas  Went- 
worth  Higginson  and  John  Murray  Forbes,  with  a  biographical  sketch. 

Loyola,  Ignatius  de,  St.    See  Ignatius  de  Loyola,  St. 

Lucas,  John  Seymour,    See  Artists,  p.  1402. 

Lucientes,  Francisco  Goya  y.    See  Artists,  p.1411. 

Lucy,  Henry  William.  92  L972 

Sixty  years  in  the  wilderness;  some  passages  by  the  way  [an  auto- 
biography].    1909.    Dutton. 

Pleasant  but  slight  narrative  of  the  experiences  and  friendships  of  an  English 
journalist  and  parliamentary  reporter. 

Lukasinski,  Waleryan.  92  L976a 

Askenazy,  Szymon.    Lukasinski.    2v.  in  i.     1908. 
Luther,  Martin.  92  L982a 

Audin,  Jean  Marie  Vincent.  History  of  the  life,  writings  &  doc- 
trines of  Luther;  tr.  by  W.  B.  TurnbuU.     2v.     1854.     Dolman. 

First  published  in  1839.     Based  on  original  documents. 

Luther,  Martin.  ga  L982b 

Bayne,  Peter.  Martin  Luther,  his  life  and  work.  2v.  1887.  Cassell. 
"Its  whole  tone  is  that  of  a  panegyric  oration  at  a  centenary  banquet."     Saturday 

review,  1887. 


Luther,  Martin.  92  LgSaseh 

Sehlbrede,  G.  E.  Wittenberg  and  its  association  with  the  reforma- 
tion of  Germany;  introduction  by  W.  L.  McEwan.     1906.    Winston. 

"The  writer  of  this  little  book  has  told,  in  simple  and  interesting  way,  of  his  visit 
to  Wittenburg. .  .He  takes  us  through  the  rooms  of  Luther's  house  and  the  College  and 

the  Church;  and  as  he  lingers  in  each  place  gathers  up  in  their  order  the  events that 

were  associated  with  them.     He  makes  the  figure  of  Luther  stand  out  in  its  rugged  sim- 
plicity and  g^reatness."     Introduction. 

Luther,  Martin.  92  Lg82sm 

Smith,  Preserved.  Life  and  letters  of  Martin  Luther.  1911.  Houghton. 
"Bibliography,"  p.433-470. 

Unlike  the  usual  lives  of  Luther  which  represent  him  chiefly  as  a  theologian  and 
deficr  of  popes,  this  admirable  biog^raphy  treats  him  as  a  human  being.  Author  has 
drawn  largely  for  his  material  upon  Luther's  correspondence,  in  which  he  is  revealed 
as  a  plain,  earnest,  sensible  man  with  a  childlike,  religious  faith  and  a  keen  sense  of 
humor.     Illustrated. 

Luther,  Martin.  92  L982st 

Stoughton,  John.    Homes  and  haunts  of  Luther;  ed.  by  C.  H.  Irwin. 

1903.    Religious  Tract  Soc.     (Anti-papal  library.) 
First  appeared  in  1875. 
Describes  the  localities  associated  with  events  in  Luther's  career,  from  his  birthplace, 

Eisleben,  to  Wittenberg,  where  he  spent  the  greater  portion   of  his  life.     Illustrations 

from  photographs. 

Lyell,  Sir  Charles.  92  L987 

Life,  letters  and  journals;  ed.  by  Mrs  [K.  M.]  Lyell.  2v.  1881. 

"Geological  papers  and  works  by  Sir  Charles  Lyell,"  v.  2,  p.  479-482. 

Noted  English  geologist  (1797-1875). 

"The  two  volumes  contain  a  vast  mass  of  information  which  will  be  invaluable  to 
the  future  historian  of  the  progress  of  natural  science  during  the  nineteenth  century, 
or  to  Lyell's  future  biographer;  but  his  'Life'  as  we  understand  the  term,  is  not  to  be 
found  in  them. .  .The  notes  are  few  and  far  between. .  .the  meagre  fragments  of  personal 
narrative  which  occasionally  head  the  chapters  read  like  quotations  from  an  indifferent 
article  in  a  biographical  dictionary. .  .On  the  other  hand,  those  who  know  Lyell's  books 
will  be  delighted  with  his  letters.  He  wrote  in  a  good  style.  .  .and  he  described  what  he 
saw  and  beard  very  graphically  and  well."    Saturday  reidew,  1882. 

L3mdhurst,  John  Singleton  Copley,  lord.  92  L992m 

Martin,  Sir  Theodore.  Life  of  Lord  Lyndhurst;  from  letters  and 
papers  in  possession  of  his  family,     1883.     Murray. 

Lord  Lyndhurst  (1772-1863),  the  son  of  Copley  the  famous  artist,  was  a  brilliant 
lawyer  who  at  three  different  periods  served  as  lord  chancellor  of  England.  He  de- 
stroyed almost  all  of  his  own  papers  and  letters,  but  his  biographer  has  acquired  a  good 
deal  of  material  on  his  public  career  and  corrects  the  misstatements  made  by  Lord 
Campbell  in  his  life  of  Lord  Lyndhurst. 

Lyon,  Mary.  92  L994g 

Gilchrist,  Beth  Bradford.     Life  of  Mary  Lyon.     1910.     Houghton. 
"Bibliography,"  P.443-4S3- 
Enthusiastic  biography  of  the  founder  of  Mount  Holyoke   College  and   a  notable 

pioneer  in  the  higher  education  of  women. 

Lyon,  Mary.  92  L994h 

[Hitchcock,   Edward,    1793-1864,   and  others.]     Power  of   Christian 

benevolence  illustrated  in  the  life  and  labors  of  Mary  Lyon.     1858. 
Amer.  Tract  Soc. 

First  published  in  185 1. 

Lytton,  Edward  Robert  Bulwer-,  earl  of.    See  Meredith,  Owen,  pseud. 


Macartney,  Sir  HalHday.  92  Mi  17b 

Boulger,  Demetrius  Charles  von  Kavanagh.  Life  of  Sir  Halliday 
Macartney,  K.  C.  M.  G.,  commander  of  Li  Hung  Chang's  trained  force 
in  the  Taeping  rebellion,  founder  of  the  first  Chinese  arsenal,  for  30 
years  councillor  and  secretary  to  the  Chinese  legation  in  London,  with 
a  foreword  by  Sir  James  Crichton-Browne.    1908.    Lane. 

McCabe,  Charles  Cardwell,  bp.  92  Mi24b 

Bristol,   Frank  Milton.     Life   of  Chaplain   McCabe,  bishop  of   the 

Methodist  Episcopal  church.     1908.     Revell. 

Bishop  McCabe   (1836-1906)    was   chaplain   of  the   izad   Ohio  infantry  during  the 

Civil  war,  was  captured,  and  held  in  Libby  prison.     Later  he  entered  the  service  of  the 

Christian  Commission,  for  which  he  raised  large  sums.     As  pastor  and  bishop  he  exerted 

great  influence. 

McCleave,  Johns.  rga  Missa 

[Allegheny  County,  Pa.  Bar  Association.]  In  memoriam  Johns 
McCleave  [transcript  of  minutes  of  the  meeting  of  the  Allegheny  Coun- 
ty Bar  Association,  Pittsburgh,  March  31st,  191 1.     191 1.] 

McCormick,  Cyrus  Hall.  92  M141C 

Casson,   Herbert   Newton.     Cyrus   Hall   McCormick;   his   life   and 

work.    1909.    McClurg. 

The  life  and  personality  of  the  inventor  of  the  reaping  machine  are  set  forth,  with 

many  interesting  details  of  his  services  to  his  chosen  city,  Chicago.     Presents  also  much 

historical  and  statistical  matter  concerning  the  development  of  agricultural  implements 

and  the  recent  rapid  increase  in  the  world's  wheat  production. 

McCormick,  Cyrus  Hall.  92  Mi4it 

Thwaites,  Reuben  Gold.     Cyrus  Hall  McCormick  and  the  reaper. 

1909.    Wisconsin  Historical  Soc. 

The  same.     (In  Wisconsin   Historical   Society.     Proceedings,   v.56, 

p.234-259.) r977-5  W8ip  v.56 

Brief  biography. 
McCuUagh,  John.  r92  Mi432m 

McCullagh,  Joseph  H.  "The  Sunday-school  man  of  the  South;"  a 
sketch  of  the  life  and  labors  of  John  McCullagh,  with  an  introduction 
by  E.  W.  Rice.     1889.    Amer.  Sunday-school  Union. 

McCullagh  (181 1-88)  was  born  in  Scotland,  but  spent  the  greater  part  of  his  life 
in  Kentucky.  For  54  years  he  was  connected  with  the  American  Sunday-school  Union. 
The  biography  is  written  by  his  son. 

Macdonald,  Sir  John  Alexander.  92  M147P 

Parkin,  George  Robert.     Sir  John  A.  Macdonald.     1908.     Morang. 

(Makers  of  Canada.) 

Macdonald   (:  81 5-91)   was  an  eminent  Canadian  statesman  whose  greatest  political 

service  was  the  effecting  of  Canadian  federation.     During  a  period  covering  20  years 

in  all  he  was  prime  minister  of  the  Dominion  of  Canada. 

McDonald,  William,  1820-1901.  92  Mi47am 

Memoir  of  Rev.  William  McDonald,  first  pastor  of  Saint  Anne's 
parish,  Manchester,  N.  H.,  by  a  Sister  of  Mercy,  with  preface  by  Rt. 
Rev.  Monsignor  W.  P.  McQuaid.    1909.     [Sisters  of  Mercy.] 

Father  McDonald  was  one  of  the  pioneers  of  the  Catholic  church  in  New  Hamp- 
shire and  a  prime  mover  in  the  establishment  of  educational  and  charitable  institutions 
under  the  control  of  that  church. 


MacDowell,  Edward  Alexander.  92  Mi48gi 

Gilman,  Lawrence.    Edward  MacDowell;  a  study.     1909.    Lane. 

"Compositions  of  Edward   MacDowell,"  p.  183-190. 

Based  upon  monograph  contributed  to  "Living  masters  of  music"  series  in  1905. 
Both  biographical  and  critical.     Illustrated. 

Macgillivray,  William,  1796-1852.  92  Mi62m 

Macgillivray,  William,  JV.  S.  Life  of  William  Macgillivray,  with  a 
scientific  appreciation  by  J.  A.  Thomson.     1910.     Murray. 

Macgillivray  was  a  Scottish  naturalist.  His  merits  as  an  anatomist  brought  him  into 
close  association  with  Audubon,  with  whom  he  collaborated  for  years.  He  revolutionized 
the  bird  classification  of  his  day.  He  also  had  large  influence  as  professor  of  natural 
history  at  Aberdeen  University.  Book  is  illustrated  by  fine  reproductions  of  Macgil- 
livray's  bird  drawings  in  possession  of  the  British  Museum. 

Mackay,  Alexander  Murdoch.  J92  Miysf 

Fahs,  Mrs  Sophia  Lyon.     Uganda's  white  man  of  work;  a  story  of 

Alexander  M.  Mackay.  1907.  Eaton.  (Forward  mission  study  courses.) 
Perilous  and  heroic  life  of  a  missionary  in  the  African  kingdom  of  Uganda. 

Mackenzie,  William  Lyon.  92  M182I 

Lindsey,  Charles.  William  Lyon  Mackenzie;  ed.  with  numerous  ad- 
ditions by  G.  G.  S.  Lindsey.     1908.     Morang.     (Makers  of  Canada.) 

Mackenzie  (1795-1861),  Canadian  politician  and  journalist,  violent  in  support  of 
popular  government,  led  a  small  band  of  insurgents  against  Toronto  in  1837.  Although 
the  movement  ended  in  failure,  it  called  the  attention  of  the  home  government  to  colo- 
nial abuses  and  resulted  in  the  establishment  of  responsible  government  in  Canada. 

McKinney,  David.  r92  MiSsi 

In  memoriam  David  McKinney,  D.  D.,  born  Oct.  22,  1795,  died  May 

28,  1879.     [Pittsburgh  Board  of  Colportage.     Pittsburgh.] 

Dr    McKinney    established    the    "Presbyterian    banner"    and    later    consolidated    it 

with  the  "Presbyterian  advocate."     He  was  also  librarian  and  treasurer  of  the   Board 

of  Colportage  of  the  Synods  of  Pittsburgh  and  Allegheny. 

Mackintosh,  Sir  James.  92  MiSsm 

Mackintosh,  Robert  James,  ed.  Memoirs  of  the  life  of  Sir  James 
Mackintosh;  ed.  by  his  son.    2v.    1853.     Little. 

Sir  James  Mackintosh  was  eminent  as  a  philosopher  and  lawyer,  also  achieved 
prominence  in  medicine,  history  and  politics.  His  name  is  intimately  connected  with  the 
annals  of  Holland  house. 

Maclaren,  Ian,  pseud.    See  Watson,  John  Maclaren. 

Macleod,  Fiona,  pseud.    See  Sharp,  William. 

Macleod,  Norman,  1812-72.  92  Mi98m 

Macleod,  Donald.    Memoir  of  Norman  Macleod,  D.  D.    2v.    1876. 

"Macleod  was  one  of  the  most  notable  ecclesiastics  that  Scotland  has  produced,  an 
eloquent  preacher,  an  earnest  philanthropist,  a  high-minded  patriot,  a  man  of  broad  and 
catholic  spirit,  a  writer  of  no  mean  order,  and  a  genial  friend."  Dictionary  of  national 

McLoughlin,  John.  92  Mi99h 

Holman,  Frederick  Van  Voorhies.  Dr  John  McLoughlin,  the  father 
of  Oregon.     1907.     Clark. 

From  1824  until  his  death  in  1857,  the  story  of  McLoughlin's  life  is  closely  con- 
nected with  the  history  of  Oregon.  At  the  time  of  the  union  of  the  Northwest  and  the 
Hudson  Bay  companies  he  assumed  charge  of  the  company's  interests  in  Oregon  and  was 
an  important  influence  in  settling  the  disagreements  which  arose  between  the  English 
and  the  American  pioneers. 


Macmillan,  Alexander.  92  M2i42g 

Graves,  Charles  Larcom.  Life  and  letters  of  Alexander  Macmillan. 
1910.    Macmillan. 

Alexander  Macmillan  (1818-96)  was  the  younger  brother  of  Daniel  Macmillan  who 
founded  the  publishing  hottse  of  that  name.  Apart  from  the  personality  of  the  subject, 
the  biography  is  valuable  as  giving  sidelights  from  an  unusual  quarter  on  the  literary 
life  of  the  last  century.  His  letters  as  well  as  the  Macmillan  lists  reflect  the  history 
of  Victorian  ideas  from  i860  to  i8go. 

Macmillan,  Daniel.  92  M2i4h 

Hughes,  Thomas.  Memoir  of  Daniel  Macmillan.  1882.  Macmillan. 
Macmillan    (1813-57)    was   the    founder   of   the   publishing   house   which   bears    his 

name.     The  interest  of  this  memoir  does  not  lie  in  its  narration  of  outward  happenings, 

for  Macmillan's  life  was  uneventful,  but  in  its  revelation  of  a  character  singularly  noble 

and  attractive. 

Maeterlinck,  Maurice.  92  M244h 

Harry,  Gerard.  Maurice  Maeterlinck;  a  biographical  study,  with 
two  essays  by  Maeterlinck;  tr.  from  the  French  of  Gerard  Harry  by 
Alfred  Allinson.    1910.    Allen. 

Contents:  Maurice  Maeterlinck;  a  study. — Essays  by  Maeterlinck:  The  massacre 
of  the  innocents;    Critique   on    Iwan   Gilkin's   "Damnation   de   I'artiste." — Bibliography. 

"Contains  less  than  a  hundred  pages  upon  M.  Maeterlinck,  written... in  a  spirit  of 
cheerful  and  careless  devotion;  and  there  are  added  two  early  sketches,  a  short  bibliog^ra- 
phy,  and  a  number  of  photographs,  chiefly  of  Madame  Georgette  Leblanc-Maeterlinck." 
Saturday  review,  1910. 

Mahan,  Capt.  Alfred  Thayer.  92  M257 

From  sail  to  steam;  recollections  of  naval  life.     1907.     Harper. 
Reminiscences  of  the  well-known  American  author  and  naval  officer,  which  include 

some  account  of  his  experiences  at  the  Naval  Academy,  his  services  during  the  Civil  war 

and  on  various  foreign  cruises. 

92  M2652 

.pD^D  no^tt^  nn'7in 

92  M265f 

•D'napj''!)  .a  ]ib  ,t3^j?n  nn  ^tt  iik  ivtk 

92  M265ye 

.(Q"ionn)  ]3  ntro  ,pD'*D 

Maintenon,  Franqoise  d'Aubigne,  marquise  de.  92  M266n 

Noailles,  Paul,  due  de.     Histoire  de  Madame  de  Maintenon  et  des 
principaux  evenements  du  regne  de  Louis  XIV.    v.1-2.    1849. 
Malatesta,  Sigismondo  Pandolfo,  da  Rimini.  92  M28ih 

Hutton,  Edward.  Sigismondo  Pandolfo  Malatesta,  lord  of  Rimini; 
a  study  of  a  15th  century  Italian  despot.    1906.    Dent. 

An  excellent  book,  worthy  to  be  read  by  every  lover  of  good  English.  Mr  Hutton 
has  set  himself  to  write  fact  as  fiction,  endeavoring  to  grfve  an  impression  of  the  first 
part  of  the  15th  century  without  using  a  single  incident  which  is  not  authenticated.  His 
subject  is  that  strangest  and  yet  most  typical  of  Italian  despots;  and  his  mouthpiece  is 
a  certain  Pietro  Sanseverino,  a  wholly  imaginary  person,  but  one,  nevertheless,  who  tells 
the  story  of  his  patron's  life  as  seriously  as  Monsieur  Yriarte  himself  has  done,  and 
certainly  with  greater  accuracy.     Condensed  from  Nation,  1906. 


Malone,  Edmond.  92  M2g4p 

Prior,  Sir  James.    Life  of  Edmond  Malone,  with  selections  from  his 

manuscript  anecdotes,     i860.    Smith. 

Author  and  critic   (1741-1812),  member  of  Dr  Johnson's  famous  Literary  Club,  a 

friend  of  Horace  Walpole  and  Sir  Joshua  Reynolds  and  a  familiar  figure  as  well  in  the 

political  society  of  his  day. 

"Sir  James  Prior's  Life  of  Malone. .  .although  ill-arranged  is  full  of  information." 

Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Malser,  Hans,  pseud.    See  Rosegger,  Petri  Kettenfeier. 

Manet,  fidouard.    See  Artists,  p.  1406. 

Manin,  Daniele.  92  Mssse 

Errera,  Alberto,  &  Finzi,  Cesare.  La  vita  e  i  tempi  di  Daniele  Manin 
(1804-1848);  narrazione,  corredata  dai  document!  inediti  depositati  nel 
Museo  Correr  dal  Generale  Giorgio  Manin.     1872. 

Mann,  Horace.  92  Maashu 

Hubbell,  George  Allen.  Horace  Mann,  educator,  patriot  and  re- 
former; a  study  in  leadership.     1910.    Fell. 

In  writing  this  highly  appreciative  biog^'aphy  the  author  has  had  access  to  unpub- 
lished manuscripts,  letters,  etc.  in  the  possession  of  Dr  Mann's  son. 

Mann,  Sir  Horace.  92  M3352d 

Doran,  John.  "Mann"  and  manners  at  the  court  of  Florence,  1740- 
1786;  founded  on  the  letters  of  Horace  Mann  to  Horace  Walpole.  2v. 
1876.    Bentley. 

Sir  Horace  Mann  (1701-86)  was  for  46  years  British  envoy  at  Florence.  During 
this  time  he  kept  up  a  steady  correspondence  with  his  friend  Horace  Walpole. 

"Lord  Dover  describes  the  letters  on  Mann's  side  as  'voluminous,  but  particularly 
devoid  of  interest,  as  they  are  written  in  a  dry,  heavy  style,  and  consist  almost  entirely 
of  trifling  details  of  forgotten  Florentine  history'. .  .Their  contents  are  summarised  in 
two  volumes  published  by  Dr.  Doran . . .  They  abound  in  accounts  of  serenades,  fetes, 
masquerades,  court  ceremonial  and  Italian  eccentricities."  Dictionary  of  national  biog- 

Mansfield,  Richard.  92  M343W 

Wilstach,  Paul.  Richard  Mansfield,  the  man  and  the  actor.  1908. 

"Bibliography,"  p.485-490. 

Mr  Wilstach  was  associated  with  Mr  Mansfield  (1857-1907)  for  many  years,  was 
devoted  to  his  interests  and  writes  of  him  with  an  unwavering  and  self-evident  partiality. 
Though  packed  with  detail  and  somewhat  disorderly  in  arrangement,  the  book  succeeds 
in  revealing  his  powerful  personality  and  versatile  genius,  and  affords  glimpses,  through 
the  letters  to  Mrs  Mansfield  and  his  son,  of  a  tender  human  side  which  was  little  known 
to  the  world. 

Mansfield,  Richard.  92  M343wi 

Winter,  William.  Life  and  art  of  Richard  Mansfield,  with  selections 
from  his  letters.    2v.     1910.    Moffat. 

"Worthy  memorial  of  a  brilliant  actor  by  his  trusted  friend  and  critic.  Volume  i 
is  devoted  to  the  life,  practically  commencing  with  Mansfield's  initial  New  York  success 
in  1883;  volume  2  takes  up  his  important  roles  in  order.  The  book  is  authoritative  in 
its  statements  of  fact,  sympathetic  and  just  in  its  estimate  of  Mansfield's  complex  char- 
acter and  the  nature  and  scope  of  his  genius,  and  contains  examples  of  felicitous  de- 
scription and  penetrating  analysis  that  rank  it  with  Mr  Winter's  best  critical  work.  The 
appendix  contains  a  forty-three  page  chronology  and  a  note  on  'The  gentle  art  of 
plagiarism,'  referring  to  Paul  Wilstach,  whose  interesting  life  of  Mansfield,  though 
fuller  on  the  biographical  side,  will  be  critically  superseded  by  this  authorized  biography. 
The  illustrations  consist  mostly  of  portraits  of  Mansfield  in  his  various  characters." 
A.  L.  A.  booklist,  1910. 


92  M3572b 

.lOBDi  pin  ,iB«D  DmnH  ^p-inn  p'.Ki 

Marat,  Jean  Paul.  92  Mssgb 

Bax,  Ernest  Belfort.  Jean-Paul  Marat,  the  people's  friend.  1901. 

Defense  of  Marat's  character  and  career.  Mr  Bax  has  interjected  his  own  political 
and  economic  views  so  freely  into  his  narrative  as  to  give  it  a  polemical  character, 
thereby  lessening  its  value  as  pure  biography.  Condensed  from  American  historical 
review,  igoi. 

Margaret,  countess  of  Richmond  and  Derby.    See  Richmond  and  Derby, 
Margaret  Beaufort,  countess  of. 

Margaret  of  Austria,  regent  of  the  Netherlands.  92  M3824h 

Hare,  Christopher,  (pseud,  of  Mrs  Marian  Andrews).  High  and  puis- 
sant princess  Marguerite  of  Austria,  princess  dowager  of  Spain,  duchess 
dowager  of  Savoy,  regent  of  the  Netherlands.    1907.    Harper. 

Princess  Marguerite  (1480-1530),  the  daughter  of  Maximilian  I  and  aunt  of  Charles 
V,  was  one  of  the  foremost  figures  of  her  time.  The  book  presents  her  public  rather 
than  her  private  life. 

Margaret  of  Austria,  regent  of  the  Netherlands.  93  M3824t 

Tremayne,  Eleanor  E.  First  governess  of  the  Netherlands,  Mar- 
garet of  Austria.     1908.     Putnam. 

"Catalogue  of  manuscripts  in  Margaret  of  Austria's  library  at  Malines,"  p.330-334. 
The  story  of  her  various  courtships  and  marriages  carries  the  reader  into  almost 
every  country  of  western  Europe.  As  regent  of  the  Netherlands  for  her  nephew,  the 
emperor  Charles  V,  she  was  able  and  successful;  the  "Ladies'  Peace"  of  Cambray  attests 
her  ability  as  a  diplomatist;  the  church  of  Brou,  her  skill  as  an  architect;  her  patronage 
of  Erasmus  and  the  eulogies  of  Jean  Lemaire  de  Beiges,  her  literary  appreciation  and 
skill  as  a  poet  A  welcome  addition  to  the  lighter  biographical  literature  of  the  i6th 
century.    Condensed  from  Nation,  /pop. 

Margaret  of  France,  queen  of  Henry  IV.  qga  M3823W 

Williams,  Hugh  Noel.  Queen  Margot,  wife  of  Henry  of  Navarre. 
1907.    Scribner. 

Full  account  of  her  life  (1553-1615)  with  some  notice  of  the  historical  events  with 
which  she  was  more  or  less  concerned.  Founded  on  her  own  memoirs  and  other  con- 
temporary sources  and  on  modern  works.     Portraits. 

Maria  Carolina  of  Austria,  queen  consort  of  Ferdinand  IV,  92  M384b 

king  of  Naples. 

Bearne,  Mrs  Catherine  Mary  (Charlton).  A  sister  of  Marie  An- 
toinette; the  life-story  of  Maria  Carolina,  queen  of  Naples.    1907.    Unwin. 

Well  written  popular  biography.  Maria  Carolina  (1752-1814)  took  a  prominent 
part  in  the  political  affairs  of  the  time  and  was  an  ardent  opponent  of  Napoleon. 

Marie  Antoinette,  queen  of  France.  92  M386be 

Belloc,  Hilaire.    Marie  Antoinette.     1909.    Doubleday. 

Frank  apology  for  the  life  of  the  queen,  which  views  the  revolution  so  exclusively 
from  her  standpoint  as  to  mislead  a  reader  who  is  not  forewarned.  Mr  Belloc  is  a  master 
of  style.  His  thought  is  direct  and  incisive,  his  virile  and  masterful  presentation  of 
men  and  events  is  a  triumph  of  literature,  but  his  book  is  untrustworthy.  Condensed 
from  Nation,  1916. 


Marie  Antoinette,  queen  of  France.  92  M386ca 

Campan,  Mme  Jeanne  Louise  Henriette  (Genest).     Memoires,  1785- 

92;   ed.  by   H.   C.   Bradby.     1906.     Clarendon   Press.      (Oxford  higher 

French  series.) 

Mme  Campan  was  for  nearly  20  years  first  lady  of  the  bedchamber  to  Marie  An- 

toinette.     She  narrowly  escaped  at  the  storming  of  the  Tuileries  in  1792. 

Marie  Antoinette,  queen  of  France.  92  M386C3 

Campan,  Mme  Jeanne  Louise  Henriette  (Genest).     Memoirs  of  the 
court  of  Marie  Antoinette,  queen  of  France,  with  a  biographical  intro- 
duction by  M.  de  Lamartine.    2v.    1847.    Potter. 
"Biographical  notice  of  Madame  Campan,"  v.i,  P.7-4S. 

An  abridged  edition  is  published  under  title  "Private  life  of  Marie  Antoinette" 
<92  M386C). 

Marie  Antoinette,  queen  of  France.  92  M386I 

Lenotre,  Louis  Leon  Theodore  Gosselin.  Flight  of  Marie  An- 
toinette; from  the  French  by  Mrs  Rodolph  Stawell.     1906.    Heinemann. 

Flight  of  the  royal  family  to  Varennes  in  1791.     Contains  some  interesting  portraits. 

"Vivid  and  captivating  narrative. .  .He  has  had  recourse  to  all  sources  of  informa- 
tion: national  archives,  private  archives  and  memoirs  past  counting.  The  skilful  use  he 
makes  of  this  material. .  .is  as  striking  as  the  intensity  of  life  which  he  manages  to  give 
to  his  revival  of  the  past."    Nation,  1^07. 

Marie  Antoinette,  queen  of  France.  92  M386tsc 

Tschudi,  Clara.  Marie  Antoinette  und  die  revolution;  autorisierte 
tibersetzung  aus  dem  norwegischen  von  Heinrich  von  Lenk.     1895. 

Marie  de  Medicis,  queen  of  France.  92  M3862P 

Pardoe,  Julia.  Life  of  Marie  de  Medicis,  queen  of  France,  consort 
of  Henri  IV  and  regent  of  the  kingdom  under  Louis  XIII.  3v.  1902. 

First  appeared  in  1832. 

"Miss  Pardoe  published  several  historical  works,  chiefly  pictures  of  French  history 
condensed  from  the  memoir-writers. .  .These  works,  written...  in  a  pleasant  and  grace- 
ful style,  attracted  a  large  share  of  notice,  and,  as  popular  history,  may  still  be  read 
with  pleasure."     Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Marie  Louise,  empress  of  the  French.  V92  M3862m 

Masson,  Frederic.    L'imperatrice  Marie-Louise.    1902. 

Contains  numerous  portraits. 

Marie  Therese  Charlotte,  duchesse  d'Angouleme.     See  Angouleme,  Marie 

Therese  Charlotte,  duchesse  d'. 
Markino,  Yoshio.  92  M391 

A  Japanese  artist  in  London.     1910.     Chatto. 

Mr  Markino  is  a  Japanese  illustrator  and  writer.  He  had  i  desperate  fight  with 
poverty  after  he  left  Japan  and  was  forced  to  accept  various  employments  in  San  Fran- 
cisco and  London  before  his  ability  as  an  artist  was  recognized.  The  book  gives  an  ac- 
count of  his  life  in  London,  told  frankly  and  in  picturesque  Japanese  English.  Illus- 
trated in  color. 

Marlborough,  Sarah  (Jennings)  Churchill,  duchess  of.  92  M392a 

Private  correspondence  of  Sarah,  duchess  of  Marlborough,  illustra- 
tive of  the  court  and  times  of  Queen  Anne,  with  her  sketches  and  opin- 
ions of  her  contemporaries,  and  the  select  correspondence  of  her  hus- 
band, John,  duke  of  Marlborough.    2v.     1838.     Colburn. 


Marlowe,  Christopher.  92  Msgsi 

Ingram,  John  H.     Christopher  Marlowe  and  his  associates.     1904. 


"Bibliography  of  Christopher  Marlowe,"  p.280-298. 

Attempts  to  clear  Marlowe's  name  from  some  of  the  reproaches  which  have  been 

heaped  upon  it.     Much  of  the  volume  is  concerned  with  his  contemporaries. 

Marot,  Clement.  92  Msggm 

Morley,  Henry.  Clement  Marot,  and  other  studies.  2v.  in  i.  1871. 

Other  studies:  Andreas  Vesalius. — Conrad  Gesner. — Cyrano  de  Bergerac. — College 
work. — English  for  Englishwomen. — Gabriel  Harvey. — Influence  of  the  Celt  on  English 
literature. — An  old  student  of  English. — The  opening  of  Caedmon's  paraphrase. 

The  life  of  Marot  (1495-1544)  is  depicted  against  the  background  of  his  time — the 
France  of  Francis  I  and  of  Margaret  of  Angouleme. 

Marryat,  Capt.  Frederick.  92  M4i2m 

Marryat,  Florence.  Life  and  letters  of  Captain  Marryat.  2v.  1872. 

Marryat  (i  792-1 848)  was  a  novelist  and  a  captain  in  the  English  navy.  The  biogra- 
phy is  written  by  his  daughter. 

"It  does  not  present  a  complete  portrait  of  her  father;  the  scanty  material  is  sup- 
plemented by  too  many  trifling  details."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Marsh,  Grant  Prince.  92  M4i3h 

Hanson,  Joseph  Mills.  Conquest  of  the  Missouri;  being  the  story 
of  the  life  and  exploits  of  Captain  Grant  Marsh.    1909.    McClurg. 

"Bibliography,"  p.437-440. 

"A  book  strangely  ill-named.  Anything  more  unconquered  than  the  great  Mis- 
souri it  would  be  hard  to  find;  and  in  what  sense  the  career  of  a  steamboat  man  who, 
for  nearly  sixty  years,  has  experienced  its  snags,  sand-bars,  and  floods,  can  be  called 
a  conquest  of  the  river,  it  would  be  hard  to  say.  The  book  is  the  story  of  Grant  Marsh, 
who,  beginning  as  a  cabin-boy,  in  1846,  at  the  age  of  twelve,  has  sailed  the  Mississippi 
and  its  tributaries  almost  to  the  present  hour.  It  is  a  picturesque  and  instructive 
record."    Nation,  igio. 

Marshall,  John,  chief  justice.  92  M4i7d 

Dillon,  John  Forrest,  ed.  John  Marshall;  life,  character  and  judicial 
services  as  portrayed  in  the  centenary  and  memorial  addresses  and  pro- 
ceedings throughout  the  United  States  on  Marshall  day,  1901,  and  in 
the  classic  orations  of  Binney,  Story,  Phelps,  Waite  and  Rawle.     3v. 

1903.  Callaghan. 

Marston,  Edward.  92  M421 

After  work;   fragments   from   the   workshop   of   an    old   publisher. 

1904.  Heinemann. 

The  author  was  for  many  years  a  member  of  the  publishing  house  of  Sampson  Low, 
Marston  and  Company.  The  book  consists  very  largely  of  reminiscences  of  authors  for 
whom  the  firm  published — Mrs  Stowe,  Jules  Verne,  Sir  Henry  Stanley,  Blackmore  and 
William  Clark  Russell  among  many  others. 

Marx,  Karl.  92  M438S 

Spargo,  John.    Karl  Marx;  his  life  and  work.    1910.    Huebsch. 
Authorized  biography  of  the  founder  of  scientific  socialism. 


Mary,  queen  of  Scots.  92  M43ghe 

Henderson,  Thomas  F.  Mary,  queen  of  Scots,  her  environment  and 
tragedy;  a  biography.    2v.    1905.    Scribner. 

Both  a  narrative  biography  and  a  critical  and  impartial  study,  based  on  a  thorough 
mastery  of  the  literature  of  the  subject.     Portraits. 

"A  logical  theory  of  the  fundamental  causes  of  her  failure  is  developed  with  un- 
usual force  and  rigidity."    American  historical  review,  1906. 

Mary,  queen  of  Scots.  192  M439r 

Read,  Conyers,  ed.  Bardon  papers;  documents  relating  to  the  im- 
prisonment &  trial  of  Mary  queen  of  Scots;  ed.  for  the  Royal  Histori- 
cal Society,  with  a  prefatory  note  by  Charles  Cotton.  1909.  (Camden 
Society.     Publications,  3d  ser.  v.17.) 

"The  papers  (so  called  from  having  been  for  many  years  kept  at  a  house  of  this 
name  in  Somersetshire)  are  concerned  with  the  imprisonment,  trial,  and  execution  of 
Mary  Queen  of  Scots... A  very  lucid  account  of  the  whole  relation  of  Mary  to  Eliza- 
beth and  English  politics  is  to  be  found  in  Dr.  Read's  introduction."     Spectator,   igio. 

Mather,  Cotton,  1663-1728.  '  qrg74.4  M4S 

Diary,  1681-1724.     1911-12.     (In  Massachusetts  Historical  Society. 

Collections,  1911-12,  v.67-68.) 

Matheson,  George.  92  M469m 

Macmillan,  Donald.    Life  of  George  Matheson.     1908.    Armstrong. 
"Story  of  a  Scotchman  who  became  practically  blind  at  eighteen,  yet  when  he  died, 

in   1906,   was  the  most  distinguished  man   in  the   Scotch   pulpit,  and  had  received  the 

highest  academic  honors  his  countrymen  could  confer  on  him."     Nation,  igo8. 

Mathew,  Theobald.  92  M47ih 

Hinkson,  Mrs  Katharine  (Tynan).  Father  Mathew.  1908.  Mac- 

Short,  pleasantly  told  story  of  the  busy  life  of  the  Irish  total  abstinence  orator 
(1790-1856).     Illustrated. 

Mazarin,  Jules,  cardinal.  92  M545h 

Hassall,  Arthur.    Mazarin.    1903.    Macmillan.    (Foreign  statesmen.) 

"Principal  authorities,"  p.183. 

Cardinal  Mazarin  (1602-61)  was  prime  minister  of  France  and  one  of  the  leading 
figures  in  French  history  during  the  regency  of  Anne  of  Austria  and  the  early  years  of 
the  reign  of  Louis  XIV.     The  book  surveys  briefly  his  public  career. 

Mazzini,  Giuseppe.  92  M549d 

Donaver,  Federico.    Vita  di  Giuseppe  Mazzini.     1903. 

Mazzini,  Giuseppe.  92  M549ki 

King,    Bolton.      Mazzini;    traduzione    autorizzata    di    Maria    Pezze 

Pascolato.     1903. 

"Bibliografia  Mazziniana,"  p.387-394. 

Mazzini,  Giuseppe.  q92  M549m 

Mario,  Signora  Jessie   Merriton   (White).     Delia  vita  di   Giuseppe 

Mazzini.     [1908.] 

Meissonier,  Jean  Louis  Ernest.    See  Artists,  p.1407. 

Melba,  Nellie.  92  M5822m 

Murphy,  Agnes  G.     Melba;  a  biography,  with  chapters  by  Madame 

Melba  on  the  selection  of  music  as  a  profession  &  on  the  science  of 

singing.     1909.    Doubleday. 

Fervent  eulogy  of  the  great  Australian  singer.     All  her  tours  and  appearances  are 

related  in  detail,  together  with  many  personal  anecdotes  illustrating  her  energy,  kindli- 
ness and  generosity  toward  young  artists. 


Melcombe,  George   Bubb   Dodington,  baron.     See  Dodington,  George 
Bubb,  baron  Melcombe. 

Melville,  Andrew.  ga  Msgsma 

M'Crie,  Thomas.  Life  of  Andrew  Melville,  containing  illustrations 
of  the  ecclesiastical  and  literary  history  of  Scotland  during  the  latter 
part  of  the  i6th  and  beginning  of  the  17th  century,  with  an  appendix 
consisting  of  original  papers.    1856.    Blackwood.    (Works,  v.2.) 

Mendelssohn,  Moses.  92  M6i62i 

Isaacs,  Abram  Samuel.  Step  by  step;  a  story  of  the  early  days  of 
Moses  Mendelssohn.    1910.    Jewish  Publication  Soc.  of  America. 

Biography,  in  story  form,  of  the  noted  Jewish  philosopher  (1729-86).  Portrays  the 
chief  scenes  of  his  childhood  and  his  experiences  in  Dessau  and  Berlin. 

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy,  Felix.  92  M616I 

Letters  from  1833  to  1847;  ed.  by  Paul  Mendelssohn  Bartholdy  and 
Carl  Mendelssohn  Bartholdy,  with  a  catalogue  of  all  his  musical  com- 
positions, comp.  by  Julius  Rietz;  tr.  by  Lady  Wallace.    1868.    Leypoldt. 

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy,  Felix.  9a  M6i6he 

Hensel,  Sebastian,  ed.  Mendelssohn  family  (1729-1847),  from  let- 
ters and  journals;  tr.  by  f^arl  Klingemann  and  an  American  collabora- 
tor, with  a  notice  by  George  Grove.    2v.  in  i.    1881.    Harper. 

"Compiled  from  journals  and  family  papers,  and  containing  73  letters  or  portions 
of  letters  hitherto  [1879]  unpublished.  The  title  of  the  book  would  perhaps  be  more 
appropriately  'Fanny  Hensel  and  her  family;'  but  it  is  a  most  valuable  addition  to  our 
knowledge  of  Felix... The  notices  and  letters  of  Abraham  Mendelssohn  are  especially 
new  and  valuable."     Grove's  Dictionary  of  music. 

Mendowg.    See  Mindaugis,  king  of  Lithuania. 

Menken,  Adah  Isaacs.  r92  M623J 

James,  Ed.  Biography  of  Adah  Isaacs  Menken,  with  selections  from 
"Infelicia."    Privately  printed. 

Brief  biography  of  a  Jewish  actress  (1835-68). 

Menzel,  Adolf  Friedrich  Erdmann.    See  Artists,  p.  1405. 

Meredith,  George.  92  M635h 

Hammerton,  John  Alexander.  George  Meredith  in  anecdote  and 
criticism.    1909.    Kennerley. 

Large  collection  of  extracts  from  newspapers  and  critical  reviews,  woven  into  a 
continuous  narrative.  They  deal  with  Meredith's  life-history,  with  his  walks  and  talks 
— so  large  an  element  in  his  life — his  memorable  friendships,  and  contemporary  opinions 
on  his  work.     Distinctly  interesting  and  valuable  to  the  student  and  future  biographer. 

Meredith,  Owen,  {pseud,  of  Edward  Robert  Bulwer-Lytton,  92  M635 

earl  of  Lytton). 

Personal  &  literary  letters;  ed.  by  Lady  Betty  Balfour.  2v.  1906. 

Even  readers  indifferent  to  "Lucile,"  the  work  by  which  Lord  Lytton  (1831-91) 
is  best  known,  may  find  this  a  brilliant  and  engaging  book.  As  a  letter  writer  his  style 
is  cfear  and  elegant,  he  gives  glimpses  of  scores  of  notables  from  Daniel  Webster  to 
Sarah  Bernhardt,  and  on  all  the  many  subjects  he  discusses  his  utterances  are  those 
of  a  thinker  who  was  also  a  poet.  Arranged  by  his  daughter,  who  was  also  his  intimate 
and  sympathetic  companion.     Condensed  from  Nation,  190J. 


Mettemich-Winneburg,  Clemens  Wenzel  Nepomuk  92  M6488 

Lothar,  fiirst  von. 
Sandeman,  G.  A.  C.     Metternich.     [1911.]     Methuen. 

On  the  whole  the  best  life  of  Metternich  which  has  yet  appeared  (191 1).  It  en- 
ables the  reader  to  realize  the  extent  of  his  influence  in  the  diplomatic  history  of  Europe. 

92  M656k 

Michael  Angelo.  92  M663h 

Harford,  John  Scandrett.  Life  of  Michael  Angelo  Buonarroti,  with 
translations  of  many  of  his  poems  and  letters,  also  memoirs  of  Savona- 
rola, Raphael  and  Vittoria  Colonna.    2v.    1858.    Longman. 

"The  latter  portion  of  [Harford's]  work  retains  its  value  to  the  present  day,  es- 
pecially in  what  concerns  the  architecture  of  S.  Peter's."  John  Addington  Symonds's 
Life  of  Michelangelo  Buonarroti. 

Michelet,  Mme  Athenais  (Mialaret).  92  M666 

Story  of  my  childhood ;  tr.  from  the  French  by  M.  F.  Curtis.  1867. 

The  early  years  of  Mme  Michelet,  wife  of  the  French  historian,  were  passed  in  the 
southern  part  of  France.  She  writes  delightfully  and  simply  of  their  home  life  and  of 
her  childish  experiences. 

Michelet,  Jules.  92  M6662m 

Monod,  Gabriel.  Jules  Michelet;  etudes  sur  sa  vie  et  ses  oeuvres, 
avec  des  fragments  inedits.    1905. 

"An  illuminating  book. .  .Entering  upon  his  duties  in  the  spirit  of  an  interpreter 
rather  than  of  an  annalist,  M.  Monod  gives  us  seven  admirable  essays. .  .along  with 
copious  excerpts  from  Michelet's  journal  and  correspondence.  The  bulk  of  the  volume 
centres  in  the  historian's  activities  during  the  period  1839-51,  though  incidents  of  earlier 
and  later  life  come  into  view  from  time  to  time."     Nation,  igo6. 

Michelet,  Jules.  92  R337m 

Monod,  Gabriel.     Les  maitres  de  I'histoire;  Renan,  Taine,  Michelet. 


These  writers  were  all  personally  known  to  the  author  and  the  essays,  a  mingling 
of  biography  and  criticism,  are  extremely  sympathetic  in  their  tone. 

Mickiewicz,  Adam.  92  M669b 

Belza,  Stanislaw.     Ostatnie  chwile  Mickiewicza.     1908. 

Mickiewicz,  Adam.  92  M669be 

Belza,  Wladyslaw.    U  kolebki  wieszcza;  zywot  Adama  Mickiewicza, 

popularnie  skreslil.    1898. 

Mickiewicz,  Adam.  93  M669d 

Daubaras,  A.  J.  pseud.  Adomas  Mickevycia,  1798-1855,  jo  gyvenimas, 
rastai  ir  darbai.    1902. 

Mickiewicz,  Adam.  92  M669g 

Gardner,  Monica  M.  Adam  Mickiewicz,  the  national  poet  of  Poland. 
1911.    Dent. 

"List  of  the  chief  books  I  have  used,"  p.301-302. 

Miss  Gardner  writes  with  ample  knowledge  of  her  topic,  after  study  not  only  of 
the  works  of  Mickiewicz  himself,  but  of  the  most  important  Polish  treatises  on  his  life 
and  writings.  She  gives  summaries  and  appreciations  of  his  chief  works,  accompanied 
by  dignified  prose  translations  of  their  most  striking  passages,  and  she  narrates  the 
facts  of  his  life  simply  and  clearly.     Condensed  from  Nation,  igii. 


Mifflin,  Warner.  rga  M676J 

Justice,  Hilda,  contp.  Life  and  ancestry  of  Warner  Mifflin,  Friend, 
philanthropist,  patriot.     1905.    Ferris. 

Warner  Mifflin  (1745—98)  was  a  Quaker  and  one  of  the  early  anti-slavery  leaders. 
In  1 774  he  freed  all  his  slaves  and  gave  them  compensation  for  past  services.  Through 
his  labors  most  of  the  members  of  the  Society  of  Friends  emancipated  their  slaves. 

Mill,  John  Stuart.  92  M687m 

Letters  of  John  Stuart  Mill;  ed.  with  an  introduction  by  H.  S.  R. 
Elliot.    2v.     1910.     Longmans. 

"Some  notes  on  the  private  life  of  John  Stuart  Mill,"  by  Mary  Taylor,  v.i,  p.39-46. 
The  interest  of  this  correspondence,  which  covers  the  period  from  1829  to  1873, 
is  threefold.  The  letters  tell  much  about  Mill's  own  character  which  his  autobiography 
does  not  reveal,  they  throw  light  on  some  of  the  leading  literary  figures  of  his  time, 
including  Carlyle,  Sterling  and  Bulwer,  and  they  give  a  clear  and  direct  impression  of 
the  public  questions  of  that  day  in  England. 

Mill,  John  Stuart.  92  MeSyb 

Bain,  Alexander.  John  Stuart  Mill;  a  criticism,  with  personal  recol- 
lections.   1882.    Longmans. 

Not  a  complete  biography  of  Mill  but  an  examination  of  his  character  and  writings. 

Miller,  Sanderson.  92  M695d 

Dickins,  Lilian,  &  Stanton,  Mary,  ed.  Eighteenth-century  corre- 
spondence; the  letters  of  Deane  Swift  and  others  to  Sanderson  Miller, 
esq.,  of  Radway.    1910.    Murray. 

Sanderson  Miller  was  an  English  country  gentleman  with  a  reputation  as  an  amateur 
architect  and  a  capacity  for  friendship  of  which  these  letters  are  a  faithful  record. 
They  seldom  deal  with  public  affairs  but  are  largely  occupied  with  architectural  matters, 
in  regard  to  which  Miller's  friends  often  appealed  to  him  for  advice.  Prominent  among 
the  letters  are  those  of  Deane  Swift,  cousin  and  biographer  of  the  great  dean.  Miller's 
replies  have  not  been  preserved  and  we  thus  get  a  curiously  reflected  portrait  of  the 
man  as  he  appears  in  the  minds  of  his  friends. 

Milton,  John.  92  Myigb 

Brooke,  Stopford  Augustus.     Milton.     1879.     Macmillan. 
Essay  on  his  life  and  works,  intended  as  a  text-book. 

Mindaugis,  king  of  Lithuania.  92  M724m 

Mykolaitis.  Mindaugis,  didysis  Lietuvos  kunigaikstis  ir  karalius; 
trumpas  aprasymas  jo  gyvenimo  ir  darby.     1899. 

Minghetti,  Marco.  92  M726m 

Miei  ricordi.    3v.     1888-90. 
V.I.     Anni  1818-1848. 

v.2.     La  g^uerra  e  gli  episodii  politici  degli  anni  1848-49. 
V.3.     1850-1859. 

Mirabeau,  Honore  Gabriel  Riquetti,  comte  de.  92  M73SC 

Cantu,  Cesare.    Vite  parallele  di  Mirabeau  e  Washington.     1873. 

Mirabeau,  Honore  Gabriel  Riquetti,  comte  de.  92  Mysst 

Trowbridge,  William  Rutherford  Hayes.     Mirabeau,  the  demi-god; 

being  the  true  and  romantic  story  of  his  life  and  adventures.     1907. 


"Bibliography,"  p.  11. 

"The  whole  style  of  the  book  is  in  accordance  with  the  title;  it  is  an  attempt  to 

strike  a  happy  mean  between  a  novel  and  a  biography,  and  is  not  altogether  successful. 

But  no  history  of  Mirabeau's  life  can  be  dull,  and  the  author  has  gone  to  all  the  best 

sources  of  information."     Saturday  review,  190S. 


Mirandola,  Giovanni  Pico  della.    See  Pico  della  Mirandola,  Giovanni. 

Mistral,  Frederic.  92  M744m 

Memoirs;  rendered  into  English  by  C.  E.  Maud;  lyrics  from  the 
Provengal  [tr.]  by  Alma  Strettell.    1907.    Baker. 

Translation  of  "Mes  origines"  with  an  appendix  continuing  the  history  of  Felibrige 
from  1859,  where  the  memoirs  end,  to  about  1907. 

"It  is  a  history  of  Provencal  poetry  and  story,  and  of  the  men  who  revived  the 
literary  fame  of  their  province;  but  still  better  and  newer  than  all  this,  it  is  the  true 
and  wonderfully  vivid  picture  of  Frederic  Mistral's  own  childhood. .  .of  the  adventures 
and  friendships  of  his  youth."    Spectator,  igo7. 

Mistral,  Frederic.  92  M744 

Mes  origines;  memoires  et  recits;  traduction  du  proven^al.     1906. 

Mocenigo,  Tomaso.  92  M761W 

Wiel,  Mrs  Alethea  Jane  (Lawley).     Two  doges  of  Venice;  a  slight 

sketch  of  the  lives  and  times  of  Tomaso  Mocenigo  and  Francesco  Fos- 

cari.     1891.     Chiswick  Press. 

Mocenigo  was  doge  of  Venice  from  1414  to  1423,  and  Foscari,  from  1423  to  1457. 

They  were  politically  at  variance,  the   former   endeavoring  to  maintain  the  position   of 

Venice  by  a  policy  of  peace,  the  latter  standing  for  an  aggressive  policy. 

Modjeska,  Mme  Helena  (Opido).  92  M765 

Memories  and  impressions  of  Helena  Modjeska;  an  autobiography. 
1910.     Macmillan. 

"Interesting  for  its  self-revelation  of  a  fine  and  highly  gifted  personality  and  valu- 
able for  the  light  it  throws  upon  the  true  secret  of  the  writer's  brilliant  artistic  success 
. . .  From  the  egotism  which  is  the  distinguishing  mark  of  most  theatrical  autobiographies 
it  is  almost  entirely  free... But  few  of  her  admirers,  perhaps,  realize  the  trials  and  ob- 
stacles which  this  Polish  actress  had  to  overcome  before  she  realized  her  youthful  ambi- 
tion of  triumphing  in  Shakespeare  on  the  English  stage.  They  are  all  set  down  in  this 
book,  and  constitute  an  engrossing  and  instructive  story."     Nation,  igio. 

Mohammed.  92  M772miu 

Muir,  Sir  William.  Life  of  Mahomet,  from  original  sources.  1894. 
Smith,  Elder. 

Abridgment  of  the  four- volume  work  published  in  1861. 

"Undoubtedly  the  standard  life  of  Mohammed  in  English.  Its  faults  and  limitations 
are  known;  4)ut  it  is  not  the  less  a  work  of  great  learning,  sound  criticism,  and  con- 
siderable literary  charm."    Athenoeum,  1894. 

Moliere,  Jean  Baptiste  Poquelin.  92  M79im 

Matthews,  Brander.    Moliere;  his  life  and  his  works.    1910.    Scribner. 
Contains  also  "La  bonne  comedie,"  by  Austin  Dobson. 

Author,  who  is  (1910)  professor  of  dramatic  literature  at  Columbia  University,  has 
given  years  of  study  to  the  making  of  this  book.  He  sets  forth  the  facts  of  Moliere'i 
life,  stripped  of  all  the  legends  that  have  gathered  about  it,  and  traces  carefully  his 
development  as  a  dramatist  and  his  intimate  relation  to  the  time  in  which  he  lived. 

Moliere,  Jean  Baptiste  Poquelin.  92  M79ita 

Taylor,  Hobart  Chatfield  Chatfield-.  Moliere;  a  biography,  with  an 
introduction  by  T.  F.  Crane.     1906.    Duffield. 

"Bibliography,"  p.4 19-434. 

A  sketch  of  the  man  for  the  general  reader,  rather  than  a  treatise  on  his  art  for 
the  special  student.     Illustrated. 

"Authentic  and  exhaustive  story  of  the  great  comedian's  life  [1622-73]."  Nation, 


Moltke,  Helmuth,  graf  von.  92  MSiid 

Dressier,  Friedrich  August.  Moltke  in  his  home;  tr.  by  Mrs  C.  E. 
Barrett-Lennard,  with  an  introduction  by  Lord  Methuen.  1907.  Mur- 

The  autlior  was  the  singing  teacher  of  Moltke's  nephew  and  a  frequent  visitor  in  the 
Moltke  household. 

"These  recollections  of  one  of  last  century's  greatest  personalities  are  set  down 
with  a  certain  nqivete,  which  however  nowise  detracts  from  their  interest;  and  while 
they  are  very  modestly  put  forward  and  do  not  for  a  moment  claim  to  be  a  'great  book,' 
there  is  yet  something  Boswellian  in  their  author's  adoring  attitude  to  Moltke."  Outlook 
(London),  1907. 

Moniuszko,  Stanistaw.  92  M827W 

Wilczynski,  Boleslaw.  Stanislaw  Moniuszko,  i  sztuka  muzyczna 
narodowa;  studyum  estetyczne.     1874. 

Monk,  George,  duke  of  Albemarle.  92  M828g 

Guizot,  Frangois  Pierre  Guillaume.  Memoirs  of  George  Monk, 
duke  of  Albemarle;  tr.  and  ed.  with  additional  notes  and  illustrations 
by  J.  S.  Wortley.     1838.    Bentley. 

The  first  duke  of  Albemarle  (1608-70)  was  influential  in  military  affairs  during 
the  rule  of  Cromwell  and  the  reign  of  Charles  II. 

"Of  modern  lives  the  most  important  is  that  by  Guizot,  originally  published  in 
1837.  Of  this  there  are  two  translations,  the  first  published  in  1838,  with  valuable  an- 
notations by  J.  Stuart  Wortley."     Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Montagu,  Mrs  Elizabeth  (Robinson),  92  M8453 

Elizabeth  Montagu,  the  queen  of  the  Blue-stockings;  her  corre- 
spondence from  1720  to  1761  [ed.]  by  her  great-great-niece,  E.  J.  Climen- 
son.    2v.     1906.    Dutton. 

"There  is  a  touch  of  the  Paston  letters  about  the  innumerable  quaint  details  of 
domestic  life  that  crop  up  everywhere  in  the  intimate  letters  of  a  woman  to  other 
women,  which  form  the  greater  part  of  this  correspondence. .  .A  wit,  a  scholar  and  a 
critic,  she  was  no  less  notable  as  a  hostess  and  local  patroness.  To  be  Mrs.  Montagu 
was  her  profession;  it  was  her  hobby  to  wear  the  bas  bleu."     Outlook  (London),  1906. 

Montagu,  Mrs  Elizabeth  (Robinson).  92  M8453h 

Huchon,  Rene.     Mrs  Montagu  and  her  friends,  1720-1800;  a  sketch. 

1907.    Murray. 

Mrs   Elizabeth   Montagu   was   an   authoress   and   a  leader  in   the   literary  society  of 

London.     Her  circle  of  friends  included  Hannah  More,  Fanny  Burney,  Horace  Walpole, 

Dr  Johnson,  Burke,  Garrick  and  Sir  Joshua  Reynolds.     It  was  to  her  gatherings  that 

the  epithet  of  "Blue-stocking"  was  first  applied. 

Montagu,  Lady  Mary  (Pierrepont)  Wortley.  92  M845m 

Mary  Wortley  Montagu,  written  by  herself  [ed.  by  A.  R.  Ropes]. 
Athenaeum  Press.     (Beaux  and  belles  of  England.) 

Selections  from  her  letters,  with  a  connecting  thread  of  explanation  and  an  intro- 
ductory sketch. 

Montagu,  Lady  Mary  (Pierrepont)  Wortley.  92  M845S 

Symonds,  Emily  Morse,  (pseud.  George  Paston).  Lady  Mary  Wort- 
ley Montagu  and  her  times.     [1907.]     Methuen. 

Author  had  access  to  many  unpublished  letters  written  by  Lady  Mary,  her  hus- 
band and  her  friends.  Many  of  them  relate  to  her  marriage  with  Mr  Montagu.  Some 
of  the  letters  are  given  entire,  but  more  often  their  contents  have  been  simply  made  a 
part  of  the  well  told  narrative.     Portraits. 


92  M855m 

92    M855S 

.nmn^  in^yn  "•-iT'BiQiiD  ntrn  T'd'?  maiiDTn  ••-120 

Montespan,  Frangoise  Athenais  (de  Rochechouart),  92  M8592W 

marquise  de. 
Williams,   Hugh   Noel.     Madame   de   Montespan   and   Louis   XIV. 
1910.     Scribner. 

Smaller  and  less  fully  illustrated  edition  of  the  elaborate  quarto  which  appeared  in 
1903   (qrgz  M859W). 

"Remains,  after  seven  years,  the  only  complete  and  accurate  account  in  English  of 
the  most  famous  and  most  magnificent  of  all   French  royal   favorites."     Nation,   191J. 

Montesquieu,  Charles  de  Secondat,  baron  de.  92  V378C 

Collins,  John  Churton.  Voltaire,  Montesquieu  and  Rousseau  in 
England.     1908.     Nash. 

"Attempt  to  sketch  the  history  of  three  singularly  interesting  episodes  in  the  liter- 
ary relations  between  France  and  England,  namely,  the  visits  of  Voltaire,  Montesquieu, 
and  Rousseau,  during  periods  extending  respectively  from  the  spring  of  1726  to  the 
spring  of  1729,  from  the  autumn  of  1729  to  the  spring  and  early  summer  of  1731,  and 
from  January  1766  to  May  1767."     Preface. 

"A  contribution  of  value  to  the  literary  history  both  of  France  and  England." 
Saturday  review,  1908. 

Montgomery,  James.  92  M864h 

Holland,  John,  &  Everett,  James,  1784-1872.  Memoirs  of  the  life 
and  writings  of  James  Montgomery,  including  selections  from  his  cor- 
respondence, remains  in  prose  and  verse  and  conversations  on  various 
subjects.    7v.  in  3.    1854-56.     Longman. 

Life  of  the  English  poet  and  hymn-writer  (i 771-1854).  The  authors  apparently 
made  use  of  every  scrap  of  material  which  they  could  find  and  the  result  is  an  extremely 
long-drawn-out  biography. 

Montrose,  James  Graham,  marquis  of.  92  M872n 

Napier,  Mark.     Life  and  times  of  Montrose.     [1840.]     Oliver. 

Montrose  (1612-50)  was  a  Scottish  statesman  and  soldier  who  served  in  the  Presby- 
terian army  at  the  beginning  of  the  civil  war,  but  afterwards  joined  the  king.  He  was 
captured    while   conducting   an    abortive    Royalist   descent   on    Scotland,   and    executed. 

Napier's  work  is  the  fruit  of  much  original  research,  but  as  an  historical  guide  its 
value  is  much  impaired  by  its  controversial  tone  and  violent  language.  Condensed  from 
Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Mordaunt,    Charles,   earl  of  Peterborough.     See  Peterborough,    Charles 
Mordaunt,  earl  of. 

More,  Hannah.  92  M88s 

Memoirs  of  the  life  and  correspondence  of  Mrs  Hannah  More,  by 

William  Roberts.    2v.     1835.    Harper. 

Letters  make  up  by  far  the  larger  part  of  the  book,  Mr  Roberts's  share  being  the 

supplying  of  a  slender  connecting  narrative. 


Morgan,  John.  92  M893 

Journal,  from  the  city  of  Rome  to  the  city  of  London,  1764,  together 

with  a  fragment  of  a  journal  written  at  Rome,  1764  and  a  biographical 

sketch.    1907.    Privately  printed. 

The  same 192  M893 

Morgan  (1725-89)  was  a  Philadelphia  physician,  founder  of  and  first  professor  of 
medicine  in  the  medical  school  of  the  College  of  Philadelphia.  At  the  outbreak  of  the 
Revolutionary  war  he  was  appointed  by  Congress  director-general  to  the  military  hos- 
pitals and  physician-in-chief  to  the  American  army.  The  journal  relates  solely  to  his 
travels  in  Europe. 

Morgan,  Sydney  (Owenson),  lady.  92  MSgsa 

Memoirs;   autobiography,   diaries  and  correspondence.     3v.     1863. 


Lady  Morgan  (i783?-i8s9)  was  an  Irish  miscellaneous  writer  whose  novels  were 
once  popular  and  who  was  widely  known  in  society. 

Morland,  George.    See  Artists,  p.  1402. 

Morris,  Maurice  O'Connor.  92  M9172 

Memini;  or.  Reminiscences  of  Irish  life.     1892.    Harrison. 

Rambling  account  of  his  youth,  of  experiences  as  deputy  postmaster-general  of 
Jamaica,  and  life  in  Ireland  on  his  return  home  in  i860.  He  devoted  himself  to  field 
sports  and  writes  much  about  horses  and  hunting.  He  recalls  many  notable  figures  in 
Irish  society  of  the  last  half  of  the  19th  century  and  gives  temperate  expression  to  his 
own  views  on  the  social  and  political  situation  of  the  day. 

Morris,  William.  92  M9i82n 

Noyes,  Alfred.  William  Morris.  1908.  Macmillan.  (English  men 
of  letters.) 

Interpretation  of  his  life  and  work,  by  a  poet,  who  believes  that  the  essential  factor 
in  all  the  branches  of  Morris's  activity  was  his  poetic  spirit. 

Morton,  William  Thomas  Green.  92  M928r 

Rice,  Nathan  Payson.     Trials  of  a  public  benefactor  as  illustrated 

in  the  discovery  of  etherization.     1859.     Pudney. 

Life  and  work  of  William  Thomas  Green  Morton  (1819-68),  an  American  dentist, 
who  first  made  use  of  sulphuric  ether  as  an  anaesthetic.  Recognition  was  almost  entirely 
denied  him  during  his  lifetime  and  he  was  frequently  engaged  in  controversies  with 
other  claimants  to  the  discovery. 

Motley,  John  Lothrop.  92  M94im 

John  Lothrop  Motley  and  his  family;  further  letters  and  records;  ed. 
by  his  daughter  and  H.  S.  Mildmay.    1910.    Lane. 

"The  most  important  letters  of  the  historian  of  the  Dutch  Republic  were  published 
by  George  William  Curtis  [1889]... but  a  considerable  remnant  has  been  in  the  family 
archives,  and  some  important  letters  have  in  the  interval  come  to  light.  These,  with 
numerous  letters  by  Mrs.  Motley  and  Miss  Lily  Motley,  now  Lady  Harcourt,  make  up 
a  very  interesting  volume.  All  the  Motleys  were  good  letter-writers,  and  the  wife  and 
daughter  kept  abreast  of  all  literary  and  political  activities  of  the  head  of  the  family. 
So  this  book,  though  frankly  made  up  of  scraps,  has  a  certain  continuity,  and  covers  in 
a  glancing  fashion  the  greater  part  of  Motley's  public  life."    Nation,  1910. 

Moulton,  Mrs  Louise  (Chandler).  92  M944W 

Whiting,  Lilian.  Louise  Chandler  Moulton,  poet  and  friend.  1910. 

Louise  Chandler  Moulton  (1835-1908)  was  a  Boston  poet  and  the  friend  of  many  of 
the  literary  people  of  her  time  in  America  and  England.  Miss  Whiting  writes  sympa- 
thetically of  the  personality  and  intimate  life  of  an  exceptionally  endowed  woman. 


Mowatt,  Mrs  Anna  Cora  (Ogden).    See  Ritchie,  Mrs  Anna  Cora  (Og- 
den)  Mowatt. 

Muhammed,  Hamed  bin.    See  Tippoo  Tib. 

Muhlenberg,  Henry  Melchior.  Tg2  Mg52m 

Mann,  William  Julius.  Life  and  times  of  Henry  Melchior  Miihlen- 
berg.    1888.    Frederick. 

Muhlenberg  (171 1-87)  was  a  Lutheran  clergyman,  who  came  from  Germany  in 
1742  to  labor  among  the  Lutherans  of  the  colony  of  Pennsylvania.  His  arrival  marked 
a  new  era  in  the  history  of  the  Lutheran  church  in  the  United  States. 

Murat,  Princess  Caroline,  afterward  Mrs  Garden.  92  M9712 

My  memoirs.     1910.    Nash. 

The  memoirs  of  Princess  Caroline,  daughter  of  Prince  Napoleon  Murat  and  grand- 
daughter of  the  king  of  Naples,  have  for  their  chief  points  of  interest  the  Bonaparte 
family  and  the  imperial  court.  Trivial  but  not  without  interest  as  a  collection  of  the 
gossip  of  Paris  and  Camden  place,  with  a  bias  against  the  empress  Eugenie. 

Murchison,  Sir  Roderick  Impey.  92  M97ig 

Geikie,  Sir  Archibald.  Life  of  Sir  Roderick  L  Murchison;  based  on 
his  journals  and  letters,  with  notices  of  his  scientific  contemporaries 
and  a  sketch  of  the  rise  and  growth  of  palaeozoic  geology  in  Britain. 
2v.     1875.    Murray. 

"List  of  Sir  Roderick  Murchison's  published  writing:s,"  v.2,  P.3S3-367. 

"Gives  us  admirable  means  of  perceiving  the  exact  relation  of  Sir  Roderick  Mur- 
chison [  1 792-1 871]  to  the  science  of  Geology,  and  the  qualities  and  circumstances  which 
enabled  him  to  stand  in  that  relation. .  .We  live  again,  in  reading  it,  with  this  hero  of 
science."    Nature,  1875. 

Musset,  Alfred  de.  92  MgSsb 

Barine,  Arvede,  {pseud,  of  Mme  Charles  Vincens).  Life  of  Alfred  de 
Musset;  done  into  English  by  C.  C.  Hayden.     1906.    Hill. 

Biographical  and  critical  study,  based  on  original  sources.  First  published  in 
France  in  1893. 

Musset,  Alfred  de.  92  MgSsm 

Martellet,  Mme  Adele  (Colin).     Alfred  de  Musset  intime;  souvenirs 

de  sa  gouvernante,  preface  de  Georges  Montorgueil.     [1906.] 

These  recollections  by  a  faithful  attendant  cover  the  period  from  1847  to  the  poet's 

death   in    1857.      Also    contains   letters   of   de    Musset    and    his    mother,    and    rambling 

reminiscences  of  him  by  several  friends. 

Myers,  Ned.  92  M994C 

Cooper,  James  Fenimore.  Ned  Myers;  or,  A  life  before  the  mast, 
with  an  introduction  by  J.  P.  Keese.     1899.    Putnam. 

Mowhawk  edition. 

Myers  sailed  with  Cooper  on  his  first  voyage.  After  an  interval  of  37  years  they 
met  again  and  the  sailor  related  to  the  author  his  varied  experiences  on  the  sea. 

"This  work  has  often  been  falsely  spoken  of  as  a  novel.  It  is,  on  the  contrary,  a 
truthful  record,  so  far  as  dependence  can  be  placed  upon  the  word  or  the  memory  of  the 
narrator."     Lounsbury's  James  Fenimore  Cooper. 

Nadir  Shah,  shah  of  Persia.       .  TS28  J41  v.ii-ia 

[Muhammad  Mahadi  Khan,  Mirza.]  Histoire  de  Nader  Chah,  connu 
sous  le  nom  de  Thahmas  Kuli  Khan,  empereur  de  Perse;  traduite  d'un 
manuscrit  persan,  avec  des  notes,  chronologiques,  historiques,  geo- 
graphiques  et  un  traite  sur  la  poesie  orientale  [par  Sir  William  Jones]. 
2v.     1807.     (In  Jones,  Sir  William.    Works,  v.ii-12.) 


Napier,  Sir  Joseph.  92  Ni284e 

Ewald,  Alexander  Charles.  Life  of  Sir  Joseph  Napier,  ex-lord 
chancellor  of  Ireland,  from  his  private  correspondence.  1887.  Long- 

Relates  almost  entirely  to  his  public  career.  Author  had  access  to  material  collected 
by  Napier's  family. 

Napier,  Sir  William  Francis  Patrick.  92  N1283 

Life  of  General  Sir  William  Napier;  ed.  by  H.  A.  Bruce.    2v.    1864. 


Chief  authority  for  the  life  (1785-1860)  of  the  English  general  and  historian  of  the 
Peninsular  war. 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  Ni29nj 

The  Corsican;  a  diary  of  Napoleon's  life  in  his  own  words  [ed.  by 
R.  M.  Johnston].    1910.    Houghton. 

"Passages  selected  from  letters,  state  papers  and  conversations,  and  arranged  chron- 
ologically under  the  dates  to  which  they  refer,  not  under  the  dates  of  utterance.  They 
form  an  interesting  but  incomplete  and  disconnected  autobiography,  but  not  a  'diary'  as 
the  sub-title  states.  Its  value  is  lessened  by  the  editor's  failure  to  mention  sources  and 
to  tell  what  versions  have  gone  to  make  up  composite  entries,  and  the  absence  of  context 
renders  many  passages  vague.  A  work  of  little  or  no  historical  value,  but  of  decided 
interest  as  a  psychological  study."     A.  L.  A.  booklist,  1911. 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  t^2  Ni29na 

Napoleon's  letters  to  Josephine,  1796-1812;  for  the  first  time  col- 
lected and  translated,  with  notes  social,  historical  and  chronological, 
from  contemporary  sources  by  H.  F.  Hall.    1901.    Dent. 

These  letters  are  neither  new  nor  of  much  importance.  The  framework  of  the 
book  is  an  elaborate  diary  of  Napoleonic  and  European  history  from  1796  to  1814,  in 
which  the  correspondence  is  inserted  in  batches.  Between  February  1797  and  May  1800, 
no  letters  are  available,  and  another  complete  vacuum  reaches  from  August  181 1  to  the 
date  of  Josephine's  death  in  181 4.  The  collection  may  be  accepted  as  generally  authentic. 
The  topics  of  the  letters  are  always  the  weather,  health,  clothes,  presents,  debts,  grumb- 
lings, and  other  intimate  personal  details,  the  whole  written  in  an  unaffected  good- 
natured  style.  The  exhaustive  notes  are  a  delightful  omnium  gatherum  of  Napoleonic 
lore,  but  are  often  foreign  to  the  context.     Condensed  from  Spectator,  i^z. 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  092  Ni29a 

Abbott,  John  Stevens  Cabot.  History  of  Napoleon  Bonaparte.  2v. 
1883.    Harper. 

First  published  in  1855.     Fully  illustrated.     Maps. 

"This  book  has  been  read  with  more  enthusiasm,  and  criticized  with  more  severity, 
than  perhaps  any  other  life  of  Napoleon.  The  author  was  not  simply  an  ardent,  but  a 
boundless,  admirer  of  the  emperor.  Hi$  effort  was  to  create  an  enthusiasm  for  his  hero 
similar  to  that  which  he  himself  felt.  He  was  not  too  particular  in  regard  to  his  facts, 
but  those  which  he  made  use  of  he  arranged  with  such  consummate  skill  as  to  captivate 
completely  the  judgment  of  the  ignorant  and  the  unwary."  Adams's  Manual  of  histori- 
cal literature. 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  Ni29bl 

Bleibtreu,  Karl.     Der  imperator  (Napoleon  1814).     [1891.] 
Popular  study  of  Napoleon's  genius  as  military  commander,  from  1814  to  his  im- 
prisonment at  St.  Helena. 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  Ni29ca 

Cappelletti,  Licurgo.  La  leggenda  Napoleonica  dalla  Beresina  a 
Sant'  Elena  (1813-1821).    1903. 

Appendix  contains  "Sir  Hudson  Lowe  (1821-1844)." 


Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  r92  Ni2gc 

Chateaubriand,  Franqois  Auguste,  vicomte  de.     Of  Buonaparte  and 

the   Bourbons  and   of  the  necessity  of  rallying  round  our  legitimate 

princes  for  the  happiness  of  France  and  that  of  Europe.    1814.    Colburn. 

"Chateaubriand. ..  [was]  the  most  brilliant  representative  of  the  reaction  against 
the  ideas  of  the  French  Revolution. .  .His  pamphlet,  Bonaparte  and  the  Bourbons,  pub- 
lished in  1 81 4,  while  the  fate  of  Napoleon  yet  trembled  in  the  balance,  was  as  opportune 
in  the  moment  of  its  appearance  as  the  Genius  of  Christianity,  and  produced  a  hardly 
less  signal  effect.  Louis  XVIII.  declared  that  it  had  been  worth  a  hundred  thousand 
men  to  him."     Encyclopedia  Britannica. 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  Ni29£ou 

Fournier,  August.    Napoleon  ler;  tr.  par  E.  Jaegle.    v.1-2.     1891-92. 

V.I.     1769-1802. 

V.2.        1802-10. 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  q92  Ni29ga 

G^siorowski,    Waclaw.      Gaw^dy    zolnierskie;    poklosie    spuscizny 

pami^tnikarskiej  Napoleonczykow.     1905. 
Biography  of  Napoleon  entitled  "Soldiers'  tales." 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  Ni29g^ 

Gibbs,  Montgomery  B.  (pseud.  Gilbert  Mortimer).  Military  career 
of  Napoleon  the  Great;  an  account  of  the  remarkable  campaigns  of 
the  "man  of  destiny;"  authentic  anecdotes  of  the  battlefield  as  told 
by  the  famous  marshals  and  generals  of  the  first  empire.  1907.  Saal- 

First  published  in  1895. 

Popular  in  character,  the  technical  details  of  the  battles  being  little  touched  upon. 
Numerous  illustrations. 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  Ni29go 

Gonnard,  Philippe.     Exile  of  St.  Helena;  the  last  phase  in  fact  and 

fiction.     1909.     Heinemann. 
"Bibliography,"  p.25 1-258. 
M.    Gonnard   devotes   himself   to   the   patient   investigation    of   Napoleon's    literary 

work,  to  his  methods  of  composition,  to  his  authorities,  to  the  comparative  value  of  the 

various  versions  of  the  memoirs,  by  means  of  which  the  Napoleonic  legend  was  built  up. 

He  analyzes  all  the  St.  Helena  literature,  as  well  as  the  memorials  of  Las  Casas,  Mou- 

tholon,  O'Meara  and  the  others,  and  shows  its  relation  to  the  later  history  of  the  Bona- 

partist  party. 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  Nizggr 

Gruyer,  Paul.    Napoleon,  king  of  Elba  [tr.]  from  the  French.    1906. 


"Bibliography,"  p.  19-20. 

Deals  with  a  comparatively  little  known  episode  in  the  life  of  Napoleon — his  brief 

rule  in  the  island  of  Elba  from  1814  to  1815- 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  J92  Ni29h 

Hathaway,  Esse  Virginia.  Napoleon,  the  little  Corsican.  1006. 
Rand.    (Little  lives  of  great  men.) 

"Reading  list,"  apx.  p.i6. 

The  boyhood  of  a  great  general,  his  first  campaigns  and  his  wonderful  achieve- 
ments. Some  of  the  chapter  headings  are,  A  boy's  trials. — At  the  military  school  in 
Paris. — The  boy  lieutenant. — The  young  general. — Napoleon  I.  emperor  of  France  and 
king  of  Italy. — The  famous  prisoner  of  St.  Helena. 


Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  Ni2glaf 

Lanfrey,  Pierre.     Histoire  de  Napoleon  ler.    5v.    1894-1903. 

•'Able  and  scholarly  arraignment  of  the  first  Napoleon."  New  international  ency- 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  Ni29len 

Lenz,  Max.  Napoleon;  a  biographical  study;  tr.  from  the  German 
by  Frederic  Whyte.     1907.     Hutchinson. 

A  summing-up  of  Napoleon's  career  in  the  light  of  recent  historical  work.  It  is  a 
plain  narrative  of  facts,  concisely  stated  and  carefully  compressed.  There  is  no  attempt 
to  describe  battles  in  detail.  The  book  is  highly  reliable,  well  arranged  and  complete, 
dealing  with  every  side  of  the  life  and  work  of  Napoleon.  Condensed  from  Outlook 
(London),  1907. 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  J92  Ni29m 

Marshall,  Henrietta  Elizabeth.    Story  of  Napoleon,  with  pictures  by 

Allan  Stewart.     [1908.]     Jack.     (Children's  heroes  series.) 

Tells  of  "the  terrible  passage  of  Lodi"  and  how  Napoleon  won  the  title  of  "little 

Corporal,"  how  he  became  emperor  of  the  French  and  how  he  fought  his  last  battle. 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  Ni29ms 

Masson,  Frederic.  Napoleon  at  home;  the  daily  life  of  the  emperor 
at  the  Tuileries;  tr.  [from  the  French]  by  J.  E.  Matthew.  2v.  1894. 

Goes  into  great  detail  in  regard  to  the  way  in  which  Napoleon  passed  his  days,  the 
etiquette  of  the  court,  the  entertainments  given,  etc.  Contains  an  inventory  of  the  em- 
peror's wardrobe. 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  Ni29mas 

Masson,  Frederic.    Napoleon  et  sa  famille.    v.1-9.    1905-07. 

V.I.      1769-1802. 

V.2.  1802-05. 

V.3.  1805-07. 

V.4.  1807-09. 

V.5.  1809—10. 

V.6.  1810-11. 

V.7.  1811-13. 

V.8.  1812-13. 

V.9.  1813-14. 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  Ni29my 

Meynell,  Henry.  Conversations  with  Napoleon  at  St.  Helena.  191 1. 

Record  of  conversations  with  Napoleon  during  the  years  1816-17,  when  Capt. 
Meynell  was  serving  in  the  flagship  of  Rear-admiral  Sir  Pulteney  Malcolm,  commander- 
in-chief  at  St.  Helena  station,  specially  appointed  to  enforce  a  rigid  blockade  of  the 
island  and  to  keep  a  close  watch  on  Napoleon. 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  Ni29n 

Nicolay,  Fernand.  Napoleon  at  the  Boulogne  camp;  based  on  numer- 
ous hitherto  unpublished  documents,  tr.  by  G.  L.  Davis.     1907.     Lane. 

Treats  of  Napoleon's  projected  invasion  of  England  and  of  the  army  which  he  as- 
sembled at  Boulogne  for  that  purpose  in  1804. 

"An  uncritical,  but  pleasantly  discursive  narrative,  dealing  with  the  flotilla,  the 
state  of  public  opinion,  the  episodes  of  the  struggle  along  the  coast,  and  the  personality 
of  Napoleon."    Athenaum,  1907. 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  Ni29no 

Norvins,  Jacques  Marquet  de,  baron  de  Montbreton.  Histoire  de  Napo- 
leon,   4v.    1834. 

This  account  of  Napoleon's  life  and  campaigns  was  called  forth  by  Sir  Walter 
Scott's  biography  of  Napoleon,  which  the  Frenchman  thought  did  not  place  him  in 
a  sufficiently  favorable  light.     Contains  maps  and  illustrations. 


Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  N129P 

Paschetta,  Mario.    Storia  di  Napoleone  I.    1905. 

92  N129scb 

.nsix  ^yv^^p  ptrx-in  iKy'bwBKj  mny  nmp 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  '  92  Ni29st 

Strahlheim,  C.  Napoleon  Bonaparte's  volstandige  lebensbeschrei- 
bung.    4v.  in  2.    1839. 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  920  T19 

Tarbell,  Ida  Minerva.  Short  life  of  Napoleon  Bonaparte,  with  illus- 
trations from  G.  G.  Hubbard's  collection  of  Napoleon  engravings,  sup- 
plemented by  pictures  from  the  collections  of  Prince  Victor  Napoleon, 
Prince  Roland  Bonaparte,  Baron  Larrey  and  others.  1895.  McClure. 
(McClure's  biographies.) 

Appeared  in  "McClure's  magazine,"  v.3-4,  Nov.   1894-May   1895. 

The  same,  virith  a  sketch  of  Josephine,  empress  of  the  French.  1901. 
McClure 92  Ni29t 

Title  reads  "Life  of  Napoleon  Bonaparte." 

The  same,  with  a  sketch  of  Josephine,  empress  of  the  French.  1909. 
Moffat r92  Ni29t 

Title  reads  "Life  of  Napoleon  Bonaparte." 

Napoleon  I,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  N129W 

Warwick,  Charles  Franklin.  Napoleon  and  the  end  of  the  French 
revolution.    1910.    Jacobs. 

"Can  be  conscientiously  recommended  as  a  first  book  on  Napoleon,  to  be  read  by  a 
student  who  has  not  yet  turned  his  attention  to  the  subject,  or  who  wishes  to  discharge 
his  mind  of  prejudices  which  he  may  have  formed.  It  is  well  arranged,  well  written  and 
eminently  readable.  It  gives  a  straightforward  account  of  the  main  facts  of  the  period, 
and  forms  a  good  introduction  for  future  study."    Saturday  review,  1911. 

Napoleon  II,  king  of  Rome  and  duke  of  Reichstadt.  Tg2  Ni292g 

Grand-Carteret,  John.     L'Aiglon  en  images  et  dans  la  fiction  poetique 

et  dramatique.    1901. 

Descriptive   catalogue   of  portraits   and   prints   of  the   duke   of   Reichstadt,   and   of 

poetry  and  drama  centring  about  him,  produced  from  181 1  to  1900.     First  part  contains 

historic  and  biographic  comments,  most  of  which  were  political  sketches  issued  to  arouse 

popular  sentiment  in  his  favor.     Illustrated. 

Napoleon  III,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  Ni29ih 

Haswell,  James  M.    The  man  of  his  time.    2  pts.  in  iv.    1871.    Hotten. 

pt.i.     The  story  of  the  life  of  Napoleon  III. 

pt.2.     The  same  story  as  told  by  popular  caricaturists  of  the  last  30  years. 

The  cuts  illustrate  the  rise  and  fall  of  the  Second  empire  and  afford  explanations 
of  many  popular  sayings  and  ballads  otherwise  incomprehensible. 

Napoleon  III,  emperor  of  the  French.  92  N1291} 

Jerrold,  William  Blanchard.  Life  of  Napoleon  III;  derived  from 
state  records,  from  unpublished  family  correspondence  and  from  per- 
sonal testimony.    4v.     1874-82.     Longmans. 

Contains  facsimiles  of  letters  and  numerous  portraits. 
Napoleon  III,  emperor  of  the  French.  192  Ni293r 

Roth,  Edward.  Life  of  Napoleon  III,  emperor  of  the  French.  1856- 


Neuville,  Alphonse  de.    See  Artists,  p.1407. 

Nevill,  Lady  Dorothy  Fanny  (Walpole).  92  N259 

Reminiscences;  ed.  by  her  son,  Ralph  Nevill.     1906.    Arnold. 

Lively  reminiscences  of  social  life  in  early  and  mid- Victorian  times. 

Niebuhr,  Barthold  Georg.  92  N332 

Life  and  letters,  with  essays  on  his  character  and  influence  by  the 

chevalier  Bunsen  and  Professors  Brandis  and  Loebell  [tr.  by  Susanna 

Winkworth].    2v.    1852.    Chapman. 

German  historian  and  philologist  (1776-1831),  the  pioneer  in  the  modem  scientific 

method  of  historical  criticism. 

Nietzsche,  Friedrich.  92  N336h 

Halevy,   Daniel.      Life   of  Friedrich   Nietzsche;   tr.   by   J.  M.  Hone, 

with  an  introduction  by  T.  M.  Kettle.     191 1.     Macmillan. 

Founded  on  the  work  of  Mme  Forster-Nietzsche,  this  biography  gives  an  intimate 

and  admiring  view  of  the  German  philosopher's  life  and  thought     Introduction  is  an 

appreciative  critique. 

Nietzsche,  Friedrich.  92  N336ni 

Miigge,  Maximilian  A.  Friedrich  Nietzsche;  his  life  and  work. 
1909.     Brentano. 

"Bibliography  and  iconography,"  P.38S-426. 

The  brief  biographical  section  is  based  largely  on  Frau  Forster-Nietzsche's  "Leben." 
This  is  followed  by  a  lengthy  outline  of  his  works,  chiefly  in  his  own  words.  Concludes 
with  a  criticism  and  appreciation. 

Nievo,  Ippolito.  92  N3362m 

Mantovani,  Dino.  II  poeta  soldato,  Ippolito  Nievo,  1831-1861;  da 
documenti  inediti.    1900. 

"Appendice  bibliografica,"  p.399-403. 

Nightingale,  Florence.  92  N339r 

Richards,  Mrs  Laura  Elizabeth  (Howe).    Florence  Nightingale,  the 

angel  of  the  Crimea;  a  story  for  young  people.     1909.    Appleton. 

Though  marred  by  a  certain  condescending  style,  it  accomplishes  its  purpose  well. 
Gives  an  excellent  picture  of  hospital  nursing  and  of  the  horrors  of  war. 

92  N381r 

NoUekens,  Joseph.  92  N415S 

Smith,  John  Thomas.  Nollekens  and  his  times;  comprehending  a 
life  of  that  celebrated  sculptor  and  memoirs  of  several  contemporary 
artists,  from  the  time  of  Roubiliac,  Hogarth  and  Reynolds  to  that  of 
Fuseli,  Flaxman  and  Blake.    2v.     1828.    Colburn. 

NoUekens  (1737-1823)  was  an  English  sculptor,  very  popular  in  his  day. 
"A  candid  and  uncomplimentary  biography,  from  which  some  deductions  have  to  be 
made;  for  the  author,  although  intimate  with  the  sculptor,  did  not,  as  he  probably  ex- 
pected to  do,  benefit  under  his  will."     Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Nordgarden,  Knut  Rasmusson,  called  Vis-Knut.  92  N434b 

Bjornson,  Bjornstjerne.  Wise-Knut;  from  the  Norwegian  by  Ber- 
nard Stahl.    1909.    Brandu. 

Brief  biography  of  the  Norwegian  peasant  healer  and  seer  (1787-1876). 


Northcote,  James.  92  N457g 

Gwynn,  Stephen.  Memorials  of  an  i8th  century  painter,  James 
Northcote.    1898.    Unwin. 

"List  of  Northcote's  paintings,"  P.26S-288. 

Northcote  (1746-1831)  was  a  pupil  and  friend  of  Sir  Joshua  Reynolds.  The  book 
contains  part  of  an  unfinished  autobiog^raphy. 

Novello,  Vincent.  92  N479C 

Clarke,  Mrs  Mary  Cowden.  Life  and  labours  of  Vincent  Novello. 
[1864.]     Novello. 

The  English  organist  and  composer  (1781— 1861),  whose  excellent  editions  and 
arrangements  of  the  work  of  other  musicians  improved  public  taste  and  won  him  a 
permanent  place  in  the  musical  history  of  England.  This  brief  biographical  sketch  is 
by  his  daughter. 

Novikoff,  Mme  Olga  (Kireeff),  (pseud.  O.  K.)  92  N4792n 

The  M.  P.  for  Russia;  reminiscences  &  correspondence  of  Madame 
Olga  Novikoff;  ed.  by  W.  T.  Stead.    2v.    1909.    Putnam. 

Mme  Novikoff,  a  Russian  who  spent  many  years  in  England,  was  well  known  in 
diplomatic  circles  and  used  her  strong  influence  in  behalf  of  her  nation,  largely  for  the 
purpose  of  bringing  about  friendship  between  Russia  and  England.  Her  correspondents 
included  not  only  statesmen  and  politicians,  but  also  notable  hbtorians,  essayists  and 
church  dignitaries  of  the  last  40  years. 

Orleans,  Elizabeth  Charlotte,  duchesse  d'.  See  Elizabeth  Charlotte^ 
duchesse  d'Orleans. 

Orleans,  Fran<;ois  Ferdinand  Philippe  Louis  Marie  d',  prince  de  Joinville. 
See  Joinville,  Francois  Ferdinand  Philippe  Louis  Marie  d'Or- 
leans, prince  de. 

Orleans,  Louis  Philippe  Albert  d',  comte  de  Paris.  See  Paris,  Louis 
Philippe  Albert  d'Orleans,  comte  de. 

Orrery,  John  Boyle,  earl  of.    See  Cork  and  Orrery,  John  Boyle,  earl  of. 

Oulot,  B,  pseud.    See  Suttner,  Bertha  (Kinsky),  baronin  von. 

Ozanam,  Frederic.  92  0369a 

O'Meara,  Kathleen.  Frederic  Ozanam,  professor  at  the  Sorbonne; 
his  life  and  works,  with  a  preface  by  Cardinal  Manning;  preface  to  the 
present  edition  by  T.  M.  Mulry.    191 1.    Christian  Press  Assoc. 

Ozanam  is  one  of  the  greatest  names,  as  far  as  literary  and  historical  criticism  is 
concerned,  of  the  neo-Catholic  movement  in  France  during  the  first  half  of  the  19th 
century.  He  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  St.  Vincent  de  Paul  Society  and  much 
of  his  time  was  devoted  to  the  charitable  work  carried  on  by  this  organization. 

Paderewski,  Ignace  Jan.  92  Pissb 

Baughan,  Edward  Algernon.     Ignaz  Jan  Paderewski.     1908.     Lane. 

(Living  masters  of  music.) 

Small  volume  on  Paderewski's  art,  his  personality  and  his  career,  by  one  of  the  most 

distinguished  of  the  London  musical  critics. 

Page,  Bernard.  r92  Pi44r 

Reynolds,  Sheldon.  Rev.  Bernard  Page,  first  Episcopal  minister  of 
Wyoming  [valley,  Pa.],  1771;  read  before  the  Wyoming  Historical  and 
Geological  Society,  Sept.  12,  1884.     1886. 

Reprinted  from  v.2,  pt.2  of  the  "Proceedings  and  collections"  of  the  society. 

Palma,  Giacomo,  called  Palma  Vecchio.    See  Artists,  p.1410. 


Palmer,  Mrs  Alice  (Freeman).  92  P194P 

Palmer,  George  Herbert.  Life  of  Alice  Freeman  Palmer.  1908. 

The  work  of  Alice  Freeman  Palmer  (1855-1902)  was  of  historical  importance  in 
the  development  of  education  in  America.  Becoming  president  of  Wellesley  College 
at  the  age  of  26,  she  shaped  its  policies  in  the  direction  they  have  since  followed.  She 
was  a  member  of  the  Massachusetts  State  Board  of  Education  and  for  three  years  dean 
of  the  Woman's  Department  of  the  University  of  Chicago.  All  these  interests  are 
fully  treated  in  this  biography,  written  by  her  husband,  but  they  are  subordinated  to 
the  intimate  and  penetrating  study  of  Mrs  Palmer  as  a  woman. 

Palmer,  Samuel.  1805-81.  92  P197P 

Palmer,  Alfred  Herbert.    Life  and  letters  of  Samuel  Palmer,  painter 

and  etcher.     1892.     Seeley. 

"Catalogue  of  the  exhibited  works  and  the  etchings  of  Samuel  Palmer,"  P.40S-422. 
One  of  the  most  original  and  poetic  of  English  landscape-painters  and  almost  the 

last  of  the  ideal  school  which  was  represented  by  Wilson  and  Turner.     His  series  of 

exquisitely  finished  illustrations  for  Milton's  "L' Allegro"  and  "II  Penseroso"   are  the 

supreme  expression  of  his  art. 

Paris,  Louis  Philippe  Albert  d'Orleans,  comte  de.  92  P233f 

Flers,  Hyacinthe  Camille  Spiro  Francois  de  Paule  de  La  Motte- 

Ango,  marquis  de.    Le  comte  de  Paris;  tr.  by  Constance  Majendie.    1889. 


The  comte  de  Paris  (1838-94),  grandson  of  Louis  Philippe,  was  claimant  to  the 
French  throne  and  head  of  the  Legitimist  party  in  France.  In  1862  he  came  to  the 
United  States,  served  on  General  McClellan's  staff  and  afterwards  wrote  one  of  the 
most  valuable  of  the  many  histories  of  the  Civil  war.  This  biography  deals  chiefly  with 
his  public  and  political  life. 

Parker,  Theodore.  92  P242P 

Autobiography,  poems  and  prayers  (Centenary  edition);  ed.  with 
notes  by  Rufus  Leighton.     [191 1.]    Amer.  Unitarian  Assoc. 

Included  in  the  fragmentary  autobiography  are  "The  true  idea  of  a  Christian 
church,"  "The  position  and  duty  of  a  minister,"  and  "Some  account  of  my  ministry," 
which  contains  an  exposition  of  Mr  Parker's  creed,  of  his  attitude  toward  public  ques- 
tions and  references  to  the  difficulties  he  encountered  when  he  began  to  preach  his 
doctrines.     The  copious  notes  contain  much  additional  biographical  information. 

Parkes,  Sir  Harry  Smith.  92  P243PO 

Poole,  Stanley  Lane-.  Life  of  Sir  Harry  Parkes,  sometime  Her 
Majesty's  minister  to  China  &  Japan.     2v.     1894.     Macmillan. 

v.i.     Consul  in  China,  1842-1865,  by  Stanley  Lane-Poole. 

v.2.  Japan,  1865-1883,  by  F.  V.  Dickins. — Minister  in  China,  1883-1885,  by  Stan- 
ley Lane-Poole. 

Larger  and  more  detailed  study  than  Lane-Poole's  "Sir  Harry  Parkes  in  China" 
(92  P243P),  containing  letters,  despatches  and  references  to  authorities  which  were 
necessarily  omitted  in  that  volume,  as  well  as  a  penetrating  analysis  of  the  revolution  in 
Japan,  by  Mr  Dickins. 

Parley,  Peter,  pseud.    See  Goodrich,  Samuel  Griswold. 

Parr,  Samuel.  r92  P259f 

Field,   William.      Memoirs   of   the   life,   writings   and   opinions   of 

Samuel  Parr,  with  biographical  notices  of  many  of  his  friends,  pupils 

and  contemporaries.    2v.    1828.    Colburn. 

Parr  (1747-1835)  was  an  English  schoolmaster  and  clergyman,  intimate  with  many 

of  the  distinguished  men  of  his  day. 


Parrhasius,  Aulus  Janus.  92  P261I 

Lo  Parco,  Francesco.     Aulo  Giano  Parrasio;  studio  biografico-critico 

da  codici  e  document!  inediti.    1899. 
Title-page  imperfect. 

Pascal,  Blaise.  92  P275S 

St.  Cyres,  Stafford  Harry  Northcote,  viscount.    Pascal.    1909.    Smith, 


"Bibliography,"  p.43 1-438. 

"Exposition,  worthy  both  in  literary  form  and  intellectual  quality  of  its  great  and 

stimulating  subject.    Justice  is  done  to  Pascal  in  his  various  aspects  as  saint  and  scientist 

and  man  of  the  world."    Nation,  igio. 

Pastorius,  Francis  Daniel.  rSao-s  A51  v.9-10 

Learned,  Marion  Dexter.     Francis  Daniel  Pastorius,  the  founder  of 

Germantown.     (In  German  American  annals,  1907-08.     v.9-10.) 

Pastorius  (i 651— 171 9)  was  a  native  of  Sommerhausen,  Germany.     In  1683  he  con- 

ducted  a  party  of  German  and  Dutch  Mennonites  to  the  colony  of  Pennsylvania  and 

founded  Germantown.     He  was  one  of  the  earliest  opposers  of  slavery. 

Pater,  Walter.  92  P292W 

Wright,  Thomas,  principal  of  Cowper  school,  Olney.  Life  of  Walter 
Pater.    2v.     1907.     Everett. 

"Bibliography  of  Walter  Pater,"  v.2,  P.2S4-264. 

With  the  exception  of  one  or  two  points,  Mr  Wright's  two  volumes  bring  to  light 
no  detail  of  real  biographic  significance  not  to  be  found  in  Mr  Benson's  volume,  and 
few  not  adduced  in  Mr  Greenslet's  earlier  and  briefer  study.  The  reader  could  arise 
from  the  closest  perusal  of  the  two  volumes  with  little  sense  of  Pater's  peculiar  and 
charming  idiosyncrasy.  It  is,  in  short,  the  failure  of  the  "Boswellian"  method  in  biog- 
raphy when  applied  by  a  man  who  is  not  a  Boswell  to  a  subject  not  a  Johnson.  Con- 
densed from  Nation,  1907. 

Paterson,  William,  1658-1719.  92  P2932b 

Barbour,  James  Samuel.    History  of  William  Paterson  and  the  Darien 

company.     1907.    Blackwood. 
Bibliography,  p.  7-8. 
Interesting  account  of  the  man  who  founded  the  Bank  of  England  and  projected  the 

ill-fated  Darien  enterprise. 

Patrick,  St.  92  P297b 

Bury,  John  Bagnell.  Life  of  St.  Patrick  and  his  place  in  history. 
1905.     Macmillan. 

"Sources,"  P.22S-287. 

The  general  result  of  the  present  study  is  to  support  the  traditional  view — what  may 
be  called  the  Roman  Catholic  view  of  Patrick's  work  and  of  his  relation  to  Rome.  Pro- 
fessor Bury's  method  is  sound  and  his  mind  singularly  unbiassed.  His  mastery  of  the 
evidence,  both  in  Latin  and  in  Irish,  is  also  unquestionable.  Condensed  from  American 
historical  review,  1906. 

Patrick,  St.  92  P297S 

Sanderson,  Joseph.  Story  of  Saint  Patrick;  embracing  a  sketch  of 
the  condition  of  Ireland  before  the  time  of  Patrick,  during  his  life,  at 
his  death  and  immediately  after  it.    1895.    Richardson. 

With  this  is  bound  "Ireland:  the  Irish,"  by  J.  B.  Finlay. 

Patteson,  John  Coleridge.  92  P313P 

Page,  Jesse.  Bishop  Patteson,  the  martyr  of  Melanesia.  1891.  Revell. 
Patteson  (1827-71)  was  the  first  missionary  bishop  to  Melanesia  and  accomplished 

much  for  the  islanders,  especially  in  the  way  of  translating  their  language.     He  wa« 

murdered  by  the  natives. 


Pattison,  Mark.  93  P3143P 

Memoirs.    1885.    Macmillan. 

Pattison  (1813-84)  was  an  English  scholar  and  writer,  tutor  and  examiner  of  Lin- 
coln College,  Oxford  and  later  its  rector. 

"The  book  is  one  of  deep  and  painful  interest,  the  only  one  in  existence  that  can 
be  compared  with  Rousseau's  'Confessions'  in  the  fidelity  with  which  it  lays  bare  the 
inmost  secrets  of  the  heart,  but  in  which,  unlike  the  'Confessions,'  the  author  does  him- 
self much  less  than  justice.  He  g^ves  a  far  less  favourable  impression  of  himself  than 
any  impartial  outside  observer  would  have  done,  and  draws  a  portrait  not  so  much  of 
what  he  really  was  at  the  time  of  which  he  writes,  as  of  what  he  seemed  to  himself 
through  the  morbid  recollections  of  the  past  and  the  often  not  less  morbid  entries  in 
his  diary. .  .In  his  'Memoirs'  he  is  no  less  unfair  to  those  whom  he  disliked  than  to  him- 
self."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Paulding,  James  Kirke.  92  P321P 

Paulding,  William  Irving.    Literary  life  of  James  K.  Paulding.    1867. 


James  Kirke  Paulding    (i 778-1 860)   was  a  versatile  American  writer,   a  friend  of 

Washington  Irving.     The  life,  which  is  written  by  his  son,  contains  some  of  his  letters 

and  selections  from  his  books. 

Paxson,  Mrs  Ann  (Johnson).  r92  P329 

Memoirs  of  the  Johnson  family,  with  an  autobiography.  1885.  Lip- 

Paxton,  Elisha  Franklin.  r92  P3292 

Memoir  and  memorials;  composed  of  his  letters  from  camp  and 
field  while  an  officer  in  the  Confederate  army,  with  an  introductory 
and  connecting  narrative  collected  and  arranged  by  his  son,  J.  G.  Pax- 
ton.     [1907.    Neale.] 

Paxton  (1828-63),  a  Virg^ian  and  brigadier-general  in  the  Southern  army,  was 
killed  at  the  battle  of  Chancellorsville. 

Payne,  Henry  Clay.  192  P333W 

[Wight,  William  Ward.]  Henry  Clay  Payne;  a  life.  1907.  Bur- 

Mr  Payne's  long  and  successful  career  (1843-1904)  in  business  and  politics  was 
rounded  out  with  his  service  as  postmaster-general  in  President  Roosevelt's  cabinet 
It  was  during  his  term  that  the  widespread  scandals  of  the  department  were  exposed 
and  punished. 

Peary,  Robert  Edwin.  r92  P353m 

Moore,  Joseph   Hampton.     Peary's  discovery  of  the   North  pole; 

speech  in  the  [U.  S.]  House  of  representatives,  March  22,  1910,     1910. 

Penn,  William.  qr975-i  D39 

Hayes,  Manlove.    William  Penn  and  his  province.    1899.    (In  Dela- 
ware Historical  Society.    Historical  and  biographical  papers,  v.3.) 
Pepys,  Samuel.  92  P419I 

Lubbock,  Percy.    Samuel  Pepys.     1909.     Hodder.     (Literary  lives.) 
"A  workmanlike  biography,  telling  one  all  the  main  facts — and  many  beside — of  the 
career  of  that  amazing  tailor's  son."     Outlook  (London),  i^og.- 

Author  has  been  Pepysian  librarian  at  Magdalene  College,  where  he  studied  the 
original  of  the  diary.     Portraits. 

Pepys,  Samuel.  92  P4i9m 

Moorhouse,    E.    Hallam.     Samuel   Pepys,   administrator,   observer, 

gossip.    1909.    Dutton. 

Believing  that  wrong  has  been  done  to  the  memory  of  Pepys  by  constantly  placing 

emphasis  on  his  frailties  and  pettiness,  the  author  seeks  to  show  the  real  character  of 


Pepys,  Samuel — continued.  92  P4igm 

the  garrulous  diarist  and  to  reconcile  the  gossip  as  revealed  in  his  own  pages  with  the 
able  official  and  administrator  whom  the  England  of  his  day  knew. 

Pericles.  92  C483P 

Plutarch.    Cimon  and  Pericles,  with  .The  funeral  oration  of  Pericles 

(Thucydides,  II,  35-46) ;  newly  tr.  with  introduction  and  notes  by  Berna- 

dotte  Perrin.    1910.    Scribner.     (Six  of  Plutarch's  Greek  lives,  v.2.) 

Perigord,  Charles  Maurice  de  Talleyrand-.     See  Talle3rrand-Perigord, 
Charles  Maurice,  prince  de  Benevent. 

Perigord,  Dorothee  (von  Biron),  duchesse  de  Talleyrand-.     See  Talley- 
rand-Perigord,  Dorothee  (von  Biron),  duchesse  de. 

Perry,  Oliver  Hazard,  commodore.  92  P4452m 

Mackenzie,  Alexander  Slidell.     Life  of  Commodore  Oliver  Hazard 

Perry.    2v.     1858.     Harper. 

Eulogistic  biography  dealing  at  length  with  Perry's  naval  achievements.     Appendix 

contains  a  reply  to  J.  Fenimore  Cooper's  account  of  the  battle  of  Lake  Erie. 

Perugino,  Pietro  Vannucci,  called.    See  Artists,  p.1410. 
Pescara,  marchesa  di.    See  Colonna,  Vittoria,  marchesa  di  Pescara. 
Peterborough,  Charles  Mordaunt,  earl  of.  92  P4552W 

[Warburton,  George  Drought.]  Memoir  of  Charles  Mordaunt,  earl 
of  Peterborough  and  Monmouth,  with  selections  from  his  correspond- 
ence.   2v.  in  I.    1853.    Longman. 

This  life  of  the  English  admiral,  general  and  diplomatist  (1638-1735)  is  considered 
to  be  based  on  unreliable  sources.  The  biography  by  Stebbing  (92  P45S2S)  is  generally 
regarded  as  the  best  authority. 

Petit  Du  Noyer,  Mme  Anne  Marg^uerite.    See  Dunoyer,  Mme  Anne  Mar- 
guerite (Petit). 
Petofi,  Sandor.  92  P462f 

Ferenczi,  Zoltan.     Petofi  eletrajza.    3v.     1896. 
Petdfi,  Sandor.  92  P462y 

Yolland,  Arthur  Battishill.  Alexander  Petofi,  poet  of  the  Hun- 
garian war  of  independence;  a  literary  study,  1823-44.     1906.     Franklin 


Sandor  Petofi  (1823-49)  was  the  national  poet  of  Hungary,  and  leader  in  the  first 
movement  of  the  Hungarian  revolution  at  Pesth. 

Petrarch.  92  P463J 

Jerrold,  Mrs  Maud  F.  Francesco  Petrarca,  poet  and  humanist.  1909. 

"Bibliography,"  p.33S-344- 

"The  author  has  not  merely  read  widely  in  the  enormous  mass  of  Petrarch  litera- 
ture, but  has  thoroughly  familiarized  herself  with  the  original  texts,  including  Latin 
works  usually  neglected,  and  generally  has  provided  her  own  translations.  She  has 
shown  tact  in  arrangement,  and  has  chosen  a  form  of  expression  at  once  sufficiently  en- 
thusiastic and  self-effacing.  It  seems  to  us  the  best  single  work  on  the  humanist  poet 
in  English,  and  not  likely  soon  to  be  superseded."    Nation,  1910. 

Petrarch.  r92  P463n 

Nolhac,  Pierre  de.  Petrarch  and  the  ancient  world.  [1907.  Merry- 
mount  Press.]      (Humanists'  library.) 

Contents:  Petrarch  as  initiator  of  the  renaissance. — Petrarch's  library. — Petrarch 
and  his  masters:  Virgil;  Cicero. 


Petrarch.  rga  P463S 

[Sade,  Jacques  Franqois  Paul  Aldonce,  abbe  de.]  Life  of  Petrarch, 
collected  from  "Memoires  pour  la  vie  de  Petrarch"  by  Mrs  Dobson. 
2v.     1805.     Maiden. 

Philip  II,  king  of  Macedon.  rga  P495I 

Leland,  Thomas.  History  of  the  life  and  reign  of  Philip,  king  of 
Macedon,  the  father  of  Alexander.    2v.    1820.    Whittaker. 

Philip  II,  king  of  Spain.  92  P4952g 

Gayarre,  Charles  fitienne  Arthur.  Philip  II  of  Spain,  with  an  intro- 
ductory letter  by  George  Bancroft.     1866.     Widdleton. 

Combines  the  history  of  Spain  during  Philip's  reign  with  an  account  of  his  life. 

Phillips,  Wendell.  92  P517S 

Sears,  Lorenzo.  Wendell  Phillips,  orator  and  agitator.  1909.  Double- 

"Readable  and  inspiring  account  of  the  life  work  of  the  great  American  antislavery 
agitator  and  orator,  founded  on  the  biographies  of  Martyn  (1890)  and  Austin  (1884) 
with  additional  letters  and  reminiscences  furnished  by  friends  of  Phillips.  The  earlier 
biographies  are  fuller  and  take  up  bis  private  life.  Sears  is  more  conservative  and 
probably  more  trustworthy  because  the  lapse  of  years  has  defined  more  clearly  the  value 
and  significance  of  Phillips'  public  services."     A.  L.  A.  booklist,  1909. 

Philo  Judaeus.  92  Psigb 

Bentwich,  Norman  De  Mattos.  Philo-Judaeus  of  Alexandria.  1910. 
Jewish  Publication  Soc.  of  Amer. 

"Bibliog^raphy,"  p.263-265. 

Philo-Judseus  was  a  Jewish-Hellenistic  philosopher  born  in  Alexandria  about  20 
B.  C.  He  included  in  his  philosophy  both  Greek  wisdom  and  Hebrew  religion,  which 
he  sought  to  harmonize  by  means  of  the  art  of  allegory  that  he  had  learned  from  the 
Stoics.  His  work  was  not  accepted  by  contemporary  Judaism.  His  writings  consist 
chiefly  of  commentaries  on  the  Pentateuch. 

Photius,  patriarch  of  Constantinople.  rga  P528h 

Hergenrother,  Joseph  Adam   Gustav,  cardinal.     Photius,   patriarch 

von    Constantinopel;   sein   leben,   seine   schriften   und   das   griechische 

schisma,  nach  handschriftlichen  und  gedruckten  quellen.     3v.     1867-69. 

Piccolomini,  Enea  Silvio.    See  Pius  II,  pope. 

Pico  della  Mirandola,  Giovanni.  qrga  P54g 

Giovanni   Pico  della   Mirandola;  his  life  by  his  nephew  Giovanni 

Francesco  Pico,  also  three  of  his  letters,  his  interpretation  of  Psalm  i6, 

his  Twelve  rules  of  a  Christian  life,  his  Twelve  points  of  a  perfect  lover. 

and  his  Deprecatory  hymn  to  God;  tr.  from  the  Latin  by  Sir  Thomas 

More,   ed.   with  introduction   and   notes   by  J.  M.  Rigg.     1890.     Nutt. 

(Tudor  library.) 

Pico  della  Mirandola  (1463-94)  was  an  Italian  philosopher  and  theologian,  one  of 

the  leading  scholars  of  the  Italian  renaissance. 

Pierce,  Frankliii,  1804-69.  ga  Pssyb 

Bartlett,  David  W.  Life  of  Gen.  Franklin  Pierce  of  New-Hamp- 
shire, the  Democratic  candidate  for  president  of  the  United  States. 
1852.    Derby. 

Campaign  biography. 


Pierre  de  Bernis,  Francois  Joachim  de,  cardinal.     See  Bemis,  Francois 
Joachim  de  Pierre,  cardinal  de. 


Pinwell,  George  John.    See  Artists,  p.  1402. 

Pippi,  Giulio  (called  Giulio  Romano).    See  Artists,  p.1410. 

Pitt,  William,  earl  of  Chatham,  1708-78.  92  P672ro 

Rosebery,  Archibald  Philip  Primrose,  earl  of.     Lord  Chatham;  his 

early  life  and  connections.     1910.     Harper. 

Lord  Rosebery's  narrative  comes  abruptly  to  an  end  with  the  year  1756,  when  Pitt 

was  on  the  threshold  of  the  Cabinet,  and  about  to  obtain  supreme  power.     From  the  first 

page  to  the  last  the  book  bristles  with   brilliant  epigram   and  picturesque   description. 

Condensed  from  Outlook  (London),  1910. 

Pitt,  William,  earl  of  Chatham,  1708-78.  92  P672r 

Ruville,  Albert  von.     William   Pitt,  earl  of  Chatham;   tr.   by  H.J. 

Chaytor,  assisted  by  Mary  Morison,  with  an  introduction  by  H.  E.  Eger- 

ton.    3v.    1907.     Putnam. 
"Authorities,"  v.3,  p.349-358. 
Elaborate   but  somewhat   unsympathetic   biography   of   Pitt   by   a    German   scholar. 

Based  on  manuscripts  and  official  documents.     Portraits. 

Pitt,  William,  earl  of  Chatham,  1708-78.  r92  P672S 

Short  view  of  the  political  life  and  transactions  of  a  late  Right  Hon- 
ourable commoner  [William  Pitt,  earl  of  Chatham] ;  to  which  is  added 
a  full  refutation  of  an  invidious  pamphlet  supposed  to  be  published 
under  the  sanction  of  a  very  popular  nobleman,  entitled  "An  enquiry 
into  the  conduct  of  a  late  Right  Honourable  commoner."  1766.  Griffin. 
Defense  of  Pitt's  political  measures  and  of  his  acceptance  of  the  sinecure  office  of 
privy  seal  and  the  title  of  viscount  Pitt  and  earl  of  Chatham. 

Pitt,  William,  1759-1806.  92  P6722ros 

Rose,  John  Holland.    William  Pitt  and  national  revival.    191 1.    Bell. 

The  first  of  three  volumes  bearing  the  collective  title  of  "The  life  and  times  of 
William  Pitt,"  to  be  followed  by  "William  Pitt  and  the  great  war"  and  "Pitt  and  Na- 
poleon miscellanies." 

"Clear,  concise  and  methodical  account  of  Pitt's  early  career,  and  a  full  analysis  of 
the  nature  of  the  historical  situation  in  which  he  found  himself  both  at  home  and  abroad. 
The  reader  will  find  in  this  book  not  only  the  first  portion  of  the  first  serious  biography 
of  the  great  Minister,  but  a  very  complete  history  of  Europe  of  the  time,  and  a  careful 
appreciation  of  Fox,  of  Burke,  of  George  III.,  and  of  Wilberforce."  Saturday  review, 

Pius  II,  pope.  qr92  C695b 

Kitchin,  George  William.  Life  of  Pope  Pius  II  as  illustrated  by 
Pinturicchio's  frescoes  in  the  Piccolomini  library  at  Siena.  i88i.  Arun- 
del Soc. 

Bound  with  Browning's  "Life  of  Bartolomeo  CoUeoni." 

Pius  IX,  pope.  92  P6750 

O'Reilly,  Bernard.    Life  of  Pius  IX.     1878.     Collier. 

Authorized  by  the  Roman  Catholic  church. 

Pius  X,  pope.  92  P67528 

Skvireckas,  Juozas.    Sventasis  Tevas  Popezius  Pijus  X.    1906. 


Piatt,  Orville  Hitchcock.  92  P689C 

Coolidge,    Louis    Arthur.      An    old-fashioned    senator,    Orville    H. 

Piatt,  of  Connecticut;  the  story  of  a  life  unselfishly  devoted  to  the 

public  service.     1910.     Putnam. 

Under  the  sympathetic  hands  of  his  biog^rapher,  whose  tone  is  that  of  a  fervent  Re- 
publican, the  story  of  Mr  Piatt's  career  in  the  Senate  from  1879  to  1905  has  become 
almost  a  history  of  national  legislation  for  that  period.  Senator  Piatt  was  one  of  the 
last  of  our  patriarchal  statesmen,  representing  a  kind  of  ancient  severity  and  virtue,  men 
of  deeds  not  of  words.  For  a  score  of  years  he  spent  himself  devotedly  upon  matters  of 
high  public  concern  in  which  little  individual  glory  was  to  be  won.  It  was  he  who  put 
the  Patent  office  upon  an  independent  basis.  Of  the  cause  of  international  copyright 
he  made  himself  the  champion  and  for  years  he  served  on  the  Indian  committee.  Con- 
densed from  Nation,  1910. 

Piatt,  Orville  Hitchcock.  qr93  P689U 

United  States — Congress.  Orville  Hitchcock  Piatt;  memorial  ad- 
dresses delivered  in  the  Senate  and  House  of  representatives.  1906. 
(59th  cong.     1st  sess.    Senate.    Doc.  no. 534.) 

Piatt,  Thomas  Collier.  92  P6892 

Autobiography;  comp.  and  ed.  by  L.J.  Lang.    1910.    Dodge. 

Thomas  C.  Piatt  (1833-19 10)  was  for  years  leader  of  the  Republican  party  in  New 
York,  a  delegate  to  all  Republican  national  conventions  since  1876,  and  United  States 
senator,  1897-1909. 

Poe,  Edgar  Allan.  r92  P74in 

New  York  (city),  North  Side  Board  of  Trade.  In  commemoration 
of  the  looth  anniversary  of  the  birth  of  Edgar  Allan- Poe,  poet,  author 
and  editor.    1909. 

Gives  program  of  celebration  and  the  speeches  delivered.  Contains  several  of  Poe's 
poems.     Illustrated  from  photographs. 

Poe,  Edgar  Allan.  92  P74iwe 

Weiss,  Susan  Archer.  Home  life  of  Poe.  1907.  Broadway  Pub.  Co. 
"Within  its  own  field... as  an  intimate  portrait  of  Poe  and  of  those  with  whom  he 

lived  from  childhood  to  death,  we  regard  it  as  the  sanest  and  truest  book  yet  published." 

Nation,  1908. 

Poe,  Edgar  Allan.  92  P74iwh 

Whitman,  Mrs  Sarah  Helen  (Power).     Edgar  Poe  and  his  critics. 

i860.    Rudd. 

Brief  defense  of  Poe,  written  in  reply  to  the  memoir,  distinctly  unfavorable  in  tone, 

prefixed  by  R.  W.  Griswold  to  his  edition  of  Poe's  works. 

Poe,  Edgar  Allan.  92  P741WO 

Woodberry,  George  Edward.  Life  of  Edgar  Allan  Poe,  personal 
and  literary,  with  his  chief  correspondence  with  men  of  letters.  2v. 
1909.    Houghton. 

"Bibliography  of  the  tales  and  poems  with  notes,"  v.2,  P.399-4S4. 
More  detailed  and  includes  more  correspondence  than  author's  earlier  biography  of 
Poe  (92  P741W).     Fully  illustrated. 

Poincare,  Jules  Henri.  qga  P749I 

Lebon,  Ernest.  Henri  Poincare;  biographic,  bibliographic  analy- 
tique  des  ecrits.    1909.    (Savants  du  jour.) 


Pole,  Reginald,  cardinal.  92  P756I 

Lee,  Frederick  George.  Reginald  Pole,  cardinal  archbishop  of 
Canterbury;  an  historical  sketch  with  an  introductory  prologue  and 
practical  epilogue.     1888.    Putnam. 

"Dr.  Lee  is  one  of  the  moving  spirits  of  the  Order  of  Corporate  Reunion,  which 
has  for  its  object  the  reunion  of  the  English  church  with  Rome,  and  it  is,  perhaps,  not 
unnatural  that  in  writing  of  the  one  man  who  came  next  to  effecting,  and  did  for  a  time 
effect,  the  much-desired  reconciliation,  he  should  view  everything  too  exclusively  in 
the  light  of  its  bearing  on  his  present  aims... It  results  in  the  omission  of  many  inter- 
esting and  important  facts,  particularly  those  connected  with  his  middle  life."  Spectator, 

Polenz,  Wilhelm  von.  92  Pysyi 

Ilgenstein,  Heinrich  J.  Wilhelm  von  Polenz;  ein  beitrag  zur  litera- 
turgeschichte  der  gegenwart.    1904. 

Polenz  (1861-1903)  was  a  German  novelist,  known  chiefly  in  this  country,  however, 
by  his  "Land  of  the  future,"  a  sympathetic  account  of  his  impressions  of  American  life. 

PoUaiuolo,  Antonio.    See  Artists,  p.1410. 

Pollock,  Sir  Frederick.  92  P766 

Personal  remembrances.     2v.     1887.     Macmillan. 

Author  (1815-88)  was  for  many  years  queen's  remembrancer,  an  ancient  office  in 
the  Exchequer  of  England.  These  entertaining  reminiscences  show  how  various  were  his 
accomplishments  and  how  numerous  his  friendships  among  men  of  letters,  science  and 

Poniatowski,  Marechal  Jozef  Anton,  prince.  92  P787a 

Askenazy  Szymon.    Ksi^z?  Jozef  Poniatowski,  1763-1813.     1910. 

Poole,  Thomas.    ^  92  P7972S 

Sandford,  Mrs  Margaret  E.  (Poole).    Thomas  Poole  and  his  friends. 

2v.     1888.    Macmillan. 

Thomas   Poole    (1765-1837)    enjoyed  an   almost  life-long   intimacy   with   Coleridge, 

who  is  the  principal  figure  in  his  group  of  friends.     Other  notable  people  appear  also — 

Wordsworth,    Sir   Humphry   Davy,    Ue   Quincey,   Thomas   Rickman,   the  economist,    and 

the  Wedgwoods,  Josiah  and  Thomas. 

Pope,  Alexander.  92  P8i3sy 

Symonds,  Emily  Morse,  {pseud.  George  Paston).  Mr  Pope;  his  life 
and  times.    2v.    1909.    Putnam. 

While  not  pretending  to  add  any  fresh  facts  to  his  biography,  it  tells  in  a  straight- 
forward way  the  story  of  his  literary  career,  which  constitutes  a  remarkable  study  of  the 
psychology  of  genius. 

Porcupine,  Peter,  pseud.    See  Cobbett,  William. 

Potter,  Henry  Codman,  bp.  r92  P856n 

New  York,  Century  Association.  Henry  Codman  Potter;  memorial 
addresses    delivered   before    the    Century    Association,    December    12, 

1908.    1908. 

Bishop  Potter  had  been  a  member  of  this  society  since  1869  and  its  president  from 
1895  to   1906. 

Poumies  de  La  Siboutie,  Frangois  Louis.  92  P866 

Recollections  of  a  Parisian  (Docteur  Poumies  de  La  Siboutie)  under 
six  sovereigns,  two  revolutions  and  a  republic  (1789-1863);  ed.  by  his 
daughters  Mesdames  A.  Branche  and  L.  Dagoury,  tr.  from  the  French 
by  Lady  Theodora  Davidson.     191 1.    Murray. 

"Biographical  index,"  p.365-374. 

"Beginning  with  the  outbreak  of  the  Revolution,  when  the  author  was  a  boy  at 


Poumies  de  La  Siboutie,  FratiQois  Louis — continued.  92  P866 

Perigueux,  the  narrative  assumes  the  form  of  a  journal  in  1810,  when  he  went  to  Paris 
at  the  zenith  of  the  First  Empire;  and  it  is  continued  with  few  interruptions  until  1863, 
when  the  doctor  died,  seven  years  before  the  fall  of  the  Second  Empire.  Every  part 
of  the  book  is  full  of  valuable  historical  information,  throwing  light  on  various  phases 
of  French  society  under  all  the  regimes  which  the  author  saw."    Athenaum,  igii. 

Powell,  Frederick  York.  92  P872e 

Elton,  Oliver.  Frederick  York  Powell;  a  life  and  a  selection  from 
his  letters  and  occasional  writings.    2v.    1906.     Clarendon  Press. 

v. I.     Memoir  and  letters. 

V.2.     Occasional  writings. 

"Catalogue  of  writings,"  v.2,  p. 7-1 6. 

Powell  (1850-1904)  was  regius  professor  of  modern  history  at  Oxford.  The  sec- 
ond volume  includes  short  sketches  of  historians  and  other  writers  and  of  historical 
personages,  original  verses  and  translations. 

"Through  the  spontaneity  of  his  nature,  the  extent  and  richness  of  his  learning,, 
the  breadth  of  his  outlook,  and  his  genius  for  friendship,  Powell  won,  and  will  keep, 
a  high  place  among  the  Oxford  men  of  his  generation."     Nation,  1907. 

Pownall,  Thomas.  q92  P877P 

Pownall,  Charles  Assheton  Whately.  Thomas  Pownall,  M.  P., 
F.  R.  S.,  governor  of  Massachusetts  Bay,  author  of  The  letters  of  Junius, 
with  a  supplement  comparing  the  colonies  of  kings  George  III  and  Ed- 
ward VII.    1908.    Stevens. 

Exhaustive  account  of  Pownall's  (1722—1805)  career  both  in  America  and  England. 
An  interesting  part  of  the  book  is  the  ingenious  arg^ument  for  Pownall's  authorship  of 
the  letters  of  Junius,  with  Sir  Philip  Francis  employed  as  amanuensis.  Portraits,  maps 
and  facsimiles. 

Priestley,  Joseph.  92  P947t 

Thorpe,  Sir  Thomas  Edward.  Joseph  Priestley.  1906.  Dent.  (Eng- 
lish men  of  science.) 

Brief  account  of  the  life  of  the  English  theologian  and  natural  philosopher  (1733- 
1804).     Based  largely  on  Priestley's  Memoirs,  which  however  extend  only  to  1795. 

Procter,  Bryan  Waller,  (pseud.  Barry  Cornwall).  92  P964f 

Fields,  James  Thomas.  Old  acquaintance;  Barry  Cornwall  and 
some  of  his  friends.     1876.    Osgood. 

Not  a  formal  biography.  Mr  Fields  merely  recalls  some  of  the  interesting  conversa- 
tions which  he  has  had  with  Procter,  Leigh  Hunt,  Samuel  Rogers  and  other  literary 
people  of  19th  century  England. 

Pryor,  Mrs  Sara  Agnes  (Rice).  92  P978m 

My  day;  reminiscences  of  a  long  life.    1909.    Macmillan. 
"Author  has  supplemented  her  entertaining  Reminiscences  of  peace  and  war  with 
memories  of  earlier  and  later  times.     She  writes  with  attractive  simplicity  of  travel  in 
the  North  in  the  40's,  Virginia  society  in  the  50's,  further  experiences  during  the  Civil 
War,  and  New  York  social  and  artistic  life  up  to  1900."    A.  L.  A.  booklist,  1910. 

Przybyszewski,  Stanislaw.  92  P9782n 

Nowinski,  Jozefat.  Stanislaw  Przybyszewski;  szkic  biograficzny. 

Puccini,  Giacomo.  92  P98id 

Dry,  VVakeling.  Giacomo  Puccini.  1906.  Lane.  (Living  masters 
of  music.) 

Puccini  is  operatically  the  man  of  the  moment  in  England  and  America,  his  latest 
opera  "Madame  Butterfly"  having  met  with  extraordinary  success.  His  biographer  sup- 
plies plenty  of  gossip  about  his  habits,  his  sports,  his  travels,  his  methods  of  work- 
ing, his  preferences  and  opinions.     Contains  17  portraits.     Condensed  from  Nation,  190J. 


Pugin,  Augustus  Charles.  92  P982£ 

Ferrey,  Benjamin.  Recollections  of  A.  N.  Welby  Pugin  and  his 
father,  Augustus  Pugin,  with  notices  of  their  works;  with  an  appendix 
[in  which  the  writings  and  character  of  Augustus  Welby  Northmore 
Pugin  are  considered  in  their  Catholic  aspect],  by  E.  S.  Purcell.  1861. 

Pugin,  Augustus  Welby  Northmore.  92  P982f 

Ferrey,  Benjamin.  Recollections  of  A.  N.  Welby  Pugin  and  his 
father,  Augustus  Pugin,  with  notices  of  their  works;  with  an  appendix 
[in  which  the  writings  and  character  of  Augustus  Welby  Northmore 
Pugin  are  considered  in  their  Catholic  aspect],  by  E.  S.  Purcell.  1861. 

Pugin   (1812-52)  was  an  English  architect,  ecclesiologist  and  writer. 

His  guiding  principle  was  his  belief  in  Gothic  architecture  and  his  work  was 
in  its  day  the  most  sincere,  most  faithful  and  most  Gothic  work  that  had  been  executed 
in  England  since  the  isth  century.  His  father,  Augustus  Charles  Pugin  (i  762-1 832) 
earned  his  fame  partly  as  an  educator  of  young  architects,  notably  his  own  son,  but 
chiefly  by  his  work  as  an  illustrator  of  Gothic  architecture.  Condensed  from  Dictionary 
of  national  biography. 

Pulszky,  Ferencz  Aurel.  92  P985 

filetem  es  korom.    2v.  in  i.     1884. 
Putnam,  Gen.  Israel.  r92  P99ih 

Humphreys,  Col.  David.  Essay  on  the  life  of  Israel  Putnam;  ad- 
dressed to  the  state  society  of  the  Cincinnati  in  Connecticut,  with 
notes  and  additions.     1818.     Avery. 

Appendix  contains  "Historical  and  topographical  sketch  of  Bunker  Hill  battle," 
by  S.  Swett. 

Pylodet,  L.  pseud.    See  Leypoldt,  Frederick. 

Quantrill,  William  Clarke.  92  Q17C 

Connelley,  William  Elsey.  Quantrill  and  the  border  wars.  1910. 
Torch  Press. 

Quantrill  (d.  1864)  was  a  Confederate  guerrilla  chief. 

The  book  has  obvious  shortcomings,  but  the  author  has  investigated  every  incident 
of  Quantrill's  life,  followed  to  its  source  every  story  and  tradition  and  set  down  the 
recollections  of  scores  of  persons  who  knew  Quantrill  and  his  followers.  A  contri- 
bution of  prime  importance  to  the  history  of  the  Kansas  struggle  and  the  Civil  war. 
Gives  an  authoritative  account  of  the  famous  Quantrill  raid  of  August  1863,  which  in  a 
few  hours  reduced  a  large  part  of  the  town  of  Lawrence,  Kansas,  to  ashes  and  left 
some  150  of  its  citizens  butchered  in  cold  blood  in  its  streets.  Condensed  from  Nation, 

Quincy,  Col.  John.  r92  Q342W 

Wilson,  Daniel  Munro,  &  Adams,  C.  F.  John  Quincy,  master  of 
Mount  Wollaston,  provincial  statesman,  colonel  of  the  Suffolk  regi- 
ment, speaker  of  the  Massachusetts  House  of  representatives,  member 
of  His  Majesty's  council;  an  address  delivered  Sunday,  Feb.  23,  1908, 
under  the  auspices  of  the  Quincy  Historical  Society.  1909.  Ellis. 
Rachel,  Elisa  Felix,  called.  Tg2  Ri22b 

B.,  Mtne  de.    Memoirs  of  Rachel.     1858.    Harper. 

Biography  of  the  French  tragic  actress  (1821-58). 

Racine,  Jean.  92  R123I 

Lemaitre,  Jules.    Jean  Racine.     [1908.] 


Radziwili,  Elisa,  princess.  ga  R1363W 

Wodzicka,  Teresa.     Eliza  RadziwiHowna  i  Wilhelm  I.     1896. 
Raffaelle  Sanzio.    See  Artists,  p.1411. 

Raffles,  Sir  Thomas  Stamford.  92  R144 

Memoir  of  the  life  and  public  services  of  Sir  Thomas  Stamford  Raf- 
fles, particularly  in  the  government  of  Java,  1811-1816,  Bencoolen  and 
its  dependencies,  1817-1824,  with  details  of  the  commerce  and  resources 
of  the  Eastern  archipelago  and  selections  from  his  correspondence,  by 
his  widow.    2v.     1835.     Duncan. 

Raffles  (178 1-1826)  was  an  English  colonial  governor  and  administrator  in  Java 
and  Sumatra,  whose  chief  title  to  remembrance  is  that  he  secured  to  Great  Britain 
the  maritime  supremacy  of  the  eastern  seas. 

Raleigh,  Sir  Walter.  92  Ri68e 

Edwards,  Edward.  Life  of  Sir  Walter  Ralegh  based  on  contempo- 
rary documents,  together  with  his  letters  now  first  collected.  2v.  1868. 

V.I.     Life. 

V.2.     Letters. 

"A  rich  quarry  of  material,  but  scarcely  a  connected  or  accurate  narrative."  Dic- 
tionary of  national  biography. 

Raleigh,  Sir  Walter.  r92  Ri68h 

Harris,  James  Morrison.  Discourse  on  the  life  and  character  of  Sir 
Walter  Ralegh  delivered  before  the  Maryland  Historical  Society,  May 
19,  1846.     1846.     (Maryland  Historical  Society.     Publications.) 

Raleigh,  Sir  Walter.  J92  Ri68k 

Kelly,  Margaret  Duncan.  Story  of  Sir  Walter  Raleigh.  [1906.] 
Jack.     (Children's  heroes  series.) 

Of  his  boyhood,  his  exploits  in  Ireland,  his  search  for  new  lands  and  gold  and  his 

conquests  of  the  Spaniards. 

Raphael.    S'ee  Artists,  p.1411. 

Rashi,  Solomon  bar  Isaac,  called.  92  R214I 

Liber,  Maurice.     Rashi;  tr.  from  the  French  by  Adele  Szold.     1906. 

Jewish  Publication  Soc.  of  America. 
"Bibliography,"  p. 229— 239. 
Rashi   (1040-1105)   was  an  eminent  biblical  and  talmudic  commentator. 

Rawlinson,  Sir  Henry  Creswicke.  92  Rasyr 
Rawlinson,   George.     Memoir   of   Major-general   Sir  Henry   Cres- 
wicke Rawlinson,  with  an  introduction  by  Lord  Roberts.  1898.    Long- 

Rawlinson  (1810-95)  was  an  English  soldier  and  Assyriologist.  His  successful  de- 
cipherment of  the  Persian  cuneiform  inscriptions,  especially  that  of  Darius  Hystaspes 
at  Behistun,  marked  an  epoch  in  the  knowledge  of  Persia's  history  and  ancient  languages, 
and  also  prepared  the  way  for  the  decipherment  of  the  other  cuneiform  alphabets. 
Later  successful  work  was  accomplished  in  excavations  in  Babylonia  for  the  British 

Rawson,  Guillermo.  92  Rasgl 

Larrain,  Jacob.    Biografia  del  doctor  Guillermo  Rawson.     1893. 

Rawson  (1821-90)  was  a  prominent  figure  in  the  public  Hfe  of  the  Argentine 


Read,  George.  rg2  R25ir 

Read,   William   Thompson.      Life    and    correspondence    of    George 

Read,  a  signer  of  the  Declaration  of  independence,  with  notices  of  some 

of  his  contemporaries.     1870.     Lippincott. 

"Treats  mainly  of  the  years  1769  to  1791.     Contains  many  orig:inaI  letters  and  other 

documents.     The  text  is  written  in  a  spirit  of  filial  piety.     Especially  valuable  are  the 

footnotes  and  the  supplementary  notes  appended  to  the  several  chapters.    An  uninterest- 

ing  but  usefurbook."    Larned's  Literature  of  American  history. 

Reagan,  John  Henninger.  92  R256 

Memoirs,  with  special  reference  to  secession  and  the  Civil  war;  ed. 
by  W.  F.  McCaleb,  with  introduction  by  G.  P.  Garrison.  1906.  Neale. 
Reagan  (1818-1905)  was  a  self-made  man  who  rose  to  high  rank  under  the  ancien 
rigime  in  the  South  and  became  the  trusted  adviser  of  Jefferson  Davis.  He  was  a  man 
of  unusually  clear  vision,  of  absolute  honesty  and  few  abiding  prejudices.  The  main 
topics  treated  in  his  book  are  the  writer's  early  life  in  Texas,  the  organization  of  the 
Confederacy  at  Montgomery,  the  Civil  war  as  viewed  by  an  active  and  efficient  cabinet 
officer  in  Richmond,  and  the  problems  of  reconstruction.  The  most  interesting  portion 
of  the  book  is  the  plain  unvarnished  story  of  Reagan's  hardships  and  early  struggles. 
The  last  100  pages  contain  his  more  important  speeches  in  Congress  and  his  public  let- 
ters of  1865-66.     Condensed  from  American  historical  review,  1907. 

Reden,  Johanne  Juliane  Friederike  (von  Riedesel  92  R272r 

zu  Eisenach),  gr'dfin. 
Reuss,  Eleonore,  fiirstin.    A  pietist  of  the  Napoleonic  wars  and  after; 
the  life  of  Countess  von  Reden;  authorised  translation  by  Mrs  C.  E. 
Barrett-Lennard  and  M.  W.  Hoper,  with  an  introductory  note  by  R.  S. 
Rait.    1905.    Dutton, 

The  husband  of  the  countess  von  Reden  was  minister  of  mines  at  the  time  of 
Napoleon's  invasion  of  Prussia  and  knew  Stein  and  many  of  the  public  men  of  the  day. 
The  interest  of  the  book  lies  chiefly,  however,  in  the  description  of  the  countess's 
domestic  life  and  of  her  various  religious  and  philanthropic  activities. 

Redgrave,  Richard.  92  R274 

Memoir;  comp.  from  his  diary  by  F.  M.  Redgrave.     1891.     Cassell. 
Redgrave  (1804-88)  was  an  English  painter  and  Academician,  intimately  associated 

with  the  art  work  of  the  South  Kensington  Museum.     For  the  general  reader  the  main 

interest  of  the  book  lies  in  its  anecdotes,  of  which  there  are  many,  chiefly  of  his  brother 


Reed,  Thomas  Brackett.  r92  R284r 

[Thomas  Brackett  Reed  Memorial  Association.]  Exercises  at  the 
unveiling  of  the  statue  of  Thomas  Brackett  Reed  at  Portland,  Maine, 
Aug.  31st,  1910.     [1910.    Berry.] 

Reed,  Walter.  92  R284k 

Kelly,  Howard  Atwood.  Walter  Reed  and  yellow  fever.  1906.  Mc- 

"Bibliography,"   p.281-283. 

Dr  Reed  (1851-1902)  was  for  18  years  an  army  surgeon  in  garrison,  most  of  the 
time  in  the  West.  In  1900  he  was  appointed  chairman  of  a  commission  to  study  yellow 
fever.     He  established  the  fact  that  the  disease  is  propagated  by  mosquitoes. 

Reichstadt,  duke  of.    See  Napoleon  II,  king  of  Rome  and  duke  of  Reichstadt. 

Remusat,  Charles  Frangois  Marie,  comte  de.  92  R3362 

Correspondance  pendant  les  premieres  annees  de  la  restauration; 
publiee  par  son  fils,  Paul  de  Remusat.    2v.     1883. 

Remusat  (1797-1875)  was  a  French  politician  and  philosophical  writer.  The  corre- 
spondence, which  covers  the  period  1814-19,  consists  almost  entirely  of  letters  between 


Remusat,  Charles  Frangois  Marie,  comte  de — continued.  92  R3362 

Remusat,  who  was  then  a  student  at  Paris,  and  his  mother,  a  woman  of  unusual  charm 
and  intellectual  gifts,  who  had  been  an  attendant  of  the  empress  Josephine.  Literature 
and  politics  are  the  subjects  chiefly  discussed. 

Renan,  Ernest.  92  R337re 

Recollections  of  my  youth;  tr.  by  C.  B.  Pitman  and  revised  by 
Madame  Renan.    1883.    Chapman. 

"His  style  is  fair  in  both  the  senses  in  which  we  use  the  word — in  that  of  being 
temperate  and  just,  and  in  that  of  being  without  a  flaw;  and  these  Reminiscences  of 
his  younger  years... are  perhaps  the  most  complete  revelation  of  it... The  first  chapters 
...are  not  the  most  vivid,  though  they  contain  a  very  interesting  picture  of  the  author's 
birthplace,  the  little  dead  town  of  Treguier. .  .It  is  when  he  comes  to  dip  into  his  own 
spiritual  history  that  M.  Renan  shows  himself  a  masterly  narrator. .  .The  chapters  on 
the  two  seminaries  in  which  he  spent  the  first  years  of  his  residence  in  Paris,  Saint 
Nicholas  du  Chardonnet  and  Saint  Suplice,  are  full  of  the  most  acute  notation  of  moral 
and  intellectual  conditions . . .  He  traces  with  singular  art  the  process  by  which,  young, 
simple,  devout,  dedicated  to  the  church  from  his  infancy... he  found  himself  confronted 
with  the  fact  that  he  could  no  longer  be  a  Catholic."  Henry  James,  in  Atlantic  monthly. 

Renan,  Ernest.  92  R337S 

Souvenirs  d'enfance  et  de  jeunesse.     [1883.] 

Renan,  Ernest.  92  R337m 

Monod,  Gabriel.     Les  maitres  de  I'histoire;  Renan,  Taine,  Michelet. 


These  writers  were  all  personally  known  to  the  author,  and  the  essays,  a  mingling 
of  biography  and  criticism,  are  extremely  sympathetic  in  their  tone. 

Reni,  Guido.    See  Artists,  p.1410. 

Rennie,  Sir  John,  1 796-1874.  9a  R344 

Autobiography;  comprising  the  history  of  his  professional  life,  to- 
gether with  reminiscences  dating  from  the  commencement  of  the  cen- 
tury to  the  present  time  [1867].     1875.     Spon. 

English  civil  engineer,  whose  most  important  work  was  the  construction  of  London 

"Besides  much  that  is  tolerably  interesting  to  the  general  reader,  Sir  John  Rennie'i 
commentary  upon  his  own  works  is  likely  to  be  useful  to  the  younger  men  of  his  pro- 
fession."    Saturday  review,  1876. 

Reynolds,  Frederick.  r92  R376 

Life   and   times   of   Frederick    Reynolds,   written   by  himself.      2v. 

1826.     Colburn. 

Reynolds  (1764-1841)   was  an  English  dramatist  whose  plays  obtained  a  temporary 

popularity.     His  autobiography  narrates  with  some  spirit  the  adventures  of  his  earlier 


Reynolds,  Sir  Joshua.  192  R377n 

Northcote,  James.  Life  of  Sir  Joshua  Reynolds;  comprising  origi- 
nal anecdotes  of  many  distinguished  persons,  his  contemporaries  and  a 
brief  analysis  of  his  discourses.    2v.    1819.    Colburn. 

Rhodes,  Cecil.  92  R384f 

Fuller,  Sir  Thomas  Ekins.     Right  Honourable  Cecil  John  Rhodes; 

a  monograph  and  a  reminiscence.     1910.     Longmans. 

"Author  is  well  entitled  to  describe  Cecil  Rhodes  as  he  lived.     Sir  Thomas  Fuller 

was  a  leading  politician  in  Cape  Colony,  and  already  influential  in  the  Cape  Parliament, 

when  Rhodes  entered  that  assembly,  in  1881.     From  that  year  onward,  they  were  in 


Rhodes,  Cecil — continued.  92  R384f 

constant  and  usually  in  close  personal  relations ...  The  book  can  hardly  be  described  as 
a  biogn"aphy  of  Cecil  Rhodes.  It  is  rather  a  sketch  of  the  more  prominent  phases  of  his 
public  life,  its  aim  being  not  to  recount  events,  but  to  explain  the  part  which  Rhodes 
took  in  them,  the  motives  that  animated  him,  and  the  spirit  in  which  he  went  about  his 

work It  is  fair  and  temperate.     It  does  not  attempt  to  conceal  or  to  palliate  either 

the  defects  that  belonged  to  Rhodes  as  a  man,  or  the  grave  errors  he  committed." 
Nation,  1910. 

Rhodes,  Cecil.  92  R384J 

Jourdan,  Philip.  Cecil  Rhodes;  his  private  life  by  his  private  secre- 
tary.   1911.    Lane. 

Intimate  personal  observations,  in  the  Boswell  manner,  of  the  Rhodes  of  private  life. 
Ricci,  Scipione,  hp.  92  R394P 

Potter,  Louis  Joseph  Antoine  de.  Memoirs  of  Scipio  de  Ricci,  late 
bishop  of  Pistoia  and  Prato,  reformer  of  Catholicism  in  Tuscany;  ed. 
by  Thomas  Roscoe.     2v.     [1829.]     Colburn. 

Authoritative  biography  based  on  the  manuscripts  and  private  memoranda  of  Ricci, 
who  was  in  correspondence  with  many  of  the  most  notable  men  of  his  period  (1741-1810). 

Richard  I,  king  of  England.  92  R3982J2 

James,  George  Payne  Rainsford.  History  of  the  life  of  Richard 
Cceur-de-Lion,  king  of  England.    2v.    1854.    Bohn, 

Richard  III,  king  of  England.  92  RsgSim 

Markham,  Sir  Clements  Robert.     Richard  HI,  his  life  &  character 
reviewed  in  the  light  of  recent  research.    1906.    Smith,  Elder. 
"The  authorities,"  p. 166-183. 

"His  book  is  ingenious,  bright,  and  readable;  he  marshals  his  arguments  cunningly, 
and  he  scores  some  good  points.  But  it  is  not  too  much  to  say  that  he  approaches  the 
whole  subject  in  the  spirit  of  an  advocate,  and  consequently  his  essay  can  hardly  be 
considered  a  serious  addition  to  historical  literature. .  .The  thesis  which  he  first  ex- 
pounded in  the  English  Historical  Review,  and  to  which  he  now  returns... is  that  Henry 
VII.,  and  not  Richard  III.,  murdered  Edward  V.  and  his  brother."     Athen<eum,  1907. 

Richard  III,  king  of  England.  rgi  R398W 

Walpole,  Horace,  earl  of  Orford.     Historic  doubts  on  the  life  and 

reign  of  King  Richard  the  Third.     1768.     Dodsley. 

"The  volume  of  Historic  Doubts  on  the  Life  and  Reign  of  King  Richard  the  Third, 

one  of  the  earliest  attempts  to  rehabilitate  a  character  previously  stamped  with  infamy, 

showed  acuteness  and  research."     Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Richelieu,  Louis  Frangois  Armand  du  Plessis,  due  de.  r92  R42ir 

Memoirs.  3v.  1903.  Merrill.  (Courtiers  and  favourites  of  royalty.) 
The  due  de  Richelieu  (i 696-1 788)  was  a  marshal  of  France  and  a  grandnephew 
of  Cardinal  Richelieu.  He  was  a  prominent  social  figure  in  the  Paris  of  Louis  XV,  not 
without  talents  in  war  and  diplomacy,  but  chiefly  remembered  as  an  unscrupulous  in- 
trigfuer  and  a  gallant.  The  interest  of  his  biogfraphy  lies  in  its  picture  of  French  society 
of  the  time. 

Richelieu,  Louis  Frangois  Armand  du  Plessis,  due  de.  92  R421W 

Williams,  Hugh  Noel.  The  fascinating  due  de  Richelieu,  Louis 
Frangois  Armand  du  Plessis  (1696-1788).    1910.    Scribner. 

Richmond  and  Derby,  Margaret  Beaufort,  countess  of.  92  R426h 

Halsted,  Caroline  Amelia.  Life  of  Margaret  Beaufort,  countess  of 
Richmond  and  Derby,  mother  of  King  Henry  the  Seventh  and  found- 
ress of  Christ's  and  St.  John's  College,  Oxford.     1845.    Smith. 

"One  of  the  few  worthy  and  high-minded  members  of  the  aristocracy,  in  an  essen- 
tially selfish  and  cruel  age."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 


Riis,  Jacob  August.  92  R4570 

The  old  town.     1909.    Macmillan. 

Autobiographical  reminiscences  of  his  native  town  of  Ribe,  Denmark;  devoted  partiy 
to  his  boyhood  experiences,  partly  to  visits  made  in  later  years.  He  relates  the  history 
and  legends  of  his  birthplace  and  describes  fairs  and  festivals,  Christmas  customs  and 
traditions,  paying  loving  tribute  to  the  family  doctor  and  other  local  characters. 

Rimini,  Jacques  Francois  Griscelli  de  Vezzani,  called  baron  de.    See  Gris- 

celli  de  Vezzani,  Jacques  Francois,  called  baron  de  Rimini. 
Ringgold,  Samuel.  192  R475W 

Wynne,  James.  Memoir  of  Major  Samuel  Ringgold,  United  States 
army;  read  before  the  Maryland  Historical  Society,  April  i,  1847.  1847. 
(Maryland  Historical  Society.     Publications.) 

Ringgold  (1800-46)  was  a  Maryland  soldier.  He  fought  in  the  Florida  war  and 
was  mortally  wounded  at  Palo  Alto,  the  first  battle  of  the  Mexican  war. 

Ritchie,  Mrs  Anna  Cora  (Ogden)  Mowatt.  r92  R498r 

Autobiography  of  an  actress;  or.  Eight  years  on  the  stage.  1854. 

Mrs  Ritchie  (1819-70)  was  an  American  actress  who  played  in  the  United  States 
and  in  England  with  E.  L.  Davenport. 

Ritson,  Joseph.  r92  R5i52h 

Haslewood,  Joseph.  Some  account  of  the  life  and  publications  of 
the  late  Joseph  Ritson.    1824.    Triphook. 

English  antiquary  (i 752-1803). 

"The  most  militant  and  ill-tempered,  and  at  the  same  time  one  of  the  most  learned 
and  accurate  of  the  antiquaries  of  the  i8th  century."    Encyclopedia  Britannica. 

Rittenhouse,  David.  r92  Rsisb 

Barton,  William,  M.  A.  Memoirs  of  the  life  of  David  Rittenhouse, 
interspersed  with  various  notices  of  many  distinguished  men,  with  an 
appendix  containing  sundry  philosophical  and  other  papers  most  of 
which  have  not  hitherto  been  published.     1813.     Parker. 

Rittenhouse  (1732-96)  was  an  American  astronomer  and  maker  of  astronomical 
instruments.  In  1763  he  was  engaged  to  determine  the  boundary  line  since  known  as 
Mason  and  Dixon's  line,  for  which  he  used  instruments  of  his  own  construction.  He 
was  a  member  of  the  Constitutional  convention  and  treasurer  of  Pennsylvania. 

Robert-Houdin,  Jean  Eugene.  92  R5342 

Memoirs,  written  by  himself.    2v.     1859.    Chapman. 
Robert-Houdin    (1805-71)    has   been  called  the   father  of  modern  conjuring.     The 

memoirs  consist  chiefly  of  accounts  of  public  performances. 

Roberts,  Algernon  Brooke.  r92  R536P 

Pennsylvania — Senate.      Memorial   proceedings   upon   the   death   of 

A.  B.  Roberts,  late  a  senator  from  the  12th  district.    1909. 

Robertson,  James,  1839-1902.  92  R541C 

Connor,  Ralph,  {pseud,  of  Charles  William  Gordon).     Life  of  James 

Robertson,    missionary    superintendent    in    the    Northwest    territories. 

1908.    Revell. 

Perhaps  the  most  notable  and  able  minister  associated  with  Presbyterian  missions  in 


Robinson,  John,  1575-1625.  r92  R55ib 

Burrage,  Champlin.    New  facts  concerning  John  Robinson,  pastor  of 

the  Pilgrim  Fathers;  a  tercentenary  memorial.    1910.    Hart. 
Contains   facsimile   frontispiece. 


Robsart,  Amy.  192  Rssga 

Adlard,  George.  Amye  Robsart  and  the  earl  of  Leycester;  a  critical 
inquiry  into  the  authenticity  of  the  various  statements  in  relation  to 
the  death  of  Amye  Robsart  and  of  the  libels  on  the  earl  of  Leycester, 
with  a  vindication  of  the  earl  by  Sir  Philip  Sydney;  and  a  History  of 
Kenilworth  castle,  together  with  Memoirs  and  correspondence  of  Sir 
Robert  Dudley,  son  of  the  earl  of  Leycester.     1870.    J.  R.  Smith. 

Robusti,  Jacopo.    See  Artists,  p.1411. 

Rocca,  Enrico,  conte  della.  92  R564r 

Ricordi  autobiografici  d'un  veterano,  1807-1897;  riduzione  compilata 

ad  uso  delle  scuole  secondarie  e  normali  [da]  Antonio  Battistella.     1900. 

Rockefeller,  John  Davison.  92  R576 

Random  reminiscences  of  men  and  events.     1909.     Doubleday. 

Short  chapters  on  his  early  business  experiences,  old  friends  and  partners,  the 
Standard  Oil  Company  and  the  "difficult  art  of  giving."  Concludes  with  a  plan  for  a 
"benevolent  trust"  to  carry  on  cooperative  philanthropy. 

Rodgers,  John,  1 773-1838.  92  R586P 

Paullin,  Charles  Oscar.  Commodore  John  Rodgers,  captain,  com- 
modore and  senior  officer  of  the  American  navy,  1773-1838;  a  biogra- 
phy.   1910.    Clark. 

"Bibliography,"  P.40S-410. 

Rodin,  Auguste.    See  Artists,  p.1361. 

Rogers,  Robert.  r92  S795S 

Stark,  Caleb.  Memoir  and  official  correspondence  of  Gen.  John 
Stark,  with  notices  of  several  other  officers  of  the  Revolution;  also  a 
biography  of  Capt.  Phinehas  Stevens  and  of  Col.  Robert  Rogers,  with 
an  account  of  his  services  in  America  during  the  "Seven  years'  war." 
i860.     Lyon. 

Romano,  Giulio  Pippi.    See  Artists,  p.1410. 

Roosevelt,  Theodore.  92  R684br 

Brooks,  Sydney.    Theodore  Roosevelt.     1910.     Hodder. 
"Reprint  of  articles  which  originally  appeared  in  the  London  Chronicle.     They  take 

up  the  more  important  divisions  of  Mr.  Roosevelt's  public  career ...  with  a  fair-minded 

intention  to  make  clear  underlying  purposes  and   personal   traits,  mental  and  moral." 

Outlook,  1910. 

Roosevelt,  Theodore.  92  R684b 

Burroughs,  John.  Camping  with  President  Roosevelt.  1906.  Hough- 

Appeared  in  the  "Atlantic  monthly,"  v.97.  May  1906. 

Recollections  of  the  author's  trip  to  Yellowstone  Park  with  President  Roosevelt, 
in  the  spring  of  1903. 

The  same  [and  President  Roosevelt  as  a  nature-lover  and  observer]. 
1907.     Houghton 92  R684ba 

Title  reads  "Camping  &  tramping  with  Roosevelt." 

The  second  sketch  appeared  in  the  "Outlook,"  v.86,  July  1907. 


JRoosevelt,  Theodore.  rga  R684C 

Catholic  mind.    Mr  Roosevelt  and  the  Vatican.    1910. 
Being  no.9-10,  May  8-22,  1910,  of  the  "Catholic  mind." 
Newspaper  comments  on  the  so-called  Vatican  incident,  which  prevented  Mr  Roose- 

-velt's  proposed  audience  with  the  pope  on  April  5,  19 10. 

JRoosevelt,  Theodore.  92  R684m 

Morgan,  James.  Theodore  Roosevelt,  the  boy  and  the  man.  1907. 

Clear,  straightforward  account  of  the  president's  life  from  boyhood  to  the  present 
day.  It  is  full  of  facts,  chronologically,  not  topically  arranged,  so  as  to  make  it  a  useful 
work  of  reference;  the  anecdotes  are  plentiful.  Mr  Morgan  is  the  first  man  to  write 
a  real  biography  of  Theodore  Roosevelt  as  distinguished  from  the  character  sketches 
-of  which  we  have  several  excellent  examples.    Condensed  from  Nation,  1907. 

Kosa,  Salvator.  92  R6g7m 

Morgan,  Sydney  (Owenson),  lady.    Life  and  times  of  Salvator  Rosa. 

1855.     Bryce. 

Rosa  (i6i5?-73)  was  an  Italian  painter  of  the  Neapolitan  school,  poet  and  musician. 

Roscoe,  Sir  Henry  Enfield.  92  R712 

Life  &  experiences,  written  by  himself.     1906.    Macmillan. 

Roscoe  is  (1907)  an  eminent  English  chemist  who  has  been  associated  with  Bunsen 
in  research  work.  The  interest  of  his  autobiography  lies  chiefly  in  the  account  it  gives 
of  the  development  in  England  of  scientific  education,  in  which  Roscoe  has  borne  an 
important  part. 

Roscoe,  William.  92  Ryisr 

Roscoe,  Henry.    Life  of  William  Roscoe.    2v.     1833.     Cadell. 

English  historian  (1753-1831)  whose  chief  work  was  a  life  of  Lorenzo  de'  Medici. 
Roscoe  was  also  a  poet  and  a  botanist  of  some  reputation.  This  biography  is  written 
by  his  son. 

Rosebery,  Archibald  Philip  Primrose,  earl  of.  q92  R718S 

Stoddart,  Jane  T.  {pseud.  Lorna).  The  earl  of  Rosebery;  an  illus- 
trated biography.    1900.    Hodder. 

Discusses  his  life  on  the  personal  as  well  as  the  political  side.     Many  portraits. 
Rosegger,  Petri  Kettenfeier.  92  R72ik 

Kappstein,  Theodor  H.     Peter  Rosegger;  ein  charakterbild.     1904. 

Among  the  German  writers  now  living  there  is  no  man  who,  for  simple,  whole- 
some humanity,  can  compare  with  the  Austrian,  whose  name  is  not  only  a  household 
word  in  the  humblest  homes  of  his  native  Steinnark,  but  whose  works  are  read  through- 
out the  world.  This  book  is  written  by  one  who  with  honest  enthusiasm  has  traced  the 
development  of  his  hero  not  only  in  his  books,  but  among  the  people  of  his  native 
province.  The  work  has  the  flavor  of  the  soil  and  the  atmosphere  of  the  plein  air  por- 
trait    Condensed  from  Nation,  1907. 

Roskopf,  Wendel.  qr92  R734W 

Wende,  Oskar.     Wendel  Roskopf,  "Meister  zu  Gorlitz  und  in  der 

Schlesy;"  ein  beitrag  zur  geschichte  der  renaissance  in  Schlesien.    1908. 

Von  der  Technischen  Hochschule  zu  Hannover  zur  erlangung  der  wiirde  eines 
doktor-ingenieurs   genehmigte  dissertation. 

Monograph  on  a  German  architect  (i48o?-i5S7?)   of  Gorlitz,  Prussia. 

Ross,  James.  qr92  R738b 

Brownson,  James  Irwin,  b.  1856.  Life  and  times  of  Senator  James 
Ross;  a  sketch  read  before  the  Washington  County  Historical  Society, 
Feb.  21,  1910.     1910. 

James  Ross  (i  762-1847)  was  born  in  York  county.  Pa.  He  was  admitted  to  the 
bar  of  Allegheny  county  in  1788  and  became  a  United  States  senator  in  1794.  His 
life  covered  an  interesting  period  in  the  development  of  what  is  known  as  the  "Pitts- 
burgh district." 


Rossetti,  Dante  Gabriel.  92  R744 

Letters  of  Dante  Gabriel  Rossetti  to  William  Allingham,  1854-1870 
[ed.  by]  G.  B.  Hill.    1897.    Unwin. 

These  familiar  letters  of  Rossetti  to  his  intimate  friend,  the  Irish  poet,  are  ranked 
among  the  best  he  ever  wrote,  and  show  him  in  a  particularly  attractive  light.  Alling- 
ham was  the  friend  of  many  great  writers  of  the  time  and  their  names  occur  frequently 
in  these  letters.     Illustrations  from  drawings  by  Rossetti  and  others. 

Rossetti,  William  Michael.  92  R7442 

Some  reminiscences.     2v.     1906.     Brown. 

List  of  writings  by  W.  M.  Rossetti,  v.i,  p.  13-14. 

According  to  the  preface,  the  present  work  is  the  eighteenth  more  or  less  connected 
with  his  family  for  which  Mr  Rossetti  is  responsible.  Some  recurrence  to  the  same 
matter  is  in  the  circumstances  inevitable,  though  repetition  of  identical  details  has  been 
avoided.  Further  light  is  cast  upon  the  members  of  the  preraphaelite  brotherhood.  A 
short  semi-biographical  sketch  of  most  of  them  is  provided.  Condensed  from  Athenaum, 

92  R761k 

Rousseau,  Jean  Jacques.  92  R777CO 

[Correspondance.]     v.i,  3.     (Oeuvres,  v.i6,  18.) 
Rousseau,  Jean  Jacques.  92  R777q 

[Quatre  lettres  a  M.  le  president  de  Malesherbes;  Les  reveries  du 
promeneur  solitaire;  Rousseau  juge  de  Jean-Jacques.]     1817.    (Oeuvres, 
Rousseau,  Jean  Jacques.  92  V378C 

Collins,  John  Churton.  Voltaire,  Montesquieu  and  Rousseau  in 
England.     1908.    Nash. 

"Attempt  to  sketch  the  history  of  three  singularly  interesting  episodes  in  the  liter- 
ary relations  between  France  and  England,  namely,  the  visits  of  Voltaire,  Montesquieu, 
and  Rousseau,  during  periods  extending  respectively  from  the  spring  of  1726  to  the 
spring  of  1729,  from  the  autumn  of  1729  to  the  spring  or  early  summer  of  1731,  and 
from  January  1766  to  May  1767."     Preface. 

"A  contribution  of  value  to  the  literary  history  both  of  France  and  England." 
Saturday  review,  1908. 

Rousseau,  Jean  Jacques.  92  R777le 

Lemaitre,  Jules.    Jean  Jacques  Rousseau;  tr.  by  Jeanne  Mairet,  Mme 

Charles  Bigot.    1907.    McClure. 

"[Lectures  which]  treat  a  difficult  subject  with  sympathy  and  reticence.     Monsieur 

Lemaitre  gives  a  resume  of  each  of  Rousseau's  more  important  writings,  and  indicates 

their  influence  on  the  world  and  their  particular  connexion  with  episodes  in  Rousseau's 

own  career."     Saturday  review,  1908. 

Rousseau,  Jean  Jacques.  92  R777mac 

Macdonald,  Mrs  Frederika  Richardson.     Jean  Jacques  Rousseau;  a 

new  criticism.    2v.     1906.     Chapman. 

The   author   claims   that,    as  a   result   of   the   discovery   and   comparative   study   of 

previously  unexplored  documents,  she  is  able  to  prove  that  the  estimate  of  Rousseau's 

character  and  private  life  accepted  by  his  leading  French  and  English  critics  has   for 

its  foundation  an  audacious  historical  fraud. 

92  R777r 

Dj?  T113D    .«Dn  pHV  !«"'?    .li-ipDV  -iVTiKDpv^^  ,^^n«rn«-i 


Rowland,  George  Frank.  Tg2  R796P 

Pennsylvania — Senate.  Memorial  proceedings  upon  the  death  of 
G.  F.  Rowland,  late  a  senator  from  the  14th  district.     1909. 

Royall,  Mrs  Anne  (Newport).  92  R813P 

Porter,  Sarah  Harvey.  Life  and  times  of  Anne  Royall.  1909.  Torch 

American  author  and  pioneer  woman  journalist  (1769-1854).  She  traveled  ex- 
tensively in  this  country  and  wrote  voluminously  of  her  travels,  published  a  paper  in 
Washington,  D.  C.  for  many  years  and  knew  most  of  the  public  men  of  her  time. 
While  not  a  person  of  historic  importance  her  career  and  her  writings  are  of  interest  to 
students  of  her  period. 

Rush,  Benjamin.  r92  R896 

Memorial,  containing  Travels  through  life;  or,  Sundry  incidents  in 

the  life  of  Dr  Benjamin  Rush,  written  by  himself,  also  extracts  from 

his  commonplace  book,  as  well  as  a  short  history  of  the  Rush  family  in 

Pennsylvania.    1905.    Biddle. 

Benjamin  Rush  (1745-1813)  was  a  noted  Philadelphia  physician  and  patriot,  one  of 

the  signers  of  the  Declaration  of  independence. 

Ruskin,  John.  qr828  R89  v.36-37 

Letters.    2v.    1909.    Allen.    (In  his  Works,  v.36-37.) 

v.i.   1827-1869. 

V.2.    1870-1889. 

"Bibliographical  appendix  with  minor  letters,"  v.2,  p.6i 5-739. 

Ruskin,  John.  92  R899b 

Benson,  Arthur  Christopher.  Ruskin;  a  study  in  personality.  191 1. 

Series  of  seven  popular  lectures  delivered  at  Cambridge  University.  They  sketch 
Ruskin's  life  in  outline  and  his  main  works  in  their  order.  Will  be  serviceable  as  a 
handbook  for  any  one  wishing  to  make  a  systematic  study  of  Ruskin. 

[Russell,  John  Willard.]  92  R9152 

Romance  of  an  old  time  shipmaster;  ed.  by  R.  D.  Paine.   1907.  Outing. 

For  almost  100  years  these  letters  and  journals  were  locked  up  in  the  old  ship- 
master's battered  sea-chest  which  had  been  with  him  on  his  voyages  to  the  West  Indies, 
Europe  and  Africa,  from  1796  to  1813.  They  give  a  good  idea  of  seafaring  life  during 
that  time,  accounts  of  adventures  with  privateers  and  pirates,  and  of  a  disastrous  ex- 
pedition to  Africa  for  slaves. 

92  SlUw 

Saint-Gaudens,  Augustus.    See  Artists,  p. 1361. 

St.  John,  Henry,  viscount  Bolingbroke.    See  Bolingbroke,  Henry  St.  John, 

Saint  Pierre,  Jacques  Henri  Bernardin  de.  192  S149 

Correspondance;  precedee  d'un  supplement  aux  memoires  de  sa  vie 
par  L.  Aime-Martin  et  Memoire  sur  la  vie  et  les  ouvrages  de  J.  H. Ber- 
nardin de  Saint-Pierre,  accompagne  de  lettres  du  Marechal  Munich  et 
autres,  par  L.  Aime-Martin.     4v.     1826. 

v.4  contains  the  "Memoire." 


Sainte-Beuve,  Charles  Augustin.  92  Si56h 

Harper,  George  McLean.  Charles-Augustin  Sainte-Bcuve.  1909. 
Lippincott.     (French  men  of  letters.) 

"Bibliography,"   p.37S-38i. 

First  book  in  English  on  the  life  and  works  of  Sainte-Beuve  (1804-69),  whom  the 
author  calk  "the  most  serviceable  literary  critic  France  has  known,"  "a.  judge  among 

Salamon,  Louis  Sifrein  Joseph  Foncrose  de.  92  S1592S 

Papal  envoy  during  the  reign  of  terror;  the  memoirs  of  Mgr.  de 

Salamon  the  internuncio  at. Paris  during  the  revolution,  1790-1801;  ed. 

by  the  abbe  Bridier,  tr.  by  Frances  Jackson.    191 1.    Sands. 

Brings  out  facts  bearing  on  the  history  of  the  revolution  in  general,  and  especially 

in  its  relation  to  the  church  of  France. 

"Told  in  such  animated  style,  which  the  translator  has  successfully  preserved,  that 

it  reads  more  like  a  romance  than  a  page  of  history."    Athenaum,  1911. 

Sales,  Francis  de,  St.    See  Francis  de  Sales,  St. 

Salimbene,  Ognibene  di  Guido  di  Adamo,  fra.  92  S165C 

Coulton,  George  Gordon.  From  St.  Francis  to  Dante;  a  translation 
of  all  that  is  of  primary  interest  in  the  .chronicle  of  the  Franciscan 
Salimbene,  1221-1288,  together  with  notes  and  illustrations  from  other 
medieval  sources.     1906.     Nutt. 

Emphasizes  the  darker  side  of  13th  century  life.  Author  takes  the  ground  that 
writers  on  mediaeval  history  usually  present  it  in  too  attractive  a  light  and  Salimbene's 
chronicles  are  made  the  basis  of  an  exposition  of  the  evils  of  that  period. 

Salm-Salm,  Felix  Konstantin  Alexander  Johann  92  S171 

Nepomuk,  prins  zu. 

My  diary  in  Mexico  in  1867,  including  the  last  days  of  the  emperor 
Maximilian,  with  leaves  from  the  diary  of  the  princess  Salm-Salm.  2v. 
1868.    Bentley. 

"One  of  the  most  substantial  sources  of  information  in  English,  on  the  French  inter- 
vention."   Lamed' s  Literature  of  American  history. 

Sanborn,  Franklin  Benjamin.  92  S198 

Recollections  of  70  years.    2v.     1909.     Badger. 

v.i  is  devoted  to  the  John  Brown  story.  He  gathers  together  scattered  and  un- 
published letters  and  clearly  describes  his  own  vivid  impressions  of  the  events  of  that 
episode  in  which  he  took  part,  v.2  treats  of  the  Concord  group  which  he  writes  of  from 
long  and  intimate  association.    Many  rare  portraits. 

Sanctis,  Francesco  de.  92  S2118 

La  giovinezza  di  Francesco  de  Sanctis;  frammento  autobiografico 
pubblicato  da  Pasquale  Villari.     1910. 

"Commemorazione  in  onore  di  Francesco  de  Sanctis,  fatta  da  Pasquale  Villari,  per 
invito  deir  Associazione  della  stampa,  il  27  gennaio  1884,"  p.333-374. 

"Lettera  della  Signora  Marietta  Testa,  vedova  De  Sanctis,  a  Pasquale  Villari," 

"Uffizi  pubblici  di  Francesco  de  Sanctis,"  p. 383-384. 

These  memoirs  were  written  during  the  last  illness  of  De  Sanctis  by  his  niece  from 
bis  dictation  and  the  ms.  was  revised  by  him. 

Sand,  George,  {pseud,  of  Mme  Dudevant).  92  S2i3h 

Histoire  de  ma  vie.    13V.  in  3.     1855. 

"It  was  given  to  the  world  day  by  day,  as  the  feuilleton  of  a  newspaper,  and,  like 
all  the  author's  compositions,  it  has  the  stamp  of  being  written  to  meet  a  current  en- 
gagement..  .But  it  has  a  great  charm... It  abounded  in  anecdotes  of  the  writer's  child- 
hood, her  playmates,  her  pet  animals,  her  school-adventures,  the  nuns  at  the  Convent  des 


Sand,  George,  (pseud,  of  Mme  Dudevant) — continued.  92  S2i3h 

Anglaises  by  whom  she  was  educated;  it  related  the  juvenile  unfolding  of  her  mind,  her 
fits  of  early  piety,  and  her  first  acquaintance  with  Montaigne  and  Rousseau;  it  con- 
tained a  superabundance  of  philosophy,  psychology,  morality  and  harmless  gossip,  about 
people  unknown  to  the  public;  but  it  was  destitute  of  just  what  the  public  desired — ^an 
explicit  account  of  the  more  momentous  incidents  of  the  author's  maturity."  Henry 
James's  French  poets  and  novelists. 

Sangster,  Mrs  Margaret  Elizabeth  (Munson).  92  S226 

From  my  youth  up;  personal  reminiscences,  an  autobiography. 
1909.    Revell. 

"Notwithstanding  the  undeniable  thinness  of  certain  chapters  here,  and  the  occa- 
sional ornateness  of  the  author's  style,  there  is  a  quality  of  homely  moral  earnestness  in 
this  autobiography  that  will,  with  its  flavor  of  sentimentality,  endear  it  to  a  host  of 
readers."    Nation,  igog. 

Santley,  Sir  Charles.  92  S236 

Reminiscences  of  my  life.     1909.    Pitman. 

Autobiography  of  a  famous  English  baritone  singer.  Covers  a  period  of  over  50 
years  and  contains  anecdotes  of  many  musical  contemporaries. 

Sarto,  Andrea  del.    See  Artists,  p.  1409. 

Savile,  George,  marquis  of  Halifax.     See  Halifax,  George  Savile,  mar- 
quis of. 
Savio  di  Bernstiel,  Baronessa  Olimpia.  92  S267r 

Ricci,  Raffaello.  Memorie  della  baronessa  Olimpia  Savio.  2v.  191 1. 
Sayn- Wittgenstein,  Carolyne  (von  Iwanowska),  fUrstin.  92  S275I 

Lipsius,  Marie,  (pseud.  La  Mara).  Aus  der  glanzzeit  der  Weimarer 
Altenburg;  bilder  und  briefe  aus  dem  leben  der  Fiirstin  Carolyne  Sayn- 
Wittgenstein;  herausgegeben  von  La  Mara.     1906. 

Volume  of  letters  by  eminent  persons  addressed  to  the  princess  Carolyne  Sayn- 
Wittgenstein,  to  whose  influence  it  was  due  that  Weimar,  in  the  days  of  Liszt,  once 
more  became  as  remarkable  a  centre  of  the  higher  life  as  it  had  been  in  the  time  of 
Goethe.  Book  contains  letters  from  Wagner,  Clara  Schumann,  Fetis,  Berlioz,  Dingel- 
stedt,  Freytag,  Rubinstein,  Delacroix,  Richter,  Leopold  Damrosch,  Menzel,  Meissner, 
Heyse,  Countess  Potocka  and  many  others. 

Scepeaux,   Frangois   de,  seigneur  de    Vieilleville,  comte   de  Duresial.     See 

VieiUeville,  seigneur  de,  Francois  de  Scepeaux,  comte  de  Durestal. 
Schiller,  Johann  Christoph  Friedrich  von.  92  S334h 

Hecker,  Max  F.  ed.  Schillers  personlichkeit;  urtheile  der  zeitge- 
nossen  und  documente  gesammelt  von  Max  Hecker.    3v.     1904-09. 

V.3  is  edited  by  Julius  Petersen. 

Contains  Schiller's  autobiography  and  extracts  from  letters  and  published  rem- 
iniscences of  relatives,  friends  and  acquaintances,  v.i  is  concerned  with  the  poet's 

Schillingsfurst,  Chlodwig  Karl  Viktor,  fiirst  zu  Hohenlohe.    See  Hohen- 

lohe-Schillingsfiirst,  Chlodwig  Karl  Viktor,  fiirst  zu. 
Schimmelpenninck,  Mrs  Mary  Anne  (Galton).  92  S335 

Life  of  Mary  Anne  Schimmelpenninck;  ed.  by  C.  C.  Hankin.  2v. 
1858.    Longman. 

v.l.     Autobiography,  1778-93. 
V.2.     Biographical  sketch  and  letters,  1793-1856. 
English  author  (i  778-1 856). 

"Miss  Hankin's  Life  of  Mrs.  Schimmelpenninck ...  a  somewhat  one-sided  and  rose- 
coloured  performance,  is  the  chief  authority."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Schnorr  von  Carolsfeld,  Julius.    See  Artists,  9.1405. 


Schultz,  James  Willard.  92  S3872 

My  life  as  an  Indian;  the  story  of  a  red  woman  and  a  white  man  in 

the  lodges  of  the  Blackfeet.     1907.     Doubleday. 

Appeared  in  "Forest  and  stream,"   1905-06,  under  the  title  "In  the  lodges  of  the 

Blackfeet"  and  over  the  pseudonym  W.  B.  Anderson. 

True  and  interesting  account.     The  author  when  a  young  man  went  west  in  search 

of  adventure,  and  lived  for  many  years  with  the  Blackfeet  Indians,  marrying  into  their 


Schiimann,  Frau  Clara  (Wieck).  92  S3922I 

Litzmann,  Berthold.  Clara  Schumann;  ein  kiinstlerleben  nach  tage- 
buchern  und  briefen.    v.3.    1909. 

V.3.     Clara  Schumann  und  ihre  freunde,   1856-1896. 

Clara  Schumann  (1819-96)  was  disting^uished  as  a  composer  and  pianist  and  as  the 
wife  of  Robert  Schumann.  Her  biographer  had  at  his  disposal  a  rich  collection  of  un- 
published material,  including  her  letters,  and  diaries  covering  the  years  from  1827  to 

For  v.i-2  see  preceding  catalogue,  second  series. 

Schumann,  Robert.  92  S392 

Letters;  selected  and  ed.  by   Karl  Storck,  tr.  by  Hannah   Bryant. 

1907.     Dutton. 

Over  100  of  his  best  letters,  grouped  in  sections  illustrating  the  main  divisions  of 

his  career. 

Schurman,  Anna  Maria  van.  92  S3942b 

Birch,  Una.  Anna  van  Schurman,  artist,  scholar,  saint.  1909.  Long- 

"List  of  Anna  van  Schurman's  works,"  p. 19s;  "Bibliography,"  p.196-198. 

Anna  van  Schurman  (1607-78)  during  her  earlier  life  achieved  fame  as  artist,  student 
of  oriental  lang^uages  and  advocate  of  woman's  rights.  In  later  life  she  relinquished  art 
and  studies  and  friends  to  devote  herself  to  the  cause  of  Jean  de  Labadie  and  his  new 
sect.  Much  of  the  hook  is  devoted  to  the  religious  controversies  between  the  Calvinists 
and  Arminians  at  that  time. 

Schurz,  Carl.  92  S394 

Lebenserinnerungen.    3v.     1906-12. 

V.I.     Bis  zum  jahre  1852. 

V.2.     Von  1852  bis  1870. 

v.3.     Briefe  und  lebensabriss. 

Recollections  of  the  well-known  journalist  and  statesman  (i 829-1 906).  They  in- 
clude an  account  of  his  school  days  at  Cologne  and  the  University  of  Bonn,  of  the  part 
that  he  played  in  the  revolution  of  1848—49,  of  his  coming  to  the  United  States  in  1852 
and  of  his  services  during  the  Civil  war.  The  third  volume  contains  a  selection  of  in- 
timate letters  to  his  family  and  friends,  and  a  brief  account  of  his  political  career  from 
1869  to  1906  by  Frederic  Bancroft  and  W.  A.  Dunning. 

Schurz,  Carl.  92  S394r 

Reminiscences.    3v.    1907-08.    McClure. 

v.  I.      1829-52. 

V.2.        1852-63. 

v.3.  1863-69;  with  a  sketch  of  his  life  and  public  services  from  1869  to  1906,  by 
Frederic  Bancroft  and  W.  A.  Dunning. 

v.1-2  appeared  in  "McClure's  magazine,"  v.26-29,  Nov.  1905-June  1907. 

Schurz,  Carl.  r92  S394C 

Carl  Schurz  memorial — New  York  committee.  Addresses  in  mem- 
ory of  Carl  Schurz,  Carnegie  hall.  New  York,  Nov.  21,  1906. 

Contains  addresses  by  Joseph  H.  Clhoate,  Grover  Qeveland,  Oiarles  W.  Eliot,  Eugene 
Kiihnemann  (in  German),  Charles  J.  Bonaparte,  Hermann  A.  Schumacher,  Booker  T. 
Washington,  and  a  poem  by  Richard  Watson  Gilder. 

Scott,  David.    See  Artists,  p.  1403. 


Scott,  Sir  George  Gilbert.  92  S426 

Personal  and  professional  recollections;  ed.  by  his  son  G.  G.  Scott, 
with  an  introduction  by  J.  W.  Burgon.     1879.     Low. 

Scott  (181 1-78)  was  an  eminent  English  architect,  a  leader  in  the  Gothic  revival. 
He  was  employed  in  restoring  many  old  English  churches,  notably  Westminster  abbey 
and  Ely  cathedral.  It  is  with  this  phase  of  his  work  rather  than  with  the  erection  of 
new  churches,  public  buildings,  etc.  that  these  recollections  are  concerned. 

Scott,  Sir  Walter.  92  S431C 

Crockett,  William  Shillinglaw,  &  Caw,  J.  L.  Sir  Walter  Scott.  1903. 
Hodder.     (Bookman  biographies.) 

Scott,  Sir  Walter.  92  S43isk 

Skene,  James.  Memories  of  Sir  Walter  Scott;  ed.  by  Basil  Thom- 
son.    1909.    Murray.     (Skene  papers.) 

James  Skene,  a  Scottish  lawyer  with  a  love  of  letters,  was  a  lifelong  friend  of 
Scott.  The  manuscript  of  his  "Memories"  was  offered  to  Lockhart,  who,  from  some 
motive  of  delicacy,  did  not  use  it,  and  it  has  remained  in  the  possession  of  Mr  Skene's 
descendants  ever  since.  A  great-grandson  now  publishes  it,  with  an  introduction  and 
useful  notes.  While  the  pages  reveal  nothing  of  historical  importance,  they  add  greatly 
to  an  appreciation  of  Scott's  character. 

Scott,  William,  1850-1906.  r92  S43ia 

[Allegheny  County,  Pa.  Bar  Association.]  In  memoriam  William 
Scott,  1850-1906.     [Pittsburgh.] 

Secondat,  Charles  de,  baron  de  Montesquieu.    See  Montesquieu,  Charles 

de  Secondat,  baron  de. 
Sedgfwick,  Catharine  Maria.  92  S448 

Life  and  letters;  ed.  by  M.  E.  Dewey.     1871.     Harper. 

Miss  Sedgwick  (i  789-1 867)  was  an  American  novelist  whose  writings  were  at  one 
time  very  popular.  Her  life  was  mostly  spent  in  Lenox  and  in  Stockbridge,  among  the 
Berkshire  hills. 

"The  story  of  her  life  is  a  simple  tale  as  regards  outward  circumstances.  No  strik- 
ing incidents,  no  remarkable  occurrences  will  be  found  in  it,  but  the  g^radual  unfolding 
and  ripening  amid  congenial  surroundings  of  a  true  and  beautiful  soul,  a  clear  and 
refined  intellect,  and  a  singularly  sympathetic  social  nature."     Editor. 

Sellar,  Mrs  Eleanor  Mary  (Dennistoun).  92  S467 

Recollections  and  impressions.     1907.     Blackwood. 

Mrs  Sellar  is  (1907)  the  widow  of  W.  Y.  Sellar,  who  was  at  one  time  professor 
of  Greek  at  St.  Andrews  and  from  1863  to  1890  professor  of  Latin  at  Edinburgh  Uni- 
versity. She  has  been  familiar  for  many  years  with  Scottish  society  and  university 
life.  Among  the  friends  introduced  in  her  memoirs  arc  Jowett,  Spencer,  Carlyle, 
Tennyson,  Lord  Bowen,  Henry  Smith,  Dr  John  Brown,  Principal  Shairp,  Sir  Hugh 
Playfair  and  T.  C.  Sandars. 

Sellstedt,  Lars  Gustaf.  92  S468 

From  forecastle  to  academy;  sailor  and  artist.     1904.     Matthews. 

Sellstedt  was  born  in  Sweden  in   1819.     He  beg^an  his  career  as  a  sailor  and  later 

took  up  the  study  of  art.     His  life  as  an  artist  has  been  spent  mostly  in  Buffalo,  where 

he  was  for  many  years  superintendent  of  the  Buffalo  Fine  Arts  Academy. 

Servetus,  Michael.  92  Ci44b 

Earth,  Fritz.     Calvin  und  Servet.     1909. 

Presents  minutely  the  events  and  transactions  which  brought  about  the  arrest  and 
trial  of  the  free-thinker,  Servetus,  whom  Calvin  sacrificed  for  reasons  of  state. 

Settembrini,  Luigi.  92  S495e 

Epistolario,  con  prefazione  e  note  del  Francesco  Fiorentino.     1883. 


Seward,  Anna.  92  S5142I 

Lucas,  Edward  Verrall.    A  Swan  and  her  friends.     1907.     Methuen. 

life  of  Anna  Seward,  the  English  poetess  (1742-1809),  known  to  her  contemporary 
admirers  as  the  "Swan  of  Lichfield."  Mr  Lucas  quotes  at  length  from  her  letters  and 
the  whole  book  affords  an  entertaining  picture  of  Miss  Seward  and  the  Lichfield  circle 
in  which  she  moved. 

Seward,  William  Henry.  92  L715W 

Welles,  Gideon.  Lincoln  and  Seward;  remarks  upon  the  memorial 
address  of  Charles  Francis  Adams  on  the  late  William  H.  Seward,  with 
incidents  and  comments  illustrative  of  the  measures  and  policy  of  the 
administration  of  Abraham  Lincoln  and  views  as  to  the  relative  posi- 
tions of  the  late  president  and  secretary  of  state.    1874.    Sheldon. 

Sforza,  Francesco  Alessandro,  duke  of  Milan.  r92  S523U 

Urquhart,  William  Pollard.  Life  and  times  of  Francesco  Sforza, 
duke  of  Milan,  with  a  preliminary  sketch  of  the  history  of  Italy.  2v. 
1852.    Blackwood. 

Based  on  the  life  of  Sforza  by  his  secretary,  Simoneta.  Italian  history  is  traced 
from  the  end  of  the  Roman  empire  to  the  isth  century. 

Sforza,  Isabella  of  Aragon,  duchess  of  Milan.    See  Isabella  of  Aragon, 
duchess  of  Milan. 

92  S524k 

Shaler,  Nathaniel  Southgate.  92  S528 

Autobiography,  with  a  supplementary  rhemoir  by  his  wife.  1909. 

"List  of  publications,"  p. 447-457. 

Shaler  was  (1891-1906)  dean  of  Lawrence  Scientific  School  and  (1869-1906)  pro- 
fessor of  paleontology  and  of  geology  at  Harvard.  The  autobiography,  occupying  half 
of  the  volume,  closes  with  his  enlistment  in  the  Federal  army  after  three  and  a  half 
years  of  study  at  Harvard. 

Sharp,  William.  92  S531S 

Sharp,  Mrs  Elizabeth  Amelia  (Sharp).  William  Sharp  (Fiona  Mac- 
leod);  a  memoir;  comp.  by  his  wife.     1910.    Duffield. 

"Whilst  she  reveals  the  very  inner  ego  of  a  complex,  and  to  the  outsider  most 
bewildering,  personality,  she  never  draws  the  veil  from  the  sanctuary  of  his  home  life. . . 
She  chronicles  the  outer  events  of  William  Sharp's  extraordinary  career,  bringing  out 
the  results  of  the  strange  blend  of  nationalities  in  him,  which,  to  quote  the  words  of  a 
friend,  made  him  a  'Viking  in  build,  a  Scandinavian  in  cast  of  mind,  and  a  Celt  in 
heart  and  spirit;'  noting  the  strong  influence  Nature  exercised  over  him  from  the  first, 
and  dwelling  on  the  deep  undercurrent  of  mysticism  that  was  to  the  end  of  his  life  one 
of  the  most  potent  elements  of  his  character."     Outlook  (London),  igw. 

Sharswood,  George.  qr92  S5322b 

Biddle,  George  Washington.  Sketch  of  the  professional  and  judicial 
character  of  the  late  George  Sharswood,  chief  justice  of  the  Supreme 
court  of  Pennsylvania;  an  address  delivered  before  the  Law  Associa- 
tion of  Philadelphia,  Nov.  20,  1883.     1883.     Privately  printed. 

Sharswood  (1810-83)  was  successively  judge  of  the  Philadelphia  district  court, 
president  of  that  court,  associate  judge  of  the  Supreme  court  of  Pennsylvania  and  fin- 
ally chief  justice. 


Shaw,  George  Bernard.  92  S534C 

Chesterton,  Gilbert  Keith.  George  Bernard  Shaw.  1909.  Lane. 
"Quite  as  much  a  picture  of  Mr.  Chesterton  as  a  study  of  Mr.  Shaw.  The  two- 
edged  quality  of  criticism  has  never  made  a  more  striking  or  amusing  display  of  itself 
than  in  this  analysis  of  the  supposedly. .  .Shavian. .  .characteristics. .  .As  to  the  plan  and 
scope  of  the  book,  it  begins  with  a  characteristic  assertion:  'Most  people  either  say  that 
they  agree  with  Bernard  Shaw  or  that  they  do  not  understand  him.  I  am  the  only 
person  who  understands  him,  and  I  do  not  agree  with  him.'  Then  follow. .  .chapters  on 
Mr.  Shaw  as  an  Irishman,  as  a  Puritan,  and  as  a  Progressive;  but  the  greater  part  of 
the  book  is  devoted  to  'The  Critic,'  'The  Dramatist,'  and  'The  Philosopher.'  Hence  it  is, 
as  was  natural,  more  a  study  of  the  writer  than  of  the  man."    Dial,  1909. 

Shaw,  George  Bernard.  92  S534h 

Henderson,  Archibald,  b.  1877.     George  Bernard  Shaw;  his  life  and 
works;  a  critical  biography  (authorized).     1911.     Hurst. 
Contains  a  genealogical  chart  of  the  Shaw  family. 

Though  fulsome  in  its  admiration  and  somewhat  disfigured  by  imposing  literary 
allusions,  French  phrases  and  a  journalistic  exuberance,  this  500-page  biography  is  a  docu- 
ment of  value.  It  brings  together  as  many  of  the  facts  about  Mr  Shaw's  life,  character 
and  opinions  as  he  wishes  to  be  generally  known.  There  is  no  other  authority  (1911) 
for  the  interesting  period  of  his  childhood  in  Dublin,  when  the  love  of  music  seems  to 
have  been  his  first  interest,  nor  has  so  much  been  told  before  of  his  early  literary  work 
in  London,  of  the  genesis  of  the  Fabian  Society  and  of  his  journalistic  career.  Contains 
numerous  and  interesting  illustrations. 

Shaw,  George  Bernard.  92  S534J 

Jackson,  Holbrook.  Bernard  Shaw.  1907.  Richards. 
Contents:  The  man. — The  Fabian. — The  playwright. — The  philosopher. 
This  little  book  will  afford  great  satisfaction  to  the  admirers  of  Bernard  Shaw;  for 
the  author  is  an  enthusiastic  disciple  of  that  brilliant  but  erratic  propagandist.  It  is 
cleverly  written  in  a  style  that  often  suggests  what  the  faithful  call  the  Shavian  attitude 
and  manner,  gives  an  apparently  authoritative  summary  of  his  various  theories,  political 
and  the  like,  and  furnishes  some  significant  facts  which  may  help  to  account  for  a  good 
many  of  them.     Condensed  from  Nation,  1907. 

Shaw,  Samuel.  r92  S536 

'  Journals,  with  a  life  of  the  author  by  Josiah  Quincy.    1847.    Crosby. 
Shaw   (1754-94)   served  in  the  Revolution  and  was  later  United   States  consul  at 

Sheil,  Richard  Lalor.  92  85431 

Torrens,  William  Torrens  McCullagh.  Memoirs  of  Richard  Lalor 
Sheil.    2v.     1855.    Hurst. 

The  authority  for  the  life  of  this  Irish  dramatist  and  politician  (i 791-1851). 
"Sheil  played  a  distinguished,  if  not  a  decisive,  part  in  the  history  of  his  times. 
He  was  amongst  the  foremost  of  Irish  tribunes,  and  was  in  the  House  of  Commons  a 
successful  speaker,  of  a  peculiar  kind.  In  our  Clubs  and  in  London  society  his  caustic 
tone  and  sparkling  sayings  were  familiar  to  many,  while  his  literary  accomplishments 
commended  him  to  the  regard  of  several  who  had  no  taste  for  Irish  agitation."  Athe- 
nteum,  1S55. 

Shelley,  Percy  Bysshe.  92  S545 

Letters;  collected  and  ed.  by  Roger  Ingpen.    2v.    1909.    Pitman. 

"A  large  proportion  of  the  letters  have  no  literary  and  little  biographical  value,  but 
collectively  they  all  have  an  importance  as  forming  a  link  in  a  wonderful  self-revelation 
of  an  abnormal  personality. .  .Mr.  Ingpen 's  notes  are  an  invaluable  commentary  on  the 
events  and  persons  mentioned  in  the  letters."     Outlook  (London),  1909. 

Shelley,  Percy  Bysshe.  92  S545ho 

Hogg,  Thomas  Jefferson.  Life  of  Percy  Bysshe  Shelley,  with  an 
introduction  by  Edward  Dowden.     1906.    Routledge. 

Hogg  was  Shelley's  friend  and  was  furnished  by  the  Shelley  family  with  documents 


Shelley,  Percy  Bysshe — continued.  92  S545ho 

from  which  to  write  the  poet's  biography.  The  result  was  a  surprise  and  a  disappoint- 
ment. Hogg  took  unwarrantable  liberties  with  his  materials,  and  Shelley's  representa- 
tives, fearing  that  the  prosecution  of  the  work  would  result  in  stereotyping  a  caricature, 
withdrew  the  documents  on  which  Hogg  had  depended  for  continuing  it. 

"Hogg's  offences  as  a  biographer  are  g:rave...Yet  how  much  less  we  should  have 

known  of  the  youthful  Shelley  if  Hogg  had  not  written The  book  is  indispensable  for 

one  who  would  know  Shelley;  and  yet  for  one  who  would  know  Shelley  fully  and  aright 
it  is  wholly  insufficient.  It  is  a  fragment  not  only  in  the  sense  that  it  tells  no  more 
than  a  portion  of  the  story,  it  is  fragmentary  also  in  its  presentation  of  Shelley's  char- 
acter."   Edward  Dowden,  in  introduction. 

Shelley,  Percy  Bysshe.  92  S545P 

Peacock,  Thomas  Love.  Memoirs  of  Shelley,  with  Shelley's  letters 
to  Peacock;  ed.  by  H.  F.  B.  Brett-Smith.     1909.     Frowde. 

Appeared  first  in  "Fraser's  magazine,"  v.57-62,  June  1858-March  1862. 
Among  the  memorabilia  of  Shelley's  friends  the  memoirs  which  Thomas  Love  Pea- 
cock contributed  to  the  pages  of  "Fraser's  magazine"  will  always  hold  an  important 
place.  These  memoirs  have  only  once  been  reprinted  and  have  been  for  many  years  out 
of  print.  Mr  Brett-Smith's  introduction  gives  an  account  of  Peacock's  association  with 
Shelley.  Peacock's  record  contains  many  particulars  that  are  not  to  be  found  in  other 
accounts  of  Shelley,  but  in  his  desire  for  impartiality  he  sometimes  appears  to  fail  in 
sympathy.  As  a  clear  and  circumstantial  chronicle  of  the  chief  events  in  the  poet's  life 
it  is  especially  valuable.     Condensed  from  Outlook  (London),  1910. 

Shelley,  Percy  Bysshe.  92  S545she 

Shelley,  Jane  (Gibson),  lady,  ed.  Shelley  memorials  from  authentic 
sources.     1859.    Ticknor. 

Contains  also  Essay  on  Christianity,  by  P.  B.   Shelley. 

Based  on  letters  and  journals  and  edited  by  the  poet's  daughter-in-law,  it  is  to  be 
ranked  in  authority  with  the  standard  life  by  Dowden  (92  S545d). 

Shelley,  Percy  Bysshe.  92  85455111 

Smith,  George  Barnett.  Shelley;  a  critical  biography.  1877.  Doug- 

"Mr.  Smith  undertakes  to  realise  to  us  what  Shelley  was  as  a  man  and  as  a  writer, 
introducing  the  leading  biographical  facts  more  by  way  of  illustration  than  of  regular 
narrative.  This  design  is  carried  'out  with  a  fair  amount  of  consistency,  and  a  moderate 
instalment  of  success;  and  it  was  worth  trying,  for  one  cannot  say  that  the  same  sort 
of  treatment  has  as  yet  been  applied,  in  any  substantial  form,  to  the  career  of  Shelley 
...Mr.  Smith  tells  us  a  few  things. .  .which  are  new...  others  which  are  new  without 
the  stamp  of  .truth;  and  some  which  are  decidedly  erroneous."  IV.  M.  Rossetti,  in  Acad- 
emy, 1878. 

Sheridan,  Richard  Brinsley  Butler.  92  S552si 

Sichel,  Walter  Sydney.  Sheridan,  from  new  and  original  material. 
2v.    1909.    Constable. 

Contains  also  a  manuscript  diary  by  Georgiana,  duchess  of  Devonshire  and  "Bibliog- 
raphy of  Sheridan's  works,  published  and  unpublished,"  v.2,  P.445-4S9. 

"Following  his  usual  custom,  Mr.  Sichel  has  written  the  history  not  only  of  Sheri- 
dan but  of  his  times,  and  has  presented  us  with... the  most  complete  portrait  as  yet 
given  to  the  world  of  that  strange  genius... The  book  as  a  whole  is  a  splendid  per- 
formance, a  history  on  the  grand  scale  of  the  life  and  times  of  a  man  whose  interest  is 
imperishable."     Spectator,  1910. 

Sherman,  John,  1823-1900.  92  S553ib 

Burton,  Theodore  Elijah.  John  Sherman.  1906.  Houghton.  (Amer- 
ican statesmen.) 

The  same.    1908 r92  S553ib 

This  biography  of  the  noted  statesman  and  financier  (1823-1900)  scarcely  touches 
upon  his  private  life. 

"He  deserves  praise  for  the  conscientious  thoroughness  with   which   he   has   traced 


Sherman,  John,  1823-1900 — continued.  92  S553ib 

Sherman's  official  career,  and  for  bis  evident  reliance  upon  documentary  sources  rather 
than  upon  Sherman's  hastily  written  and  often  inaccurate  'Recollections.'  "  Nation, 

Sherman,  John,  1823-1900.  92  Ssssik 

Kerr,  Winfield  Scott.  John  Sherman;  his  life  and  public  services. 
2v.    1908.    Sherman. 

"As  a  careful  and  intelligent  compilation,  Mr.  Kerr's  work  will  hardly  need  to  be 
done  over  again,  but  the  student  of  American  history  will  not  find  in  it  anything  new; 
while  the  general  sketch  of  events,  though  making  fully  a  third  of  the  bulk,  is  quite 
without  distinction.  The  pervading  tone,  moreover,  is  persistently  eulogistic,  though  not 
offensively  so;  and  one  looks  in  vain  for  any  critical  appraisal  of  Sherman's  notable 
public  services.  On  the  whole,  the  book  does  not  displace  the  briefer  and  more  dis- 
criminating volume  by  Theodore  E.  Burton  [92  Sss3ib]."    Nation,  igo8. 

Sherman,  Gen.  William  Tecumseh.  92  Ssssh 

Home  letters;  ed.  by  M.  A.  D.  Howe.     1909.     Scribner. 

Intimate  personal  letters  from  General  Sherman  to  his  wife  and  a  few  other  people, 
giving  his  first  impressions  of  Bull  Run,  Vicksburg,  Shilob,  the  march  through  Georgia, 
and  personal  impressions  of  Grant,  Lincoln  and  other  eminent  men.  They  begin  at  West 
Point  in  1837  and  continue  through  the  war  and  until  1888. 

Shirley,  Selina,  countess  of  Huntingdon.     See  Hastings,   Selina   Shirley, 
countess  of  Huntingdon. 

Shoup,  George  Laird.  qr92  S559U 

United  States — Congress.  Statue  of  George  Laird  Shoup,  late  a 
senator  from  Idaho,  erected  in  statuary  hall  of  the  Capitol  at  Washing- 
ton; proceedings  in  the  House  of  representatives  and  the  Senate  on  the 
occasion  of  the  reception  and  acceptance  of  the  statue  from  the  state 
of  Idaho.     1910.     (6ist  cong.    2d  sess.     Senate.    Doc.  no.468.) 

Shrewsbury,  Elizabeth  (Hardwick)  Talbot,  countess  of.  92  S56ir 

Rawson,  Mrs  Maud  Stepney.  Bess  of  Hardwick  and  her  circle. 
1909.    Lane. 

The  prevailing  fashion  of  mingling  history  and  fiction  is  strikingly  exemplified  by 
[this  book]... in  which  the  life  of  one  of  the  most  famous  of  the  Tudor  termagants  is 
exhibited  in  a  bewildering  maze  of  original  'letters,  biographical  narrative,  and  frankly 
imaginary  dialog^ies  and  interludes ...  The  life  of  'Bess  of  Hardwick'  typifies  everything 
which  a  stormy  and  tempestuous  career  in  Tudor  times  might  be  expected  to  bring  forth. 
Four  times  wedded... she  devoted  herself  first  and  foremost  to  securing  the  worldly 
welfare  of  the  children  of  her  second  marriage;  and  she  became  the  grandmother  of 
Arabella  Stuart,  and  the  foundress  of  the  fortunes  of  the  house  of  Devonshire."  Na- 
tion, 1911. 

Siboutie,  Frangois  Louis  Poumies  de  La.    See  Poumies  de  La  Siboutie, 
Francois  Louis. 

Siddons,  Mrs  Sarah  (Kemble).  92  L426k 

Knapp,  Oswald  Greenwaye,  ed.  An  artist's  love  story,  told  in  the 
letters  of  Sir  Thomas  Lawrence,  Mrs  Siddons  and  her  daughters.  1904. 

"Not  of  overmuch  importance  as  a  contribution  to  artistic  and  dramatic  biography. 
Its  main  theme,  the  double  courtship  by  Sir  Thomas  Lawrence  of  Mrs.  Siddons'  two 
daughters,  Sally  and  Maria,  has  long  since  been  established. .  .The  value  of  this  cor- 
respondence consists,  in  fact,  in  its  repeated  illustration  of  bygone  manners  and  habits 
of  thought."     Athenctum,  1904. 

Illustrated  by  several  reproductions  of  portraits  by  Lawrence. 


Sidney,  Algernon.  92  856926 

Ewald,  Alexander  Charles.  Life  and  times  of  the  Hon.  Algernon 
Sydney,  1622-1683.    2v.     1873.    Tinsley. 

Sidney,  English  patriot  and  politician,  was  the  son  of  the  second  earl  of  Leicester. 
After  the  discovery  of  the  Rye  house  plot  he  was  imprisoned  in  the  Tower  of  London 
on  the  charge  of  being  implicated,  and  was  eventually  executed.  This  biography  con- 
tains an  analysis  of  his  "Discourses  concerning  government" 

Sidney,  Sir  Philip.  r92  S569g 

Greville,  Fulke,  baron  Brooke.  Life  of  Sir  Philip  Sidney,  etc.,  first 
published  1652,  with  an  introduction  by  Nowell  Smith.  1907.  Claren- 
don Press. 

As  a  memorial  of  friendship  it  is  worthy  of  a  place  among  the  classics  of  human 
history.  It  is  the  source  of  the  classical  story  of  Sidney's  death;  it  is  the  best  likeness 
of  the  young  "president  of  learning  and  chivalry"  which  has  been  left  us  by  a  con- 
temporary; and  it  is  a  remarkable  testimony  by  an  experienced  statesman  to  the  great- 
ness of  Elizabeth's  government.  The  whole  work  commands  admiration  as  an  archaic 
but  noble  expression  of  the  same  spirit  of  chivalry  that  animated  Sidney  and  Spenser. 
Condensed  from  Croll's  IVorks  of  Fulke  Greville. 

Siemens,  Werner  von.  92  S57ib 

Beta,  Ottomar  Heinrich.  Werner  von  Siemens;  ein  bahnbrecher  in 
der  wissenschaft,  technik  und  ethik;  ein  volksabend.    1910. 

Silvius,  .^neas.    See  Pius  II,  pope. 

Simpson,  Matthew,  bp.  92  S6132C 

Crooks,  George  Richard.     Life  of  Bishop  Matthew  Simpson  of  the 

Methodist  Episcopal  church.     1891.     Harper. 

The  same rga  S613C 

"The  published  works  of  Bishop  Simpson,"  p.475. 

Bishop  Simpson  (181 1-84)  was,  during  the  first  years  of  his  ministry,  pastor  of 
the  Liberty  street  church  of  Pittsburgh.  He  was  made  bishop  in  1852  and  ranked  as 
one  of  the  most  eloquent  preachers  in  the  Methodist  church. 

Sims,  James  Marion.  92  S614 

Story  of  my  life;  ed.  by  his  son,  H.  Marion-Sims.    1884.    Appleton. 

Noted  Southern  surgeon  (1813-83). 

The  autobiography  extends  only  through  the  year  1863. 

"It  requires  a  very  clear  conscience  and  perfect  guilelessness  to  expose  one's  self  as 
he  has  done;  but  having  done  it  the  reader  sees  an  earnest  man  of  complete  purity,  dis- 
charging his  daily  duty  with  singleness  of  purpose,  and  reaching  fame  by  conscientiout 
and  intelligent  exercise  of  brain  and  hand.  But  the  story  is  more  than  an  autobiogra- 
phy: it  not  merely  illustrates  the  evolution  of  a  South  Carolina  lad  into  one  of  the  most 
useful  and  conspicuous  of  modern  benefactors;  it  is  local  history  interpreting  rural  life 
in  that  section  fifty  years  ago."    Nation,  1885. 

Stowacki,  Juliusz.  92  S634 

Listy  Juljusza  Slowackiego,  z  autografow  poety;  wydat  po  raz  pierw- 
szy  Leopold  Meyet.    2v.  in  i.     1899. 

Smith,  Gold  win.  92  S6482 

Reminiscences;  ed.  by  Arnold  Haultain.  1910.  Macmillan. 
Goldwin  Smith  (1823-19 10)  was  a  publicist  of  two  nations.  Educated  at  Oxford,  he 
became  a  tutor  and  then  a  professor  there.  In  1868  he  came  to  America  and  was  for 
two  years  professor  in  Cornell  University.  Thence  he  went  to  Toronto,  where  the  last 
40  years  of  his  life  were  spent.  He  was  a  reasonable  and  constant  critic  of  public 
events,  and  of  this  his  reminiscences  pve  abundant  evidence.  Among  the  topics  dis- 
cussed are  American  Civil  war  times,  the  Manchester  school  of  political  economy  and  its 
leaders,  visits  to  Jamaica,  Europe,  Washington  and  the  Northwest,  and  Canadian  politics. 


Smith,  Capt.  John.  92  S652I 

Lindsay,  Charles  Harcourt  Ainslie  Forbes-.    John  Smith,  gentleman 

adventurer.     1907.    Lippincott. 

The  same jg2  S652I 

The  eventful  life  of  Capt.  John  Smith.  The  first  half  of  the  book  deals  with  his 

adventures  as  a  soldier  of  fortune  in  many  parts  of  the  world,  the  second  half  gives 

the  familiar  history  of  his  experiences  in  America. 

Smith,  Mrs  Margaret  (Bayard).  92  S655a 

First  40  years  of  Washington  society,  portrayed  by  [her]  family 
letters,  from  the  collection  of  her  grandson,  J.  H.  Smith;  ed.  by  Gaillard 
Hunt.     1906.    Scribner. 

Author  was  the  wife  of  Samuel  H.  Smith,  editor  of  the  "National  intelligencer," 
and  her  home  was  the  resort  of  the  most  interesting  characters  in  Washington  life.  She 
was  the  intimate  friend  of  Jefferson,  of  the  Madisons,  Qays  and  Calhouns,  and  she 
entertained  Harriet  Martineau  when  she  came  to  Washington  on  her  famous  tour. 

Smith,  Rodney,  called  Gipsy  Smith.  92  S658 

Gipsy  Smith;  his  life  and  work,  by  himself;  introductions  by  G.  C. 
Morgan  and  Alexander  McLaren.    1908.    Revell. 

Popular  evangelist,  born  near  Epping  forest,  England  in  i860. 

Smull,  John  Augustus.  qr92  S666e 

Egle,  William  Henry,  ed.  Memorial  of  John  Augustus  Smull.  1881. 

92  S6662b 

92  S678S 

Solomon  bar  Isaac.    See  Rashi,  Solomon  bar  Isaac,  calkd. 

Sophia,  consort  of  Ernest  Augustus,  elector  of  Hanover.  92  S7122W 

Ward,  Adolphus  William.  Electress  Sophia  and  the  Hanoverian 
succession.    1909.    Longmans. 

Appendices:  Genealogical  tables. — Correspondence  between  Princess  Sophia  Doro- 
thea and  Count  Konigsmarck;  from  the  Berlin  secret  archives  of  state,  with  introductory 
note  and  translation. — Note  on  the  religious  situation  in  Scotland  as  it  affected  the 
Hanoverian  succession,  by  R.  S.  Rait. 

"The  strange  story  of  the  way  in  which  Sophia,  youngest  of  the  13  children  of 
Elizabeth,  daughter  of  James  I.  of  England,  became  heiress-presumptive  to  the  throne 
of  the  Stuarts . . .  The  part  which  the  mother  played  in  the  advancement  of  her  family  is 
made  clearly  evident."     American  historical  review,  J910. 

Sorolla  y  Bastida,  Joaquin.    See  Artists,  p.1412. 

Soto,  Hernando  de.  92  S718W 

Wilmer,  Lambert  A.  Life,  travels  and  adventures  of  Ferdinand  de 
Soto,  discoverer  of  the  Mississippi.    1858.    Lloyd. 

"Written  in  a  style  worthy  of  its  subject.  The  story  of  De  Soto's  life  is  told  with 
a  vigor  and  nervous  energfy,  characteristic  of  his  restless  career."  Field's  Indian  bibli- 

Southey,  Robert.  92  S737 

Life  and  correspondence;  ed.  by  his  son,  C.  C.  Southey.  6v.  1849- 
50.    Longman. 

"List  of  the  publications  of  Robert  Southey,"  v.6,  p.397-402. 

The  best  authority  for  Southey's  life  is  his  voluminous  correspondence.  The  bio- 
graphical link  by  his  son  is  very  imperfect 


Southcy,  Robert.  92  C688co 

Cottle,  Joseph.  Reminiscences  of  Samuel  Taylor  Coleridge  and 
Robert  Southey.     1847.    Houlston. 

"The  book  [which  was  written  by  Coleridge's  publisher]  is  very  inaccurate  in  its 
dates,  and... the  documents  quoted  are  seriously  garbled.  Reprehensible  and  in  some 
parts  absurd,  it  is,  however,  by  no  means  dull,  and  besides  its  curious  and  valuable  par- 
ticulars of  the  early  literary  career  of  Coleridge  and  Southey,  has  notices  of  other  in- 
teresting persons,  otherwise  little  known,  such  as  Robert  Lovell  and  William  Gilbert." 
Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Sparks,  Jared.  r92  S736 

Letter  to  Lord  Mahon;  being  an  answer  to  his  letter  addressed  to 
the  editor  of  Washington's  writings.     1852.     Little. 

Lord  Mahon,  afterward  earl  of  Stanhope,  accused  Sparks  of  having  made  un- 
warranted additions  and  omissions  in  the  editing  of  Washington's  writings.  A  con- 
troversy followed  in  which  Lord  Mahon  was  forced  to  withdraw  his  most  serious  charges. 
In  this  letter  Sparks  further  defends  and  explains  himself. 

Sparks,  Jared.  qr92  S736m 

Mayer,  Brantz.     Memoir  of  Jared  Sparks;  read  before  the  annual 

meeting  [of  the  Maryland  Historical  Society],  Feb.  7,  1867.     [1867.} 

(Maryland  Historical  Society.     Publications.) 

Short  account  of  the  life  and  literary  labors  of  the  American  historian  (i  789-1 866). 

Sparrow,  William.  r92  S737 

Life  and  correspondence,  by  Cornelius  Walker.  1876.  Hammond. 
William  Sparrow  (1801-74)  was  an  Episcopal  clergyman,  for  many  years  professor 

in  the  Episcopal  Theological  Seminary  at  Alexandria,  Va. 

Spencer,  Herbert.  92  S745d 

Duncan,  David.     Life  and  letters  of  Herbert  Spencer.     2v.     1908. 


"List  of  Herbert  Spencer's  writings,'*  v.2,  p.366-381. 

Mr  Duncan  was  chosen  by  Spencer  as  his  biogrrapher.     Much  of  the  matter  is  a 

repetition  of  the  "Autobiogfraphy,"  but  some  new  letters  are  added  and  a  history  of  hi» 

opinions  written  by  Spencer  himself. 

Spencer,  Herbert.  92  S745t 

Thomson,  John  Arthur.  Herbert  Spencer.  1906.  Dent.  (English 
men  of  science.) 

92  S7582k 

Spofford,  Ainsworth  Rand.  qr92  S7622d 

District  of  Columbia  Library  Association.  Ainsworth  Rand  Spof- 
ford, 1825-1908;  a  memorial  meeting  at  the  Library  of  Congress  on 
Thursday,  Nov.  12,  1908.     [1909.] 

"List  of  the  writings  of  Dr.  Spofford,  comp.  under  the  direction  of  A.  P.  C.  Grif- 
fin," p.61-84. 

Tributes  from  friends  and  colleagues  to  the  memory  of  Dr  Spofford,  librarian  of 
Congress,  1864-97. 

Stael-Holstein,  Anne  Louise  Germaine  (Necker),  baronne  de.  92  S77S 

Ten  years'  exile;  or,  Memoirs  of  that  interesting  period  of  the  life 
of  the  baroness  de  Stael-Holstein,  written  by  herself,  during  the  years 
1810-13,  and  now  first  published  from  the  original  ms.  by  her  son;  tr. 
from  the  French.    1821.    Collins. 

Fragmentary  memoirs,  covering  the  years  1800-04  and  181 0-12.     Mme  de  Stael  was 


Stael-Holstein,  A.  L.  G.  (Necker),  baronne  de — continued.  ga  S778 

exiled  because  of  her  open  hostility  to  Napoleon.  She  first  visited  Germany,  where  she 
made  the  acquaintance  of  Schiller  and  Goethe,  then  Italy,  obtaining  there  the  materials 
for  her  famous  novel  "Corinne,"  and  later  traveled  in  Austria,  Russia,  Sweden  and  Eng- 

Stael- Hoist ein,  Anne  Louise  Germaine  (Necker),  baronne  de.  92  877811 
Nolde,  Elisabeth,  baronne  de,  ed.  Madame  de  Stael  and  Benjamin 
Constant;  unpublished  letters,  together  with  other  mementos  from  the 
papers  left  by  Mme  Charlotte  de  Constant;  tr.  from  the  French  by- 
Charlotte  Harwood.     1907.    Putnam. 

Baronne  de  Nolde,  who  is  the  great-granddaughter  of  Mme  de  Constant,  furnishes 
the  necessary  connecting  narrative  to  the  letters. 

"They  are  interesting  and  characteristic,  though  they  do  not  affect  the  judgement 
which  the  world  has  long  since  delivered  upon  the  two  famous  writers."  Outlook  (Lon- 
don), 1907. 

Stanhope,  Lady  Hester  Lucy.  92  S786r 

Roundell,  Mrs  Julia  Anne  Elizabeth  (Tollemache).  Lady  Hester 
Stanhope.    1909.     Murray. 

"We  follow  the  eccentric  career  of  Lady  Hester  Stanhope  from  the  time  when  she 
shone  in  English  political  circles — the  favorite  niece  of  Pitt — on  to  the  amazing  Eastern 
life  and  adventures  which  give  her  such  special  claims  to  remembrance  —  The  account 
of  her  residence  at  Djoun  among  the  Syrians,  who  regarded  her  with  awe-struck  wonder, 
reads  rather  like  some  romantic  imagination  than  a  sober  narrative  of  fact . . .  Mrs. 
Roundell  has  drawn  largely  on  the  memoirs  of  Dr.  Meryon,  for  years  resident  physician 
of  the  brilliant  and  fantastic  lady,  but  she  has  also  turned  to  interesting  foreign 
sources."     Outlook  (London),  1910. 

Stanhope,  Philip  Dormer,  earl  of  Chesterfield.     See  Chesterfield,  Philip 
Dormer  Stanhope,  earl  of. 

Stanley,  Sir  Henry  Morton.  92  S7872 

Autobiography;  ed.  by  his  wife,  Dorothy  Stanley.    1909.    Houghton. 

Sir  Henry  Stanley  (1841-1904)  prepared  the  greater  part  of  this  work,  the  supple- 
mentary narrative  being  made  up  from  his  letters,  diaries,  etc.  It  is  an  extraordinary 
life-record,  beginning  in  the  workhouse,  where  he  was  cruelly  treated,  continuing  in  a 
hand-to-mouth  existence,  a  voyage  to  America,  soldier  life  in  the  Civil  war,  the  ups  and 
downs  of  journalism,  and  finally,  the  African  explorations  which  made  him  famous. 

Stanley,  William  Ford.  92  S7898 

William  Ford  Stanley;  his  life  and  work;  ed.  by  Richard  Inwards. 
191 1.    Lockwood. 

Stanley  (i  829-1 909)  was  a  maker  of  mathematical  drawing  instruments,  inventor  of 
various  mechanical  devices,  writer  on  mechanical  subjects  and  founder  of  the  technical 
school  at  South  Norwood,  England. 

Stanton,  Edwin  McMasters.  9a  S7922C 

Carnegie,  Andrew.     Edwin  M.  Stanton.     1906.     Doubleday. 
The  same rga  S7922C 

Address  on  Stanton  memorial  day  at  Kenyon  College. 

The  address  dwells  chiefly  on  the  value  of  the  services  rendered  by  Stanton  as 
secretary  of  war. 

Stark,  Gen.  John.  •  rga  S795S 

•  Stark,  Caleb.  Memoir  and  official  correspondence  of  Gen.  John 
Stark,  with  notices  of  several  other  officers  of  the  Revolution;  also  a 
biography  of  Capt.  Phinehas  Stevens  and  of  Col.  Robert  Rogers,  with 
an  account  of  his  services  in  America  during  the  "Seven  years'  war." 
i860.     Lyon. 


Steams,  George  Luther.  92  87995 

Stearns,  Frank  Preston.    Life  and  public  services  of  George  Luther 

Stearns.    1907.    Lippincott. 

Stearns   (1809-67)   was  identified  ■with  the  antislavery  cause  and  was  one  of  the- 

first  to  advocate  the  forming  of  negro  regiments  at  the  time  of  the  Civil  war. 

Stedman,  Edmund  Clarence.  92  S8ia 

Life  and  letters  of  E.  C.  Stedman,  by  Laura  Stedman  and  G.  M. 
Gould.   2v.    1910.    Moffat. 

"Bibliography,"  v.2,  P.613-6S4. 

These  portly  volumes  reveal  an  exceedingly  manly,  kindly,  alert  and  engaging  per- 
sonality. They  are  sure  to  be  of  great  service  to  close  students  of  Mr  Stedman's  career 
and  of  the  period  of  which  he  was  probably  the  most  distinguished  poet  and  critic. 

Steiner,  Edward  Alfred.  92  8822^ 

Against  the  current;  simple  chapters  from  a  complex  life.  1910. 

Author's  early  life  was  lived  in  a  little  Hungarian  town  where  Magyar,  Slav,  Ger- 
man and  Jew  lived  in  close  proximity,  and  where  racial  and  religious  questions  were 
matters  of  most  vital  interest.  He  describes  some  of  the  scenes  which  stand  out  most 
clearly  from  this  backgrround  of  his  early  boyhood  and  which  influenced  him  in  his  later 

Stephen,  Sir  Leslie.  92  88282: 

Life  and  letters;  by  F.  W.  Maitland.     1906.    Duckworth. 

Sir  Leslie  Stephen  (1832—1904)  was  preeminent  as  a  critic,  thinker  and  philosopher 
and  as  editor  of  the  "Dictionary  of  national  biography."  Mr  Maitland,  who  was 
Stephen's  intimate  friend  for  many  years  and  his  kinsman  by  marriage,  tells  with  much 
detail  the  story  of  his  life  and  brings  together  many  of  his  letters.  One  of  the  most 
interesting  chapters  is  devoted  to  Stephen's  first  visit  to  the  United  States,  as  some  of 
the  best  letters  are  written  to  his  American  friends,  notably  Charles  Eliot  Norton, 
James  Russell  Lowell  and  Oliver  Wendell  Holmes. 

Stephens,  Alexander  Hamilton.  ga  S833- 

Recollections  of  Alexander  H.  Stephens;  his  diary  kept  when  a 
prisoner  at  Fort  Warren,  Boston  harbour,  1865,  giving  incidents  and 
reflections  of  his  prison  life  and  some  letters  and  reminiscences;  ed. 
with  a  biographical  study  by  M.  L.  Avary.    1910.    Doubleday. 

Sterne,  Laurence.  92  S839C 

Cross,  Wilbur  Lucius.     Life  and  times  of  Laurence  Sterne.     1909. 


Descriptive  bibliography  of  Sterne's  manuscripts  and  published  works,  P.S24-S37- 
Full  and  interesting  record  of  the  life  of  the  English  humorist,  based  on  a  careful 

examination  of  letters  and  documents.     Author  is   (1909)   professor  of  English  in  the- 

Sheffield  Scientific  School  of  Yale  University.     Portraits. 

Sterne,  Laurence.  92  S839S 

Sichel,  Walter  Sydney.    Sterne;  a  study.    1910.    Williams. 

Contains  also  Sterne's  "Journal  to  Eliza." 

Mr  Sichel  has  brought  forward  a  few  fresh  facts  and  documentary  matter  hitherto- 
unpublished,  notably  the  "Journal  to  Eliza."  The  debt  which  subsequent  writers  owe 
to  Sterne  is  examined  with  insight. 

Stevens,  Phineas.  r92  87958- 

Stark,  Caleb.  Memoir  and  official  correspondence  of  Gen.  Johi» 
Stark,  with  notices  of  several  other  officers  of  the  Revolution;  also  a 
biography  of  Capt.  Phinehas  Stevens  and  of  Col.  Robert  Rogers,  with 
an  account  of  his  services  in  America  during  the  "Seven  years'  war."" 
i860.    Lyon. 


Stevenson,  Robert  Louis.  92  884812 

Letters;  ed.  by  Sidney  Colvin.    4v.    191 1.    Scribner. 
Biographical  edition. 

These  four  volumes  constitute  a  definitive  edition  of  Stevenson's  correspondence. 
Here  the  two  series,  "Vailima  letters"  and  "Letters  to  his  family  and  friends,"  are 
united  and  set  in  chronological  order,  with  the  addition  of  some  150  new  letters.  The 
result  is  a  comprehensive  view  of  Stevenson's  life  and  interests  as  revealed  in  his  letters. 
The  new  letters  relate  for  the  most  part  to  his  early  life  and  the  correspondents  of  this 
fresh  instalment  are  mainly  Sidney  Colvin,  Mrs  Sitwell,  W.  £.  Henley,  and  the  writer's 

Stevenson,  Robert  Louis.  92  S848m 

Moors,  H.  J.    With  Stevenson  in  Samoa.    1910.    Small. 

These  memoirs,  while  adding  little  of  importance  to  our  knowledge  of  Stevenson's 
character,  are  distinctly  interesting  because  of  the  angle  from  which  they  are  written. 
The  author,  a  shopkeeper,  dealer  in  real  estate,  and  local  politician  in  Samoa,  had  an 
interest  in  his  subject  which  was  rather  neighborly  than  literary.  Book  bears  witness  to 
the  friendliest  intimacy  and  to  the  fact  that  Stevenson  was  able  to  mix  familiarly  with 
all  sorts  of  men  on  their  own  ground.     Condensed  from  Nation,  igio. 

Stevenson,  Robert  Louis.  92  S848n 

[Nicoll,  Sir  William  Robertson,  &  Chesterton,  G.  K.]     Robert  Louis 

Stevenson.    1903.    Hodder.     (Bookman  biographies.) 
Brief  biography.    Many  illustrations. 

Stevenson,  Robert  Louis.  92  S848ste 

Stevenson,  Mrs  Margaret  Isabella  (Balfour).     Letters  from  Samoa, 

1891-1895;  ed.  and  arranged  by  M.  C.Balfour.     [1906.]     Methuen. 

Letters  written  by  the  mother  of  Robert  Louis  Stevenson  during  her  journey  to 
Samoa  and  her  stay  in  the  Vailima  household  until  after  his  death.  The  letters  are  a 
journal  of  family  matters  and  contain  little  that  is  new. 

Stewart,  Charles  William,  marquis  of  Londonderry.     See  Londonderry, 
Charles  William  Stewart,  afterward  Vane,  marquis  of. 

Stewart,   Robert,   marquis   of  Londonderry.     See  Londonderry,   Robert 
Stewart,  marquis  of,  1769-1822. 

Stirling,  William  Alexander,  earl  of.     See  Alexander,  William,  earl  of 

Stowe,  Mrs  Harriet  (Beecher).  92  S892tn 

McCray,  Florine  Thayer.  The  life-work  of  the  author  of  Uncle 
Tom's  cabin.    1889.    Funk. 

Written  in  popular  style  and  extremely  eulogistic  in  its  tone.  A  good  deal  of  space 
is  devoted  to  outlines  of  Mrs  Stowe's  books. 

Stowe,  Mrs  Harriet  (Beecher).  92  S892St 

Stowe,  Charles  Edward,  &  Stowe,  L.  B,     Harriet  Beecher  Stowe; 

the  story  of  her  life,  by  her  son  and  her  grandson.  191 1.  Houghton. 
This  centenary  biography  is  more  a  study  of  Mrs  Stowe's  character  and  personality 

than  of  her  literary  work.    While  making  many  intimate  revelations,  it  is  free  from  the 

tone  of  idolatry. 

Strafford,  Thomas  Wentworth,  earl  of.  92  S896C 

Cooper,  Elizabeth.  Life  of  Thomas  Wentworth,  earl  of  Strafford 
and  lord-lieutenant  of  Ireland.    2v.     1874.    Tinsley. 

Full  account  of  the  life  of  the  English  statesman   (1593-1641). 


Strauss,  Richard.  92  8912311 

Newman,  Ernest.  Richard  Strauss,  with  a  personal  note  by  Alfred 
Kalisch.     1908.    Lane. 

"Compositions  of  Richard  Strauss,"  p.  138-1 44. 

Author  is  frankly  a  partisan  of  program  music  and  as  Strauss  is  its  latest  and 
most  powerful  exponent,  Mr  Newman  is,  naturally,  a  friendly  critic,  though  a  not  un- 
thinking one. 

Stuart,  Charles  Edward,  the  Young  Pretender.  92  89296 

Ewald,  Alexander  Charles.    Life  and  times  of  Prince  Charles  Stuart, 

count  of  Albany,  commonly  called  the  Young  Pretender;  from  the  state 

papers  and  other  sources.     1883.    Chatto. 

"Mr.  Ewald  has  examined  and  made  excellent  use  of,  a  mass  of  papers  regarding 

the  Prince's  life. .  .He  has  selected  from  the  piles  of  diplomatic  dust  and  rubbish  much 

that  helps  to  give  the  reader  an  insight  into  the  character  of  Charles."     Spectator,  1876. 

Stuart,  James  Francis  Edward,  the  Pretender.  92  S9312S 

Shield,  Alice,  &  Lang,  Andrew.     The  king  over  the  water.     1907. 


"Authorities  consulted,"  p.476-479. 

Vindication  of  the  character  of  the  Old  Pretender,  James  Francis  Edward. 

Stuyvesant,  Peter.  92  89383 

Abbott,  John  Stevens  Cabot.     Peter  StuyA^esant.     1898. 
Sumner,  Charles.  92  S956sh 

Shotwell,  Walter  G.  Life  of  Charles  Sumner.  1910.  Crowell. 
"For  readers  who  wish  an  abundance  of  personal  details,  old-fashioned  summaries  of 
writings  and  speeches,  and  a  general  tone  of  unquestioning  approval,  the  book  should 
prove  eminently  acceptable ...  Unfortunately,  however,  for  the  historian,  Mr.  Shotwell's 
point  of  view  is  so  exclusively  that  of  Sumner  that  the  critical  value  of  the  work  is 
■light."    Nation,  1910. 

Suttner,  Bertha  (Kinsky),  baronin  von.  92  S967 

Memoiren.    1909. 

An  Austrian  novelist,  born  in  1843,  especially  known  for  her  efforts  to  promote 
international  peace. 

Swi?tochowski,  Aleksander.  92  S976g 

Galle,  Henryk.  Aleksander  Swigtochowski,  jako  beletrysta.  1902. 
(Ksi^zki  dla  wszystkich.) 

Swift,  Jonathan,  dean.  rgz  S9778 

Sheridan,  Thomas,  1721-88.  Life  of  the  Rev.  Dr  Jonathan  Swift, 
dean  of  St.  Patrick's,  Dublin.     1784.    Bathurst. 

By  the  son  of  the  Thomas  Sheridan  who  was  one  of  Swift's  closest  friends. 

"As  Sheridan  professed  to  have  derived  information  from  his  father,  and  has  on 
the  authority  of  his  father,  and  on  the  authority  also  of  his  own  reminiscences  as  a 
boy,  contributed  new  biographical  matter,  his  name  stands  high,  and,  in  spite  of  the 
wretched  arrangement  of  his  material,  deservedly  high,  among  Swift's  biog:raphers." 
John  Churton  CoUins's  Jonathan  Swift. 

Swing,  David.  92  S9782n 

Newton,  Joseph  Fort.  David  Swing,  poet-preacher.  1909.  Unity 
Pub.  Co. 

"Bibliography,"  p.ii-12. 

Based  on  letters  and  reminiscences.     Illustrated. 

"The  portrait  has  been  drawn  with  care,  with  intelligent  analysis  of  its  subject's 
mental  and  spiritual  qualities,  but  affection  and  personal  enthusiasm  have  often  pushed 
the  pencil."    Nation,  jgog. 


Sydenham,  Charles  Edward  Poulett  Thomson,  baron.  92  898225 

Shortt,  Adam.  Lord  Sydenham.   1908.   Morang.    (Makers  of  Canada.) 
Baron  Sydenham  (1799-1841)  was  made  governor-general  of  Canada  in   1839.     At 
this  critical  period,  when  a  new  constitution  had  to  be  formulated  for  the  united  prov- 
inces, he  proved  both  his  statesmanship  and  his  disinterested  devotion  to  his  country. 
Condensed  from  Dictionary  of  national  biography, 

Sydney,  Algernon.    See  Sidney,  Algernon. 

Szechen}^,  Ferencz,  grdf.  q92  8997! 

Fraknoi,  Vilmos.     Grof  Szechenyi  Ferencz,  1754-1820.     1902. 

Tahmas  Kouli  Khan,  shah  of  Persia.    See  Nadir  Shah,  shah  of  Persia. 

Taine,  Hippolyte  Adolphe.  92  Rssym 

Monod,  Gabriel.     Les  maitres  de  I'histoire;  Renan,  Taine,  Michelet. 


These  writers  were  all  personally  known  to  the  author  and  the  essays,  a  mingling 
of  biography  and  criticism,  are  extremely  sympathetic  in  their  tone. 

T^albot,  Elizabeth  (Hardwick),  countess  of  Shrewsbury.    See  Shrewsbury, 
Elizabeth  (Hardwick)  Talbot,  countess  of. 

Talbot,  Ethelbert,  bp.  92  T153 

My  people  of  the  plains.     1906.     Harper. 
Reminiscences  of  his  life  as  missionary  bishop  of  Wyoming  and  Idaho. 

Talleyrand-Perigord,  Charles  Maurice,  prince  de  Benevent.  92  T161I 

Lacombe,  Bernard  Mercier  de.  Talleyrand  the  man;  tr.  from  the 
French  of  "La  vie  privee  de  Talleyrand,"  by  A.  D'Alberti.  1910.  Her- 

Appendix  contains  "Narrative  of  his  relations  with  M.  de  Talleyrand,"  by  Abb6 

Not  a  treatise  on  the  whole  of  Talleyrand's  private  life,  but  an  account  of  certain 
episodes  in  it,  in  particular  his  exile,  his  marriage,  and  his  retirement  at  Valengay. 

Talleyrand-Perigord,  Charles  Maurice,  prince  de  Benevent.         92  Ti6im 
McCabe,  Joseph.    Talleyrand;  a  biographical  study.    1906.    Hutchin- 

"Bibliography,"  p.7. 

"He  has  written  a  readable  book,  giving  an  artistic  sketch... but  the  work  is  at 
several  points. .  .inadequate,  and  lacking  here  and  there  in  soundness  of  judgment... 
Mr.  McCabe  has  kept  historical  details  in  the  background. .  .with  the  aim  of  making  the 
personality  of  his  hero  stand  out  more  clearly  than  it  does  on  what  he  terms  the  'very 
crowded  canvas'  of  Lady  Blennerhassett."     Atheneeum,  1907. 

Contains  portraits. 

Talleyrand-Perigord,  Dorothee  (von  Biron),  duchesse  de.  92  T1613 

Memoirs  of  the  duchesse  de  Dino  (afterwards  duchesse  de  Talley- 
rand et  de  Sagan) ;  ed.  with  notes  by  the  princesse  Radziwill  (nee 
Castellane).    v.1-3.    1909-10.    Scribner. 

V.I.     1831-1835. 

V.2.    1836-1840. 
V.3.    1841-1850. 

"Biographical  index,"  v.  1,  p.291-349,  v.z,  p.361-429,  v.3,  p.347-409. 

The  duchesse  de  Dino  was  the  niece  of  Talleyrand,  who  was  during  the  first  three 
years  of  these  memoirs  ambassador  in  London.  She  observed  with  keen  sense  the  court 
world  of  which  she  formed  a  part,  and  her  diary  yields  some  striking  portraits  of 
eminent  people. 


Tidour  de  la  Cartrie,  Toussaint-Ambroise,  cotnte  de  la  Villenihe.  92  T166 
Memoirs  of  the  count  de  Cartrie;  a  record  of  the  extraordinary 
events  in  the  life  of  a  French  royalist  during  the  war  in  La  Vendee 
and  of  his  flight  to  Southampton  where  he  followed  the  humble  occu- 
pation of  gardener;  with  an  introduction  by  Frederic  Masson,  appen- 
dices and  notes  by  P.  A.  Pichot  and  other  hands.     1906.     Lane. 

The  result  of  the  painstaking  investigations  of  M.  Pichot,  one  of  the  most  skilful 
unravelers  of  historical  problems  connected  with  the  revolution  in  France,  establishes 
the  genuineness  of  these  memoirs  and  their  substantial  accuracy  beyond  reasonable  doubt. 
Their  interest  is  great  and  they  have  considerable  historic  value,  although  the  author 
may  not  have  played  a  preponderant  role  in  the  military  events  he  describes.  The  pub- 
lisher's account  of  the  discovery  of  the  manuscript  is  one  of  the  romances  of  publishing. 
Condensed  from  Nation,  1906. 

Tamate.    See  Chalmers,  James. 

Taou  Kwang,  emperor  of  China.  92  Ti84g 

Guetzlaff,  Carl  Friedrich  August.  I  ife  of  Taou- Kwang,  late  em- 
peror of  China,  with  memoirs  of  the  court  of  Peking;  including  a  sketch 
of  the  principal  events  in  the  history  of  the  Chinese  empire  during  the 
last  50  years.     1852.    Smith,  Elder. 

Written  by  a  German  missionary  who  lived  for  many  years  in  China  and  who  ex- 
erted considerable  influence  in  the  opening  up  of  that  country  to  the  western  world. 

Tasso,  Torquato.  92  T229b 

Boulting,  William.    Tasso  and  his  times.     1907.    Putnam. 

"List  of  authorities,"  p.309-310. 

Gives  an  account  of  the  poet's  life  and  of  Italy  in  the  latter  part  of  the  i6th  cen- 
tury, but  very  little  space  is  devoted  to  criticism  of  Tasso's  works.  Illustrated  by  por- 
traits of  the  poet  and  some  of  his  famous  contemporaries. 

Taylor,  Mrs  Laura  (Keene).    See  Keene,  Laura. 

Taylor,  William,  1765-1836.  92  T2592r 

Robberds,  John  William.  Memoir  of  the  life  and  writings  of  Wil- 
liam Taylor,  containing  his  correspondence  of  many  years  with  Robert 
Southey  and  original  letters  from  Sir  Walter  Scott  and  other  eminent 
literary  men.    2v.     1843. 

Tchaikovsky,  Peter  Ilyitch.    See  Tschaikowsky,  Peter  Ilyitch. 

Tennent,  William,  jr.  r92  T292b 

Boudinot,  Elias.    Life  of  the  Rev.  William  Tennent.    1833.    Adams. 

Tennent  (1705-77)  was  a  Presbyterian  minister  of  New  Jersey. 
Tennyson,  Alfred,  lord.  92  T295ch 

Chesterton,  Gilbert  Keith,  &  Garnett,  Richard,  1835-1906.  Tenny- 
son.    1903.     Hodder.     (Bookman  biographies.) 

The  reading  matter  is  hardly  more  than  a  summary  of  Tennyson's  life  and  work, 
but  there  are  numerous  portraits  of  the  poet,  sketches  of  his  homes  and  scenes  from 
his  poems. 

Terhxme,  Mrs  Mary  Virginia  (Hawes).    See  Harland,  Marion,  pseud. 

Terry,  Ellen.  92  T315 

Story  of  my  life;  recollections  and  reflections.     1908.    McClure. 
Appeared  in  "McClure's  magazine,"  v. 29-31,  June  1907-Dec.  1908. 
Agreeably  characteristic  of  one  of  the  brightest  personalities  of  the  modern  stage, 

yet  disappointing  in   its  comparatively   few   revelations   of   personal   intimacies.      Fully 



Thackeray,  William  Makepeace.  ga  T333C 

Chesterton,   Gilbert   Keith,   &   Melville,   Lewis.     Thackeray.     1903. 

Hodder.     (Bookman  biographies.) 
Brief  biography.     Many  illustrations. 

Thamas  Kouli  Khan,  shah  of  Persia.    See  Nadir  Shah,  shah  of  Persia. 
Thayer,  John  Adams.  ga  T341 

Getting  on;  the  confessions  of  a  publisher.    191 1.    Laurie. 

Also  published  under  the  title  "Astir;  a  publisher's  life-story." 

Breezy  and  boastful  confessions  of  an  American,  whose  business  career  has  in- 
cluded the  management  of  the  advertising  department  of  the  "Ladies'  home  journal"  and 
the  "Delineator"  and  partnership  in  the  Ridgway-Thayer  Company. 

92  T3421 

Theotocopuli,  Dominico.    See  Artists,  p.1412. 

Theresa,  St.  93  Tssigr 

Graham,  Mrs  Gabriela  Cunninghame.  Santa  Teresa,  being  some  ac- 
count of  her  life  and  times,  together  with  some  pages  from  the  history 
of  the  last  great  reform  in  the  religious  orders.     1907.    Nash. 

First  published  in  1894. 

It  is  impossible  to  resist  the  charm  of  Mrs  Cunninghame  Graham's  enthusiasm. 
She  knew  Spain  through  and  through.  She  had  followed  Theresa's  itinerary  in  much  the 
same  external  circumstances  as  those  in  which  Theresa  had  made  it.  She  revered  every 
stick  and  stone  that  bore  associations  with  the  woman  she  admired.  The  Spain  of 
Theresa  lives  again  in  her  pages.    Condensed  from  Academy,  1907. 

Thibault,  Jacques  Anatole.    See  France,  Anatole,  pseud. 

Thiers,  Adolphe.  92  T363I 

Le  Goff,  Francois.  Life  of  Louis  Adolphe  Thiers;  tr.  from  the  un- 
published manuscript  by  Theodore  Stanton.     1879.     Putnam. 

"A  very  interesting  but  much  too  laudatory  sketch  of  the  political  life  of  Thiers." 
Adams's  Manual  of  historical  literature. 

Thomas  a  Becket,  St.  g2  T373ig 

Giles,  John  Allen.  Life  and  letters  of  Thomas  a  Becket,  now  first 
gathered  from  the  contemporary  historians.    2v.    1846.    Whittaker. 

Bibliography,   v.i,   p.ii-17. 

"He  has  shown  great  industry,  no  less  than  a  laudable  desire  to  vindicate  his  sub- 
ject from  the  angry  aspersions  of  most  English  historians. .  .He  has  rendered  a  val- 
uable service  to  succeeding  biographers.  This  indeed  constitutes  the  true  value  of  his 
book.  In  its  actual  form  it  cannot  be  called  either  a  history  or  a  biography;  it  affords 
us  little  insight  into  the  important  questions  of  feudal  and  ecclesiastical  judicature;  or 
even  into  the  spirit  and  manners  of  the  age."    Athenttum,  1846. 

Thomas  a  Becket,  St.  92  T373imo 

Morris,  John.     Life  and  martyrdom  of  Saint  Thomas  Becket,  arch- 
bishop of  Canterbury  and  legate  of  the  Holy  see.     1859.     Longman. 
"Notes  and  references,"  p.397-443. 
Good  biography  based  on  contemporary  authorities.     By  an  English  Jesuit. 

Thomas  a  Becket,  St.  92  T373ir 

Robertson,  James  Craigie.  Becket,  archbishop  of  Canterbury;  a 
biography.     1859.     Murray. 

"List  of  books  referred  to,"  p.ii. 

"Mr.  Robertson  has  examined  this  vexed  and  tangled  subject  thoroughly,  and 
treated  it  with  great  ability,  with  g^reat  good  sense,  and  in  a  spirit  of  the  most  impartial 
justice."    Saturday  review,  1859. 


Thomas  a  Kempis.  92  T3733k 

Kettlewell,  Samuel.  Thomas  a  Kempis  and  the  Brothers  of  Com- 
mon Life.    1885.    Paul. 

"Beneath  all  its  superficial  faults  of  style,  the  biographical  history  which  Mr.  Kettle- 
well  has  constructed  from  practically  hidden  sources  is  both  valuable  and  interesting... 
In  addition  to  the  value  of  this  biography  as  a  storehouse  of  domestic  and  personal 
detail  from  the  religious  life  of  the  middle  ages,  it  forms  a  contribution  of  some  weight 
to  the  fuller  understanding  of  the. .  .Reformation."    Saturday  review,  1883. 

Thomas,  Ebenezer  Smith.  92  T3734 

Reminiscences  of  the  last  65  years,  commencing  with  the  battle  of 
Lexington,  also  sketches  of  his  own  life  and  times.    2v.    1840.    Case. 

The  same.    2v r92  T373 

"The  first  volume  contains  a  collection  of  sketches  upon  various  subjects:  battle  of 
Lexington,  travels  in  the  United  States,  biographical  sketches,  and  descriptions  of  Ameri- 
can cities.  Being  written  from  observation,  the  biographies  possess  some  value,  if  taken 
with  allowances.  The  second  volume  contains  the  author's  experience  as  a  bookseller 
and  editor  in  South  Carolina  and  Ohio  from  1798  to  1840.  The  comments  on  political 
and  social  life  are  interesting  and  the  style  is  quite  unique."  Larned's  Literature  of 
American  history. 

Thomas,  Theodore.  92  T376t 

Thomas,  Mrs  Rose  (Fay).  Memoirs  of  Theodore  Thomas.  1911. 

Theodore  Thomas's  life  (1835—1905)  was  for  several  decades  the  life  of  a  musical 
frontiersman.  He  was  not  only  one  of  the  first  to  give  New  Yorkers  their  musical 
education,  but  he  soon  extended  his  mission  to  a  number  of  other  cities  by  establishing 
his  musical  "highway,"  and  finally  his  orchestra  in  Chicago.  In  the  annals  of  music 
there  are  few  chapters  so  interesting  as  those  in  which  Mrs  Thomas  relates  how  the 
great  conductor  gradually  enlisted  the  sympathies  of  the  captains  of  industry  in  that 
city,  persuading  them,  with  the  aid  of  his  friends  to  erect  for  him  a  special  building. 
Orchestra  hall.     Condensed  from  Nation,  igii. 

Thompson,  Jacob.    See  Artists,  p.1403. 

Thomson,   Charles   Edward  Poulett,  baron  Sydenham.     See  Sydenham, 
Charles  Edward  Poulett  Thomson,  baron. 

Thomson,  James,  1700-48.  92  T3873m 

Macaulay,  George  Campbell.  James  Thomson.  1908.  Macmillan. 
(English  men  of  letters.) 

James  Thomson,  a  Scottish  poet,  author  of  the  "Seasons,"  was  the  first  of  the  Eng- 
lish nature  poets,  though  he  has  been  overshadowed  by  Wordsworth  and  other  later 
poets.  Mr  Macaulay  has  done  well  with  a  rather  difficult  subject.  The  comparison  of 
Thomson's  attitude  toward  nature  with  that  of  his  contemporaries  and  successors  is 
especially  well  carried  out. 

Thomson,  William,  baron  Kelvin.    See  Kelvin,  William  Thomson,  baron. 

Thoreau,  Henry  David.  r8i8  T39wr 

Journal,  1837-61;  ed.  by  Bradford  Torrey.  14V.  1906.  Houghton. 
(In  his  Writings,  v.7-20.) 

Tilden,  Samuel  Jones.  92  T464 

Letters  and  literary  memorials;  ed.  by  John  Bigelow.     2v.     1908. 


This  collection  of  letters,  public  documents  and  speeches  relate  mainly  to  Tilden's 

public  life  and  are  a  contribution  to  the  political  history  of  the  United  States  during 

the  latter  part  of  the  19th  century. 


Tilghman,  William.  r92  T4652g 

Golder,  John.  Life  of  the  Honourable  William  Tilghman,  late  chief 
justice  of  the  state  of  Pennsylvania;  comp.  from  the  eulogies  of  two  dis- 
tinguished members  of  the  Philadelphia  bar,  who  delivered  them  in 
commemoration  of  his  virtues.     1829.    Town. 

Contains  also:  An  eulogium  in  commemoration  of  Doctor  Caspar  Wistar,  by  Wil- 
liam Tilghman. 

Short  biographical  sketch.  Tilghman  (1756-1827)  became  chief  justice  in  1806. 
Dr  Wistar,  the  distinguished  Philadelphia  physician  (1761-1818),  was  a  friend  of  Tilgh- 

Tilley,  Sir  Samuel  Leonard.  92  W764h 

Hannay,    James,    b.  1842.      Wilmot    and    Tilley.       1907.       Morang. 

(Makers  of  Canada.) 

Wilmot  (1809-78)  was  attorney-general  of  New  Brunswick,  judge  of  the  Supreme 

court  and   lieutenant-governor,   1868-73.     Tilley    (1818-96)   was  lieutenant-governor  of 

New  Brunswick,  1873-78,  and  1885-93. 

Tintoretto,  Jacopo  Robusti,  called.    See  Artists,  p.1411. 
Tippoo  Tib,  Hamed  bin  Muhammed,  called.  92  T493b 

Erode,  Heinrich.  Tippoo  Tib;  the  story  of  his  career  in  central 
Africa,  narrated  from  his  own  accounts;  tr.  by  H.  Havelock,  with  a 
preface  by  Charles  Eliot.     1907.    Arnold. 

The  story,  told  largely  in  his  own  words,  of  the  adventurous  career  (1835-1905)  of 
an  Arab,  who,  though  a  slave-hunter,  contributed  iij  no  small  measure  to  the  civilization 
of  east  Africa.  He  rendered  service  to  four  explorers,  Livingstone,  Cameron,  Wiss- 
mann  and  Stanley,  accompanying  the  latter  on  his  expedition  for  the  rescue  of  Emin 
Pasha.  He  became  sultan  of  a  large  territory  to  the  west  of  Lake  Tanganyika,  as  well 
as  governor  of  the  Stanley  Falls  district  in  the  Congo  Free  State. 

Titcomb,  Timothy,  pseud.    See  Holland,  Josiah  Gilbert. 

Titian.  92  Tsssn 

Northcote,  James.  Life  of  Titian,  with  anecdotes  of  the  distin- 
guished persons  of  his  time.    2v.     1830.     Colburn. 

By  the  English  painter  and  author  (1746— 1831). 

"Northcote  had  collected  notes  and  papers  for  this  throughout  his  life;  but  the  re- 
sult is  a  confused  production,  based  mainly  on  the  earlier  life  by  Ticozzi."  Dictionary 
of  national  biography. 

Tocqueville,  Alexis  de.  92  T547m 

Memoir,  letters  and  remains  of  Alexis  de  Tocqueville;  tr.  from  the 
French.    2v.     1861.     Macmillan. 

The  brief  memoir  is  by  Gustave  de  Beaumont,  the  intimate  friend  of  de  Tocque- 
ville and  his  companion  on  the  trip  to  America.  Includes  some  unpublished  letters  and 
extracts  from  conversations  with  de  Tocqueville  taken  from  Mr  Senior's  journals. 

92  T588a 

Tolstoi,  Lyof  Nikolaievitch,  count.  '  92  T588C 

Chesterton,  Gilbert  Keith,  and  others.  Leo  Tolstoy.  1903.  Hodder. 
(Bookman  biographies.) 

Tolstoi,  Lyof  Nikolaievitch,  count.  92  T855I 

Lloyd,  J.  A.  T.  Two  Russian  reformers;  Ivan  Turgenev,  Leo  Tol- 
stoy.   [191 1.]    Paul. 

Chronology  of  Turgenev  and  a  list  of  his  works,  p.216-217;  Chronological  record  of 
Tolstoy  and  a  list  of  his  works,  with  bibliography,  p. 329-331. 

"Sympathetic  study  of  Turgenev,  the  early  influences  which  shaped  his  conceptioas 


Tolstoi,  Lyof  Nikolaievitch,  count — continued.  92  T855I 

of  life  and  his  real  self  as  shown  in  his  works,  takes  up  two  thirds  of  the  volume,  the 
rest  of  which  is  devoted  to  a  similar  study  of  Tolstoy,  with  some  slight  comparison  of 
the  two  men.  Despite  the  title,  both  are  considered  as  artists  rather  than  as  construc- 
tive reformers."    A.  L.  A.  booklist,  1911. 

Tolstoi,  Lyof  Nikolaievitch,  count.  .92  TsSSma 

Maude,  Aylmer.    Life  of  Tolstoy.    2v.    1908-10.    Constable. 

V.I.     First  50  years. 

V.2.     Later  years. 

"Chief  authorities"  at  the  end  of  the  chapters;  "List  of  Tolstoy's  chief  writings 
since  1877,  giving  approximately  the  date  when  each  was  finished,"  v.2,  p.6s9-666. 

In  spite  of  drawbacks,  a  valuable  and  in  many  ways  an  illuminatlig  biography.  Mr 
Kfaude  is  an  Englishman  who  received  part  of  his  education  in  Moscow  and  who  lived 
for  than  20  years  in  Russia,  becoming  acquainted  with  Tolstoi  in  1887.  He  more  than 
atones  for  his  inadequacy  as  a  literary  critic  by  the  understanding  with  which  he  portrays 
Tolstoi's  personality.  He  writes  with  ease  and  simplicity  and  with  an  abundance  of 
concrete  illustration.  Considerable  portions  of  the  work  have  been  revised  by  the 
countess  Tolstoi  or  by  Tolstoi  himself,  so  that  its  accuracy  may  be  generally  relied  on. 
Condensed  from  Nation,  igii. 

Tolstoi,  Lyof  Nikolaievitch,  count.  92  TsSSn 

Noyes,  George  Rapall.    Tolstoy  as  a  man  of  letters. 

Reprint  from  the  University  of  California  Chronicle,  v.  13,  no.2. 
Brief  and  appreciative  study  of  Tolstoi's  literary  work. 

Tooke,  John  Home.  r92  TSigg 

Graham,  John  Andrew.  Memoirs  of  John  Home  Tooke,  together 
with  his  valuable  speeches  and  writings;  also  containing  proofs  identi- 
fying him  as  the  author  of  the  celebrated  Letters  of  Junius.  1828. 

Tooke  (1736-18 1 2)  was  an  English  politician  and  philologist.  The  theory  that 
he  was  the  author  of  the  Junius  letters,  to  prove  which  is  the  main  purpose  of  the  book, 
seems  never  to  have  been  very  seriously  considered. 

Toole,  John  Lawrence.  92  T621 

Reminiscences  related  by  himself  and  chronicled  by  Joseph  Hatton. 

2v.    1889.    Hurst  &  Blackett. 

Toole  (1830-1906)  was  an  English  comedian,  for  many  years  manager  of  Toole's 

theatre,  London. 

Torrey,  Charles  Turner.  92  T636I 

Lovejoy,  Joseph  C.  Memoir  of  Rev.  Charles  T.  Torrey  who  died 
in  the  penitentiary  of  Maryland  where  he  was  confined  for  showing 
mercy  to  the  poor.     1847.    Jewett. 

Torrey  (1813-46)  was  devoted  to  the  cause  of  abolition  in  Maryland.  When,  in 
1844,  it  was  discovered  that  he  had  aided  in  the  escape  of  several  slaves  he  was  sentenced 
to  a  long  imprisonment.  He  died  two  years  later  from  the  effects  of  prison  life  and 
was  regarded  in  the  North  as  a  martyr  to  the  antislavery  cause. 

Toynbee,  Arnold.  93  T674m 

Milner,  Alfred,  viscount.  Arnold  Toynbee;  a  reminiscence.  1901. 

Brief  sketch,  by  a  personal  friend,  of  the  English  social  reformer  and  economist 

Trivulzio-Belgiojoso,    Cristina,    principessa.     See    Belgiojoso,    Cristina 
Trivulzio,  principessa  di. 

Triibner,  Wilhelm.    See  Artists,  p.  1405. 


Tschalkowsky,  Peter  Ilyitch.  92  T788I 

Lee,  Ernest  Markham.    Tchaikovski.    1906.    Bell.    (Bell's  miniature 

series  of  musicians.) 

"Some  books  on  Tchaikovski,"  p.64. 

Brief  biography  and  an  analysis  of  his  works. 

Turgenief,  Ivan  Sergevitch.  92  T855I 

Lloyd,  J.  A.  T.  Two  Russian  reformers;  Ivan  Turgenev,  Leo  Tol- 
stoy.    [191 1.]     Paul. 

Chronology  of  Turgenev  and  a  list  of  his  works,  p.216-217;  Chronological  record 
of  Tolstoy  and  a  list  of  his  works,  with  bibliography,  p.329-331. 

"Sympathetic  study  of  Turgenev,  the  early  influences  which  shaped  his  conceptions 
of  life  and  his  real  self  as  shown  in  his  works,  takes  up  two  thirds  of  the  volume,  the 
rest  of  which  is  devoted  to  a  similar  study  of  Tolstoy,  with  some  slight  comparison  of 
the  two  men.  Despite  the  title,  both  are  considered  as  artists  rather  than  as  construc- 
tive reformers."     A.  L.  A.  booklist,  1911. 

Turgot,  Anne  Robert  Jacques.  92  T856st 

Stephens,  William  Walker,  ed.  Life  and  writings  of  Turgot,  comp- 
troller-general of  France,  1774-6.     1895.    Longmans. 

Condensed  from  many  French  works  on  the  period.  Gives  more  space  to  his  minis- 
terial career  than  Morley  in  his  "Critical  miscellanies"  and  is  more  useful  to  the  general 
English  reader  than  Say's  biography,  which  takes  for  granted  a  detailed  knowledge  of 
French  history. 

Turner,  Joseph  Mallord  William.     See  Artists,  p.  1403. 

Tuttle,  Daniel  Sylvester.  92  T891 

Reminiscences  of  a  missionary  bishop.     1906.     Whittaker. 

Bishop  Tuttle,  of  the  diocese  of  Missouri,  is  (1907)  the  presiding  bishop  of  the 
Protestant  Episcopal  church.  He  devoted  20  years  of  his  life  to  patient  pioneer  service 
in  the  missionary  dioceses  of  Utah,  Montana  and  Idaho.  His  book  is  a  record  of  ad- 
venture, ecclesiastical  financiering  and  rescue  work  among  Mormons,  miners,  stage 
drivers  and  business  men  in  these  western  states. 

Twain,  Mark,  {pseud,  of  Samuel  Langhorne  Clemens).  92  T897he 

Henderson,  Archibald,  b.  1B77.     Mark  Twain,  with  photographs  by 

A.  L.  Coburn.     191 1.     Duckworth. 

"Bibliography   of   books,    essays   and   articles    dealing   with    Mark   Twain    (Samuel 

Langhorne  Clemens),"  p.215-230. 

Somewhat  fulsome  appreciation.     Treats  Mark  Twain  under  four  chapter  headings, 

The   man. — The   humorist. — The   world-famed   genius. — The   philosopher,    moralist   and 

sociologist.     Contains  nine  photographs. 

Twain,  Mark,  (pseud,  of  Samuel  Langhorne  Clemens).  92  T897h 

Howells,  William  Dean.  My  Mark  Twain;  reminiscences  and  criti- 
cisms.    1910.     Harper. 

The  reminiscences  appeared  in  "Harper's  magazine,"  v. 121,  July-Sept.  1910,  under 
the  title  "My  memories  of  Mark  Twain." 

Its  first  and  longer  part  is  W.  D.  Howells's  memories  of  the  great  humorist;  the 
second  part  is  a  collection  of  the  same  critic's  reviews  of  his  books,  beginning  with  that 
of  "The  innocents  abroad."  The  genial  spirit  of  the  immortal  fun-maker  himself  has 
touched  the  hundred  pages  of  reminiscence  with  characteristic  gaiety,  and  it  is  a  vivid 
picture  one  gets,  not  simply  of  Mark  Twain,  but  of  a  rare  friendship  between  two  richly 
endowed  natures.  The  record  has,  of  course,  a  charming  anecdotal  interest.  Condensed 
from  Nation,  jpio. 

Twain,  Mark,  (pseud,  of  Samuel  Langhorne  Clemens).  qr92  T897 

Mark  Twain's  70th  birthday;  record  of  a  dinner  given  in  his  honor, 
with  photographs  of  more  than  100  authors  of  imaginative  literature 
who  were  present  upon  that  occasion;  together  with  addresses  by  Mark 
Twain  and  others.    1905.    Harper. 


Tyler,  John,  1747-1813.  ga  T975t 

Tyler,  Lyon  Gardiner.  Letters  and  times  of  the  Tylers.  3v.  1884-96. 

Biographies  of  President  Tyler  and  his  father,  who  was  speaker  of  the  Virginia 
House  of  Delegates,  governor  of  Virginia  and  at  different  times  a  judge  of  the  state 
and  Federal  courts.     By  a  son  of  the  president. 

"A  most  valuable  collection  of  letters  with  a  large  body  of  narrative,  throwing  much 
light  on  Virginia  history  from  the  beginning  of  the  Revolution,  and  on  the  history  of 
the  nation  from  the  close  of  the  War  of  1812  to  the  end  of  the  Civil  War.  The  narra- 
tive is  written  in  a  tone  of  devoted  loyalty  to  the  position  of  Virginia  in  the  crises  of 
American  history  and  to  the  old  Virginia  Republicanism  of  which  the  Tylers  were  emi- 
nent exponents.  One  of  the  ablest  presentations  of  the  southern  view  of  American  his- 
tory for  the  period  which  is  covered."    Lamed' s  Literature  of  American  history. 

Tyler,  John,  1790-1862.  92  Tgyst 

Tyler,  Lyon  Gardiner.  Letters  and  times  of  the  Tylers.  3v.  1884-96. 

Tyson,  Elisha.  rga  T992t 

[Tyson,  John  S.]     Life  of  Elisha  Tyson,  the  philanthropist,  by  a 

citizen  of  Baltimore.     1825.     Lundy. 

Tyson  (1749-1824)  was  a  member  of  the  Society  of  Friends  and  a  warm  advocate 

of  the  abolition  of  slavery. 

VSmbery,  Arminius.  92  V171V 

Kiizdelmeim.     1905. 

Van  Alst3me,  Mrs  Frances  Jane  (Crosby).    See  Crosby,  Fanny  J. 

Van  Buren,  Martin.  r92  V177C 

Crockett,  David.    Life  of  Martin  Van  Buren.    1835.    Wright. 

A  political  life,  distinctly  unfriendly  in  its  tone,  published  at  the  time  Van  Buren 
was  nominated  for  the  presidency. 

Van  Buren,  Martin.  r630.6  M73 

M'Elhiney,  Thomas.     Life  of  Martin  Van  Buren.     1853.     Privately 

printed.    Pittsburgh. 

Bound  with  other  pamphlets. 

Vane,  Charles  William  Stewart,  marquis  of  Londonderry.     See  London- 
derry, Charles  William  Stewart,  afterward  Vane,  marquis  of. 

Vannucci,  Pietro.    See  Artists,  p.1410. 

Vare,  George  Augustus.  r92  V215P 

Pennsylvania — Senate.  Memorial  proceedings  upon  the  death  of 
G.  A.  Vare,  late  a  senator  from  the  first  district.     1909. 

Vaughan,  Herbert,  cardinal.  '  92  V237S 

Snead-Cox,  John  George.  Life  of  Cardinal  Vaughan.  2v.  1910. 

"It  was  of  course  inevitable  that  a  large  part  of  these  two  solid  volumes  should  be 
devoted  to  matters  exclusively  concerning  the  Roman  Church  and,  in  a  less  degree, 
Anglican  controversialists.  The  Cardinal  was... a  power  in  the  public  as  well  as  the 
religious  life  of  England.  He  was  pre-eminently  representative  of  the  English  Roman 
Catholics,  and  stood  far  apart,  in  politics  as  in  churchmanship,  from  the  Irish  hierarchy. 
The  materials  for  the  present  work  consist  mainly  of  the  Cardinal's  private  papers  and 
public  utterances,  supplemented  by  the  personal  recollections  of  Father  Considine,  S.  J., 
his  Spiritual  Director."     Outlook  (London),  igio. 


Vedder,  Elihu.  92  V243 

Digressions  of  V;  written  for  his  own  fun  and  that  of  his  friends. 
1910.    Houghton. 

"List  of  the  works  of  V  sold  since  the  year  1856,"  p.4S9-soi. 

"Throughout  the  recollections  the  method  is  circular.  No  association  is  resisted; 
far  away  events  are  linked  together  in  surprising  fashion,  yet  the  whole  gives  a  fairly 
unified  impression  of  shrewd  and  delicately  self-conscious  old  age  groping  tenderly  back 
for  the  vestiges  of  youth  and  more  vigorous  manhood. .  .Almost  from  infancy  Mr. 
Vedder  has  kept  his  sketches,  and  these  records  dotted  through  the  pages  are  an  ex- 
traordinarily interesting  feature  of  the  book."    Nation,  igio. 

Velasquez,  Diego  Rodriguez  de  Silva  y.  92  V25im 

Maxwell,  Sir  William  Stirling-.  Velazquez  and  his  works.  1855. 

"Catalogue  of  prints  after  works  of  Velazquez,"   p.237-256. 

Reprint,  with  such  additions  as  its  republication  in  a  separate  form  required,  of 
the  life  of  Velasquez  as  narrated  in  his  "Annals  of  the  artists  of  Spain,"  a  scholarly 
work  covering  a  field  virtually  unexplored  at  the  time  of  its  publication. 

Verdi,  Giuseppe.  92  V269ch 

Checchi,  Eugenio.     G.  Verdi  (1813-1901).     1901. 
"Opere  teatrali,"  p.203-208;  "Bibliografia  Verdiana,"  p.209. 

Verdi,  Giuseppe.  92  V269I 

Levi,  Primo.    Verdi.    1901. 

Verlaine,  Paul.  92  V272I 

Lepelletier,  Edmond  Adolphe  de  Bouhelier.  Paul  Verlaine;  his  life, 
his  work;  tr.  by  E.  M.  Lang.     [1909.]     Laurie. 

Verlaine  (1844-96)  was  a  French  lyric  poet. 

"An  exact  chronicle  of  a  friendship  [between  author  and  poet]  which  lasted,  with- 
out a  break,  for  thirty-six  years — that  is,  from  the  time  Verlaine  was  sixteen  to  the  time 
of  his  death;  and  a  more  sane,  loyal,  and  impartial  chronicle  of  any  man's  life  we  have 
never  read . . .  What  we  get  in  this  book,   for  the  first  time,  is  a  view  of  the  life  as  a 

whole,  with  all  that  is  beautiful,  tragic,  and  desperate  in  it It  not  only  does  honour 

to  a  great  and  unhappy  man  of  genius:  it  does  him  justice."    Athenttum,  1907. 


Verlaine,  Paul.  92  V272le 

Lepelletier,  Edmond  Adolphe  de  Bouhelier.  Paul  Verlaine;  sa  vie, 
son  oeuvre.    1907. 

Vianney,  Jean  Baptiste  Marie.  92  V294V 

Vianney,  Joseph.    The  blessed  John  Vianney,  cure  d'Ars,  patron  of 

parish  priests;  tr.  by  C.  W.  W.     1906.    Duckworth. 

Vianney   (i  786-1 859)  was  a  French  priest  of  great  goodness  and  simplicity,  whose 

influence  extended  far  beyond  the  bounds  of  his  own  parish.     The  life  is  written  by  his 


Victor  Emmanuel  II,  king  of  Italy.  92  V3HC 

Cappelletti,  Licurgo.  Storia  di  Vittorio  Emanuele  II  e  del  suo  regno. 
3v.  in  I.     [1893.] 

Victor  Emmanuel  II,  king  of  Italy.  92  V3iim 

Massari,  Giuseppe.  La  vita  ed  il  regno  di  Vittorio  Emanuele  II  di 
Savoia,  primo  re  d'ltalia.    2v.  in  i.     1897. 

Victor  Emmanuel  III,  king  of  Italy.  92  V3ii3m 

Morandi,  Luigi.     Come  fu  educato  Vittorio  Emanuele   III.     1905. 


Victoria,  queen  of  England.  92  V3i2let 

Letters  of  Queen  Victoria;  a  selection  from  Her  Majesty's  corre- 
spondence between  the  years  1837  and  1861;  pub.  by  authority  of  His 
Majesty  the  king,  ed.  by  A.  C.  Benson  and  Viscount  Esher.  3v.  1907. 

V.I.    1837-43- 

V.2.    1844-53. 

V.3.     1854-61. 

The  object  of  the  publication,  the  editors  tell  us,  is  not  to  supply  matter  to  the  his- 
torical student,  but  to  present  the  nation  with  a  portrait  of  Queen  Victoria.  With  this 
aim  such  letters  have  been  selected  as  exhibit  the  development  of  the  queen's  character, 
her  political  relations  with  her  ministers,  and  her  domestic  relations  with  her  husband 
and  the  members  of  her  large  family  at  home  and  on  the  continent  Especially  in- 
teresting are  the  lights  thrown  on  the  four  men  who  formed  her  select  body-gjuard,  so 
to  speak — Lord  Melbourne,  her  uncle  Leopold,  king  of  the  Belgians  and  his  former 
physician  and  secretary.  Baron  Stockmar,  and  Prince  Albert.  Condensed  from  Satur- 
day review,  1907. 

Victoria,  queen  of  England.  92  V3i2m 

Martin,  Sir  Theodore.  Queen  Victoria  as  I  knew  her.  1908.  Black- 

Author  came  into  confidential  relations  with  the  queen  while  he  was  writing  the 
life  of  the  prince  consort  and  these  relations  continued  until  her  death.  Very  brief 

Victoria,  queen  of  England.  J92  V3i2t 

Tappan,  Eva  March.    In  the  days  of  Queen  Victoria.     1903.    Lee. 

The  same 92  V3i2ta 

Life  of  the  "well-beloved  woman"  who  became  a  queen  at  18  and  who  for  nearly  64 
years  wore  the  crown  of  Great  Britain.  Illustrations  from  famous  paintings  and  en- 
gravings, and  from  photographs. 

Vieilleville,  seigneur  de,  Francois  de  Scepeaux,  92  V316C 

comte  de  Durestal. 

Coignet,  Mnie  Clarisse  (Gauthier).  A  gentleman  of  the  olden  time, 
FranQois  de  Scepeaux,  sire  de  Vieilleville,  1509-71;  portraits  and  stories 
of  the  i6th  century  during  the  reign  of  Henri  II  [tr.]  from  the  French 
by  C.  B.  Pitman.    2v.     1887.     Bentley. 

Vieilleville  served  three  French  kings,  Francis  I,  Henry  II  and  Charles  IX,  as 
captain,  administrator  and  diplomatist.  From  the  standpoint  of  French  history,  the  chief 
interest  of  the  book  is  the  light  it  throws  on  Henry  II,  the  wars  in  Alsace  and  Lorraine 
»nd  the  taking  of  Metz,  Toul  and  Verdun. 

Vinci,  Leonardo  da.    See  Artists,  p.1410. 

Vis-Knut.    See  Nordgarden,  Knut  Rasmusson,  called  Vis-Knut. 

Voltaire,  Francois  Marie  Arouet  de.  92  V378C 

Collins,  John  Churton.  Voltaire,  Montesquieu  and  Rousseau  in  Eng- 
land.    1908.    Nash. 

"Attempt  to  sketch  the  history  of  three  singularly  interesting  episodes  in  the  liter- 
ary relations  between  France  and  England,  namely,  the  visits  of  Voltaire,  Montesquieu, 
and  Rousseau,  during  periods  extending  respectively  from  the  spring  of  1726  to  the 
spring  of  1729,  from  the  autumn  of  1729  to  the  spring  or  early  summer  of  1731,  and 
from  January  1766  to  May  1767."    Preface. 

"A  contribution  of  value  to  the  literary  history  both  of  France  and  England." 
Saturday  review,  1908. 


92  V378go 

Voyer,  Rene  Louis  de,  marquis  d'Argenson.    See  Argenson,  Rene  Louis 

de  Voyer,  tnarquis  d'. 
Wagner,  Richard.  qga  W134W 

Mein  leben.    2v.    191 1. 
Wagner,  Richard.  92  W134W 

My  life;  authorized  translation  from  the  German.    2v,    191 1.    Dodd. 

This  autobiography  was  privately  printed  in  1871  and  the  half  dozen  copies  given 
to  intimate  friends,  republication  for  the  world  at  large  being  deferred  till  years  after 
Wagner's  death.  "Mein  leben"  closes  with  the  year  1864,  but,  though  a  torso,  it  takes  its 
place  at  once  among  the  world's  great  autobiographies.  It  is  very  full  in  regard  to 
Wagner's  childhood  and  youth  and  much  of  it  is  devoted  to  a  narrative  of  the  ill  luck 
which  pursued  him,  through  the  greater  part  of  his  career,  because  of  his  unfortunate 
determination  to  be  a  composer.  The  author  tells  a  plain  tale  sparing  himself  no  more 
than  others  when  occasion  for  censure  arrives.  He  gives  glimpses  into  the  workshop  of 
his  genius  and  throws  a  flood  of  light  on  the  musical  conditions  of  his  time  in  most 
European  countries;  and  finally,  what  many  readers  will  relish  most,  there  are  many 
comments  on  great  musicians  who  befriended  or  opposed  him — Liszt,  Schumann, 
Mendelssohn,  Berlioz,  Meyerbeer,  Biilow,  Saint-Saens  and  a  host  of  others.  Condensed 
from  Nation,  igij. 

Wagner,  Richard.  92  Wi34ga 

Gautier,  Judith,  afterward  Mme  Mendes.  Wagner  at  home;  fully  tr. 
by  E.  D.  Massie  from  the  French.     1910.     Mills. 

Author,  a  Paris  journalist,  daughter  of  Theophile  Gautier  and  an  ardent  admirer  of 
Wagner,  was  invited  by  the  latter  to  visit  him  at  his  home  in  Lucerne  in  1869.  She 
gives  an  intimate  account  of  his  home  life  and  activities,  adding  a  description  of  a  visit 
to  Munich  where  the  "Rheingold"  was  to  be  given  for  the  first  time. 

Wagner,  Richard.  92  Wi34g 

Glasenapp,  Carl  Friedrich.  Life  of  Richard  Wagner;  an  authorized 
English  version  by  W.  A.  Ellis,    v.6.     1908.    Paul. 

V.6.  1855-1859.  The  pessimist. — How  "Die  walkure"  got  finished. — Marking  time. 
— Liszt's  second  visit. — "Siegfried"  as  torso. — Asyl  guests. — "Tristan  und  Isolde." 

English  version  of  the  authoritative  German  biography  of  Wagner.  Glasenapp's 
name  is  omitted  from  the  title-page  of  v.6,  as  this  volume  is  almost  entirely  the  work 
of  Mr  Ellis. 

"Based  upon  an  intimate  acquaintance  with  Wagner's  writings,  and  a  diligent  study 
of  periodicals,  etc.  Somewhat  verbose,  but  reliable  on  the  whole."  Grove's  Dictionary 
of  music  and  musicians,  igoo. 

For  v.  1-5  see  preceding  catalogue,  first  series. 

Wagner,  Richard.  92  Wi34ne 

Neumann,  Angelo.  Erinnerungen  an  Richard  Wagner.  1907. 
The  most  important  biographic  contribution  to  musical  literature  since  the  beginning 
of  the  century,  with  the  exception  of  Wagner's  Letters  to  Frau  Wesendonck.  It  con- 
tains a  large  number  of  the  master's  letters  which  have  never  before  been  printed,  and 
it  gives  so  many  interesting  glimpses  of  life  behind  the  scenes — ^both  literally  and  figura- 
tively— that  in  a  short  time  it  has  reached  its  fourth  edition.  Neumann  began  his  career 
as  a  baritone,  50  years  ago.  He  became  a  Wagner  enthusiast  during  the  Vienna  con- 
certs in  1862  and  in  1876  he  became  joint  manager,  with  Aug^ust  Forster,  of  the  Leipzig 
Stadttheater,  and  from  that  time  on  he  played  a  role  in  the  life  of  Wagner,  the  im- 
portance of  which  has  heretofore  been  known  to  few.  The  Leipzig  performances  were 
a  brilliant  success,  and  so  were  those  Neumann  gave  at  the  Victoria  Theatre  in  Berlin. 
Neumann  afterward  gained  Wagner's  consent  for  his  project  of  a  traveling  Wagner 
theatre.  The  adventures  which  befell  them  in  Paris,  London,  and  the  other  European 
cities  down  to  Italy  take  up  the  remaining  pages  of  Neumann's  reminiscences.  Con- 
densed from  Nation,  igoy. 


Wagner,  Richard.  92  Wi34neu 

Neumann,  Angelo.     Personal  recollections  of  Wagner;  tr.  from  the 

fourth  German  edition  by  Edith  Livermore.    1908.     Holt. 

Walker,  Jonathan  Hoge.  Tg2  W169 

Jonathan  Hoge  Walker,  the  first  judge  of  the  United  States  district 

court  for  the  western  district  of  Pennsylvania;  a  sketch.    1882.     [Eich- 

baum.]     Pittsburgh. 

Wallace,  Lewis.  92  W176 

Autobiography.    2v.     1906.     Harper. 

Reminiscences  of  the  Civil  war  occupy  a  large  share  in  the  story  of  Wallace's 
varied  career  (1827-1905)  as  lawyer,  soldier,  diplomat  and  author. 

Walton,  Izaak.  92  Wi93m 

Martin,  Stapleton.  Izaak  Walton  and  his  friends.  [1904.]  Button. 
Written  chiefly,  as  the  author  states  in  his  preface,  "to  bring  out  the  spiritual  side 

of  Walton's  character."     Quotations  are  given  from  his  works  and  considerable  space 

is  devoted  to  short  biographies  of  his  friends,   among  whom   were  many  of  the  noted 

ecclesiastics  of  the  day. 

Warburton,  William,  bp.  92  W2122W 

Watson,  John  Selby.  Life  of  William  Warburton,  lord  bishop  of 
Gloucester  from  1760  to  1779,  with  remarks  on  his  works.  1863.  Long- 

"To  his  admirers  he  represented  the  last  worthy  successor  of  the  learned  divines 
of  the  preceding  century. .  .The  life  by...  Watson  is  tiresome,  but  collects  most  of  the 
ascertainable  facts."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Wardlaw,  Ralph.  92  W2i9a 

Alexander,  William  Lindsay.     Memoirs  of  the  life  and  writings  of 

Ralph  Wardlaw.     1856.    Black. 

Wardlaw  (1779-1853)  was  a  Scottish  Congregational  minister  and  theologian. 

Washington,  Booker  Taliaferro.  92  W2722V 

Vom   sklaven   empor;    eine   selbstbiographie;    autorisirte    dcutsche 
uebersetzung  von  Estelle  du  Bois-Reymond.     1902. 
Washington,  George.  r92  Wa72di 

Diary  from  1789  to  1791;  embracing  the  opening  of  the  first  Con- 
gress and  his  tours  through  New  England,  Long  Island  and  the  South- 
ern states,  together  with  his  journal  of  a  tour  to  the  Ohio  in  1753;  ed. 
by  B.  J.  Lossing.    1861.     Press  of  the  [Va.]  Historical  Soc. 

The  expedition  in  1753,  made  under  Gov.  Dinwiddie's  order,  was  with  the  object  of 
warning  the  French  against  encroaching  in  the  Ohio  country.  He  reports  on  the  ad- 
vantages of  the  "forks  of  the  Ohio"  as  a  situation  for  a  fort.  The  northern  and  south- 
ern tours,  which  were  uneventful,  he  undertook  in  order  to  gain  a  personal  acquaintance 
with  all  parts  of  the  Union  during  his  term  of  office. 

Washington,  George.  qr974.8  P3992  v.29-31 

Washington's  household  account  book,  1793-97.     (In  Pennsylvania 
magazine  of  history  and  biography,  v.29-v3i.  Oct.  1905-July  1907.) 
Washington,  George.  qr92  W272bk 

Baker,  William  Spohn.  The  engraved  portraits  of  Washington, 
with  notices  of  the  originals  and  brief  biographical  sketches  of  the 
painters.    1880.    Lindsay. 

The  portraits  themselves  are  not  reproduced,  but  an  account  is  given  in  each  case 
of  the  original  picture,  followed  by  a  list  of  the  engravings  which  have  been  made 
from  it. 


Washington,  George.  V92  W272bke 

Baker,  William  Spohn,  comp.  Character  portraits  of  Washington  as 
delineated  by  historians,  orators  and  divines;  selected  and  arranged  in 
chronological  order  with  biographical  notes  and  references.  1887.  Lind- 

Washington,  George.  r92  W272bkr 

Baker,  William  Spohn,  comp.    Early  sketches  of  George  Washington, 
reprinted  with  biographical  and  bibliographical  notes.    1894.    Lippincott. 
His  character  and  personal  appearance,  with  brief  accounts  of  his  life.     Written  be- 
tween 1760  and  179s,  some  by  his  acquaintances  and  friends,  some  anonymous. 

Washington,  George.  92  M735C 

Cantu,  Cesare.    Vite  parallele  di  Mirabeau  e  Washington.    1873. 

92  W272f 

Washingon,  George.  r92  W272for 

Ford,  Paul  Leicester.  Washington  and  the  theatre.  1899.  Dunlap  Soc. 
With  this  is  bound  "Darby's  return,"  by  William  Dunlap. 

Author  believes  that  from  Washington's  youth  the  theatre  was  one  of  his  favorite 
pleasures.  Quotes  from  his  diaries  and  letters  any  references  to  play-going.  Describes 
memorial  services  held  in  the  theatre  at  Philadelphia  after  Washington's  death.  Illus- 

Washington,  George.  192  W272gr 

Grolier  Club,  New  York.  Exhibition  of  engraved  portraits  of  Wash- 
ington commemorative  of  the  centenary  of  his  death,  on  view  at  the 
Grolier  Club,  Dec.  14,  1899  to  Jan.  6,  1900.     1900. 

Washington,  George.  92  W272la 

Lazar,  Gyula.     Washington  Gyorgy;  elet-  es  jellemrajz.     1899. 

Washington,  George.  92  W272ma 

M'Guire,  E.  C.     Religious  opinions  and  character  of  Washington. 

1836.    Harper. 

Book  was  prompted  by  the  author's  belief  that  Washington's  qualities  as  statesman 

and  soldier  had  been  dwelt  on  to  the  exclusion  of  his  religious  and  moral  qualities.     He 

makes  frequent  quotations  from  Washington's  letters  to  prove  that  he  had  well-grounded 

religious  convictions. 

Washington,  George.  92  W272sa 

Schauffler,  Robert  Haven,  ed.  Washington's  birthday;  its  history, 
observance,  spirit  and  significance  as  related  in  prose  and  verse,  with  a 
selection  from  Washington's  speeches  and  writings.  1910.  Moffat. 
(Our  American  holidays.) 

Contents:  The  day. —  Early  y^rs. —  The  general. —  The  president. —  Last  days. — 
Tributes. — Washingrton's  place  in  history. — The  whole  man. — Anecdotes  and  stories. — 
Selections  from  Washington's  speeches  and  writings. — Exercises. 

The  same 192  W272sa 

Washington,  George.  92  W272SC 

Scudder,  Horace  Elisha.  George  Washingfton;  an  historical  biogra- 
phy.    1889.     Houghton. 

Appeared  in  "St.  Nicholas,"  v.13,  Jan.-Oct.  1886. 


Washington,  George.  92  W272si 

Simpson,  Stephen.  Lives  of  George  Washington  and  Thomas  Jef- 
ferson, with  a  parallel.     1833.    Young. 

The  life  of  Washington  is  based  upon  Marshall's  biography,  that  of  Jefferson  is 
gathered  chiefly  from  his  letters  and  writings. 

Washington,  George.  92  W272SP 

Sparks,  Jared.  Washington  elete;  szabadon  atdolgozta  Czuczor 
Gergely.     1886. 

Washington,  George.  92  W272st 

Stoddard,  William  Osborn.  George  Washington.  1886.  Stokes. 
(Lives  of  the  presidents.) 

Washington,  George.  92  W272wi 

Wister,   Owen.     Seven   ages   of  Washington;    a   biography.      1907. 


"Bibliography,"  p.263. 

Biography  which  does  not  aim  to  be  exhaustive,  but  which  presents  a  singularly 

human  and  vivid  picture  of  Washington  at  the  various  stages  of  his  career. 

Waterhouse,  John  William.     See  Artists,  p.  1403. 

Waterlow,  Sir  Ernest  Albert.    See  Artists,  p.1404. 

Watson,  John  Maclaren,  {pseud.  Ian  Maclaren).  92  W32in 

Nicoll,  Sir  William  Robertson.  "Ian  Maclaren;"  the  life  of  John 
Watson.     1909.     Dodd. 

"List  of  works,"  p.367. 

Written  by  an  intimate  friend  in  cooperation  with  Dr  Watson's  son.  Contains 
many  letters. 

Watt,  James.  r92  W325mu 

Muirhead,  James  Patrick.  Origin  and  progress  of  the  mechanical 
inventions  of  James  Watt,  illustrated  by  his  correspondence  with  his 
friends  and  the  specifications  of  his  patents.    3v.     1854.     Murray. 

V.I.     Introductory   memoir  and  extracts   from   correspondence. 

V.2.     Extracts   from   correspondence. 

V.3.     Letters  patent,  specifications  of  patents  and  appendix. 

Webster,  Daniel.  qr92  W382b 

Bayard,  Thomas  Francis.  Oration  pronounced  on  Webster  com- 
memoration day,  June  28,  1882,  at  Dartmouth  College.     1882. 

Webster,  Daniel.  92  W382la 

Lanman,  Charles.  Private  life  of  Daniel  Webster.  1852.  Harper. 
"A  gossipy  description  of  Webster's  early  life,  his  college  days,  his  residences  at 
Elms  Park,  and  at  Marshfield,  and  his  death.  There  are  numerous  anecdotes  and  ex- 
tracts from  private  letters.  The  writer  was  the  private  secretary  of  Webster  and  pub- 
lished this  sketch  soon  after  his  death.  Consequently  it  embraces  much  of  the  eulogistic." 
Lamed' s  Literature  of  American  history. 

Wellesley,  Arthur,  duke  of  Wellington.    SA  Wellington,  Arthur  Welles- 
ley,  duke  of. 
Wellesley,  Richard  Colley,  marquis.  92  W489P 

Pearce,  Robert  Rouiere.  Memoirs  and  correspondence  of  Richard, 
marquess  Wellesley,  comprising  numerous  letters  and  documents  now 
first  published  from  original  mss.     3v.     1846.     Bentley. 

Wellesley  (i 760-1 842)  was  a  governor-general  of  India.    He  was  one  of  the  greatest 


Wellesley,  Richard  Colley,  marquis — continued.  92  W489P 

administrators  Great  Britain  has  ever  bad,  and,  together  with  Dalhousie  and  Hastings, 
firmly  established  the  British  power  in  India. 

Wellington,  Arthur  Wellesley,  duke  of.  192  W492W 

Wright,   George   Newnham.     Life  and  campaigns  of  the  duke   of 

Wellington.    4v.  in  10.    [1841.]     Fisher. 

Laudatory  biography  in  which  Wellington  is  characterized  as  "the  greatest  soldier, 

statesman  and  citizen,  England  has  ever  known."    Portraits. 

Wenckebach,  Car  la.  92  Wsism 

Muller,  Margarethe  Magdalene  Karoline  Elisabeth.  Carla  Wencke- 
bach, pioneer.    1908.    Ginn. 

Interesting  biography  of  the  head  of  the  German  department  of  Wellesley  Col- 
lege, who  died  in  1902,  a  leader  in  the  reform  of  langiiage-teaching  and  author  of  numer- 
ous text-books.  A  remarkable  woman  in  many  ways,  she  exercised  a  strong  influence  in 
the  college,  where  she  was  familiarly  called  "the  little  Bismarck."     Many  portraits. 

Wentworth,  Thomas,  earl  of  Strafford.    See  Strafford,  Thomas  Went- 
worth,  earl  of. 

Wesley,  John.  92  Wsssa 

Journal;  enlarged  from  original  mss.  with  notes  from  unpublished 
diaries;  ed.  by  Nehemiah  Curnock.    v.1-4.    1909.    CuUey. 

Mr  Curnock  has  compared  the  "Journal"  as  formerly  printed  with  the  cipher 
diaries.  Where  there  were  points  of  unusual  interest  he  quotes  the  new  material 
verbatim.     In  addition  he  supplies  a  running  summary  of  the  deciphered  memoranda. 

Wesley,  John.  92  Wsssf 

Fitchett,  William  Henry.  Wesley  and  his  century;  a  study  in  spirit- 
ual forces.    1906.    Smith,  Elder. 

Reliable  biography  presented  in  a  popular  manner  by  the  principal  (1906)  of  the 
Methodist  Ladies  College  at  Melbourne. 

Wesley,  John.  r92  W553W 

Whitehead,  John,  i740?-i8o4.  Life  of  the  Rev.  John  Wesley,  to 
which  is  prefixed  some  account  of  his  ancestors  and  relations,  with  the 
life  of  the  Rev.  Charles  Wesley,  collected  from  his  private  journal, 
with  an  introduction  by  T.  H.  Stockton.    2v.  in  i.    1845.    Stockton. 

The  author,  personal  friend  and  physician  of  John  Wesley,  was  chosen  by  him  as 
one  of  his  literary  executors.  A  dispute  arose  in  regard  to  the  custody  of  Wesley's 
papers  which  were  in  Whitehead's  possession,  and  the  other  two  executors,  Henry  Moore 
and  Thomas  Coke,  published  a  life  without  having  had  access  to  them. 

"No  higher  tribute  can  be  paid  to  the  excellence  of  Whitehead's  work  than  the  con- 
stant use  which  Moore  makes  of  it,  frequently,  and  without  acknowledgment,  adopting 
its  language,  though  criticisms  of  Whitehead  are  not  spared."  Dictionary  of  national 

West,  Benjamin.    See  Artists,  p. 1398. 

West,  Mrs  George  Cornwallis-.    See  Churchill,  Lady  Randolph  Spencer. 

Whalley,  Thomas  Sedgewick.  92  W592 

Journals  and  correspondence;  ed.  by  Hill  Wickham.  2v.  1863. 

Dr  Whalley  (i  746-1 828)  was  an  English  poet  and  traveler,  prominent  in  the  society 
of  Bath  and  London.  These  volumes  contain  many  interesting  letters  from  Mrs  Piozzi, 
Mrs  Siddons  and  Hannah  More,  and  many  long  epistles  from  Miss  Seward. 


Wheaton,  Robert.  92  W597W 

[Wheaton,  Abby,  ed.]  Memoir  of  Robert  Wheaton,  with  selections 
from  his  writings.     1854.    Ticknor. 

Contents:  Memoir. — Selections  from  his  writings;  The  sources  of  the  Divina 
commedia;  Jasmin,  the  barber  poet;  Coquerel's  Experimental  Christianity;  The  revolu- 
tion in  Prussia;  The  revolution  of  1848  in  Sicily;  Schmidt's  History  of  the  Albigenses; 
Thiers's  History  of  the  consulate  and  the  empire;  Memoir  of  the  late  Dr  Wheaton. 

Although  Wheaton  (1826-51)  was  born  in  the  United  States,  he  spent  the  g^reatcr 
part  of  his  short  life  abroad.  He  was  a  contributor  to  the  "North  American  review." 
The  memoir  is  written  by  his  sister. 

Whistler,  James  Abbott  McNeill.    See  Artists,  p.1398-1399. 

White,  Josiah.  r92  W634r 

Richardson,  Richard,  of  Philadelphia.  Memoir  of  Josiah  White,  show- 
ing his  connection  with  the  introduction  and  use  of  anthracite  coal  and 
iron,  and  the  construction  of  some  of  the  canals  and  railroads  of  Penn- 
sylvania.    1873.     Lippincott. 

This  memoir  of  White  (1781-1850)  contains  some  interesting  facts  relating  to  the 
early  use  of  anthracite  coal. 

White,  Peter.  r92  W635b 

Barbour,  Levi  Lewis.  Peter  White  as  man  and  as  citizen;  an  ad- 
dress at  the  joint  session  of  the  classical  and  historical  conferences  at 
Ann  Arbor,  Michigan,  March  31,  1909.  (Michigan  University.  Uni- 
versity bulletin,  n.  s.  v.  10,  no.22.) 

Peter  White  (1830-1908)  was  a  prominent  banker  and  business  man  of  Marquette, 
Mich.,  a  member  of  the  state  legislature  and  a  regent  of  the  University  of  Michigan. 

Whitefield,  George.  r92  W638g 

GHlies,  John,  1712-96.  Memoirs  of  Rev.  George  Whitefield;  re- 
vised and  corrected  with  large  additions,  to  which  is  appended  an  ex- 
tensive collection  of  his  sermons  and  other  writings.     1837.     Hunt. 

Whitefield  (1714-70)  was  an  English  clergyman,  a  leader  of  the  Clalvinistic  Metho- 

"The  Memoir,  1772,  by  Gillies,  is  a  careful  piece  of  work."  Dictionary  of  national 
biography.  * 

Whitefield,  George.  92  W638t 

Tyerman,  Luke.    Life  of  the  Rev.  George  Whitefield,  of  Pembroke 

College,  Oxford.    2v.    1877.    Randolph. 

"A  nearly  exhaustive  compendium  of  materials."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Whitelocke,  Bulstrode.  92  W642W 

Whitelocke,  R.  H.  Memoirs,  biographical  and  historical,  of  Bul- 
strode Whitelocke.     i860.     Routledge. 

Bulstrode  Whitelocke  (1605-75)  was  an  English  statesman,  a  member  of  the  Long 
Parliament,  commissioner  of  the  great  seal  in  1649,  and  ambassador  to  Sweden  in  1653. 
He  was  one  of  Cromwell's  lords  and,  after  Cromwell's  death,  commissioner  of  the  great 
seal  to  Richard  CromwelL 

Whitman,  Marcus.  92  W6482e 

Eells,  Myron.    Marcus  Whitman,  pathfinder  and  patriot.  1909.   Har- 


Another  deliverance  in  the  long  and   acrimonious  controversy  as  to   whether  or 

not  Marcus  Whitman  saved  Oregon  to  the  United  States.     It  is  by  a  zealous  disciple 

and  follower  of  that  sturdy  pioneer  and  martyr-missionary. 


Whitman,  Walt.  92  W648bi 

Binns,  Henry  Bryan.     Life  of  Walt  Whitman.     [1905.]     Methuen. 

"Both  a  biography  and  an  interpretation ...  Mr.  Binns  writes  frankly  as  an  ad- 
mirer, but  he  rarely  allows  his  admiration  to  run  away  with  his  judgment,  and  his 
eulogy  is  generally  tempered  by  the  discretion  which  has  been  too  conspicuously  absent 
from  the  writingrs  of  Whitman's  professed  disciples."     Academy,  1905. 

Whitman,  Walt.  92  W648ca 

Carpenter,  George  Rice.  Walt  Whitman.  1909.  Macmillan.  (Eng- 
lish men  of  letters.) 

Brief  study,  more  concerned  with  Whitman's  individuality  than  with  his  work. 
"Especially  successful  in  fusing  together  criticism  and  narration,  in  showing,  that 
is,  how  Whitman's  rhapsodies   are  a  reflection  of  his   life  and  in  telling   his  life   by 
means  of  comment  on  his  rhapsodies."    Nation,  1909. 

Whitman,  Walt.  92  W648P 

Perry,  Bliss.    Walt  Whitman;  his  life  and  work.    1906.    Houghton. 

"Strikes  a  note  of  just  appreciation  while  avoiding  the ...  extravagance  of... pro- 
fessed Whitmanites. .  .Altogether  the  volume  will  probably  take  its  place  as  the  sane  and 
authoritative  life  of  Whitman  for  many  years  to  come."     Nation,  jgo6. 

Whitney,  James  Parker.  92  W653 

Reminiscences  of  a  sportsman.  1906.  Forest  and  Stream  Pub.  Co. 
The  author  has  led  an  active  and  varied  life,  including  adventures  in  California, 

Colorado  and  New  Mexico  and  has  had  a  wide  range  of  personal  acquaintances  and 

friendships.     He  is  more  fisherman  than  hunter  and  is  especially  interested  in  brook 

trout  and  salmon. 

Whitney,  Josiah  Dwight.  92  W6532b 

Brewster,  Edwin  Tenney.  Life  and  letters  of  Josiah  Dwight  Whit- 
ney.   1909.    Houghton. 

"Bibliography,"  p.387-400. 

Josiah  Dwight  Whitney  (1819-96)  was  an  American  geologist  who  served  on  the 
New  Hampshire,  the  Lake  Superior  and  the  California  surveys.  He  was  professor  of 
geology  at  Harvard  for  31  years.  Through  his  travels  and  studies  in  the  principal 
mining  regions  of  the  United  States  he  became  the  foremost  authority  of  his  day  on 
economic  geology  and  did  great  service  in  the  development  of  the  mineral  resources  of 
the  country. 

Wikoff,  Henry.  r92  W694 

Adventures  of  a  roving  diplomatist.     1857.     Fetridge. 
Although  an  American  by  birth  Wikoff  spent  most  of  his  life  in  Europe.     He  took 

a  keen  interest  in  public  affairs  and  knew  many  of  the  noted  men  of  the  day.     The 

book   deals  chiefly   with    his    experiences,    1850-51,    when    he    was    employed    by    Lord 

Palmerston  as  the  agent  of  the  British  Foreign  Office  at  Paris. 

Wilberforce,  Samuel,  bp.  92  W6972a 

Ashwell,  Arthur  Rawson,  &  Wilberforce,  R.  G.  Life  of  Samuel  Wil- 
berforce, lord  bishop  of  Oxford  and  afterwards  of  Winchester,  with 
selections  from  his  diaries  and  correspondence.    1883.    Dutton. 

92  W714d 
.IKpDK  ,i^iin 

Wilde,  Oscar.  r92  W7i4g 

Gide,  Andre.     Oscar  Wilde;   from   the   French,   with   introduction, 

notes  and  bibliography  by  Stuart  Mason.    1905.    Holywell  Press. 
"List  of  published  writings  of  Oscar  Wilde,"  p.93-102. 
First   appeared   in   "L'Ermitage,"   June    1902.      Author,   a   personal   friend   of   the 

poet,  gives  few  biographical  facts,   but  rather  estimates  of  character  and   accounts  of 

conversations.     Illustrated. 


Wilde,  Oscar.  1828  W71  v.i 

Life,  with  a  critical  estimate  of  his  writings.  1909.  Pearson.  (In 
his  Complete  writings,  v.i.) 

Wilhelmina,  tnarkgrdfin  von  Baireuth.    See  Frederica  Sophia  Wilhelmina, 
markgr'dfin  von  Baireuth. 

Willard,  Frank,    See  'F\yaX.,  Josiah,  pseud. 

William  I,  the  Conqueror,  king  of  England.  92  W741S 

Stenton,  Frank  Merry.  William  the  Conqueror  and  the  rule  of  the 
Normans.    1908.    Putnam.     (Heroes  of  the  nations.) 

The  account  of  William  the  Conqueror's  life  concludes  with  several  chapters  on  the 
changes  in  constitutional  organization  and  social  life  which  followed  the  events  of  1066. 
Illustrations,  charts  and  maps. 

William  I,  German  emperor  and  king  of  Prussia.  92  R1362W 

Wodzicka,  Teresa.    Eliza  Radziwillowna  i  Wilhelm  I.    1896. 

Williams,  Sir  George.  92  W744wi 

Williams,  J.  E.  Hodder.     Life  of  Sir  George  Williams,  founder  of 

the  Young  Men's  Christian  Association.     1906.     Armstrong. 

Sir  George  Williams  (1821-1905)  began  his  work  among  a  band  of  12  associates  in 

a  London  draper's  shop.     The  organization  has  since  grown  into  an  international  body 

with  772,000  members  in  1906.    The  larger  part  of  the  memoir  is  devoted  to  an  account 

of  the  growth  and  history  of  the  organization. 

Williams,  Montagu  Stephen.  92  W746 

Leaves  of  a  life;  the  reminiscences  of  Montagu  Williams.    2v.    1890. 


Recollections  of  his  early  life  and  of  some  of  the  most  famous  criminal  cases  in 

which   he  was  concerned.      Closes   with   the  termination   of  his  career   as   a  practising 

barrister  in  1886. 

Williams,  Gen.  Otho  Holland.  r92  W747t 

Tiffany,  Osmond.  Sketch  of  the  life  and  services  of  Gen.  Otho 
Holland  Williams;  read  before  the  Maryland  Historical  Society,  March 
6,  1851.    1851.    (Maryland  Historical  Society.    Publications.) 

General  Williams  (i 749-1 800?)  commanded  a  Maryland  regiment  in  the  Revolution- 
ary war.  From  the  close  of  the  war  until  his  death  he  was  collector  of  the  port  of 

Williams,  Roger.  92  W748C 

Carpenter,  Edmund  Janes.  Roger  Williams;  a  study  of  the  life, 
times  and  character  of  a  political  pioneer.  1909.  Grafton  Press. 
(Grafton  historical  series.) 

"The  merits  of  Mr.  Carpenter's  biography  are  a  complete. .  .statement  of  Roger 
Williams's  career,  a  fluent  narrative  style,  use  of  original  sources,  and  fairness.  No 
brief  is  held  for  Williams,  and  none  against  him."     American  historical  review,  1910. 

Wilmot,  Lemuel  Allan.  92  W764h 

Hannay,  James,  b.  1842.   Wilmot  and  Tilley.    1907.    Morang.    (Makers 

of  Canada.) 

Wilmot  (1809-78)  was  attorney-general  of  New  Brunswick,  judge  of  the  Supreme 
court  and  lieutenant-governor,  1868-73.  Tilley  (1818-96)  was  lieutenant-governor  of 
New  Brunswick,  1873-78,  and  1885-93. 


Wilson,  Alexander,  1 766-1813.  qrga  W7660 

Ord,  George.     Sketch  of  the  life  of  Alexander  Wilson,  author  of 

the  American  ornithology.    1828.    Hall. 

Wilson  was  born  in  Scotland  but  spent  the  last  years  of  his  life  in  the  United 
States.  The  sketch  was  written  by  a  personal  friend,  who  has  included  in  it  many  of 
Wilson's  letters. 

Wimar,  Charles  Ferdinand.    See  Artists,  p. 1399. 

Wimbledon,  Edward  Cecil,  viscount.    See  Cecil,  Edward,  znscaunt  Wim- 

Winkworth,  Catherine.  92  W787 

Winkworth,  Susanna.  Memorials  of  two  sisters,  Susanna  and  Cath- 
erine Winkworth;  ed.  by  their  niece,  M.J.  Shaen.    1908.    Longmans. 

"Bibliography,"  p.333-33S- 

They  were  well  known  in  the  religious  and  educational  life  of  the  early  Victorian 
period,  and  through  their  translations  were  instrumental  in  introducing  German  thought 
and  literature  into  England.  We  have  many  interesting  glimpses  of  their  friends, 
among  whom  were  Froude,  Charlotte  Bronte,  Bunsen  and  Dr  Martineau. 

Winkworth,  Susanna.  92  W787 

Memorials  of  two  sisters,  Susanna  and  Catherine  Winkworth;  ed. 
by  their  niece,  M.  J.  Shaen.    1908.    Longmans. 

"Bibliography,"  p.333-33S- 

Wise-Knut.    See  Nordgarden,  Knut  Rasmusson,  called  Vis-Knut. 

Wittgenstein,   Carolyn  e   (von   Iwanowska),  fUrstin  Sayn-.     See  Sayn- 
Wittgenstein,  Carolyne  (von  Iwanowska),  fiirstin. 

Wolf,  Hugo.  92  WSssn 

Newman,  Ernest.  Hugo  Wolf.  1907.  Methuen.  (New  library  of 

"List  of  Wolf's  published  compositions,"  p.264-274. 

First  part  of  the  book  is  devoted  to  the  biography  of  the  Austrian  composer  (1860- 
1903).  The  second  part  contains  an  analysis  of  his  compositions.  Mr  Newman  pos- 
sesses sympathy  with  his  subject  and  a  knowledge  of  music. 

Wolfe,  Gen.  James.  92  W837W 

Willson,  Beckles.  Life  and  letters  of  James  Wolfe.  1909.  Heinemann. 

"Mr  Willson  has  visited  almost  every  scene  in  which  Wolfe  moved,  in  Britain,  on 
the  Continent,  and  in  America,  and  has  used  great  diligence  in  gathering  information 
and  unearthing  letters.  The  new  information  is  small  in  amount  and  about  trifling 
things;  but  the  mass  of  correspondence  here  for  the  first  time  collected  is  a  real  en- 
richment...  It  almost  constitutes  the  book,  besides  giving  its  chief  value;  for  the  author's 
own  contribution  consists,  over  a  great  part  of  the  volume,  of  little  more  than  con- 
necting paragraphs."     Athenaum,  1909. 

Wolff,  Sir  Henry  Drummond.  92  W8382 

Rambling  recollections.    2v.    1908.    Macmillan. 

Author  is  an  English  diplomat,  who  has  served  in  Egypt,  Turkey  and  Persia  and 
was  ambassador  at  Madrid  from  1892  to  1900. 

"Seldom  can  a  book  have  borne  a  more  accurate  title.  Sir  Henry  gives  an  outline 
of  his  diplomatic  and  Parliamentary  career,  throws  in  a  few  notes  of  travel  with  some 
sidelights  on  the  political  history  of  his  time,  but  his  main  interest  is  personal,  and  he 
ambles  gently  on  from  man  to  man  that  he  has  known."    Nation,  190S. 


Woolery,  William  Henry.  92  W872W 

Woolery,  L.  C.  Life  and  addresses  of  W.  H.  Woolery,  third  presi- 
dent of  Bethany  College.     1893.    Standard  Pub.  Co. 

William  Henry  Woolery  (1850-89)  was  from  1887  until  his  death  president  of 
Bethany  College  in  West  Virgrinia,  a  college  established  by  Alexander  Campbell,  the 
founder  of  the  sect  known  as  the  Disciples  of  Christ. 

Woolman,  John.  Tg2  W876 

Works.    2v.  in  i.    1775.    Crukshank. 

Part  I  contains  his  "Journal,"  part  2,  his  other  writings,  including  "Considerations 
on  the  keeping  of  negroes." 

Wordsworth,  Charles,  bp.  92  W8972 

Annals  of  my  early  life,  1806-1846,  with  occasional  compositions  in 

Latin  and  English  verse.     1891.     Longmans. 

Wordsworth    (1806-92)   was  a  nephew  of  the  poet  and  for  many  years  bishop  of 

St.  Andrews,  Dunkeld  and  Dunblane.     This  volume  of  his  reminiscences  concerns  itself 

mainly  with  his  life  at  Harrow,  his  Oxford  career  and  Winchester  mastership. 

Wordsworth,  Charles,  bp.  92  W8972a 

Annals  of  my  life,  1847-1856;  ed.  by  W.  E.  Hodgson.  1893.  Long- 

Deals  almost  entirely  with  matters  ecclesiastical,  covering  as  it  does  the  period  of 
Wordsworth's  wardenship  (1846-54)  of  Trinity,  the  then  new  Episcopal  college  at 
Glenalmond,  Scotland,  and  the  first  few  years  of  his  bishopric. 

Wordsworth,  William.  92  W897W 

Wordsworth,  Christopher,  1807-85,  bp.  Memoirs  of  William  Words- 
worth; ed.  by  Henry  Reed.    2v.     1851.    Ticknor. 

This  memoir,  written  by  the  nephew  of  William  Wordsworth,  was  designed  to  serve 
as  a  biographical  commentary  to  the  poet's  works. 

"A  useful  though  not  very  full  narrative."    Dictionary  of  national  biography. 

Wotton,  Sir  Henry.  92  W9igs 

Smith,  Logan  Pearsall.  Life  and  letters  of  Sir  Henry  Wotton.  2v. 
1907.     Clarendon  Press. 

"Prose  works,  poems  and  letters  of  Sir  Henry  Wotton,"  v.2,  p.412-454. 
Sir  Henry  Wotton  (i 568-1 639)  is  familiar  to  lovers  of  English  literature  through 
a  few  enduring  poems,  particularly  the  "Character  of  a  happy  life,"  and  the  memoir  by 
Izaak  Walton,  prefixed  to  his  collection  of  Wotton's  works.  Wotton  passed  the  active 
years  of  his  life  in  high  diplomatic  office  and  ended  his  days  as  provost  of  Eton.  Mr 
Smith  has  changed  his  vague  image  into  a  vivid  portrait.  He  has  come  only  a  little 
short  of  producing  a  literary  masterpiece.  He  devotes  two  hundred  and  twenty-five 
pages  to  a  compactly  detailed  biography  of  Wotton.  This  is  followed  by  Wotton's  let- 
ters, more  than  half  of  which  are  here  printed  for  the  first  time.  Condensed  from 
American  historical  review,  1908. 

Wren,  Sir  Christopher.  b92  W929m 

Milman,  Lena.    Sir  Christopher  Wren.     1908.    Duckworth. 
Written   with   skill  and   enthusiasm.      Many  illustrations   from   photographs   of   his 


Wright,  Joseph,  1734-97.    See  Artists,  p.1404. 

Wyllie,  William  Lionel.    See  Artists,  p.1404. 

Yorke,  Philip,  earl  of  Hardwicke.    See  Hardwicke,  Philip  Yorke,  earl  of. 

Young,  Charles  Mayne.  r92  Y36y 

Young,  Julian  Charles.  Memoir  of  Charles  Mayne  Young,  tra- 
gedian, with  extracts  from  his  son's  journal.     1871.    Macmillan. 

Young  (1777-1856)  was  an  English  actor,  a  contemporary  of  Kemble,  Kean  and 


Young,  Samuel.  rga  Y39 

History  of  my  life;  being  a  biographical  outline  of  the  events  of  a 
long  and  busy  life.    1890.    Herald  Printing  Co.    Pittsburgh. 

The  early  life  of  the  author  was  spent  in  Pittsburgh  and  his  reminiscences  include 
an  account  of  the  flood  of  1832  and  the  fire  of  1845. 

Yung  Wing.  92  Y47 

My  life  in  China  and  America.     1909.     Holt. 

Yung  Wing  (&.  1828)  was  educated  in  the  first  English  school  established  in  China 
and  was  the  first  Chinaman  to  graduate  from  Yale  University  (1854).  Returning  to 
China,  he  was  appointed  chief  of  the  Chinese  educational  commission,  and  under  his 
leadership,  in  1872,  a  band  of  120  Chinese  students  came  to  this  country  for  15  years' 
education.  Later  he  was  made  associate  Chinese  minister  at  Washington.  His  entire 
life  has  been  devoted  to  the  welfare  of  China,  and  he  has  been  in  intimate  association 
with  its  two  greatest  statesmen,  Li  Hung  Chang  and  Tsang  Kwoh  Fan. 

Zamojski,  Jan  Sarius.  92  Z26n 

Nowodworski,    Witold.      Jan    Zamojski,    jego    zycie    i    dzialalnosc 

polityczna;  zarys  biograficzny.     1898.     (2yciorysy  slawnych  Polakow.) 

Zinzendorf,  Nikolaus  Ludwig,  graf  von.  r92  Z68s 

Spangenberg,  August  Gottlieb.    Leben  des  Herrn  Nicolaus  Ludwig, 

grafen  und  herrn  von  Zinzendorf  und  Pottendorf.     8v.  in  6.     1872-75. 

Zinzendorf  (1700—60)  was  founder  of  the  reorganized  Moravian  church  and  of  the 
Moravian  colony  at  Bethlehem,  Pa. 

2michowska,  Na